What makes this the greatest of JRPGs?
What makes this the greatest of JRPGs?
Literal what
P3 is honestly my favourite persona game but it still has a decent handful of flaws. P4G is definitely the most rounded and polished experience you can get for a nu-persona game.
no party chemistry
They're individuals with better character progression unlike p4's cast
IIRC, it was walking the line between being niche and appealing to normies.
It's fine but it's no P3P.
Because you can literary side with Adachi and get the Adachi ending. And yes, this route is exclusive to the Vita version.
Haters gonna hate.
p4 is just wholesome as fuck
the other pissowner games try way too hard to be deep and meaningful and screw it up
>What makes this the greatest of JRPGs?
Marie is best girl.
that's not Chie
>Want to play P4
>Autism won't let me play the original because I know I'd be missing out on content from p4g
>Don't want to buy a vita for one game
Sheer amount of stiff to do without constant restrictions, freedom to spend your days, new things to discover on NG+, collectables, addictive fusion, portable, only 6.99GBP
>ps vita
>best jrpg
wew lad
Being shit at actually being a JRPG.
It was fun, interesting, and I liked the characters a lot. Sometimes it surprises me that P4 is so divisive on Yea Forums, though at times it does seem like Yea Forums specifically tries to hate games
I'm getting old.
>comfy small town vibe
>amazing OST
>fun and interesting characters
>thematic tie between dungeons and story is compelling
>murder mystery is a great premise for a social sim
>dungeon crawling, while the weakest part of the game, is still good.
>art style is godly
Fuck I need to replay it again
I thibk Golden version being exclusive to Vita also played a part of it geting more hate. Watch it become a comfy jrpg for people if the Golden version comes out on Switch.
If P4 comes out on Switch before SMTV there'll be rivers of blood.
It isn't. This is.
>porting an existing game vs making a game from scratch + said game is in dev hell
It was just a what if but porting is easy when the base game exists. Still, I don't expect them to port it. They seem to have this idea of ports must have extra content to exists, which is a good idea but P4 used up its turn.
I guess because you started with it
P3 > P5 > P4
The characters in 3 starting off from mere colleagues to irreplaceable friends is something that has yet to be replicated in 4 and 5. 4 was just an incel's wet dream, and 5 suffered from the same issues as 4, except the party IQ was lowered so Makoto could have some lines.
Nu-persona is boring. P5 could have been great if they had competent writers though. It just seemed like they didn't know what the fuck they wanted to do with the story after the first arc. P1/2 at least were interesting from a narrative standpoint albeit the gameplay is shitty.
I kinda want to play Persona 4. I like story based games but hate grinding. Should I play it?
Best posts in this thread
Cringe. Shut the fuck up
cuck snoy
Nobody mentioned Sony. Stay obsessed, fat ass p4babby. Rent free
bing bing wahoo, my fellow redditor!
My wife is in it
but this is my wife
worst girl
all my life seekin to seize the whirlwind hotdog cant get awaaaaay
It actually made me feel like I have friends and I'm really Japanese living in a small Japanese town with a qt girlfriend.
Perfect taste, with the added caveat that "P3" = "P3P" because the AI in P3 is fucking unbearable.
Do you think P4G will ever get a port to another platform?
Lmao, kys faggot
It is getting a port soon on Virtual Boy.
s o y
it's unironically the worst persona game. Is it the only jrpg you've played? Is that what makes you think it's "the best"?
based af
Nah, P3P and 5 are both better than 4 in most regards.
>mitsuru and yukari slowly become best friends while bonding over their shared trauma
>junpei is a believable envious best friend without being a pathetic wank like yosuke, and grows to respect and admire Makoto
>aigis and makoto have the best romance of any persona game
no chemistry though
shit taste, P4's cast is complete garbage
correct order
just play it on easy. you wont have to grind
>it's unironically the worst persona game. Is it the only jrpg you've played? Is that what makes you think it's "the best"?
it's the purest expression of friendship in vidya
only if your friends are pathetic goobers who are obsessed with you
don't take my dreams away for me, they're all i have left
>constantly banging on about how you're the Phantom Thieves is a good expression of friendship in video games
In what world?
t. doesn't actually have friends irl
the whole game is wish fulfillment incel bait, i love the game tho
Persona games can never be called the 'greatest'. When your game has an entire central section of its development which, whenever it comes up, makes me want to (and often do) drop my console and play something else, i.e. the dungeon sections, there is something fundamentally wrong with your game.
>>constantly banging on about how you're the Phantom Thieves is a good expression of friendship in video games
Nobody does this other than Ryuji, who is constantly made fun of for being such a loudmouth.
It's probably getting ported to something sooner or later if that makes you feel better