My GPU died. Best games that can be played without a graphics card?

My GPU died. Best games that can be played without a graphics card?

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Minecraft my n-word (nigga(nigger))

russian roulette

This is why getting a pc terrifies me. All that money just for something to break down

>implying that the same chinese factory didn't make the graphic card and the PS3/X360 side by side.

do toy have an integrated GPU? which one?

As if consoles never fail. if a GPU fails you replace it. if a console fails you replace the console

been there
binding of isaac or the like
darkest dungeon kinda


Intel HD graphics 530

Rimworld should work with it.

What GPU?

It's the same shit for cars and homes. Possessions are delayed anxiety.

dwarf fortress

cookie clicker

Max Payne. And yes, integrated shit graphics is good enough for Max Payne these days.

gta san andreas


Same happened to me. Play a shit ton of Doom.

I'm gonna grab a Switch then wait out for cheaper path tracing cards next year

you can play most Valve games without a graphics card in my experience; haven't tried it with DOTA but everything up to CS:GO still runs reasonably well

What GPU was it?

Borderlands 2 (in a tiny window)

Oh really? I'll download that then

>DOOM (2016)

How are you posting then?

What GPU was it? I always go with >$300 cards because if my 580 were to die, it'd be a lot more preferable than a 2080 or something dieing down the line.

consoles die too you knows
I had GPU die on me only once. and only because I ignored ceased fan for 2 years


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Don't need a GPU for a PC to work
gtx 1080 so it really stings

An old 7970, she was on her way out anyhow

>gtx 1080 so it really stings
should be still on warranty then, isn't it 3 years?

Yea that's some shit right there. Nvidia has a three year warranty on that GPU, so unless you bought it day of release back on May 27 of 2016 then you're still in that period of a free repair.

type in "low spec games", there is a whole golden age of pre 2007 games waiting for you.

damn I love that card, what cpu did you pair it with?

Nigger I had two Xbox 360s that RROD’d on me, the original Xbox crapped out when playing Need for Speed Underground and I had to get a new one, I had a PS3 that got a system error and bricked itself, and now I have a gaming PC which runs smoothly for three years straight and never ever had problems. Fuck consoles and fuck consolebabbies like you.

For the love of fuck don't buy a car house gf or anything else then
Pcs are still relatively cheap

A 570 used is like 100 bucks

T. 2080ti

Mario Royale

You do realizes that consoles are just fancy plastic PCs that can break just as easily?

Are you a zoomer or did you forget about the xbox 360?

Card was burning so it's pretty fucked if you ask me.
>Nvidia has a three year warranty on that GPU
Nice, I thought it was 2 years. Guess I'll have to look up where I bought it from. Pretty sure it was late 2016

If all my consoles exploded that would be sad, but I'd survive. If my PC died I would kill myself. What am I supposed to do if not sit here for 16 hours a day?
I couldn't even play music or anything because all my shit is tied to the PC. Record stuff on my phone I guess. Nightmares.

>Don't need a GPU for a PC to work


Motherboards have integrated graphics, mate

My GPU is getting to the point where it's clearly not going to last too much longer. I'm getting the weird vertical blue lines from time to time (though only on the desktop oddly enough -- it doesn't show up on top of windows or even the mouse cursor).

Anyone have any idea what can be done to prolong its life? And how well will the PC function (if at all) if it completely bites the dust?

Id unironically end it if i had to wait more than a minute for any of my games to load.

Blue lines can mean your GPU is dying but it can also be your monitor or just the cable

>Anyone have any idea what can be done to prolong its life?
>And how well will the PC function (if at all) if it completely bites the dust?
Perfectly fine for browsing, workload that doesn't require a GPU and even some light gaming, motherboards have onboard graphics.

Go through Steam's indie catalog, I imagine most pixel-art games will play reasonably well without a dedicated gpu.

Imagine again lmao, they run like crap considering the reasonable requirements these games should have

This is why I always get a warranty for this like this. When my old gpu was dead, Micro center replaced it in like 10mins, when my X died, I went to the MS store and not only did they get me a new one, they also extended my warranty.

I don't understand how people have GPUs die so much. Just about every one I've owned has run until it was way past its usefulness date (even while being kinda abused). I have a Radeon 4770 that's still working

same, I’ve been through 7 GPU’s and not one has died on me. I’m guessing it’s people that never clean their card or check to make sure temps are in check.


Would opening it up and cleaning the dust off doing anything or is that just a waste of time and effort?

>even while being kinda abused
user, where did you touch your GPU?

Don't tell anyone but sometimes I rub the die a little bit while cleaning it w-with gloves on of course

How do you tell which it is?


I have built 4 PCs with varying parts over the span of 10 years and only one part failed in my first PC and that was the power supply.

>console malfunctions
>need to get entire new console
>PC malfunctions
>can just replace the specific part that failed

checkmate, consolefags.

My 360 still works fine even though I’ve had it over 10 years and it’s collected lots of dust. Consoles have a really long lifespan. I feel like if nun PC gets too hot or dusty I am doing really bad damage.

Slay the Spire
Dead Cells

I’ve had a pc with liquid cooling for 2 years. You’re not meant to do anything or refill it, right? I kind of just don’t worry about it and I haven’t had any problems

I don't know. I imagine if I spent thousands on electrical components and water cooled them I would google how to maintain it before putting it all together instead of just hoping things work out lol

>buy PC
>parts start breaking within a week
>buy console
>parts literally never break

Wow, what a difficult choice

It was prebuilt


Depends on your integrated graphics, but here are some not so resource intensive games that might work
>Hotline Miami 1/2
>Devil Dagger
>Super Meat Boy

Honestly when have you had a console malfunction? Red ring was a special case and not typical. My 360 still plays fine, hell even my GameCube does even after years and years of paying no attention to it. Consoles just work. My PS4 is dusty as shit and yet I’m not even worried about it.

>parts start breaking within a week

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I had two PS3s YLOD on me. My PS4 has been doing good so far but it's only 2-3 years old now, I didn't get it in the early days.

Everything should terrify you then because everything will break down eventually, including yourself

>including yourself

[citation needed]

>parts literally never break

Someone tell that to my Dreamcast, PS2, PS3 and Xbox OG. Also someone tell that to the thousands of "for parts only" Xbox One/PS4/Switch listings on Ebay, Craigslist, FB Market, etc

The PS3 in particular lost its BR drive right outside of its 1-year warranty. I only played one game on it and it was well ventilated in a climate controlled house

Super Meat Boy
Maybe Hollow Knight if you have a decent CPU

What are signs of a dying GPU?

You don’t want to know

First signs are often distortions and artifacts on your screen, followed by a complete lack of signal to the monitor.

I didn't notice anything but I smelled smoke and then my PC shut itself off. That was probably an extreme case though

>followed by a complete lack of signal to the monitor

Then what's all this shit about "PCs can run without a GPU"?

You have to move the display cable from the GPU port to the Mobos display port.

Don't ever buy an AMD GPU, they're a straight up scam.

>red ring was a special case
i cannot fathom trying to rewrite history for the sake of shilling for a company.

this should have been the first post

Apparently anything according to my housemate who
>Also doesn't have a GPU and uses integrated graphics
>Doesn't notice the difference between 25 and 60fps
>Values graphics over performance

I'm still surprised by how AMD is finally making good CPUs now, still doesn't understand how to make a competitive GPU. I'm surprised the Navis have a higher TDP and cost more with less features compared to NVIDIA


amd has always made good CPUs. my phenom 2 is still running strong from over 10 years ago

Yeah Navi is a huge disappointment, they had to go 7nm just to pricematch one year old Nvidia cards.
It's embarrassing and honestly depressing, Nvidia needs real competition.

Nowadays it's the cpus that have the gpus integrated into them, and even then that's not all of them

I stand corrected then.

Well AMD is not as large a company as Nvidia so they don't have as large of an R&D budget and given NV has pretty much cut the entry level out with their extreme pricejumps, AMD is your only choice if you want a decent card for $200 or less

I'm playing Cuphead and Journey on my thinkpad atm with an HD 4600 igpu. Both run well, although I have to set Journey's settings to medium. Pretty much any non 3d triple A game will run decently. I even played the original FEAR a while back with the settings on high and it constantly was above 45 fps

You can buy a new 1060 for the same price as a new 580, or you go to $250 and buy a 1660ti, Nvidia absolutely still has decent low end cards.
AMD only wins around $100.

Paradox interactive games

Crusader Kings II would be a great start. Just make sure to pirate it with all DLCs (it's DRM-less so should be easy to pirate)

don't forget to do it under a VPN if you're in the United States/other repressive countries that track you online

Thief 1, disable shadows tho, these need a gpu

RX 580 starts at around $180
The lowest 1660 Ti is $260 which is nearing $100 more

source for prices: pcpartpicker, no rebates shown


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Clean the tubes with vegetable oil, but not the cheap kind. It’ll give it a nice sheen.

Into the Breach. Runs on a potato and 100x time better than I expected.

Doesn't oil go rancid after a while? Also won't it offgas on to the inside of the case?

It's just a part. Parts are swappable. They can be replaced or they can be serviced, if not by you then by someone else. It's really flexible and you're never stuck having to buy a whole new machine unless something truly catastrophic happens.

You may get some evaporation over time and you may get some water loss through the reservoir, so you should check it every once in a while (every few months) to make sure the water level isn't dropping too low and top it off when required. Other than that no, you don't really need to do anything.

Fucking kek

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>they are billions
>Battle brothers