The truth is that all publishers would love for CD project to fail. Reason? CD Project is breaking the mold, giving value and encourages players to demand more for their money. It's in our hands, players hands to make sure CD Project wins this battle, this will send a clear message to the rest of the publishers that we as people, gamers can unite and support what's right! Don't be "offended" by an artist's vision, be "offended" by the publishers and journalists that lie to you and try to rip you off your last cent and giving you nothing in return.
Cyberpunk 2077 Negativity: Who Profits? Why is CDPR a Target?
>Who Profits?
Shitposters, it's their job to shut down any and all discussion.
If CDPR is successful with their based model of doing business it will only improve the gaming industry, buy their games lads
>CDPR spend 4 years sharing cool cyberpunk concept art
>Actual product is a GTA MOD with first person shooter "gameplay"
CDPR is the enemy for ruining the game with a small city and daytime system
The game just looks so bad. It didn't have to be this way, but endless praise for the mediocrity of the witcher games has led to a developer with no real experience making good games.
Deus Theft Fallout sounds pretty dope though
>sunfags are still sperging the fuck out
have sex
Can't, dick got sunburnt.
The game looks great and the gameplay seems good for what they showed, I'm pretty sure you fags are EA shills or something
If you eat shit
It looks like a generic shooter with floating damage numbers like borderlands. It's all so tiresome. If you aren't sick of big budget games all being point & click shooters or third person forest walkers then I have to ask, why do you even care about games? What are you doing here?
I think you just hate games dude, find a new hobby
>Who Profits?
clickb8 articles
dont go there, not even with add block
I love them, but bad games deserve no love. What is there to love about yet another cynical iron sight alignment game?
I don't forgive and i especially don't forget
they're shitbags that have never made a good game
all witcher games are utter fucking shit
they could have released cyberpunk 2077 by 2015 but they made wild hunt and its dlc until 2017
they promised a large city and night time and a language system where you could buy modules to understand people speaking chinese and spanish but there's fucking nothing about that in any of the gameplays
i don't give a shit if they only release nighttime footage from now on, i don't give a shit if they give an option to turn daytime off
nothing short of actually expanding the city and ENTIRELY removing daytime will appease me. That won't do either because I don't forget. If the only way to get you to fix your game is to sperg out about it I do not trust you to not stab me in the back the next time
these polish fucking kikes are not getting a penny from me. I legitimately wouldn't even pirate it or accept it for free to my steam account because i'm a man of conviction. everyone at CDPR will burn in hell under a thousand suns for all eternity
I just hate shit games user.
It's always the chinks
I feel bad for consolefags, but CP2077 was made for the PC. Sorry.
people always throw rocks at the fruitful tree. this has been a law of humanity since the death of homo neanderthalensis
>a language system where you could buy modules to understand people speaking chinese and spanish
That's in the game. Also nice pasta, dude. Have a (You)
Mostly FROMshitters still seething at Witcher3 taking the GOTY from them.
They praise their garbage souls-meme games, but have no real taste in videogames. After they realized that the "hype" from their games was just memes being spammed on Yea Forums and reddit, they decided a vengeance crusade against CDPR for humiliating them.
Definitely fits the nu-PC gamers style. Braindead game play, skinner box exp bars you play to grind up instead of because it's fun, poor writing that "cleverly eschews genre tropes," and a half baked open world. All it needs is a free to play model and crafting and survival mechanics to complete the PC gamer trifecta.
I haven't looked at any promotional material since the sun trailer last year at e3 and I won't
you CDPR and apologists like you can all burn in hell for all i care
No fuck off. I wanted a Cyberpunk 2020 set in 2077 that's AN RPG, not this Witcher 3 bullshit that's railroaded as fuck in terms of options.
Riled up the seething consoleshitter.
I just have higher standards than PC gamers, you'll be very happy with GTA plus skill points I'm sure. Definitely your type.
lol people defending this game are on the same level of denial as /pol/
>someone is against my hero? it must be a shareblue CIA FBI raid!
All criticism so far in this thread is absolutely legitimate, don't forget how much W3 has been downgraded, it's basically just a lazy console port.
ok man I will buy the game now, I'm convinced
>being this mad
Go play your bing bing wahoos and calm down, nincel.
>enemy can detect you better if you don't bathe regularly
Cool mechanic!
>ok man
Did you just assume my gender, tranny?
Only shills and fanboys care about the companies that make their games
Gamers are capable of forming their own opinions about a game without someone telling them what it means to buy it
ur pretty mad bro
Omg, I can't believe the amount of seethe and cope we will get from you Epic/Polygon/George Soros/Disney fags when Cyberpunk releases and literally everyone is loving it.
Cyberpunk is gonna be great and GOTY and you shitposter shill fags will have to SEETHE. Because a non lootbox perma subscription drm alternative is fucking you up the ass. SEETHE AND DILATE you assholes also have sex.
underrated post
No u
discussion from cdpr shills:
>stay mad tranny
discussion from anti-cdpr shills:
>stay mad tranny
>waahhh why aren't you replying seriously to my low effort shitposts??
Try harder, please.
Have you even played Witcher 3? It's not just medieval GTA mate
>"I've been mega hype about Cyberpunk for a long time"
>"Why do I have to play as a white male protagonist"
>>>>>>>>>First real reveal had a female MC
I hope the reply chain is full of people calling out the obvious bullshit.
>pc gaming is braindead
Ah yes, PC. The platform of children's Bing Bing wahoos, and movies that could be barely considered games.
>muh age of consent is oppression
Said literally nobody ever, what the fuck?
whatever you say man, the game looks like shit and bringing a celeb on board is a red flag
people who have pride flag in their username, have pronouns in their bio, or have a furry avatar, please remember that your opinions do not count.
furfags can be based
what makes a human being behave this way? sad thing is that you're probably not even getting paid for this
Im done being hype for games that are 1 year or more away.
Cyberpunk 2077 promotes:
>DRM free gaming
>adding goodies to your games
>expansions full of content
Most publishers want gaming as a service, always online DRM, lootboxes, tiny pieces of DLC and selling you the soundtrack separately.
it's basically the chinese knockoff of better console games platform, and always has been.
>literally invented the most popular genre
Nice video and nice top comment from it, OP.
Just a poor man's smash TV clone and today the most oversaturated and worst genre around. You could remove the influence of PC gaming forever and the entire industry would be better. No DLC, no subscription services, no cancerous first person adhd games. A better future. PC gaming was a mistake, as Gabe Newell once said.
What do people expect when theres an open world mission based fps game?
this is stupid because of Deus Ex came out today they would all be complaining it's shit and political.
If cyberpunk was really prophetic about something it's how easily retards like get manipulated into serving the interests of giant corporations.
>no we are the good guys goy, it's the other corporations that are evil!
the funny thing is there is really nothing to shitpost about. it is hardly TORtanic or Anthem. it looks competent and like a decent game. while you should never allow yourself to be blind hype, the only real mindsets a sane person can have on this are "cautiously optimistic" and "not my cup of tea"
but this is Yea Forums so the mere prospect of a videogame being enjoyable scares people into shitposting to no end how bad it is so they can be cool contrarian retards. Look at Skyrim.
Always remember, there's no bad publicity. SJWs are useful idiots increasing the hype with fake outrage, creating stronger brand loyalty. Especially when CD Projekts defense is water tight, having the black creator of Cyberpunk defending it.
>floating damage numbers like borderlands
It's a staple of RPGs, or are you being obtuse? And you can turn it off, which I certainly will once I have a basic grasp of the numbers involved and how they scale and are boosted of multiplied. Not that it's one of my main reasons for liking the game but I can enjoy this when it's well-executed and I expect when something is based on a tabletop RPG it'll definitely be one of the central mechanics as part of speccing.
the biggest think cyberpunk as a genre got wrong was that corporations needed to be subtle to achieve control. You fuel a pet movement, then capitalize it with faux support and endorsements and a colorful logo and you get millions of drones doing your bidding acting as your defense force.
>It's a staple of RPGs
It's not
>you can turn it off, which I certainly will
Wow, how can you be against a "staple of RPGs?"
The game isn't an RPG by the way, CDPR said so themselves.
>It's a staple of RPGs,
Honestly just hoping Cyberpunk 2077 to play like a better version of Alpha Protocol was. That game had so much potential.
FemFreq pulling their media connects to stir faux outrage in a last ditch effort to save non-profit from bankruptcy getting consulting gig.
Post your top 10 played games.
>The truth is that all publishers would love for CD project to fail
Only american ones
Who cares.. release date is being moved to around May - July 2020.
I hate it because of the sun
As it is right now they have no game, only gameplay rendered in their engine. How will they manage this game to work? I don't know
Mentally ill trannies keep seething and don't forget to dilate
It doesn't push an agenda tho and some of the political commentary would be considered based.
>cui bono?
If you don't think that some big name company (ie EA) isn't weaponizing aut-I mean "social justice" to create outrage and manipulate the competition's output then lol.
A tabletop game about shooting, melee, hacking, augmentations and social interaction, I wonder how all the whiny and brilliant consumers on this board would redesign it to make it revolutionary. I bet some kind of spreadsheet simulator with round based fighting, would be so immersive and complex, it's like I'm living and breathing cyberpunk dystopia. Pointing & clicking to shoot guns, like IRL? Moving through the landscape? Boring, just remove it.
>It doesn't push an agenda
I would say that it's pretty anti-globalist.
They have shows 50 mins of gameplay. Right now it looks like a low quality gta 5 mod+ walking sim.
no one has yet realized they're just saying the same shit their parents say to them....same old "muh old days speak"
It goes A LOT deeper than that.
>main character has two eyes
>main character can walk and run
>main character can fire weapons
>main character is controlled via WASD or Analog Stick
>"Yea Forums WILL DEFEND THIS WOOOOW ITS BASICALLY (unrelated game)"
Have sex and/or seek professional help, in any order.
Yeah, I bet the Illuminati are involved, too.
>if they like stuff i dont like, they're shills
the jews are always invovled, faggot. cope dilate and have sex
they arent siding with Epic store, which has a lot of investors from a lot of other major companies pissed, since they went all out in making epic. (Disney being one of them, and Disney loves buying out reviews, and review bombing competition)
its just a money making scheme, hiding as SJW activism.
(like most SJW activism)
that doesn't matter. When you are a GGtard with a hammer, every game is a nail.
>First person
It's already DOA. Why are people trying so seriously with these threads?
this no game in the first person perspective has ever been successful.
Some of us arent underage consoletards
I hope yakuza decapitate him.
welp there goes my hype
They are siding with epic store and everyone else to fight steam.
you mean Steam and Epic are siding with each other to fight GoG?
The cover art is fucking bland as hell though, but not because it's a white guy, it's just unimaginative.
breaking the mold by making a generic movie game
I can't really get excited for this game, since when I think about it, I think of the themes the tabletop brought up. Then I think of Kazynski's book. I know it's a videogame, but I wonder if luddism is still an option
What do you guys think is going to be CP2077's "Blood & Wine" tier expansion?
What's the setting possibly going to be?
>movie game
Death Stranding thread is two blocks down
>my top 10 played games are all over 20 years old
Wow no wonder your opinions fucking suck and you are such a hipster
not an argument
Why this game has so many shills?
Nonsense, I love plenty of new games. I've just been alive a lot longer than you've been out. You need to be over 18 to post here by the way.
Nearly everyone is excited about a new game from CDPR
there's a humongous difference between liking a game and attacking anyone criticizing it by calling them a tranny
kill yourself
boring shit games tbqhwyfam
Imagine being a zoomer where you spend your days defending corporations and wondering how people could insult those poor corporations
Because it's having a really tough production time. CDPR is putting all that B&W money to work paying for damage control on all public forums.
I don't think that's true
I'm 29. You just wanted to prove how much of a shit eating autistic virgin you are by posting literal garbage from the 90s like it made you look cool.
You could have posted literally anything to come out in the last decade that you spent the most time on, but you knew that you would get mocked similarly for having a dry personality and low standards for games from Japan.
Burgers are brainwashed to think that slavs are literal Hitler so everything they produce must be literal Mein Kampf and opposing it comes naturally.
This is so off base. Mutts and anglos all worship Poland. People who don’t like Cyberteanny have legitimate reasons to. Such as content being cut and the whole RPG focus seemingly being tossed out for a more casual experience (which we already saw CDPR do with Witcher 3).
Stop trying to turn this shit into a sociopolitical debate.
Probably because CDPRfags are an insufferable plight and some retard thinks antagonizing you faggots by standard copypasta shitposting is going to help.
Or it's one of you insufferable faggots false flagging. I wouldn't be surprised either way.
I spent less time on them because they've been out for less time. Newer games often aren't very replayable.
>I'm 29
And you're still mindlessly defending corporations? What's in your top 10? GTA, COD and fortnite?
It really is. The only developer bigger than CDPR is Rockstar. There's a pretty big power gap there, but nobody has more hyped games than CDPR does. As a forinstance, Kojima's latest trailer has a million less views.
my speculations;
-nomad lands/badlands expansion
-exotic related bands and gene editing custom stuff
-military related missions with a full body replacement option in the endgame
-corpo related content with a premium suite in the endgame
-media related mission to undercover some truth with some new hacking abilities and gadgets
nvm ur correct, i was thinking the outer worlds, not cyberpunk 2077. ignore me.
It doesn't look like it, considering V pulled out those arm blades in a cutscene. Basically CDPR went back on everything RPG about the game, now it's just a standard action game with some arbitrary shit to buy in a shop.
No, you're wrong and I'm right. And I'm since I'm not a faggot with a trip, my argument beats yours, it's that simple
imagine being a boomer and still accessing Yea Forums
It’s actually precisely why you’re wrong, but don’t let me stop you from preordering this game my corpocuck friend.
>big power gap
which is why not nearly everyone is excited. I don't know a single person that's interested in that game
Literal cope. No this isn't some zoomer retort, actual fucking cope that you cant stop it at all.
>It’s actually precisely why you’re wrong
Yes I know that's what you think. You're using a trip because you have no arguments and think you can overpower my POWERFUL argument with an appeal to the authority your trip provides. Well jokes on you, I don't know who the fuck you are but I do know you're a faggot
He's only interested in how it affects shitposting.
Europa Universalis IV
1000 hrs on record
Total War: ATTILA
700 hrs on record
Shogun 2
600 hrs on record
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
500 hrs on record
Dirty Bomb
Rainbow Six Siege
Tropico 4
200 hours on record
Here's taken off my Steam list.
You have no metrics for the trash you listed.
Sega Saturn fucking sucked by the way, hipsterboy. I remember booting up Batman Forever on that hot piece of garbage and I knew right away it was a disaster.
>Newer games often aren't very replayable.
What a joke. Shame on your shit list.
Stay mad zoomnons. Go preorder Cybertranny already
Then I guess you dont get out much. Even people who arent into video games are talking about Cyberpunk because of Keanu Reeves.
People who are remember Witcher 3, the most recognized game of 2015.
>calling other people trannies
>still trying to cope with preordering
you are here forever, never forget that, it will happen to you as well... there is no escape.
You realize you are kind of a cuck for being mad someone bought a video game
I don't know where you live, but I don't hang with people that talk about vidya. that's for private conversations and none of my friends give a shit about it except one
but GTA5, FIFA and CoD is talked about by normies though
>he preorders games
I actually havent preordered it but I might sometime closer to release.
Reminder to never respond to tripfags.
>"Nobodies hyped for Cyberpunk"
>Except everybody is
>"Y-yeah well we dont play video games anyway"
Hot opinions there dumbfuck
>I don't think that's true
CP2077 is the 4th biggest pre-order game this E3 out of literally everything. That doesn't sound like something "nobody is excited for."
an attempt was made
when the fuck did I say we didn't play video games? I have a lot of steam friends that I know irl, and only one of them has cyberpunk wishlisted. And I just said people talk about GTA V, FIFA and CoD, while they don't even mention CP77
jesus fuck what's your problem? learn to read
>"nobody is excited for"
when the FUCK did anyone say that? are you schizophrenic? of course it's popular as fuck, but saying "nearly everyone" is ridiculous. it's not like GTA
Thanks for your subjective experience with your imaginary friends retard, maybe next time you'll look something up before coming off incorrectly and forcing anons to waste their time correcting your dumb ass.
they have never done a shooting game so mechanics are guaranteed to be jank
>Europa Universalis IV
autism simulator
>Total War: ATTILA
social justice autism simulator
>Shogun 2
mediocre autism simulator
>The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
console scraps
>Dirty Bomb
f2p trash
>Rainbow Six Siege
adhd school shooter simulator for angry teens
>Tropico 4
the worst tropico, autism simulator
bad combat simulator
>Here's taken off my Steam list.
nice rentals I guess
>You have no metrics
why would I need to count the hours when I can have countless memories instead? Do you even remember anything from your 500 hours of the witcher or is it just a blur? It's just a blur, isn't it?
>Sega Saturn fucking sucked by the way
you've already revealed how shit your taste is, now you're going the full mile?
>Batman Forever
shit taste then, shit taste now
>Shame on your shit list.
far better than yours will ever be, I'm grateful I never wasted my time with so many dead end genres. No wonder PC gaming is such trash. People like you will eat up everything so long as it makes them feel "smert."
Witcher series has produced 1 good RPG and 2 GOAT contenders. Post games that you consider are better
>n-no u r lying
ok retard. keep living in that world where everyone but you is wrong
>le consipracy
>you have to worship this game for some magic reason
How about no, faggot? Proceed to reddit where everyone is surely praises this game
These whining trannies are becoming more abundant seems like every other day they're complaining about something in a video game for having a white male
There's no salvaging this thread after you posted your shit list user.
>corporate worship
is this an american thing or something? how fucking low and embarrassing
Learn the difference between fine and commercial art you ignorant nigger
How are you going to post, and disparage anything else as autistic
This. Literally everyone is hyped for this game like nothing else this industry has ever seen. There are just a lot of contrarians here trying to stir shit up.
You can't say that while desperately trying to be a contrarian
I just pre ordered, thanks for the pep talk.
fucking what? when? I said that I barely know anyone that cares/knows about the game when you said nearly "everyone" is excited. what does that have to do with contrarianism?
Yes, something "never seen before"
>I barely know anyone.
I don't care at all about the watered-down RPG thing, I just want the world to actually be somewhat interactive and interesting, but based on Witcher 3 that's probably not what's going to happen. I hate open-world games with cities that all feel like propaganda village because you can't even do anything.
so you gave up, thanks for letting me know
Because those games take skill, unlike mountain bald with its simon says combat system. I mean if you're going to pretend to have good taste don't have the exact same taste as every other Yea Forumsirgin and maybe have a unique thought of your own. Is there anything that screams out "I'm trying to fit in" more than that?
Hes not the same user. But I just gave you raw data analytics showing it is one of if not the most anticipated game right now. You are crying because your two friends interests complete your entire worldview.
The greatest casualty from all this has been youtube, recommendations are absolute shit now. My queue is absolutely full of Upper Echelon Gamers, The Quartering, ItsAGundam, YongYea, CleanPrinceGaming, and some random asians building an underground pool in the jungle. Jesus christ.
>witcher 3 world isnt interesting
This is actually kinda fun
None of the games you listed take skill. Single player games killing 10IQ AI do not take skill. Despite the inexperienced opinions of normies, none of those old games take skill, they're just pattern memorization.
this is the face of anti cdpr posts
of course it's one of the most anticipated games now, when did I ever deny it? that doesn't mean nearly everyone. it's not like GTA when it was everywhere
>n-no u don't have friends
keep going with the strawman
>they're just pattern memorization.
That is a skill, and also reflexes and recognition. Reading is a skill, but it's a skill 3 year olds have, which is the only skill autism simulators require. The autist adores rewards for minimal effort.
Your imaginary casual friends are less relevant to me then the entirety of internet. EVERYONE is talking about Cyberpunk online, even the normiest of normies. Unprecedented levels of excitement, even more ridiculous for a new IP
Post 1 game that received this much attention 1 year before launch. 1 game which was this mainstream with all the normies while not even being out.
>maybe have a unique thought of your own.
>Is there anything that screams out "I'm trying to fit in" more than that?
That's funny because that's the exact impression I got from your hipster list of shitty japanese games you only care about because they're Japanese
Nice job admitting you're a hipster and don't play fun games if people outside Japan have heard of them
Any rockstar or nintendo game I guess
Pattern recognition IS an autism simulator. Thats why we have spergs like you play the Memory Game while the rest of the class actually educates themselves.
It's honestly amusing you think that remembering to press a button in the right order is fucking impressive. I honestly think all single player games are casual as fuck, since there will never be AI better than playing against humans.
Not even close
>RDR2 and GTA V
Delusional. Cyberpunk was the face of the entire internet for 2 weeks straight. RDR2 and GTA V had little more than a trailer analysis 1 year before launch
See, We've gone full circle. Thanks for confirming the original point.
>name a game that was popular 1 year before launch
>no that one doesn't count
it does
Read the post you fucking tard. I said the only dev bigger than CDPR was Rockstar, and the bbn only dev you could think of bigger than CDPR was Rockstar
>implying westc*ck SJWs and kikes don't want to ruin vidya as well
>implying westc*ck kikes don't want to lower the bar for the vidya industry by conspiring against CDP to keep racking up easy dosh
what the fuck does that have to do with
learn to post you troglodyte
The biggest dev team in the world is currently epic games.
>All criticism so far in this thread is absolutely legitimate
PVK2 isn't a Japanese game? The problem is most Western games are trash. Especially eurojank like cybercuck 2077.
It's the same shit as the constant smear campaigns against the japanese game industry. It's one thing to shit on square and konami and capcom when they do scummy shit like EA does, but there is way more prejudice against the entire japanese industry than I could reasonably credit to them. To me it's clearly western AAA industry shills who want to keep dragging the industry lower.
Jesus Christ, is this a parody of a hipster weeb or are you serious? Most of it never released outside of Japan; a bunch of jank early 3D shmups, couple of sidescrollers, and one niche western PC FPS from a decade ago.
That's just modern Yea Forums discussion about anything
Why did you screencap that post?
Your argument isn't helped when you spent 3000 hours playing shitty retro weebtrash on Sega saturn