Why are you so angry and rude, Yea Forums?

why are you so angry and rude, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1560896810627.webm (400x300, 1.29M)

Other urls found in this thread:


And this is why dogs are 10/10.

>taking care of it until it's big and fat
smart boy

We are surrounded by hate and negativity, it will rub off on people.

Fuck you


Attached: goose.jpg (640x875, 66K)

I actually thought he is going to eat it or do some stupid like in tom and jerry. What a wholesome webm.

Why is dog chained? this makes me more sad and upset than it should, it doesnt even look that bad or mean or capable of biting you.
fucking niggers.

Attached: birb_and_hamster.webm (204x360, 274K)

The culture war in general has this place on edge. All you can do is be nice and cordial in your own posts and hope people follow your example.

that made me happy, thanks user

Attached: 1558232826603.webm (460x810, 1.29M)

What happens when you get a bunch of insecure, lonely, autistic and depressive people and put them in one place?
It becomes a circlejerk for their negative beliefs, that lead to negative feelings, that lead to more negative beliefs, that result in resent and bitterness, end result is a bunch of salty fags who can't be normal.

because fuck you

Attached: 1550543473412.gif (300x200, 1.89M)

I think your goose is medically retarded user

i dont know man
i thought that the edginess of this place was a joke when i first came here
and i loved the juvenile yet still somehow wholesome humor too but now im seeing how serious faggots on this website take themselves and i think it was always like this

Attached: 1445783789044.gif (200x200, 800K)

thank you for this webm user, i was feeling really down today.

Because it's a guard dog and it would run around the village fucking bitches and not doing it's job if it was unchained you dumb urban nigger



why the fuck do so many cats look exactly like this. i have a male cat that looks EXACTLY like this, same colors, same pattern around the face and all. I keep seeing it all the time

>nigger dog
we're talking about actual dogs

Attached: e54cc05eba0677aaf31aebbe9f9612cc.jpg (2048x2048, 481K)

Damn dogs have has tied around their little paws

Stop derailing dogs threads

Attached: stop.jpg (675x864, 74K)

People only act polite to maintain a reputation. Take that away and most people would act like Yea Forums

Frustration, I guess

Attached: 1555173340667.webm (480x480, 2.91M)


Attached: Elephant goose.webm (400x400, 1.79M)

maybe growing up means you get sick of juvenile edginess, but this place is always attracting zoomers so it'll never go away even as the userbase grows up?

>video in arabic

mate this is like posting a 90's video featuring neo nazi skinheads beating up a darkie to counter the claim todays Western society is more inclusive

damn that shoveldog filter spooked me for a second I thought a chink was gonna come out of frame and zap it or something

Attached: 1509847668567.jpg (802x1200, 183K)

Attached: squish.webm (854x480, 1.67M)

Attached: big woof.webm (480x600, 134K)

Genes. Male cats can only have so much color because of the fact most fur patterns are female due to most pigment being in the x chromosome in cats.

Gamers are angry, insecure vermin on average, it's not a Yea Forums-exclusive phenomenon. :)

Its mostly children who do it just to "fit in" but there are manchildren who revel in the fact that they aren't normal and go full retard. These people are worse than the actual children on this site.

Attached: beast companions.webm (640x640, 2.93M)

huh. i never knew. is that true?

*sniff* *sniff*

Attached: Hippo and Rhino.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

i get mad at people in real life, real life has pretty big consequences so I let out all the poison here

Attached: 1547178097280.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

I was expecting some chink or nignog to sledgehammer the dog house

lmao that's fucking bullshit. go outside

Did they fuck?

Attached: freedom attack.webm (1036x720, 1.17M)

Attached: GrotesqueAcademicAlaskanmalamute-max-1mb.gif (200x150, 780K)


RIP birb

That dog had food nearby. Could just have a problem with resource guarding. Either way the Like/Dislike ratio makes me feel bad. People are fucked up

Yeah, bro. Opening your mouth against that is really gonna help

Attached: PRÖÖÖÖH.webm (1000x1000, 1.7M)

>"my staffie my pittie :)"
fuck off. Nigger dogs make up an overwhelming majority of deaths compared to every other dog breed despite being less than 3% of the canine population.

quick reminder that people who would murder all the animals in this thread for fun browse this website

Attached: Lion prank.webm (400x400, 1.12M)

Mostly it's why calico cats are almost exclusively female. Two X chromosomes let's them have more colorful fur.


>that saliva string

i like the animal threads on Yea Forums. they are the best

Attached: 8e83ba55969e89bb-1.webm (600x1066, 2.53M)

Attached: Elephant charge.webm (480x360, 689K)

fucking sandniggers


was hoping it would maul one of them. you let me down user.

why are sandniggers such fags

Attached: Elephant family.webm (720x422, 2.74M)

Because I hate myself more than I hate all of you.

That does take some huge balls.

as if anyone needed any more confirmation that arabs are subhumans

Well my mother is a psycho who is literally angry all day. Screaming about one thing or another. I also get very angry sometimes mainly in dota 2 so I guess I got the gene from her. But I'm not angry all day tho.

third world """""humor"""""

>being scared of glorified seagull

damn goose don't give a fuck do they

my dog is like that with my kitten

Holy shit that's hilarious. Birds are such dicks.

Aww thanks :3

Attached: 1554171781100.png (600x600, 245K)

does any1 have that video of that adorable puppy really tentatively approaching the camera with a ball in his mouth and he drops it you know the one

What the fuck you talking about you stupid cunt? I'm clearly saying the guy's posted a video of a staffy which is an extreme example, as evidence that the statement "dogs are 10/10" is false.

Learn to read, nigger.

Attached: 1532532994737.webm (336x400, 980K)

Good thread.

Attached: Hyena bath.webm (406x446, 2.79M)

Eagle claws are sharp as fuck and tighten like a vice.

>that kid playing fucking roblox in the back
cursed webm

You think dinosaurs were this much of assholes?

and now for something to sicken you to the core of your urethra franklin

Attached: 1526976756600.webm (240x320, 1.45M)

Birds are assholes. They are too smart for their own good.

I was angry and rude in 2005 and fit right in. I'm not angry or rude now. Not everyone here is angry. You just remember the angry posters and forget the inoffensive ones.

Attached: Croc or Wild Dog.webm (720x720, 2.81M)

>rinoa hiding in the boot

He still hates you, cuteposter. And I do too.

This youtube channel appears to be some arabic dog trainer that takes in really violent dogs and tries to reform them. So of course that dog is going to be fucked up

Context. This was during the National Anthem and James Paxton stood there like a champ and just took it

Attached: giant squid.webm (720x720, 473K)

Attached: vulture cute.webm (640x640, 2.9M)

God i wish i could jump into some nice water. I'm dying. Fuck summer

teenagers trying to be epic memesters or just retards with mental problems or just attention craving
literally nothing else

Attached: 1233104211313.jpg (300x289, 45K)

Looking for the webm of the dog at a party wearing sunglasses and sniffing the girls ass

That pretty much sums up what I was going to say. Spend enough time around here and it changes you to become just as bitter and negative at everything.

Yeah, australian eagles, not the pygmy seagull that is the American niggle.

Are you only capable of spouting /pol/ memes?

well i want to come to Yea Forums and discuss videogames but when i make a thread of videogames it gets archive but the furfag, tranny, /incel/, barafag thread reaches bump limit and they often derail a thread that was focused on videogames ending up like that because mods and jannies allow that to happen instead of deleting or moving them to the board that belongs to.

god i wish that was me

You're mean

Attached: 477436744676.gif (500x286, 637K)


Attached: vampire squid2.webm (720x720, 1.11M)


Yea Forums is full of estadounidanians.

What kind of tactics is this? The Snuggle and Nibble strategy?


Attached: 1560712498053.jpg (758x802, 67K)

Could still do some damage if it got a skull firmly in its mouth even without claws or teeth I guess.

Even handlers wearing leather bracers can feel the penetration. Their talons are razor sharp and long. It would be like getting nails stabbed in your back

have no sex

topkek I lost it. Fat boi

whats wrong with that dogs butt

coming to Yea Forums always reminds me how much being a teenager sucked. all those hormones and emotions out of control 24/7.

Because it's fun.

Humans do the same thing (first-world liberal white woman adopting nigs and pitbulls).

Attached: sad turtle.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)


>Even handlers wearing leather bracers can feel the penetration.

Attached: im gonna have sexual thoughts about.jpg (640x640, 286K)

biting your skin now >:/


no it was the sort of juvenile humor that you never really grow out that doesnt solely rely on shock and edge, stuff like chad warden, gachi /rambo posting, posting a stubbed toe or spilled chocolate milk in a gore thread etc

the edginess was on par with how funny the jokes where but now im seeing just more and more tastless fags that are more edgy than they are funny but again maybe it was always like this and i just saw what i wanted to see

Attached: 1450789798008.png (960x640, 100K)

>the way he hands back the towel
every time



Attached: ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif (600x600, 3.73M)

Hippos are by far the most dangerous animal in Africa
inb4 someone says niggers are more dangerous

this 1 please

Attached: peaceful in death.png (790x592, 826K)


Attached: Gato.webm (360x640, 2.7M)

Why are they roasting that poor squid?

Attached: African Wild Dogs vs Lion.webm (960x540, 2.72M)

comfy yeen

longlynx is long

God I love seals

>Owls don't have eyeballs. The eyes are long and shaped more like a tube. Owl eyes can't turn in their sockets because of this shape.

They give way for my squad when we roll out.


Attached: ika.jpg (595x823, 246K)

Just because they kill more people doesn't mean a rhino wouldn't completely fuck it up, idiots

is he gonna be alright?

That`s a very negative post, it`s almost as if you were describing yourself you absolute faggot.

Attached: 1ad8e470f1c443f2c1f9ade8ffbfeb4c.jpg (998x991, 96K)


Attached: African wild dogs.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

>inb4 someone says niggers are more dangerous
well it's true

Go back to your tranny discord, fag

I can't imagine the posturing the men do around those women.

this is because one of the X chromosomes are disabled in each cell, otherwise they would make twice the x chromosome gene product (mostly gender-neutral stuff that males also use) which would be bad. This disabling happens very early in fetal development and is random, but it carries on to each cell that splits off from the original cells, which is why cats have a spot pattern and not just a mix of different color hairs all over

>mya :DDD

>lion casually fucks up one of the dogs while the rest of the dogs just run around like retards doing nothing when they could be jumping the lion instead
Dumb dogs.

Why does this groundhog looks a bit like a cat?

Come on in user. Waters fine.

Attached: Sharks and Croc.webm (400x400, 105K)


They got her cub.

from a biological standpoint, they are a weapon of destruction for a society

cats are tsundere faggots
genki Doggo just wants to be friends


Attached: 1560482916745.png (750x750, 369K)


Dogs are alright.

I have a 13 year old pit and it never tried to do anything harmful to anyone you hyperbolic schizo.

>yawning underwater
how does that even work

All mammals are capable of being based

It's just that some are too dangerous for non madlads to try

damned if you do...

why is /pol/ so autistic about pits?

Mmm fish

Attached: snake fishing.webm (714x400, 1.53M)

Bruh what is that?

>I have a 13 year old pit
Cute. Show your arms to us

>tfw you try to belittle a tranny but it's part of their fetish
Feels bad man

Attached: 36350567_1612087845580726_650597316671045632_n.jpg (500x375, 19K)

Attached: tenor.gif (320x180, 1.92M)

>it didn't happen to me so it can't be real or it's hyperbole
The defining trait of a retard.

Attached: Tortoise eating.webm (960x540, 2.62M)

Because this is the only place left on the internet you can be angry and rude.

they got the cub you fucking retarded lion

No, you can see it run to safety to that tree in the background.

Because they are a common breed owned by blacks so they must be demonized


I wish I was that dog

Attached: 688EDF2A3C35488490B2B78381C5B5F6.jpg (970x542, 166K)

Who's a tranny here?

Attached: 1554091517892.png (328x301, 113K)

now post the video where they reformed him/her

Cute bouncy boys

based snakebro

Attached: mouse sensitivity 10.webm (240x426, 311K)

I hate animal threads on Yea Forums. This place has fucked me up so bad that every webm with an animal in the thumbnail that I open I'm afraid there's gonna be some chinaman smashing a dog's skull or a cat being tossed off a building or some shit. It feels like I'm walking through a minefield.

*angry noises*

Attached: 62161704_2239086389512318_3581204453652430848_n.jpg (453x450, 19K)

That's a good doggy. We have 3 Great Pyrenees (farm dogs) that swarm all the newborns on the farm and try to act like their parents. Since they were domesticated for that sole reason, they just naturally do it. The one dame we have will breastfeed the baby goats if she's producing.

I have an eight year old pit who also is a cutie patootie but anecdotes mean nothing you twit. By and large, dog owners of all kinds suck. They let them eat at the table, they don't discipline them not to growl when approaching them while they're eating, etc. These habits are bad on relatively harmless dogs, and an accident waiting to happen on pits, rottweilers, etc.

Attached: Olympics.webm (1232x684, 1.73M)

Attached: Good boy.webm (406x720, 1.95M)

Attached: 1455063211669.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Attached: turtle brush.webm (854x480, 2.88M)

>he hands the towel back
It's the little things that bring out hilarity

Attached: 1558422531874.webm (720x404, 615K)

>literally shaking

why are liberals this stupid
>it never happened to me so it has never happened to anyone and will never happen, even though statistics show that pitbulls commit more than 50% of the crimes despite being only 13% of the dog population

Attached: Horse electric fence.webm (854x480, 1.17M)

Yeah, this is why certain colors are only possible on female cats

Pic related for example is always female

Attached: lapjeskat.jpg (800x533, 41K)

Low quality gifs give me that same sense of foreboding, webms are okay though

Because you fucking faggots with your shitposting and pretending to be retarded makes me angry. I'm generally pretty nice when it comes to genuinely discussing things with people with who give their actual unironic opinions

I'm a 6'4" lefty and I think think pitbulls are cancer.


Looked like he just wanted to perch on his shoulder

Thanks for posting this.

And before the thread gets purged for "not vidya" despite all the shit that stays up, thank you to all you lovely anons who post/lurk in these wholesome threads.
I hope all of you have a great day/night!

>that filename

pit bulls aren't dogs though. they're animals that need to be culled

why are doggos so pure?

That's one fluffy boy.

Attached: 1560745634835.png (540x532, 278K)

Attached: 1426291570184.webm (400x400, 1.26M)

I've never met a pit bull in suburbia that showed any sign of aggression. Dog parks, walks, pet smart, anywhere. Maybe I'd have a different opinion if I lived in the ghetto or a trailer park, but really that would just be a testament to "it's not the dog, it's the owner"

>All this pitbull hate
It gets really old seeing Yea Forums stereotype pitballs like this. Most of the really angry violent are just from having shitty owners. Pitballs are good dogs, and we are actually quite friendly if trained properly

so cute

Attached: 10.jpg (667x863, 228K)

it's just saving it for later

>hating shit dog breeds is a political statement

I thought it was going to be a Pit bull webm

Attached: Cape Buffalo Launches Lion.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

...why did you post your height?

Attached: 1429648302723.webm (704x394, 2.95M)

bullying mammals is in their dna
then again we kinda asked for it by constantly stealing their eggs

That's a small hippo bro and they're on land. Rhino wins this one.

Attached: 1539352790417.jpg (379x281, 35K)

Attached: 1528780860634.jpg (851x666, 57K)

Why are you running around like a slave when you could be jumping the billionaire fuckers who are stealing your wages? Even the little dogs are too scared of death to make sacrifices for the good of their kind.

>fire torpedo

Attached: lion wake up.webm (1280x720, 2.26M)

Because you post so many non-vidya threads, user. Please don't do that anymore.

Smart guy washing his food before cooking it



Attached: catears.webm (576x720, 1.58M)

A lynx

the leg of intelligence that both animals display is pretty astonishing


>but really that would just be a testament to "it's not the dog, it's the owner"
so do you think if a dog kills someone, the owner should be executed

That kid is going to be sad as fuck when he turns 10 and the dog he's grown up with literally all his life dies of old age

Attached: joy.webm (854x480, 2.93M)

one of the dogs followed it though

Babies are allergic to dogs. What you think is comfiness is actually how babies signal extreme pain.

That's the second time I see a pet bird trying to murder another pet

Attached: 1491703063337.webm (720x404, 1.85M)

How fo you fags get mad at this? Fucking hillarious

What a bunch of assholes

t, projecting conservative

they are getting smarter

They've literally had violent tendencies bred into them. Biochemical and biomechanical features that make them aggressive fighters.

Anecdotal cases of well-trained, docile Pits don't make these things go away.

It's the same shit as saying "well my Pug doesn't have breathing problems so no Pugs do"

>it's dah ownahs fault!
>pits are gud boys they dindu nuffin!

>ragdoll effects: on

Why do people automatically assume white girls fuck dogs? Is this the next stage of the BLACKED meme? Both blacks and whites getting cucked by dogs?

It's not a bad lesson to learn early though.

aww look, it's smiling :)

I'm completely terrified of hippos.

this poster is a pitbull


Attached: 652.jpg (250x250, 14K)

they sure act like it is

why can't we get along and be friends, and fuck each other?

Attached: 1558026533552.png (595x720, 607K)

It definitely wasn't like this for a pretty long time. Back before the internet integrated itself into daily life people could disconnect and keep up the steady reminder that we were all just wasting our time on the internet, so if you took this place seriously you were reminded what a dumbfuck you were for doing so because it just doesn't matter.

Now the internet is 10000000x bigger and you can't really distinguish it from real life anymore, so naturally it sucks.

Attached: 1197539910684.jpg (362x442, 26K)

aw luk he smilin :)

Attached: Komodo dragon chases deer.webm (1280x720, 2.65M)

Owls look like somebody forgot to fill out the rest of the bird.

if i ever become rich i will buy a house near the beach just to have a pet seal

It's been mentioned before that they do it so they can segue into "redpilling" which is their main MO when shitposting on other boards.
>Look, dog breed BAD, but what if HUMAN breed also bad? Makes you think huh?

Is there an intelligent species on earth that doesn't take joy in being a collosal ass?

Attached: 1506720952271.jpg (500x540, 141K)