Are you happy now?
Are you happy now?
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They didn't give up anything
They didn't get performance bonuses because they all did fucking shit
I want them fired.
Not until the entire fucking company files for bankruptcy.
A little more than I would have been if they got those bonuses
But here's the disappointing thing.
They only lose those bonuses when the company doesnt meet some profit threshold.
The only good thing about this is that it might be indicative that EA will crumble soon. But if it just makes EA get even shittier and craftier with being greedy, then they learn the wrong lesson but get their bonuses back
This won't get me old bioware back so no
>shit year
>don't get a bonus that you're only suppose to get if you perform well
That's water is wet level.
Oh noooo! Instead of getting six figures + 10k in bonuses, they only made six figures! While also being a pile of shit to the industry still. Whatever will EA and the executives do?
Wow, how generous of them! You know what fellas, I think we should stop this u**** talk and just say thanks to our bosses for being merciful to give us a wage at all.
That's not nearly enough.
it's not enough
>“One was traditional BioWare story driven content, and the other was this action-adventure type content. About the 30 or 40 hour mark they really had to come together and start working in on the elder game. At that point everyone kind of went, ‘Oh, hang a minute.’ Now the calculation is off.”
>“The promise was we can play together, and that's not working very well,”'
That's what happens when your frankenstein the fuck out of the game.
NOOOOO! It's not fair! We all need to get on Origin right now and buy a couple games.
Reminder that this forced multiplayer shit is almost always forced by the fucking investors and if the workers at Bioware had more agency they'd have produced a much more coherent game.
>Are you happy now that people who didn't do well didn't get their bonuses?
OP are you alright? Don't even reply to this post just read the words performance bonus again and extrapolate their meaning.
Not until they're sucking cocks in hell.
I hope EA kills Bioware soon
Since they don't actual make the games why do they even get such a bonus instead of the workers
not quite
they need to be shoveling coal in hell before I even consider caring
Dead Space suffered and died because of EA
I will never forgive them for this abhorrent transgression
I would like to Apologize to EA on behalf of the whole of Yea Forums, I think we can all agree that it was our fault Anthem performed badly, we should have bought more copies...
>Given up
That’s a nice way to say they haven’t gotten them to begin with
no because its not going to amount to anything, EA and every team under them will still fuck everything under the sun up they wont learn shit from this
So brave dude, made me shed a tear
>EA still exists and hasn't gone under yet
A desperate PR stunt. I guarantee they still got some other bonus that doesn't count as "performance bonuses."
Wow I really like corporate bigshots now
They should all be executed to be honest, they deserve death.
Most executive positions are completely pointless with modern technology and only exist until the boomers that hold them die.
Younger people won't even be able to slip into most higher paying positions as most will cease to exist when the incumbents retire or pass on.
It's already dead.
I'll be happy when it goes F2P. Only a matter of time, now.
Oh no, how will they ever survive on their six figure salaries without the bonuses!
Not until EA is completely dead.
Not until the fallen order becomes another TORTANIC and those piece of shits finally go bankrupt.
I wont be until I accomplish my mission in this universe
no, they should be publicly spayed, spanked and spit on.
for a long ass time, at that.
Yes,good, fuck them.
>What about the poor devs who cried making this game
Fuck them too. Imagine crying on the job, fucking faggots
oh NO not the BONUSES
Let me know when they start taking pay cuts
>Didn't take their bonus
So what. When are the pay cuts.
Bioware willfully shackled them selfs to their masters, masters who have a really bad reputation. And people are expected to care?
>Yeah, well Bioware made X game, so we can't be too hard on them
Some people actually bring this up as if it changes anything.
>he thinks it’s only 10k in bonuses
Try six figures m8
That fucking cough at the end
This. If only gamers weren't so toxic and just pay up.
>top Executive making only six figures
>10k bonus
Confirmed for wagie or neet.
I mean, it's preferable to them awarding themselves the bonuses anyway and firing a bunch of low-level employees to make up the difference, but if they're expecting sympathy for doing what they're supposed to do, they're going to be a bit disappointed.
why do you care about bonuses when you have stocks?
Fucking retards ITT that don't understand how the stock market works.
remember when people on Yea Forums got so contrarian that they called hating ea reddit
Not until they restore the companies they took and go broke.
OMG it's Idortdude !Zyj7qwrexo ! My favorite Yea Forums hacker! Post some of your favorite memes my man! I bet you're quite the memer. I'm quite the memester myself you know!
aren't bonuses like 5% of their figures?
sounds like you need to take a break user
no, I am still not happy because the game is still fucking shit.
5% is all I get and it is in no way guaranteed.
Why the fuck would I be happy until they stop making bad games and holding onto the rights to potentially good games? Do you have any idea how many good Star Wars games we got every single year until EA got that exclusivity deal?
they aren't doing wel... oh nevermind
Explain further
I'm listening
I’ll be happy when there’s nothing left but ashes
Not till EA is dead.
is it Star Wars or what?
oh no not the poor executives
Never basically.
Good now maybe the jewest among them will sell off their stock and fuck off.
that's undoubtedly the biggest sacrifice they've ever made
most likely
No, only once the company goes bancrupt.
i'll never forgive EA for ruining bioware and dice. bioware made some of my favorite games of all time like kotor, mass effect, jade empire and once they joined EA they suddenly started churning out garbage. they were doing so well under microsoft and MS should have bought them up themselves instead of allowing them to go to the EA jew.
fifa 20
>I didn't get a bonus this year
>I was pretty upset by it
>but then I think about how happy Yea Forums is about me not getting a bonus
>and how the total happiness in the world has gone up
>so whatevs
I want the company president to also take a 50% pay cut.
They get paid tens of millions anyway lmao
>EA, Activision, 2K, Ubisoft, and all the other shit 3rd Party conglomerates of dog shit still exist
I wish vidya publishers would get trustbusted like Google and Facebook are about to be.
not enough
they need to burn to a ashes for be to be fully happy
>EA wins "Worst Company" over candidates like oil companies that have done real world environmental damage and banks that have fucked up the country's economy near irreversibly and continually work to erase the middle class
>but no, they make vidya games that normies buy a lot so they're the wurst cumpany EVAR!! >:(
Gamers are unironically the most retarded group ever.
EA should dismantle and all IPs go public.
No because EA still exists.
If I were them, I'd be like Nintendo and have the CEOs and exec take a huge paycut if the company has a slew of failures in a row.
We need to do something to help them bros this is so sad.
Maybe we can all pool together our yearly incomes to cover part of the bonuses they're not getting.
they had stock options or other investments and most of them were rich before
nobody wants corporate seppuku anyways, they want good fucking games
no one cares for world damage
we are all going to die anyway
no different between world disaster and dying of age or accident
nah. I'll be happy when they all commit sudoku on live television.
I don’t care until that money comes to me directly.
There is more chance that hell freezes over.
That EA Ceo take a voluntary pay cut.
"The consumerist" isn't even a thing outside the gamer meme of voting EA the worst company. But it sounds like The Economist so I guess that's enough to make it credible to gamers.
where my ea boycott bonus at
oh no the evil oil companies that extract the very substance that our entire society runs on how dare they
You shouldn't be payed for putting little effort into your job. All of these people are capable of turning this into a good game. Perhaps its EA perhaps its the workers.
>they want good fucking games
>defending oil companies at all
Fuck off triple bootlicker.
So kinda like how a car salesman who sucks at selling cars doesn’t get paid? Why the fuck is this news and why are they acting like they should get a pat on the back for it?
they can sprinkle ash on their hair and tear their clothes for all i care, if the games are shit i am unmoved
conversely, they can ride around on slave carts as long as the games are good
Their first instinct was to take the bonuses and fire enough minor employees that the cost of their misappropriation would be offset by the reduced overhead. But because they decided to go with the choice motivated by basic human decency instead of the one motivated by selfish, destructive greed, they think they deserve something in turn.
Not until they release the catalog of PopCap Games on, up to Plants vs. Zombies.
It’s a one year invitation to the jelly of the month club
the clothes you wear right now are made of oil dipshit
your computer, which you are posting on, is made mostly of oil and some rare minerals
nothing in your room got there without oil, your life runs on oil
deal with it, faggot
>stating obvious facts to justify his bootlicking
you might as well hate air retard
there is no bootlicking involved in not hating the basic things your existence is based upon
Stop missing the point you gigantic retard.
They should give up their fucking careers
>b-but i don't hate oil i just hate the people who make it accessible!!1
it's the same thing you mong
I think you can gauge how much of a newfag someone is depending on which studio they are most pissed about EA killing
>EA get even shittier and craftier with being greedy,
you say this like anyone buys their products aside from fifa which only kids and football fanatics buy
EA is irrelevant to gaming.
This is an amazingly accurate post.
Monkey paw time!
>ea files for bankruptcy and closes down
>their IP's go to epic games
No mercy for tripfags
That's the rate for yearly end-of-the-year bonuses. Bonuses based on projects vary wildly.
Is there a video of this? I need it for a webm edit...
>caring about environment when the sun will swallow us all anyway
>Coherent game
Found the BioWare drone
You're purposefully being retarded. Stop that.
It's only a five day period so it means nothing
>5 days
>only a difference of roughly 4%
Even while cherry picking you failed at making it look like a good turn around
Yes, and I wish for economic destruction to EA, Activision and Ubisoft.
they should have no salary until they fix their shit
It's really not that hard to let a studio build a coherent game, you can see the sticky corporatism fingers all over things like Anthem and Dragon Age 3
pay their employees a living wage and i will be impressed
they should honestly stop paying them altogether and fire them all, looking at all the garbage they've been churning out
Not until everyone pushing this jewish shit is sleeping under a bridge.
Burnout suffered and died because of EA
I will never forgive them for this abhorrent transgression
This just about sums up my feelings