I just got GTA iV and... the protagonist is an immigrant? what the FUCK is this SJW bullshit, Rockstar?

I just got GTA iV and... the protagonist is an immigrant? what the FUCK is this SJW bullshit, Rockstar?

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there's a reason it's the worst gta game ever made

the fuck? it's the best

nice jokes

I keeld people...

yeah, it's shit because I am forced to play as either an immigrant, a jew, or a latino, not as a native white American......!

SJWS hate white immigrants though, also Niko could be confused for a russian which would trigger them even more

Well if that's your reason for hating it, then ok
I just hate it because it's shit

Absolutely garbage taste
Top 3 are:
>San Andreas

>literally thinking 4 is better than VC
no wonder everyone thinks Yea Forums is full of cunts

Vice City is a mediocre game though, and even though the OST is good, it gets old after a while.

Based IV Slav Vs. Cringe V Nigger

Sure it's mediocre but still twice as good as the shit GTA4

whiter than you, angloid

that's objectively false, though.
nostalgic manchild.

why the fuck is the protag not an aryan god, it'd be perfect if it had that

IV is the best GTA game though, although Niko looks like an ugly Alb*nian he eventually grows on you.

Too bad the gameplay doesn't because it is as stale and boring as the writing and characters

You wish

GTA 4 is the only GTA game I haven't finished, it was that bad I couldn't even force myself through it

speaking of 4, the fucking cars are shit. how to mod them to not be shit?

Nice new IP friend :)

It's okay, he's white

Stop samefagging redditor

he is a Serb so whiter than you 65% nigger , јeбeни aмepи

but NOT a native white American, he could be a Turk for all I know, and Turks are basically Arabs.

Nico is based. He has a tough life.

Kosovo je srbija

Attached: 1506471427.drdragontim_09_1.jpg (221x168, 12K)

no such thing as Serbia or Kosovo, only Yugoslavia.

STFU I'll post where I want bitch

Fuck off t*toist scum

Your average social justice twat wouldn't even know jackshit about the Yugoslav Wars. Or the fact that child soldiers were used (includes teens), which Nico was one of.

Kek. "Native white americans" are as white as arabs

Nico is based because his story is grounded. GTAV feels like a cartoon by comparison. Hell San Andreas felt more like an authentic struggle as CJ spent half the game being a poor ass Nigga, whereas Franklin goes from small time to a millionaire overnight.

Too bad rockstar cheaped out and didn't find VAs that don't speak Serbian like retards. That was the thing that bummed me out the most. At least the writing was 100% correct

>fucked by russians in his homeland
>travel to liberty city
>get fucked by russians
niko had a hard life

Milosevic did nothing wrong, Kosovo je Srbija.

the only wasp protagonists are michael and trevor not counting the ps1 games
maybe claude too

Trevor is Canadian but didn't have a religious childhood, and Michael is of Irish origin, so nope.

Michael is irish? when do they say that? genuinely asking

They couldn't pay some Serb kid 50 dollars to write them up coherent sentences. Nikad nisam ni mogao da igram IV zbog srpskog VA proliva, da ne pominjem emailove od majke

The tattoos.

Yugoslavia was a dumb meme, should of called it Great Serbia and assimilate all the dumb c*oats and other subslavs

>fucked by russians in his homeland
what did the mutt mean by this?

based, fucking westoid barbarians


90s were so aesthetic.

>San Andreas
>Vice city

there I fixed it for you

how come serbia came up with such war bangers? i always found this tune catchy

>4 gta games where you can play as a NIGGER
What went wrong?

Bogg Dann is an immigrant too. Nothing wrong with that.

Attached: Boggdann.png (906x819, 746K)

People like you are dying and disappearing thank god. Fuck natives.

do you guys recommend getting gta iv for pc?
i've heard it runs like shit

This, I dropped it after the super boring mission where you have to follow some Puerto Rican drug dealer or something. It didn't helped that when it was released it wa so poorly oprtimized you'd get like 20FPS even on a top tier gaming rig.

Nah, it's a shit game

It's from 10 years ago, if you've got a 10 year old PC then yes it might run like shit but most non-prehistoric computers can handle it.

Can any of you say why exactly GTA IV is the best one?

has the wither character and you can go bowling

Haven't you heard white people bad goy.

>speaks english
>loves america
>comes over legally
>infiltrates negro community to kill them
>stomps goombas
>euthanizes irish
>canonically dates white women

The good old days before Rockstar made us pal around with black cowboys, stronk wahmon cowgirls, and blindly following a commie gang leader.



sorry OP. your bait wasn't good enough

Can't seethe unless I wasted money on it. The Rockstar marketing jews aren't that good!

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Immigration is only bad in coutries with good living standards and promising future
America has already gone to shit long ago anyways so who cares


>tfw will never again dab on n00bs in GTA IV Cops & Crooks

feels bad man

Attached: IMG_0971.jpg (2048x1536, 975K)

>tfw knew how to drive perfectly and nobody could catch me in the MP

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