Its over, we lost

Its over, we lost

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Its over, we won

Is this the “things that make you go yaaass kween” thread?

social media is for women and fags
social media panders to women and fags
don't act surprised every time it happens

They're just people, user.

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Theres no fag shit for PCs :)

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But pride is a deadly sin

What I want to know is if they'll be promoting this shit all year round like most of those LGBT members

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>acts surprised that corporations find another way to advertise their products
Nigger, the next thing you're telling me that they celebrate Easter and Christmas because of their faith in the Church.

source for bottom one ?

they're already ass deep in sin so whatever

While fags keep buying rainbow coloured ps4 controllers yes

>be proud you do the bumfuck
LGBT is pure cringe

>The rainbow is supposed to be a symbol of inclusion of everyone
>They removed indigo
>They're hypocrites even in their own symbology

Its a month dedicated to sin & degeneracy.

If you don't take part, the vile cretins will spit on you. So most people pay lip service to vermin to save their own skins.

How long until we get Sodom & Gomorrahed?

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>Yea Forums unironically thinks breadtube and corporations actually give a fuck about LGBT and aren't just trying to profit off them and sell products

>Yea Forums unironically thinks conservative corps and alt-tube give a single shit about redpilled incels and aren't just trying to profit off you and sell you products

>Yea Forums unironically thinks this entire culture war isn't fabricated and specifically engineered to keep you all fighting and squabbling while everyone gets their money sucked off their assholes as they're distracted

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I love how Nintendo puts the bare minimum effort for pride month by not even doing anything this year for pride month.

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yeah, people like everyone else
people who should not be treated any different or celebrated

didn't take Yea Forums for a religious place

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the west lost
this gay shit is on our police cars, we are a conquered people

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How is gayism treated in your workplace?

We literally shittalk niggers and gay ass faggots all the time. Including our big bosses. We also have nigs who shittalk themselves.

I once heard my boss how he said that some 16 year old apprentice girl should get raped by a nigger tribe due to her doing a terrible job. Kekked me hardly.

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I ain't even Christian my dude.

Grew up one so I know my shit, but was also raised a creationist so I got the fuck out in my late teen years.

But I love older books/music & its embarrassing how much we've fallen into indecency as a society in the last few decades.

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Le biz

have sex

no thanks

I dont care if there corporations care or not
Just the fact that this is seen as some important moral good we need to be constantly reaffirming means the west has been subverted

>Actually thinks that corporate support LGBT
They just saw a trend that could be economically beneficial. They don't give a shit about LGBT rights user. But lgbt supporters still takes the bait, so it works.

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Thanks to Discord and social media I've come to realize that it's not women who ruin everything but men who do, and I say this as a man myself.

It's men who prop up female streamers and shower them in money.
Men give voice to retarded women's opinions because they're female.
It's men who turn into disgusting trannies and push gay agendas everywhere.
It's men who all have these weird as fuck fetishes like furry, feet, scat, putting things up their butts etc.
Men fag up and destroy every place online with their huge faggotry.
They destroy guilds with drama because of a single female.
They're thirsty, smelly, disgusting creatures who can't control themselves.
Men make up most of NEETs and hikkis.

That being said, you'll eventually come to realize that the internet is filled with retards and this whole time you were arguing with retards because the internet is so ubiquitous and 90% of humanity is actually retarded, everyone now gets to have a podium to share their retarded opinion on any subject and gets praised and paid for it.

Welcome to clown world.

Imagine being a consoleshitter subhuman.

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have gay sex

Not at all, it's back to normal logos once June ends

so what if the corporations dont actaully care
The fact that this can be used to their economical benefit means out society has fallen
Shit like this is proof we are in the gutter

Gamers... we're done.
Why did we let this happen?

nah, its just a marketing trend. give a few more years and were going to move on to the next oppressed thing to use as a political platform in videogames.

the month is almost over.

>we lost
the fuck are you talking about? This board and really Yea Forums as a whole has been gay as hell since day fucking one.

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don't worry, they'll be back to not giving a fuck on july first

Nah, just the white anons.
The rest of us aren't faggots.

>Men to run the world
>Humanity advanced through adversity to create incredible thing

>Men allow women to be independent and share leadership in the world they've built
>we've got child drag queens and politics is nothing but moral pandering

Not a fan of Islam, but there's one thing they got right.

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lol give it a couple more years when the degeneracy train arrives at pedotown and there's a pedo month, then they'll have lolis in their social media avatars as well.

It has fuck all to do with much else other than chasing trends.

50% of this site is gay newfag

funny how none of them were vocal about this when gay marriage was illegal

Replace "men" with "white men" and you're 100% correct.

gays of Yea Forums, please tell me, is it true that ass to mouth taste like shit? if so, why do people do it? or is it just a porn thing

They only do that for money

>oh no hot lesbians in my vidya
Fuck off to /pol/ faggot.

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Post your tits, thot

anything that isn't heterosexual is degenerate and a huge sin to commit, lord Jesus Christ will punish you

>quotes "we"
>proceeds to call half the site something based on his head cannon


That might be true but only 1% are faggots such as yourself

if you've been on this site for more than a year you'd know that this is true, but here's your (You)

>being a polack subhuman

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That's wrong though. The last century has brought more advancement then the entirety of human history before that combined.

i'm not though, i'm merely pointing it out


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>saying that when:
>the greeks and romans were huge fans of homosexuality and outright considered it superior to heterosexuality
>the mongols and huns never built anything despite having gigantic empires and were only capable of destruction
>medieval europe gave rise to the corrupt, rotten, pedo-ridden catholic church we still need to deal with today
>islam halted all progress in the middle east, plunging them into a state of eternal savagery
you're full of shit

Christians rape children

Church not only hid actual child rapists among its ranks, it actively tried to prevent secular investigation into the rapes.
Christians are pedophilic rapists.

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Big difference between expressions of love & the modern LGBT degeneracy that PRIDE represents.

One is pure, the other is trying to cover the whole world in their own skat to make them feel better about their own inadequacies.

>technological development

If you think all the fancy toys we've made are healthy for us as a species, you're not thinking too hard about the subject.

All our inventions will crumble into dust as humanity embraces the lowest common denominator as the ideal, rather than worshiping the heroic spirit of man.

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kill yourself t/u/mblr

>One is pure, the other is trying to cover the whole world in their own skat
Oh come on, yurifags aren't THAT fucking bad

I think

this is the final redpill no one ever talks about

You need to 100% cope.
Not even meming here

>If you think all the fancy toys we've made are healthy for us as a species, you're not thinking too hard about the subject.
No, you're just being an edgy faggot dumb ass. The "fancy toys" have allowed our species to multiple to its present population and offer us the opportunity to escape off planet, which is critical for our long term viability and possibly for life itself. That bad and dangerous shit has been developed along the way is kind of inevitable. Also not something you can blame women for, the bad goes with the good.

>All our inventions will crumble into dust
Not a chance, short of grey good or global nuclear war or asteroid impact that we can't deal with (and it's our fancy toys that give us a chance to deal with it) or similar.

>as humanity embraces the lowest common denominator as the ideal
I'd say your total ignorance of all of human history is kind of cute, except that it's really not.

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>>the greeks and romans were huge fans of homosexuality and outright considered it superior to heterosexuality
The greeks and romans were also giant pederasts and multiple Greek/Roman emperors and politicians took young boys as their "wives" (with one of the most notable being Nero, who had a little boy castrated and took him as a wife because he reminded him of his mother).

Japanese faggotry is infinitely preferable to the LGBTQ+ mentality pervasive in western societies.

Because at least gay nips have some honor.

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>thinking the west gives a fuck about lesbians

>edgy faggot dumb ass
>your total ignorance of all of human history

Project much?

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Yuri is happiness, there is no reason for any yurifriend to ever kill themselves in a world with yuri =^_^=

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So you being here for 3 makes you right? Keep trying

Sorry user, but women (mainly white women) have been a net loss for humanity.
Just look at the state of white countries, we went from most progress being technological that led us somewhere as a species to most progress being meaningless social shit.
We literally haven't progressed as a species in any meaningful way since the mid-90s, the biggest innovation in the past 30 years has been making computers smaller, that's literally it.
And in terms of NEW technology there has been little to none created, only the refinement of technology that's existed since before you were born.


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