Why do PC*cks have the audacity to act superior?
Why do PC*cks have the audacity to act superior?
the PC is superior precisely because it isn't sullied with those shitty pleb-tier games.
>reddit username watermark
ok but raft wars is a masterpiece
>can run BotW at 60fps
Youre just jealous because your hentai swfs dont play on your shitbox lmao
>console exclusive
Having HZD is a drawback
> Shitty games on both sides
What did OP mean by this? You could have picked some good PC exclusives and good console exclusives and had a legit competition, but instead you picked dumpster trash tier games from both sides. Honestly, I'd be inclined to say PC wins this one because Fireboy and Watergirl is the only game in the pic that's even worth playing.
Raft wars is legit
PC has really good exclusives, but the problem is that you can run most of them on a potato.
PC cope, hilarious.
Oi fella, dont talk shit about raft wars.
Oh look the poorfags are arguing over the platforms instead of owning all of them again
Age of wonders
Truck simulator
Slay the spire
And 99999 other games consoles dont have because they never do backwards compatibility.
PC has Factorio and Rimworld and emulating games which include more hours than console exclusives.
>within the next few years your entire console library will be emulatable on PC
you dont have "exclusives"
Delusional console fanboy thinks the games on the left are somehow different or better than all the Ubi-oid games we have on PC.
>not being an idort
what are you, poor?
Hilarious how nintardos always cry about how graphics aren't everything but shit on based fireboy+watergirl and run
>gotta make the thread one nore time i-it will work this time
have fun installing 20 viruses and turning your PC into a mining rig for russians
You can play all that on a toaster and almost everyone has a PC of some kind
>hes so stupid he doesnt know how to emulate
my 8 year old brother can emulate games safely how fucking inept are you?
>slay the spire
>truck fucking simulator
Lol..... Your kidding right
so your 8 year old brother mines btc for the russians too, how cucked.
Everyone point and laugh at the idiot that somehow got a virus while emulating games. I bet you downloaded a ROM and it was a .exe file and you ran it anyway
PC has the best multiplayer games by far, and all the strategy, 4X games, most indie games too
Did you guys know they made Run 3??? It was shit
just because your windows defender scan says you are clean doesnt mean a thing sorry PC*ck.
I only use my computer for business productivity as was its purpose. It's section off in a private VLAN from my consoles and IoT devices as it should be.
Whenever I say I prefer console, a bunch of PC players always accuse me of trolling or sour grapes. I own a PC too, I just like console more.
no, no one cares
Everyone owns a PC which is why it's hilarious PC fags act so superior when console players have a PC + console for more options
wats a windoys defenderscan?
Easy, on PC I'm not beholden to whatever the platform holders say I should be, say, or do.
Anyone who's an adult shouldn't want any corporate entity meddling with anything that they do in their free time, I couldn't imagine how pissed I (and many others would be) if someone like Microsoft tried to stop me from writing smut in Microsoft Word because it's controversial, or if Spalding tried to stop me from talking shit during a pickup game because it's "toxic."
I let the consolefucks deal with that.
BOTW is on PC
What console has HorizonZD, RDD2 and Zelda?
the only advantage to consoles are the exclusives, I have a PS4 and switch but I wouldn't use them if I had all their games on PC
PC isn't about exclusives. It's about playing everyone else's exclusives at a better quality
PC once Orbital runs games
Soccermoms browse Yea Forums?
Third party Multiplayer games are more populated on console and a lot of games have shitty PC ports and run better on console as well
I'll honestly and genuinely take games with original gameplay and actually rewarding skill over open world game #23542
Not to say that those console games are bad but there's a lot more variety on PC in my experience.
>create a thread
>get responded to
fascinating, how old are you again?
Because you actually get 60+ FPS. I mean nowadays 1080p is considered low end but it's a godsend because you can easily get 100+ FPS with a decent to good graphics card. It's true PC doesn't have many AAA exclusives. There's Total War I guess. But every multiplat is best played on PC.
Youre a wolf in sheeps clothing (aka retarded fanboy). Say you like playing video games and own a bunch of platforms. No one cares what your prefference is
Because we are
>Third party Multiplayer games are more populated on console
Unfortunately the only ones that are more populated are shitty AAA games like CoD.
When it comes to the good ones (any fightan, Killing Floor 2, Dying Light, Battlefield pre-1, Shadow Warrior 2, Vermintide 2, etc. etc.) they're largely dead on consoles, or are most populous on PC.
Hell, even games like DaS 3, Fatal Bullet, and Conan Exiles have just as large a playerbase on PC as they do on consoles.
Honestly, now that I think about it, what modern MP games to consolefags even play outside of CoD, Battlefield, Fifa/Madden, and Fortnite?
PC doesn't have exclusives, only games.
>Everyone owns a PC
yes, everyone owns a 4th gen i3 to suffice his internet browsing needs, but not a pc specifically built for gaming purposes
Feels like most of them aren’t meant to be played in 60fps anyway
>when it comes to good ones
>lists trash
Most worthwhile PC games dont need a good rig anyway
Those games are infinitely better than trash like Fifa, Madden, NBA 2kAds, CoD, and EAshit like Anthem.
Console is just comfier, I can’t explain it, but it is
>FPS are the best genre for multiplayer
>literally unplayable on consoles
red dead isn't a console exclusive, and botw can be played on pc, so you're stuck with horizon, which, take it, it's trash.
B-but I can totally play games like Mordhau, Risk of Rain 2, Total War Three Kingdoms, Genshin Impact, and Mechwarrior 5 on my shitty i5 Mac from 2012.
Nevermind all the upcoming games like Bannerlord, Age of Empires 4, Serious Sam 4, and System Shock 3.
Most relevant current gen third party multiplayer games are more populated on console not just those.
maybe if you still live in a cave and happy with 720p 30fps
>Mechwarrior 5
I hope you aren't going to buy this pig turd.
Name 50.
The games I named and other shitty AAA games are pretty much the only ones that are more populated.
Most competitive fps leagues use a controller. Kbm is for babies.
any arguments that aren't a strawman? thought not.
Kek, rdr2 is definitely coming to pc, so you'd use orbital for horizon, it's a shit game anyway but meh
>name 50
Nice goal post moving fag
playable on pc at 60 fps 4k textures and mods
Comes out in 2020 or 2021
>horizon zero dawn
Ubisoft tier open world? No thanks
>having both
>raft wars
Holy shit man that game was the fucking shit
Kek, competitive FPS on consoles are dead m8, even MLG shit is utterly dead.
The biggest pro league stuff is all on PC, whether it's CSGO, R6S, or Apex/Fortnite.
>most competitive fps leagues use a controller
>Say most "relevant" games are more populous
>Can't even name 50 out of the thousands of games released since 2013
Thought so.
So in other words, nothing but a handful of shitty AAA games.
>12.9 means more than 2070, the Vega VII has 13.8 (7% more than 12.8) and it's on par with the 2080. We however don't know how much better Navi is, but I would assume that on Raw power the PS5 (assuming that is going to have 12.8) should be equivalent to the 2080 or somewhere between 2080 and 2080ti
>Funny, I guarantee that the first 2 years of PS5 games will look better than anything on PC
>All games should be atleast 4k, 60fps. 1080p is not acceptable in 2020
>if consoles are going to start competing with the likes of pc gaming, we should advocate to push past 60fps, right? especially when being competitive in a game 60fps doesn’t cut it in terms of the capabilities you could have.
>So first off, i have a high end pc, 2080, 8700k, 16gb RAM, and i also have a ps4(first one) and honestly graphically there is a difference, but to be honest its negligible
>the only reason i would purchase the ps5 would be for the next gen psvr. i expect at least 140 degree fov, 4k by 4k per eye, 120hz, with foveated rendering (eye tracking). if they can do this, i'd definitely pick one up.
Lmao I'm not gonna list 50 games for u stay mad
Truck Simulator was FOTM a couple of years back, you must really be new.
>i handicapped myself, therefore you guys are babies!
Here's your (You).
Why do I need to buy a console for some 3 or 5 games? I don't understand. I guess it's bad for the platform like PS4 to have only 3rd person action games or what type of games sony is creating now.
Sounds like someone's upset that console multiplayer is dead outside of AAAshit.
Thankfully, I'm an idort, so I know when consoleniggers are lying through their teeth about how well MP games do on consoles.
The only console that has a decent population outside of the typical AAAshit is the Switch, and that's mainly just Nintendo's own first party games.
Only Nintendo has worthwhile exclusives
Getting (You)s from PCkeks is so easy when their best exclusive is spreadsheets and excel.
Absolutely seething if that is what you have to tell yourself go for it
PCfags are bottom of the barrel mongoloids but at least we can have them entertain us on a whim
Nobody cares about PC exclusives.
I can play any multiplat game on a better resolution and a high framerate whereas you’re stuck with a flipbook.
No one is vouching for PC exclusives.
The point of a PC is to play games at a higher quality and to have access to every game ever made on PC without fear of it not being backwards compatible.
Also mouse and keyboard input shits on two analog sticks.
This coming from a console gamer of 17 years before I made the switch.