From Witcher 3 to this.. you can't be serious
From Witcher 3 to this.. you can't be serious
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, from medieval fantasy to degenerate dystopian future.
What, was Blade Runner Shakespearean?
>everyone will be retards in the future
I don’t understand your problem?
I'm playing The Witcher 3, and this shit is just straight up Game of Thrones. It still looks cool, but it feels like a ripoff.
only bandits behaved like this in the witcher, in cp2077 literally every character is an edgelord
>everyone will be retards in the future
Everyone is retarded RIGHT NOW.
The person i'm talking to is a complete fucking retard, your ancestors would've probably put you down like they would have a sick, deformed puppy.
It's kinda obvious moving fowards people are going to be even more retarded than you are.
Why did CDPR decide to have this twat be the face of the game when the entire point is creating your character.
>they sacrificed roleplaying classes and mechanics for this niggerspeak cringe
Because if they had female V as the lead you would've complained too.
also it's statistically proven that having a male lead on your box cover influences the initial amount of copies sold, as opposed to having a female led, this is just facts, such a huge AAA mega production can't take any risks
>is a literal retard
>asks about retards in the future
>expecting anything from videogames
Have sex
Because youre are interacting with what are essentially cyberpunk bandits.
>waaaaahh why doesn't he act like an artificial autist with no emotions like muh K waaaaahh
Kill yourself. Gosling is a shit "actor" btw. Literally can't act for shit so he picks out roles where he has to play an emotionless tard since he can't do anything else.
Don't associate these tards with Goose posters.
I wouldn't go that far regarding Gosling.
But yes, cybernoire obsessed brainlets truly are a plague upon the cyberpunk genre.
They're the cyberpunk equivalent of steampunk turdlets.
Why the fuck Yea Forums can understand that steampunk idiots are the worst and they're a bunch of reddit baboons, but can't see themselves acting the exact same way when it comes to completely missing the possibilities of a cyberpunk setting, i'll never know.
Cybernoire basic bitches are essentially reddit tier at this point.
Wither 3 is a bootleg skyrim
Seems like a throwback to the old fps protags though.
it's set in a futuristic setting, if you already couldn't tell
go outside, user.
doesn't mean it can't be kino you brainlet
Nigger, everyone is retarded today.
>gets called out this hard
Go back to /pol/ if you can't handle the banter.
>le kino
You want this game to be a movie? What?
It's a videogame, of course it has garbage writing.
No talented writer bothers with an industry that considers MGS2 and TLOU the pinnacle of storytelling.
Reminder this game will be overhyped trash like Witcher 3 was.
skyrim is an indie game compared to witcher 3
The W3 writer left. It is full of americans now.
What the fuck is this tard even complaining about? It's hard to tell with you people sometimes.
The whole reason people liked his acting in that movie is because he showed emotion while having a straight face.
this is set in america. the real question is on them.
Yes a mother fucker in fairytale inbred England is not gonna talk like someone in a Cyberpunk world. Congratufuckinglations brainlet.
>Street punks will still be retards in the future
Post-apocalypse > Cyberpunk.
Where is the garbage writing? This thread is baffling, both the OP and the replies. I'm trying to decipher the main complaint here, all I'm getting is that the OP is autistic and thinks a robber being excited about a score is troubling.
i hope you are enjoying your fallout 76 :)
Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning.
>guy who has adrenaline pumping through his blood is acting hyper after a successful heist
What exactly is the problem? I don't get it.
Nah, post apocalypse is so overdone, and so few of them have beautiful worlds to explore. Part of the reason I could never get into Fallout (especially Bethesda's fallout) is because how ugly and non-aesthetic everything is. I mean just because it's an apocalypse doesn't mean the world has to look uninspired.
These fags bear no relevance whatsoever to cyberpunk threads what are you on about, you really think there's a network of clockwork-chastity caged steam homos de-railing cyberpunk threads?
I can't wait to finally be able to be in the shoes of the kind of chav you see hanging out with his thug buds all night at 7/11 to escape his 8 member family all crammed into a two bedroom apartment
They actually teach the original Blade Runner in most highschool and college English, philosohpy, literature and other elective courses. It's a staple.
smells like yank
It's a thread on Yea Forums.
This isn't a discussion, it's a game.
OP opens the game, and his role is to defend whatever he posted in the OP, using any argument he can make up.
It doesn't have to make any sort of sense, that's beside the point.
Our role is to divide in two teams: those that argue against OP, and those that support his point.
The counter argumentatives start in a losing position and have to work their way up.
You can either make long posts or just call OP a retard and move on.
The supporters can build up a case for OP, but most of the time they just suck OP's dick and act contrarians/dismissive towards everyone else.
The game is played for (you)s.
Whoever ammasses the higher amount of (you) overall, wins the thread.
how should a criminal talk then?
God, steampunk is so stupid
Post-Apocalypse is a really broad and not mutually exclusive from Cyberpunk genre
wtf are you talking about
Nah, the writing was massively improved from last year's demo
Is a polish man holding you at gun point? Otherwise, I don’t see how you could say such a thing
Fuck off Todd
Don't explain the game user
It's supposed to be a secret
first 6 seconds are me because im lonely and horny
>post apocalypse
>is surprised the world looks like shit and not full of pretty colors
I hope this is bait.
>cyberpunk portrays the future as being as ugly as possible
Try to keep up.
>people are retarded now
>expecting this to change in the future
>nukes drain all color from the surrounding area for several hundred years
daily reminder there will be badlands in cp77, there will be nomands, it will be similar to mad max, guess you will be getting your Post-apocalypse you like
The radiation destroys the color particles.
What exactly is the deal with steampunk fags?
>get nuked
>there should be a vibrant landscape during the coming nuclear winter and massive amounts of radiation killing life and there shouldn't be trash and shit strewn everywhere
You need to be forcefully castrated. You are a complete imbecile.
Shit bait.
Wow it's like they are from different source materials, have sex brainlet
>criminal who just pulled off a theft talks in a lower class manner, exaggerated because he is ecstatic
Woah, how surprising.
He's a young, ambitious street thug. Do you expect him to dissert the cons and pros of Hobbes's Leviathan?
The irony of this post
>and that’s a good thing
>be me
>be Polish
>the whole world will now see how cringe we are
I hate this timeline
Show or tell me what you think a world that just went through a nuclear holocaust should look like.
Took a specific approach to the -punk aestetic, and turned it into a "lifestyle".
So omnipresent, bloated and commarcialized that it lost any original meaning, saturated the market, turned into cringe and everyone got sick of it.
Cybernoire and it's followers have become the same way.
It's massively overused, and cybernoire fans think it's literally the only approach you can take for the genre because Blade Runner is the only surface level work they've been exposed to.
Not only that, but steampunk and cybernoire fags have one big, glaring thing in common:
They both understand the setting purely from a surface aestetic point of view.
They're willingly ignorant to any world building, internal politics, social situations, the kind of characters you meet in it and how do they live, etc.
Both these fanbases are exclusively interested in the aestetic of it, and nothing else.
They want more of what they're already familiar with (generic video game reskins, generic gimmicky merch, basic bitch cosplaying, basic electroswing/basic neo-80 respectively etc), but the coat of paint they find shiny.
They're toddlers, reaching for the car keys once again.
Absolutely false. Don’t know what high school you went to
nigga I'm not reading your dissertation on your issues with cosplay. Wrap it up. Give me the tl;dr, you fucking pompous bitch.
Uh there's been post apocalyptic worlds that didn't look like total uninspired trash like Bethesda's Fallout lol. Just look at their towns, they don't even try lmao.
You should be ashamed of yourself for bait this weak.
Alright sorry, here's the tl;dr:
>total uninspired trash lol
>they don't even try lmao
Nice refutation.
>can only repeat what has been said to him
Someone debug this NPC before it goes haywire.
Song edition
Nice projection, equating better development and design with having a rainbow palette. Bethesda shill detected.
>dabs on bethesda's trash
That is what you think a nuclear holocaust would look like? No nuclear winter from the debris, plants despite massive amounts of radiation, etc?
How are you this fucking stupid?
>the original Blade Runner
I've never had Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep on any of mine or my peers' required reading throughout high school and college. I've never even seen it in a popculture "must read" list. There isn't much of a message or much social commentary, the lesson Decker learns in the end is that "the electric things have their life too" #wow #whoah
>top comment
>Can't wait for the sequel, "Just strap some neon lights to it and call it cyberpunk"
Quod erat demonstrandum.
Yeah, that's why it's not a golden-age sci-fi but CyberPunk, a more dreary outlook on the future of society
>waiting for a triple AAA matrix game
Come on man, plant life absolutely exists in fallout. It's just all fucking grey.
How would you say these plants have survived in the ~200 years since the world ended? It's clearly not photosynthesis since they don't have chlorophyll anymore.
If you think plants don't exist, how is everyone not dead? Where does oxygen come from now? Where does the energy in the food chain come from to sustain super mutants, brahmin and deathclaws?
So what's the world building and shit for a steampunk setting?
>Idiocracy is cyberpunk
Dishonored is a pretty good example, even if some fag is about to say it's akchully oilpunk
Essentially it's more of an alt-time period than just mixing the future and the past.
It's one giant "what if X"?
Generally requires people to actually understand some history, you can't modify what you know nothing about.
Learn how people used to live, and build the basis of your changes on that.
>an argument of how real people act is being had on Yea Forums of all places
>expecting low tier criminals to speak Shakespearean, wear fedoras and drink red wine
neonoir is truly the steampunk of cyberpunk
Hes a decent actor but we all know why Yea Forums loves him so much.
>we all know why Yea Forums loves him so much.
Same reason why people on Yea Forums like Jake Gyllenhaal.
I'm kinda burnt out on the whole
>"these characters in the movies are autistic, silent loners but hide a complex, fascinating inner world, they're totally like me"
People here keep seeing themselves as, when the truth is
>"These characters are autistic, like me"
Full stop.
It's all wishful thinking and projecting from desperate nerds that will never amount to anything, so they use these movies as escapism.
Most of the time, a sperg is just a sperg.
>play a game called Cyberpunk
>operative word being punk
>the main character is a glorified street thug trying to break into high grade mercenary work
>you expect this character to be a well educated member of society with career prospects in his immediate future
When in Goslings case wasn't he also bullied a lot as a kid and apparently showed up at school with a bunch of steak knifes and starting throwing them at his bullies like a autist?
user I've seen people here argue they the punk part of cyberpunk isn't literal, they're bladefags.
has anyone else even played this?
i guess it's their only underrated game. it's actually really good.
Anybody got a webm or gif of Keanu Reeves shouting CYBERPUNK at E3?
>b-b-b radiation wipes out all color!
nuclear winter is a myth
something like 2000 nukes have been detonated on earth.
I think Yea Forums's biggest issue is that they want to be with a corp.
But even if that's what they want, so what?
You'll be able to side with a corp.
It's a pretty well estabilished cyberpunk option: if you want, you can work with corps, it's common, they always need people to hack, sabotage, eliminate and get objects/data from rival corps.
If Yea Forums WANTS corp aestetics and WANTS to work for corps...just fucking do it?
What's stopping you?
You'll have to take jobs for smaller crime lords at the start, but it's pretty obvious as you move fowards corps will start to notice you and will be more than willing to hire you.
You're invaluable for corps, you can do shit that they officially can't, and you're expendable and not officially on their paycheck so even if you get captured or die, they can come out clean from it.
You want corp, Yea Forums, you don't like street gangsta niggas?
Just go work for corps, it's right there, goddamn.
God that place creeps me out, it's so eery.
Witcher 3 is casual garbage so it’s not that different
i played it and finished it, even did all the puzzles/fights, good game, but by the end i was getting burned out cuz there is a lot of fights and puzzles, but yeah its good
Cyberpunk™ has all fucking kinds of roles to play, most of which are centered on the player character being knowledgeable, not just a gun toting retard. The setting has player roles like journalists and junior execs trying to climb the corporate ladder. Of course, none of this made it into the video game because they couldn't be fucked so you play as the mercenary street thug.
Roll ur role
It's not always literal in every sense since players can play the role of a corpo or cop but the general setting and theme is still punk-level. They're still operating among a group of people from that background and making connections in the same circles as those.
The "punk" part of the genre title is pretty much what makes it a genre. The first part, Cyber, is essentially just an aesthetic distinction. Vampire the Masquerade First Edition used the word Gothicpunk to describe itself and in that game you would play as a ragtag coterie of vampires at the bottom of the immortal totem pole.
So while it's not literal it is very much intrinsic to the entire theme.
>What's stopping you?
one apartment
You can see scenes like this all over America, though the locals are more dangerous than Chernobyl's radiation.
didnt we make a movie about this and terry crews was the president
God people, just wait for EA to start fishing around in their barrel of dead IPs. We'll get another Syndicate game eventually.
Well that and in the case of K and they're both autists with waifus. Only in both they stop being a faggot.
>If Yea Forums WANTS corp aestetics and WANTS to work for corps...just fucking do it?
>What's stopping you?
You and me both know you'll just be doing the same exact shit in the same exact places getting the same exact gear, except every once in a while you take missions from a receptionist instead of a dude in a run down apartment.
didn't stop Adam Jensen
Nomads are the rednecks from the trailer are they? I'd almost want to try a tabletop session of this shit.
Solo, Cop or Fixer pls
>You want corp, Yea Forums, you don't like street gangsta niggas?
>Just go work for corps, it's right there, goddamn.
But you are still a street gangsta. You are just a pawn for someone who ACTUALLY works for corp. A capable fetch dog.
Yes it was Idiocracy and it correctly predicted the future.
As long as social welfare keeps being a thing: yes. Unless there's a pressure to weed out the stupid and unproductive, they will always have evolutionary advantage as they do nothing but breed.
oooh sorry bro, you can only choose 3* of those
*subject to reduce before release
How would a media or corporate work as anything other then a background? And from what I understand all those roles do is give you a bump in specific stats in the tabletop and aren't restricting you to a specific role.
All the roles from the pen & paper made it into the game but not all are playable. Most will be populating the world as non-player characters. If you want to be limited only by your imagination go and play the pen & paper. Videogames are always limited when they translate a pen & paper system to the screen as a videogame.
Isn't one of the background options for Yea Forums to be a corpfag?
stealth/charisma playthrough
>You are just a pawn for someone who ACTUALLY works for corp.
Whereas the next step up is being the pawn who actually works for the corp. Corps are like the feudal aristocracy in this setting and you have to think of them that way. They don't want to recruit some kid from the shitty side of town into their security division. They have Arasaka Security for that shit, vetted and insured.
Corporations are very much the boot on the common man's throat in Night City. The State can barely run itself and rule of law is a thinly veiled joke. Total anarchy is avoided mostly because of the fact that anyone who starts too much shit gets a squad of rehabilitated nutcases chromed up to their eyeballs sporting powered armor shoved straight up their ass.
And what maked you think that you won't be put down?
>Literally can't act for shit so he picks out roles where he has to play an emotionless tard since he can't do anything else.
What is La La Land ?
>go and play the pen & paper
With the amount of time and effort it takes to find a non-fickle group with non-conflicting schedules for even the most popular p&p systems, I'd rather just play video games. Everyone's so flakey these days.
That is not correct. You can't choose any of those since the game is using the create your class system from the pen & paper. None of those classes are playable but all are represented in the game.
Not talking about any fucking genocide here. Just incentives and social dynamics. If you reward leeches, leeches will multiply. If you reward productive people, they will multiply.
Shut the fuck up nigger I just want a cyberpunk skyrim so I can play as anything.
Well, I mean it kinda is
You gotta start somewhere user. If you want to be a Corp better getting kissing those cyberasses until you can cuck them out of their job and take their spot.
Do you see yourself as productive?
Poster is cool and so is car, the game will hopefully be good
I mean, that chick from the demo isn't that high up the corp food chain iirc and when V is looking at the file on her it mentions that the cops have orders to not arrest her for fucking anything.
Can you live on your own or do you need handouts? Can you make money on the private sector that covers your living expenses? That's pretty much it.
When i lived together with a polish guy in his forties the best part about him was his friendliness and cringness. God bless that dude
But you can't play as ''anything'' in Skyrim(without mods that is). You always play as the Dovahkiin.
A game where you're actual corp would essentially be either you in a room looking at spreadsheets all day, or you being a corp guard.
Punching in every day, guarding a door in an office somewhere.
You're chromed to the bone with corp tech and have a big ass gun but never get to use any of it because no one even bothers showing up.
And nothing happens the entire game.
>that chick from the demo isn't that high up the corp food chain iirc
Middle management if I had to guess, since she's responsible for shipments and trying to expose a mole inside the corporation.
God.. I want to suck his dick so bad.
Why and how does he make me have this thoughts? How could this criminal do it?!
No reason to believe they won't. Government rewards people who are methed out pieces of shit popping out kids like no tomorrow without a care in the world
Well unless you want another shitty crpg or this game to be in development for a decade I'd say you won't have much choice but to accept you can't do everything you can do in a tabletop compared to vidya. Fuck now I'm picturing some sort of cyberpunk bannerlord
>can't customize the car in any way
based cdpr
Falling for generic guapo aestetics?
What are you, a 40 years old soccer mom?
Stopp being such a basic bitch, jesus.
Couldn't they play it with you as a member of some unit in the corps security force that does off the record jobs to sabotage rivals and shit?
Can we at least change colors?
Seethe more. The game will crush everything and for a reason you negative tranny faggot. Its funny how bitter you all are. I will so enjoy this game
and a skyrim dragon appears
And thus the conclusion that Yea Forums just fails to understad:
If you're a corp and you need dirty work off the book who are you gonna send?
People that officially work for you, have corp tech on them and it can all be traced back to you?
Or some freelancer street samurai that has a reputation for working for many different parties and no official ties to you?
I mean, duh.
If there's no mission involving helping out Trauma Team and getting to fight along side them then fuck this game. I don't care if it's some shit where they want you for the day to cover for someone or what, I just want to work with them at least once or have a mission where they show up on your side.
I swear I saw someone say you can customize it's paintjob and shit, just not stuff like the engine and suspension etc. to upgrade it.
A corporate is the one who sends the security force off to do off the record jobs
This is why we need mods for fuck's sake
Fair enough, I just like the idea of it. Getting a job in actual Corp sounds like making it since while it might be boring as fuck you're getting paid and the chances of anyone trying to fuck with Corp on their own turf is slim I'd imagine.
He's lying, you will be able to do so aswell as there will be multiple cars to obtain.
Don't worry you'll get the ability to install texture replacing mods three months after the game releases when you don't care anymore
whats with the lines on his face?
I know about the garage. But with all the "customization" marketing talk I'd expect them to at least let me personalize the appearance of my car. Even Saints Row 3 had it.
Tuned cars are important to cyberpunk.
Found this from January this year.
That was before the tranny janny eruption from mentally ill twitter agitators
How is that connected or relevant to this feature at all?
Here's the relevant info for the discussion if you don't want to give clicks.
>He mentioned that players will be able to “take control” of cars that they but he did not mention what kinds of vehicles we will find in the game. We did see a rather good looking car in the trailer so we expect to see something similar. He also mentioned that there will be car customization options in Cyberpunk 2077. While we do not know what kind of car customization options we will get this is still very interesting indeed and if I was to venture a guess I would say that we could get GTA V level of customization.
It says nothing about customization. Just that there will be some.
Yes, it was Idiocracy and it was an hour 30 masturbation session for people who are think they're highly sophisticated yet want to hear the lowest brow comedy imaginable. The movie is accidentally about making fun of its audience.
Are you still butthurt about it because they made fun of republicans?
Why are you so fragile?
Jewish subversion in a Hollywood movie? No
absolutely true, I had to read it in my highshcool
That's usually what the DM would be there to figure out, how do you get all these different assholes to work towards a common goal.
>He also mentioned that there will be car customization options in Cyberpunk 2077. While we do not know what kind of car customization options we will get this is still very interesting indeed and if I was to venture a guess I would say that we could get GTA V level of customization.
Well here's hoping it actually has serviceable car customization. I won't hold my breath since I remember them promising multiple apartments and then cucking us about that too.
>From Witcher 3 to this.. you can't be serious
sounds good to me, considering the witcher is a trash series for trash people
Wrong. Apartments will be unlockable, and it makes sense in a Corpo sense that you aren't just buying an apartment in one of the most prosperous area in the city with business fags. You're a faggot who has no means of getting the money to give a fancy loft, so you're better off sucking up to the Corpo suits who will eventually give you the corpo backing and a fancy place if you show your loyalty. We're talking about a setting here where Corpo mercs don't work for money because they are tricked into servitude like working off to pay for highy expensive intelligence augs/cybernetics.
>It says nothing about car customization, just that there will be car customization
the lack of info about customization, specially post character creation worries me.
>Wrong. Apartments will be unlockable
Source? Where is that picture from? I remember the recent tweet from a dev saying there's one apartment.
cant believe he said it in front of all those people
absolute madman
So "there will be customization" means "it will have GTA levels of customization"?
>STILL posting this years old interview pre-downgrades
Wiring. If you look at the demo from last year you can see briefly one of the options in the character customization is surface wiring.
These cars look shit.
They're not unlockable, I think you get a few new hovels as the story progresses. Probably hideouts since you're wanted dead.
>Years old.
>June 17, 2019
That they have time to implement tranny appearing features but not basic shit that's been in games of this nature for 25 years
idk why tho he looks oddly appealing.
>You can own some of the vehicles in the game
Really eye opening
You lose. Good day sir.
name my band Yea Forums
>...full of young guys with no social lives, no sex lives and no hope of ever moving out of their mothers' basements ... They're total wankers and losers who indulge in Messianic fantasies about someday getting even with the world through almost-magical computer skills, but whose actual use of the Net amounts to dialing up the scatophilia forum and downloading a few disgusting pictures. You know, cyberpunks.
I too am looking forward to playing as Guy with Gun in Open World Sandbox 2077 featuring Aaron Paul from Breaking Bad and Keanu Reeves from Speed
You cant just compare a nuclear meltdown with nuclear bomb that actually does structural damage
If everyone is retarded in the future, then retarded will be normal and no longer considered retarded.
What I don't understand is it pointed out leftist policies of unlimited free shit for the urchins of society is the root cause and yet liberals love this movie and think it's an attack on conservatives.
The future is usually imagined to be something different from the present.
But the nerds were right. Im a wizard now
>yet liberals love this movie and think it's an attack on conservatives.
Because the idiots in idiocracy were largely modeled after poorly educated populists that love guns and breed out of control. I don't think they understand the allegory cuts both ways. They just interpret it as "lel fuck republicans am I right?"
Why does it matter what people "see themselves as" if they're just making observations? I don't see myself as a fucking bird but I can see that they get up early and migrate south in the winter. Christ.
When were guns mentioned in the movie?
But medieval people weren't smart for talking the way they did. It was essentially their slang. The same way people in Cyberpunk use slang. Functionally, there's no difference
Keanu confirmed sub bottom
Fake slang in future setting movies/games is always the cringiest shit
President Comacho uses a machinegun to get the crowd to shut up during his speech and nobody seems to care outside of the fact it was really loud.
>Actors aren't exploited sexually by Hollywood overlords in exchange for success
Most likely it's all down to Terry firing into the air in Congress and everyone acts like it's a normal greeting, a main stay staple of liberals' belief of how anyone who owns a gun does/would act.
Yeah but when did it link stupidity to owning guns, I don't remember that at all from the intro
No, you have sex!
>People wanting to customize a homage to the Deliverator's car
Hahahaha fuck that. I'm telling Uncle Enzo
Not a shway opinion, twip.
>You will never have fun with prime 18 pussy for giving them a chance in Hollywood
Damn why Im not jewish
i like technology
>I don't remember that at all from the intro
It wasn't in the intro it was during the State of the Union speech.
Please be corpo.
Yes but stupid people also liked convenience and prostitution. So ancaps and urbanites btfo? Is the original poster still here? Have they ever shot a gun before?
The fact that we're yet to see character customization screen be used to create face/body worries me even more.
Thanks senpai
>Each apartment you own also has a huge garage, allowing you to build up your collection of futuristic whips, earmarking your favourite as your ‘main’ vehicle. CD Projekt is still currently deciding how many cars and bikes the game will have, since they all need to feel different and they all need to feel good – some won’t make the cut.
>“We’re still discussing, you know, if you can own all the cars, or some of the cars, because there are a few gameplay things, because the driving model for the cars, it just has to be crisp,” Sasko said. “It’s going to be plenty. And thing is that you can swap those cars, so you can decide ‘okay that’s my main car, that’s my motorcycle that I’m driving with’.”
Sounds great. But I'll still believe it when I see it.
>usual theme is corporations run the government because the greater part of the population have traded away their freedoms and identity to to feed their consumerist urges
I dunno, checks out to me user
Hopefully they let us hit the major league and score a penthouse or something.
I don't know about Cyber but it's definitely Punk.
rolling, gimmie something good
It's actually a documentary.
>Each apartment
wait, but im certain pawel said you can only have one apartment? WHAT THE FUCK
Honestly I'm surprised the bunch of 80 iq kids that make every thread on this shithole didnt took a frame with someone with his mouth open and started calling it onions nu-male etc etc.
everyone is already retarded today anyway, user
unless you castrate all the retards, nothing will change
And i get one the most fucking dangerous jobs in all of cyberpunk
>And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.
Friendly reminder the "closed door" gameplay revealed that motorcycles were extremely clunky to drive
He's probably shit at English and mispoke. He already confirmed that V will have only one apartment.
Also the community manager said only one apartment and no customization youtube.com
>extremely clunky to drive
Didn't he stay "stiff" and "arcadey"? Which are two contradicting descriptors.
I wish we knew what that role pie chart Pondsmith made looks like.
Stiff an arcadey is clunky in my book. It highlights how the open world isn't much more than a theme park
come on, come on...
What happened to the jersery-sounding V? I unironically like his voice and look better than the new so(y) V.
We'll have car combat and racing so I'm expecting the vehicles to handle nicely.
from the first trailer? but its the same guy
Lets hope its better than ps1 racing
They made him thinner and more weaselly looking. At first I thought they were going for the commander Sheppard look but now I'm not so sure
Because its made by trannies.
>Generic cyberpunk game where you play as Jesse Pinkman
I can't figure out if this person's the art director or the project director, it's listed as both
role? what role?
cat owners are mentally ill
b-based poles... t-truely breathtaking...
>they switched fuck for plough so it's ok
Honestly you guys are just genuine fucking retards. Not even some light aspergers, but full on helmet headed down syndrome. You dumbasses act so fucking shocked that cyberpunk is gonna have liberalism and moral degeneracy when that's literally what society is in a cyberpunk universe. When people can get body modifications that can actually do useful shit as easily as you can get a tattoo right now they're going to, and they lose touch with their humanity, that's what the genres about
You know Yea Forumsfags are pretending to be asshurt about that movie, right?
Nobody said anything about liberalism
Looks like a cyberpunk version of Vincent "Cunny portfolio" Ambrosio
it is true though
Gonna need source senpai.
iirc, this lady is bald because of chemotherapy. She had cancer.
They are catering to Zoomers. And it sells. Wish it was half as good as the Witcher 3 desu.
nice ass
The game isn't even out yet you dumb faggot
If you live in commiefornia at this very moment, you basically get to experience the dystopian cyber punk early. And yes, everyone here is fucking retarded.
Even god's trying to get rid of them, we just haven't gotten the message.
He looks different now and sounds gay.
please be keanu cyberghost
California is still pretty right wing outside of the sanctuary cities. But yes, most cities are absolute shitholes
It doesn't force us to play as a cringy looking deviantart-tier Gary Stu wish fulfillment written by an old fat commie cuck so it's automatically better than the Bitcher.
looks different yes, but sounds the same
Its slowly spreading to some rural areas unfortunately. I live about an hour away from Sacramento and we're infested with beans. I don't mind the poos though at least they come in legally and work..
>posts a nomad
I love cyber noir, but I accept that every cyber title isn't noir so my standards shouldn't be the same for every piece
A nomad who was a cop
which is why they're so dead set on getting rid of the electoral college, so all of the college cities can run shit unopposed thanks to sheer population.
>also it's statistically proven that having a male lead on your box cover influences the initial amount of copies sold, as opposed to having a female led, this is just facts, such a huge AAA mega production can't take any risks
this is true. IF there is only a female on the box, i would not only not buy the game, but also not torrent it and not even watch videos/streams of it - basically i would try to forget that the game exists.
Suki Suki, a VN.
Not particularly good or bad.
>Cybernoir = Blade Runner
BR is only vaguely cybernoir you goddamn mongoloid
Try Observer
Friendly reminder, 90% of all "new arrivals" in Texas were illegals last year
>tfw seattle and washington are becoming the same
So is Yuuki best girl? Because i think that's going to be who i go for.
So Alien is cyberpunk?
Why does he need to "act" at all? Why does he have a preset personality? Why can't I choose what he's going to say? Why can't I choose the tone of his voice? Why is he even talking without my input? Why does he already has an alias? Why even bother with the voice? Why do all of this and waste money only to have me care less about -my- own character?
It's pretty funny that your media is trying to spin your governor sending armed people to representatives houses to try and get them to vote
b-but it won goty and has the highest ranking consumer reviews
This game will be the biggest disappointment of the decade and TESVI will be that of the next.
Yeah, she's the only girl I liked. I liked Eri too, but she doesn't have a fucking route.
I hate fandisk bait
How is V any better than Geralt?
In every way
Alien is pretty Cyberpunk, yes
Because he is handsome
gonna be hard to beat fallout 76; friend said it best it'll just be Deus Ex Invisible war, Ok but not what everyone wanted it to be.
V can be a girl with cute pits and feet.
Nearly every game with a custom character always uses the default as the post character you mong
No one considers MGS2 the pinnacle of storytelling, right? That would ruin my entire month.
Her feet are too bony and long.
unintentionally it have one element that can be found in many cyberpunk media: retrofuture 80's aesthetics
Just Mass Effect desu. Most games with detailed customizable character use an ambiguous figure. Usually with helmet.
>most awarded and beloved game of all time
Y i k e s
CP77 is written by W2 writers you ignorant nigger
Everyone here is retarded
>>everyone will be retards in the future
If Cyberpunk is unironically now, it's not far off the mark now is it?
The character reminds me of Bobby or 'count zero' from Gibson's neuromancer trilogy. Don't really see a problem to be honest.
Idiocarcy wasn't supposed to be a documentary!
The H any good?
Fags, shitposting.
Can't wait for cut content dlc
I blame it on all the fucking Commiefornians migrating here. Watch out Texas, they'll fuck up your state too.
Yuuki's scenes are nice. She's a lewd girl.
Generally you reward those who are net positives to a system, so if you working and paying into a system you are entitled to that system's benefits. People who drain it, and don't pay into it, are a detriment to that system's longevity are going to destroy it.
it will be free, so dont worry
I can see more apartments being part of a bigger dlc like B&W
What cars look good to you?
rollin les see what we get
well desu i dont care much about apartments even in B&W i upgraded everything to the max, but i wasnt walking around the vineyard much, i was mostly running around Toussaint
Yeah, TW3 wasn't really an immersive sim to begin with.
Imma do it lads.
Wasn't much of an RPG either
Do it faggot. I'm expecting sheep to fund a better sequel.
how about you fund your franchises that are dead and forgotten
That too.
f-fuck you FROM is definitely working on a new Armored Core
How much do you want to bet there's faction loyalty missions and the last battle has you vs "the bad guys" and all your weird wacky friends you met along the way?
doubt it, but we will see
>*whistles for magic car*
>autodrives on road to quest marker
>*cybernetic implant toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Battle Synth™, gotta be"
>"Come on, K.I.T.T."
>*follows nose*
>guys in Battle Synth™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a headshot and blows guy in half"
>"Mhmm....Fiends™ pretending to be Battle Synths™......better tell the local corporation rep about this"
>"Come on, K.I.T.T."
>*autodrives on road back to metropolis*
>"Just some bastards posing as Battle Synths™, here's proof *shows implant chip*"
>10 credits received
>*whistles for magic car*
You memed this into reality you pieces if shit lmao
It wasn't "just"
Everything since they already said it's not a faction based game like New Vegas.
Bladerunner couldve be gosling taking a shit on cam for 5 minutes and it'd still be bettr than c77
Cyberpunk 2077 isn't cyberpunk my dude, and what they've shown so far of cyberpunk 2077 is the ultimate basic bitch game for people that think cyberpunk = mohawks and cringey leather jackets
So it's literally just you wandering around doing inconsequential quests
Did you post about wanting GTA levels of customization or just any level of customization?
its almost like the cast of cyberpunk
are punks
I-...okay user.
The article you linked is garbage and jumps to conclusions with no evidence
>survival no longer requires effort or use of your brain to grow food
>people get dumbed
>scientifically studied phenomenon with evidence suggesting it is already happening
>combined with modern medicine saving every deformed, retarded genetic mistake far past their natural due date
Not everyone, but yeah, there are more retards now because retards used to just die or even be killed mercifully. It quite literally was a matter of survival of the healthy body of people. Industry changed all of that.
gathering epic purple lootz +20 coolness shooty shoot :^)
you didn't answer my question
Did you want tons of car customization or are you moving the goal posts?
Should be beeps for magic car since apparently you hear a beeping noise to confirm it's coming.
I hate you so much right now.
not everyone plays for quantities of yous, sometimes its the quality of yous, or the perceived victory over the person youing you back.
however the introduction of the catalog, and browsing by post count definitely has turned it into an impromptu upvote system with yous and post makers
Why would I answer your question when you've already displayed your dishonesty
>every character is an edgelord
right so saying 'wooo in and out bitches'
is so fucking edgy.
la creatura...
to show you're the better man
Are you?
I can't wait to grind the same encounter by reloading areas over and over to get +5 accuracy with SMGs
hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut
The better man at what? Lying on the internet? You can keep that title
Nuclear winter is a myth
He's so cute brehs...
This board will be insufferable for every day until the release.
No it isn't you tard. We had a "nuclear winter" after mount st helens erupted.
People still sperg out about witcher user, this is going to last long after release.
Nuclear meltdowns let out so much more radiation than nuclear bombs its not even funny, fucking kill yourself smoothbrain.
Oh wow, we are really starving since then wow. Everything is grayscale wtf?!?! XD
What's the point of even having a character creator if the player character is fully voiced?
is this Jesse from Breaking Bad?
You're a fucking retard. Honestly. They crashed two meteors into the US too.
>According to the study, soot from hydrocarbon-rich areas caused global cooling of 8-11°C
That's snowball earth territory
idk ask Deus Ex and Mass Effect
Where are the nukes?
Criminals and mercs aren't soft spoken stoics, the more realistic interpretation is portraying them as obnoxious meatheads.
I find it hard to believe you aren't drooling into your keyboard right now.
Roll Cyberpunk stealth archer
99% of these won't even be possibly in any capacity.
You can't get doubles on Yea Forums you fucking retard.
Here’s your (You)
> Oh no Nuclear Winter is a theory that absolutely will happen because idk, some meme guy said so XD
> Oh no muh nuclear holocaust which totally isn't a psy-op XD
> Oh no all nukes will be detonated in one spot XD
is it possible to play a moralfag pure human in 2077?
Just give me cyberlegs and I'll be okay
the fact that this thread has this many replies just shows how fucking retarded this board is
I fucking hate journalists REEEEE
The nuclear extinction myth is probably one of the more beneficial psyops that exist.
>*maxes out bulge and boob sliders*
People with actual talent don't make video games, they make movies. Witcher 3 was overrated trash btw
Solos, bodyguards, cops etc. are quite literally PTSD-ridden ex-military guys who are now into freelance merc job. Yes it's perfectly fine for them to be stoic and disciplined. Not soft spoken but definitely not cringy like how V acts without your control.
you need to get 2 or 3 augmentations in the beginning cuz of story, but after that u can play with 0 augmentations, so no
>witcher 3
Just your demographic. The largest part of the population is always the least intelligent, which is why you're so easy to control.
Nomad and Netrunner, lets go
But mexicans and niggers are minorities and they're stone throwing apes.
Well I mean, you're being pretty retarded right now
Post-apocalypse theme is just an excuse for lack of content and color
absolutely do it
post-post apocalypse>apocalypse>post apocalypse
Gotta protect that smile
i need to know
Hiroshima was airburst
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded
pre apocalypse>apocalypse now>post-post apocalypse>apocalypse>post apocalypse>pre-pre apocalypse
techie cop pls
wake the fuck up samurai
i need to tell you something
youre breath taking
did it day one lad
do it
>Idiocarcy wasn't supposed to be a documentary!
>2016 the Amerifats elect a stable genius
The script was written by Nostradamus.
I preferred R.O.A.C.H.
How many Easter eggs are they going to cram in there?
>inb4 Ciri
>OP caused so much seething people are literally bragging about their preorders
a ton, i dont really care about ciri, id rather they put in O'Dimm
>The Witcher 3 was a horizontal game and it took a lot of time to travel from one place to another but that will not be the case with Cyberpunk 2077. The developer mentioned that there are high buildings which will be open to exploration. We also know that the game will feature a lot of sex and nudity. No release date has been confirmed by the developer but Cyberpunk 2077 is expected to release in this year.
>We also know that the game will feature a lot of sex and nudity
This is so cringe. It's so unrelated to the topic, why even bring it up out the left field? We know. We fucking know, it's plastered everywhere. At every mention both the devs and the retard journos try to drop "le epic mature theme like n-nudity! and sex! L-look guys tits! hahaha tits guys! fucking! you like fucking right?! click it! it's totally risque and fresh and never done before despite being everywhere in the bitcher!"
Fuck's sake. It's like Game of Thrones marketing for the zombies.
They said no Ciri already
Thankfully yes
> Game of Thrones marketing for the zombies.
To be fair the zombies in the books are just plot devices and only show up when GURM wrote himself into a corner.
This looks like SGDQ
No I mean, the normalfaggot zombies are only talking about tits and fucking in Game of Thrones. Even during the first three seasons which were decent.
rollin for maximu justice
Did your black tranny fat boss from ethic department rised your quota of how many times something must triggers you per day or you are just retarded?
or both?
It's the same reason people think John Wick is good because it's hyper violent.
sunposting got old so we're not picking random lines from the trailers to prove that cyberpunk bad? cool
Nah, people just realized most of the people defending CDPR didn't know shit about Cyberpunk 2020
Wake the fuck up, Samurai
i think you meant people shitting on CDPR didnt know about CP2020
if only they had someone to guide them how a game based on cp2020 should look like that'd be cool
like, a guy who created the universe
Too bad there's nothing saying that Pondsmith worked with CDPR for the last 6 years.
lol, he works on it all the time, especially story and artstyle wise
what's even your point you whiny sadbrained faggot?
unsure if we're still being ironic but I hope we are because I'd be sorry for a retard who would say words like this and thought they're true
Too bad there's nothing saying he has done anything for them after preliminary meetings in 2012.
Find me one article with pondsmith saying he did something like worldbuilding for CDPR from 2014-2018
hes not a coder or drawfag if thats what your saying, hes the reason the story isnt about saving the world, hes the reason how the weapons look and he himself says the world looks very close to how he imagined
From the creators of "What the sandwich fuck is this!"
>How many Easter eggs are they going to cram in there?
There are a ton of easter eggs just in the gameplay reveal.
steamworld, game is a post apocalyptic setting with robots who have inherited the world and run on steam. it's silly and cartoony but it's the best steampunk series I've ever seen.
literally all his interviews theres like 10 of them, check the yongyea ones even, i think he talks about the weapons in it
How come Witcher faces are more detailed than CP2077 faces?
took me 30 seconds
>inb4 rockpapershotgun
it's an interview, source doesn't matter that much
cuz plastic and metal
I can't wait to gay fuck my latino best friend and then get him killed tragically. Then load a save and give him a nice life with lots of money
Post a screenshot, don't link it you miserable piece of shit. Archive is also a thing.
do you think I bother that much about some autists who is too lazy to embrace the truth and open the link I posted?
Does that mean we'll be seeing cute plastic waifus with flawless skin?
"If I wasn't heavily involved, I would be able to get more done. As it is, I barely have a life,"
Except himself right
>“But what happens to these things in a digital, three- dimensional environment. Flying cars are cool but they’re not there for flying car gun fights. It’s not their place in the world. They’re a convenience in the design and like so many things in Cyberpunk they have a mechanical function rather than just being there because they’re cool.
>“So a lot of the conversations we’ve had on the team are not “can we do this?” We can do just about anything. Instead, it’s me explaining why I did it in pen and paper, and then we figure out if we need it again, and whether it serves a different purpose in a videogame."
So really they only called him up to ask if they could leave out aspects of his universe like flying cars.
I am not going to give clicks to a bunch of faggot game jurnos that write clickbait articles.
What strange conclusions you draw.
Cant wait for it to come out and be forgotten 2 months after like rdr2
I mean it's the one paragraph in 6+ years where he ever talks about what he actually does for him, and at the end of the day it seems all he does is greelight CDPR altering his universe.
Only noticed now that whoreson junior has the ace of spades/love BBC tattoo wut
>90% call this thread shit
>bumps it to the limit
thanks retards
We have daily threads about The Witcher 3 still. The game is very memorable.
bruh after 2 months i will only be finished with CP, thats when i will start only talking about it lmao
>altering his universe.
He explicitly says that everything hes seen of the game is what was in his head. You're not very good at your job. At least keep up.
Same. I will take 2 weeks PTO for this game and I doubt I'll beat it in that time even with that much freedom
Not everyone associates spades to your cuck fetish
>everything hes seen of the game is what was in his head
>all he does is tell them when it's okay to remove things from his lore
Not seeing your point
>didn't get it
The lesson is that electric things don't dream of anything because they don't dream because they are not alive, no matter how alive they seem, as life isn't about thought but about empathy.
Also, Wilbur Mercer is an alien.
>>all he does is tell them when it's okay to remove things from his lore
That's your personal narrative, not reality
I thought multiple apartments are still in but you can't buy them and instead unlock them as the game progresses?
nothing is left out tho, the flying cars are still in, u just cant fly them, which has more to do with the hardware performance
The one things he says he's actually done fro them is greenlight the removal of flying cars. Try to find something else
Apparently not
the flying cars are still in the game, have you not see any trailer?
you can't actually fly them.
Who's paying you to come up with this because they might want to find better talent.
Pondsmith confirms Blade Runner is "very cyberpunk"
>We never see the face of power in Blade Runner. Instead, we see an errand boy, Gaff, but we never see the top level. And Deckard doesn’t think about what he’s doing, he doesn’t really question it. Some power that is tells him to kill replicants, who might well essentially be people, but the whole point when he leaves with Rachel is that he doesn’t save the replicants. He saves Rachel and goes away. That’s not a hero’s tale. That’s somebody saving his skin and the skin of someone he cares about, but it’s very cyberpunk.
and? they are still in the lore
Come up with what? You post an article saying the pondsmith has worked a lot with CDPR on the game and the only thing in the 1000 word article is that he okayed the removal of flying cars.
I posted a direct quote from Pondsmith saying that he hardly has time for his own projects because he has been so heavily involved in 2077. You suck at your job.
Yes and the one thing he's done in 6+ years is okay the removal of flying cars. You'd think there would be more evidence of his involvement.
Mods could allow us to play in a smog infested shithole. I don't mind the sun, but it's a shame that we won't be getting generic cyberpunk sandobx any time soon. I really hope that CDPR doesen't shit the bed this time, though they got away with dropping W3 redkit so all bets are off.
rolling, samurai
That's just what you assume because you want people to believe that, and have a heavy investment into twisting reality to suit your desires
Show me evidence of him doing more on the project, if it's so real to you you must have some sort of evidence.
I see you've never read a single fantasy book in your life
>smog infested shithole
go to pacifica except it wont have smog
Change it to Pure Solo, Netrunner Solo and Techie Solo and you have an accurate chart. Rolling for my next p'n'p camaping though.
I already did. Pondsmith expressed his heavy involvement. Show me proof you aren't a disinformation shill.
I legit met someone IRL who actually said that Gosling's character in Drive reminded him of himself. Shit made me roll my fucking eyes on the inside so fucking hard.
>Heavy involvement
>one article in 6 years with one example of even being remotely involved
If the game has different weather systems then maybe those could be modded from the game files even without the official modding tools. At least I hope. It really depends on how it's coded. Like removing the good weather altogether and just leaving the smoggy/foggy/overcast/raining weathers in.
However I reckon stuff like ReShade or even ENB would work nicely and will be the major changing factor when it comes to atmosphere and aesthetics of the game. Especially highly stylized "neon synthwave" ones.
But yeah, they should just give us proper REDkit tools.
What do you mean? His dialogue was appropriate for a 22 yo with little experience in life. Are you seriously complaining that he doesn't sound the same as a middle-aged hardened witcher (geralt) did?
Looks like you can't prove you're not a disinformation shill
Looks like you have no proof that pondsmith has contributed anything to a game with his brainchild's name plastered all over it
Except the word of Pondsmith himself, shill. Your employers are going to be pissed you got BTFO on the clock
>word of pondsmith himself
>"I've totally worked on the game... I... just don't have any examples."
Any word on bamham vision yet? I really hope they drop this cancerous shit.
>yes let me spoil the whole game for you