Kaz Hirai has officially retired. Why didn't he get a sticky?
Kaz Hirai has officially retired. Why didn't he get a sticky?
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Not really a personality. Can't remember a single thing he did besides RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDGE RACER
He was a big meme on gamespot's system wars back in 2012-13
Not a Nintendo employee. Next sticky is dedicated to Nintendo's janitor that will be retiring soon though, be on the lookout for that!
Literally who?
Former President and CEO of Sony Corporation.
He is popular as a meme because $599 and RIIIDDDDGGGE RAAACCCEEER but if you remember he is the man who developed the initial sound processor used in the original playstation and was the guy that convinced Sony to get into the console industry.
No Kaz=no playstation, I know some anons will say "good" but I think the vidya world would be far worse without Sony in it regardless of how you feel about them.
The ghost of Kaz O'Toole will haunt this board until he is given the sticky he deserves!
But it was Ken Kutaragi the one that did everything you said, not Kaz
Nincel mods still seething
Fuck off troll, why aren't you giving Reggie credit when it's due?
> More of the old guard leaving, outsourcing even more power to cuckifornia
Snoy is FUCKED next gen.
nintendo did the same thing
they killed iwata
they fired reggie
now bowser, who formerly worked for EA is running nintendo from his california home
Wait, he was CEO of the entire Sony corp? I thought he was just CEO of the gaming division.
599 US Dollars
I'm surprised he didn't commit Sudoku after that shit.
he got a promotion because the PS1/PS2 were such a massive success for Sony
>vidya world would be far worse without Sony
Not really, Nintendo would have just taken their place minus the movie games, and SEGA would still be around today with the Dreamcast 3.
I give Reggie credit for being a sexy hunk of a man every day though.
This. Should unironically run for Prime Minister of Japan on an Uyoki Dantai platform
Iwata died of bowel cancer
Reggie Just retired not fired
I don’t know much about this Bowser dude but he left EA right when they got extra cancerous
I can't stand modern Sony and their fanboys, but mid-90's Nintendo was absolutely cancer. The ideal timeline has PS dying after the PS3 flopping.
He doesn't deserve one. Not because he worked for Sony, but because of what he did to Sony he absolutely does not.
Didn't he share a game?
We all do, no other man in the gaming industry looks better shirtless
serious question. why do most people retire around 55-60? do they get some special bonus?
Yea Forumsintendo
Ideal timeline has Sony being platform for Japanese AAA devs, Nintendo being platform for Japanese niche devs and handhelds, Nintendo not making home consoles anymore but perfecting the console-handheld hybrid like the switch so you can play games out and about, and western devs focusing PC with ports to xbox (for people who cant afford a gaymen PC) and sony
They don’t play nice with anybody even the sonic the hedgehog fanbase is less hated than Sony
Because only new super soi bros fighter get one
If the PS3 flopped every console would still be region-locked.
>Ideal timeline has Sony being platform for Japanese AAA devs
>wanting censorship
nice meme
Think your thinking of the other Asian guy
You've got to be shitting me.
Wtf so this place being Nintendo central is actually true?
Kaz Hirai and Ken Kutaragi have been really important for the sake of the company and the PlayStation brand, arguably the biggest heads the company ever had.
he was pretty based
Because fuck Sony and fuck California.
Kaz Hirai is a class act that turned Sony around from a dying company into a success story. I generally dislike Sony products and especially sony fanboys, but the lad is top doge in term of CEOs.
Sony made good games when he was in charge.
When he was the head of SCEA, none of the Sony's American studios made SJW game.
Do you know that's a fake account, right?
Still funny, though.
>the vidya world would be far worse without Sony
You mean, the dreamcast would have been a success? pushing console hardware?
The horror.
Because who cares?
Like seriously. Im a sony fag and i couldnt care less about this idiot.
You typically save money for retirement when you have a job.
Ken Kutaragi is a legend, but the weirdness and initial failure of the PS3 is entirely on him. It could have been his virtual boy if they didn't salvage it mid gen.
Admittedly, he wanted it to become an alternative computing system that could compete with PCs and not just a game console, but it seems Sony dropped that idea early on and decided to focus on game development instead. I wonder what the computer market would look like today if it had succeeded in that field.
Nu-Yea Forums doesnt know him.
That would be a really funny joke if Rare didn't already go to shit before MS bought them.
People tend to overestimate Rare because of the absolute magic they pulled with the N64 hardware, but truth be told, they had a lot of trouble adapting to newer generations and game development, lost a lot of their talent to Free Radical and really struggled with bigger games on faster hardware. By the time M$ bought them they were in a sorry state, it's a miracle they still exist today.
This is Netendogaf
>blaming Sony for Sega's demise
Sega was fucking themselves since the days of Mega Drive add-ons. Sony or no Sony they were on their way out. Dunno why people blame Sony on this when Sega's worst enemy was itself at that time.