This is Aoko's game. Why didn't you play it yet? Check out the comfy late 80's Japan atmosphere.
This is Aoko's game. Why didn't you play it yet? Check out the comfy late 80's Japan atmosphere
Because I'm a filthy EOP for now
I'd rather just play japanese games from the 80s thank you.
Those don't have the peak qt Aoko though.
What game is it?
I mean, the title is right there. But okay, it's 魔法使いの夜.
I'm afraid it's gonna be horrible like everything TM has done post Tsukihime.
Thanks, user.
Fate Zero
>Fate/Hollow Axteria
But is horrible: FS/N is fucking dog shit compared to tsukihime and Aoko's game
is not old enough, play it, this game is before Kara no Kyoukai (if I'm not wrong)
Because every translation effort has been cursed. Somehow TYPE-MOON is extremely popular yet nothing can ever get translated.
visual novels aren't game, they are just visual novels
>why didnt you play it yet
Dunno, but i will guess its a combination of these
>not translated to english
>not sold on steam or gog
>its just another obscure visual novel with 0 gameplay
>it runs in 640x480 resolution with no way to resize or scale it
Am i right?
No tard, it runs at 1024x576.
I thought this game bombed in Japan and that’s why they focused on FGO
Tsukihime is overrated trash. BEGONE, fag!
>Obvious love triangle without fucking
>Nasu, who writes like pick related.
I'll wait until the french to english translation happens.
Thats not any better. Its 2019, i play now my games at 2560x1440. Actual good old games get fan ade patches to add in modern resolutions, this doesnt have it because nobody bothered...
You're clueless.
I would legit read that novel if it exists.
No translation means it might as well not exist.
Also from what I heard it doesn't actually have any choices or decision trees. I hate visual novels that are literally just novels, I want to pick options and have those options branch the story.
fullscreen exists. Japs are strange fucks that destroy their negatives and raw files after releasing something so they are never capable of re-releasing something with better resolution. Only the most dedicated artists keep that shit.
>No translation means it might as well not exist.
Maybe if you're an EOP.
And you keep replying to me without giving me any information or reason why should i be interested in this obscure game.
I agree, japs are truly weird nation.
Filthy SEAniggers like you are not people, so your opinions don't count.
Lol, what are you on about? SEA monkeys like you are the EOPs. I see you crying for texthooker codes on various forums all the time.
Is there any fucking chance of playing this VN in my lifetime without learning JAP?
Im desperate.
You can't even cum on Aoko's hair or back.
What's the point
Keep crying SEAnigger.
>Pick up Baguette translation.
>Use text hooker to translate from Baguette to Burger.
There, now kindly fuck off.
>t. a real EOP, as in English only, not even Spanish on top or some easy shit like that
That's a hassle, sorry. I want to read it like a normal person.
Learning Japanese is the only way then. Stop believing the memes about it being impossible after you're 25 or some shit like that and get going.
Keep crying SEAnigger.
>"I really, really, really wanna read this VN."
>Can't be arsed to install a program and then "hook" it to the VN to have a translation.
Well, fuck you then you lazy parasite.
Well, I don't want a half assed machine translation. It's not about laziness.
then learn moon. if you put some effort in, you'll be able to do it. just make sure to do something every day.
Fuck you it is. French to English is easy to translate. You'll have a working translation, just from a surrender monkey point of view instead of a burger one. It's gonna read like civilized humans speaking to each other, not like the bad title of a JAV porn video.
Your only other choice is to join Beasts Lair and annoy that lazy fucktard who was doing the translation there who gave up after 2 or 3 chapters.
Well if it's that easy. How is the software called?
>Your only other choice is to join Beasts Lair and annoy that lazy fucktard who was doing the translation there who gave up after 2 or 3 chapters.
He gave up after it was pointed out his translation had very basic mistakes.
I've used VNR in the past with no problems whatsoever, so I haven't updated to the new hotness that is ITH or Chitrans.
Who gives a shit, specially from the faggots of Beasts Lair, those idiots take Nasu and his writing way too seriously.
>Mahoyo translation never ever
>Fate Extra CCC translation never ever
>Tsukihime Remake never ever
The people doing the sole surviving CCC project are such fuckheads. They basically stopped doing it altogether to do a bunch of other random projects with no following because the pressure was lower. Now with a Youtube summary playthrough of the worst route in the game as a prime excuse to stop, they probably won't ever finish it.
>It's translated in full fucking french
>But not english
I knew taking french instead of spanish back in high school would pay off someday
Probably for the better. It would have been bad.
I can't read bread crumbs
>type moon
wew lad
installing and reading visual novels takes to much effort.
I already said it in every Mahoyo thread, and now I will say it again : Sojuro is a faggot for not trying to bang Aoko or threesome with her and Alice.
Also I don't speak nip
>post Tsukihime
Good news, user. Mahoyo was written before Tsukihime.
Cute early Aoko.
Is it ever explained why her hair turned to red?
god damn that girl is cute.
No H-scenes
No Voice acting
Aoko is shit
It's not Fate
>He needs porn to enjoy a game
have sex
>Aoko is shit