Tell me.
Where did we go so wrong?
TF2 thread i suppose
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12 years passed. That's what happened.
>610+ days since jungly inferno
>450+ days since blue moon
Why Valve, what have we done to deserve this?
Zis....Is a bucket.
Heck yes!
heck no :^(
a game thats still fun for 12 years speaks volumes about its overall design
They stopped caring. About TF2 About making games, everything. Its over now. If there even is a heavy update it will probably be the last. The worst part is when it all stops it will go out silently, no last super amazing update. It will have the last one and then just stay and remain until one day out of nowhere the servers shut down and that will be that.
>Over a year without a proper update
>Two fucking years without a new comic
Why is Valve so slow about everything?
Whatpains me the most is that noone could surpass itnin the eyes of the community.
TF2 originally started with very little content (few maps, no hats, no weapons), and it's 12 years of supporr that drove it where it is today. It's safe to sya the majority of content in TF2 came out during the years it was out, not during development..
If Valve were to make TF3 (they won't because reasons), they wouldn't have the power to add as much content as is in tf2 currently.
And it'd be difficult to add in new characters since the original cast is so beloved.
The only way TF3 could happen is if someone killed tf2 for good.
When you accepted the fact that its ok for Valve to shit your limited inventory with crates/cases
I'm not impatient, I'll wait as long as it takes. TF2 is still as fun for me as it's ever been.
They'd do the same thing they did with TF2, let the community do the heavy lifting.
I agree that I don't see a TF3 happening, specially if it's a new cast. That type of writing and character just isn't a thing anymore and I doubt Valve could ever top that. I can only guess that Valve's intent is for their games to be played forever. Which is why they stopped doing any sort of sequels. Also considering how much of the economy relies on it.
The TF2 team should focus on slowly deleting content from the game.
Start with some cosmetics, an unpopular weapon here or there, a map nobody likes. I bet they could work their way up to deleting entire game modes before anyone noticed.
anyone else noticing a severe infestation of aim botters and alike? For fuck sake, it's almost every fourth game on my end.
Not in mine, hope it gets better for you tho
its ok guys update next month vnn says so
They kinda did that already by making some stuff no longer obtainable unless by trading with someone who owns it. Stuff like the Soldier's Stash or that Old Nick hat that actually looks kinda cool.
In all honesty, I don't see the economy being a roadblock for Valve, but if it does, the' it would mean
>no more counter strike
>no more dota
and even if I don't play them, that really sucks
Haven't played in a couple of months but I noticed it too. Only good part is that they seemed to congregate in isolated servers. They'd kick me out within a second of getting in the game. If some bot entered in a normal game they'd be quickly kicked.
You belong in /vg/, get out of here with your dead game.
Anyone else noticed that takes are getting filled in very quickly?
Sometimes after a round ends, it's not unusual to see half the listing team disconnect and get replaced even before round 2 has z chance to begin, even late at night.
It's hard to say what kind of impact there would be if Valve announced that not only would they stop officially updating TF2, outside of maybe patches against cheating for example, and announced a TF3.
On the one hand, TF3 would likely make them more money just because it's the new thing. On the other, it could potentially kill the TF2 economy, meaning Valve suddenly losing a lot of money.
Personally, I'd be content with TF3 just being a port to Source2, fixing the code, maybe turning back some of the bloat in terms of cosmetics and have the comics continue with a sequel. I don't see Valve topping TF2 although that might just be my fanboy side talking.
I guess it depends on the map. 2fort for example usually fills rather quickly.
>number three
A Modern day TF2 would be seen as sexist, racist and mysoginistic.
They'd be forced by principal to include female characters, whom which cannot be critizied or made fun of in dialogue or else it'll hit the buzzwords listed earlier.
Overwatch killed it
Well, except the prices getting (more) fucked the day of the announcement and slowly dropping as time goes, I don't really know.
I think that they wouldn't invest in another game. TF2 was 9 years of development, and that was with some of the best writers and artists at the time, making TF3 would either take too long or be a real letdown.
I think a source 2 port would be too much work for too little benefit. And seeing how current Valve is, I'm afraid they'd fuck sensible things like rocketjumping or whatnot.
Checkmate for the tf2 community.
At this point I'd just like to see one final update just so I can see the game rest in peace.
You can still just buy those off of the steam market or though, the only stuff thats truly unobtainable now is the untradable/unmarketable promo items like the headset hat you got if you preordered an Oculus Rift DK1 unless some insane person still has a code lying around from it
Valve's collective soul diminished in value for [reasons to be fully determined]. So the care that went into TF2 vanished since why bother, it doesn't make them money anyway.
True, and yet TF2 is still a great game that's markedly better in many different aspects that it was on launch. If Valve gave more of a shit the game - world - could be even better and last 12 more years and a further 12 more and so on. The state of current video game technology can keep a game like TF2 alive indefinitely in fact, there is no "lifespan".
The TF2 franchise needs to go on, with more games with its characters. TF2 universe is litteraly one of the most orignals around the vidya game industry. Its so fucking good. I don't want TF2 to be the last game. Heck, even something outside of vidya game would make me happy.
Given the ridiculous amount of fanmade content, I don't get why people are so desperate for official stuff. There's literally thousands of fanmade maps, skins, even entire game modes. If Valve wants to stop updating the game, fine, fuck them, we'll just make our own update.
All I want out of TF2 at this point is better bots on more maps and modes.
I guess when you reach perfection, the only way to go next is down.
TF2 will never die because it has no true successor. And because everyone learned all the wrong lessons from it, it never will.
Yeah but the price gouging on some of those items is absurd. I get why, it's just a shame since there's some nice stuff. I have no idea why they made the original first batch of cosmetics no longer obtainable, again outside of buying/trading. They were arguably the best since they still heavily relied on the art style, character and setting.
I just want more as well.
>We could've gotten a TF2 TV series
>Valve didn't realize animation was actually hard
>Gets canceled
for starters, we need a tf2 rep in smash
There are many things that many people want, some small and simple and others broader and more varied. All of them are possible with soul, and all of them are impossible without it. Valve are soulless content farmers happy to skim the fat off the surface of DOTA or whatever other crap they put out, because it's all money to them.
It could die if Valve shut the servers down. It's more possible than people reckon.
>The canceled tf2 tv series show
Oh yes, that. Why Valve.
I'd honestly buy a Switch the millisecond a TF2 rep showed up in Smash.
>It could die if Valve shut the servers down.
Have Valve ever shut the servers for one of their games? Any of them? Also would community servers still work if Valve shut down their own servers?
boy i sure do love taking 4 seconds to hose down a scout with fire after the blue moon update
>Also would community servers still work if Valve shut down their own servers?
Yes, you can still host your own server and people can connect direct via IP.
Has any game service provider ever shut a server down? Answer: yes. The precedent for Valve is good, but that precedent is getting worse.
I've wondered for a good while if I wanted to come back to the game, but I just... don't think I want to anymore?
>Gotta keep adding lootboxes and ugly hates
>Gotta keep downgrading the rest of the graphics to make sure the hat simulator runs on our third world poorfag hacker friend's machine!
You do realize tf2 runs like shit on regular machines right?
i only played tf2 for the first time a year ago. got really obsessed with it to the point of burning out, but i want to get back in soon.
Sure, they can, but I doubt they would unless the company was suddenly going bankrupt. Valve doesn't really function like other vidya companies.
Because of all of the hats and accessory particle affects. Literally ALL of the cosmetics are loaded regardless that only a very small fraction of them are used in any given game. So yes, I'm fully aware the game looks and runs worse than it did a decade ago.
tf comics #7 when
And is it possible for Valve to go bankrupt? Or at least to grow in monetary concerns so much that it proves prudent (under yeast logic) to axe a net loss?
t. don burrito
2 updates killed it
The entire gameplay update that lowered the ttc and their match making update which bungused up anyone playing from the server selection.
I get that but if they were going bankrupt, TF2 keeping its servers would be the least of the problems. People's library's being at stake would be an immediate concern.
Although I don't know how much the servers cost so I don't know if simply axing the TF2 servers would really be enough to somehow save any threat of bankrupcty or any other monetary concern.
What I can see happening is Gaben retiring/dying and whoever leads Valve next fucks everything up.
>There's an alternate universe where Valve doesn't have their ""you can work on whatever whenever you want" work style
This is why so many projects never got finished.
Making video games is fucking stressful and they have a way more lucrative monopoly on PC game distribution to the point where anyone attempting to compete with them is called a shill.
Why would Valve make video games unless it's just a 3 week long F2P project like Artifact or Underlords?
That's the alternate universe where players rejected hats and the cash shop when they still had the chance.
There's an alternate universe were we got TF2 Brotherhood of Arms and our TF2 would've never existed. I don't want to live in that universe.
Well put this way: contemporary Valve (under Gaben) is quite happy to neglect TF2 in almost every way possible. The point of going "sod it, there's better money to be made elsewhere" is within nudging distance of the current state of the business. Whether a Gaben replacement would improve or worsen things is a matter of pure conjecture, although with no information I'd bet on "slightly-worsen-to-stay-the-same".
I don't want to turn this into an Epic Store shitshow but what they're doing can't be seen as competition. No one has ever had an issue with GOG for example because that's just another store, not some fucked up crusade by Tim against Valve. Maybe he was VAC banned and now is out for revenge.
>TF2 HD when
why do you expect me to play the same game with the same mechanics, with the same maps, with the same characters etc.
i played this game for like 500 hours and i think it was way too much anyway
last time i played tf2 was with mann vs machine patch and shit was boring as fuck
The only reason I disagree is because I think this was always Gaben's plan. There was some interview with the original Team Fortress devs, talking about first meeting Gaben, Valve, etc. Something that stuck with me was them saying how the community could always make things better and faster than a company. Valve's entire business is built on that idea, of the community doing the work and Valve simply offering a platform.
I don't think Valve sees TF2 as something they're neglecting. Instead, they see it as something that they already offered as many tools as possible and not it's all up to the community. It's why they have the workshop, why they have SFM for free, why they pretty much give away as many tools as possible to the community. Because that's their plan. It's what makes Valve stand out from the crowd.
And it's why I don't see a replacement to Gaben follwoing this. They'll just be a more traditional business man looking for short term profits over long term.
As someone with around 4k hours, because it's fun. I love the characters, the gameplay, the community, the way matches can be unpredictable and still surprise me. It's just something no other multiplayer game has been able to match.
But wait. There's more.
God just imagine an alternate universe where TF Invasion actually launched. What a weird ass world that must be.
>The only way TF3 could happen is if someone killed tf2 for good.
If that happens I wouldnt make TF3 at all
Wouldn't have lasted this long. Probably would be remembered alongside Quake 3.
>Defenestration is the act of throwing someone or something out of a window. The term was coined around the time of an incident in Prague Castle in the year 1618 which became the spark that started the Thirty Years' War
i miss old valve
tell me what ttc means dota poster
>Found Dracula
>Above you
None of these maps and modes are playable. 90% of community servers are idle, orange, hale or some ctf map. All servers that have vanilla tf2 with custom maps are very dead.
>TF2 is still a great game that's markedly better in many different aspects that it was on launch.
Everything about TF2 now is worse than it was at launch. It runs worse now on brand new hardware than it did on brand new hardware in 2007, cosmetics completely destroyed the deliberate art direction of the game, crates were the beginning of the current plague of lootbox garbage in video games that Congress is looking into making illegal, and the Mannconomy update catered to a large swath of people who were more interested in collecting, buying, and selling items than they were about playing the fucking video game.
here are my retarded ideas to improve the game
-Dedicated servers for fast respawn, no crits/spread, team scramble, class limits, etc. or add votes to valve servers
-Verified community servers with said settings in matchmaking
-Update server browser ui
-Put Valve servers on server browser and remove joining restrictions
-Bring back pl_cactuscanyon and rd_asteriod as well as deathmatch
-Make mannpower and passtime worth playing
Mannpower: Scrap the powerups and add the mvm shop, earn cash from objectives/kills
Passtime: Bonus objective that spawns a friendly sentrybuster, repurpose the grapplehook and powerups for this gamemode, jump-pads
-More robot destruction gamemodes. Example, payload: collect metal from enemy teams fallen robot defenses to build a tank that you escort into enemy base
-More MvM content. Example: you play the blue mercs and destroy Red's machine base
-Work with the community to bring alternative gamemodes (saxtonhale, deathrun, pyroball, etc.) with official maps to matchmaking
-Switch teams in casual again (including spectator which afk players get moved to)
-Rewards for matchmaking levels
-Free weekly contracts
-E and F loadout slots
-Option to disable cosmetics/unusal effects
-Fix backstab hitbox
-Remove health gain for extinguishing teammates, add new secondary that gives this effect
-Bring back removed details as seen in this video:
Oh boy you should've seen Pyro, Engie, and Spy on launch. They were an entire third of the cast that might have well not even existed, while Demos ruled the land. The overall balance of the game has only gotten better with age.
>no moveable buildings at launch
>no airblast
>no weapon variety, 3 classes have the same secondary
>early maps fucking suck
all of your points are valid but don't act like the game was perfect at launch and only got worse
Literally everything would be fine for me if they just rolled back the meet your match update. I don't give a fuck about anything else. THAT is what ruined TF2 for me.
Has nobody here heard the news? Its possible they are going to release an update july or in the fall.
you're entirely right. The worst part is how easy most of those fixes would be. I don't care at all about passtime but yeah you nailed pretty much everything.
fuck off tyler, stop shilling
i agree but the aftermath already killed most community servers that arent trade/idle and would require valve to admit they fucked up. getting the community into official matchmaking and working with them on content creation thats not le epic cosmetics might breathe some new life into the game.
Pretty good list. Nice ideas.
>has nobody heard the news
Speculation. As it is every other time. Which fails.
I'd love for this to be true but it's just speculation. If TF2 updates it should be in the summer. Jungle Inferno was towards the end, Blue Moon before the summer.
runs decently enough on my integrated card
the game has shitty optimization
some graphic cards struggle like a motherfucker trying to run it but have no problem playing pubg on max
>valve announces that servers will be closed in two months
>the next day your backpack is worth 90% less
Fuck i'm dumb, it is ttk, time to kill
Overwatch happened.
>announce TF2 will be ceasing active development
>announce TF3
>announce metal and keys will carry over and TF2 hats can be combined to craft TF3 hats
Could work although I don't know if enough people actually would switch over to TF3, assuming it was an actual sequel and not just a glorified major update under a new name.
>having a backpack worth more than like $20
Its not my fault that I got 2 australiums in 15 tours
Get hyped for the Team Fortress pinball spinoff, 6 years in the making
you started playing in 2012 it's fucking obvious
big n
At this point, I'll play anything that has TF2 characters.
tips for pipe aim?
What could they add in TF3 that cannot be added in TF2 as a major update?
Welcome to Weenie Hut Jr.
make the bombs hit things so that they blow up
And this looked really really fun for a VR game
If I had VR I'd be hyped. It's a nice translation of the characters into sausages. Maybe the Heavy could use a bit of tweaking to be larger though.
>Make Sasuage-Sonas
>Not make Pyro Chedder Jalapeno and Scout some johnsonville beer bacon MANWICH bullshit
>Here's a recipe for you, my ass!
>Whoooowee! Makin' sausages!
>If the chef wanted to live he would not have created me!
daily reminder that Valve's way of handling projects is literally Socialism, hence why everything is so unfuckingly unorganized, also the internal clash of egos.
All those fancy sausages and the Medic still ends up being the wurst.
Sounds like a domination line from the Engie. He strikes me as someone who enjoys puns.
I imagine Soldier would shout something like "You are the weakest link! Goodbye!"
That would imply he watches British television. Soldier only watches the McCarthy trials on repeat.
Like said, it's a 12 year old game. I think it's damn impressive that we're still talking about major updates and support, and that any attempts at successors are more just "lol TF2 killer"
Most other shooters get replaced by their own sequel within one or two years, or are something like arena shooters where there isn't enough modern interest to support a playerbase(and to that end, not enough meaningful support, Epic leaving Unreal to chase Fortnite money and whatever the fuck Bethesda teams are doing with Quake Champions).
TF2 has been one of the most played games on Steam since its inception, running tens of thousands of players every day.
Being born right at the tail end of the community server era of PC gaming gave it a strong community with investment and momentum to keep it going well over a decade later.
The only shooter that's really had as much, or even superior longevity is Counter-Strike, and that's actually had updated versions over the years.
It's not quite an update itself, but I think the fact we can still hold out hope for another big update is worth something.
tf2 kinda sucks ngl
Because no other game has truly been as fun or as memorable as Team Fortres
More popular games have been coming out, yes, but none of them truly leave a remarkable impression of personality and fun. They all just feel like corporate business games, rather than something a team made with love and care...
...even if that love and care isn't there anymore.
The thing I loved the most about TF2 was just the ability to drop into a server and not play to any meta or worry about ranks or risk your entire account getting shut down because you called some kid a cocksniffing fuckfence, just muck about with everyone else having fun for an afternoon. Everyone got way too serious and companies ended up listening to that crowd more than everyone else who were happy to kick back and waste time.
>Overwatch happened.
It did?
...Oh, you're right, I guess it kind of did.
I mean to be fair, you can easily just not give a shit about ranks since they barely add anything to the game and almost just feel like a dumbass addition to the game
But it is true that the game is now forever tainted by trying to be too serious and competitive in a very broken, messy and completely disorganized way.
Meat your Match truly fucking sucked, we should have just gotten Jungle Inferno alone
Yeah, it happened.
And no one cares about it anymore lmao
You will always see a TF2 thread from time to time, but very rarely any OW threads unless it's to masturbate harder with the overwatch girls
cringe and bluepilled
CS:GO and DOTA, that's where
are these 2 games better than tf2? how do they got so much players?
>tfw you realize most of Yea Forums's TF2 players were no older than 6 when it came out
tf2 died the moment it went f2p and every server became filled with children
You want this stuff milked indefinitely? Why can't you just appreciate something finite
im not sure. people complained about csgo when it was first released for being a rerelease of cs source and a soulless attempt at valve for raking in the cod fad and DOTA 2 was just Valve being a thieveing oppurtunistic piece of shit.
Unfortunately, quality isn't necessarily related to popularity. Some old friends of mine loved CSGO and I never understood why.
it died before that
Counter-Strike was always more popular than TF2. Valve was even surprised CS:S continued to be more popular than TF2 after the Orange Box.
Dota 2 was always going to be huge, no way around that.
I don't think there's really any shame in that, CS outlived every other genre fad, and even CS:GO needed work to get where it was.
Just lay your weapons down and PLACE A DISPENSER HERE
It's not original, but it's true; I love MEDIC
TF2 died when it was released. It should've stayed a secret within Valve.
the sniper vs spy update was where we started to derail and the mannconomy update was the beginning of the end, not just for tf2, but all valve games.
why is DOTA 2 so huge? why cant people just stick to LoL?