TF2 thread i suppose

Tell me.
Where did we go so wrong?

Attached: heavy.png (324x346, 181K)

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12 years passed. That's what happened.

>610+ days since jungly inferno
>450+ days since blue moon
Why Valve, what have we done to deserve this?

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Zis....Is a bucket.

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Heck yes!
heck no :^(

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a game thats still fun for 12 years speaks volumes about its overall design

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They stopped caring. About TF2 About making games, everything. Its over now. If there even is a heavy update it will probably be the last. The worst part is when it all stops it will go out silently, no last super amazing update. It will have the last one and then just stay and remain until one day out of nowhere the servers shut down and that will be that.

Attached: BannanaHeavySad.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

>Over a year without a proper update
>Two fucking years without a new comic
Why is Valve so slow about everything?

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Whatpains me the most is that noone could surpass itnin the eyes of the community.

TF2 originally started with very little content (few maps, no hats, no weapons), and it's 12 years of supporr that drove it where it is today. It's safe to sya the majority of content in TF2 came out during the years it was out, not during development..

If Valve were to make TF3 (they won't because reasons), they wouldn't have the power to add as much content as is in tf2 currently.
And it'd be difficult to add in new characters since the original cast is so beloved.
The only way TF3 could happen is if someone killed tf2 for good.

When you accepted the fact that its ok for Valve to shit your limited inventory with crates/cases