Can someone please tell me why people defend this absolute fucking abomination like it's the 2nd coming of christ?
Like, i genuinely don't get it.
Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V seem to be universally hated here because of their main features, yet those same features were introduced in Battlefield 4.
How come BF4, a soulless cashgrab released shortly after BF3, is supposely "better" than BF1 and BFV?
>BF1 is bad because it has behemoths and battle pickups
Meanwhile BF3\4 introduced this with the bomber, the gunship, the dropship and all those trillion battle pickups on the map, from grenade launchers to automatic shotguns, including sniper rifles that could destroy ships and helicopters with a bunch of hits.
>BFV is bad because it has a trillion cosmetics and microtransactions
Meanwhile BF4 introduced the cosmetics system, it introduced battlepacks, skins and "textures" to apply to guns, vehicles, soldiers and more, you also had to grind kills with weapons to unlock vital parts instead forcing you to sink at least 20 hours into a weapon you might not even like.
>BF1 is bad because it was casualized trash and with no skillgap
Meanwhile BF4 had an insane gadget and weapon bloat, you could play with any kind of stupid weapon or kit, yet at the same time you were at immense disadvantage if you weren't either running scout c4 shotty or assault defibrillator circlejerk with aek\ace, purposely nuking the fun.
>BFV is bad because the new features are useless
Meanwhile BF4 had 3d spotting, medic circlejerk, rendezook fucks in every lobby with planes, infinite ammo\explosives at every corner, map flaws (chokepoints) quickly becoming grenade spam contests.
Those are just a few issues of the many that all 3 games seem to have.
I'm not defending BF1 and BFV, i think they're both mediocre games and that the best battlefield game was bad company 2, but why are you fucking cunts such hypocrites?
Can someone please tell me why people defend this absolute fucking abomination like it's the 2nd coming of christ?
Because 4 with all it's flaws and I too agree not a leap for the better from 3.. is still 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 fucking times better than the shit stain of Battlefield 1 & V.
Honestly what kind of war are you fighting for in 1 & V.
Helifags ruined everything
>is still 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 fucking times better than the shit stain of Battlefield 1 & V
That's the entire point of this thread.
Cause it's not set in ww2 which has been done to fucking death already.
Those weapons you immediately dissed are better than the AEK in different situations, just because you have an all purpose weapon, doesn't mean you won't get wrecked on by the guy with an SMG who is being a sneaky fuck with it within 30-40 metre engagements. Literal gunfu game, meanwhile 1 & V have the shittiest variety of weapons to exist in the face of gaming that failed to lack any of the /k/ romance of weaponry during WW1 or 2. Guns are literally 70% of the experience.
Because it's still better than anything you can compare it to.
I fucking hate how most of the supportive gadgets are useless
Everything went downhill since BF3.
Take the RS pill already.
LITERALLY git good
Imagine actually defending 1 and V. I can tell you're an idiot just from
>BF4 had an insane gadget and weapon bloat
There is nothing wrong with variety. The lack of variety is part of why the new BF games suck.
I agree with you. I actually can't go back to BF4 after playing V, too many QoL improvements.
I refuse to play RS2 until they optimise it properly. It's been 2 fucking years and the game still runs like garbage even on up-to-date systems. And it's on UNREAL FUCKING 3. No excuse.
BFV is great, the atmosphere doesn't hold a candle to BF1 but otherwise who doesn't love mowing down a bunch of idiots with the MG42
My 800 dollar cyberpower runs it at ultra settings, get fucked and get a better rig.
This game is good, but the maps which are voted for most frequently are genuinely terrible. The new DMZ and Khe Sahn maps are equally shit, attackers win less than 10% of the time if that
I'm still getting 90-144 fps on a sapphire 290 at high/ultra settings. Optimization's is fine.
>3D spotting
I agree that's dumb but it still exists in BF1, I hope they phase it out but >play hardcore
>medic circlejerk
Barely see meds in comparison to engineers unless it's a cq map, maybe you're playing too much of those?
bf1 was a bigger victim of those.
That was a problem on the smaller maps, yeah? Doesn't exist on the overbearing bigger maps-goldmud, paracel, transmission, lancang, altai, silk, dragon, etc.
You're only solid complaints are air vehicles being too op but that can literally be remedied with getting good.
Don't plan on buying BFV anyway, looks like they took their focus away from vehicles and went too hard on infantry maps also demo was shite.
>works on my machine!
>attackers win less than 10% of the time
No they don't literally git gud.
One capable squad can easily rape the entire team granted the SL isn't a retard.
It does.
What's your point? That you're a retard and can't figure out how computers work?
obviously ammo packs take one slot and C4 is probably your best bet
>Because it's still better than anything you can compare it to
It's a shame about BFV's terrible marketing and launch, the game is actually the best one since Bad Company 2.
Battlefield 2 was the best battlefield ever produced, end of the thread. Anyone adding anything up to this point is a total moron.
not him but i have to disagree
bf1 weapons are actually kinda cool, bolt action rifles pack a good kick
as a /k/ommando, i'd say i liked bf1 more than bf4 in regards of weapons
the prototypes were cool too
unfortunately bfv is pure ass, it lacks a lot of iconic ww2 weapons and it triggers me that almost one year later we still dont have a nugget
>Nade spam the game
BFV guns are great though
>there is nothing wrong with variety
>especially when everything is absolutely completely useless and you're stuck with the only 2-3 viable meta guns otherwise you do absolutely fucking nothing
Because it's close enough to 3 to still be fun and it actually has servers up.
Is it now? I played the demo and it felt very weak and from what i've seen they've shifted focus from vehicles.
>Ammo scarcity was irrelevant in maps too small
>More animations taking away from gameplay
>Took a fuckenwhile to unlock a new gun from the little they had
>Visuals were really ugly, way overexposed and too much saturation.
>Dismantled the medic and support classes.
This was demo experience but I doubt they have changed any of those issues.
>The lack of variety is part of why the new BF games suck
No, the new BF games suck because they've been casualized to shit and just feel like CoD but on a big map now.
they are indeed, they feel good and ttk is a treat
but i really want my fucking nugget, god fucking damn it
You seriously found only 3 guns you liked? Can't imagine you played very long at all then.
>liked = meta
good picks but not choosing m4 and an-94 is a sin
now old on
>Visuals were really ugly, way overexposed and too much saturation.
the fuck are you talking about, the game is really fucking gorgeous to look at
>Dismantled the medic and support classes.
elaborate, please
medic is still the medic from bf1, but you have shotguns now
Medics in BFV don't have shotguns they have SMGs
bf4 user, not bf3
an-94 wasn't in the game until the very end of the game's lifecycle
and they butchered it
m4 was butchered to being a carbine only with burst fire
both are garbage weapons
you are right, i said the exact opposite of what i wanted to say
They gave literally everyone syringes like a damn HIV convention which nerfs the classes' importance
Support was merged with engy class.
Whoops. Point still stands with M4 but I like burst guns, god tier accuracy and recoil. Also AN-94 is a railgun when you switch it to burt.
BF1 is bad because it dares to call itself a WWI shooter while trashing the entire setting to wear its skin on CoD ripoff #25345345345565 skeleton.
BFV is even worse because it does the same but also tries to pander to Fortkiddies.
You can tell the series decided to CoD itself after BC when spawns have less than 2 troop transports.
>You can tell the series decided to CoD itself after BC when spawns have less than 2 troop transports.
too real :(
The gameplay and weapon handling also became CoDified.
For me, BF4 just has the peak gunplay for the series and that matters a whole lot more to me than your mtx political horseshit.
I take it MW2 was your first fps?
Yeah i'm really having fun as medic when some assault turn backs and melts in half a second while I have to hit all my headshots to even stand a chance
Speak for yourself you ugly tranny
Because if you want modern combined arms warfare theres nothing better, unless you want autistic modern combined arms warfare then go fucking play Squad
Wolf3D. That was an epic projection though, zoomer.
what a good map
For me it's Dragon Valley
You can also play arma with correct mods, that is if you can get over the mammoth shit ancient engine it has
It's the best battlefield game of the gen
I'm going to try out hardline now because 1 and 5 are so shit. Thanks based retard op
this map is hit or miss for me, i think a competent squad for this is required. the times i've had the most fun is waging a guerilla war out in E as the Americans.
isn't hardline dead and shit? you're just cucking yourself by wasting money or time on it.
I really miss having good semi autos from BF1 bros..
Bad company 2 is not good either
Its good, Im no extremist,IMO the good BF games are 1943,BC,BC2,B3,B4,B1.
Played all BF except one 2142,I tried but my english was very bad back then and I didnt know how to set it up and play online.
next game will be bc3 if they want to remain competing with cod titles, wether they choose to honour the series, i can't say
Btw mixed feelings towards BF1 and 4, especially 1, they started fucking the series there
It's only dead on PC. Plus I just want to try the campaign
>playing fps on console
what are you doing
Admit it , most of us did before switching to PC
gee didnt see that reply coming. based retard
Bf1 and bfv are great games. Better than bf4.
it was the worst in the series, guns were awful and absurdly innaccurate. Kills were luck based half the time
TTK was the highest it had ever been in the series
objectively wrong
spotted the zoomer
Too many women and niggers, on top of that gameplay dumbed down.
Stay in denial. BFV in general has so many QoL changes it's foolish to revert back.
I agree, BF1/V are the worst for those reasons
bf4 is such a damn good game to jump in whenever, most of the guns are decent, movement is smooth. wanna play now damn it
infantry fag detected
go fucking play now
servers always full
mate I spend most of the game terrorising infantry babbies in the Stuka
Choppers weren't a problem until they nerfed the SRAW into oblivion.
A good pilot was somewhat difficult to shoot down with a SRAW, enough to keep him on his toes, impossible to down with the given AA options, which are complete ass.
The whole team would have to play engineer to keep away tanks and air.
Pilotfags are the most whiney pieces of shit in any battlefield game.
planefag detected, mad that jets got nerfed in BF4 ahaha
... and when I'm not in the Stuka I'm towing AT/AA around to blast tank/plane babbies
The single player stories are the best since BC1.
>playing Battlefield for its singleplayer campaign
>playing BFV
even SWBF2 is better
And yet their multiplayer still isn't as fun as bf4's! Hmmmmmmm
BFV really does suck compared to the others but its gunplay is so good it makes all other shooters unplayable. I stopped playing Metro LL because its gunplay was fucking garbage compared to the 10/10 quality we have with BFV.
Anti-air vehicles are cancer and this is coming from someone who HATES planefags
There's a reason metro is the most popular map
>He doesn't play BF4 in Classic Mode.
i don't like em either but they never usually have a huge tolls on games.
AA's, lucky rpgs and general improvisation can sort them out pretty easily and the pilots are always too fucking dumb to go after vehicles and strafe infantry instead.
bf1 grew on me over time, but I still wouldn't consider it a great game if only because of how badly balanced planes were and how chokepoint-centric a lot of the maps are.
BFV just straight up plays like dice was told to push it out a year early, there's too many bugs and too little content for it not to be the case.
because it's casual.
>Aek only viable
Shit negro, I been playing the game wrong then cuz I can perfectly get top scoreboard with the scar h/bulldog/m14a/m14/an/ etc
The only "bad" thing bout bf4 is how anyone that has a little skill with a heli can basically wipe your whole team in 3 seconds and on top of that most servers ban stingers so good luck hitting them fucks.
Not him, but I'd prefer to say balanced instead.
While I do agree that camping with the gay anti air in base is mad gay, metro and the new metro bf4 edition are mad boring stall matches with nade spam and camping out the ass, they are the most popular cuz they are the easiest way to get the stuff you want for the class
Use the TOW dude. Ever since the SRAW nerf they were actually buffed.
shitty unbalanced garbage fire
>There's a reason metro is the most popular map
because its easiest to grind unlocks for, just like Locker is now in BF4
how you fags and DICE and "muh telemetry" never understood that I don't know
It's current year +4, even MW2 is a boomer era game now :(
>i like game that has mystical green light that stop every projectile
Literally just as bad as every game that has released since.
BC1 was neat, because at least it had a genuinely decent campaign, and while no BF2:MC, gave consolers an opportunity to play a lite-Battlefield. BC2 was the start of the fall.
I hate that Battlefield will never go back to BF3/4's style of gunplay. It was satisfying and felt like it had weight to it. Now they're just going to keep using that shitty, floaty gunplay they developed for the Battlefront reboot
fell for Yea Forums's "play it on PC meme" with B4. I'll never make that mistake again. Console only from now on.
ya seethe?
I'm 35.
>aiming with a controller
I wish I had that webm of Rainbow Six Siege being played on console
That's why I play on servers with set map rotation
Nah. I have more fun in bf1 and bfv.
Yeah, I'm seething. Battlefront/post-BF1's gunplay sucks
Support gadgets were good until the devs went full retard and balanced the game around metro/locker
>>playing Battlefield for its singleplayer campaign
That's what I unironically love about BF5 - Black Ops 4 removed single player, and the world teambalanced itself by giving us a god-tier single player campaign for BF5.
Seriously, give it a try, Nordlys and the Last Tiger are amazing, and the SJW and alt-right salt over them are the icing on the cake.
>do you wanna play bf1 with me bro? i have 500+ hour on that game.
There are no mods so what is the fucking point?
Yes, but it was most people's first BF game after jumping in from CoD/Halo so they love it
BF4 had peak gunplay in the entire series. I can`t even pick my favorite gun as I always changed them depending on the situation.
Favorite weapons
UMP 9, CZ 3A1, P90, M240B bipod, M60-E4 iron sights, RPK 74M, SG553, G36C, MTAR 21, 870 MCS, SAIGA 12K acog with frag ammo, MK11 MOD 0, G18, DEagle 44
I mostly played support and the UCAV with airburst has to be the most fun thing ever in the entire series.
>aiming with a controller
it honestly isn't that bad if you put some time into it.
it's alot harder and you'll nowhere be as close to your accuarcy if you were just using a keyboard and mouse but the average player is nowhere near as bad as those siege webms would have you believe
i still haven't unlocked UCAV, 160 hours in BF4, theres just so much shit
>got the phantom bow from the original method
That dogtag was a pain in the ass
Never did the thing for the Dice camo though
I think I unlocked every single thing in the game aside from some of the mares leg attachments, fuck that thing. Killing heli pilots with a well placed UCAV was satisfying as fuck but also pretty fucking hard.
you gotta realize a bunch of the people that complain about shit in BFV and BF1 probably never played 4. 4 became a really great game after it was fixed and most of its DLC content was out. BF1 was a good complete game after its DLC cycle too.
BFV was a rushed game and has a TON of legitimate issues no matter which way you slice it. The way they have handled their snails pace live service shit is abysmal and actually makes me miss paying for premium. At this point in time BF4 had 12 new maps and a ton of new weapons. BFV has 2 maps (one of which is probably one of the worst BF maps ever) and is slowly recycling single player campaign weapons into the game while primarily focusing content creation on expensive cosmetic sets.
The game was half baked and they basically released it as an early access title. Yes BF4 was basically just BF3.5 but that was fine because BF3 was a good game, but BFV is a clusterfuck. Trying to even compare it to previous games in the series is criminal.
>Only good for pistol/bow servers
>Viewport can randomly shatter when you pull it out
>Even a fucking flashbang can break it
you want to talk shit gadgets?
>EOD bot
Did they ever fix the hellfire bug or did they simply move on and ditch helicopters ( and jets) alltogether?
>EOD bot
Theres a reason a lot of salty fags ban EOD bots from their servers and its not because its shit.
You can still kill someone with it,destroy other gadgets or disarm bombs on Rush
With shield you don't even got points
The revival mechanic in BFV alone makes the game better than 4
I take it you've never played a troll match of Gunmaster
Vanilla maps only -
>Goldmud Railway
>Paracel Storm
>Op Lock
>Lancang Damn
>Zavod 311
>Hainan Resort
>Rogue Transmission
>Flood Zone
flood zone is great fuck you
>one of which is probably one of the worst BF maps ever
Haven't played BFV, but which is that?
BF3 was godtier. BF4 is a soulless mimic of the predecessor, 2bh
>can remotely arm/disarm MCOM stations
Um, no sweetie
Zavod is my guilty pleasure. Decent clusterfuck in the middle and getting the odd team that stays in the radio tower point in Conquest for a decent chunk of the game while half the team tries to flush them out with a tank and helicopter.
>Give a mechanic to everyone that was the crux of playing medic
sounds pretty retarded to me
switch goldmun and op lock and then its perfect
I remember wanting to like the G36C but I think I remember it being too low RoF for the amount of damage it was putting out, and more often than not I would be outgunned by someone else even if I shot first
Absolutely god tier verticality, problem is they don't really make use of it. Having a central flag on the ground would make it really fun.
Its great for mid to long range battles. Just put an acog and heavy barrel and tap people into oblivion. If you ever get into cqb with it make sure you have it in burst fire mode to stand a chance against other high rof guns.
>SoS No Levolution
>Flood Zone
>Zavod 311
These are my top picks
>since 2142
Fixed, no babbies allowed
Post your favorite gun. Pic related strangely works well for me.
I play with G36 and i never felt outgunned 2bh.
It's one of the best carbines out there.
Hainan and Flood Zone are amazing maps for Gunmaster
AEK and F2K
BFV has the potential of being better than 4, it already is fun as fuck but the lack/slow rollout of content is hurting it, that being said 4 sucked at launch too and it got amazing with the DLCs and patches.
I like SAR because with right attachments it shoots like railgun even in full auto.
But my personal favorite is SCAR
>BFV has the potential of being better than 4
Kino gun
+no DLC map packs
+no 3d spotting
-terrible fucking maps
-audio issues
-lack of guns/tools
-classes are even more dumbed down and boring
I never bothered. Didn't you need multiple players? The only BF ARG I completed was the BF1 Peacekeeper one.
BFV gave detpacks to the assault instead of engineer as was in the original BF1942
What the fuck were they thinking
Now this is a fucking boomerpilled opinion, brother.
Call me a basic bitch if you want, but I just love the AR-15 aesthetic, and mechanically, the M416 is that design with the flaws ironed out.
BF1 and BFV are more balanced than BF4 where you can't do shit if you dont have a vehicle or arent playing on cod maps
DLC maps only -
>Dragon Pass
>Operation Firestorm
>Silk Road
>Caspian Border
>Dragon Valley
>Operation Whiteout
>Gulf of Oman
>Giants of Karelia
>Pearl Market
>Altai Range
>Nansha Strike
>Operation Mortar
>Guilin Peaks
>Operation Metro
>Hanger 21
>Wave Breaker
>Sunken Dragon
>Lost Islands
>Lumphini Gardens
Panzerstorm. The concept is cool, the execution is poor.
I had more luck with the M4 to be honest. Normally I hate 3 round burst guns, but if things got hairy in close quarters, I found that it could be tap-fired fast enough to basically feel like full auto.
my babby
>in the top 1% for P226 kills
>BF4 where you can't do shit if you dont have a vehicle or arent playing on cod maps
Okay, this is autism
>all Naval Strike maps
>all Final Stand maps
>Operation Outbreak
>everything else
>all Second Assault maps
>Zavod 311
>Paracel Storm
>Hainan Resort
>Siege of Shanghai
>Lancang Dam
>Golmud Railway
>Rogue Transmission
>Flood Zone
>Operation Locker
have you ever seen an infantry being on the top of the leaderboard on bf4?
its either tank or chopperniggers
>Zavod 311
Calm down, there
>operation metro above anything
oh shit nigga what are you doing
aye, me. granted, i'll mix it up and i'll have a better k/d if i'm in a tank the whole game but i make top playing pure infantry quite regularly
>cap flags
>destroy vehicles
>fix vehicles
>kill players
>heal/revive players
it's that easy
>muh k and d
PTFO or GTFO. Vehicle farming fags only get high kills against noobs, they immediately leave the server the moment a decent squad start killing them. Also these fags never push and are a huge detriment to your team, unless your team is really shit its almost guaranteed win if you play against them.
I don't know how anyone actually thinks 4 is better than 5. The gunplay and tanks feel like total trash in comparison to 5. And 3D spotting is pure ass.
If BF5 never had "muh women" people would praise it as a step up.
>have you ever seen an infantry being on the top of the leaderboard on bf4?
I always do (including myself), and most of them are guys that team stack with an entire competent squad capable of carrying the whole team.
Go back to Battlefront with that garbage-ass gunplay
>If BF5 never had "muh women" people would praise it as a step up.
>178 replies
Nobody but you and one other user has mentioned women.
>muh 3D spotting
found the hill hugging 12yo zoomer camper
They massacred my boy Support by giving it shit starter weapons and fucking boring ass AT mines instead of dynamite packs. The Assault kit would be fine if it's gadgets could damage buildings but they fucking don't (used the dynamite against a building but it didn't do shit so I'm talking from experience, haven't unlocked the last rocket launcher). The only God tier choice they made with classes was the inclusion of a smoke launcher in the medic class, it's surprisingly useful for revs and hip firing scrubs, kinda doo doo guns tho. Recons are fine, no complaints, although it has fun guns like the AT Boys rifle.
4 has way worse maps than 3 (but still has some decent maps), but better ballistics. So I have 3 and 4 on my pc and play them both regard on my wantings
4 has better maps
The piat is for infantry and buildings and the KE7 is god tier so is the bren. Support has great guns man
>he says while posting medic gameplay
This has got to be a joke. The CoD camera locked to the gun recoil bullshit is terrible. Most of the guns feel like they are just pissing on your enemies. The laser beam tracers that come from EVERY SINGLE ROUND are fucking gay and annoying as shit and are worse than 3d spotting because firing 1 shot from anywhere gives away your position in an instant. Look at the tracers and bullets in BF4 and then BFV and tell me BFV is better.
Also the changes to tanks in theory would have been cool if infantry players actually played together with armor, but they don't so instead tank fags just pick a safe spot in the back and lob shots. It's boring as fuck.
Also the suppression changes are lame as shit, weapon distribution is shit, amount of content is shit. Server rental is still delayed, no hardcore. But hey we have 20 dollar skins to make everyone look like clowns on the battlefield. Seriously get fucked.
Idk it wasn't my cup of tea, the Bren is good though, I'll give you that.
>Trying to play tanks in any pre 5 game
Fuck they suck. 5 is almost warthunder tier
>Tank fags lob shots
Yeah and guess what no 3D spotting now enables stealth to take them out. What tank player with a brain is going to enter close combat? You also have hitchable AT guns now
Warthunder is cool in its own right but IMO it has it's own gameplay style. Battlefield should NOT have Warthunder style gameplay. They are totally different styles of game.
I get how some people could find tanks enjoyable in 5, but BF1 and BF4 did it better imo.
*Squad wipes with 1 round*
They feel so anemic in 4. Maybe I'm just so use to tanks that have breakable parts but seeing no reaction on tracks or engine and stuff just takes me out of it.
>best battlefield game was bad company 2
absolutely based and redpilled
>Squad reinforcements are kept
>Modern day
What would the V1 tier be? I wanna say a MOAB or AC130
BC2 was a great game but not a good battlefield game and Bonoro most certainly prefer 4 over BC2
I hope the bring back Commander mode in some capacity and make it a meaningful role
>Dropping supply crates on sniping vermin
Commander with the ability to spectate thru anyone's eyes would be cool and help intel gathering
Commander mode sucked in 4. Unless they bring it back the exact way it was in 2 its just going to suck.
>BC2 was a great game
>but not a good battlefield game
Whatever it was, you can't deny that it was a good game.
Yeah, it had its bad moments but it was an amazing multiplayer experience.
I agree it sucked in 4. I was glad it was in 4 but it was too half assed. I'm thinking an amped up version of what 2 had. More tangible rewards for squads that follow orders too.
It came after bf3 so its better.
If its a sequel and the first game was good the sequel is also good when compared to anything that comes later.
Get a job and play metro
Every other map > Locker > Metro
battlefield has been shit since 2142
Then you need to get better, outside of snipers having a solid 2 or 3 picks that were viable, most guns in BF4 are decent. There are a few meta picks, sure, but they are only slightly better than the rest. Don't know when the last time you played was, but the "final" patches for BF4 brought pretty much every gun up to almost the same level.
Aside from Snipers. Because fuck them apparently.
metro > like who? > school locker
metrofag pls go back to BF3 Metro 24/7 1000 tickets serb
bf4 is fucking awesome, the feeling you get when you start a game in shangai, the whole atmosphere... sooo good for a 2014 game, truly deserves thousands of hours
Few FPS games and maps then or since have had such a wide use of verticality
I'll pay you 3000 tickets to fuck off and patch Seine Crossing into bf4.
Wait they're actually changing the firestorm map? Adding a dome I guess to the construction site
>control the tower after a mess of a battle at the entrance
>team sustains with elevator checking for enemy squads
>parachute down to roofs or enemy point for capture
>building shakes and everyone rushes out to take a point
one of the worst BF3 maps, of course a metro fag would love it
>Transport heli not being wasted by some reconfag ditching it to camp on a corner scraper
>Enemy team holding C hard
>fucking Hamburger hill but with elevators
>eventually after losing like 150 tickets just trying to take C
>just C4 the shit out of the supports and let it come crashing down
good shit
Crash this whole tower. With no survivors!
>Fags of Shanghai
>the map where all the cod kids camp inside this one building
>the map where all the heli fags farm noobs on rooftops 24/7 and get mad and ban you if you stinger their asses
>the map where nobody plays the fucking objectives
>the map where vehicle combat is absolute garbage because everything is a fucking corridor
>the map where 90% of the servers have on 24/7 rotation
>insert any armored kill or large open map and lockerfag will be satisfied
Get a job
modern war > old war/future war
it's as simple as that.
such a pity tho, i really wanted a modern bf5 with the same flawless use of verticality as some bf4 maps had.. why even bother adding helicopters or airplanes to those games, the feeling of being on the rooftop in charlie, suddenly hearing an enemy chopper getting at shoot range, and getting in the elevator as you see your teammates get slayed by the machinegun, only to die bc some retrad spams claymores in the elevator exit, but then seeing them dying as the skyscraper falls creating map interaction and maleability, something pretty cool for the time too
>vehicle combat
>complains about helis
Unironically vehicleniggers are the ones making bf games garbage.
>tfw there's some synchronization and everyone waits for the right moment to cap C as soon as possible
>someone brings the mortar to cleanse the area
i honestly dont mind bfv but the recent patch completely fucked the game up performance wise and for some people the game seems to work completely fine and others the game stutters like shit and has general performance issues. would be able to have a more solid opinion on it if the game actually fucking worked
Fuck off larper
shame on you retard
Do you mean the one that released today or the last one?
>BFV is bad because of cosmetics and microtransactions
LMAO no V is terrible because it’s a mapless, twitch shooter, revisionist SJW wet dream of a game that destroys any semblance of a WW2 context
The only thing this map needs is one big train station under it for shits and giggles that gets collapsed under the tower.
bf 4 sucks
modern war sucks
fuck off
it's a heck of a lot more playable than BC1 was, jesus christ what were DICE thinking
I'm tired of these these threads, and all of the boomers trying to defend these extremely bad games. Every single time, there are dumb cunts coming in to say BF4 was a good game, when they have no clue on what they are talking about.
Listen, I've played all of the Battlefield games. I've also played most other multiplayer games in that period, which gives me the ability to have a general perspective on the FPS multiplayer gaming industry. In other words, my judgement is worth more than your 18-year old boomer ass.
EA went downhill when they decided to add a shit ton of DLCs, cosmetics items, gadgets, premiums, etc. in their games. Yes, they did start to do that with Battlefield 3, but the 4th iteration was the holy grail of milking dumb people out of their money.
Imagine having to grind your ass off to unlock items/weapons/perks/gadgets just to be "even" with the players who already sunk that much time in the game. Your objective isn't to have fun anymore, but to farm some XP instead... just like in World of Warcraft. The developers know that, and they really do not care about making iconic and fun maps anymore.
Why would they work their asses off to create good maps, when they already know that a new game is in the making, and that they want as many people as possible to hop on the new game and all of its DLCs and other pre-order deals? And before you even know it, all your grind in BF4 led to nothing, because a new Battlefield came out, and everyone is there already. So you better get in there too and start grinding again!
Now, the reason why I think Bad Company 2 was the last good Battlefield game, is because the perks/gadgets/unlocks were quite limited, and the maps were extremely well made. All of them. Of course they had to be, because EA was trying to showcase their Frostbite engine at the time.
Any modern game about ww2 vietnam or ww1 was boring garbage.
Because every reply is about V, right? Based retard never took a statistics course
Why is the water so high?
It never covers the rubble.
messed with the water level
I agree with the pickups and the bloat. Disagree on the argument about customization. I like the idea of having class freedom to play a certain way, and I feel it encourages people to play different things even if they favor a certain style.
>Why is the water so high?
Global warming.
>you need to take a statistics course to ctrl+f pages
based retard
it mught be a bad bf game, but its a great game dude, period
>Your objective isn't to have fun anymore, but to farm some XP instead
>And before you even know it, all your grind in BF4 led to nothing, because a new Battlefield came out, and everyone is there already. So you better get in there too and start grinding again!
This is the worst shit ever, remember the good old days of CoD2 and BF1942 where you just fucking play, have fun, everyone is on an even level and skill is all that matters, no grinding for equipment and unlocks
Now we have shit like War Thunder where you unlock a tank and need to grind for a week to get your fire extinguisher and repair ability on the higher tier tanks, that shit isn't fun. Mountain Blade Napoleonic Wars does it proper, everything is unlocked for everyone to use, every weapon, every cannon, ever horse, and its up to you to git gud at using it,
the last one, didn't know there was one releasing today. not that it matters though, my trial of origin access ran out anyway
Shanghai.... home
>that one guy that comes into the game and manages to get 250-0 in a helicopter
>the other team can't do anything about it
I hate it. I hate it so much.
Anyone that kept playing after BF2142 or BC2 at a stretch should just kill themselves.
Insane amount of samefagging for a mediocre map
git gud scrub
>helicoper keeps killing faggot snipers on rooftop
>they keep respawning there like fucking zombies
>nobody even tries to do anything against it
I either change teams or leave the room whenever that happens
Ain't shit you can do in that position, champ. There is no hard counter to a good chopper pilot absent the railguns in Final Stand. They play where fighter guns can't easily get them, where even locked missiles get dodged, and so your only real chance is to snipe the fucking pilot. Good luck with that.
all squad spawn and endless medic revive trains was a mistake, no area ever feels secure
>become commander
>drop endless loads of supply crates on your own team campers and cruise missiles on the enemy campers
>decimate their precious k/ds
thing is, that stops being fun after a couple hundred hours.
There are also other ways to kill them.
>push them out of buildings with MAV and EOD bots and watch them fall to their death
>spam their faces with smoke grenades as support until they leave the server
this one is my favorite
>drive a quad, equip the shield and bash the quad into them causing them to die
>drive a car and honk until their ears bleed
>have a friend on the enemy team with a MAV then drop C4 near them and have you friend detonate them
>drive a quad, equip the shield and bash the quad into them causing them to die
how does that work?
I wish BFV had paid maps cause the content drip is the worse part, but DICE LA seems to be entering now and making stuff like 4. I do love a lot of the new design choices and I hope they keep them for the next game.
The building stuff I actually like and I hope they expand it to be more like SQUAD where you can build more stuff anywhere
>there isn't a modern combat game like Battlefield that supports player map creation
>the closest thing is Rising Storm 2
You just drive the ATV next to them, then exit the vehicle and shield bash to launch it into them causing them to die. Also works with other light transport vehicles like the motorcycle and jet ski.
oh word, that sounds hilarious. thanks.
>The battlefield franchise? The last playable title was 2142.
Finally, this user knows watsup,shame what happened to the private custom servers
its fun and i actually liked BF1. Didnt care about 5 and its disabled wheelchair bound black trannies fighting in WWII. maybe next BF game will be better.
It was just battlefield 3 with most of the shit fixed, whats the issue. You didn't have to grind because the starters were p. good.
Its not the second coming from christ, but you are honestly expecting too much from a battlefield game. That's basically expecting a COD game to be good.
Man I want a map like this in MP for breakthrough
If a chopper pilot positions in a place where jets have trouble killing them, then they should be easy pickings for engineers.
At least it was because the helis fucked everything up
why would you add usa fags before ussr if you are not anti russian company?
>shanghai 64
>top 3 in both team are like 200/1 KD Helifags
They just did Russia with BF1 and probably want to do something different. We havent had the pacific theater in fucking ages.
Reminder that Dice LA are the saviors of every fucking game post launch and Sweden must burn
>the best battlefield game was bad company 2
Everything that's wrong with today's Battlefield is because of you, you fucking zoomer
Bad Company 2 was the last truely great Battlefield, and Dice doesn't even know how they made it that fun, so im kinda worried if they try to make a BC3 since modern military revival seems to be in right now.
>battlefield 4
because we won war by singlehandedly
rip thread
You know the worst part?
retards on Yea Forums shilled and bought this trash
It's currently the best modern warfare shooter available
700 hours baby
but the mab 38 or w/e they added does just that, one beast medic gun, got my first 50 kill conquest game as medic with it.
Oh my fuck this.
>HAVE to use mouse when on foot
>HAVE to use controller when in aircraft
>HAVE to use mouse to interact with the UI
>HAVE to switch back and forth like a fucking retard
>All to play a game with netcode that hasn't been updated since 2002
Literally the only reason I play is the pretty graphics. If I actually want to shoot people and actually kill them, I go play some other game.
git gud
and uh have sex
Maybe you just need to git gud? I never had an issue doing well with off-meta guns, there are a small handful of shit ones in the game but otherwise everything's viable. To be fair though, that was back when the game was still current and heavily populated, it might be different now that the playerbase mostly consists of turboautists who've spent years perfecting their playstyle with the same meta guns.
Bind a key to pitch up and use it for tight turns in aircraft, that pretty much solves the issues with flying with m+kb.
Operation Metro 300%...home
yeah youre right
because the CQC chaos of Pearl Market, and the game changing levolution of flood zone are way better than Shanghai
Vehicle bitches are not to talk shit about infantry, enjoy your literal armored killing machine handicap while I work for my kills lel.
It's not supposed to be 100% balanced.
It got fixed by LA DICE. Largest skill ceiling in all the battlefields. Most vehicles, balanced well.
Get good OP. I'd take BF4 any day over BF1, BFV. You're a fag.
Battlefield 1 was the best battlefield game. Boomerfags get out
not even that user, the little story missions for bf1 and bfv are great. obviously the meat of the bf games is in it's online but fuck dude, those missions were solid.
> Tell us how you really feel.
bf4 would be infinitely more fun if the vehicles werent so op and autists werent able to reliably sit in them the entire match, u cant prove me wrong
Zoomers. 90% of the people who post on this site were adolesence or early teens when BF4 came out, so they have fond pre-depression memories of it. BF1 and 5 by comparison came out when they were young adults and the bitterness had set in.
Its why BF3 and Halo are loved here now, too.