what are some christian approved games?
What are some christian approved games?
Other urls found in this thread:
SMT series
My upcoming video game.
not hollow knight, apparently
Outlast 2
Dungeon Keeper
Sengoku Rance
Ominous Horizons: A Paladin's Calling
Based Pratchett.
TempleOS has a whole section of them.
Crusader Kings 2.
All Castlevania, Bloodstained, Doom franchise
Doom 2016
Diablo 3 playing as a Crusader.
Super Noah's Ark 3D
Morality Score - 74%
Violence - 7/10
Language - 7/10
Sexual Content - 5/10
Occult/Supernatural - 8/10
Cultural/Moral/Ethical - 10/10
Moral Warnings: Fantasy violence against natural(ish) and mystical creatures, including punis (gelatin blobs), squirrel-like beasts, humanoid creatures, ghosts, and dragons; curse words including ‘d*mn’, 'p*ss*d', ‘h*ll’; alcohol use, including by playable characters, with drunkenness shown in some scenes; there is some suggestive dialog, including fantasies of romance (both heterosexual and homosexual), breast sizes, and so on; there is a hot tub scene; one scene has a bathing woman with an arm and towel strategically covering what it must; about half of the female cast dresses conservatively, while others have lots of midriff and cleavage shown; for certain characters, breasts move when walking or in battle; underwear is sometimes visible; at least one girl is clearly attracted to other girls, with hints that others could possibly be couples; at least one major character hints that she is not interested in men; magic is used, and crafting new things in a cauldron with components is a massive part of this game; some mushrooms are poisonous and have unexpected affects on those who eat them
underrated game
This website is really nice to read especially some of the comments.
Is there a more based OS?
God isn't real lol
>christianity is wrong
An incorrect but understandable opinion
>God isn't real
Full retard mode
The YOU Testament
haha, tell me Christianity is wrong, tell me religion is wrong, but you literally cant say God isnt real
prove it lads
God isn't real.
mechwarrior 2 but not mechwarrior 2: mercenaries, according to my parents
It's not about God but Jesus teachings. Retard.
Amazingly He is tho
people who believe in god are just as retarded as people who believe in horoscopes
You don't even go church user, you're just larping
Big yikes, philosophylet
>everything comes from nothing
don't think so
Shit, we're at an impasse. Can we reach a compromise and say demiurge. Get it?
Castlevania is christian kino, the church are the good guys and the faith of god is important to dispel Dracula's ressurection.
And Jesus was a random lunatic prophet like there were millions of in that damned desert.
Dude, you have to be more specific
an evangelist person won't approve the same games as a Catholic person
If they're decent human beings they won't mind what media you consume
Ave Χριστός
The only important philosophy is the one that deals with facts. In the world of vague information you can make up whatever you want and you will never see any support for what you're saying. It's is quite literally LARPing.
Jesus philosophy=/=Church
Please dont insult my godsona.
The existence of the Universe in general is an impossibility which demands supernatural origin in some manner. God is a very possible answer to the question when you consider this, even if the argument isn't for a specific God.
>world of vague information
>he thinks he has the facts
>I don't understand it so it's a deity.
>Also the rules I set forth, everything can't come from nothing, doesn't apply to the arbitrary figure of creation.
nice try.
Devil May Cry
What's the point of it if you don't follow it? How often do you volunteer your time and money to help your fellow man? Be honest.
Agree with this, also the allignment of our solar system and celestial bodies so they can support life on earth also gives credence to higher powers being involved
Just kidding. I have no idea.
How did he go from making nice Christian games to making horror games for 3 year olds?
videogames inherently are anti0christian and promote
>animal abuse
>cock fighting
>sexual abuse
>loot boxes
>killing and opposing God
>alcohol abuse
>giving alcohol to minors
>breaking into people's houses
>breaking someone else's property
>breaking local laws
>promoting anarchy against governments and religion
Biblically what's wrong with violence against animals? I thought under Christianity God gave us Dominion over them and they don't have souls anyway. You'd think slaying dragons would be especially Christian.
As a catholic I don't see what's wrong with it
Because streamer bait sells. Too bad he's gonna do fnaf forever because his designs are pretty cool in a ridiculous way
>Biblically what's wrong with violence against animals?
Only shit like murdering animals for your own amusement or fun is wrong, shit like butchering or exploiting animals to get ressources for you to survive is ok
>everything comes from god
>god comes from
>X came from Y
>and where did Y come from?
>and where did Z come from?
It's an infinite loop. In order for this loop to exist, there has to be something that breaks the rules and is able to exist at all times and before time, because time needs a starting point.
God didn't "come", he was always there, he is subsistent existance itself. Otherwise He wouldn't be God.
Videogames are anti-Christian and anti-Jesus.
They are a slothful pursuit, which is one of the 7 Deadlies. Proverbs, Numbers, John, and Matthew have numerous passages that condemn the pursuit of laziness. Apostle Paul in particular wrote about it in his twenty-one sins.
Videogames are a highway to the devil.
>The only important philosophy is the one that deals with facts
I suggest you read the Doors of Perception by Huxley. He is talking about the essence every artist tries to capture, the infinite foldings present in the mind and by extension the nature. God can be many real things observable in the nature, the collective transcendence of humanity evolving since our humble beginnings.
>Has to be god.
Almost certainly a freak accident.
>muh insignificance
Humans are not animals. We have intellect that can overcome impulsions. We have choice. Animals don't. Humans are not animals and should not be classed with them. We are above animals. We were placed here by God, and animals were made to serve us. He who denies god is the fool.
You don't need God for that thought experiment though. It's impossible for true nothing to exist because even nothing is something, it is nothing.
We came from apes, this is proven.
>Videogames are anti-Christian and anti-Jesus.
>They are a slothful pursuit, which is one of the 7 Deadlies. Proverbs, Numbers, John, and Matthew have numerous passages that condemn the pursuit of laziness. Apostle Paul in particular wrote about it in his twenty-one sins.
>Videogames are a highway to the devil.
This is unironically true. Literally every moment we spend playing vidya, and even worse shitposting about in Yea Forums, is a moment that could have been spent on actual productive pursuits, helping those in need, and generally making the world a better place. The collective MILLENNIA of time (literally, thousands of Yea Forumsirgins, years of playing & shitposting) we've spent on this stuff represents an enormous waste of all that. If you truly believe in God and the teachings of Jesus you shouldn't be here.
Of course most of us here don't, so no issues on that front. As always most of the ones claiming they believe transparently don't follow the teachings they claim to or actually think any of it true. Then they get mad when others don't take it seriously either. Like, even """"believers"""" quit at the first bit of personal challenge and sacrifice, yet then expect non-believers to be convinced their is some magic mystic shit there? Fucking stupid.
Humans being animals and rising above it on our own, then forging ourselves to ever greater heights with zero outside help, is precisely the opposite of insignificance and one of the most incredible things ever. That filthy species traitors like you would submit to anything that isn't human or human descended for leadership is in turn one of the most disgusting sentiments and greatest acts of treachery there could be. Humanity is the greatest, scum like you should be destroyed.
>Humans are not animals.
The species homo sapiens sapiens from the family of hominids, the primate order in the class of mammals belonging to the animal kingdom. Hmm.
Gave me a good laugh there, mate.
REMINDER: atheists are literal brainlets who never got over their meany parents making them go to church
True reminder: all monotheists are fundamentally species traitors with no pride or self-respect for humans and who would eagerly submit to aliens at the drop of a hat.
I love seeing fedoras getting absolutely blown the fuck out. If only all of western society would follow this example then we'd all be so much happier and stronger for it.
Anybody Christian uses social media, or the internet in general beyond the bare necessities, is a hypocrite.
Profane imagery, demonic symbolism. Casts evil in a sympathetic light. There's even a section where you kill Christian vampire hunters. There may be a few religiously objectionable media within that game.
stop enjoying things
>Fun is a waste of time we should all be producers at all times.
That isn't a Christian ideal if anything that's a marxist one.
>no anime/manga
Fuck yes, I knew futa incest was christian!
Nobody will address this because it's true. If there's a God or a Jesus, they would be fucking pissed that we're here wasting our lives when it's said at length that sloth and laziness are sins.
Almost everyone on Yea Forums that claims to be religious is larping to "stick it to the dems/fedoras", which is entertaining, but they're not religious and they don't follow the teachings of Jesus. Posts like would make Jesus blush, and posts like would make God turn your hometown to salt.
You can have fun doing things that will make yourself better or make the world better. You're actually claiming "but it's fun" is a Christian excuse to do whatever you want? I mean yeah, that's pretty typical for Christians in actuality because you're a bunch of hypocritical faggots 99.9% of the time, but it doesn't help your case either.
Sloth is not a Christian ideal. It's literally a sin.
"Pleasure-seeking" also quite literally is a sin according to Apostle John. As are "those who lack control", aka people that play more then 2 hours a day.
>Nobody will address this because it's true. If there's a God or a Jesus, they would be fucking pissed that we're here wasting our lives when it's said at length that sloth and laziness are sins.
Worse, they'd be pissed about people using them as lazy props to justify behavior Jesus in particular directly argued against.
>I am the gatekeeper of Religion I decide what sloth is and since every human on Earth takes time off everyone is guilty. No you may not enjoy entertainment after work or you are not Christian so says me lord of Sloth hurr
I believe in God for sure, but both scenarios can be argued because they are both scenarios of the infinite and just as equally impossible.
>Infinite regress of causation
>Infinite existence of a base causation
Considering that part in the Bible where they rape and pillage a town, kill all the men and boys, and "take the women" as their own?
Any hentai game would probably work.
Do you think people are lazier today then they used to be? Better yes, here's a question for you:
Do you think they're fatter?
Really gets the noggin joggin. Fatties and addicts are heretics.
Why is the cross of St. Peter there?
Jesus was a prophet, not a son of God. God is One and doesn't need any associates.
What a dumb white supremacist picture
Doom, unironicaly. You play as a modern templar killing demons. You can't be more christian than this.
Christians are waaaay too busy getting vasectomies and adopting leftover kids from Africa.
Always amusing when "atheist/anti-christian" people try to claim something isn't christian despite barely knowing anything about it. Probably haven't even read the Bible.
Hahaha so the "christian" is now arguing to us that everything is relative, that the Bible is just subject to "interpretation" and has no meaning. This is exactly the kind of shit that makes you such a fucking joke. It's completely transparent that you're just doing what you want, then using a crutch to justify it after the fact, rather then looking to something for actual guidance and doing things that make you uncomfortable to try to be a better person. You could learn to find fun and satisfaction in hobbies that also lead to personal improvement, down to just plain exercise. But no.
>Behold my power as I ascend Sloth to become the Lord of Gluttony. Now I have the power to decry all fatties for being beyond my personal BMI.
It's a good thing Christianity is about forgiveness and redemption or you absolutist muppets might have a point. Yes, sloth is bad, yes gluttony is bad, yes they should be called out but that doesn't demand excommunication for failing to live up to the standards of internet fedoras.
Anything Old Testament that is superseded by New Testament should have nothing to do with Christians user.
>Christianity is about forgiveness and redemption
>haha epic I can do literally anything I want and then a quick apology to Jesus and I'm good :^)
Literally how it works. Except the apology has to be sincere.
The game of white washing hebrews in religious artwork.
I'm jacked bro. I'm just telling you like it is based on scripture itself.
Yeah, all is forgiven, sure, but you need to be properly absolved of your sins.
Just wanted to say that if christianity was against having fun and needing every single person to be a laborer at all times like marxism they wouldn't have sunday designated as the day of rest. retards
>Everyone therefore who hears these words of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, who built his house on a rock. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it didn't fall, for it was founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of mine, and doesn't do them will be like a foolish man, who built his house on the sand. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it fell—and great was its fall.
It's about striving to do your best, acknowledging your failures and seeking to do better. You won't find a Church on Earth which preaches a life of sin followed by death bed apologies.
Oh yes, this website. I remember years ago that some Yea Forumsirgins thought that the separate morality score was a good idea.
>Except the apology has to be sincere.
It's not sincere by definition if you don't actually feel bad about it or make any effort to change going forward. If you came to see the light of the evil of shitposting/vidya and then just stopped and sought to change your hobbies to things that were healthier and to put more effort into helping positive things instead then sure, you could absolutely find redemption there.
But if you just go like and say "oh well too high a standard XD" and then keep right on being a blob trolling Yea Forums then no. This isn't that fucking hard.
You can strive to do your best, acknowledge your failures, and seek to do better on your deathbed after a lifetime of sin. Jesus won't reject you, you can only reject Him.
>It's about striving to do your best, acknowledging your failures and seeking to do better.
Yes, absolutely! But strong emphasis on ACKNOWLEDGING your FAILURES and SEEKING TO DO BETTER. If you instead claim that you did nothing wrong all along "because it was fun and nothing wrong with fun!" and don't actually see to do better than no, that isn't it.
>You won't find a Church on Earth which preaches a life of sin followed by death bed apologies.
Except the Catholic church selling indulgences for cash and other awkward moments like that.
You reject his teachings by living the life of Sin it is only after absolution in which you can claim your faith stands firm. Unless you plan to see the future and know the exact moment of your death your idea to spit on all he preaches until your last breath has serious holes.
why doesn't anyone just package up some absolution insurance or something for a reasonable fee? life is uncertain and we insure other risks and like you say accidents and death could happen so it makes sense just to a pay a bit ongoing then if you die unexpectedly it'll auto-run an "acknowledge your failures" script so then you're all good and ready for heaven.
as someone who grew up in a christian household in a minister's home, i will confirm the two games that pretty much were played to death in my household that were allowed
>jedi knight games
>age of empires 2
>nancy drew point and clicks
i rest my case
This is a great idea you could secure it with the blockchain and run it on etherium for distributed crypto assurance. Pretty Godly!
And here we are back to the Fedora argument that any time at all not working is sinful. I know this is Yea Forums but you need to stop thinking in binary terms you're never going to convince a devout man to abandon their faith because they dared take a nap.
The big bang happened, And it was god that caused it. God did not shape all life, He merely created the essentials and watched as we developed slowly overtime, Nudging us in the right direction so that we may eventually resemble his image
Science is real and so is god
>And here we are back to the Fedora argument that any time at all not working is sinful
Nope, that wasn't the argument at all. You just have reading comprehension trouble. The specific argument was that just because some fun things are completely fine does not mean that ALL "fun" things are okay. If you took up hiking or art and had a lot of fun, weren't working, but ended up getting in better shape and contemplating or creating new works that enhance your or others faith and contemplation that's quite different from shitposting on Yea Forums.
>I know this is Yea Forums but you need to stop thinking in binary terms you're never going to convince a devout man to abandon their faith because they dared take a nap.
And you're never going to convince anyone when you literally try to defend becoming a fat blob and shitposting in Yea Forums with a handwave of "oh well I say sorry about it at confessional once in a while".