The last character you play as has to compete with Boromir in an Orc killing contest. Who wins?
The last character you play as has to compete with Boromir in an Orc killing contest. Who wins?
Other urls found in this thread:
>GOW3 kratos
I think we know who wins
>botw Link
his weapon is going to break in 2 hits so rip
It's either a dead heat or the other character, because Boromir has never killed an Orc.
Orc or Uruk'hai?
Because orcs are scrubs.
Uruk hai are "orcs".
No, they are Uruk-hai. A crossbreed between orc and humans. Orcs are just twisted elves.
Shadow runner shaman
Can I just summon those ghosts like Aragorn? Either he has guns and fights super Orcs in titanium armor anyway so he’d do pretty well I guess.
You miss the point. Uruk hai are "orcs".
>Orcs are just twisted elves
Deeply misinformed.
>one of the greatest soldiers to come out of Minas Tirith
>has never killed an orc
Stick to movies, kiddo.
That's correct. No-one has ever killed an orc, except for arguable Samwise Gamgee. (I forget if Frodo, Merry et al ever merk any goblins).
ez win
Iota from Tearaway
bfm III when
Don't talk to idiots, user. It's contagious.
>knows nothing about Lord of the Rings
>calls others idiots
>not even enough balls to talk directly
I played Ryo from shenmue 1 and ryo dosen't kill but ryo can pull out some mean ass kung fu giving the orcs a mean ass beat down
what were they killing then you autismo
>minish cap link
I honestly don't know who wins
Well my character cannot die so I guess I win
The calling card of the mediocre.
Y-you're thinking about troll, right user?
Jack's double from BTPS. Well, he has awesome guns and holograms that kill people, so Boromir is fucked. He also got unpaid student loans
Remember, user. Never, ever talk to idiots.
I do. Easily.
Why would I be thinking about trolls?
>doubles down on the cowardice
o i am laffing. Thanks for proving my point with that image though - I'm sure you're aware who wrote the books in-universe.
I know you are trying to imply he only killed Uruk-hai but He killed orcs in Moria. I’m sure he killed plenty of orcs defending minas tirith and stuff too but if you meant in the movies he only kills Uruk that’s wrong because if the Moria fight scene.
Because what you're referring to is a cave troll in Moria
>Tolkein talks about the orcs present in the trilogy in his commentaries after their writing
>but one user decades later knows the truth, that tolkein is wrong! They were all goblins the whole time
nigga u dum
Minecraft Waluigi
Goblins and orcs are both present in the trilogy, dumbass.
Orcs and goblins are the same thing in Tolkien
Wasn't it goblins there?
>I know you are trying to imply he only killed Uruk-hai
How can you self-misinform this bad?
See above, I never talked about trolls
Not relevant. Further not-reasoning; they are goblins.
That's like saying humans and homo sapiens are present in the world.
Finally another user with awareness.
It's not fair bro's
I don't want to kill orcs. Just take their women.
This is true. I wanted to make sure it wasn't just a hobbit slang, but Tolkein truly made the terms synonymous in all his writings before his first publication.
Goblin is just another name for orcs. The 1915 piece Goblin Feet differentiated the two, but everything after 1917, starting with Turambar, made them synonymous. The Hobbit was published in 1937.