Why do people find SSJ2 badass? He was just an arrogant idiot.
Why do people find SSJ2 badass? He was just an arrogant idiot
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It's mostly just Mexicans that like him. GoJuan fans are also usually Dragon Ball GT fans, so that should instantly clue you in to the fact that they're retarded.
Sparks and spikier hair
>all of Z was building him up to be the biggest badass on the planet
>nope, just goku
>gohan is never relevant again
why bother?
But SSJ2 Gohan wasn't badass
Toriyama wanted to end the series but the editors convinced him to continue with Goku as the MC because there was still money to be made and the Japs are scared shitless of change.
SSJ2 unironically should have been the absolute peak of strength in the series and the series should've ended at Cell
Now it's 2019 and Dragon Ball games have an overabundance of Gokus in different forms because Japan can't stop jerking off over him
Buu and Blue were mistakes
The sparks in FighterZ look kinda lame
>arrogant idiot
With an exception to Future Trunks and Goten you've just described every saiyan.
Thats what saiyans do. Not take out their opponents and let them power up, 1v1 only.
Still the most powerful non fusion fighter by the end of Z, and he rekt Cell. Besides, it has been made very clear that Gohan doesnt really want to be a fighter, he just wants to be a family man.
Which means they can't be considered badass.
It was Gohan’s emotional peak, and he’s the only real character in DBZ. I would have loved to see the Buu arc center around him saving the world like it’s built up to be but no, just Goku.
I'd consider Future Trunks pretty badass. In super he basically solos Babidi and Dabura before Buu becomes a thing.
I meant Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan.
Super Saiyan was a mistake in general. Way to relegate the rest of the cast as filler for the rest of the fucking series lol. Pre universal tourney built up krillin of all people to have some potential only to throw that out the window immediately. At the very least they did stick to the teamwork theme at the end but it just doesn't justify the means.
Super saiyan 1 was kino, it was all built up perfectly, the series really should have ended there
because i was that age when i watched dbz
I'm still glad we got Golden Frieza out of this mess.
Well they even screwed Trunks' story. It's fairly obvious that he was originally written to kill Cell. Their stories are connected.
>Both from the future
>Cell the perfect Android, made from 17 and 18, whom Trunks blames for his shit world.
And it serves as the better ending for his narrative. Having gone back unable to save his people, and by the end, being the one who has saved his people.
Gohan had fuck all to do with the arc up until then, it was Trunks' story.
Never really like Gohan so I didnt care.
What's fucked up is Piccolo becoming more powerful than Frieza and still being useless.
I'm glad they had him own that Frieza clone in Super at least.
Vegeta has always been the best. They need to let him surpass Goku again.
He might've been a fuckup but he was a cool looking fuckup
Just wait until he unlocks SSJ Green!
The fact that you refer to it as "SSJ2" means you don't get it. Gohan donning the mantle was the biggest fucking twist ever, because the little shit had been tagging along for 8 fucking years at that point and never, ever amounted to jack shit.
Because the scene was absolute kino in the original jap version.
Literally nobody did, even when cell arc first aired everyone thought toriyama had jumped the gun. Gohan crying over some literal who was the stupidest shit ever. Thankfully buu arc happened and made him completely irrelevant.
>arrogant idiot
>exception of Future Trunks
Pffffft yeah okay user
>this is what I think was going to happen
>but that didnt happen therefore story bad
Every fucking time with epic writers who look at the series. Go fuck yourself. Also, Trunks did kill Cell in his timeline faggot.
After Vegeta bests Frieza's base form and transforms, Gohan gets all butt blasted when Krillin is hurt, and he beats up Frieza 2 for a bit whole they wait for Piccolo to show up. Then Nail/Piccolo can beat form 2 and 3, but not the final form.
He also is the main fighter when Goku and Vegeta are in space for Garlic Junior.
Androids were worth it just for Vegeta going SSJ the first time.
Cell could've just appeared from space and Future Trunks wouldnt have to exist. Future Trunks has done nothing more than yamcha has across the series. Is FT even mentioned in the universe tournament arc?? Or at all after the zamasu arc? He dead jim
>someone has to be present in LITERALLY EVERY ARC or else they're WORTHLESS
kill yourself
The 1 universe he didnt screw everyone over in. Oh wait...
He was cocky because he knew that Cell was about to get his shit pushed in and he was the one that was going to do it.
As a kid, my friends all made fun of me for liking Gohan. They called him Gayhan. He was a bitch forever and then SSJ2 happened and I felt immediately redeemed. Then He turned into the great Saiyaman, my friends called him the Great Gayaman. So did I. Fuck Gohan, stupid bitch.
He was cool in the Future of Trunks movie and as Mystic Gohan during that 1 episode in the Buu saga.
Vegeta became my favorite after that. That time in Resurrection when Goku admitted that Vegeta became more powerful had me so fucking hyped.
Like I said, Gohan never amounts to anything. By the time Piccolo arrived Gohan's head was being crushed like a grape. Dodoria, Guldo, Recoome, 2nd AND 3rd form Freeza; you know it's bad when fucking Krillin bails you out.
He went back in time for assistance, knowing that he couldn't do it himself, NOT to spearhead the charge against Cell. Although Super showed that this is pointless, and his timeline was doomed anyway.
Man, thank god Super is so awful that I never had to see that become canon.
Gohan was a small child that managed to fight and survive against EVERY major villain that popped up except the Androids. Both Goku and Vegeta point out that for Gohan to keep with them at his age was nothing short of amazing. Even during the Cell games they had a scene in the anime where Future Trunks is going on and on about how Goku is the only one that can stop Cell, Vegeta glances over at Gohan as if to say to himself "maybe".
Kid was an unacknowledged prodigy.
Goku visits everyone powerful enough to be on the team. FT is done. If he timeskips/multiverse travels again he will be erased.Completely
THE BEST PART FT is in is when he gets 720 no-scoped by Cell. This ultimately led to Cell's demise because of combined saiyan rage.
Also its pretty obvious Goku intended for Gohan to defeat Cell. Why do you think he personally trained him in the chamber? Goku had accepted his own mortality.
For me, it's Namek Super Saiyan
Thats krillin's job though. He can toss a mean bean too.
It was stated several times that Gohan had dormant power that he hadn't brought out yet.
>implying the Great Saiyaman wasn't the shit
Yeah, it's goofy, but I thought it was awesome at the same time.
I miss when SS1’s hair looked thick and clumped together instead of really defined
Geetz is the smartest bastard in the series and is unfortunately blinded by his own rage, which typically leads to bad things.
I liked the white with a tinge of yellow color too
This, Gohan just never reached that potential.
For long anyway
Why did Toriyama start hating muscles?
Thats a different SSJ form and why goku loves SSJ1 so much. Did Vegeta and future trunks hair change that way too after chamber?
Same reason he hates black hair
For me, it's Jackie Chun.
I love how the new movie went back using the older animation styles.
Why did SSJ4 have to be stuck in GT?
I actually took a poll on DBZ recently, with almost 2,500 results, Android Saga and was by large the favorite, and all the GT Sagas and the Emperor Pilaf arc for some reason where the least favorites.
If there’s anyone that deserves to use it now it’s Broly
The song. The transformation(and by extension the fight) is nothing without the song. With it, it's the best scene in DBZ by a fucking mile
Trunks' main goal was to warn Goku about the heart problem, I thought. Apart from that, he was relying on the heroes of this timeline to stop P. Cell. It would have felt really cheap if Trunks came in from another timeline and solved our beloved heroes' problems for them. Like some real Captain Marvel bullshit cheap.
>Way to relegate the rest of the cast as filler for the rest of the fucking series lol.
That happened before Z when Piccolo appeared. After that, the rest of the Z fighters could only play catch up.
Hair is hard to draw
New form are colorswap for a reason
Green is Broly's gimmick
If the broly movie is any indication, it might become canon soon.
His main goal was to warn about the androids. Cell was a package deal
Android Saga was some serious shit. I remember running home from school to watch it and feeling like the world of DBZ was going to end any day.
Android>Cell>Frieza were the top 3 IMO.
Although I really liked specific episodes from Buu, and Majin Vegeta was one of the best characters in the show. His suicide made his character development so interesting. That and the fight before that between him and Goku when he finally came to terms with the fact that Goku was more powerful than him were the two main reasons he became my favorite.
Fuck, post-cell saga Vegeta was so damn good.
badasses and being arrogant idiots goes hand in hand
For me, its Trunks
Fuck you Vegeta has always been a boss. Cell would've done much worse to the Z fighters had Vegeta not stepped in after FT was sniped.
I know the old fans give Z a hard time for lacking comedy and stuff, but it was honestly hard to give a shit because the tension and twists in the Android saga were so great. Not to mention Cell's introduction was absolute kino.
because he's a teen who got pushed too far and turned edgy, and brainlets identify with that
I miss Kageyama doing Dragon Ball songs.
>new movies to pick out and canonize these things
I can live with this future though I wonder how long we'll have to deal with canon Broly and OG Broly existing together
Vegeta was always my 2nd favorite. I think I liked Piccolo the most until Namek. Once the post-Cell martial arts tournament hit though, I don't think how anyone could argue that he didn't have the best character from that point on.
Gohan got lame, Goku stayed the same as Goku always has and will be. Piccolo was still cool as fuck, but remained pointless. Not sure if anyone else even needs to be mentioned.
I think we all do.
Meant Vegeta after the martial arts tournament. My retarded composition made it seem like i was talking about Piccolo
I'll never understand what was Vegeta's appeal. Everyone seems to love him more than every other character.
>new DB game is gonna be another z retread with nothing but goku wank
>still no news on janemba, broly and gogeta for fighterZ
>xv2 is dead and dimps keeps beating it's corpse with a stick by giving us shit dlc
>xv3 is probably not happening at this point
Why are modern DB games so shit now?
If if ever gets introduced to Super it it isn't gonna be SSJ4 but rather a spin on it, and it won't be called SSJ4 given that they've completely moved away from the numbered naming scheme and it arguably should have never been called SSJ4 to begin with. of it. Broly already uses a mini-SSJ4, so he's a pretty likely candidate for it.
He has a sizable female fanbase.
Lots of character development.
>female fanbase
Yeah nah
>He was just an arrogant idiot.
It was both that and the climax to his character arc. Gohan was undoing the calm Super Saiyan bullshit that completely undermines the concept of the transformation. There's not a single memorable moment in this series when these idiots are running around completely collected while their bodies scream bloody murder. That said, it should have been Piccolo in 16's place.
>it is now okay to like best form after Toriyama rebranded it
Every single time.
You'd be surprised, but yeah we do have a large amount of fujos in the fanbase.
Toriyama even made a mention of it
Never underestimate fangirls
>That said, it should have been Piccolo in 16's place.
that would've been a million times better
>please buy ugly shebroly merch [raffs]
But he is the most badass form of Gohan you fucking cunt.
I have a bigger question.
Where does the "J" come in when you say Super Sayain 2
Super Saiyajin
Saiyajin is the jap name for Saiyan
Doesnt Goku literally show that one female Saiyan SSJ2? He even explains its pros/cons.
Sūpā Saiya-jin
But kale and caulifla were waifubait. And it worked on me.
Well I dont speak nip so I guess that makes sense.
Like other anons have mentioned. Also,
Super Saiyajin
Which in Japanese means Super Saiyan-person
I just like this form because it addresses the entire monkey aspect of Sayains while super pretends that never existed.
there is literally no reason for anyone ro say ssj4. its ss4. they look like cunts
Because there was actual emotion behind it. Rather than just being "im super agry becus i need to defend my friends and famil" it's a kid who is simply fed up with being kicked around again and again, ignored and powerless.
your phrase can be easily switched to match any character in the whole series
"Why do people find [any character name] badass? He was just an arrogant idiot."
People do it because it's internet convention and everyone knows what you mean.
Piccolo was my favourite character and I'll always hate Vegeta for stealing his role and making him superfluous
Why do people find Puar badass? He was just an arrogant idiot.
This, it's like how people refer to the original Playstation as the PSX just because magazines did it, and even after an actual PSX got released later.
if someone showed me GT's SS4, and then showed me SSGod, and asked me "Which of these is Super Sayain God form?" I would pick SS4.
why'd you have to mention this
Fucking american game magazines being so retarded
We love him because he was an arrogant idiot but he had the power to back it up.
Based CHADhan
I like how it's cool to hate on Gohan now.
You people are the biggest normie faggots of all time. As for me, I'll stick to being a Gohan fan no matter what, because I'm smart enough to realize that he's a much better character than Goku and Vegeta, and always will be.
based CHADforce brothers
What if it was SSGSS?
based and very redpilled
He shows SSJ3, which is the og "going further beyond going further beyond"
GODhan will always be the best no matter what
>buu laughs right after
Yikes, Cuckhan BTFO.
Except he didn't, all of his transformations were asspulls and were not earned. He barely trained and would overpower an enemy for a brief moment just cause muh fee fees were hurt. He's the reason why hybrids will never be relevant again and the definition of a gary stu.
Dragon Ball Z specialized in building up character moments until the absolute final second and then having that episode be the highlight of the entire series.
>Goku turning Kao 10x against Vegeta just to barely survive
>Goku turning SSJ for the first time
>Vegeta turning SSJ for the first time
>Gohan turning SSJ2 for the first time
>Majin Vegeta vs. Goku
>Kid Buu's death
Say whatever you will with DBZ having a fuckton of filler and stupid power scaling and dumpstering Gohan after the Cell saga but DBZ's story progression, character growth and character moments completely outshine anything that has ever come after it. DBGT was a fucking wimpy hand job for original DB fans that went no where real fast and DBS is the definition of literal power level wanking and they just kept on increasing the stakes higher and higher until they wrote themselves into a corner by giving Goku a literal auto-dodge that can't be fought against and now they have to nerf Goku (again) and have him go through the motions of gaining more power (again) so that he can do the exact same thing he has been doing since the end of DBZ.
I wish Vegeta would come out on top, beat Goku and then fuck ChiChi in the other room while Goku listens.
But we've always hated gohan.
Goku is so fucking boring. They need to kill him off and focus on the others
>2 minutes later
>all of his transformations were asspulls and not earned
Only his Ultimate transformation and he jobbed right after it
>he barely trained
The fucking guy has been fighting planet ending threats since he was like 5 years old
>definition of a gary stu
How can he be a gary stu when he has flaws, got his ass handed to him several times and has a very extensive character development?
This is your brain on Gohan hate, fucking retard.
Gotta love how he was cool for all of two minutes and then went back to being a disappointment as always.
>buufags need kids and green men inside of them to have a chance
Pathetic, enjoy the ULTIMATE cumshot
Please be bait. The entirety of Z was about the eventual passing of the torch to Gohan. As a child he had moments where he was beating the likes of fully grown saiyans and frieza
Bejita-sama, you're gonna come down from there and kiss my wife RIGHT NOW!
>tension and twists in the Android saga were so great
Dude, the "twists" were forced as fuck and had absolutely no foreshadowing whatsoever because they were unplanned editorial changes.
Depends on what you're talking about. Shit like Trunks fucking up the timeline was always a possibility. Also Cell wasn't supposed to have foreshadowing.
>The entirety of Z was about the eventual passing of the torch to Gohan
Not really, Gohan didn't have a prominent role until about 3/4 into the android arc. Granted they did have him be abnormally strong but Goku was still the star everyone relied on.
>Gohan responds to his girlfriend getting her shit kicked in by some scrub that Raditz could have one-shotted by just standing there and shaking his fist
>meanwhile Vegeta responds to his wife getting slapped by the God of Destruction by temporarily becoming stronger than Goku and roughing him up
Gohan's wife is a warrior and he still respects her as a warrior although he's mad
Vegeta literally talks about bulma as an object and bulma is not a warrior who can take or deserves physical assaults
Nuance is hard for brainlets like you
>Only his Ultimate transformation and he jobbed right after it
No ss2 was a literal asspull when you take into account that he had no emotional attachment to 16 and went from getting his ass kicked to bitch slapping cell for all of 5 minutes because some literal who android got murdered in front of him. Even then he still managed to get fucked up to the point where he needed everyone's help.
>>The fucking guy has been fighting planet ending threats since he was like 5 years old
All he did was watch from the sidelines and let his father do all the work, the only time he did something useful is when he got an asspull rage power up, whenever he did fight on his own he needed a crutch to carry him through the fight or he just ended up getting his shit pushed in.
>How can he be a gary stu when he has flaws, got his ass handed to him several times and has a very extensive character development?
Read what I said before, he's barely done any fighting or training to earn his transformations also his character development is non existent seeing as he goes back to being irrelevant right after buu arc.
>Shit like Trunks fucking up the timeline was always a possibility
Not really, because Gero stopped recording before namek and we know that because he didn't know about SS despite Trunks and Goku both using it on earth. So during that period between namek and their appearance android development was in full swing with no interference so not even Trunks could have changed that.
Goku shows her SSJ3 during the tournament. She already had SSJ2 before the tournament even started.
That's cause vegeta actually cares about his loved ones even to the point where he would give his own life just to buy them time. Goku does nothing but put everyone in danger cause of his fight autism.
>Androids were worth it just for Vegeta going SSJ the first time.
And for getting his shit pushed in, finally solidifying him taking Yamcha's place in the series.
Gohan will never amount to anything ever again.
Gotta love how toei bait and switched gohanfags into thinking he was going to be one of the last surviors with goku.
>SS2 wasna asspull
Did you completely missed that Gohan, while getting his shit kicked in wasn't actually sustaining a lot of damage? remember Gohan was on par with Goku at that point only that he was fighting defensively
>watch from the sidelines
So the entire training with Piccolo, fights on namek, training with Goku and Piccolo, training in the chamber of spirit is watching from the sidelines? did you even watch Z?
>She already had SSJ2 before the tournament even started.
She accessed it but didn't know how to do it on command until Goku went ss2.
No transformation in this show is ever earned. Half of them come from old men touching you, and the other because you did a bunch of push ups.
Green ki is just unrefined ki. That's why Broly is just oozing the color green when he fights. It's also why Vegeta's hair turns green for a second, then yellow when he goes SSJ
Thats right. My original point stands. Thanks for the refresher.
17's power up didn't make any fuckin' sense
out of the entire super series, it's the one thing that bothered me the most.
Tfw all ss+ are arrogant idiots because pride is their strength and weakness
What are Yea Forums's top 3 movies?
>Not really, because Gero stopped recording before namek and we know that because he didn't know about SS despite Trunks and Goku both using it on earth.
That was irrelevant though because the Androids still ended up being as strong as Super Saiyans. And for all we know, the option of making them stronger was always there but he was reluctant to because of their rebellious nature.
>vegeta actually cares about his loved ones even to the point where he would give his own life
That's... exactly what Goku does
Gohan didnt want to interrupt the world tournament.
Vegeta is prone to these lashing outs (Cell lazoring FT)
>vegetas hair turning green
We've already been over this, it was the animation team fucking with the color palette cause they thought it looked cool. Nagamine confirmed this.
this form would have made a great super sayain god retcon. instead of red hair to blue hair.
SSJ4 (GT)= super sayain god
SSJ4 GOgeta color scheme = Super sayian god super sayian.
>17's power up didn't make any fuckin' sense
Not that he got a significant one, at best he was probably on par with SS2/3 euro is fine for the amount of years between his last appearance.
>17's power up didn't make any fuckin' sense
None of their powerups make any sense. Frieza literally trains for the first time in his life and bypasses several levels of Super Saiyan in a few months including one that could only be unlocked in the afterlife.
Just Vegeta, and he is literal Saiyan royalty. Almost dying in a fight makes all Saiyans more powerful
>That was irrelevant though because the Androids still ended up being as strong as Super Saiyans.
Only because they rewrote the plot which is what makes it bad, they have no concept of SS yet were stronger on top of Gero not making himself and 19 that strong.
That's some pretty big bullshit.
>He was just an arrogant idiot.
every sayian that goes super sayian the first time or ascends is arrogant on instinct alone. goku on namek, vegeta vs 18, super vegeta vs cell.
why does this exist
SSJ2 was literally the most savage form yet and it was in the hands of a teenager during puberty. Frankly, its surprising Gohan didn't go fucking ballistic.
>That's... exactly what Goku does
Twice mind you.
>train? I guess i'll try it
>literal god in a few months
frieza never thinking to train before meeting goku is a hard pill to swallow. I realize he was stupid strong and had his way for the longest time, but beerus and whis existed and frieza knew a force more powerful than him was lurking about.
why didn't his ego push him to get stronger than beerus?
True in Z there was a mix of kids rooting for Goku ,Gohan and smaller group for Vegeta and Goten/Trunks
Now all the kiddos just want Goku.
When was Goku arrogant on namek?
>including one that could only be unlocked in the afterlife.
Also it's not that unbelievable given he was SS tier without training.
>Only because they rewrote the plot which is what makes it bad
How exactly did they rewrite the plot? Their strength had to atleast be enough to scare Trunks, who was a super saiyan. They were always going to be that strong at the least.
I mean, if Goku can go from being weaker than Captain Ginyu(90,000) to being stronger than third form Freeza(3,000,000) in the space of a few hours, even though he'd been training for literally his entire life up to that point...
>why didn't his ego push him to get stronger than beerus?
Because GoDs are beyond conventional strength that and he was probably afraid that if they caught him he would just be obliterated on the spot.
Future trunks came back to stop 17/18, he didnt know cell existed until he also came back in time and started slirppin' on niggas
>what is hiding your powerlevel?
Goku was never weaker than Ginyu on Namek. He never showed any of his true baseline strength and went straight into Kaioken to prove a point without hitting a noticeable ceiling.
Captain Ginyu never made him worry though.
>Japs are scared shitless of change.
This so much.
Gokus voice actor being the same all the way through from dragon ball pissed me off.
I cant be the only one who think ss4 looks like shit right? I hate the new forms as well but ss4 is just too over the top for me
If you think hard about it there have been catch-up power increases that barely made sense ever since early Z. Aside from the Nameless Namekian, the strongest being we know of that's ever terrorized the earth was King Piccolo with a PL of around 300. Krillin trains for a year in preparation for the arrival of the Saiyans and suddenly his PL is 5x that of King Piccolo's.
Because Frieza isnt literally insane like Goku.
>Their strength had to atleast be enough to scare Trunks, who was a super saiyan.
Who at the time had only recently become one. That said he brings up another notable change in regards to the purpose of his sword.
God, Americans are such dumb fucking abortions.
I bet you watch the Dub and love Faulconer synth, too.
>probably afraid that if they caught him he would just be obliterated on the spot.
I thought beerus didn't give a fuck what frieza was up to. The only interaction I recall between them was beerus telling frieza to destroy planet vegeta.
I hate SS4 so much, it's just so fucking goofy and separate from everything else.
But that's also why it makes so much more sense to me for SSG than just red hair. Becoming a god of an entire race SHOULD be something completely different from any other transformation they've had before.
>hiding your PL
>to people who have angelic assistants that can YouTube moments in time
always cracks me up how retarded some dbz fans are.
Might've been when he was about to let Frieza leave alive because Goku knew he crushed his ego
>not being sub+faulconer masterrace
>I thought beerus didn't give a fuck what frieza was up to
When it concerned the destruction of planets sure but training to defeat him? That's another story.
I love it but it looks to savage like not perfected at all, more monkey than hooman(saiyan),there shouls have been another transformation after SS4
>kills an arena full of people to prove a point
>he literally was the cause of majin buu becoming unleashed.
>instant trip to hell
oh yeah, he really cares.
>Goku does nothing but put everyone in danger cause of his fight autism.
who was it that let cell become perfect just for "fun"?
Challenges are a different story. Remember he sought out Saiyans personally to fight an SSG.
>Goku does nothing but put everyone in danger cause of his fight autism.
Are you being retarded on purpose or are you confusing Goku's naivety with Vegeta blasting people on purpose?
at least those were somewhat believable. how the fuck did 17 go from being weaker than ssj2 to suddenly capable of dancing with ssb.
not that goku made it clear how strong 17 is, the dumb jethro tends to hold back a lot.
Wow a whopping three times out of the numerous times that goku has done so.
>to suddenly capable of dancing with ssb.
He didn't. At best he's ss3
What are you babbling about, it's you aberracion de las americas that get all butthurt about what every proper dub in the world used.
when was the major times goku did this?
17 is still organic and it’s assumed he never really trained before he was modified and didn’t really have time to before Cell got him. The power scaling is nonexistent in Super but he pulled about as much weight as he was expected to.
>DBZ was supposed to end after _____!
every fucking thread
>Not watching dub+japanese OST
1. Bardok's tv special.
2. Broly's Super movie.
3. Either Android 13 or Bojak.
I always cringe when people get into discussing minor design differences betweeen forms, which happens in every DB discussion on the net. Don't know why
No matter your headcanon, both writing and art are definitive proof Toriayama did not want to do Buu.
I have literally watched all of DB in every combination of Japanese and English dubs and ost all the way through each time.
You know he literally bullshitted his way throughout the entire manga, don't you? It's not that he didn't want to do it, it's just that he ran out of good ideas, and some of the things he tried were no good. Mainly turning Gohan into a comic relief character, then try to redeem him and finally end up shitting his character all over again by making Goku beat fucking Buu.
You're the one making shit up with zero evidence
Buu was created out of spite, the whole thing reads like parody. Anyone not neck deep into nostalgia can see it.
Fucking this
The only SSJ forms worth a damn are 1 and 4, all the others are hot garbage.
Pretty sure that was Goku leaving because he already knew he won the fight. Freiza power levels dropped to the point where it wouldn't be fair for him to continue aka Mercy rule
>the whole thing reads like parody.
You mean Cell right? Because that felt like a serious parody of DB.
>fucked around on snakeway instead of trying to get to king kai asap
>lets vegeta power up numerous times during their first fight
>let captain ginyu take over his body
>let frieza power up multiple times during their fight and destroy the planet endangering everyone on namek
>took his sweet ass time getting back to earth while frieza already arrived
>let cell power up, gave him a sensual bean and beat the shit out of gohan
>got king kai killed when teleporting cell to his planet
>instead of destroying majin buu before he hatched goku fights vegeta cause of his fight boner thus giving off enough energy for him to hatch
>instead off finishing off buu with ss3 goku just lets him off cause he wants to fight him again due to his typical fight autism
>goku fucking let kid buu blow up earth and kill his sons in the process
>goku could have killed kid buu with ss3 at the start but let the fight drag out cause he thought vegeta wanted to have a go and is a fight autist like him
Don't even get me started on super.
>people actually fighting over waifus in the most homo-erotic, manservice anime to date
just proves how confused most guys who watch dragon ball are
The fuck up was making it last as long as it did. Kaio ken was powerful but Goku couldn't use it all the time because it took tons of energy.
>fucked around on snakeway instead of trying to get to king kai asap
That was filler. In the manga he went straight there with no stops.
The Frieza saga is the last time we had any stated, concrete power levels, but what he said was true. Ginyu had a power level of 150k. Goku had a power level of 90k. Kaio-Ken Goku has a power level of 180k, so he wrecks Ginyu. Then Ginyu does the body swap, hurts Goku's body, and Goku now has to recover in a pod for a few hours. Suddenly his power level jumps from 90k to 3 million, an increase in power of over 30 times in the span of a few hours. People justifiably give Super some shit for it's power scaling and catch-up mechanics but never Z even though it did the same thing.
Then again part of the problem is that Toriyama made Frieza too strong to begin with and fucked his own power scaling. Frieza being more powerful than anyone else in his army is completely understandable, but Frieza being nearly a thousand times more powerful(120 million) than the second strongest guy in his army (Ginyu @ 150k) was fucking absurd.
No, I mean Buu. I'd love to hear you try to reason that though.
>goku beat buu
let's be real Goku couldn't have done it without mr satan who had already defeated buu early on his own.
This, broly and cumber are husbando material.
Wait how the hell does time travel work again in this series. I always get confused?
I honestly don't know where the numbers like 120 million come from. The only number I remember about Frieza is that his second form was 1 million.
Honestly the show is just better without the power charting made up by and used by exactly one faction in it. It also means that they can do what toriyama always did, "make whoever I wanted to win, win"
This explains so much.
Almost every character is.
I will never not love this franchise.
Doesn't he and 18 have both an infinite energy generator strapped on to them? Eventually they should have enough raw power to be on par with em
The official guidebooks had the listed power levels. For the Frieza saga specifically it was Daizenshuu #7 that had the power levels listed. Frieza was the last arc that had power levels. They were done away with after that, probably for the best.
it follows the many worlds theory. instead of making a change in the past that changes the future (like the Terminator) you end up creating an alternate timeline where the change takes place while the timeline youre in remains unchanged. this is why Future Trunks' future remained the same even when he went back in time and saved Goku with the heart medicine.
Based toriyama.
Best Super Saiyan form is Super Saiyan 1, but only when the hair is almost white.
They have power limiters though.
Because he's based
comfy thread
When will we see some Janemba stuff for DBFZ?
Fucking ArcSys/Bamco is spreading this Season 2 so thin that new characters are so far and wide.
Atleast we're getting a cool character next. Janemba is OD
>Humilated by Cooler
what the fuck am i looking at
Mexican fanfiction levels of garbage.
>Kaioken was a pretty cool form that also comes with a downsite to make it feel balanced
>SSJ used to be some superstrong form only very VERY few Saiyans had and it was a straight upgrade to Kaioken but still fine because it made Goku unique and he had to get a maincharacter bonus
>instead of playing around with Kaioken and SSJ shenanigans they had to pull the shit we got now where anyone becomes a fucking god, SSJ is weak as fuck now and nothing feels special anymore because there will be some other asspull form 2 episodes later
Its a shame. SSJ2 should have been the peak of Saiyans, it would be way cooler if they instead build on it, maybe let Goku use SSJ with Kaioken, give him some attacks he can only use while in Kaioken or SSJ form. The whole saiyan god shit is just fucking ridiculous. SSJ3 was already over the top.
>I'd love to hear you try to reason that though.
How was Cell a flanderization that focuses on only one aspect of the series, the fighting, and barely had a coherent plot?
Kind of obvious if you've actually watched or read DB properly isn't it
>maybe let Goku use SSJ with Kaioken
That would be kind of dumb since in the android arc they mentioned SS is still putting a strain on their bodies.
Afaik it's janemba, broly and gogeta but we still have no release dates. Way to go keeping a dying game alive arcsys.
The announcement at CEO this weekend better be good. They're kicking off the WT.
The story is that Toryama wrote this entire arc episodically with no plan whatsoever. So the things that occur are rather random and unpredictable. Like when Cell just started blowing up islands one by one.
>The story is that Toryama wrote this entire arc episodically with no plan whatsoever
Where's you get that from? Everyone knows that the Cell arc was trash because it had the most editorial meddling of any arc namely with the villains being changed no less than 3 times.
that's why, because with the changes his plan went out the window
Meaning he had done kind of idea and wasn't able to enact it.
That's a completely different thing user.
Play him
his kit's so lacking though
Remember when dbz got shit after two arcs?
Yeah but then it got gud again in the final so it's alright.
go back to the general
It's a shame Gohan never got a real fight with Super Perfect Cell
I really do not like the red ribbon arc, does anybody else agree with me? Or am I alone in this?
What am I supposed to do against him after his 5LLL > lightning legs?
If it's the medium version you can jab out, if it's EX you can reflect. If he uses an assist you just have to take it. 5LLL-j236M has a gap so you can reflect there too.
People are mad about Gohan and the series in general but you wanna know what makes ME upset?
Fucking android 16 is forgotten about in the next episode and never mentioned again even though his death was what caused Gohan to go SSJ2 in the first place. Fucking Toriyama, give me some closure.
>people are mad about gohan
In what world?
No. As a kid I had to buy each book and the red ribbon arc was the only part I skipped. So my collection is book 1 to 42, with book 6 and 7 mysteriously missing.
The arc doens't even start until Tao Pai Pai. I don't give a shit about a trap-filled tower, some gay ass general and fucking pirate robots.
At least he gets to be a high tier grappler in DBFZ
>Let's bring back a fan favourite for an arc who is always in the top 5 in the polls
>Timeline get's destroyed
>Guess you have to stay in the main timeline now
One Episode later
>Uh Whis can create a clone timeline of a destroyed universe and he'll do it for free
>Uh dont ever come back or you'll be deleted for breaking the rules
>Also Universe 7
>We need the strongest fighters to save our universe trunks who?
Could they not get his VA to agree to become main cast?
Because is the first time we seen SSJ2 and how powerful it is, also the electricity looks rad.
What do you guys think of pans new outfit?
>the bullied kid snaps and fucks the bully up
why are you surprised?
The failure to make anything of the relationship between Gohan and Future Trunks was a sorely missed opportunity.
Pan a cute.
>Buu was a mistake.
Getting real tired of Shota-fags always toting Cell Saga as the best, even Toriyama's editor couldn't stand it, and if it was for him we wouldn't even have Cell.
If there was a problem with Buu Saga, it was too long and made the sendoff feel bloated but before that we got some of the best animation of the series and some of the best quotes and fights.
Majin Vegeta vs Goku
Vegeta's Sacrifice
SS3 Goku Transformation
Buu and Mr. Satan bonding
Vegeta finally accepting that Goku was better than him
Yeah, Buu Saga overstayed it's welcome but it also brought in more memorable moments than Cell or even Frieza Saga, and it didn't need to rely on bad dubbing to do so.
>the electricity looks rad
Damn right
no suprise Vegeta is so loved here as he is a self insert for Incels
Pretty much all of the gods are either Savage animals, Old men, or literal clowns.
Ironic considering you're an arrogant idiot for making this thread
Janemba dindu nuffin
>He was just an arrogant idiot.
that's every saiyan ever
Probably becouse is the True form of the Super Saijan other than that no idea
Post yfw supa burori started playing.
>Whis can create a clone timeline of a destroyed universe and he'll do it for free
No? That was the timeline created when Beerus killed Zamasu.
The anime was a little cringey. But in fighterz teen gohan is fucking lit.
>tfw we will never have this aesthetic again
He should've had an arc
He had his own arc, two as a matter of fact and by the time the second one rolled around people were already bored of him. His time is done and dragon ball will forever be the goku show until the heat death of the universe.
The one frame does look like UI though even in the shape of his hair. It doesn't mean anything though.
Why is Cooler so cool?
Because he could knock motherfuckers in half with a single blow.
Thank god it isn't, ui is trash.
I agree, but this last movie did make me appreciate God/SSJGod a lot more. OG SSJ will always be the best though.
he had the boujack movie at least
That's cause based shitani supervised all animation instead of yamamuro.
Watch dbz with the american gt ost
>Gotenks just stood there watching like a complete retard instead of aiding Gohan finish off Buu
I don't get this series. Half of the shit that drives the arcs is just idiot plots.
>I could finish off Cell right here and right now but because I'm a prideful fuck I'll just let him reach Perfect Form
>oh haha he whooped my ass
>I could keep fighting Cell, but I'm just gonna let my son do it
Is it a rule in shounen animes that all of the characters have to be hotheaded retards?
He didn't really get an arc with the android saga, he just showed up at the end. They completely botched the 8 year time skip. It should've been a Future Trunks/Teen Gohan saga instead. It had the perfect set up.
Trunks and gohan already had their own movie.
My absolute favorite part of super was that Vegeta and Goku for once went diverging upgrade paths. It's always Goku getting an upgrade, Vegeta training really hard and getting the upgrade, then the next fight comes, Vegeta gets owned and Goku is already a step further.
But now Goku went UI while Vegeta kept evolving the SSB line.
Gohan was an idiot in Super but at least he did try to do something on his own in the same vein.
>instead of destroying majin buu before he hatched goku fights vegeta cause of his fight boner thus giving off enough energy for him to hatch
vegeta literally held the arena hostage if he didnt fight, and he didnt want to fight vegeta.
>let frieza power up multiple times during their fight and destroy the planet endangering everyone on namek
watch or read the manga again. goku never stood a chance against frieza. he was just extremely lucky frieza toyed with him and killed krillin.
>took his sweet ass time getting back to earth while frieza already arrived
it's pretty much confirmed in the "real" (no trunks yet) timeline he defeats frieza
>let captain ginyu take over his body
he knew he was stronger than ginyu and wanted to give gim mercy, he never knew about body change.
>lets vegeta power up numerous times during their first fight
again like frieza, vegeta had that figt vegeta didn't really power up, after his kaioken x4 Kamehameha failed he was done. vegeta was too mad to realize he could have beaten goku in his normal form.
>instead off finishing off buu with ss3 goku just lets him off cause he wants to fight him again due to his typical fight autism
he states he really wanted the new generation to handle buu, and even then he said if he tried his best he might have a chance. he was already dead, how could 4 super sayians at this point not be able to stop majin buu. then again the buu saga negates the reason why goku wanted to stay dead.
The movies had nothing to do with the canon. They're essentially separate entities.
Nigger it literally shows what happened in trunks timeline. It's canon or at least semi-canon.
just got XV2 on sale and it doesn’t take more than a moment to get in a game at any given time. tf do you mean it’s dead?
He wasn't arrogant
atleast not compared to how arrogant everyone else had been (mainly every villain and vegeta)
They should have at least TRIED to wish him back, even if it failed or wish him to have a soul
He came off a lot better in the manga
Nice, he felt really wasted in the anime
Cooler was fucking based, I hope they make him canon next.
>kefla is all mine
did they fuck?
Would have been interesting had Gohan permanently lost his arm against Cell
would have also helped set him apart more as an adult
The only good Gohan is Future Gohan.
>Going out of your way to lie about an ethnicity you don't like
And you people cry about SJW, your both sides of the same retarded coin.
Android and Cell are the same thing, nerd. It's all one big arc. You can't really divide them, because there's no end to the Androids stuff when Cell shows up.
this nigga got rasengan now?
What music did they use for this fight in the English dub? I heard that for original Dragon Ball they didn't touch the original Japanese score, but not sure if this applied to songs with vocals.
>I'm glad they had him own that Frieza clone in Super at least.
Everyone tells him that he's too weak to beat Frost, then Frost cheats and eliminates him. Then when he has a chance to get back into the tournament and keep fighting, Vegeta forces him to forfeit.
I don't see that as owning anyone, my dude. The ToP did him better, though. In the anime, at least.
No but he probably has a shit stain in his pants.
Do you think Super would be looked upon really fondly if all the animation was like this?
No, the writing is easily the worst part.
man there is such a thing as too much animation
Yea, you can say Gohan fucked her alright.
Stopped reading when buu saga ended, is the rest worth it and is my nigga Freezer back?
But Zamasu was easily the best villain to ever come out of Super.
There was nothing originally planned. The Cell Saga was constantly having changes of direction behind the scenes. Heck in the manga, Trunks actually originally warns about Androids 19 and 20, since they were meant to be the main villains of the saga at that point.
Toriyama later changed to 16, 17 and 18 due to his editor disliking their designs, but soon got complaints about them too and introduced Cell. And even in Cell's case he rushed though his transformations due to more complaints.
Piccolo fight scenes used to be so sick.
>reeeeeee ningen!
He's trash.
The entire Cell saga was just a cavalcade of Saiyan fuck ups.
This is why Piccolo was always my favorite character. He was always the underdog like Vegeta, except instead of getting his ass beat and crying, he would come up with techniques to even the playing field and become formidable.
If you think about it, it already is. The powers Broly is tapping into simultaneously by the end of the fight are all the exact ingredients needed to create SSJ4 using the same stipulations. The only step left is for Broly to find a way to keep his cool while tapping into his Human Oozaru form and SSJ at the same time.
>hates ningen
>uses the body of one to rule the universe
Fucking stupid.
All Goku ever does is eat and train and fight
ALWAYS, in the openings, in the show, he occasionally hangs out with his family
His fights are so awesome because they harken back to battles of very early Z and Dragon Ball where the choreography mattered beyond "alright so they atatatata at each other for about twenty seconds and then shoot a beam, animators have fun I'm going home early."
Yes, and? Vegeta is shown to do pretty much the same, apart from also fucking Bulma
If anyone ever argues this point just point at pokemon. The show or the games either one works
Rewatching the Saiyan saga, I thought he was a pretty cool dude who wouldn't stay the fuck down and kept getting back up.
He's making the statement that ningens don't even deserve their own bodies.
Gohan was only cool when he wore that outfit.
Vegeta spends more time with his family than Goku, that's a fact.
This. He was the big first impression of what became a standard later where people Goku fight could actually be straight up losing to him but yet not stay down.
Hey can we have those webms of Gohan going ultra instinct yet still moving normally and smirking even though that goes against the whole point of UI?
Maybe if he grows his tail back it might work.
Yeah, his brutal tenacity together with the overwhelming desire to break from his leash made him a magnetic character on the screen.
>Slow DLC drip means it's a shit game
FighterZ is unironically the best game this series has gotten.
Also that scene is when he was trying to break out of the restriction move Broly put on him by breaking out of it and reversing it, so it was probably him fighting against that too, turned green since Broly's aura is green.
World's Strongest
Wrath of the Dragon
Fusion Reborn
Oh yeah boy, who remembers watching 160x120 real media clips of DBZ movies from DBZ fansites back in the day? Good times.
>implying they wouldn't have wished it back
It's just another generic fighting game with dbz skins.
Vegeta spends more time next to his family.
Piccolo really had some of the best fights.
lol no, it easily blows every other DBZ game out of the water with the amount of references every move represents. Not to mention being an actually solid fighter.
It's not even the best fighting game, shit got dropped from most of the major tournaments. Also the older games did the same thing.
>SS3 Goku Transformation
I could do without both of those things, honestly. Fusion was a neat idea that just resulted in "Hurr durr, I'm powerful and overconfident, so I'm going to job even though I could easily win if I got my head out of my ass." Super Saiyan 3 was wholly unnecessary and almost immediately phased out.
Only SSJ3 was the win button against everyone but Buu in a lot of media for a hot minute.
I wish Super could reach this level again.
Now feel free to correct me and call me an idiot by listing all of the times this isn't true even though we both know about the exceptions.
Not really. Vegeta has really grown as a character while Goku has remained the same. Vegeta, for decades, has been defined by his entitlement as a prince and his obsession with being the best. The way he was told by his father. By the time of Super Vegeta was telling Goku to fuck off when presented with a multiverse tournament. Let that sink in, Vegeta chose to stand by his family until Bulla was born rather than get caught up in a fight, the one thing Saiyans live for. Not only that but he's also taken up mentoring other Saiyans. Almost like a prince or something.
I honestly don't remember that being the case.
>Only SSJ3 was the win button against everyone
SS3 has never won a single fight since its inception
Sure, but the big hair looks cool and I like the idea of having a form that's high on power, but use time is limited, kind of like Kaioken, which I also like.
>shit got dropped from most of the major tournaments
What're you talking about? It's going to be at CEO this weekend where they'll announce the World Tour. You're going to see even more DBFZ tournaments than last year.
The DB franchise has never had a real competitive fighter before DBFZ.
what the fuck , is it Yea Forums day?
I still don't know how to feel about the caveman brow.
Yeah, it is rather weird. Didn't Toriyama forget to draw it or something?
yeah but they offset it with great sayaman retardedness
>esports autocombo
>sick combos
What more do you want?
That sounds like a Toriyama move but it looks like a calculated decision at least.
His speech was pure kino
I think it's supposed to represent a more primal oozaru like power.
>not rooting for our guy Yea Forumsegeta
I know that all power level rises in Dragon ball are asspulls but for some reason the idea that androids can increase their power levels via training really bothers me.
Gohan has a bad track record of getting cocky as shit when it seems like he has any advantage.
They are improving their algorithms
Aren't 17 and 18 technically cyborgs?
See you say that but Gohan is satisfied. Gohan was never a fighter. He never wanted to be. The only times he fought was out of obligation when his father was unavailable.
But now he's at peace. He has a job he loves. A wife he loves. A daughter he loves. His father and Vegeta can spend the rest of their days beating up aliens because it's what they love. When Gohan got the opportunity to get out of that life, he got the fuck out
It only happened twice, and the first time he was being sadistic rather than cocky. Gohan only turned smug as an adult.
12 year olds thought the fact that a 12 year old! saved the world that was sooooo cool. Stupid fucks.
Time will tell if Gohan writing a book about ki control that revolutionises humanity will still be canon
Go super saiyan damn it.
I enjoyed reading DBZ but I always hated how characters never felt "unique" during combat.
Only irrelevant characters had gimmicks or unique skills that made them a bit more unique, but even then, they were not Goku or Vegeta so they were useless 99.99% of the time, while Goku and Vegeta were really good at the punching fast and hard thing.
Wouldn't be the first time. Like when he couldn't catch a fucking earring.
Stop posting the same thread in every board
every board?
I hate what super did to vegetto.
lots of manlets
> Vegito is the most disgustingly broken thing in the Dragonball series
> no wait nevermind, Gogeta is the new hotness
>G O K U M E N T A
>V E G E T A L I M O N
Gogeta is pretty hot desu. No homo.
Oh you mean an actual explanation for why he isn't permanent like the senile old man said it was because it was for immortals?
When you compare it to other battle shonen, even with Dragon Ball itself before adult Goku, DBZ techniques and fights are quite boring and monotonous in style, that's specially notorious in videogames where most special attacks are just different sized colored beams. In that sense, the most unique characters are probably Gotenks and Buu.
You mean the retcon he made up cause he wrote himself into a corner?
I mean, it makes sense to me but sure.
if the series ended there, you niggers would complain it was too short
I just like to think of them both being strong fusions, one just requires perfect synchronization, but you can do it anytime. The other just requires having a god nearby.
If you count Dragon Ball to the length of Z, it'd be the perfect ending.
honestly them splitting just because buu absorbed them was dumber
Piccolo should have been the strongest fighter on the planet post-fusion until Gohan's SSJ2 surpassed him
Him fusing with Kami was a vastly more impressive and meaningful event than prince arrogance throwing a bitchfit
Thank you. It was such a BS excuse. If Buu's magic was what did it why didn't turning them into candy work?
With how much gravity was put on that fusion he should have received a new ability on the same level as Guru's ability to unlock potential in others.
But Vegito did turn into candy.
i know part of it is because he's getting out of Broly's ki-grab thing, but i genuinely wish "top tier" transformations like Blue were this dramatic all the time. kinda lame seeing them just switch forms on and off no sweat
Here's your blanco.
They should have Piccolo develop god ki in super. It's only right.
I meant it didn't disrupt his fusion in any way.
and an ability like that would have also helped put even more weight behind the SSJ2, if it's a combination of Gohan's anger, Goku's physical training and Piccolo's mental training
Maybe the magic of his candy beam isn't the exact same as being inside his magic body.
It's a crime against humanity that haven't they gotten Wakamoto to reprise his role.
real talk here
Perfect Cell was a mistake, Imperfect Cell was vastly more interesting
Bug Man Cell was initially all there was going to be too.
>t. butthurt spic
more like they only retroactively made him arrogant in that moment in super and not cell just being asspulling his way back
>gets 18 punched out of him
>explodes and comes back
this is 8 year olds playing sticks and one kid says he has an invincibility cloak when hes hit levels of retarded
And it's perfect
I don't even care about character arcs, Imperfect Cell just looked cooler
If you're so perfect then how come you're the weakest major dragonball villain other than Pilaf?
and with character in mind it goes even further in his direction
Bug Cell was actually unique when it comes to DB villains, he was weaker at first and he KNEW it, he was the one getting stronger, running away, fighting smart etc.
The animators can't keep up.
sounds like you're perfect alright
a perfect failure
He's stronger than Frieza by his very nature. If Frieza can bullshit his way into a new form, Perfect Cell can as well.
imperfect is fucking kino and has the best powerup aura out of anyone
lightning aura fags BEGONE
It's hard to imagine what the android saga would've looked had the editor stopped interfering at any point.
Video games???
pretty sure he was driven by bloodthirst and not arrogance.
but regardless in the end he finished the job with one hand and collapsed to the ground with literally nothing left.
would have been really interesting if Cell was technically weaker throughout the entire arc than Goku and Vegeta, but managed to come out on top by creatively chaining together every single ability of all his components into unique sequences
would have been beyond the animators sure but it would have also been ungodly cool
Dragon Ball has loads of video games.
>we'll never get an Evil God Cell when he uses his kids to attain SSJ God
>we'll never see him combine it with Golden Frieza for a bullshit new form
It's not my fault that they couldn't animate my perfection again if they tried.
I love FighterZ!
because every animator respects old dragonball except Yamamuro himself who defined old dragonball.
Takahashi for example, all his designs are a love letter to Yamamuro's buu saga and movie designs, yet Yamamuro completely shits all over them whenever he gets the chance.
Nu-DB art style was ruined by Yamamuro in the last 15 years but now they have finally sidelined him.
Just another character Super fucked up. At this point Cell is the only one who's been spared.
I love how SSJ4 is just a callback to Journey to the West
What happens if Gogeta has sex with Bulma
Will the baby have Vegetas and Gokus DNA?
Will it come out as super saiyan? Or legendary super saiyan?
Honestly I would be okay with us just getting movies and OVA's from now on.
>Tfw you join a multiplayer lobby and it automatically turns your mic on
>Tfw you were saying some gay shit as a joke to your friend
>Tfw It was really explicit
gohan was a trash character that's why he never caught on
>look at me I'm a momma's boy with nerd rage and son of the guy who's the strongest guy on the planet also I have literally nothing else going for me
Even characters like trunks had more going for him than fucking gohan, throw in shit like saiyaman and you have a recipe for one shitty unredeemable character
They already fired vic even if he wins the lawsuit it's already over for him.
wait given the power levels involved shouldn't that slam have sent him right through the other side of the planet?
This, people always act like Toriyama wanted to end it at various different points but the guy is criminally lazy like many of us, he hates deadlines and didn’t plan any of his Dragon Ball series out because he just liked to have fun and see where it would go. His editor during the Buu saga was his most lenient and was where the design of the fat Buu was based off of, this is why that saga seems like it wasn’t planned out at all, it really wasn’t.
Another fun tidbit is Cell has 3 forms because his editor at the time kept making fun of how he looked, first saying he was gross and weak, to then dumb and stupid before finally liking the handsome perfect boi.
Any oldfag here who used to download DBZ AMVs via applications like Kazaa, WinMX, iMesh, eDonkey, etc? Watching these same AMVs now feels so fucking nostalgic.
fuck you saiyaman was great
Super doesn't take shit like that into account.
does this affect funis ability to sell FMA shit
What? He was in the latest Broly movie, who would they replace him with?
feels really stupid because in Z there were plenty of cases where they punched eachother into mountains
This happens all the time in Super they just don’t bother with power level comparing autism.
The allegations came after the broly movie along with all of the drama that followed. Pretty sure they'll replace him with someone who is already on the cast.
Fuck you dude Saiyaman died for our sins
Broly punched ssg vegeta through a mountain.
People just don't realize what's in front of their face.
The tournament of power introduced a ton of nice husbandos. Who's your favorites?
Golden Meta-Cooler, he's from the latest SDBH update in Japan. Xeno Pan and Super Saiyan 4 Kaioken Xeno Gogeta are also coming too.
Honestly, any powerlevel after the Frieza's one million is basically fabricated bullshit. I remember reading somewhere at the time (probably fake as well) that Super Saiyan Goku was supposed to be something like 2.2 million and Frieza was 2 million or less, which honestly sounds more reasonable than Goku being 3 million out of the pod. Especially when Frieza's 1 million was still a standard the rest of the cast had trouble passing.
You need to pick up, it's for you.
When do you think new DLC will drop?
>Super Saiyan 4 Kaioken Xeno Gogeta
god ki and god forms itself was a mistake
In BoG they made god ki and SSG to seem like another level power. SS3 Goku couldn't land a single hit on Beerus and he even stated that not even fusion could touch Beerus. The movie made it clear that God Ki users and SSG can shit on any user with the regular super saiyan forms or mortals with regular ki.
Then RoF happens and apparently any regular mortal just become god level in a matter months. RoF's mere existence made God Ki a useless thing to never be talked about again.
Probably the same only he never visibly changed.
>Super Saiyan 4 Kaioken Xeno Gogeta
Dragon Ball Heroes is what would have happened to the series if marketing power was never reigned in during Super.
I doubt that, Toriyama loved his transformations if the Freeza saga was anything to go by. Also, I'm not just talking about post-Cell. Imagine if A19 and A20 actually got to be major villains.
To me it feels like heroes was explicitly designed to cater to the muh OC crowd without letting it affect the main series.
Heroes is full of shit like that, like pic related, Majin Baby Janemba, Broly Dark, Xeno King Vegeta and much more.
>Majin Baby Janemba
My eyes started to cross just imagining the levels of ignoring canon or sense for this to ever occur.
Jiren, Dyspo and basically every angel
What's happening here?
Untrue. Gohan was originally supposed to be the Protagonist. At the time he was even the top of the popularity poll in Japan, at that point in time the editors let Toriyama have free control because he could do no wrong after Cell (ironically the reason Cell was created was because of the editors, it was originally just supposed to be the Androids which would've been 19 and Gero and nothing else, the other Androids were also due to the editor complaining). After the Cell arc the editors let him have free reign (big mistake) and he started building up Gohan as the protagonist, even Toei thought he was serious about Gohan being the protagonist which is why Opening 2 has so much focus on Gohan.
Literally barely any of the bigger vocal fans in Japan disliked the idea of change. They liked Gohan and wanted to see him as a protagonist. Then suddenly at the last minute Toriyama just felt bored and said he preferred Goku. So he switched to Goku. It's a shame because if Toriyama hadn't pussied out at the last minute we could've had Maijin Piccolo and the entire Ultimate Gohan transformation would've had more weight. But Toriyama just changed his mind at the last minute.
This article is proof of it:
It shows the translated interviews proving it was Toriyama's own free will to job Gohan and make Goku the protagonist and turn the Buu saga into mediocrity. The same would've happened to the Android/Cell Saga had editors not intervened. If it hadn't been for the editors, Androids 19 and 20/Gero would've been the main villains and it wouldn't have fared as well as it did now.
Tl;dr. ironically the editors could've saved the series but they let Toriyama have free reign and he went full retard with the Buu Saga because he ran out of ideas and wasn't under as much pressure.
Moro is being put in a full nelson by Dai Kaioshin
It's pretty wild
You can tell the exact hierarchy of narrative importance by how close to a boy band cover each universe looks.
Good taste
Cabba, I want to fuck his little twink butthole.
Imagine Gohan fighting Majin Piccolo and having to put him down in a rare moment of clarity
This. Unironically.
Still wished we had Future Trunks gain Ultimate Form in the Goku Black Arc.
While power levels were bullshit anyways, it would have had him parallel Gohan a bit and justify his increase in strength just a bit at least.
Shit like this is exactly why the Maijin Buu Saga was a disappointment, if Toriyama had stuck with Gohan to the end he would've realised that Piccolo would've been perfect to turn Maijin because his whole "evil phase" never truly got 100% resolved (it kinda did but it got hand waved) it would've been amazing to see him turn Maijin and come back as "King Piccolo" in a way and have Gohan his former student fight against him. It would've been better than just redoing Vegeta's arc for the tenth time with Maijin Vegeta.
Well when you compare GT to the authentic and canon SUPER experience, GT doesn't seem so bad after all
Nah. Buu wasn't a great Saga, even when you consider the "great moments' from it. And this is coming from a fan who read the comics as they were coming out in Jump.
and the sheer rage he would have felt after having to kill his mentor and best friend himself would have been the perfect catalyst for him to reach a level beyond SSJ2
Every single failing of this show is because of the law tha-Good heavens, would you look at the time? It's been like half an episode without someone being punched!
this is my number one gripe its like he purposely baited us gohan fans to watch then shit in our faces
>spic general
>Buu Saga ... brought in more memorable moments than ... Frieza Saga
Exactly. Fuck man, Buu Saga could've been one of the best. Too bad Toriyama fucked it up.
Imagine if this became canon.
I'm surprised he hadn't at the very least entered a heightened perfected SSJ2 state that was like a reigned in SSJ3 from all of his offscreen training.
You had this same thread on Yea Forums like 2 weeks ago and it doesn't surprise me it worked on Yea Forums.
The problem with the Buu Saga is that it's pacing was fucked and just like the Androids saga Toriyama had no idea where to bring the story. As I said in this post the Androids saga would've gone nowhere without the editor to save it. But in the Buu Saga the editor was extremely hands-off. Toriyama kept throwing good ideas on the wall to see what sticks but he was too stubborn to expand on some of these ideas, that's how we went from someone as menacing as Super Buu to a joke like Kid Buu. That's how someone like Ultimate Gohan could job despite fighting extremely well and gaining the upper hand. Not to mention Vegeta's arc was done again despite it already having been done in both the end of the Namek Saga and the Cell Saga. Don't get me wrong, there are parts of the Buu saga I liked, the Great Saiyaman arc was pretty good and Maijin Vegeta's sacrifice, Ultimate Gohan and Super Buu were fucking great. But the arc is the most flawed finale for DBZ. It's disliked because it was the final arc, if Toriyama had done another arc afterwards that acted as an actual finale and gave every character their fair screen time instead of just making Goku the complete winner, then it wouldn't get as much hate. I understand the Cell Saga being overrated, and I agree with that sentiment, it suffers similar problems to the Buu Saga bu-
>It brought more memorable moments than the Frieza Saga
Okay you can fuck right off. That has to be bait.
I do wonder why the mods let this thinly-veiled anime thread exist until bump limit.
The clown god of destruction. I really hope we see more of him in the future.
>he's the only real character in DBZ
Didn't get get that? Or was that only in the manga?
The same reason they allow e-celeb and twitter screencap threads.
Not at the same level as I'm implying, no.
That's the first good Caulifla pic I've seen I think
>and he’s the only real character in DBZ.