
we discuss all the ww2 autism games such as
post scriptum, foxhole, hell let loose

foxhole just released a new update how is it? i liked the thought behind the game but found combat a little lackluster. is that in anyway improved. I've been playing hell let loose and found it to be pretty good.

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Would I like Hell let loose?

I bought Post Scriptum and wasn't the biggest fan, but I like Rising Storm and I think Squads pretty good too.

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I think so I played RO/RO2 and it leans more towards RO than it does Post Scriptum. Its really easy to hop in and play. Although engineer is a pretty useless class right now.

Battalion is the only fun WW2 game currently out.

is that the arena shooter?

>arena shooter

Its trying to be CoD Promod basically.

>post scriptum
Why is this developer unable to make games that dont run like absolute shit?

ahh ok that makes sense
i thought that 5 people=arena shooter

BFV is better than all of those. You can't deny it.
The Early Access (EA) garbage you are peddling, are all buggier, more imbalanced, less content, look worse, and are just plain less fun than EA's Battlefield V.

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No. what the fuck....

>no good shitulator combined arms (plane+tank+infantry) ww2 game

theres always ww2 online bro

Post scriptum was fun actually. 9 man squads so when everyone is actually interacting and talking, it’s quite funny to see how bad everything goes despite all being in communication. At the same time everyone is a terrible shot but great at spotting.

he said good

I enjoy the spawn mechanics of post scriptum. Being able to setup fobs by yourself and having MSP makes getting around the maps much easier. I played a lot of squad before so I'm kinda sick of running all the time. Canteens are a good idea too.

>ww2 online shills
come home, white man

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>mfw all I do is play ARMA 3 WW2 liberation mods, Men of War, Company of Heroes and Post Scriptum.

p2w garbo

if you want to spend 500$ to get a gun, sure :)

>ultra-realistic WW2 multiplayer shooter that are early access and play like dogshit
>normandy 1944 setting

I'd take back Spielberg and Giacchino any day over this garbage

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Do people still play this game? I remember playing the fuck out of this years ago, genuinely had so much fun and a lot of experiences and stories with it.
Thankfully past me spent 20 bucks to get 10/10 guns, so I got that going.
I stopped playing roughly when the Russians were added in, is the game that much different now?

If lots of people still play it, i'll pick it up again, haven't had any good games to play recently anyway.

are you me

'tism of a feather fugg together.

i would like to know this too

they added a new physics system to vehicles, this has been meh desu, you go slow as shit on non paved surfaces.
They added in tank mechanics similar to war thunder, i.e the tank is now in different sections so you gotta hit specific sections to really damage it
they added in a bazillion more planes, a few new maps.
the game is still kinda the same. But its worse than it was back in the day, but it is still enjoyable.
The major investors for retomoto pulled out so they're trying to actively develop content so they can get investors again.

Play Hell Let Loose

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make me

to continue along with this also, they added in a feature in which when you queue for battles, you're also put into war battles but they're not really war battles, its a bit weird to explain. basically you get fuck tons of XP now.
They added this to help attract new players so that they can rank up and not leave within the first week of playing.

Original user here, right i'm nearly sold. However my only gripe is with the player count.
Is it worth investing time back into this game you reckon?

Best be careful stepping out your house user.

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unironically yes, whether you are in aus (I am), Europe or Americas, you will be able to find a game. however, it depends on when you play. In my circumstance, I can find games semi frequently at nighttimes and on the weekends.
In regards to whether it is worth investing time. Look dude, when I was playing in 2017, I said to my buddy who plays with me "Nah man H&G Is gonna die soon, reto is done for." and look, we're half way through 2019. They are in a bit of a bind ATM but I think they can get out of it. At the very least, the game has another 1.5-3 years left of life if they are really fucked. The devs really seem to want to improve and get people to play again so, I believe they will be able to push out some content and get people playing again. So basically, yeah, and even if it begins to die, you have at least 2-3 years of life left.

Fair enough, alright i'll pick it up again in the next few days and start getting back into it. I'm Aussie too, so knowing that other dumb aus cunts play it is genuinely reassuring, ergo there's blokes to play it with.
Thank you man, i'm looking forward to the endless cycles of war again.

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I still play Wolfenstein enemy territory daily and nobody is even playing rising storm 1 maps anymore, i thought about getting PS but everyone said it runs like turd, i can run run squad on max with extended shadows off with stable 60 on 2560x1080 with gtx 1060 6gb i5-7600k 16gb dd4, any idea how will PS preform?

Awesome man, it's always good to see people come back to the game. The game is such a mixed bag for me because I genuinely fucking hate it but I love at the same time. I have been playing since 2014 at least, waaaaaaaay back when now. I hope to see you ingame, my ign is Imtheredmenace

you will be fine dude quit stressing

RS2 Talvisota/Winter War mod is coming out next month.

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ded game

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what is PS?

post scriptum

Post Scriptum.

You'll be fine running PS, I have no worries at all on my GTX 970, Squad is def better optimized, but PS is way better than it use to be.

I really want to get Hell Let Loose, but i'm not convinced i'll actually enjoy it, I love Post Scriptum/SQUAD and the slower pace and fuck huge scope of ARMA 3 WW2 mods, but Hell Let Loose just looks like endless funneled meat grinders with no real tactics/strategy, no real room to maneuver etc

>Always a bunch of full servers to join even during work hours
>ded game
Yeah, no. A game doesn't need 1 million players to be playable.

>tfw foxhole is stuck in an eternal cycle of pulling players back in with a new update only to get back into being semidead month or two later
How do we save this game?

The maps are huge, my dude. There's also randomized objective locations.

its closer to RO2 in terms of the autism scale but I like like that because the smaller scale means you get to the action faster. that does not mean there are no tactics because SL marking and placing garrisons in important flanking positions can be deciding factors within a game. I've seen squads make smart plays that win the game. its a good game for wanting to jump in real quick and get some funtimes rolling in. The map is still big enough to allow for tactical maneuvering.

Ok sweet i'll give it a shot then, all the streams I watched obviously didn't do it justice.

are the cap points randomized? i didnt notice.

I guarantee there's some Arma mod that does it better than 75% of the games named in this thread.

yea i mean mods die quick for RO2 remember IOM?

cool, i just wish all these ww2 devs just made one game because it splits the playerbase for these types of games

Each map draws from a dozen or so objectives that are mixed up every round.

>I guarantee there's some Arma mod that does it better than 75% of the games named in this thread.
Can confirm, ARMA 3 + IFA3 mod (+ whatever else you want) + Liberation Maps literally give you a massive, dynamic map vs 1000's of AI, you seize towns, factories, resource points, airfields, counter attacks, patrols, day/night cycles, you have resource management, logistics lines to maintain, combined arms out the fucking ass, base building, FOB building, the fucking works.

It's absolutely fucking wild, it will literally take you weeks to clear and entire map playing a few hours a night, the only thing better is Vietnam mods and Liberation Maps.

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>tfw grew out of realism sims long ago
>tfw can't get BFV because origin isn't working so I'm getting Battalion instead

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how do you go from mil-sim to arena shooters?

stop misusing that term.

What game?

FH2 is still the best one.

Get RS2.
It's the perfect balance between realism and arcade.

>ARMA 3 + IFA3 mod

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Realized it's just a shitton of walking and waiting around, while arena shooters have all the teamwork and positioning + constant tests of reflexes.

what term

>boring nam shit
>everyone has an automatic weapon
>no tanks

Yeah, plan on getting that too.

Pisses me off that RO2 is dead and the abomination that is RS2 took its place. The others just dont compare, but i dont really have a choice. This post scriptum game already seems dead and fucking mega autistic and i heard hell let loose HAS 2 SHOT KILLS FOR BOLT ACTION? If that's true than i'm not even touching it, can anyone confirm? Fuck...how tragic.

arena shooter. you generally shouldn't use words you don't know the meaning of.

Nah, they fixed that 2 shot real quick after release.

In that case i'm interested, but i have this strange feeling that i'll regret splashing 30 bucks for this game because they have a tendency to die off in a matter of months out of nowhere. Are the servers official or community run reddit congregations?

explain arena shooter to me then

i see
>5 people

Foxhole is great, but don’t play colonials unless you want a pounding. I’m playing for the first time in a year and was Warden for the tail end of the last war, apparently they’ve been winning the past few. I think there are more logi players. I’m having fun though, I forgot how fun logi disruption ops are with a squad.

whats new with the latest update?

neither of these have anything to do with arena shooters. especially level ups. no classic AFPS has any kind of progression/unlock system. and teams of 5 are an arbitrary choice, you can have any number of players on a team, or you can have deathmatch without teams, or duel with just one player on each "team". I'm not going to ask where you're getting this nonsense from, just educate yourself by watching or playing some Quake 3, UT etc.


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Map changes, it’s now divided into hexagons. Logistics overhaul, I think more material at farms but once it’s used up it takes an incredibly long time to resplendent. New trucks/boat for carrying shipping containers that are loaded by crane (tanks can be loaded too). More players with the new attention. I think that’s mostly it.

A lot, mainly big changes to how logistics work. It's too much to write down here so just go check out their patch trailer or dev blog.


where did it go wrong with RS2

Will they incorporate this to base game?


lol no the devs dont give a fuck about RO2 just want their shekels

>ARMA 3 + IFA3 mod (+ whatever else you want) + Liberation Maps
My nigga, even better with zeus, it basically becomes a fuck huge RTS.

>endless funneled meat grinders with no real tactics/strategy, no real room to maneuver etc
you described squad

i'm a project reality vet (started at 2009) and i really like HLL. it's rough, but it's in a way better state than squad was on release. and it WILL get better than squad because people working on it (14) are actually competent, unlike retards at OWI (50+).
there are room for tactics and some kind of strategy, room to maneuver is fucking giant unlike squad. biggest issue of HLL is shit community consisting of retards and you can't even filter them out because squad lock/kick doesn't work. and of course gameplay features, content, but that will come obviously

also squad is a piece of shit game, i absolutely loathe this garbage. i had a sherman squad in HLL with my friend and i got sweet flashbacks back to PR times where armor is lethal and able to turn the tide of battle. in squad armor is pathetic, useless garbage and your biggest treat in game is fucked up collision that throws you into space. what a pile of shit. thank you for reminding me how much i hate this shitty project.

infantry gameplay still garbage. i check on the game since 21 and there give zero fucks about boots. fuck those people, i don't want to drive a truck all day, i wanna shoot niggas and have fun