>Legit modern classic comes out
>Nobody talks about
Why didn't you buy her game, Yea Forums?
>Legit modern classic comes out
>Nobody talks about
Why didn't you buy her game, Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
never heard of it
Have you at least heard of the first one?
It's literally the most well-known classic Metroidvania next to Super Metroid and SotN
We had constant comfy threads when it released
casual filter
Because I haven't completed the first one yet.
When completing La-Mulana is the barrier for entry, it's gonna be a hard time talking about it.
This game was talked about for weeks when it came out
I bought it but the puzzles are too hard
I don't feel so good playing it
It didn't maintain the aesthetics of the first game.
wtf are you talking about? Everyone bought that game
nvm everyone bought the first one, the second one was overpriced so I didn't get that
>It's literally the most well-known classic Metroidvania next to Super Metroid and SotN
And that's why no one takes you seriously.
We had hourly 500 reply threads for 2 weeks after release. Then everyone either beat it or, more likely, gave up.
It's indisputably the best game released in the past 4 or 5 years, at least if you're into hardcore gaming. There isn't much else to say about it.
I didn't really care for the first one.
This. Going from all of human history to mostly just norse mythology felt like a step back. Who the fuck even knows what Annwfn was supposed to be?
the locations in this game are so inferior to the first one its not even funny.
I still haven't beaten the first one because I heard you need a pen
Even if I had a pen, I wouldn't know how to use it
Did you get japed?
I got japed.
I wish it got a vita port like the first game did
it's so much comfier on a handheld
It's coming to the Switch, that's kind of a handheld
I didn't believe.
muh dpad
>mfw didn't support the kickstarter, didn't buy the game, completely forgot about it for 2 years and still think it's one of the best games I've ever played
I was talked about, you just missed out
but I did, and I had a lot of fun together with Yea Forums on its release. That first week of threads trying to get through the game together was amazing, and if you weren't there, you missed out.
It doesn't even get a courtesy "bitcing about the MC being switched from a guy to a girl". I think all metroidvanias get a pass since Metroid did it first.
>modern classic
I was there, but I fell too far behind to keep up. Took me forever to find the Gate of the Dead. I've been stuck for over half a year now in Hell.
I bought it at release and didn't get very far without a guide, even though I discussed a lot with Yea Forums.
Waiting for the switch port
It's a letdown compared to LM1 and the switch to the unity engine was a terrible decision. They're still fixing bugs almost a year later
LM1 is a fucking masterpiece. Most people play it with a guide so they don't get the true experience
-: Best stage in both La Mulanas right here :-
I respect La-Mulana, but at the same time that game is way too autismal for me to enjoy playing it. I did try, and I got absolutely nowhere. I don't like games that are so obtuse you need to follow a guide to beat them.
Be the explorer
Do the world a favour and kys
What are you stuck on in Hell? Or do you not want any hints whatsoever
And I also fell behind a bit compared to the truly quick, but I was alongside or a bit ahead of most of the pack. I was in the group who lost their minds when the first person teased they'd made their way into the Underworld and we were all stuck on finding the entrance to it.
I was thirty-something hours in when I ended up losing all the notes I had been keeping due to a dumb mix-up with files and restarting felt a bit daunting so I haven't gotten around to it yet. Loved what I played of it though.
>t. casual who dropped the game early on because it was too hard
There's a lot of Egyptian and Greek stuff too later. Some Aztec too.
I did not believe ;_;
>The 2nd level is the hardest in the game
>Also there's nothing you can even do there until you come back later but you don't realize this at first
What the FUCK did they mean by this
You're not supposed to do it second. The only purpose to go there early is picking up the grappling claw and getting the hell out because by god that area is pure suffering.
Though Ancient Chaos lategame is even worse, ALL THOSE FUCKING ENEMIES AND YOU CAN FALL DOWN AAAAAHHHH
Nothing in the game necessitated switching engines. It didn't make it easier to port as apparent now and it didn't make it easier to re-use since no sequel has been announced yet.
I dropped it after the update that broke both the axe and knife working with the Vajra. Not to mention all the other "only play the game the way we want you to" """fixes""" they made.
I still play the un-updated first release and I'm doing fine. What did the updates change?
I completed the game on release, what has changed?
Where are the examples of people not taking him seriously?
I don't even really remember now, other than they moved some blocks in different rooms and other shit to prevent sequence breaking.
It's MC's child, which user usually likes. Always seems like user has a soft spot for those scenarios.
It's actually not nearly so autismal as you think. You know how everyone says Dark Souls is SO HARD and really it's just harder than the average game? It's a similar situation. You will need to take notes, and you will need to use your head, but it's not impossible by any means.
There are some great spoilerless hint guides too, for if you're lost.
Yeah. The notes aren't there because the game is obtuse; they're there because the game is fucking huge and doesn't hold your hand. When someone tells you how to open the gates of hell you actually need to remember his instructions for later.
Gate of Illusion and Chamber of Birth had some pretty bullshit puzzles, though.
Yup. If you take good notes and legit write down everything (Even if you think it's just lore), and keep track of what you've used for something and what not, it's not too obtuse.
I got completely stuck in LM1 (finally caved and looked up some hints in the Chamber of Birth) and playing LM2 while actually drawing a map and keeping good notes made a world of difference.
How am I supposed to deal with the fact that La Mulana 3 never or a game like La Mulana never?
I'm hoping Environmental Station Alpha 2 will have something like La-Mulana for it's postgame since the first game did.
I should really play ESA one of these days. Baba is You was a great game so this guy is obviously talented.
>tfw you softlocked the game during the escape sequence
Pissed me off so much
>that one patch that made the eternal prison live up to its name for 2 months
too cryptic/10
>La mulana 2 could have had hell temple and released in a more polished state if it got just a bit more money during the kickstarter
How long is ESA? I'll probably get it in the summer sale (even if it's not on sale) since I have heard nothing but praise for it.
>>La mulana 2 could have had hell temple and released in a more polished state if it got just a bit more money during the kickstarter
Dev has implied more content is coming. Probably something involving Spring in the Sky.
>How long is ESA?
60~ hours inc. hidden stuff.
This desu. Bought the first game and ran around for a few hours with no idea where I was supposed to go next and got bored after dying and losing progress. My Steam library has 300 games I've never even installed, so it's hard to justify playing something that feels like it's intentionally wasting my time.
>didn't read the manual
Sounds like you don't respect the game at all.
Most people don't beat games
A lot of people likely quit la mulana 1 due to how cryptic and bullshit it can be in regards to hints (or having shit that doesn't have hints at all).
It involved a lot of trial and error if you didn't just use a guide.
La mulana 2 is far less cryptic, its actually possible to beat without a guide without going full autism mode.
It was a buggy unfinished mess when it came out.
>wasting my time
Why do zoomers hate exploration so much?
La Mulana 1 was hell but i felt rewarded and happy for some reason after i beat it.
That final boss was 10/10 for me.
Low IQ and no sense of motivation.
Zoomers do things because others are doing it, they can't think for themselves.
I did like that LM2's boss actually had a puzzle in the fight again, unlike LM1 remake
but overall yeah Mother was way better. LM2 boss was too easy (which is weird because most of the other bosses are harder)
I've played it one year ago, defeated some bosees and then had to stop since i had IRL shit to do. Should I start over or continue?
I actually had interest in this game until my friend became obsessed with it, now we're not friends anymore because they tell everyone to play it
That's good news. I'm very interested in playing these games now. But the important question: Which one to play first? It kinda sounds like the order doesn't matter in this case.
La-Mulana 1, obvs. Even if the order didn't matter it's cheaper.
The first one. Sequel has a lot of callbacks to the first game that you won't get if you play them the wrong way around.
Also: don't take our words lightly. You NEED to write down everything and make your own maps and mark stuff on them (also, pay attention to room-names) or you WILL get stuck.
can I skip the first game? I dont want to play because looks so bad
Yes, skip the first game casual.
The remake has great graphics though? But it sounds like you'd be too retarded to play it anyways, if you're a graphicsfag
What a fucking delusion, I only ever saw Yea Forums talk about La Maluna, even when the remake was new.
It controls like shit, I'm not a tasteless faggot that likes Circle of the Moon.
Sequel looks similar to the remake doe.
Watching Ra kill his own pantheon and then fuse into Amun-Ra has to be the single funniest reason for a boss fight ever.
We are 100% guaranteed to get La Mulana 3 since kickstarter = free money and NIGORO has been making games since forever. I'd be more worried about 3 turning into a lazy man's hackjob like MN9.
But, like, they're human, right? Shouldn't they naturally be curious and eager to test their own mettle?
is it worth it to look a guide on how to access hell temple? I've beaten La Mulana 1 without guides but this is too much
Yeah Yea Forums, you did play it right?
We are 100% guaranteed to not get La Mulana 3 since the team split, they said they didn't want to make more games and it didn't do that well
user just because it's high up on a tier list that gets posted on Yea Forums a lot doesn't make it "well-known". There's several other more well-known Metroidvanias.
To clarify, by no means am I arguing that popularity = quality.
>they said they didn't want to make more games and it didn't do that well
Oh well, guess being together for so long made them get sick of each other's faces. Thankfully La Mulana 2 was finished without major problems.
I would play if this was a psx game. Games on the emulator looks better when you configure correctly. But this game's graphical settings are too limited and looks blurry on my screen. I'm not a graphics fag. I'm playing castevania sotn right know and I loved it
>60~ hours inc. hidden stuff.
Jesus christ dude, don't fucking lie to him.
I don't see what's supposed to be so ugly about it, especially compared to ESA.
>expecting people to talk about a game where you have to write notes for
v doesn't even play games and you want them to talk about shit you need a notepad open for?
>snake bitches exist
>no snake bitches in harem
They're the closest to the mother so it's basically straight shota.
This game was shit, an embarrassment compared to the first one.
"Where am I?"
GOAT Tablet of all time
Because I’m still waiting on a console release
It was hard to talk about the game when jannies tried to make us go to /vg/ while they autoarchived at 500 posts because of the retarded smashniggers.
Devs also screwed up and unless you played on the first version of the game, every single update made a fucking softlock where you couldn't finish the game. I believe the latest one is fine now at least.
Jannies 404ed a la-mulana thread? why?
Buttblasted casuals mad that there was a thread talking about video games up at all times.
>LM remake 32 hours for main story
bad site.
also 60 hours is obviously without a guide. most people don’t beat it blind.
>Replayed La-Mulana 2 a couple weeks ago thinking I forgot everything so it'd be fun again
>The only thing I actually forgot was where the fuck the Sun Mantra was
>Tell myself I won't sequence break to get the feather, end up doing that on accident when I come by with the Mjolnir anyway because the fucking spirit magnetized to me
>Did LITERALLY everything I could think of, including fucking around in Heaven's Labyrinth for a shitty axe and going into the Ancient Hellhole with like 9 Crystal Skulls so the game is fucking pissed
>Remember where the Sun Mantra is after I get max health
It's a good game.
Also, I'm still waiting on Tower of Oaness. They tease that shit on a sign in game on top of it being in the opening map of La-Mulana 1. Release it, Naramura.
>he thinks the enemy spam scaling is from the amount of skulls you have
I did because I think it is an interesting speciment.
I am deathly afraid of getting stuck in games and not knowing how to progress, so I do not know if I will ever play it.
I can't believe mulbruk is fucking dead
LM1 is so much fun still with the randomizer
>tfw forced to go the dark route into TotG
>tfw forced to beat Zu without the Lamp
It can really make memorable shit happen
If you stack the deck against yourself and play a few hours once a week while taking no notes any game will take fucking forever. But as much as people like to fellate LM1/2 for EXTREME UNPARALLELED DIFFICULTY there were realistically only 2/3 puzzles that stumped people to the point of either giving up or just looking them up.
That goes double for ESA.
Hey, I did that without the randomizer. When I sees a boss, it gots to die.
I can't think of any game with more consistently hard puzzles than la mulana. Silent Hill 3 only has like 4 puzzles in total. La Mulana has single areas with twice that amount that will fuck you raw.
There's only 2 things I would consider actual bullshit in the first game
-The first time you're supposed to use a skeleton as a dais. There's zero indication or hints for this afaik (besides the Gate being full of trickery and illusion) and you've done nothing like it before.
-The backgate to TotG in the overworld randomly appearing after defeating Viy. There's just no reason for the player to expect it, it's bullshit.
Same, I had struggled with all the fights so I thought he was just supposed to be that hard. Then I finally after hours of struggling beat him and an achievement appeared and I facepalmed.
Not saying this is good and I'm sure literally no one is going to realize this during their blind but the spirits that fall into Chi You's pit appear during the field and they "help" you. In that spot the spirit goes towards the skeleton.
I never noticed them "helping" you and I've completed this game multiple times. I thought they were just there for atmosphere.
Off the top of my head I remember three.
That one, the one that goes past the fake teleport wall where you have to press right to go into fraud guy and another fake wall where you need to press a dais to open the wall for the NPC to give you the mini doll.
I said first game looks bad. Second game looks beautiful, especially i loved that girls in your picture
Is playing the first one a requirement? Heard that the sub-par translation made some puzzles more obtuse than intended, and that the sequel is more straightforward
I did, I'm stuck in the room where you are supposed to balance the scales.
Best game I have ever played
You have to play the first one.
I'd say you would appreciate 2 more if you played the first one first but you can do whatever you want.
I did the scale puzzle in LM1 on my first try without a walkthrough. I was grinning ear from ear even though I prefer the axe
figuring out that puzzle was so satisfying, agreed
>tiamat during the "only need 1 finger" achievement
>can't abuse caltrops i-frames anymore
>he doesn't know
Ok, I will play the first game sorry for acting like a zoomer. I'm new to this genre so dont bully
Are you kidding? Gate of Illusion was the best area in both games, yes the clues where really weird but they were all next to the puzzle they were referring to. It really made me feel like a wise man.
>I'm new to this genre
And you're about to play la mulana?
Are you fucking insane?
The puzzles were difficult, but solvable. Reread the post. Only specific puzzles were deemed difficult enough that people would have to look them up. It made you pay attention more than a typical videogame for sure, and I have no god damn clue why you would use a game like silent hill as a measuring stick for "puzzles".
>No examples
So you agree with me?
I did buy it, and we did talk about it. Where's the physical copies, Nigoro?
>damaged boosted myself to get the double jump earlier than intended
>felt like a genius
>they patched it so this is no longer possible
to what end? who was this harming?
The axe never worked with the Vajra and they never changed anything with the knife faggot.
Well, sure I can spend my money as I please. But is the story extremely interconnected or is it a fun romp anyway?
There is some lore but it's not like you need to know what happens in 1 to play 2.
We joke about it a lot, but NIGORO literally wants to see us miserable and suffering.
Examples of what, games with decent puzzles or examples of puzzles within la-mulana that were fair but not overly difficult?
All I see is La Mulana 1.5. Where is this second game you speak of?
Literally any game with harder puzzles than la mulana. There isn't any so why are you wasting my time?
>if things don't change enough autists complain
>if things change a bit autists complain
The game was good you colossal faggot.
>or, more likely, gave up
Someday I'm going to go back and play it again, but with an actual notebook. I'm pretty sure I got as stuck as I was because I already brute forced too many puzzles that I should have learned from.
La Mulana? Surely you mean Rick Dangerous?
Everyone beat it in the week it came out with the help threada
It took me three separate attempts over four years to beat the first game. The cycle has only begun for me for the second game.
I've gotten really far in 2 but I'm hitting a brick wall with the mantras. Too many fucking mantras.
>That fucking Brahma puzzle
Hi la moulana fagg I actually like the game a lot but I did not buy it because I hate you
Are the puzzles as retardedly obscure as the first one?
Becuas everything after the fourth guardian is absolute bullshit.
>But is the story extremely interconnected
It picks up a few years later but it's more about the background surrounding what happened because you interact with the previous races and learn their history. That said, it's not so directly related that you have to play the first game or you'll just feel lost, 2 focuses more heavily on the plot by itself. I would say, there's one puzzle in the second game that you will pick up on faster if you played the first unless you talk to the NPCs a lot, and there's one character's sub-plot that you really do want to play the first game for. Remember to pour one out for your boy Sakit. Other than that you can jump into 2, it's easier than 1 anyway.
That's mostly Naramura, I think.
I wish it would have been required and not just a cool thing to have. I ended up solving it when I only had 1 skull left because I kept pushing it back for thinking I didn't have everything. Would have appreciated it more if it actually helped me. The puzzle itself was amazing though.
I never said la mulana didn't have hard puzzles, are you okay user? Did you even read my post?
because I got stonewalled by Sakit
>console players will be getting physical copies before kickstarter backers even get an ETA on theirs
The first one was, La Mulana 1.5 not so much.
Kill yourself, kassfag.
>Game lets you play as a confident big titty blonde archaeologist
Please tell me she gets knuckle deep in one of the two women behind her
All that GTS content though. Totally worth it.
Mulbruk pervs on you in her sleep.
Claimed by your dad.
She's like 500 years old, but I mean sure.
>getting anything
Why the fuck did they make the puzzles so hard.
I just want to have fun.
They made them easier in 2 actually.
I want to play more games like castlevania sotn. Recommend me some games
Freya reminisces about traveling with Lemeza in 2, they banged. Also
>Has a child
>Can't get puss
Lumisa is probably his adopted daughter anyway though.
I got walled by the dinosaur and when I finally beat it, instead of getting a new item the game dumped me into a poison chamber. Bullshit.
According to the manual, Lumisa is either his wife's daughter from a previous marriage, or she's Shawn's illegitimate daughter. Lemeza and Lumisa are only aged 15 years apart.
Super Metroid.
La Mulana 1.5? You mean the remake of the original MSX-stylized game?
Finding some later mantras is actually harder than where to use them minus that one puzzle. You fuckers know the one.
Surely not Ra's excellent adventure 'cuz I brute forced it in 10 minutes.
Play the GBA and DS Castlevania games and Bloodstained, that's just obvious.
Most people on release where stuck on the mantra that links the japan lava room to the other to get the key item, the hints are good but it's a bit hard to put together. Still brute forceable like all mantra releated things.
LM threads are always so comfy.
>That one mantra in the Underworld
The worst part is, they put it in a very suspicious room, so first you're worried about dying to a trap, then you're looking furiously for the secret.
>someone posted an image here unspoiled that ruined the puzzle for me. It wasn't even that exact puzzle it was about frost giants map looking like a lion, the insidious beast maw clicked instantly after that.
I'm still upset, and yes I know it's my fault for browsing the threads while playing.
Sakit... had a hard life
Exactly the one I was thinking of but I also missed the extremely easy one for HOURS in the old ruins in the over world
>tfw I cheesed Echidna with an attack fairy
>Kara in 1.0 attacked on every frame she overlapped with an enemy
>Killed bosses so fast you softlocked
They really wanted her to be more useful than she was in 1.
I dont like using guides, makes me feel stupid, I used a guide 3 times for La Mulana 1 and dropped it then because I was visiting every place I knew already and discovering nothing new and was like "not using a guide not using a guide" the whole time, but theres a point I just had to let go, and I decided to stop playing.
Fuck the Temple of the Sun and Fuck that boss on the minecart.
Yeah I think she legit killed Echidna in like 2 seconds, shit was ridiculous. Didn't think she was gonna be THAT effective, I just brought her because I still had pstd from Tiamat
>he got filtered by the Temple of the fucking Sun
Jesus kid. I guess summer is here.
Did the bosses get harder after some patches?
I did one finger on one of the early versions without much trouble except for Kujata but then I tried the randomizer on the latest version and even on normal some of the later bosses are kicking my ass.
>single game came out 7 years ago
>wtf why are people still not talking about it
This came out last year
Yes, they rebalanced the bosses. Kujata, Hel (I think), and Surtr in particular.
>solving puzzles
Oh they patched Hel? Good, she was way too easy
And Surtr was just annoying and tedious
My favourite pastime is hitting them on the screen with Yama and making fall onto the water.
>La-Mulana EX port never
>That one time I softlocked myself.
My proudest gamer moment was getting out of here.
Felt more dumb that I knew the combo but you need to use it in the room above
im 24, its an annoying place, it just sucks falling from some high place and needing to travel all the way back, Ill try again eventually.
Bought the game, beat it, talked on the forums for a while. Also, I still have the debug build they accidently pushed on Steam.
>Have to do the entire fuckfest in one run if you don't open the door beforehand
Truly devilish
I still get cold sweat from just imagining those horrors.
But Samus was never switched from male to female. She was always a woman. People just assumed she had a dick.
I knew it was gonna be a fucking problem the day they announced it
why fix what aint broke
also I tremendously enjoyed the game but i didnt feel the puzzles were on the same calibur as 1; namely the mantra puzzles were pretty lame
>it just sucks falling from some high place and needing to travel all the way back
Nobody tell him about the Tower of the Goddess
I had to go a on a three week business trip and came back and forgot my current goal. Now 8 months later I can't decide if I want to start again, attempt to continue or replay LM1 since I barely remember that game.
Looking at my notes I was doing the Dark Lord's Path and the Gates of Hell.
i NEED to fuck tiamat
canonically has a penis
>my tiny internet echo chambers are accurate models of reality in the outside internet/world at large
even Cave Story is more known than La-Mulana, jesus christ
>hardcore gaming
La-Mulana 2 randomizer when?
>that one fucking tablet in LM2
hahahaha fuck you too naramura
>Where am I?
It exists already.
Nah that one is fucking GENIUS, best tablet in the series
I meant the one that kills you afterwards and that you have to destroy because it is a liar
i remember some obnoxious faggot a couple months or so ago saying that multiplayer games don't require a brain and providing this game as an example of what a brainy gamer would play so there you go.
>Caring about what faggots say when they probably don't play the games they cite
I recommend not doing this
i dont play weeb garbage
Did you fall for it? I knew it was coming, saw the cracks, and thought I was being smart in leaping to the side.
I knew it was going to happen and I knew it was going to fuck with people who expected something to happen but I still tried to dodge like it was going to be like the original. And I loved it. Favourite one in the game.
Of course I fell for it, great way of fucking with fans who played the first game. Classic Naramura
well considering what the final boss is, its damn well connected to the first game.
I really need to go back to it. Dropped it around 5 hours in after I played through La-Mulana several times prior, I was so excited for LM2 I bought it day 1.
I need to stop comparing it to LM1.
It lived up to the hype for me. Obviously it's not as amazing as 1, but it scratched the same itch (and it's still pretty damn good)
The beginning is kinda meh and the first puzzles are a bit too easy, but then it really gets going.
It released with numerous bugs, some game breaking
It's not game breaking, it's part of the experience.
>The beginning is kinda meh
Lots better than LM1's honestly.
Final boss is a good indication of LM2's quality: an inferior clone of the first game.
Not like the first one was good to begin with.
Aside from actually game breaking bugs and the bosses being weak overall, there's only one thing worth changing from 1.0.
They should have left it as the Dark Lord's Mausoleum, Dark Star Lord is too much even if it is more accurate I think.
Release version was the best one before the current one ironically enough. Every single patch added some sort of softlock that made it impossible to finish the game. It's baffling how long they took to fix some of them.
What kind of notes do you big brained geniuses take? I am afraid to even start playing as I barely ever take notes for anything. Worried that I'm either gonna write down huge amounts of irrelevant information or miss many key things.
Just rely on the game note-taking tool, it has lots of space and won't let you down!
dios mio... la mulana americana...
worked on my machine :^)
All tablets, maps of all areas with space to note suspicious things in each room.
2 is pretty straightforward for the most part, you can copy down tablets and NPC text with the in-game app and get through it well enough if you're capable of reading. I really recommend being observant about rooms themselves above all else.
took notes like these to keep track of stuff on the map and some other things (like the stuff on the left, or the symbols for the Hell gates stuff on another page), and jotted down almost every tablet in a notepad file
it's just straight up boring for a metroidvania. All the fucking zones look the same even though they're different.
>All the fucking zones look the same even though they're different.
Bro that's just a straight up lie
I just screenshot everything, worked fine for me and never had to use a guide.
They split? That's a shame, I hoped for more games from them. At least we'll get those track remixes for the upcoming console ports.
Spelunky is better than this
Salt and sanctuary is better than this
Shitty remake of old cool game
can't ctrl+f screenshots though
that's the main reason I wrote it all down in a text file
Duplex left to do his own stuff but he said he'd help them out if he can. Naramura hired a couple other people too I think. It was all on the pre-release stream.
>Naramura said that the playtesters brute forced their way through the game in about 20 hours
The greatest lie ever told.
that's why you organize them in folders
La-Mulana was a meme game flavour of the month-thing.
The only reason that happened was because it was cryptic and literally the source for the phrase "artificial difficulty".
Making a sequel was dumb and the game is shit.
t. bootyblasted adhd zoomer
I'm 27, calm and lazy.
Love metroidvanias, but the retarded """puzzles""" in La-Mulana 1 were bullshit, and you know it.
Like I said earlier in the thread, there's only 2 puzzles in La-Mulana I consider bullshit. I genuinely love the game to death. Yeah it's unforgiving, but it's not trial and error. Literally everything can be solved with patience and proper attention to your surroundings and good note-taking.
I see. I wasn't really keeping up with news from them so I'm only now hearing about that. Wonder what they're gonna decide to do next.
I did buy her game last year, and I bullied the dumb little witches too.
>You will need to take notes
fuck that shit
I wrote down every tablet and NPC dialogue, although I probably missed a bunch of them at the start. Also pasted the tablets that had images in them because they tend to be relevant.
Ended up with a 55 long page document.
>Also pasted the tablets that had images in them because they tend to be relevant.
I should've done this, I didn't know the images on the tables were gonna be as relevant as they were, considering they weren't there in the first one
no amount of notes can prepare you for the bullshit you'll need to have noticed/noted in 1 near the end
There were images in the tablets in the first game though. At least the remake, I never actually played the original.
Although in the first one they were harder to read on the tablets themselves while in the second one they were actually easier to read compared to the textrax versions.
Then this game isn't for you, and that's okay. This game is aimed at people who want to be made to take notes. It's a (not-so-serious) Indiana Jones simulator.
I must be misremembering then, or they weren't as relevant as in the second game
For the second game I legit ended up redrawing stuff like the Hell Gates symbols because that shit actually mattered a lot to the puzzles, or the shit like the Beast's Jaw etc
wait yeah no I remember now, there definitely were drawings related to shit like the carrying of the tower of water by the giants and stuff like that, nevermind, brainfreeze for a sec
Played through the first one with a guide, i wanna try to get through the second without one, but i feel like i need to be mentally prepared first.
Keep a notebook.
Write down everything.
Fucking scrub.
We wuz ancient aliens n shiet
the only prep you need is being prepared to write down everything and map out everything
that's all you need to be able to do it without a guide
You can do it user
unless you are a casual scrub
I also played through 1 close to when it came out on PC without knowing what was I getting into and I used a guide. It's been don't know how many years now and I still regret it.