Will the "strand genre" of gaming become a major gaming genre in the near future?
Will the "strand genre" of gaming become a major gaming genre in the near future?
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It will literally make the entire world a better and happier place.
It's not going to be unique. When is the last time we had a new genre of video game? Even ASSFAGGOTS are just derivative RTS mods.
This will just be interactive experience bullshit, mark my words
Strand is not a genre
>When is the last time we had a new genre of video game?
Dark Souls when the soulsborne genre was invented?
"Dark Souls" is not a genre, you stupid fucker.
*Demon's Souls*
og god I hope so.
Cant wait to leave ladders to help up my fellow gamers.
Social strand genre will allow us gamers to rise up
He meant the "Strand game" in the same sense that MGS has the "Tactical espionage operations" on it retards
Souls games are just The Legend of Zelda.
No, soulsborne is the genre. Learn to read.
The Souls series invented asynchronous multiplayer and PvE combination
Holy shit, Yea Forums is full of actual retards.
it is whther you like it or not.
It started the "soulslike" genre despite its poor name
Also Death Stranding is copying Souls games "drop item for other player" system and calling it "Social strand"
It is just a walking simulator + movie from what I can gather from that abysmal trailer.
Yea Forums is going to hail it as the second coming of Christ, it will be MGS4 except not because Konami owns that IP since its too soon to shit out another Peacewalker clone, cutscenes will dip into the 2-3 hour range, Kojima cocksuckers will say its the best game ever, there will be a total of 20 hours of real gameplay padded by infinite quests and walking.
No, you are the retard, user
>it is whther you like it or not.
IT's not, Dark Souls games are just action adventure titles. "souls" is not a genre. This stupid fucking "soulsborne" nomenclature is just retarded identification for any soul copy-paste that fromsoft makes. It is not a new genre, and if you think it is you're fucking dumb.
This. But actually Demon's Souls invented it, not Dark Souls.
Yes it is. It's too unique to fit into categories like JRPG or action-adventure.
Movie games have been a big thing in gaming for a while now.
Unironically end your life.
Cope, retard niggers.
I guarantee this will be the most movie-like moviegame ever made, even worse than TLOU
seething tranny
>Yes it is. It's too unique to fit into categories like JRPG or action-adventure.
Dark Souls is just a rip off of Blade of Darkness in regards to gameplay yet is more dumbed down. Dark Souls didn't invent anything.
>too unique to fit into action adventure or RPG
Despite being an action adventure RPG. IT having drop-in drop-out multiplayer doesn't magically make it so drastically different to the point where it can no longer fit into either, or both, cetegories.
Dumb fucking fromdrone.
>Having some asynchronous online elements in a generic open-world action adventure game with generic Third Person shooting and generic tall grass to crouch in now constitutes a new genre
There is no new genre, Kojima is just being pretentious again.
Literally any game that isn't turn-based is action-adventure. It's too loose of a description.
You could say Witcher games or Tomb Raider or Silent Hill or Zelda are all action adventure, despite being radically different form each other in every conceivable way.
Yeah you know, 2-3 hours of cutscenes is what i missed in MGS5.
So you mean games with light but obtrusive enough online social mechanics that you must go through them? Yea, there's already a ton of cell phone games and MGS5 that already do this.
>tranny calling anyone else a tranny
Zoomer that never played Vagrant Story
Severance existed before your soulstrash.
dilate tranny
>Literally any game that isn't turn-based is action-adventure.
Wow, I didn't know VN's and strategy RTS games were adventure games. You sure showed me the light.
>make a multiplayer like journey but with messages
>call it a new genre
Jesus christ, can't wait for DS to flop
You will shoot cum
>kojimafags and fromniggers are so deluded they think Hackazaki and Kojima "invented" new genre's
It's nothing like Blade of Darkness you dumb motherfucking retard. Blade of Darkness is closer to a beat em up, whereas Soulsborne games are unique in that they combine gameplay around timing dodges and timing attacks (once you have started an attack you can't back out of it) and whittling down slowly the health of large bosses. It's not a button masher in that it requires very rigorous timed strategy.
And it incorporates too many RPG elements such as leveling up and class to be an action-adventure like zelda or tomb raider.
Me too. I have a hunch MGSV flopped because Konami wanted to invest in that shitty ass online to get people to waste their money on buying mother bases and mother base nuke insurance instead of actual plot development.
Seeing that cut ending on youtube basically killed MGSV for me. They could've released the ending as a free patch, but Konami was too Jewish for that. They had to work on that MGS3 pachinko game and half baked zombie DLC.
It will unironically be one of the bestsellers of all time on the PS4. Seethe more.
>It's nothing like Blade of Darkness you dumb motherfucking retard.
It's unironically a dumbed down Severance rip off you stupid boot licker, get fucked.
>whereas Soulsborne games are unique in that they combine gameplay around timing dodges and timing attacks
So, like Severance??? Holy shit, you didn't even play the fucking game did you? Severance is nothing like a beat-em-up you dick for brains retard.
onimusha invented hack n slash
Minecraft? I know it copied Infiniminer but we really didn't have anything like that before with that much freedom.
What games do you think the subgenre came from Metroidvania? It was Metroid and Castlevania that spawn that genre.
Much like DOOM, QUAKE, Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior, Unreal etc.had its own subgenre. but it was just called FPS
The problem with "soulsborne" subgenre is its name that is connected with FROMsofts IP and the "dificult game" tag instilled in it. Most people (especially Yea Forums) hates it because it reminds them of journos and zoomers who had DS as their first "hard game".
Its still a genre, not because of its difficulty but because of how the map and progression is layed out. It would be better off called 3d Metroidvania.
>Soulsborne games are unique in that they combine gameplay around timing dodges and timing attacks
Vagrant Story, now shut the fuck up zoomer
ok, first of all before we start serious discussion. What do you call a "genre" ?
Or just call it nu-RPG
>before we start serious discussion
Ha, good one user.
>just called FPS
pretty sure they were called just shooters and fps came later when tps games like mdk came out
>The problem with "soulsborne" subgenre
It isn't one. It's just anaction RPG.
>any game with swords and killing enemies is exactly like a souls game
Dumb retard, button mashing and beat em up till you win isn't the same as soulsborne combat. Also you're fucking stupid because Fromsoft actually has older games that they drew on influence for dark souls, not your no-name game that nobody has played
>Its still a genre, not because of its difficulty but because of how the map and progression is layed out.
This is so fucking retarded, and castlevania and metroid 3D game exist you know, calling it 3D metriodvania is even more stupid
>he thinks souls invented anything and didn't just rip stuff off from other titles
Cope, fromdrone.
>button mashing and beat em up till you win isn't the same as soulsborne combat
Is that why high poise + strong armor was the go-to crutch for retards that can't dodge so they just spammed attack with high poise to kill everything? Or is that also why the later game's all decided to reward spam by making enemies get staggered after x amount of hits in succession? You shouldn't call anyone else a fucking retard when multiple people have named titles that did "souls" before Souls ever existed. Kill yourself.
Holy hell were you dropped on your head Action-Adventure is a very loose definition for a group of genre, not one genre. Are you gonna say Silent Hill and Uncharted are both the same genre? Fucking dumbass
>oMg GuYz ThIs GaMe iS gOiNg To CrEaTe A nEw GeNrE
Stop hyping this game so fucking much, goddamn you're gonna be grouped with Cyberpunk 2077 fags soon enough, you're only just setting yourself up for disappointment when the game doesn't change your life like you were anticipating.
It's not gonna create any new genre because it's another 3rd person open world game and there are already a fuckload of those.
Hahaha you dumb fucking nigger.
>death-trap dungeon
>pic related
Hell, even
>divinity 2
Arpg is already a genre.
That's not saying much.
>it isn't a genre because I say so!
Yeah, and shooter is a general term to describe all shooters, but that doesn't mean that "shooter" isn't a genre for shoot bangs like Call of Duty and Gears of War. You disillusioned fuck. Dark Souls is just an ARPG. "Souls" is not a fucking genre no matter how much you want to try and meme that into existence.
>m-m-muh fromdrome
>m-m-muh fromdrome
is that all you can say dipshit? Soulsborne games had elements that were individually in previous games sure, but they combined different elements in a unique way to create something new and popular that's why they spawned so many clones. Or are you gonna claim that FPS isn't a genre because space invaders also had shooting?
Yeah it is cause PS4 is one of the greatest selling consoles of all time.
>FPS isn't a genre because space invaders also had shooting?
Based retard.
>Or are you gonna claim that FPS isn't a genre because space invaders also had shooting?
Jesus christ, are you pretending to be retarded.
You JUST described severence's gameplay.
I could have accepted it if you were comparing it to all the other games that came before dark souls, such as these:
And I forgot to add:
Heretic 2
Die by the sword
And many many many more.
I love demons souls, dark souls and bloodborne. But they aren't exactly anything new.
And despite that, the install base for their exclusives isn't very impressive.
Bloodborne got beaten by some janky wii u exclusive tps. Embarrassing.
So first it was an Action-Adventure, now it's an ARPG? Yeah cause it's totally the same genre as Kingdom Hearts or Nier: Automata, right? Dumbass
>action adventure + RPG
Woah, reading sure is hard, isn't it?
Holy hell were you dropped on your head hip hop is a very loose definition for a group of genre, not one genre. Are you gonna say run dmc and Nikki minaj are both the same genre? Fucking dumbass
Nah Bloodborne is still unironically GOAT. The fact that it makes PC and nintendo cucks seethe in 2019 is proof.
Holy hell were you dropped on your head horro is a very loose definition for a group of genre, not one genre. Are you gonna say hellraiser and scream are both the same genre? Fucking dumbass
That's not what an ARPG is, dumbass. Action-Adventure can mean anything from pretty much Zelda to Uncharted to ratchet and clank. ARPG is an RPG game but with real-time combat. fucking hell you're stupid.
Holy hell were you dropped on your head romance is a very loose definition for a group of genre, not one genre. Are you gonna say fifty shades of grey and Bear are both the same genre? Fucking dumbass
That's not the point, I agree Bloodborne is a fantastic game but we're talking about sales here, and the install base for PS4 games are babydick compared to practically everything else.
No need to get so heated up and throw a hissy fit for stating some facts, little snoy.
>Dude Horror isn't a fucking genre. The Thing and Paranormal Activity aren't the same fucking movie! Are you going to tell me they're the same?!?!?
This is how fucking stupid you sound.
I never said what ever the fuck you're trying to accuse me of you stupid mother fucker, good fucking lord you're desperate. Souls is an action game and an RPG, and this was stated at the very start of the thread. OR are you going to try and tell met hat it isn't and that it also doesn't have any semblance of adventuring within it?
You mentally ill samefag retard, you unironically think if a game is "action adventure" it can't be any other more specific genre. Is Hitman not stealth because it's action-adventure? Is Silent Hill not survival horror because it's action adventure? Action-Adventure was literally coined to appease asshurt nintensharts who couldn't cope that zelda was not and will not ever be classified as a JRPG so they made some new term to cover it's barebones gameplay and try to insist that a bunch of other successful games are "action-adventure" to back up the ridiculous claim that it's a specific genre.
Lol just ignore that dumb kid, he unironically thinks dark souls invented a whole new genre (even though it wasn't even the first souls game!)
Dude's clearly pretty young, pretty retarded or both.
Literally every multiplat game like MGSV or RDR2 that gets released on multiple platform is overwhelmingly purchased on PS4. Seethe more.
Holy hell were you dropped on your head racing is a very loose definition for a group of genre, not one genre. Are you gonna say need for spees and forza are both the same genre? Fucking dumbass
Severance isn't a button masher you dumb fuck. If anything, Souls is more of a button masher than Severance is. Did you ever play it?
Holy hell were you dropped on your head stealth is a very loose definition for a group of genre, not one genre. Are you gonna say thief and mgs are both the same genre? Fucking dumbass
Also Severance has motherfucking fighting game inputs for weapons skills, while Soulsgames have shit.
Dumbass samefag, having RPG elements isn't the same as being an outright RPG. And again, "action game" is a retartedly unspecific genre description. Is Dark Souls the same genre as Uncharted games? They are both "action". ARPG are things like Nier, FFXV, and Kingdom Hearts. Entirely different from soulsborne games.
Notice how I was talking about exclusives You should take a sip of water and count to 10 before you make your next post. Cool yourself down because we all know how much it rustles your jimmies when someone talks critically of your sony overlords.
Holy hell were you dropped on your head fps is a very loose definition for a group of genre, not one genre. Are you gonna say quake3 and tribes are both the same genre? Fucking dumbass
how souls a button masher? Did YOU even play it? button mashing gets you killed right away.
Holy hell were you dropped on your head rpg is a very loose definition for a group of genre, not one genre. Are you gonna say baldur's gate and mass effect are both the same genre? Fucking dumbass
Cope, nigger.
>button mashing gets you killed right away.
Sure thing, which is why r1 spam is the most viable tactic for basically every single enemy type in the game. Not to mention that you can easily avoid all damage by just mashing the dodge button like a retard.
>not a button masher
the top of the list are all ps4 exclusives. The highest one that's not a ps4 exclusive is The Witcher 3. You're pretty much picking at straws trying to find points against sony when they are financially dominating in terms of sales versus their competitors
Holy hell were you dropped on your head Strategy is a very loose definition for a group of genre, not one genre. Are you gonna say Age of Empires 2 and Civilization 5 are both the same genre? Fucking dumbass
I know how to use inspect too retard, you've literally been spamming copy paste replies to one of my posts because you're too mentally ill.
And soulsborne games aren't button mashers, if you make an attack at the wrong moment, you're pretty much dead. You probably haven't even played Demon's Souls.
How dumb are you? That's been around since the 90s or earlier.
>It is just a walking simulator + movie from what I can gather from that abysmal trailer.
Aren't you the ones who got hyped for MGSV, even though it hinted at being a movie too?
Please, stop pretending you care about gameplay when the vast majority of games Yea Forums always praises play like shit.
Calling "strategy" a genre is as retarded as calling "action-adventure" a genre, dumbass. Of course you probably can't tell the difference and think AoE2 and Civ5 are unironically the same genre.
>N-no it has to be a samefag!
Seethe more for me you dumb fucking drone.
>Calling "Racing" a genre is as retarded as calling "action-adventure" a genre, dumbass. Of course you probably can't tell the difference and think Need For Speed and Gran Turismo are unironically the same genre.
And then look at Switch's highest selling exclusives (ignore ports such as Mario Kart 8 and Breath of the Wild) and take into consideration how much higher the percentage of sales/units is given the switch has significantly less units sold.
I'm just saying that around 10 million or so sales is pretty good but not exactly monumental, especially when a portable tablet with half as many sales can reach same numbers.
Perhaps when the game comes to PC then it may get more sales.
Yeah, but at least sneaking around games were a bit of a rarity. If I want to walk for 2-3 fucking hours straight so I can watch a cutscene for 2-3 fucking hours straight I'll just pirate movies while playing Arma 3 or something.
You already proved yourself a retard cause you think civ5 and aoe2 are the same genre.
Name one (1) Souls-inspired game from the 90s
Switch has a much smaller library of actually new games, literally and unironically EVERYBODY who buys the switch will buy the same few must haves for it and super smash bros and BOTW, cause there's not much else to buy. I don't know a single switch owner who doesn't have those 2 games.
Whereas PS4 library is much bigger and has much wider sales, so some may buy these games on it, and same may buy those games. I have a ps4 and I don't own days gone or gran turismo, and I'm sure there are many others who don't own persona 5 or whatever, and bought a ps4 for entirely different games than me.
But if I had a switch, I'd almost 100% guaranteed to have games like super mario, smash, zelda, etc. and so would anybody else.
He can't, his asshurt is through the roof.
"Strategy" is an umbrella term used to describe games that would fall under the general genre of what people would describe as a strategy game. Age of Empires 2 and Civilization 5 then fall under separate subgenre's. I don't know why this is so difficult for you to grasp. Are you actually brain damaged?
Kojima has to be the most pretentious hack in the world right now.
He's talking about asynchronous multiplayer and PvE combinations, you fucking retards.
>strategy is a genre
>aoe2 and civ5 are the same genre
DS already has shown to have plenty of stealth elements, and vehicles to traverse the open world.
Cope more you fucking retard.
Sneaking is just walking slowly.
MGS was garbage, it's just you found the story ebin as fug and DS doesn't have le epic Solid Snake with his epic as fuck bandana.
That's it.
Stop pretending to be game purists because nothing will make all those "DUDE NUCLEAR XDD" threads disappear from everyone's memory.
You haven ever cared about gameplay.
Where the fuck are the vehicles in Dark Souls?
He tried making a game focused on gameplay and you spent years shitting on it, so he's giving you a movie, which is what you clearly want.
I mean Death Stranding.
And we come back to my original contention, which is; having a "PS4 Bestseller" isn't saying much.
If anything, it shows that being a bestseller on the PS4 is even a bigger of a deal because there's so much competition.
If you want to be a bestseller on the switch, all you have to do is be better than smash or botw and that's it. If you wanna reach the top ranks of PS4, there's way more contenders you gotta grind with.
>Bloodborne is GOAT
kys BBfag, even DS2 was better
You literally have never played either AoE2 or Civ5, you mentally disabled fuck.
Tell Kojima to remake MGS4 to fix the tire fire of a plot because Konami has given op on Metal Gear.
I know. I was just teasing you.
Yeah, I figure Kojima wasn't done shitting out Metal Gear Solid games even though he bitches about having to make them every single fucking time he made a new one.
I figure this is a Demon Souls Dark Souls situation where Kojima just rebrands everything so he can legally make Metal Gear Solid 6 a Tactical Espionage Social Strand game.
Even the most ardent PC shits have given up on bashing bloodborne and admitted it's great. How much of shittaste do you have to have to unironically think DaS2 is better?
Kojima left Konami, he's not going to make another MGS anymore.
Hell, there's a chance we might not get another MGS ever.
I know... reread my post a little slower this time.
>guns are shit
>labyrinths are shit
>plot is shit
>pvp is shit
I could go on. Only DS3 was worse than BB.
Imagine being this much of a brainlet to not understand the plot.
Even you know your argument is so retarded you need to use "subgenre" so as to not look like a total retard, but cannot admit that maybe """"action-adventures""""" need further distinction to distinguish games like soulsborne titles form games like uncharted titles.
There, I summarized the plot. Look at all the cut content and you’ll realize how rushed the game was. We could’ve had a coherent plot. I blame Sony.
>all games that fall under the action genre are the same genre but may fall under separate subgenres
Yes, thank you for the confirmation dumb ass.
The "social strand genre" sounds hilariously similar to the souls formula so I think it's already proved itself.
>Real-Time "Strategy" and Turn Based "Strategy"are not games that fall under the "shooter" genre
>First Person "Shooters" and Third Person "Shooters" are not games that fall under the "shooter" genre
No one is saying that Civ 5 and AoE2 have the exact same gameplay mechanics you absolute fucking low IQ monkey nigger, learn how to read.
>>all games that fall under the action genre are the same genre
so silent hill and uncharted are the same genre? Fucking dumbass.
>>Real-Time "Strategy" and Turn Based "Strategy"are not games that fall under the "shooter" genre
lmfaoing at your life, pathetic retard. Learn how to type
and "shooter" isn't a genre,
Whoops absolute typo. You get the idea
All strategy games fall under the strategy genre, but may fall under separate subgenres. Same goes for shooters.
You don't know what genre is, do you?
I'm posting it again.
>and "shooter" isn't a genre,
>You don't know what genre is, do you?
I'm not the retard that thinks "action" is a genre
It is. I want you to look up the definition of genre right now. You ESL retard.
>beat death stranding, get lame unsatisfying ending
>keep doing side missions
>new main mission pops up, its a rehash of first mission but with new ending
>Norman Reedus is staring into a mirror
>smashes mirror sees Big Boss staring back at him
>Oh no
>Not me
>I never lost control
k fucktard, if you wanna insist that loose terms like "action" and "strategy" are genres and then cop out by saying "rts" and "fps" are just subgenres, cause everyone agrees they are genres, then you're pretty much saying that soulsborne (which you'd probably call a subgenre) is as genre in of itself. So I was right.
Get fucked
That isn't a fucking genre, Kojima, you made it up.
>That isn't a fucking genre, Romero, you made it up.
It's a stone, Luigi, you made it up.
Only took quantic dream 10 years+ to go multiplat. Have fun waiting.
Why is New York State flag inside the White House?
Fair point, but I think Sony poured too much money from it's own pocket to let it go multiplat. I could be wrong of course, but if I had to bet, I'd say it stays sony exclusive.
Quantic Dreams games actually had the "Only on Playstation" logo on it.
Death Stranding does not.
>if you wanna insist that loose terms like "action" and "strategy" are genres
They are
>cop out by saying "rts" and "fps" are just subgenres
That isn't a cop out. The term "strategy" is even in the name you fucking ass blasted faggot.
Look up the definition of a genre before replying to me, because I know you didn't do it. You stupid nigger.
>then you're pretty much saying that soulsborne (which you'd probably call a subgenre) is as genre in of itself.
Wrong, especially since fucking souls didn't set the precedent for anything when games that is obviously ripped off predate is by years. "soulsborne" is not a fucking "genre", it's a nomenclature for games that fromsoft made. Souls shit is just ARPG, a subgenre of the RPG genre. There's nothing special about it that suddenly splits it off from this generalization.
If anyone needs to get fucked it your fucking mother for giving birth to you. Go back to summer school and try to raise your IQ a little bit.
Some people think it's because Washington D.C. got cratered but I think it's because the only remaining AI housing suitable for the GW AI system is the one in Arsenal Gear, which is still stranded in New York City. A lot of people think that the Arsenal Gear in MGS4 was the same one but they are nothing alike.
>souls fags think Dark Souls invented a genre then screech when people mention Vagrant Story and Severance
The funniest part is these fucking morons think the souls series started with Dark Souls, yet they have the audacity to call anyone else retarded.
Did those games have a social element and no permadeath, but rather just a kind of penalty?
>a synchronous multiplayer, that fromsoft didn't even invent, somehow means Dark Souls isn't an ARPG, or that Severance and Vagrant Story suddenly don't count
The absolute state of your retarded argument.
Those screenshots and now devoid by the fact that all the latest trailers and promotional material removed the claim of being PS4 exclusive.
It's not normal for a game to just do that. No game does that except for ones that get released on other systems, even if it's at a later date.
Persona 5 switch anytime now user :^)
It wasn't completely removed. If you want to preorder the game on the PS store it is under the Only On PlayStation section.
Persona 5's excuse is that it's a PS3 game ported to PS4.
Also where did Switch come from? Rent free much?
Not at all what was asked. You can carry on with being retarded though. Not that you have a choice.
Social Strand/Shooter has already been done before by a better studio
If you want to take every minor details into account then every game is its own genre. When peoples talk about genre, they're talking about the main gameplay component. Tekken and SFV are fighting game genre despite both are technically different
Even if Soulsborne WAS a genre this wouldn't be the defining trait.
soulslike is more like subgenre of aRPGs
the tag line is "only on PlayStation" not "only on PlayStation 4". Cope harder faggot
>When peoples talk about genre, they're talking about the main gameplay component.
Souls games became their own genre because of their unique gameplay components. You're not making any points, just stating facts that are already established while not answering the one simple and only question that was asked.
I'm intrigued. Is there an archive of these theories or something? Which game is that photo of arsenal gear in manhattan from? I don't recall seeing that in mgs2.
soulslike is a thing, get over it grandpa
All these posts are seething but Demon Souls is actually correct.
So why isn't the logo on Death Stranding?
Souls IS a genre and that IS the defining trait.
>adding multiplayer in arpg somehow makes it a new subgenre
are you stupid?
Minecraft, walking simulators, battle royale, souls, and now auto chess.
Why the logo isn't on Persona 5?
soulsborne is just a name for every nu-FS games except for Sekiro, soulslike is a subgenre/quasigenre of games that are hevily inspired by soulsborne gameplay formula. Why the fuck you can't comprehend this?
Keep playing dumb and ignoring the question. The fact that you keep having to proves you're so wrong that it hurts you inside. Just walk away. There would be more dignity in that than giving another scared reply.
He unironically thinks AoE and Civ are the same genre. He's a fucking retard, I feel bad for having giving him so many (you)s
>"haha I win"
what kind of cope mechanism is this?
except there are things considered souls clones without that
Definition of soulslike:
>action RPG
>no permadeath
>incur negative effects or stacking negative effects on death
>social elements
>lose everything upon death, may be able to retrieve it from spot died on
>relies on checkpoints
>very challenging
cos you can play it on PC
>I don't recall seeing that in mgs2.
You saw the cityscape at the end of the game but only from street level. That's the 3D model ripped from the game files.
There's no "winning" involved. Are you insane? There's simply you being too scared to answer a simple question 5 times in a row and resolrting to the most bizarre nonsequiturs you can think up.
ah yes the strand yes will be very biggu, much rike american penis yes!
why does he look like undercooked downey jr?
it's more like that
>animation based combat (no magnetic attacks)
>healing items refilled while resting at checkpoint
>enemies respawn while resting at checkpoint
and that's all, it's all about checkpoint/healing mechanics and certain type of combat system, only those are defining soulslike, and maybe contextual storytelling, but that's not obligatory.
So... Kingdom Heart is soulslike?
It still amuses me how Kojima intentionally chose a cover of a Bowie song performed by someone other than Bowie.
depends, if DS gonna flop then it won't
I'd never seen games like Guns of Icarus or Sea of Thieves until they came along. First person multiplayer-crewed boatsailing is a lot of fun.
I had also never seen a game like KSP until it came along. Hell, I STILL haven't really seen anything like it other than maybe Children of a Dead Earth.
>new genre
Literally a third-person action adventure with abstract storytelling. That's it.
Diablo is a soulslike. What do you know!
>lose everything upon death
>very challenging
None of the Souls games are Soulslikes then
What negatives do you get for dying in diablo?
played us like a damn fiddle!
you have to wait 3 second to spawn in the same place you died
You drop your gear and money when you die. You also lose XP, which you don't just get back when you get to where you died.