Why are western games so pretentious?
Why are western games so pretentious?
no one:
absolutely no one:
not a single soul:
you: wHy ArE wEsTeRn GaMeS sO pReTeNtIoUs?
Why are eastern games so soulless?
Nobody likes your shitty JRPGs
it was youtube comment tier and it was on 4channel
>In all things, a calm heart must prevail
That's a p. good quote to live by desu.
Metal Gear is the most pretentious franchise in gaming history and it’s japanese.
Because vidya games are for teenagers who love this shit.
Because they are made by people and people are pretentious
Fun fact: Japanese writing is much, much worse but it's highly appealing to socially retarded autists because it is inherently blunt about everything. Nice big expressive eyes, people who are quick to show excessive emotions, visual symbols added to characters to denote emotions; it's all there so that even the most isolated hikki who doesn't talk to people other than the Amazon delivery guy can understand what is happening. This results in media so blunt and melodramatic that it can be somewhat endearing and entertaining, but is utterly devoid of nuance.
Japanese media is wonderful as dumb fun. Their greatest export is the Godzilla series which are timeless. Do not confuse it with real art, however. I say autistic as a joke, but it really is more appealing to autistic people who have trouble understanding social nuance. Everything is so blunt and so telegraphed that you are never at risk of something slipping by. They hit you over the head with every little thing. This is how you make shows for young children or the disabled!
No Katana Zero and Hotline Miami are.
Watch an old school japanese taiga then say that shit. Quit watching fuckin anime and anime based films. Watch some goddamn Kurosawa or Takashi Miike.
you really haven't played a Japanese game have you?
>b-but Kurosawa!
A director whose works are visually stunning and every but as blunt as what I just described.
I'm not saying it's bad, but it is emotionally simplistic and direct.
The fact that you can't recognize it and hold up works which actually demonstrate my point is quite telling. You are incapable of seeing it because, surprise surprise, you're an emotionally stunted autist.
the only good writer here is marc laidlaw.
also, i just realized how hungry most video game writers are for writing an epic quote. i think if youre a good writer, the text stands out naturally.
lets write our own Epic Videogame Quotes.
"This fight is still not what matters; my soul is pure."
"A hundred billion evils cannot corrupt a righteous heart."
"It's not if you choose to kill. It's the why and how."
in terms of general media writing, japan is just as trash as the west. both abuse methods of treating the viewer like a dumbshit who doesnt get anything. compare the tactics you described and the loud musics and sounds of a trashy american reality show.
there is literally nothing wrong with any quote here except Javiks, which should just have been switched to "walk a mile in my shoes and tell me honor matters".
The mainstream is always dumb.
The problem is that Japan doesn't have a canon of classics that it can hold up to legitimize its art. It has popular and well regarded works, sure, but nothing that can compare to the Western greats of each medium. No film directors, painters, musicians, philosophers or really anyone who could stand up against even the decent Western creators.
There's a very good reason that modern Asian culture has been essentially replaced by Western sensibilities and the only traditionally Eastern elements remaining are superficial trappings.
>Why are western games so pretentious?
Because they're made by insecure people who wanted to make films instead.
failed film school graduates
Agreed. Isolated people shout be hunted and shot on sight.
japanese games also have the annoying habit of having some character say the name of the title in an attempt to be cute
>"You were a fool to come here Cloud. Your delusions of herosim are about to come to an end. Now tremble with despair, for this will be your Final Fantasy!"
>"So this is the power... the power of Metal Gear; Solid Snake..."
>"Dante here, this is Devil May Cry, hello? Hello?"
>"I-I-I-I will be the King of Fighters!"
How are any of these quotes pretentious? Do you even know what the word means?
>choosing Miike as an example of subtlety and nuance
Consider that you think western art is so great because you grew up with western values for good art. The east has become westernized because western culture is good for money making.
how has no one mentioned the other major annoyance of japanese writing?
they come up with really cool story ideas and concepts but never connect them properly to the rest of the story. the kingdom hearts games and its twists and epilogues are a good example for that
final fantasy 7 is an example where they at least try a little bit to make things coherent
What makes a game pretentious?
It is cute fuck you
Why isn't anything Japanese real art?
stop forcing twitter memes, it's really embarrassing. Doesn't fit here/
Yeah sure fuckin Gurgamesh is much better than this
Japanese writing is easier to digest AND its better. The "best" stories in vidya are just cheap imitations of hollywood blockbusters.
Good thing I'm a socially retarded autist
I fucking love that shit, fuck you
You're mistaking simple/wistful for pretentious.
Pretentious would be something like Final Fantasy or Gone Home.
>he never watched High and Low
>Japanese writing is much, much worse but it's highly appealing to socially retarded autists because it is inherently blunt about everything
>Mean while japan makes scenes for obvious only for western releases
>Nice big expressive eyes, people who are quick to show excessive emotions, visual symbols added to characters to denote emotions;
>God forbid we aren't realistic and try actually be a game!
>Everything is so blunt and so telegraphed that you are never at risk of something slipping by. They hit you over the head with every little thing. This is how you make shows for young children or the disabled!
You know the thing I don't know if you're talking about the retards who are WAY WAY to into like "Omg osana chan is so innocent!!!!!111" while Osana chan fingers herself and blushes and say she likes you senpai and cries.
or if you're just bitching about the visual representation of it.
If you find the right thing, the Japanese are always far better about it than the west and its partly because they don't try so hard to avoid coming off as materialistic as the west. A sad trend that is autistic as fuck with Japan is that in more recent years they have indeed subjected themselves more than ever to VERY overdone shit.
I would have called current day Japan things autistic (mostly) but back then not as much.
Your opinions are bad and you should feel bad for having them.
why are japanese games?
excuse me? Most of the time it's nonsensical anime drivel which makes no sense at all and is pathetically written. Also Kojima.