What do you think XCOM 3 will be like?
What do you think XCOM 3 will be like?
Hopefully Phoenix Point with a proper art direction.
hopefully phoenix point with a proper art direction and it's also in space and also has a good multiplayer mode
>X-COM vs aliens multiplayer
Why hasn't this happened yet?
I just hope that everyone is powered down a little from Xcom 2.Having to kill the enemy in one turn so they don't kill me next turn is a pretty boring way to play.
There is one in XCOM 2, but it's a bit shit. You just point buy a squad and fight
It's probably going to be a lot more mobile and team-based, given the devs said they were taking notes from Mario + Rabbids
How does PP (hehe peepee) not have a proper art direction?
Take some cues from JA2 1.13. I want to see absurd levels of options.
>A unit gets it's weapon knocked out of it's hands and damaged while being the sole individual with a clean shot, so a nearby unit spends it's turn tossing their weapon to that unit.
>Do a suicide run by slapping an armed C4 charge onto a rookie as they Allah Akbar into the enemy front line.
>After capturing territory decide if it's worth it to spend time and resources digging trenches and setting up trip mines while training local militias.
I don't get it.
It looks horrible
Jagged Alliance gameplay would be great, as long as you can send hundreds of rookies into the meatgrinder
If they don't make shooting down UFOs interesting and don't have flying in combat (seriously, why did they get rid of it in XCOM 2?), I'm not interested.
Shit, why not just make a new Jagged Alliance? I'm tired of shooting Sectoids in the face for the umpteenth time.
Because sirtech is long gone. Also we've had new jagged Alliance games. One this year even (Jagged Alliance rage. It was fucking trash.
do you seriously expect this out of nu-com? This will literally never happen..
All id really like is for the engine to be robust enough for it to be modded in eventually. That alone would make me happy. Fuck these faggot ass "let's make the game longer and add 2 new skills and costumes" mods. This shit needs to be able to handle a full blown overhaul like 1.13.
There's some problems with that though.
Modders need access to the source code to make extensive changes like what openxcom, openxcom extended and JA 1.13 did. Developers won't just hand out source codes if the game is successful.
And the game will probably be successful if it does all the things we need it to do to be a proper successor to 1.13.
And on top of that we need passionate modders willing to work on something so huge for little return.
That thumbnail looks like a bird helmet.
They don't have the talent or the balls to remake TftD.
That game was pure masochism. Fuck trawler missions and fuck night ruins.