I take it you've come to deliver the Platinum Chip?
I take it you've come to deliver the Platinum Chip?
Other urls found in this thread:
OOOOOOOOoooooooo what does THIS button doooo?
i found all these neat snow globes.
[Barter 12/50] G-Gimme more money or, you’re uh, ‘chip’ outta luck!
Nah gotta give the NCR total power
Here you go my man, now let's go drive out those democracy cucks and the cosplayers.
NCR is so fucked its not even funny, even if they stopped expanding territory their political structure and agricultural problems are whats going to collapse them.
Not interested. I'll show myself out.
Shriveled up little bitch.
Sure, here you go
>hands over Chip
Glad to be of service Mr. House.
The way of the future.
New Vegas is more than just a city, its the remedy to mankind's derailment
The NCR really does serve as a phenomenal stand-in for the modern US. More so as time has passed.
Your time is up, raisin man
no, but I'll fuck you're robo waifus though
*patriotic jargon*
Was that an attempt at...humor?
Well enough. You have a bright future ahead of you, as does the rest of mankind.
Oh come now, Vegas has whores enough without you bending over backward to satisfy a nation of inept buerocrats.
The only thing I deliver is death!
*kills you with a golf club to get the achievement*
Yo hol up, time to discuss payment first.
How about I disconnect you so you can slowly die alone over months?
Hail Ceasar!
One second, Mister House, from what I‘ve heard you‘re a smart man, so what, If I may ask gives me reassurance that you won‘t kill me in my sleep when I outlive my usefulness to you?
Please, I am not some cuttthroat wastelander. This is a simple business transaction. I can assure you no harm will come to you unless you provide ample cause to the contrary.
The rewards for assisting me will be boundless...as will the punishments for any effort to thwart me.
Very well. As agreed; four times the delivery bonus stipulated in your contract. Now, the chip if you may?
For me, it's siding with based Elijah, the best ending to Fallout New Vegas
I fucking love New Vegas Jesus Christ
i always feel bad for pulling him out of his chamber.
Do not let the peasants get you down. The NCR are the moral and valiant choice.
>run by crime families and brahmin barons
>"moral and valiant"
>muh president for life tandi
Strongman governments tend to go to shit when their ruler dies. NCR is just a bloated corpse, the Legion will blow up when Caesar dies, and if you take over New Vegas the Courier too will die eventually
House is the only sensible option, considering he'll probably live forever if no one fucks with his chamber
Don't make me reinstall again
Odo, when are you coming back to the Great Link?
Here's your delivery
It's fucking impossible for me to not like Mr House.
>suave technocrat genius who decides that rather than making himself the god-emperor of mankind with his technology he just wants to make a comfy capitalist city-state where he can recreate McDonald's
>House was originally going to surrender to NCR and accept annexation if you destroyed the Securitron Bunker
Upon further reflection, I have determined that it is my best interests, and the best interests of the New California Republic, to transfer sovereignty of the Vegas Strip to the NCR.
If all terms are agreed upon, annexation would occur one year from today.
a) I am to be granted full status as a citizen of the NCR and immunity from prosecution for any activities prior to annexation.
b) I will be recognized as the sole proprietor of the Vegas Strip, a commercial property.
c) I will be subject to all laws of the NCR, including personal and property taxes.
d) NCR functionaries will police the Strip; I will retire my Securitron police force and limit their movement to the grounds and interior of the Lucky 38.
Please confirm that these terms are agreeable. I do not foresee any objections on your part.
Robert Edwin House President, CEO, and Sole Proprietor The New Vegas Strip
>promises punishment for thwarting his plans
>doesn't actually punish you in any way
Yeah ok big shot
it's called a bluff user you know a gambling thing you might have heard of it
>implying the Courier will ever die
Anthony House is the superior Howard Hughes copycat and the best House, so I think I'll safe guard the chip in his name just so it doesn't fall into communist hands.
>considering he'll probably live forever if no one fucks with his chamber
Which will and did happen.
My headcanon NCR courier ends up becoming president and making shit better for everyone through sheer anger. Also stabilises the Dollar again thanks to hauling out all of Sinclair's gold.
it's hilarious to see all those autists to THIS day argue about who has le moral high ground. The correct way to play this game is to kill all legion kill all ncr and kill house and NEVER finish the game because that's fucking gay lmao
>stabilizing a currency with 38 bars of gold
Oh yeah, that'll do it user. California is saved.
Dude, I'll be trickle feeding it to a low population comparative to now, don't worry about it.
I wish there was an option for NCR ending with House still alive and doing its part to fix the world. I always go with NCR and trying to fix everything I can in the map so they can function properly so people can prosper and I think House would be a really good with helping vegas become something like vault city before getting eaten up by NCR
NCR has a population of roughly 700,000 and had the output of at least one gold mine before the thing with the BoS happened
>I wish there was an option for NCR ending with House still alive and doing its part to fix the world
There is. It's the House ending. You fix the problems you can in the Mojave, House sells them the power and water they need, Kimball and Oliver lose their jobs. Everybody wins.
I always get the impression that NCR crumble when house win over losing its major electricity input and getting torn apart from infigting.
Post your face when you saw he's a skeleton
For one, House sells them the output of Hoover Dam, which is the entire reason they went to the Mojave. Two, why would there be infighting? It's a stable democracy with a functional Senate, they'll have an election.
I mean, House starts selling electricity to the NCR when he takes over. Even if he didn't the NCR was still able to survive without Hoover Dam. Also its unlikely they'd collapse just because of one failed war
Huh interesting.
How many people would still follow House if he looked like this?
Looks cool still and it fits him more to be unattractive
>here is 1000 caps
>now spend 10000 caps in your hotel room
The House Always Wins
Excuse me Mr. House. Why did you make your Assaultrons so fucking hot?
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. Remember, O Lord, The Children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem who said, "Raze it, raze it, even to the foundation." O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed. How happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us. Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones
Do you know what this means?
> It's a stable democracy with a functional Senate, they'll have an election.
*shoots you*
christfags btfo
I always feel like such a tard when I hear that weird Bible language. Honestly I have no idea what the fuck it means.
This after finishing OWB the Courier is probably more functionally immortal than House and a hell of a lot more able to intervene in real world events
Bro, House is the cuck option.
Just go independent.
I sided with Yes Man because I wanted to make every major faction absolutely seething, and it worked, and my companions also got a happy ending so I was really happy with my ending
> functionally immortal
only the courier's heart, brain, and spine are artificial now. Other than that he'll still age, his other organs are all just normal organs. He could still easily die from a number of things, like an explosion.
To fuck them of course, why else would I make a military issue robot have breasts?
Now if you are done with your hormone-fueled line of questioning...
It’s not exactly hard to follow. It’s just a lot more flowery than modern English.
Is there a single rational argument for why I should obey him instead of just unplugging him and taking his place?
>using Benny's plan to take over the Strip to fuck everyone over x10 because everyone is such a shitter that nobody deserves what they want
It's honestly such a great ending
Dee dee No! Donta touch thata button!
The best part is that I did an unarmored build so I just punched everyone to death and it was the funniest shit, everyone was a smug fucker until I came along
>heart, brain
gee those two things that usually go wrong and result in death/dementia followed by death
>He could still easily die from a number of things, like an explosion.
and House couldn't?
immortal isn't the same as invulnerable
He's smarter than you and you might have use for his knowledge
>nuh uh my courier is a super genius
ok whatever
Are you familiar with Andrew Ryan?
Not a bible guy but I think it essentially means
"The white legs burned my home to the ground, and therefore they should be destroyed in turn. God will be happy with me as I am treating you just as you have treated me.
>smug status: erased
>gee those two things that usually go wrong and result in death/dementia followed by death
The courier will never have heart disease or a stroke, sure. But he could still have liver cancer or whatever.
Courier also goes out into the real world, House doesn't. House is far less likely to encounter a deadly event or accident than the courier.
Courier is neither immortal or invulnerable - that's my point. He's just a cyborg with a few key organs replaced and some other implants. He is still going to age at the rate of a normal human being.
You're assuming my courier gives a shit about the fate of New Vegas and doesn't just want to own a cool hotel to store all his useless shit.
more like take a platinum shit, where's the john?
Oh well in that case no, there's no reason not to unplug him and take his place.
It's about absolute revenge.
Joshua is a pious but violent man.
You're assuming my plan isnt EXACTLY fucking over everyone
how hard do you think it would be to mod this and the unused traits into the game? some of them seem interesting.
>tfw can't romance Boone and sexually heal him
lorelet here. Why does everyone hate BoS? can't let them live without being independent
His government is less likely to combust
Legion is fucked the moment Caesar dies
NCR will degrade with their imperialist over extension and corruption leading to revolutions
Independent relies on you not dying or being a competent leader that can run a nation, Yes Man can't do anything without orders unless he manages to reprogram himself in which it will take time
And House isn't authoritarian larping as a libretarian like Andrew Ryan
He straight up admits he will rule like an autocrat
I distinctly remember Mr. New Vegas saying something about House submitting to NCR annexation in the vanilla game
Not him, but the Lobotomites you encounter in Big MT are implied to be pre-war subjects (See: "Patient Zero"), and in that case have longevity greater than that of normal humans, without the messy side-effects of FEV or Ghoulification. The Courier might not be immortal but they have the capacity to match or surpass the likes of House.
>tfw no Legion companion that assists you when you join the Legion.
Because all they do is steamroll other groups and steal their technology and hide in their bunker. They are a net-negative to everybody that isn't a fellow BoS member.
Who'd want a bunch of assholes in power armor running around snatching up all the good tech for themselves?
they're tech hoarding assholes who blew up a gold mine
How would Vulpes be if he could be a companion?
They're a variable with enough strength to contend with another faction but do not hold enough power to completely eliminate them.
I'd rather just let them be.
They attacked the NCR because they didn't hand over their advanced technology. Also, they blew up NCR gold.
Legion is all about low tech and BOS is high tech. Opposites
Generally they're smug bullies who steal or destroy adv tech.
I've got a Royal Flush and you're asking me to fold? Yeah nah I think I'll just raise that army you were talking about and take control over New Vegas and while I'm at it I might as well take a stroll on over to the raisin you call a body and see how well a sledgehammer can crush it.
>makes all of your headcanon about what happened to the Mojave useless
Vulpes can't be your companion, he's a key character for the Legion conducting infiltration missions of his own.
I would rather have some sort of Legionary or something that fights by my side and chat about the Legion.
Just nuke the divide
>can't into sunlight
eat a dick avallone
good luck getting any sleep if you're on the ground floor of a building
even 4 got it right
How long do you think you can live before you get kidney failure? Or your lungs give out, or you get cancer? It’s absolutely retarded to think that artificial heart and brain = immortal
Is there any game that displayed the brotherhood as a good? Or were they always shit
I guess you could make the argument that the Courier could teleport back to Big MT at any time and ask them to construct an artificial version of whatever organ is failing
If they can make an artificial brain and heart they can probably replace everything else, over time
>Is there any game that displayed the brotherhood as a good
Fallout 3.
They were the good guys in 3 for the most part
>a busted old eye-bot can take on 3/4 of them with a crappy zapper
I'm shaking
They were always strict assholes, making them on your side was always coincidental because they are always fighting the same enemies you are.
FO3 was a mistake
They help you stop the master in 1 and enclave in 2
Roboscorpions equipped with ground penetrating radar and flashbangs
>The House Always Wins
>almost no one ever sides with House since the game tilts towards favoring the NCR at most turns
What did [Obsidian] mean by this?
Helping ex-Enclave in NV felt really weird considering FO2
Siding House has almost the same process as siding NCR. Only difference is who's in control
It was a genius move, even for FO3 babbies (like myself) who learned to hate the Enclave just from that game. Going back and playing FO2 made it even more potent coming back to NV.
Fallout 3, although they eventually collapsed under their own altruism and reformed under Arthur Maxson, who was appointed by the Lost Hills BoS Elders.
They all admit that the Enclave was gone though and just wanted one last hurrah.
It's like if in Wolfenstein, you rally a bunch of old Nazis to fight some new threat.
Yes but what is the NCR's tax policy?
>help the ncr? yeah nah, they are just going to repeat the same mistakes that lead to the nuke apoc in the first place!
yeah fuck that, the 500 years of peace and prosperity isnt really worth it
Heavy and corrupt.
just give in to the mojave
"fuck you, pay me"
High rates on low income communities. They might outlaw slavery but their taxation is more or less the same thing without collars.
Mr. House is unironically the best choice for New Vegas and surrounding areas:
Wiped out techno-raiders aka Mojave Chapter Brotherhood of Steel
Doesn't give a fuck about small towns like Jacobstown or Goodsprings, letting them prosper off New Vegas
Allies himself with Boomers gaining fucking bomber and howitzers in exchange for supplies
Lives forever as proto-August Pinochet
House is the best choice if you're RPing as a merc.
The brotherhood has always been the good guys in every game.
Fallout 4 might be the only one where you could see them as being the bad guys and only because they are a conquering army.
FO3 had the brotherhood outcasts, who were traditional douche bag brotherhood.
Why should you expect every single leader of an organization to be the same?
Elder Lyons was at least something different instead of copying the same shit over and over again.
They should have made him pay a little better. Sure you get a room in the hotel, but for the amount of work you do for him he should make you the 2nd richest motherfucker in the world
*they help you preserve themselves
Based and civilizedpilled
>muh amazing writing
>Why should you expect every single leader of an organization to be the same?
I expect every leader in a faction to follow doctrine and protocol, being raised in an contained environment.
It the very least of expectation
I figured most people went Independent with NCR being a close second and House and Legion being distant third and fourth. Doesn't make sense to me though. The best outcome for the Courier is definitely a benevolent House. Get no responsibility, but get tons of rewards and nobody fucks with you because House's army of robots will destroy them. Even then you can still fuck off because at that point House has everything he wants. With Legion or NCR you're just the bitch boy of either and Independent assumes that the Courier with no neural link like House could trust Yes Man to follow his every order. Safest and comfiest to just go House.
>who was appointed by the Lost Hills BoS Elders
i always assumed that was propaganda since the terminal that's written on also says he killed a deathclaw at 13 and that's were the dinky little scar he's got came from
>The brotherhood has always been the good guys in every game.
They were hardly present in Fallout 2 and in New Vegas they were antagonistic neutrals at best.
That's actually a very good point. Someone like House who thinks ahead and sets up contingencies should be able to anticipate the Courier's price such that they don't waver from their original delivery task. I mean, it's not like there's anything more important to him than getting the chip, his willingness to pay should be ridiculously high. The amount he does pay you doesn't come close.
Maybe this is actually a point agaisnt siding with House- if he doesn't plan ahead well enough to get you to work with him, how much of what he says is just empty promises? Is he really the man to take New Vegas/The U.S. into the next age, or does he just prop himself up to you to attain power?
>annexes your settlement
>imposes heavy taxes
>fail to adequately protect you against raiders or the legion
Nevermind the fact that he expects a person who was shot in the head to be 100% reasonable
>trading any type of leader for an immortal tyrant
Inherently the worst type of leader, you should know that if you took social studies at all.
That would be wrong. Too much dead wife baggage
ah yes who could forget our planet's rich history of immortal tyrants
The game discreetly shows you that House sometimes blows smoke to take a "higher ground" on matters, which all funneled into aggrandizing himself.
It wasn't an error for the writers, it was in-character.
It was never about how much you are willing to pay the courier, it's how much he can convince you in joining his fold to be his puppet.
based house always wins
Of course it was propaganda, but you can't deny Arthur's BoS protocols are more consistent with the original organization. I gather he was installed by the Western BoS and supported by the Outcasts, which is why 4's Brotherhood uses red and black decals (Outcast colors) opposed to Lyons' blues.
>Be me
>be a farmer
>fix up an old water filter
>Giardia swerve
>fix up an old generator
>sweet, now I can watch old holotapesafter a hard day in the fields
>suddenly 20 assholes wearing power armor and laser rifles show up
>shoot my wife
>melt my dog
>both my legs are now ash
>tin can brigade fucks off with my generator and water filter
>"It's for your own good, citizen"
Yeah, nah, fuck the brotherhood
Conceptualization is lost to you.
yes I was being 100% serious
You're right, it was probably intentional, but I can still see user's point that he should've paid a little more just to make players rethink things a little more since I imagine he's the least sided with option (maybe Legion is slightly less). Then again that could've backfired- typically players associate the money option as being the immoral one anyway.
Why did you uninstall in the first place?
There are fapfics for that.
Just gotta get through all the gay porn.
They don't shoot until you resist confiscation, come the fuck on, user.
Even then it's mostly military ware they are taking rather than your toaster.
>FO4NV getting constant progress
>thought its good
>then remember that they cant re-use VAs so they're hiring some D-list VAs and youtubers to voice prominent characters
>they'll fucking butcher Benny and Joshua 100%
>they're not even adding in the cut content like expanding Legion
Monkey paw'd again
Yeah doesn't house mention that he's spent "hundreds of thousands" of caps to get the platinum chip back?
Shit, you're telling me to go wipe out the ENTIRE brotherhood. How much are you going to pay me to do this? Nothing?
Toss 50 thousand caps my way and maybe I won't have such a problem with it
Don't worry, the VERY first mod created for FO4NV will be adding back in the original audio files
They're just re-recording the dialogue to cover their asses legally
once it's out in the hands of the community adding in the old audio will be order #1
>they're not even adding in the cut content like expanding Legion
Do we actually have anything substantial on that front? I can remember a few things, but only from interviews.
I don't understand why they even bother with it. TTW installer pretty much repacks FO3 assets from your copy of the game as a NV mod. Why can't FO4NV do that with NV audio files?
>>they're not even adding in the cut content like expanding Legion
That's an absolute blessing, let them "just" remake the game before they get bogged down in feature creep and expansion that can always come later, whether it's by that team or other modders.
>I imagine he's the least sided with option
House's questline is the path of least resistance. They had to cut the peaceful ending with the Brotherhood specifically because playtesters didn't deviate from his path.
>walk into the Divide
>"you can go home, courier six"
>turn around and go home
huh I wonder who that guy was
they're spending way too much time and money on something that will be replaced. That's the issue
>follow radio signal to weird building, decide to check it out out of sheer curiosity
>wake up in Sierra Madre
>"I see you were lured here by the treasure of the Madre as well"
>no I was just curious, I'd like to leave now as there's nothing here I want or care about
>no not really, I'd just like to leave
I still think NCR or Independent are closer to a true path of least resistance. Independent has the advantage of being the failsafe option, and as I said NCR is given plenty of opportunities to garner player sympathy (Forlorn Hope, McCarran, not to mention how the Legion is painted as the opposing force and they're made out to be such bastards as early as Nipton). Almost no one I know has even bothered for a House run because they always figure they could just go Independent instead.
I guess they just want to make it look like they tried
>oh no we never intended people to mod the audio back in themselves, see? we redid all the work ourselves.
>Hand Primm over to NCR
>NCR leaves Mojave
>House rewards them with "protection" and high taxes
Probably my favorite House ending.
>not the robot sherrif
Hanlon did nothing wrong. He saw through the NCR and found only death and suffering but little to no progress
I want a quality stitched NCR flag
Do it for her, user.
Isn't it really easy to make one? just get California's flag, edit in a second bear head, edit the words and you're gucci
>Why can't FO4NV do that with NV audio files?
They legally cannot use audio assets from New Vegas.
you can buy one
NCR died with Tandi.
You don't want a Legion BVLL standard instead?
I don't care what happens to the Mojave
I'm going back to Zion
>clean water all of the day
>datura trips
>tribal women with shaved heads to fuck
>biggest threat is a fucking Yao Guai
enjoy your shitty desert
What's the issue if they get them from the player's own copy of the game like TTW?
Did zenimax tell them that won't do?
giant cazadors
>get Oh Baby!
>max melee weapons
>get turbo
>get weapon binding ritual
>get rushing water
>get battle brew
>get slasher
>get buffout
>get unstoppable force perk
>single handedly wipe out the entire legion from cottonwood cove and the fort
>execute caesar with ranger sequoia
>NCR doesn't even know I did it all by myself
>no one cares
Why am I siding with you again?
At least Joshua tells me I did a good job.
oh sna havnt thought about this in a longg time. what is the timeline here? i dont want to touch it until it's done, so when can i expect FO4NV to be finished and playable from start to finish with all content?
>biggest threat is a fucking Yao Guai
[laughs in cazador]
Trips to the basement are rarely so educational.
I got an artificial heart that flushes poison, cazadors ain't shit anymore
Don't bother. The fact that they're re-doing VAs is enough to know its gonna be 5-10 years until its done. 2 years and all they did was Goodsprings
Post and claim your raifus.
>tfw new vegas will never be in the same situation as stalker is now with the leaked source codes and full repack total conversion mods with assets form all three games included thanks to gsc just not caring about memes like intellectual property and copyright
oh. well fuck that sucks.
what are the chances of bethesda/obsidian making an official remaster/remake/nv2? slim to none?
absolutely zero
None for two reasons. One, modern Obsidian is shit. Two, Bethesda doesn't acknowledge NV at all due to how much of an RPG it actually is compared to FO3.
Probably because New Vegas is little more than a mod for FO3 and everything is already there in the GECK and the gamefiles
Those stingers are still pretty big though user.
N-not that I'm complaining.
>human with bits glued on
Yeah, but we don't have the source code and zenimax would rape anyone that released a large standalone mod that didn't even need the base game like Call of Chernobyl for stalker.
CoC is such a mod marvel that nothing stands at the same level. Slav magic best magic
she cute tho
OpenMW will run new vegas one day
just wait™ bruh
A man can dream.
>impossible to hit without vats
>How long do you think you can live before you get kidney failure? Or your lungs give out
Forever if your brain can continue to stay alive without those organs. Your body might give out but your brain would still be alive.
>Cripple wings
Nothin personell, bug.
You have a point there
>coc and its forks
>ruskies working on optimizations, making engine fully 64bit and adding opengl and native linux support
what a time to be alive
new vegas sucks because you can't whore yourself out. my immersion is ruined.
there are literally mods for that
but you can?
The creativity people go through on NV playthroughs are always amusing
to me it's one of the most immersive games of ll time. sorry you have to use our imagination a little bit for the whoring around thing, but honestly they give you enough to easily roleplay that you're fucking around. you have mods right?
im a heroin addict irl, and ive got a mod that changes the chem names to real life drugs + more realistic bonuses and withdrawal penalties, and it's absolutely fantastic. cant think of many games that let you do that. gta lets you smoke wed and drink but there really should be more options and a drug selling/buying off the street mechanic.(are there mods for that?)
Small time
>im a heroin addict irl
you're very casual about this
get your shit together user
there is a street drug dealer in Freeside.
>when you run out of h in real life so you have to go RP as a junkie in fallout
Based and dare i say addictpilled?
after 15 years of daily dope use i've got it figured it and streamlined. kind of a pain in the ass sometimes but worth it. i make good money and am i own boss so i avoid the pitfalls for the most part.
yeah dixon is a good character. i play around with him for awhile but get fed up with "fent" laced dope he is selling me and the kids around town and confiscate his legs
>shittiest, most bland and boring faction of the game
>has like 95% of the quests, NPCs, settlements, and overall content
I killed Benny right on the floor of the casino and the game apparently bugged out because I didn’t lose any reputation or get attacked by his goons.
>confiscate his legs
Biggest offender of NV other than engine issues. The game panders hard to NCR
What if we combined Cazadors with Deathclaws?
Have you ever done a pure vanilla playthrough? I'm talking no 4GB, no NVSE, no unofficial patches, nothing.
actually no
Have I played the game? Of course I have, what a stupid question
Thats how I did my 100% playthrough, only mod I used was a radio mod
it's more realistic that way honestly. people desire order and law like the ncr offers. any other factions would be outliers irl compared to an ncr type society
yes on PS3
Exactly. I love NV, but I really wish this aspect was different. And people will defend it by saying "well yeah, of course most of the game is NCR-oriented because most of it is in NCR-controlled territory!" but that's circular logic because the devs are the ones who decided to set up the game's premise in such a way in the first place.
It would've been so cool had a decent chunk of the map been across the river in Legion territory, so we get to see this totally foreign civilization contrasted with the more normal NCR territory. As well as having more of Vegas itself be independent rather than just freeside and the strip, more or less.
so he can be god emperor on the moon
God I need to do an NCR run then. I've never sided with them because they fucking hide behind their bullshit. At least Caeser's Legion is honest with itself as fucked as it gets.
that was the plan, but obsidian got gimped and had to rush the game out like two years too soon. one of the saddest things that has happened in gaming
I mean, it's still basically all the same quests you can do in any playthrough anyway. It's just that if you're playing Legion or House, it's a lot harder to rationalize doing all the side quests that involve helping out the NCR
I put about 100 hours in on the PS3 version before I bought it on steam. After that I put in another 500 or so hours and I don't think I've ever not used some mods.
I've also never done a legion or yes man playthrough. Only did the NCR on my PS3 and ever since I went House I just can't bear to do anything else.
why my peepee hard?
aw fuck I'm going to have to spend all day modding this game again aren't I
I'm aware, but I still don't really accept that as an excuse. Yes, they were short on time and it's amazing what they accomplished in the time they had. But still, there are SO MANY ncr quests relative to everything else. Given the tight deadlines, they should've at least prioritized having some more content from other areas or factions rather than seemingly doing ALL the NCR content first and then leaving everything else on the backburner to get cut. Same goes with how almost all your companion options are NCR dickriders and not a single one is staunchly in favor of either House or Legion. Best you get is apathy from guys like Raul.
And while I understand all the Legion content being cut, it's not forgivable when they had FOUR DLCs to do afterwards, giving them plenty of opportunity to flesh out the Legion that way. Instead we get bullshit like Lonesome Road and Old Reddit Blues when we could've gotten even a single DLC set in arizona showing life in the legion.
>tfw there'll never be another fallout that actually gives you retard dialogue overall if you go to one int
it's not fair
>he wants the cuckold ending
Fuck that, prove House you are the Post Apocalppse Ubermensch Libertarian Overlord by going Yes Man route.
>spend literal weeks turning F:NV into photorealistic life simulator with Stalker gameplay
>never touch it again
>decide to clean out my mods and do a fresh re-install
>do the same fucking process all over again
Damn user, you got ignored.
Hay..what if I took a shit...a big shit right on the floor here....would be pretty funny....hnggggg
Double-checking if its normal or mods, does this weapon have a crooked front-sight?
There's a mod on the nexus that replaces all vanilla dialogue with retard dialogue when your int is low. It's not quite the same, because the game still registers it as the normal dialogue and it's not like they react to you being a drooling retard, but it's still something decent. I used it for RPing purposes when I did a 1INT tribal ooga booga build.
rookie mistake, never ever uninstall NV or its mods. Once you finally got a collection mod mods and you've spent the hundreds of hours it takes to get them all configured and arranged properly to have as few CTDs as possible, you lock that shit in place and never uninstall it.
Yes, first time I played the game. I've played it so much since then I forget where vanilla ends and mods begin
>if you take over New Vegas the Courier too will die eventually
The courier is a teleporting cyborg, with a robot army, befriended every tribe to his will within a 100 mile radius of New Vegas, whose brain can exist outside of his body, and has an orbital death laser.
He might one day be KILLED, unlikely as that is. but he isn't going to die of natural causes.
Doesn't NV have retard dialogue? not FO1-2 levels but its there
holorifle my raifu
whats the best nv graphics mod? i literally just got new vegas for the first time on pc a few days ago and new to the mod world. i want photorealism
Just simulate it in your brain user, you know all you're going to do is use the stealthboy to get to New Vegas early to get those yummy cybernetics to min/max your build, which is always a damage crit build, or high INT build.
It does but it's only a small handful of specific unique dialogue, akin to skill checks. The mod I'm referring to changes all your dialogue to be equally retarded.
I appreciate that they included the dumb-dumb speech options, but it honestly just comes off as jarring when your character still speaks the same normal dialogue as always 99% of the time, but then a small handful of times you speak like "urk urg uh durr gib chip yum yum!". But I also get why it's a lot harder to have full-on retard dialogue in a game like NV where all NPCs are voiced.
Why, just be a proper merc and do what you're paid to do. Helping the NCR is going out of your way to bootlick
>not murdering every non essential faction to reduce the questload to finish the game
>needing a stealth boy to sneak to vegas
bruh just travel at night and hug the easternmost cliffsides of the road up past black mountain.
In this order (use MO2)
>NMC Medium (don't use Large, its barely different and it chugs performance no matter how strong your PC)
>Ojo Bueno Ultra with optionals
>MGs Clutter with optionals
>either ENB presets or Realistic Wasteland Lighting. Your call (I use Dreary ENB)
>Hall of Equipment
>Charge's AI retexture for weapons (don't use WRP its fucking shit)
>Heavy weapons retexture
>grass overhaul or flora overhaul
>pray to god they all work
This is what it'll look like
>I always go with NCR and trying to fix everything I can in the map so they can function properly so people can prosper
>people prospering under NCR
Oh no, he's retarded.
How fucked am I if I decide to have 1 strength on my character.
>not just tanking the hits while chugging sarsaparilla
Enjoy not being able to carry anything.
You don't need to self-insert, user
He's pretty inspiring for a war criminal.
Yeah, I used to play on XBOX360 without any DLC.
Benevolent tyrants are the literal best kind of leader and up until now we havent had an immortal one
Actually fine as long as you go 10 CHR and 10 LCK. A Charismatic build is actually by far the easiest way to play through NV.
>don't use WRP its fucking shit
You wot m8?
It's gorgeous
Are you Vosswar btw?
Did anyone else kill that piece of dog shit and take his gun?
Did her husband try to kill her?
No, it's virtually unplayable in that state.
> A Charismatic build is actually by far the easiest way to play through NV.
What does Charisma even do for you? I thought it's just a dump stat that's pointless because you can just level up speech manually with a CHA of 1.
Unless you're talking about mods that change it so the number of followers is equal to CHA/2
No. Also
>It's gorgeous
This is actually correct. The single most ideal form of government would be one that determines everything through cost/benefit utilitarian analysis, and makes decisions based on maximizing utility. A benevolent dictator would be the best way to accomplish this, but the problem with this has always been that dictators are mortal and power vacuums open up allowing for malevolent or selfish dictators to fall in. An immortal courier, assuming benevolence, would be the best possible resolution.
I played it on release, so yes. And in addition to being unpatched vanilla, I was also playing on my toaster laptop probably getting like 15-20 frames on average.
I like WRP, but shit like this really pisses me off. He took off the scripture from Graham's gun and also the virgin mary picture on Maria.
Did the modder ever address this, or is it literally just that he's some fedora-tipping jew or what
Charisma and Luck at 10 means you start with ridiculously high Speech and Barter even before putting points into them. Speech and Barter checks are stupid common in FNV, and anything you can't get out of with one, you can absolutely get out of with the other. Make Int 3 or less to get some extra checks and you're golden.
I've played this game with every kind of archetypal build imaginable at this point on highest difficulty, and my 10 LCK 10 CHR 3 INT build was the easiest by a mile.
>Don't let the video screens and computer terminals fool you. I'm flesh and blood, not silicon.
Companion Nerve, companions get +5% Damage and +5% Damage Reduction for every point of CHA. So on Very Hard Hardcore with companions, 10 CHA is kind of useful. Which is why you'd take Party Time Mentats and drink Alcohol.
There's also a tiny number of interactions you can't get without a certain CHA. The only one I remember off hand is giving souvenir rockets to Mini Boomers in Nellis that require CHA 8
The latter
Proof that god doesn't exist. Even if you like the retexture, he hasn't finished them all so the untextured vanilla weapons will stick out like a sore thumb
>Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit!
So what? It's piss-easy to just push a bunch of skill points into speech even while keeping your charisma at 1.
Plus having a lower CHA means you can still boost it fairly high temporarily for skill checks with booze/drugs/etc.
fair enough. I've never used that perk, but I've also never ever had an issue where NV companions are too weak and keep dying.
>companions get +5% Damage and +5% Damage Reduction for every point of CHA
This too. Combine with ED-E to be prepared before any fight (since his ability compensates for low PER) and then your fighter of choice.
>I've never used that perk
It's not a perk, it's default the way CHR works in the game. There's a perk that makes it better.
>It's piss-easy to just push a bunch of skill points into speech
You can literally put all your points into speech and barter and start the game with high amounts in both. You don't need to put points into anything else, literally.
It's not a perk, it's a stat. It's there all the time.
Old reliable
>I've also never ever had an issue where NV companions are too weak and keep dying.
You still get bonus damage user, it's not merely a defensive stat. Plus if you play hardcore it can be a problem.
I just got to primm, I don't even know who you are.
The Euclid is necessary to my Independent Mojave's continued existence as a deterent to aggression from all outsiders, and within.
>terrible in gameplay and lore
That's Indememedent players for you
>That's Indememedent players for you
The low IQ of non-Independent players vs. us CHAD Independents.
pirated the gog version of the ultimate edition and played it as it is. that's as close as I'll ever get to it.
Yes, and it went fine apart from one bug
I think I managed to piss off the NCR after they sent a man to give me a radio, but before he reached me
That radio delivery man is immortal incase he dies before finding you, so I proceeded to be chased around the Mojave by an immortal mailman who would always home in on me however far I ran
I guess the NCR solution to an immortal mailman is another immortal mailman
With House alive you still get your hotel and he takes care of anything you need
>NCR is so fucked its not even funny, even if they stopped expanding territory their political structure and agricultural problems are whats going to collapse them.
Yeah, they are basically latifundist oligarchy, like Latin America in the early XX century.
gog version comes with NVSE and 4GB so nah
I just realized NCR's regime is exactly like the Roman Empire and would fail just like it. Over-expanding and thinning out
Wait, really?
Pretty sure even without that, Boone just headshots anything Ed-E sees.
Only 4GB patch, but that's just flipping the LAA flag in the exe so it isn't really a mod.
Which way do you guys upgrade Ed-E? Shiny new armor, or pew pews?
didn't know that. just played and beat it for the first time a couple of weeks ago.
It's hard to give anything to dead people, so the Followers get him
Yess sir, that'll be your life and everything you've been building over the last 250...plus tip.
I've come to kill you. Mr. House.
Fallout 3, but even that had Outcasts and Ashur.
Even Brotherhood-focused Tactics portrayed their state in the Midwest as rather harsh, even by wasteland standards, militarist junta.
In 2 they send a guy to help you with info and supplies.
>Helping ex-Enclave in NV felt really weird considering FO2
Nah, for me it was just like helping supermutants in 2. They are soldiers of the defeated army from the war that ended decades ago, and they are old and not really have much time ahead of them.
It also fits his personality to not accurately display his actual attractiveness
That's why you should max barter and not speech.
yep...so install mods.
yes? some of us played it when it came out and there were no fucking mods.
>pseudo-intellectual man who's allergic to germs
nah I'm gonna give this to Yes Man and kill every single savage
at least half of Yea Forums is console faggots who played it on ps3/360 so of course
>full repack total conversion
TTW exists and F4's engine is too different.
no he just ghoulified her and then dumped her
fucking smallbrain min/maxers
TTW still needs the base games unlike some stalker mods.
I always wanted to try TTW but jesus christ you have to consider not being able to use 90% of mods
most chad responce
What is this pic from?
Also, best DLC order? I just fi ished HH for the first time, now for the rest.
>I'm always a sucker for a pretty face. What can I do for you, my fine dear?
this but because all signs point to them bungling it. after their campaign goes bankrupt and they're forced to pull all troops out, the land will go back into the hands of Vegas residents and they won't have to worry about the Legion either.
I want the Fallout 2 NCR Flag
Based vidya playing lady. Shame about her shitbag husband and losing her looks, though.
>vidya playing
We've been there
I have an urge to play this again, but I know I'll quit when i start to remember most of the missions. And I find fallout 4 and 3 boring
>the smartest man is homosexual
What did they mean by this?
You know, Legion is portrayed terribly in Vegas but their way of doing things really kind of makes the most sense in the context of the Wasteland. Might makes right and all that. When stripped bare of civilization, why wouldn't power rule? Democracy clearly didn't work, that's what made the US a wasteland to begin with.
I wanted to run a young courier, but I literally couldn't figure out how to make him not look 35-75 years old
post your couriers
buzz cut, no facial hair, keep the wrinkle slider all the way to the left. wear the red baseball cap.
>be a "citizen" of the Legion
>your wife, daughter(s), and/or female members are raped daily
>sons are brainwashed to be good bois to die for Great Ceaser
>Legion can use you a practice dummy
>But it's okay. No bandits and there's food!
I guess if you're power hungry, climb up the Legion hierarchy, and hate women, the Legion is best for you.
How come no one ever talks about the location accuracy in NV? Obsidian modeled Goodsprings right down to the buildings there
He killed millions...
This is gonna sound ridiculous but how exactly do you RP in RPG games? for example, I just play the most optimal playthrough all the time to max out XP and rewards no matter the outcome
Well, you don't do that
I think of a character, and then whenver i'm playing, I think, what would THEY do? Like, if i'm playing a mercenary, i'm thinking, "Should I help these people? What's in it for me, I gotta get paid!" or something along those lines.
more like a penis man
If his dad weren't KIA would he have grown up a fag?
How fun are the higher difficulties in new vegas? I've played through the game like 4 times on normal + hardcore. Does very hard make the game unfun?
I was until my save started stuttering. Then the fix for that made it crash. So I just installed all the QoL mods including bug fixes. It also stopped my my game from freezing when loading half the time.
Weird part is the stuttering started right when I booted it up after like a three month break when it wasn't before. I think gpu drivers started fucking with it.
His dad wouldn’t have let a fag grow up
I don't think it would have mattered. Arcade would have been more assertive and motivated at least
if you're using NVSR, it doesn't work anymore in W10. The fix here
Why did legion raiders stop coming after me? I got the mark of Caesar, but then pissed the off again, failing beware the wrath of Caesar. Bug or so they just give up eventually?
It was a fun challenge and source of loot, especially when they showed up in the middle of a huge battle already underway.
>NCR not giving credit where credit its due
House for life
I'm biased in that I've been playing Fallout since 2007, so I think the games are way too easy at anything other than Very Hard difficulty. I don't usually run Hardcore as well though just because it's more management (inventory, food/sleep/drink) as opposed to more difficulty really. Whatever I wouldn't be able to carry would just end up on my companions anyway. Only thing that really cranks up the difficulty for hardcore in NV is companions dying which leads to less cheese strats and makes CHR more valuable, but for me it's not worth the extra management.
Be glad they actually stopped because after lvl 30 they'll be equipped with AMRs and make your life a living hell
They should be as far as I'm aware, it's just RNG. I think they also have specific points they're allowed to spawn so you might just be avoiding those (for example the gas station north of Novac/Helios One is a point where they seem to always spawn).
Gannon is well intentioned but kind of a idealist doofus outside of medicine. Also, you have to work pretty hard to find out he's a poofter. I don't mind those kind of gays.
But if your full blown Nazi, you can always blast him to another dimension. Also, the bad guys of the game love butt fuckong each other.
It's alright, you'll see the error of your ways sometime after you finish high school.
Nah, I'm using the tick one that says it's compatible. No crashes or stutters now, so all good.
NCR and proud
>tfw make a big tiddy courier who fucks and convert Vulpes to be my boy toy
>What is this pic from?
Seized iraqi gold
>tfw no big tiddy legion waifu
Based, you're the only one bold enough to make the sacrifices that matter in the end.
>Hungry? Thirsty? Horny? My VA was 13 when she recorded this!
>Best DLC order
Today, I will remind them.
Mr House>Yes man with Kimball and Oliver alive>Yes man without the securatron army>NCR=Legion
Honest Hearts is an absolute slog to play though. A series of extremely boring fetch quests with a cool armor, a couple of cool weapons, and a couple of cool characters
wait what?
>fuck Caesar to death
>rule as based Legion grill
Literally my favorite way to play this game.
>10 CHA
>10 END
>10 INT
I think becoming President and maintaining the position will be easy.
>Wanting some tyrant old fart whos only morality check is himself.
>wanting the courier, who has no experience whatsoever, to run new vegas
>thinking based NCR chads are on tier with skirt wearing retards who don't use medicine or technology.
Probably the normal order of DM, HH, OWB, and LR. Dead Money is the most interchangeable, you can put it anywhere before LR and it'll work, but I still think it works best at the front.
>not going 10 CHA 1 INT and 10 LCK
fuckin casual
And because Microsoft owns obsidian now
I never understood the dong receptacle
>only morality check is himself
The ending slides explicitly states he keeps the Courier around. If you have Good Karma, he's secretly proud in them, if you have Evil Karma he's scared of them.
Or did you think he's going to rule alone after not so subtly hinting the Courier is his replacement protege for Benny?
It's a catheter, the body still needs to process waste through the kidneys and hooking himself up to a dialysis machine for 200+ years seems like a massive risk.
It is for pee pee.
The Legion and the NCR are equally terrible for the mojave because they're garuanteed to collapse.
The NCR will collapse because it's spread til thin and is far to corrupt and ineffective to last.
The Legion will collapse because Caesar will die and his cult of personality is what keeps the legion upright, not his ideals. I know he talks about this grand synthesis of east and west in Vegas but I have no faith that would work.
The courier is the most capable person in the mojave, if anyone is fit to take over after House, it's him.
its how he pretends to have sex with those lady securitrons
That sounds fun, though. And I have way too many healing items.
I saw a post that said taking off NCR armor worked for someone and forgot my sister was NCR. So I'll try that and keep fast traveling to spawn points. If not, oh well, I'm almost done with the main game.
Thanks autocorrect
fucking based
>they're garuanteed to collapse.
Everything is guaranteed to collapse. Fatalism is no philosophy to dictate a system of government.
No the lack of fossil fuels and alternative fuel sources is what made the world a wasteland.
Based user here
did a standard ranger playthrough last time I played, before that I played a north vegas junkie with a pipe and a lot of med-x/psycho
Don't be pedantic, they're garuanteed to collapse SOON.
And that isn't fatalism, it's reading the writing on the wall.
hardcire makes it so that healing items dont heal instantly but over time. It really adds to the tension having to wait a bit before your stimpacks bring you back up without burning through them
The pipe is unironically a pretty good melee weapon.
(The fully modded one)
Mostly because its reach is longer than its hitbox
Ok I need a mod for this
Eh, I suppose there's that but the get around to that is just dumping into survival instead of medicine. Stacking food items isn't too difficult in hardcore and they weight basically nothing. Plus regen over time just means you plan to be hit and consume ahead of time. I end up selling most of my stimpacks either way.
I'm not saying Hardcore doesn't make the game harder, it absolutely does, but for me it's not worth the extra headiness. I've done Hardcore+Very Hard before but it's not something where I felt the extra challenge justified the extra management. YMMV.
I gotta appreciate how the actual goodsprings general store has copies of new vegas on display
Do you think the BoS could've won the Battle of Helios One if they all went inside, set up traps, and shot the NCR as they bottlenecked through the door?
>they're garuanteed to collapse SOON
Not of the Courier's behind them they're not. Legion in particular with Caesar no longer in charge (assuming you take control).
And who's to say that isn't what you wanted? NCR or Legion collapsing leaves a power vacuum you could fill with the remnants of institutional structure to make the transition easier.
First time playing, just cleared Quarry Junction at level 23 with 2 companions and a fat man, I'm a fucking casual. Anyways, I now have to return with the chip to Mr. House, and I'm wondering, how many quests left to finish the game? I've done a FUCKTON of side quests.
sorry for the shit pic related I don't have anythign good on my drive.
>Not of the Courier's behind them
Even with the assumption that NCR is going to claim the Dam and all the water, the head of the Mojave OSA branch tells you California is looking at famine inside the next decade
No one person is going to fix fundamental issues like that
there's 17 main quests and 31 side quests
>that barrel
the bullet gon fall out
>No one person is going to fix fundamental issues like that
After the shit you saw in Vault 22 I don't think that'll be that much of a problem.
Yeah, like with 3000ft/s
>wrinkle slider
He never explained why he can't write anything that isn't daddy issues.
It shouldn't take the revelation that it's Big MT technology to convince you that just applying magic science bullshit to plants to make them grow large and healthy in a desert is an incredibly bad long term plan
The NCR might survive (not thrive) for another generation with the courier behind them, but their system is far too corrupt to be sustainable.
Upon Caesars death a bunch of wars of succession will break out, the laniuses of the legion won't accept anyone but Caesar in charge and the territory will burn.
And if you want to take over you can just side with Yes man because, as I said before, the Legion and NCR are fucked.
I just side with whoever has the best vendors
The tube is to hold his massive donger
There isn't a Vendortron faction
They'll be fine.
That's because he doesn't want to explain his daddy fetish.
Then side House because he sells you the future of mankind
Fallout 5 will be about mommy issues
That's my fetish
Technically the fun runners are NCR
based filename
Oh shit. My duster wasn't ncr, but I put on a legion armor, and then some normal clothes. Then I fast traveled to the El Dorado gas station. Fuckers show up right away. So try this if you haven't been seeing the assassins and want them back. They're weapons seems outdated of that guy is right about antimaterial (I'm lvl 38) like they had just been hanging there the whole time.
If you want to see what awaits Mojave if you support House, simply look at Freeside. Poverty and stagnation just so zombie House can one day shoot himself to the moon. No thanks.
House's representatives are thieves (Omertas), cannibals (White Gloves) and backstabbers (Benny). Fuck them all.
NCR is the only way to eradicate the barbarians on the east and the only means of integrating the Brotherhood and Steel and helping them grow through cooperation.
Because all other factions are one-sided.
Because he's only good at that. Brain atrophy makes his world view narrow and predictable.
>Helping the brotherhood
House was right about the brotherhood, the only help they need is an AP round to the brain. Fuck them.
>100 NCR dollars or 3 drops of water have been deposited into your account
>look at Freeside
We keep going over this. Freeside's poverty is because of NCR. NCR could fix it but they don't want to. If House wanted to fix it, he would have to pay NCR to do so because he has no other resources to give them.
For a guy that only ever claims to own the Strip, everyone seems to love blaming him for everyone else's problems like he personally decided to screw them over.
Post New Vegas related avatars, I need a new one for my steam account.
Yeah, let's shoot all these experts at technology and energy weapons in the head instead of integrating their one of a kind tech to our ranks.
Using caps and coins is barbaric anyway.
He gets blamed for everything because he wants to be involved in everything.
Yes, wants to. Meaning, he isn't at the moment. Meaning, it's not his problem because he isn't involved.
>Yeah, let's shoot all these experts at technology and energy weapons in the head instead of integrating their one of a kind tech to our ranks.
It doesn't take an expert to use a laser or plasma rifle. They're a cult of people who think they and ONLY they should be holding onto all energy weapons. You really think they'd just say "oh, okay, let's just join the NCR and abandon all our traditions!"
>Yes, wants to. Meaning, he isn't at the moment.
Have you even played NV?
BoS tech isn't one of a kind, they're glorified dumpster divers. They found all their shit, they didn't make any of it.
Have you? He runs the Strip. That's literally all he has dominion over. Everything outside the Strip is for raiders and NCR to fight over.
>By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.
The Jews were exiled from Zion. Joshua is comparing the expulsion of the Jews to his own situation.
>Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof.
Burn it to the fucking ground.
>O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed. How happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us
We're gonna get you just as good as you got us, motherfucker.
>Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones
And kill your kids.
Basically Joshua is pissed that the White Legs are ruining his shit and he wants to take revenge on them.
No I’ve come to make you check this 3
Then the main quest happens
I also forgot to point out Zion is seen as the holy place for Jews, so obviously there's some symbolism there. That and "burn it" as in burn Joshua's shit.
At least that's how I understand it anyway.
And Mr House takes over because he's the canon ending.
I'm sorry, are you retarded? That has nothing to do with anything. Freeside, as presented in the game, is the way it is because of NCR. House has no influence on it.
Whatever happens to Freeside after the game is inconsequential because outside of a reference to the Kings living or dying, it doesn't exist. Freeside cannot be used as an example of House's rule or intention. Is that simple enough for you?
>tfw no way to side with Benny
But there is a way to fuck Benny!
It's also a holy place for Mormons. Who think they're Jews.
>lets just be antagonistic assholes and piss off every major faction in the Mojave and then wonder why some just activated our self-destruct switch
Also the only House is actually in control of is better than anything NCR is in control of
Jerusalem in general is pretty holy for a lot of people. Either way I'm pretty sure that this particular passage is referring to the Jewish people being exiled from Zion in this case considering the double meaning.
I take it he was agreeable?
The Remnants really helped to humanize and flesh out what was otherwise a monolithic saturday morning cartoon faction.
Idgaf is this fuck is the best option, his smug digital mustache-twirling makes me kill him every run I do
what mods do i need for a vanilla experience but enhanced? bugfixes and other minor enhancements
I really really really dont want another fallout, when bethesda said that there were going to make a battle royale on F76 it felt like a punch in the guts
Weird to think that in the original quote, Joshua clarified that the love burning inside him was actually referring to the love of God. Oh well, I guess Josh isn't complaining.
yeah thats more accurate
ncr and the choosen one did all the fighting against enclave
New Vegas Uncut series is a good place to start
i force him to kill himself
but didnt take his gun because i already had like 3 different pistols
Hanlon is pretty based, anyone who disagrees is a seething Olivercuck.
Q-35 Matter Modulator. Plasma is the only way to go.
God I fucking hate how stupid energy weapons look in F3/NV/4
nothing the think tank can't fix i'm sure.
Based modders coming in and cleaning up Bethesda's mess
The original Plasma Rifle is still a box with a fork on the end
I'm somewhat fine with this. It's meant for chinks only because I guess the traditional $60 single-player RPG model doesn't work for a market of bugmen who only play free-to-play multiplayer games
What is it? Fallout 4 Chibi Edition(tm)?
Fallout Shelter expansion for chinks.
The Enclave had many good people. Its government just didn't care for tribal muties and vault dwellers.
>Opens your vital chamber and kills you
Vegas is mine old man.
I swear I thought this was in the nuclear test site next to Searchlight, so I ran in there with a stealth boy as a lvl 7 little cowboy man. Left with 800 rads, a regular hunting shotgun with no ammo, and 5 feral ghoul reavers chasing me halfway to Novac.
>god emperor of the moon
did i miss something when i played through it several times? as far as i could recall he had some connections to the robot space dlc, but that was it.
Based ranger
You know Big Mountain is just south of I-15 and not the moon, right
NCR and proud, faggot
His long term goal is to use Vegas to restore humanity to pre-war tier technological and economic power (though maintained solely within Vegas, the rest of the world can go fuck itself) and then go even further beyond, so he can launch rockets to space and settle other planets not destroyed by war and radiation.
Which is absolutely retarded. Earth is still far more hospitable than any planet he can hope to find.
>pay 10 bucks for new DLC
Combine this with Tunnelers
>ncr cuck gets btfo
hail caesar
You fucking idiot, the one who couldn't let go was Elijah, he used you and the other guys at the Sierra Madre so he could get the gold
>so he could get the gold
he doesn't care at all about the gold
Fuck you, I like the AER9
Yes he does you bumblefuck
Aw man, I could cry. I should have installed bug fixes earlier. All my weapons disappeared from lucky 38 while I was in Zion, and I had just before put all my explosive uniques for my explosive build in there to save weight. Guess I'm still not beating New Vegas for another decade.
Find me a single reference in any of his dialogue to the gold in the vault.
I'll save you the time, though. There isn't one. Because he doesn't care. Even when he's fucking locked in and dying with it, he doesn't mention it.
The gold is the metaphor for the secrets hidden away inside the vaults. He's sucked in with the promise of a great reward, and finds out it's simply bars of gold.
>be independent
>let hanlon continue forging reports
>rangers morally sabotaged at hoover dam
>NCR pulls out of mojave
>hanlon becomes senator of redding
>warkawks in NCR are challenged
played him like a fuckin fiddle
tfw I've never uninstalled New Vegas and never will.
Fucking idiot
Absolutely seething
Almost everything in that was cut for good reason (like the Van Graff intro which was already boring the 2nd time), and will only to serve to bloat your game.
Get it if you want, but it's not really neccessary for a vanilla plus experience
>Who'd want a bunch of assholes in power armor running around snatching up all the good tech for themselves?
Hey user how you enjoying that purified water we got going.
no. i'm here for that free housing and shit. also, i need more booze. fuck your corn syrup.
>playing new vegas again
>too retarded to find ammo for my guns
>dont have the science skill to self destruct the Brotherhood of Steel
>want to keep Veronica
>completed bunch of sidequests but not enough caps to purchase Anti Matter Rifle
How can i keep Veronica Yea Forums? no one in the Brotherhood wants to give me more sidequests but im only liked, i thought they had to idolize me so i could keep her.
never seen that response before
You accept that Veronica staying with you while the BoS is dead is a bug and put the bitch in the ground with the rest of them
It's a bit of a trek but completing Lonesome Road by halting the launch will increase your rep with the BoS as well as the Followers of the Apocalypse.
Just fucking kill me
Kind of amazing this game can get 500 replies a decade later
I wish Fallout 2 was as popular