Anyone else excited about this game?
Anyone else excited about this game?
only if pickle-o is playable
Cautious about it.
Looks like a game that just slapped Dragon Ball on it.
>Dragon Ball video game looks like a video game
Cautious optimism, but I'm braced for disappointment because Bamco are incompetent yellow Jews.
Having a dejavu here...
I am, kind of. I was really hyped when they announced the game before they actually showed gameplay. I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting when it came to the combat, but it's not what I saw. I definitely won't be picking it up full price.
Nah, I'm still tired of Z's story
more like
>lets make an open world game with quests, farming, and fishing
>ok but lets make Goku do these things for some reason
Shoulda started when Goku was an infant with his dick out
Most DBZ games are 7/10, just okay romps that get boring after two weeks at most. Not excited but I'll probably try it and play it for a bit.
>Dragon Ball video game PLAYS like a video game
How could they have done this
>Z again
not really, but I am curious to see how a game focused on Z-era Goku exclusively will work when he spends a good chunk of his story dead, or in some sorta pod.
Easy. Multiple playable characters.
So is the entire game from Goku's perspective, or will we be able to play as other characters as well?
not really
To be fair, Goku does a lot of that during his daily, not-fighting-villains life. Majority of his family life is self-sufficient because Mount Paozu is loaded with natural resources. As for quests, Goku's not the kind of guy to say 'no' when somebody asks him to do a thing, especially if it's somebody he knows and likes.
>bamco anime kusoge
It's going to be the same as World Seeker. At least it's not another musou/arena figher
There's not really much room for inovation in this series. At most you can add energy balls, fist fights and flying. If you deviate too much from that it's quickly stops being a DB game.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was to assume that Goku would be the only playable character in this game hence the "Kakarot" in the title.
True, but fishing? Really? They could have added monster searching and hunting, but they added one of the most numb and relaxing activities into a action RPG.
Yeah, like how Mario or Sonic games only have Mario/Sonic as a playable character.
Officially they refused to comment on if there would be more than one playable character but it was confirmed anyway because one of the side quests said it could only be completed as goku.
It's great, innit?
The only good DBZ games are the Legacy series on GBA and the Tenkaichi series.
So far the only things I found interesting is flying around, and how Raditz had proper patters and 'forms' during his boss fight, and how you can punch so hard the opponnent pretty much instant transmission onto the ground with an explosion, that looks, and must feel, admitedly cathartic.
Raging Blast 2 is pretty fun
>t. Never read the og dragonball
Zoom zoom
But this is not the OG game
>Legacy series
1 plays like absolute dogshit. The other 2 are alright. Plus those Dragon Ball beat em ups were pretty good and so was that one DS JRPG.
>not realizing that goku would literally rather go fishing than be with his first born child
How is he fishing with no tail?
With his penis I assume
>another Radditz >Vegeta > Frieza plot
>now with filler fighting saibamanes, wolfs and dinosaurs
Will pirate, for sure. But I'm not hyped at all.
Attack of the Saiyans on the ds was a pretty solid jrpg, shame they never got a sequel
Would rather if they did a Vegeta version.
It'd be more interesting conquering planets trying to surpass Freeza.
I much rather play a Frieza game. Conquering other races, destroying planets.
Of course I'm excited about Dragon Ball Z game nº432541, my yearly purchase along with all the FIFAs
Deagon Ball is like Sonic in the sense that it spawn really bad games and will have a following base no matter what
it has so many entries but it will never be good besides its origin media
looks like more xenoverse/tenkaichi bullshit, pass.
The trailer didn't sell me on it but that 15 raw gamespot trailer made hyped. My only worry is that its going to be one of those empty world games, the only notable things between you and your story mission being some boring fetch quest or mining spot
He keeps his old tale on his person and reattaches it to fish
It was kind of silly, if they wanted og dB stuff they should have just fucking started the game at the start of gokus story
When we finally have a game that tries to do something different with it's story mode, they decide to kill it by releasing DLC after DLC instead of making a sequel.
If we're not gonna get XV3 I'd rather have a pre-Z game instead.
Doesn't he have it surgically attached to gohan
Of course
*unzips dick
now suck it
How are people still excited about DBZ games? You just play through the same scenarios every time. Unless this is a non-canon, "what if" story, i'm sick of fighting raditz then nappa then vegeta.
The arcsys game is by far the best.
Yes, It looks like it’ll be a redo of Legacy of Goku I. I’m interested in seeing how Goku’s other world adventures are portrayed and what filler aspects they decide to leave in or fabricate. A detour to penguin village would be fun as well. No one has said how far the story will go and I wouldn’t mind if they saved cell for the next game. Dragon Ball has underrated worldbuilding and I want to interact with all of it but it’s weird to see Goku flying around and helping people like Superman when there’s a challenging fight on the horizon.
Just as excited as I'd be for another Spiderman reboot. Why not do a story game for Super instead?
I wouldn't say I'm excited for it, but I am interested in it
we've had too many crap DBZ games for me to get excited, although I'll be honest, if they had announced the same styled game except covering original Dragon Ball, I would actually get really hyped for it
Why even bother when no DBZ game will ever surpass FighterZexcept the inevitable FighterZ 2 FUCK IT BETTER HAVE MY BOY TURLES
imagine still caring about dragon ball
Honestly I don't, I just care about fighting games
then why are you wasting you time with a dragon ball game when there are so many better alternatives
How many fucking times are they going to just retell Z's story? Make it something original for once.
toriyama is a hack, super is proof of that
honestly i'm pretty sure everyone is bored to dead with the same fucking plot for more than 30 years of dbz videogames
either get a new writter to create something new or fuck that at this point.. because it's pretty boring if before the game even comes out you already know the outcome of every single event that's going to happen there
its going to sell regardless like every other low effort anime game so nothing will ever change. do you really think Bamco will put effort in anything?
>Another Tenkai clone
Enough of this flying around the god damn map shit, GIVE US BUDOKAI 4 ALREADY
nah, i know the gooks stopped caring in the late 90's hence why all their so creatively bankrupt and stagnated with the tropes and themes from that era
but still, if they're going to do a 3D open world rpg they could at least bet some extra chips on it
it's a DS must have really
at least we got to fight broly
>What is infinite World
>What is Burst Limit
They're basically Budokai 4 & 5.
I am but at the same time I'm bored of playing the same sagas over and over again.
why are they so scared to do GT or super?
Buy if whole Z
Pirate if Saiyan + Frieza + Cell saga
Dont bother if only Saiyan + Frieza
No, I feel absolutely no desire to play though Dragon Ball Z's storyline in another game I've done it so many times.
>let's make a game about being Goku for the 10th time
>let's skip Goku's development and rise to being the world's strongest hero for the 10th time
I really don't get why the idea of adapting the original Dragon Ball is such anathema to these games. I know western audiences are not as familiar with Dragon Ball as Z but the idea of going from small Goku saving a turtle from a giant talking bear with a sword all the way to defending the universe from annihilation would be phenomenal.
Not at all. Is the Saiyan saga the most overused setting in all of vidya?
A little bit. Release date?
the gameplay looks like shit
even worse than XV
If they'd turned any famous fighting anime into it's own game with your own characters and your own storyline it'd be a #1 hit. Some naruto/bleach shit would suffice but honestly give us post-Frieza space adventures in the 1k PL to 1m PL range.
>if it does well we might start getting LoG remakes
I am beyond hype for this, I hope we keep getting things like this.
Seriously, kill yourself you fucking fags
The three last big DBZ games had original OC donus steel plot and it was fucking terrible. Go play with your shitty oc character in Xenoverse.
I am hyped that we will have recreated Z story with the Cyberconnect 2 that made Naruto cutscenes in Ninja Storm series better than real anime
>experience the original Z saga... AGAIN
>For the dozenth fucking time
No thanks.
is it anywhere close to this?
>giving a shit about graphics and story in a fucking game
just read the manga or watch the anime if you want that crap
Hasn't it been like, 5 years since we had a proper retelling of DBZ in game form? This will be a good chance for those new eyes to experience it too. Wish Bamco wasn't involved though. Will probably mean it will have a lot of missed potential
World Seeker was pretty fun imo. I got my money's worth.
I didn't play any of the donut steel games either.
I was until they showed the Saiyan saga and Freezypops fights
I'm hopeful. This game is doing a lot of things with Dragon Ball that I've wanted for a long time. It would make more sense to be pre-Z, but it could still work.
Nah, the single player modes are some of the worst in fighting game history, and competitive is a mess.
It's mostly because they believe it wouldn't sell. Personally I'd love an open world game based on original DB more then Z since it's been done far less often and would have some actual progression. Also because niggers chimp out when anything super saiyan is playable
Where the HELL is my legacy of goki 3?!?!?!?!
looks like lazy shit
kys if this even interests you
It's called Buu's Fury.
4 is GT Transformation
Dragon Ball should have ended after King Piccolo Saga
Even as a kid I didn't enjoy that.
>tfw they wont make a game GT game with you travelling the universe exploring new planets
GT was great
Better than super by miles
Only super 17 arc was bad
what is this GT you speak of?
never heard of such an abomination
I did greatly. I probably couldn't go back to it now. Even Buu's Fury isn't very good.
too much monologue
shitty simple dialogue
way too many "kamehameha"s going on
i mean, i could go on, but id have to rewatch that steaming pile of shit, but thats not happening
GT was shit, user
GT is now watchable thanks to super
Such a shame we haven't gotten a good DBZ rpg lately.
maybe if you ingest a shit ton of weed / crack / meth / (insert drug of choice)
if it's a bamco DB game it's going to be trash
and spics. don't forget about the spics.
>have to rewatch
As always, literally everyone who shits on GT has only seen it once when they were a child and suddenly decided to hate it once they heard it wasn't canon.
Your complaints are found in all the series including the original DB, GT is simply a great mixture of DB and Z.
GT haters never change.
It's pretty much like all CC2 games, tons of overly dramatic super attacks and what not but with a dragon ball skin
It says "As Goku" on the top right of OP's image. They'll definitely have you playing as multiple characters.
That would be for the english dub when the intro starts.
Found the Korean
damn you are stupid as shit. i get that you got indoctrinated by Yea Forums and need to look at everything as if it its actually something else, but you are so needingly wrong
Is this open world meme? If so dropped.
>Game is 75% of Goku being dead
It takes place entirely on namek
Wasn't there a Zelda styled Dragon Ball game on DS called Origins or something?
Goku will be dead for a decent chunk of the game so there has to be other characters to play as.
Nah bro Goku's just in another dimension. He'll be back soon
I am, i always wanted a Dragonball rpg with a budged the closest its ever got was budokai3.
it's a jrpg. of course it's going to have a fishing minigame. the japanese are obsessed with fishing for some reason.
The gameplay looks boring to me. It’s cool there’s a world to explore but is there any reason to do so? Being able to fly super fast at anytime probably doesn’t make level design any easier either
Goku's father was a brilliant scientist.
Ok smartass, where is my
2d rpg adventure game based off beloved anime and manga series dragon ball z?