>4 days
We're nearly there.
Queues are going to be fucked aren't they?
>4 days
We're nearly there.
Queues are going to be fucked aren't they?
94 hours remain, until we become the Shadownigger
So how can i get a Fantasia potion? I wanna be a bunny girl to trick guys to give me gil
You pay Yoshi $10
We are less than 18000 hours away from 6.0
I want to .... Y'shtola
why is there a man in a dress on the right in that picture.
Tell it to his face
Ugh, what could have been...
How the fuck do you spell cunny
Her thighs are almost the size of her torso.
>thread theme
Post your four main roles.
>those hips
You mean "breeding machine"
So why I ask
Just doesn't make much sense
That a man of my stature should have to wear a dress
Queues have been completely fucked for a while
Having only played up to Heavensward, I am really god damn curious about what happened to her.
Your witty references to old vanilla WoW fire mage videos are wasted in this thread, amigo.
Reminder that Vieras are cute
>be an orc
>wear prissy dress because muh minmax
>become a clown and disgrace to horde
You will understand soon, SB actually doesn't have anything related to her.
Too bad they only look good in fanart
Sorely tempted to make/fanta a viera just to play RDM, SMN, and WHM
Not with those chins.
Forgot my pic
Most females in this game have chins like that bro, make a elezen and look
Where is the album aaaa
Vieras are basically fem Elezen with rabbit ears so that doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
Where is there more of this?
huge hips and thighs + cunny is an elder god tier combination
I still remember how bad it was during stormblood's launch. People were getting hardstuck on some of the first MSQ instances because they wouldn't load in or couldn't complete them.
I got my SAM to stormblood before my friends were past the first instanced story quest. The difference is that I wanted to play SAM though, and I don't really want to play a new job this time around. But I'm almost tempted to anyways just so I can actually play. Wat do?
>start cleaning inventories for ShB
>Retainers are at 175/175, Selling 20/20 items, Glamour Storage is at 200/200, Chocobo Saddle is at 90/100.
I am very tempted to just buy an extra retainer for all my shit.
>cunnies can't be breeding machines
Can we take her with us bros?
They've implemented queue system for single player instance quest precisely so it won't happen again.
It still will.
Lorelet here, would a black mage makes sense for a Viera lorewise in xiv?
Once you buy another retainer do you have to keep paying for it? Or is it a one-time purchase?
If you absolutely can't let go of some trash you can rent extra retainers when you have 1 days left on your sub so you can put all your junks in it and forget about them.
Cost like 5 cent per retainers that way.
I think it's literally designed so that can't happen, but you will be waiting forever in queues
Post your job without actually posting it
Well then they can fuck right off with it.
Who's in for shadowbringers so I know what not to play?
He got teleported to the 1st by the shark right?
They have better running animations and necks too, I know elezens and vieras are not everyone cup of tea but they're both cute to me even thought they have manlier faces compared to miqote or aura.
Your loss.
Your favorite job.
People constantly shit on 5.0 DRK but WAR is shaping up to be the most boring tank so far
>literally ONE oGCD attack now that Onslaught is DPS loss
>also no more gauge management because you want to get Infuriate off cooldown as fast as possible by spamming cleave
>came back after a break and some friends picked up the game, want to get the rathalos mount
>No friends at 70, leveling extra slowly due to the new PoE league
>No party finder groups
>Start up duty finder and forced to use the training wheel tags for my first run.
>mfw been sitting in duty finder for 2 hours with a random healer that has been here longer than I have
>Little cuckshed for the fairy
I chuckled
Her heal is worse than regen now so she deserves it.
I like all the races a lot myself, if I could without paying (for fantasia and to change lore names) I'd probably play girls of all races.
But since I can't I just play my favorite, Miqo'te, and fuck with the trainer.
Every tank is losing their dps stance so they will all be awful and not fun
Start the PF yourself fag
Are you retarded?
>no party finder groups
Make one yourself then. There are people that open the party finder just to see what parties are available and will join whichever farm they still need to finish.
Wtf put XIV in the thread so I can find it.
Why does it feel so good to finally find an erp partner into the same fucked up shit as you
Viera couldn't be black mages in tactics advance, but Fran could take the job in 12
but then, the janny would find it too
i hope they never fix low level rdm potencies
Go back >>/xivg/
I haven't actually seen them being deleted lately.
Never posted there.
>got all jobs to 70 before shb
>even harder to pick which one to main now
Well fuck
They'll never get the hat though.
They've been getting deleted between 4 and 6 PM EST every day for the last four days.
Onslaught is always a DPS loss unless you're away from the boss or in Inner Release, even now. Nothing's changing there.
Same, not sure if I should go black mage or summoner
Hm, that's usually when I'm most in these threads too so I really don't know.
the Warrior of Light can be whatever they want so it doesn't matter
If you're talking about RP then nobody can be a black mage because it's a forbidden and lost art
>Decide to level SAM for the fun of it
>Job questline had me more invested than any of the others just because of Musosai
>Get to 70 and having an absolute blast with kenki
God fucking damn it why did I go the whole expansion without playing SAM?
6.0 is in two months? Damn Yoshi.
Can’t decide if I want to level GNB first or go straight to do the Story with SAM.
i dont know if this is bait but 18000 hours equals 25 months
If there's another raubahn, level GNB first
too many keybindings aaaaaaa
said no one but scholars in 3.X
>level GNB
>all the rested exp saved for 70-80 is now gone
So I just beat God King Thordan. What was with that darkened close up of my character right as the See dies?
rested bonus XP only lasts for 3 levels
They're not giving out a free one?
They already did with MSQ and another with HW upgraded version
Equilibrium should be called Shake It Off and Shake It Off should be called Equilibrium.
He said less than 18000, retard.
Read more comic books and watch classic movies. You'll start to understand visual cues better.
Just did savage content for the first time, I had no idea it was so fun.
Why would less than 18000 hours equal specifically two months?
MCH is the only one at 70, I'm gonna finish leveling BRD in a bit, and PLD and AST are my highest levelled Tank and Healer.
how did you faggots ever got through the content pre 50 its so fucking dull holy shit
Because I liked the story.
Put on some good music/podcast, turn off brain and skip every cutscene.
You are going to dread post ARR then
Just play a chad tank and your queues will be fine.
dumb bara furry. play male hyur or elezen
SAM 50 to 60 was absolute kino.
I really like how the job plays as well, I don't think I will switch anytime soon.
>that Viera face
Shake it off original effect was to remove negative effects, they changed it to the group shield later
DRK, War or should I level GUN?
Also thread theme:
Should I go through Shadowbringers as DNC or SAM? Keep in mind I have yet to actually pick up SAM.
She's most likely not the Minfilla you know.
SAM or BLM so you get all the DNC riding your cock at endgame instead
It really was. Musosai being the final boss was totally unexpected for me. And when it came time to put down his old pupil, that feeling still lingered, which made the fight much more satisfying.
My wife's art
Your wife fucks brown girls.
Your wife is a lesbian
>should I be big dick DPS or faggot support slave
The fact that you need to ask means you should play DNC.
Wew, my miqo'te is brown.
I want to be a shota cat boy with bunny girls bullying me.
To be fair, being a faggot support slave is the least shitty way to raid because every retard group thinks they're speedkilling.
I hope this changes in 5.0 in favor of big dick dps chads.
They're both DPS, aren't they?
One is a dps that does constant high damage all the time with only one utility (slashing) that overlaps with two other popular jobs guaranteed to be in your party so it might as well not exist. Since that IS going away in 5.0 it will be a fully selfish, high dps job
One is a dps with (likely) low personal numbers and the ability to suck someone's cock to boost THEIR number. It's pretty cucked unless you have 4 dancers sucking each other
Yo that's super gay.
>Viera tits bigger than roe tits
And non-canon
>That viera mouth
And gross.
You realize roes can have smaller breasts via sliders right?
So what's wrong with turning your fellow party members into killing machines?
>tanking removed
>stances removed
>pets removed
>class identity removed
>hats removed
>gear dropping removed
who are they making this game for?
What happens if in a dungeon both DPS are dancers?
you forgot to remove dick from your mouth
Then they buff eachother.
Then both DPS will be dancers.
then it's on
Neither of them will use lb
why do fanboys attack you personally when you criticize terrible changes?
You missed the chance of being one yourself.
because none of those are true
But if no one does the buffing the high-damage DPS won't go flamenco super saiyan in the first place.
Like I said, you should play DNC. And if you maintain 95%+ uptime on my buffs I'll give you a prize.
I feel like queues are already fucked, Im trying to level up a MCH and Im queueing w/ a friend (PLD) for dungeons under lvl 50 and sometimes it takes more than 10 minutes to enter. And the worse is, when we join, the healer is almost everytime a WHM leaf.
It's like 8 in the morning, user
Because it's pre-expac. This is the busiest pre-expac ever but they've also funneled a lot of the poopsock farmers into Syrcus Tower with the Moogle event.
Healer shortage will absolutely be real. Boring changes and pruning, no new class, people switching to DNC, horrible leveling speed and overworld questing efficiency
Im not saying Im queueing exactly now, Im saying those last days this is happening.
Everything you said is literally wrong and has been proven wrong many times.
Suck a cock
>Class identity removed
My NIN isn't a NIN anymore? Damn.
>tanks are popular af and overplayed and this will become even more so with the qol changes
>dps are everywhere and while there is a demand, there is more than enough players to meet it
>healers are rare af and no one wants to play them
will shadowbringers fix healers?
>tanks are overplayed
>Near instant queues
>tanks are overplayed
they should balance for 1 healer comps.
at the moment there is just not enough pressure so healing is kinda boring + the fact that they are making every healer dps rotation 1 dot + 1 filler doenst help anyone except really bad players.
They are, unintentionally. It was already possible to solo-heal a majority of SB fights and now healer DPS is nerfed / heals pointlessly buffed. Solo healer will become the norm for a couple patches until SE is forced to do something about it.
>>tanks are popular af
>>SE under the impression Scholar was slacking on healing and forcing co-healers to carry the burden, despite having the most powerful ogcd heals in the game and a fairy that cheats the GCD system meaning that you can clear Savage content without ever needing to hard cast a heal
>>Oh and a 50% uptime 10% damage reduction and 100 potency aoe regen
Jesus fucking Christ they're incompetent. Anyone who thinks White Mage will be good is an idiot, their new dumb afflatus misery spell is a fucking DPS LOSS since it's 4 GCDs for 900 potency.
Instead of casting three lily spells and then casting another payoff SCH can just fucking Lustrate whenever they want while continuing to Broil
It had better be an actual prize and not some fucking innuendo.
Daily reminder that the entire story got leaked and it has a disappointing ending, the rest is cool
Feels good to keep winning.
>tanks are popular af and overplayed
You don't even play this game, do you?
Spoil that ending if you're so great.
Is PLD fun?
ast has higher rdps and whm has higher pdps
extra healing is the reason why whm was shedded since 3.4
enjoy your new place
>embrace potency reduced but its now instant meaning it will be 100% effective healing, sniping literally every healers gcd cast.
>other fairy abilities completly untouched except for making them ogcd abilities
>ontop of all of their ogcd heals they also get fucking seraph as a healer cd
>forced crits on demand
>dissipation is now usable
sCHads ww@
If you wait for friday, yes.
You fight hydaelyn with her semi complete form (there's dozens of minfilla's but in reality they're just the remaining shards of hydaelyn) in the trial battle hydaelyn uses a brainwash ability to stop the players from minfilla last shard to be forcelly killed because she defy'd her own fate while shes fight back hydaelyn the ascian come and abduct minfilla from you, and you're cured from the "curse" and you continue to fight her until the end (also minfilla can controls all the sins they're the corrupted monsters you see roaming but she doesn't know it until the near ending) the ending is just a usual cliffhanger and in the next MSQ patch you absorb hydaelyn "soul", thats all i know for now pardon to my trash english
>Want to play with BLM and RDM
>SMN has a healer job tied to it so it's very tempting
It's hard to choose bros
Really? This is the best you can come up with?
Just find the post on the archive it has the entire shit explained in like 2 posts i think it was on Yea Forums some guy posted it like 2 weeks ago
Oh, some guy on Yea Forums, what a reliable source, this certainly couldn't be fake then
>last minute gearing my pld to at least ilvl 360 for shadowbringers
>really want the skallic coat of fending because it looks nice
>30 runs later i still dont fucking have it
this is so fucking boring
Like in every leak then, im just saying it's probably the real deal just because he had the autism to write all of that shit
Yeah it's great, isn't it?
>thinking no one on Yea Forums is autistic enough to write up a fake spoiler
Keep it up bro, I believe in you. You've got good taste, Skallic gear looks nice.
blm brothers are you ready for what will likely be the most fun iteration of our job to date
Wait until lv80 and unsync solo it.
>keep it up
i would if literally anyone would run this shit
Fucking dead game
Friend, its 1000 here on the east coast. Wait until the evening to run Skalla.
Dude that guy said there was a QTE to stop Minfillia from being killed, it's bullshit.
Tanks olny use dps stance anyway
>The Grinch Leak has already faded from this board's memory.
Retards on here were saying that the Grinch leak was more legit than the actual character reveal AFTER the reveal happened
I feel sorry for wowfriends. Their company fucked up so hard they had to rely on nostalgia to keep their numbers.
Meanwhile, youtu.be
In terms of fun
I just started free trial a couple weeks ago so I don't have time to max all jobs or anything. What should I prioritize getting done, if anything?
You should go at your own pace as you have no chance of catching up by launch even if you played 24 hours a day.
I want to switch to tank in ShB, what do people look for in good tanks or how do I become a better tank.
Take it easy, you have a loooong way to ShB.
There is no goddamn way you are catching up so just chill and do things at your own pace
Do your rotation and don't die
Use your cooldowns, and make sure the mobs, and boss's backs face towards the party, with just that you are already a decent tank
How long would it take to rush stormblood msq I want to experience the new expansion rush
>pull wall to wall in dungeons
>use cooldowns
>face mobs away and rotate them as little as possible
You did it.
Use cooldowns, take it one mob at a time, keep aggro on all enemies, keep an eye on your emnity list in case you get an asshat who doesn't know what diversion is, and finally don't think too hard about how you're performing. You're a tank, you're job is too hold aggro.
From where, the start? Maybe if you don't sleep for four days.
Depends on how far into it you are, if you're just starting you ain't gonna make it
He doesn't have 4 days, servers are down all of the 27th
>pull wall to wall in dungeons
Except for early dungeons I'd say since most classes won't have their AoEs yet
Fair point. I neglect to think about ARR since I've been playing since beta.
just go to twitch and watch /our-furry/ how to properly tank and deal with bad healers in dungeons.
Remember the Viera vs Hrothgar posting?
I ran Skalla once every single day the entire time it was on expert roulette rotation, and I got it about a week before the next patch.
That means it took approximately 80 runs to even see the coat drop.
Should I play this over BFA? How is the open world and exploring content?
How is Blue Mage?
Remember in the other thread when all of you anons were complaining about how WoW people are "obsessed" with FF14.
This is obsession. mentioning WoW out of nowhere. Like I said you tranny fantasy players have a napoleon complex after years of shitty sub numbers and inferior gameplay/story/characters/ everything really. Noone even started talking about WoW but this guy felt the need to try and throw shade on azeroth. Obsessed. Guess we live rent free in your head buddy.
>How is Blue Mage?
Nah queue's will be fine because half the players are going to jump ship to play WoW's new patch instea- pfff hahahah
imagine playing a game so dead that you waste your free time shitposting in other games' threads lmao
do you think people aren't capable of feeling genuine pity for you
i am still laughing that people denied ingame text just because they really wanted their pedobait bunnies
I'm taking a break, unlike the typical dumpy loser that plays ff14 and poopsocks tomestones all day I have shit to do.
WoW's new patch is on Tuesday and you can get through all of its non-timelocked content by Wednesday.
So is the whole WoD WoL thing going to introduce world pvp to the game and such
The reason why we're """obsessed" it's because WoWfags like you are intruding in these threads and spamming "WoW > FF14" "Classic will kill this dead game!" and other absolute nonsense.
Go fuck yourself in your dead game threads please. Cope. Seethe. Dilate. Also, in your last post:
>I don't even play WoW
But you actually admitted you play it later. You're so fearful of being rejected that you can even admit you play a fucking videogame. Fuck off gay napoleon. Who's more obsessed, we shitting on your game in our thread or YOU joining our thread and complaining about it?
>he figured out I can't read so I'll reduce myself to writing an entire post that boils down to throwing feces with my bare hands
You really are an ape. What datacenter are you on? I'm about to run a dungeon on aether as soon as I hit the next level on FSH.
Ok then stay gone fuckface
I have money that i wan't to spend, and i'm thinking about buying this game since it looks... nice? But the only mmo i have ever played was Dungeon Fighter Online, and i don't know if ff14 is any good and if the people enjoying it are japanese shills or actual people, since 90%+ of DFO players are bugmen. Is it worth getting into if im new to mmorpgs, and if it is, should i buy it or wait for sale? Oh and how many hours does i take to get into endgame (which i assume exists) where you do nothing but grind?
Yoshida has neither interest nor the ability to conceal a major game feature this close to launch.
I might quit WOW to play FF14. Is Gunbreaker any good?
goddamn it why is it so good
Viera are for RDM, GNB and ALC.
The free trial exists for a reason
it's not even out yet you dip
You'll need to get to 60 before you can play it anyway.
>they even do the timestop
Stop falling for WoWcucks bait. Some of them can't even get their game release dates properly.
>still no naming conventions for Viera and Hrothgar
They probably forgot.
I also play DFO extensively. FF14 is extremely opposite to its design. Though 90 cap epics are imitating games like this where set effects are just straight damage buffs.
>Stormbaby doesn't even bother to look up when we got the Au Ra ones
Do they have level boosts I can buy?
Yes but why would you do that dude
Hey guys it's me, Lightning! I'm so glad all these GNBros are proud to be playing the job that was inspired by me, the very famous Eclaire Farron. As you well know, I very famously wielded a gunblade, and Yoshida-san even added my combat pose as the idle pose for female GNBs! Please keep me in your heart and mind whenever you play the class that was inspired by me, Claire "Lightning" Farron!
Outside of static raiding the Dancer is just going to pick the selfish dps to fluff and you know it.
Don't even bother playing the game.
People shit on DRK are WARcucks who think that DRK not becoming the greatest tank in the history of tanking is bad
To get to endgame.
>viera for RDM
>can't wear hats
And there goes a big chunk of the sets charm. I must disagree then.
I never remove Grit, respect the content!
The people shitting on DRK are DRK mains who are annoyed that it's being adjusted to be even worse than SB.
Can you gobbierap?
Sonic boom, rings loud from the engines
Ironclad murder gonna ‘liminate the distance
Ain’t no ‘landers gonna take us (no)
Cold dustin’ the flustered is super-cali ????’ tageous
Slow down. (Stop!) Takin’ no hits
‘Cceleratin’ past us. blast us. fit to transmit (son)
Son to the Father to the Maker’s own way
There’s a method to the metal on the metal highway (yo)
Keepin’ up the pace. (What?) Keepin’ with the quickness
Kep the lightning bottled, throttled, throttle to the finish
Movin’, soothing’, got nothing’ to prove and
Pushing’ all your buttons with a button-pushing blue hand
Blue blazes, blue faces,
Blue blood, blue truth gonna see you black and blue (right)
Keepin’ up the pace. (What?) Keepin’ with the quickness
Kep the lightning bottled, throttled, throttle to the finish
Thirty thousand goblins gonna solve the goblins’ problems, ’cause the
Problems of the goblins goin’ rotten till they solve ’em, yeah the
Thirty thousand goblins gonna solve the goblins’ problems, with a
‘Sploding’ smashing’ bashin’ whackin’ crackin’ smackin’ kind of chaos
A to the L to the E X ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
Rise up and raise the iron roof off
Now, Rise up and riot ’till the bomb drops
Now, Rise up, the time is right to sound off, so
Rise with me, rise with me, rise with me (RISE UP!)
Rise with me, rise with me, rise with me (RISE UP!)
Rise with me, rise with me, rise with me RISE WITH ME
Step back, the Blue’s about to pull you under!
>do shinryu normal to help someone through the story
>needed 2 healer lbs because retarded dps failed mechanics or would take the raise and immediately attack as an aoe goes out and die again
Still won but I don't know why people take raises as soon as possible. Party damage was fine with 2 tanks 2 healers and 1 dps.
Yeah I've been a DRK main since HW and this is the first time I have no interest in playing the job.
I'm just going to go join the DPS queues now because fuck job designers for having no idea how to make DRK not shit.
>shadowbringers releases
>have to deal with shitty tank queues for a week until dpslets learn their place and go back to their rightful place sitting in limsa for their queue to pop
its heavensward all over again
I'm cool enough to play a generic male midlander, so I'm too cool for that kinda nonsense.
It's normal for people who are dead and excluded from the game to want to return to it as soon as possible. Not to say they did the right thing, but to "not know why" as you claim is a bit dumb.
This game is not designed around that. Jump potions are for alts. The story is a major and quite possibly the single most major feature.
>people take raises as soon as possible
This is actually not the problem in itself. You have invincibility for 10~ish seconds after being raised, until you use an action. The correct thing to do is to raise ASAP and then wait for a heal.
Even tanks will have shitty queues because healers will be the new role in need.
Can anyone post their cute girls and erp discord?
Soon she'll be gone!
Fuck i didn't know that it had a free trial. That makes thing easier, thanks
Is it too early to celebrate?
Literally look up FFTA or FFXII lore, secondary.
Is that a motherfucking Cygames' Granblue Fantasy reference?
Some attacks go through raise immune.
>pull wall to wall in dungeons
I wish i could do this, but i don't know the layouts of the dungeons that well so i end up with smaller pulls all the time.
This is as much a Final Fantasy game as it is an MMO. The story and characters are a HUGE part of the fun of it. The mechanics and endgame content are fun on their own, but it's weird to just ignore the context of it all by skipping.
>Posting my bun
But why?
>What name do I want to use to represent myself in this online world?
>I know!
>Natsu Scxrlet!
>I wish i could do this, but i don't know the layouts of the dungeons
Save for a few exceptions and all from ARR (aka patch 2.0) every single dungeon is a long corridor with gates in between.
Why do almost all viera I see in these threads have hideous faces?
They've been phasing this out for years and there aren't any in Shinryu (besides falling off).
Yes. Also I doubt we'll get anything before Wed night.
Stick to WoW, champ.
Can I fuck the elf boy?
Seraph also has her own Succor which stacks with your Succor
It's gonna be fucking stupid
Pop Sprint out of combat and you get 20 seconds which is almost always enough to reach the wall.
That invuln is rather pointless when they attacked as soon as they were up sonit fell off and resulted in them immediately eating a mechanic
So just now I've finished all of Heavensward and I am currently waiting for shadowbringers to unlock stormblood for me. Will it be possible for me to instantly unlock Gunbreaker and continue stormblood with him or do I first need to finish the entirety of stormblood to unlock the new classes?
I do nothing but raid and I skip all the cutscenes cause I don't give a fuck about the story and I still enjoy this game 100%. If you don't like story you will still enjoy this game as long as you do something else with your time (raid, craft, deepest dungeon, etc.)
>they included the time stop bit
We don't deserve the Primals
Bros..... I don't even like Stormblood that much, but I'm going to miss the music and Kugane.
Because there are no good viera faces
Is it even possible to get removed from Feast boards for win trading? Been doing that shit for the past couple days and want to get plat with my team for that juicy title. I really have doubts Square honestly gives a shit.
if you're level 60 then you can use the new classes right away you just have to go to the quest giver
I really like the preorder bonus that gives plus 25% exp. shit is rad
You will only need to have a Level 60 job and have purchased ShB. They consciously chose to do this going forward after HW.
You'll probably just need to have Shadowbringers registered to your account and a job at lvl 60. You didn't need to finish HW to get SAM and RDM.
w-why did they make weaving on mch even worse. WHY.
thanks light but i like your sister better so i will be playing bard instead
Square legitimately doesn't give a shit.
That depends on how the devs approach the situation. In Stormblood the new jobs were unlocked in A Real Reborn areas, but in Heavensward the new jobs unlocked in Ishgard.
They've banned for doing that, so you're at risk
The only requirements for the new jobs are to own Shadowbringers and be level 60. GNB will be in Gridania and DNC in Limsa.
M8, i do feel pity for you. Blizzard had the upper hand when they released the beta for Overwatch on the day Battleborn was released. Now they're getting their commupance. SJW's havr infected the workspace, the chinks are fucking wow and diablo over three ways from sunday, and Overwatch is trying to retain their playerbase by comparing themselves to being as epic as the marvel universe.
It's time to let go. Join us and I shall welcome you with open arms.
People have been removed less than five times and they were all extreme cases where they botted and hacked for years so knock yourself out. I would scold you but I tired of this crap long ago.
People in these threads are fuckawful at character creation, which is surprising because there's very few options to begin with.
doing it purely because the datacenter is so dead it would actually be impossible otherwise
Personally I've seen at least one I actually liked.
Unless you are going for orange parses the cooldown change doesn't really effect most players. The riccochet and gauss round weaving won't be as bad.
Fem Roes are ogres. I wish Viera could be bigger than Roes.
Two pretty polarizing opinions, here.
Should i preorder the Hori controller thingie?
I wish Viera could wear hats.
less anime != manlier
>Midlander male wearing modern clothing and retarded horns.
>Some gay ass music not from XIV.
Why did you even link that one? The second is good but that first one, just why?
Even Elezen mog viera, please enjoy your place as the third tallest female race.
>cool enough to play a generic male midlander
So that's what their mindset is.
I'm a cool guy, yo.
Because one of them is someone who's going by hearsay he heard on Reddit. It is well known among PVPers the few times people have been removed, e.g. Brusef
The last few dungeons i did (Xelphatol, Antitower and Baelsar's Wall) i managed to do that without problems actually, so maybe i am getting used to it (first time playing a tank in any MMO). Props to the BLM i had in Baelsar's, he told me "just run, don't worry i got this" during the last part and he just nuked the shit out of them, love running with BLMs desu.
Am I legally allowed to feel superior if I have a blessed land/hand tool and the person next to me doesn't?
Well, I've been playing PvP and reported wintraders sorry asses a lot of times together with other guys and got them banned and removed from the rankings, so if someone is doing the same with you you're getting banned
They're shit glam, so I don't use mine.
I like this face a lot though.
No you're going to GM jail. Enjoy the RMT penises.
Not really.
How is Viera going to affect the population as far as how many of them actually fanta to it?
Are people going to be lined up out the door to turn into rabbits that they will outpopulate the cats, lizards, and humes combined?
Or will there mostly be people that can't be arsed to pay money or re-level to be a rabbit and just stick with their own race, making Viera a bit of a rarity that only few people commit to early in shadowbringers?
I want to play a Viera because I loved FFXII and Fran, but I don't want to play one if they're going to be the new fotm shitter race that is an instant red flag.
I feel like there should be more non-shitty hairstyles in this game. There's like a handful of decent ones and 80% npc-tier trash
Like lizards. Influx at the start then people return to whatever cat slut Barbie they fanta'd from.
If you're that concerned with other people's opinions mine is you should kill yourself.
Maybe will outpopulate every race in the early days, and then fantasia back to what they were to begin with, like what happened with Au'ras.
I would legit fanta into Viera if they could wear hats. But they can't, so I won't. I imagine I'm not the only person in this exact situation.
Anyone who's been following the media tours and whatever info we have; please share your insights on the job balance. Are there any jobs that are looking to be a real steaming pile?
Based. Remember to always comm your BLMs unless your healer is extraordinary.
they can wear hats, we just aren't sure which ones yet
do whatever the fuck you want bro take the gripspill life is meaningless bro
>Senei 900 potency
>Shoha unchanged
>Jinpu and Shifu 11% buffs
>Tsubame gayshi nerfed to 25%
Which one?
They can't wear hats. They can only wear accessory tiered stuff like face masks, glasses, such and such. Have you been under a rock or something?
Post a good one
All healers
Handful of names in FF XII, handful in TA that are completely different, no info on last names. We don't know shit.
Do we know the new potency formulas yet?
They said they wanted to fix WHM but doesn't look great from the tooltips. We have to see how it will go when the game goes live.
All DPS seem balanced.
But rest assured no Job will be absolutely useless like it happened to PLD and AST in 3.0
>source, my ass
Pretty run of the mill for anime games desu
no doubt there will be a huge surge of them, then over the next few weeks most of them will fanta back since viera aren't that expressive
Is blue mage an actual functioning job that you can raid on or is it just some meme class to dick around with when bored?
everyone is saying monk got the most shafted, healers are boring, tanks got a bit homogenized but no classes are ever a "steaming pile", and there's the one autist spamming sam nerfs
Sorry, I didn't actually watch the first one I linked, just the second one.
Any that doesn't require a separate model. Yoshi boxed himself into a corner by giving different helm models to a bunch of races. In case you don't know most helmets have 12 different models to accommodate the various races/gender while every other armor piece has either 5 or 3 different models only.
What is the best minion and why is it Puk?
I predict the largest losses will be suffered by the Elezen population, especially by those who want to play a tall girl but don't want to be roegadyn. I love my giraffe, nothing will ever keep me from being one.
It's essentially a minigame. Side-content.
It's a glorified minigame.
>40lvl FSH
I suddenly feel useless. Can FSH even make money in ShB?
Based fear mongenring poster.
>unless your healer is extraordinary.
The first time i tanked in a dungeon (Tam Tara iirc) the healer let me die cause he was "watching something really interesting" on netflix, really soured my experience with them. I usually just recommend my favorite classes and BLMs are pretty high on that list.
The game is free up to Lv35, if you don't think you'll enjoy the game by the time you reach Ifrit and Titan you might not want to buy in
Keep in mind that like half the jobs don't get most of their interesting stuff until 50+ though
Running out of shoes.
Any EU bros got their tracking code for the Collector's Edition yet?
>muh minigame meme
I imagine anyone who already played elezen to begin with actually, somehow, enjoy the giraffe so they might be the ones changing the least. Not to mention there is the whole helmet/hat fiasco.
>the healer let me die cause he was "watching something really interesting" on netflix
You can make bank off fish earlier into patches. Everything is basically worthless now since nobody is raiding.
I don't post /vg/ shit.
Dunno if I should feel bad for you. At least you take it more seriously than Square does.
Not yet, possibly not ever. If you care, make sure to use the exp exploit to get to 50 before Shadowbringers dropped. They said they would be addressing it then.
Alexander had great music, but oh man fuck half of those fights.
Move over, platypus has come to town.
>after seeing how many people called for us to do something, anything, to address this after the announcement, the character team took it upon themselves to use their spare moments to make it possible—without telling me. More than five hundred and forty such items were carefully modified by our designers so that all would display correctly with our new face models. /salute
There are not 540+ glasses and masks
which jobs are in the shed for raiding?
I wish it was a meme, user.
I'm lucky I'm not one of the players who wanted to main BLU in raid.
The ones you play.
Good man
Oh boy that’d be an immediate vote kick from me
I worry about BRD and MCH the most. BRD lost all of its raid utility that warranted bringing it in the past. MCH is getting a big rework but SE fucking hate MCH so until I see it in action doing well I will remain skeptical. DNC is just looking like a better version of both of these that comes with obscene utility, I can't imagine it being anything but top tier for opening patch.
WHM is looking great now desu. Its biggest flaw was that other jobs had more versatility in their dps options and WHM was basic af. But now every healer's dps options to gutted down to WHM levels so there should be a lot more parity playstyle wise, and WHM's potency got buffed.
mnk, whm, drk, probably gnb
>he doesn't know
No one link him any of the videos.
I had a similar experience in xelphatol, though it was a SAM speaking up and encouraging
I know normal dungeons really shouldn't be so difficult that I can't multi pull, but you never know with a matched party
based retard
The wintraders directly hurted me (in Solo rankings). Basically I always had the freaking unluck to join the party of the character throwing the game for the other character in the other party.
I remember losing the fucking promotion to Diamond and took me other 2 years to get back there and get my top 100 place
MNK, MCH, DRK, GNB, all healers.
Stop repeating this in every thread. They're counting items that have the same model and maybe even recolors.
If hats and helmets were ever going to be accomodated they would have made Viera and Hrothgar versions for the new 5.0 gear but they haven't.
The destiny of all beastniggers.
I've always loved the Nu Mou desu.
That sucks. I loved blue mage in past FFs and played one in XI. I hope they do address it then, I would absolutely main one.
WHM's saving grace this time is that the Lily buttons are instant, giving us something to do when moving. Everything else is boring retreads of what we already had.
>WHM is looking great now desu. Its biggest flaw was that other jobs had more versatility in their dps options and WHM was basic af.
Let me guess, you've never played AST.
>and WHM's potency got buffed.
And apparently you don't play any healer beside WHM.
And what would you call, it user? It's a battle job you can't use in most battle content and is only good for some weekly currency once you unlock everything via its own tailor made instance.
Every class but DRG
they really have to nerf exp requirements for leveling up. its an uterly insane grind with how shit and boring the jobs play. surely they will do so to atract more new players r-right?
user you were supposed to let him be oblivious.
drk, gbn, sch, mnk, drg, mch, brd, blm, rdm
I don't really get this BRD is bad meme honestly. They lost ALL their dragoon reliance and you don't get fucked rotating songs where bosses jump around invuln anymore. They even made Minne even better than it already was. Gonna be shitting out Empyreal and Refulgents like nobody's business as well. The large focus on AoE inclusions in this expansion makes me thing they might focus on that a bit more on savage encounters this time around as well.
WHM only looks "good" now by virtue of other two getting shafted. Yoshi's been kicking you while you've been down for so long you're sounding like a broken housewife.
Fuck outta here
> Its biggest flaw was that other jobs had more versatility in their dps options
No, its biggest flaw is that it can't effectively heal AND dps at the same time, and that hasn't changed at all in ShB. AST and SCH will continue doing so even if SCH "versatile DPS options" are gutted.
As for potencies, Misery is a net loss over Glare still unless they buff it and at best it's just a minor DPS recover for being forced to heal. But that's something SCH already can do for free without giving up anything.
I hope so because that's the worst part of the game.
Your favorite.
>change armory bonus to 200% 1-60, 150% 60-70, 100% 70-80
>you never know with a matched party
Yep. For every smooth run where I can run wall to wall without issue, I have a run where I get a catboy who can't keep me up for a few seconds even after popping big cooldowns and my invincible, or rescuing me back mid pull and still failing to heal through small mobs.
BRD can just replace 1 melee if their dps is still good.
What, you don't like 20 minute long 5 boss gauntlets with a 3 minute DPS/Healing check?
Is there a way to enlarge my weeb effects on sam, the moon from gekko looks too small
Does buying the level booster for smn boost the level for scholar as well?
Leveling isn't really too bad. The main issues with new players are the insanely long 2.1-2.5 MSQ and gearing up when hitting max level in any patch after .1
What's that user, you hit Lv70 today? Well you can't really get into any of the current content unless you have a crafter friend. Better grind Deltascape and Rabanastre a bit so you can get some gear from Sigma and Ridorana, then you can finally start gearing up!
put the road to 60 on all servers and make it extend to 70
It should, but don't do it
What is the best (read emptiest) world to visit on each of the NA datacenters for the SHB launch?
i did over 100 runs of the last set of HW dungeons to get the tank chest piece because i wanted the outfit
i stopped playing for a week once i got it too
>Remember to always comm your BLMs
lmao get fucked
Fanta to a max sized Roe
>Its biggest flaw was that other jobs had more versatility in their dps options and WHM was basic af
The fuck are you talking about?
In a whole minute WHM
- refreshes 6 dots
- uses stone IV 18 times
- uses assize once
In the same whole minute AST
- refreshes 2 dots
- malefics 22 times
- uses eartly star once
In the same minute SCH
- refreshes 5 dots
- Broils 19 times with a mix of miasma II for weaving
- shadow flares once
- uses ED once or twice
AST dps rotation is basic af, not WHM.
Looking forward to 5.1 when all the Afflatus spells for WHM become OGCDs and you get 4 Tetras to play with
>expansion coming
>a ton wowfugees coming
>all servers congested
>no new characters allowed
based yoshi
Jenova/Adamantoise on Aether
Exodus/Lamia on Primal
Bryn/Goblin/Zalera on Crystal
What on earth are you talking about, even A4 and A8 were only around 11-13 minutes, not 20.
Don't forget your boy SAM who's in far more danger but still does less damage!
Maybe then striking-dummy addicts will shut the hell up about it being a DPS loss to use Afflatus Misery when anybody with two brain-cells could figure out that dropping everything to use Afflatus and pump out Misery is a bad idea.
>I do nothing but raid
What an awful existence, I feel sorry for you.
I'm on aether/faerie, I heard that if you are on a congested world you c an do a free server transfer to one that's more empty, if so how?
>Herding all the WoWfugees to Crystal
Help me pick my ShB main Yea Forums while my game installs. Here are my thoughts going in:
I like it and everyone says its shit. I have the potential to be "that guy did really good, and he was a monk!! what a cool dude". But also the potential to get "lol monk? decline that request to join raid lmao". I love monks for the lore and stuff too, I played one in ARR but I was a shitter back then and just played what I liked.
I love dragoon their armor looks the coolest. I played one a bit but never really meshed. The jumps that froze you felt clunky. I never got it past 50 so I might like it I don't know.
I feel too small brain to play ninja and I have enough delay that it might be impossible to play well. They are just okay, but I know I'd always have a spot with their synergy.
Just not interested tbqh
my favorite one in the past few expansions. I hear they are losing lots of their identity (like their songs). I have a lot of sentiment with bard because its the job I got gud on in heavensward and went from gray to orange parser.
probably my actual favorite, but they are getting changed a lot so I don't know now. I wanted to main it in stormblood but they sucked in the eyes of the public so I switched to bard so I could get into groups. I love the flair on their animations, I love how they play.
>black mage
always seemed so cool, I never really gave it a chance and their rotation changes completely every expansion.
way too big brain of an opener desu, I would love to git gud at it but it seems like a lot of work and I don't know how much you can get fucked by AI pet mechanics. I low key like them though
>red mage
tried it in SB, a bit too snoozy and they were everywhere. I didn't feel like I was unique in job choice, and couldn't stand with low skill floor/celing
As for tanks/healers I will level 1 of each early to fill those roles and make queues fast, but I want to play dps if possible.
New server in each DC soon. They did it for EU they will for the bigger NA.
I want more screen time for side characters.
Bless the BRD AF gear
>installed ACT for the first time
>tried it out with Suzaku ex with my ilvl 380 SAM
>parsed around 6k
Is that ok or am I just retarded?
>wowfugees blocking the way for actual, decent people
The threads keeps getting worse somehow, I miss when threads weren't just people spamming wowfugee and tranny to each other
Just be yourself.
WHM is the only healer without mana issues. SCH and AST are going to have to meld Piety while WHM can go full crit/dh. Removing Energy Drain and Celestial Opposition is a huge nerf.
you can filter them
you can transfer to preferred worlds from congested ones. just like a normal server transfer.
Problem is, the only free transfers are to Zalera, Brynhildr, or Goblin on Crystal atm
It's hyperbole, my man
Where did you find a pic of my character?!
>Implying I'm going to use scholar
Wishful thinking, it would mean SE finally listens to the complaints about what is wrong with WHM in raid scenarios and why it's shunned over AST and SCH. Hasn't happened since AST was added and unlikely to happen at all during ShB considering the WHM changes in the first place.
Starting on a new server with a lot of other sprouts sounds cool but I'm already lvl 54
Preferred world server-transfers are free, and also give enough gold chocobo feathers (as with the "bring a friend" bit) to get the two-seater draught chocobo mount. You'll be locked into transferring to Crystal in that event since there aren't any other freed-up data centers. Specifically, Goblin, Zalera and Brynhildr. I'd recommend Goblin if you were to move.
i miss khloe shuffle posting
What are the chances of Pineapple Mango being in this expansion
i really hate the hair clipping in this game, i wonder should i just glamour the base racial outfit for bunnies.
Junpei was the worst boy.
Not really for SCH since their aetherflow/fairy abilities still don't use mp.
Giving a shit about parsing is a dark, anger-fueled path. Don't do it, user.
dial 8
I managed to transfer from Adamantiose to Behemoth when I resubbed about a month ago and it was free
>everyone says its shit.
Mnk hasn't been actual shit for a long time, HW was the only time monks were legit bad to the point random raid groups would remove them from party finders.
da MAN
That's more than okay, better than most SAMs during Seiryu EX.
what is the cutoff for preording for the earring?
can I just buy at 11:59 PM before launch? I wouldn't cut it that close, but hypothetically?
6k is around the range you should be at for normal play, yeah. You're better than a lot of SAMs.
That's not the guy that wanted to fuck his teacher
The high jump upgrade should remove that locked feel tho i hate they didnt so the same to the other jumps it will feel so old vs new
The afflatus spells aren't strong enough to not be OGCD though, the AoE one has the same cooldown as indom (30 seconds, lilies can be stacked though) but has 200 less potency. Rapture+Assize is 700 and Indom is 500, it's fucked up man
It hasn't been bad as far as actual output goes but no one on the dev team seems to know what they want to do with the class
>As for potencies, Misery is a net loss over Glare
You're looking at it the wrong way, it significantly mitigates the the drawbacks of GCD healing when you actually have to. I imagine WHM's gonna shine much more on the later floors.
>WHM is the only healer without mana issues
No healer has MP issues currently and ShB just looks to make it even less of an issue. Just because WHM has even better MP management doesn't magically make the others have issues. Especially not fucking SCH whose entire Aetherflow and Fairy kit is free.
adamantoise has queues currently
It really is.
>tried doing O10 with randos after that
>parsed around the same
>did 28% of the total damage
Jesus christ. I think I'll turn it off forever.
>that old man in Rising Stones base who blames himself non stop
I feel sorry for him.
Nah bro, anyone that plays Elezen does so because they actually like the race
Go look at footage from the media tour. WHM's basically can't drop below 80% mp while the other two were constantly struggling even without spamming aoe.
isn't indom 400 in the e3 build
I want to ask why she's wearing sunglasses.
I view them as Cure II and Medica replacements, basically if I were going to cast a GCD heal then I should be using the Afflatus equivalent to save on cast-time and MP. With the average retard in PF and queued instances I'll probably be slinging out a lot more Miseries than I'd expect.
Black Mage of course, summoner is still fullgay
You're also forgetting you aren't using miasma II for weaving anymore which ate a FUCKTON of mp. Spells are also cheaper in mp %.
don't tell him it will make the shitposting more fun
>Top tier tomboy with big tiddies wants to dick him down
>He completely ignores her and gets literally cucked by his teacher.
I actually totally forgot about that fucking absolute piece of shit. The fact that Surt is locked behind that dickhead was so annoying.
I don't honestly get why people hate toblerone so much, were the xiii games that bad?
I honestly forget she exists from time to time and didn't mind the cpose that much.
Depends how much Piety affects MP Regen with the new changes
It's worth noting that it means Aetherflow and Lucid Dreaming won't get better with gear anymore
0% she's a crafter/gatherer slut now
Even if they don't cost MP they still had an effective MP cost (1200) before because of Energy Drain. Now SCH can't cash in its extra stacks for MP and is barely MP neutral now simply spamming Broil as a result.
>no healer has MP issues currently
Of course no one has an issue doing fights they are overgeared for and know inside and out.
White mage's best time to shine is at the start of an expansion though when no one knows the fights, and no one has bis gear. They are the most lenient towards mistakes and recovering from wipes.
I remember back when I started playing ARR, SMN was introduced to me as "the poor man's BLM". In some level I've always thought of it as thus ever since.
Unless someone knows for sure, I'd do it before the maintenance before early access starts, which is like the 27th or so.
don't ever post this again
>600 mana just to weave ogcds
>no energy drain to abuse anymore
>60s aetherflow
i have some bad news my dude
Is there a good place to read about all the e3 build changes? I don't use Reddit
please tell me this warrants a kick and/or a report
Media tour footage isn't exactly good people playing those roles. Not only do the other players take avoidable damage, the healers tend to make the basic mistake of trying to top everyone at all times even when unnecessary.
Of course no healer is going to have MP issues "currently" when we currently overgear all the fights. If you were actually here for God Kefka, the difference in MP efficiency was especially stark.
>Being some bitchboi that summons things to kill for you when you can just throw meteors at niggas instead and cut out the middleman
Poor man's BLM is right.
any time before full launch is fine
No one really knows for sure since people didn't get much of a chance to assess tooltips. GNB's DoT went up 200 potency and indom went down to 400, apart from that dunno.
Yeah I will get it before then for sure. I am just waiting on some of my market items to sell before I can afford it on steam. It would suck to miss the accessory but I don't want to pay my actual money if I don't have to.
No I look at it right, hence the "at best they are just DPS recover for being forced to heal". They still don't make up for it however when compared to SCH who doesn't give up shit to do the exact same thing, better.
>Aetherflow and Lucid Dreaming won't get better with gear anymore
Most healers avoided piety anyway if they actually had a choice so this wont matter that much as MP levels remained roughly the same the entire SB expansion.
I did god Kefka just fine, just have a SCH that isn't a blubbering retard and there's no mp concerns the entire fight.
it's only some sparse tooltip leaks from people that played at e3
What are you guys going to do in these 4 days? Anyone trying the new samurai shodown demo?
so which of the scions is going to get axed in ShB?
[Spoiler] I still think about Captain Placeholder. I hope he's doing okay. [/spoiler]
There will be an initial population boom but then the fanta addicts will go back to their original and it'll even out. I don't think they'll be as popular as the highest pop female races, they'll probably be somewhere between Miqo'te/Au Ra and Elezen.
They're good for movement on fights as well, could be a lifesaver on a few mechanics I'm sure
In fairness SMN kind of is the poor man's BLM, with most players for it paying attention to it because of its decent DPS boosts (the majority of which is going away with Garuda losing Contagion and Ifrit losing Radiant Shield) on top of high damage. With how Bahamut and Wyrmwave work in Stormblood you even have to root yourself for long periods to get the full extent of your DPS, except you're even less mobile because Bahamut has autism and will start freaking out and stop casting if you move him.
Will the CE items be available during EA or do you only get them at launch ?
How was it for SB ?
Gonna finally beat Sekiro, Isshin will filter me no longer.
>Watch grill streaming Heavensward
>During Haurchefant's death she is just clicking through the scene while talking about her hair and breakfast with her mods
How can people play the game like this?
The fact that the people who have provoke macros often use them because they can't hold aggro to save their goddamn lives feels like a sick fucking joke.
minifillia, probably
there's some weird shit going on with her and word of the mother and it's probably not going to end well
im moving out of my house on the 1st, so im packing everything except my PC, then playing for a few days before the move commences.
>he thinks women feel any real emotion
there is a reason they never had a soul
On the one hand I enjoy the Monty Python reference and on the other I hate their rewrites.
>people are having fun in a video game
REEEEEEEEE this is unacceptable
Finishing up getting my last 3 crafters to 60 and cleaning out my retainers
Only if he activates the macro 2 or 3 times every provoke, or he provokes needlessly on cooldown just to see the macro. Provoke macros are pointless anyway, since you always see the animation for it regardless of your settings
I've skipped every cutscene I was able to
Guess that Japanese page was the best one then. It was missing over half the jobs but it got some important stuff like GNB's team mitigation nerf and being able to use Dragoon tether on yourself
Ouch. Sucks to be you senpai. Horrible timing.
>Most healers avoided piety
And then those same healers turned around and complained about how "bad" fights like god Kefka and Neo Exdeath were.
Smart healers always allowed for a mix of piety on their gear, so that they don't run low during prog.
>using oGCD between two non instant cast GCD will cause clipping.
I feel retarded right now. My mind is blown. I cant' believe I was retard all this time. Does this mean caster can't avoid clipping most of time? Especially BLM. Even SMN
You mean 70?
Mod Minecraft more than I actually play it.
I wasn't subbed at all during Stormblood fampai
You can never fully avoid piety in prog though because ilvl > substats and since that always holds true you always have piety on gear, don't be a pedantic retard user.
women stop feeling emotions at 12-13 years old
blm effectively has to clip a little bit but no one really cares all that much
i'm pretty sure smn has a couple of instant cast spells you can use if you want to weave stuff
Good luck, I guess.
Clipping only matters in ultimate content. Anything below, including savage, you're fine to clip occasionally. Stop being autistic
in ShB all casters have enough access to enough instant spells that clipping should be no issue.
So when is BLM supposed to use the new single target Polygot? When switching from Fire to Ice or Ice to Fire?
Give monk a try desu
Its not even close to how bad people are making it sound. It has a high skill cap and you need to be good to play it but you will dab on everyone if you play it well and make bad SAM mains post wojaks in Yea Forums threads and /xivg/
>being this insecure
BLM can weave on procs and the tick between flare and your mp regenerating, but that's it. SMN is more generous, they can weave with ruin 2/4 or a bio3/miasma 3 refresh
Best to come to terms with it now
SCH is losing more from weaving now than it ever did before. You're going from a 30 potency loss on weaving (but probably also gaining much more thanks to ED) to losing 80 potency every time you weave. It's going to add up pretty quickly since now all fairy abilities are oGCDs now too.
>I did god Kefka just fine
Cool story bro, but I can tell you right now you couldn't effectively use Miasma II to weave very long in Godka without double ranged. You'd actively have to use Ruin II to double weave since it was simply too healing intensive.