Worth it in 2019 Yea Forums?
Worth it in 2019 Yea Forums?
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If you hack it and pirate all your games, sure.
make sure it is *new* 2DS XL or *new* 3DS XL.
all firmwares are fully hackable. slap in a 64+ gb micro sd card and you have every game.
It was never worth it, buy Vita instead.
>Vita TV became hackable
>it went up like 10x in price in my country online
I'll never own one ;_;
vita tv can't play new games anyway, not worth it
Is not like we can whitelist the games or anything
i own a vita 1000 3.60 firmware. im lazy as fuck though
I got mine in 2012, it was a fantastic ride. I was playing it until the beginning of this year, then dropped because there wasn't much else I wanted to play. Never pirated a single game on the thing.
I'll probably get the revision next year or something, since mine it's pretty beaten up.
Well I just bought one (the same one as the OP pic actually) and it'll arrive tomorrow.
What do you guys recommend I put on it?
only if you hack it. otherwise it's literally fucking useless
This was the last good console ever made.
>all those exclusives
>all those soulful exclusives
>best library on any handheld device ever made
>leaves current gen consoles look like a joke since they have 0 games
>switch comes out
>replaces 3DS
>shits out nothing but lazy ports
>What do you guys recommend I put on it?
any 3ds game cia file of worth to you.
I have just bought a new 3ds xl and also I'm a fucking retarded cunt.
How hard is it to hack and could any user be so kind as to post me a guide?
>How hard is it to hack
very easy unless you're brainlet
>any user be so kind as to post me a guide?
/vg/ homebrew general is the hacking central, but here: hax.b4k.co
Thank you my good man.
Why should it stop being worth it? The number of good games can only go up. And just like the DS due to the two screens it's no fun emulating it.
specifically the 2DS XL has awful QC problems. Hinges ship broken and the screens sometimes shatter if they get too hot.
I have a vita tv, but don't I need a sony memory card for that shit? I don't want to spend lots of money on proprietary shit.
i have one and its pretty neat but honestly i would rather play games that just came out, so if i were you i'd just go for the switch
Does hacking your 3ds give you access to DS games too or just 3ds?
DS and 3DS
What can you do as far as GB/GBC/GBA/NES/SNES?
All work.
>buy 3ds in 2011
>use it a few times at most
>cfw it in 2018
>use it every day since
got one for about 70usd, good deal or nah?
What games are good?
if the condition is good then yeah
If I hack my 2DS XL, will I still be able to trade Pokemon and shit?
Either install an emulator then put the roms on the sd card, or download a virtual console injector which makes them look fancy.
if your system isnt banned, yes
better make sure those mons are legal with pkhex tho
nothing is worth it
Don't they both support only up to 32GB?
800x240 resolution screen
no new games coming out
just go buy a fucking switch.
>just go buy a nogaems machine
>buy a switch
>no games to pirate anyways, unless you want ports, Odyssey, and BOTW
>only useful for playing PS1 games and down
>controllers have a shitty build quality, meaning that they'll break at any given moment
>nintendo flips their shit upon seeing that you went online (smash) with a modded switch
>have 300 bucks go down the drain
yeah, g-go buy a switch, guys
Nah, get one of these instead.
I haven't been keeping up with piracy, but can you play pirated switch games on the switch? If so that's more than worth it for no online.
Officially, yes, but you can format the microSD and the 3DS will recognize it.
>If so that's more than worth it for no online
and meanwhile you can still have an online 3ds while hacked with access both backwards with all but wii/gc nintendo systems and its end-of-life library