Who is the target audience for this series? Sure as hell it isn't Megamanfans because the series is devoid of little girls
Who is the target audience for this series...
Other urls found in this thread:
My dick
Not MM Classic fans, it's for Megaman Zero fags who jerked it to Ciel and especially Alouette.
>little girls
those arent little girls
People who like suffering
the girls are actually older but everyone in this game is drawn with a slightly chibi cartoon style.
w-what are they?
Megaman Zero Fag here.
I just wanted a mod of megaman zero collection with real time weapon switching.
but Gunvolt is boring because it's all projectiles. no cool shit like the zero knuckle, zeroes gadgets & sword combat.
looks like the target audience is dick
Pedos. Lots of them on Yea Forums who pretend to post loli ironically.
What do you think of Copen? While he still mostly finishes enemies off with projectiles (though some of his special weapons are more close-quarter), you have to dash into enemies first.
What are they then?
people who need to have sex with little girls
>tranny meme
They are, user is trying to get away on a technicality. The one on the left is a digital life form who originally had a teenager appearence but got lolified upon losing most of her powers. The one on the right originally had an adult appearence, but it turned out to be an illusion and her real form is that of a loli. There's no indication she's any older than she looks.
Play X8.
>tfw no roro
But that is contrary to what you said too. One is older pretending to be lol, and the other is working with the FBI
Who could actually be the target for this?
One doesn't exist, she is what she looks like. If being a little girl is determined by age, then Lumen as a digital program wasn't even a little girl, she was a toddler.
the dash reminds me of homing attack in sonic and the dash in mighty number 9. stupid mechanic imo.
And that's a good thing
I see. Personally I find it really fun since you have to master bouncing around walls and being airborne as long as possible to keep the combo going.
Years ahead of us I tellya
Hang on, I have to file this in a report this to my superiors.
That's not all though, how about some ill, barefoot loli?
Yep that s the one thing this series lack a true Melee character, Hope swordvolt fixes that
post the cop waifu
>X was the original, then Zero usurped him in popularity and get standalone games
>Gunvolt was the OG, then Copen did the same
>Now the blueman takes up the sword to take his popularity back
>because the series is devoid of little girls
>roll and her counterparts
>tron bonne
release wen
September 26 IIRC.
Cute and very funny. Too bad their game is a cringe-fest
Zonda is 11 years old, user.
why is zonda so lewd
She discovered porn while documenting herself about love and innocently applies all she saw to her words and deeds.
So what game exactly?
Azure Striker Gunvolt 2.
The furniture manufacturing lobby. I broke a desk over this game. I haven't been this mad since trying to score run Guwange.
Git guI feel you, getting nicked by a boss at the end of a perfect run is a horrible feeling.
Is singing still required for the zonda boss?
No, since the Switch doesn't have a microphone, they changed Zonda's ultimate attack in the Gunvolt fight so that it's the same as Copen's. You can probably expect that to stay the case if 2 is ever ported to other platforms.
It never was, 3DS can't tell if you're singing so you can just blow on the mic. I sing anyway.
roro a cute
what game?
There are more than little girls in this series user.
Nips and their weird labels for sequels.
I wonder if there's some sort of faction war between pedos and tiddie lovers at Inti Creates, there's almost no in between in their games.
Men with wide tastes
That one was also a loli once.
I'm not a tits man but those tits are nice
>People forgot about Moniqa
The lack of lewds for her is actually sad...
That body needs to be put to work.
>People forgot about Moniqa
Including her creators.
I hope Zeno comes back someday.
>Thinking only about little girls
Open your mind.
>everyone in the pic are dead
>all of them are dead
Elise will be back any day now.
good dead or "lol so random danganronpa" dead?
The not coming back dead
Everyone in that pic is an antagonist killed in battle by the MC.
All of those chicks are evil man
dead dead
Well they can always do an asspull with Elise somehow surviving by auto revive or some shit .
I hope they don't do that, but it is an option
The "exploding into bloody chunks" dead.
>you couldn't even protect the one that actually needed protection the most
The series fucking sucks
I hope they do and you don't have to kill her again. Elise and Stratos got screwed hard by Sumeragi.
If she came back, it'd probably be negative seeing as the last time we saw her her co-worker was walking away from the corpse of their beloved leader while refusing to explain himself.
Cute ironing board.
Stop, I can only get so erect, do they all die in that game?
They are so cute
You think Elise is still virgin?
Who knows what kind of questionable things were done to her in those experiments...
The blonde, brunette and red-haired girls, as well as the white-haired guy, die in the second game. The white-haired girl and the brown-haired guy die in the first.
stop calling my wife flat
Let's just say that the survival rate is pretty low in that series, even if you're not a villain.
Anyone got a compilation of the quotes when the bosses use their special attacks? Shit goes by so fast
>You can't fuck a hologram
I'm sure the other Elises already took care of that.
Stop posting from the afterlife.
>the loli dies on the Nintendo exclusive game
Youtube version it is
>Technology won't advance fast enough for us to be able to while we are still alive
Which one?
>That outfit is actually official and not someone making Lola's outfit more lewd
Oh shit, that one doesn't have the haikus.
>I M P R E G N A B L E
>F O R T R E S S
I think I know what experiments were done to him...
>When you are in the wrong side of
Sora ga ochite sawagidashita
sekai no katasumi de
shizuka ni ai wo orinasu ito
inochi nuitomete
ima koushite umare kawaru
futari no unmei wa
kuchihate kieyuku sono hi made
tatoe kurushindemo
ima wa mienakute mo
It looks like Lola's going to be showing tummy in her new game
what game? asking for a friend haha
Well, it's not like they have any problem with making her outfit lewder.
I liked that they had the Japanese voice actors dub the English names of the special skills in GV2 rather than keeping them in Japanese like in 1.
>Lola will never do lewd poses in front of you and cheer you on while you beat your meat
Got for GV2?
>not a loli
>Lola is trying to do lewd poses and Copen doesn't even react to them
Why would that be an impossibility?
whats this cutie from user?
Same game as the one we've been talking about all thread.
ive read the whole thread and still dont know what game it is
Liar, liar, pants on fire:
based, me neither
>Azure Striker Gunvolt 2.
must have missed that, thanks :3
This came out of fucking nowhere!
I felt the same way Gunvolt did.
>Yea Forums average iq drops to 0
Hitler-kun Adventures in Incest Land
stupid sexy gerbil
I cant find number 2 in my rom archive is it included in this?
Yes, the Striker Pack includes both games with several upgrades.
Yes, that has both ASG1 and 2.
have sex incels
Remember that the Striker Pack for Switch is better than the PC version of ASG1. They may have patched in various things from the Striker Pack, but ultimately the PC version still uses entirely low-res artwork from the 3DS instead of the higher-res stuff on the Switch version.
make me
is marked for death any good? i like all inti games ive played, but rogue likes are like industrial strength cock softeners. how much progress do i keep on death etc?
thanks, might finally have something enjoyable to play on the shitch
okay cool :3
>Lola has an ass that was made for sex
>Can't fuck her
It was painfully average, with untapped potential that the devs didn't really bother to go into and apparently have made worse with patches over time. The multiplayer is dead, which is bad because the game is a fucking mess to play solo.
Why is she spanking her?
It's not a roguelike, it's a lootgrind game similar to Castlevania HD. It's decent up to the end of the main story, though as pointed out the postgame content they've added is absolute shit.
It's not a fogurlike at all. It's also fun at low quest levels, when you start doing higher levels and have to grind weapons and accessories it's absolutely miserable.
Why shouldn't she spank her?
That's a nice rump.
How could she not spank this?
how many people ion this thread are going to buy Avenger iX and for which system?
Switch here
That is true.
Switch as well but I want to see if they make a physical version. I'd even be willing to wait a few months beyond the digital release.
inti said that they are trying to get a physical version in the west, hope it doesnt too long like with DMfD though
Reporting. Switch, it's pretty much my Inti machine at this point.
Human lolis can't have child bearing hips.
Why didn't GV just rape Zonda?
Zonda would actually really like that.
Can't rape the willing.
>Rape can be a form of love
>Zonda is a love freak
>Whoa GV, you showed me a whole new side of love. Maybe you're right, I don't need to create a world only for Eden. I'll let everyone else live and invite them to weekly... love meetings.
>Good Ending achieved
>tfw my mixed nieces prove you dead ass wrong
I had to tell them they can't sit in my lap anymore now that they're close to ten and I can't ever fucking tell them why.
Kanna is dragon user...
My dick, apparently.
I remember the only time a kid sat on my lap, I they wouldn't stop rubbing and made me cum like 14 times, after I couldn't take it anymore (balls empty) I put her down but she grabbed my hand and put it between her legs, I didn't know what to do besides removing my hand fast, which made her realize that what we were doing wasn't normal and we stopped, I been scared of children since then, I don't want to go to jail.
>Kohaku sells her body to older men to help the children
I wonder if that outfit is based on her death CG.
Why is she dressed like that?
She sure seems happy about her clothes being ripped up
It's just for for fun user
sad and virginpilled
GV only loves his ghost diva gf
>"We need a new fanservice character because we keep killing off the girls."
my bad
>did nothing wrong
>yet killed because muh loli
As long as she is human and not an Adept, She'll live.
There are no hopes she won't be killed too considering how the rest of the series goes
Should've picked a different girl to abuse.
Only adepts have actually died so far in this series.
l*li shit aside, are the gunvolt games any good? where should I start? are there collections? will I like them if I am a rokkumano fan?
>people think copen's extreme stance with adepts is a bit much
>turns out he was 100% right and the second adepts became the majority they try to wipe humans out
I actually laughed when I read the plot description for luminous avenger
Yeah my shit ass sister lets those kids do whatever the fuck they want and get away with murder. Every time they spend the night with me I have to check their phones to make sure they're not taking "sexy pics" of themselves in their fucking hello kitty underwear and every time I confront my sister about it she "grounds" them for a week and doesn't do anything else.
She's lucky the only thing stopping me from turning her into CPS is that I love those girls and they'd get taken away from the whole fucking family.
Girl of the right looks like she can throw hands
>Zonda is only 11
>Those fucking hips
Superior Adept Genetics
Switch has 1 and 2, as well as the mighty gunvolt 2. The regular games are basically the same team behind the zero games, minus the elf sytem and beter combat options. Mighty gunvolt 2 is an ok game to play afterword if you want some classic megaman gameplay/ ever wanted to see what mighty no9 couldve been.
What's behind those...shorts?
how much is mn9 worth
Gunvolt has interested me since the 3DS release, but is it true it's full of suffering?
Those aren't shorts.
You haven't played inti games, have you user?
Yoshitaka Hatakeyama is a master of his craft.
Every ending is fucking horrible so yes.
Inti games are melodramatic edgefests. You know how they wrote in robot cancer in MM9? It's on that level. Except Roll would actually die.
Well shit.
Oh well, time to turn into a sad mess I guess.
Also, the game is getting a sequel with the rival or something?
Yeah, spinoff where his rival's racist allegations were all right and adepts have overthrown the humans.
Yes, he was also playable in the 2nd game. Might be set in an alternative universe or timeline though, what we know about the story isn't consistent with the other games.
Punish the kid instead of explaining her what's wrong with what she was doing, parenting 101. People need to understand that kids are horny by nature and take the right measures to make sure they don't hurt themselves or others, and I'm not talking about physical scars here, doing that shit with another person might leave them scarred for life.
>I am offended by this
Your dick.
The robot cancer was in 10. Get your Megaman lore right.
what's wrong with this ?
Gunvolt's gameplay seems to be rather divisive. You "tag" enemies with pistol and then just dodge around while discharging homing electricity at them.
Gunvolt 2 also introduced Coppen as a playable character though, and he has a more traditional run, dash and shoot gameplay.
Mighty Gunvolt Burst like mentioned above is an 8 bit-like game with a standard Megaman-like design, although you get awarded for killing enemies from up close and there's a system to customize weapons.
copen's dick
Yeah why could he tanderly make love to Jibril instead, I would take any kind of bullshit excuse to have her come back from the death
I can imagine the conversatition in HQ...
Artist: there I made another Top noch girl that can look great in almost every single costume, especially the lewd ones.
Writher: Can we kill it please?
Artist: Godammit you laready killed all the rest and Lola and Julie for the third time!
>spinoff where his rival's racist allegations were all right and adepts have overthrown the humans.
This plus the fact that Coppen Is alvine is going to make /pol/ love that game
It's no wonder Inti also created a rail shooter where you shoot cute girls. They must have a Columbine mod for personal use at their office.
What the fuck's his problem?
Chinese "people" aren't human, just imagine how bad a chinese adept is.
Tenjian was based.
its 2d shut up
Here is a Moniqa
Here is an early Christmas present!
Elise is lewd on purpose! She knows it! Otherwise why would she walk around with that kind of loose shirt!
So Inti Creates were a bunch of perverts all along. Can't say I am surprised
I'm pretty sure prisoners don't have a say on what they wear.
But she knows how to handle a pole
Imagine fucking her while she changes personalities midway
If only you could come back home to see Joule like this....
Nigger, complete the pair. A fat ass with fat tits, there must be balance!
On pixiv. the artist is in the filename
Don't trust the maid with big tits.
Here is another Desna. I got lots of stuff.
I kind of wished the game would shed more light in the bosses backgrounds. What the fuck do we know about Elise aside from her multiple personality disorder?
Wrong user. Whoops. Please accept this Elise.
Another common pic
It's all in drama CDs. This channel translated all of them: youtube.com
The last breast envy picture I have in my folder
Well shit I didn't know about that. Thanks
This is gunvolt?!
Why arent this girls on the covert instead of that dumb blond kid?
shut up and have more loli
Will things ever get better for Gunvolt? This series is surprisingly depressing.
Remember to buy Luminous Avenger iX.
Pathetic, Copenfag.
Really lookin foward to see the new bosses. All of them so far look pretty cool
Receive this picture. It's pretty cute
>Remember to buy Luminous Avenger iX.
I will indeed remember to it. Can't wait to see all the new foes, music and what new levels of suffering we might reach
It hurts user.
All viable waifus will die. Don't get too attached user...
I in fact preorderd it the other night, with this tapestry.
I'm doubtful considering how Zero ends.
Imagine them rubbing their sweaty, flat chests and tummies together
Wait, there was more then one Gunvolt game?
Desna is hot, but Gibril will always be my iron queen!
Im so ready for the old songs to come back. They already teased igniter with the new va.
Gimme a physical copy release and hen I will!... Blaster master zero 2 should alse get one.
Welp tme to learn how Sepimes mix and are inherited...
You're missing out on the game that made the series truly great.
isn't Igniter the SONG OF DIVA aka the resurrection song?
Can't wait for all that action, yeah~?
imagine being Jannies
Now the final question to ask: is Gibril a loli, or not?
He'll find a way
I've never played these games before, but I appreciate all the cute kids
>we now can have gunvolt threads with like 10 posters trying to keep it from dying
>but now half of the threads if not more are going to be talking about lolis
I suppose this is the cross we have to bear. It's a better deal than what those poor bastards with blaster master zero 2 got.
>some literally who series gets more replies and interest than megaman threads
>"meg-megamn isnt d-dead'
We're close to the release of Gunvolt Chronicle which should bear some good discussion in general.
We can accept lolidom AND hagdom. Don't limit yourself.
It was in one of the concepts books that Viper was a member of a resistance group (never specified if it was o not affiliated whit Quill) but he switched sides in exchange of the muse as a wife, also one of Sumeragis experiment was trying to learn what happens if two adepts breed, but the best candidates before Viper where Nova (not interested and the experiment could go incredibly wrong in case the baby inherited both septimas) and Zonda (you get why this one was discarded immediately)
Not if the Writhers find a way to put her down first!
>Getting it on with Zonda
Cowards, I say.
>It's a better deal than what those poor bastards with blaster master zero 2 got.
those "poor" bastars have their plant waifu and 2 happy andings in a row how could GV could even mesure against Jason?
She's a JC
This. As far as I know, GV is left with Quinn. Copen has a maid, a hologram loli that's a visual representation of a perfect breeding mate, and his sister still.
Ah. I see.
>Gimme a physical copy release and hen I will!
Didn't gunvolt 2 jp version have physical?
Gunvolt 2 is available physically worldwide as part of the Striker Pack on 3DS and Switch.
what are all those j(x) terms that I keep seeing?
JS = joshi shougakusei (elementary school girl)
JC = joshi chuugakusei (middle school girl)
JK = joshi koukosei (high school girl)
JD = joshi daigakusei (university girl)
Gunvolt's gameplay sucks so much
How does a side character like Copen become so much more fun to play as. His dash tackle into locking to an enemy, replenishing bullets with a ground stomp, air dashing everywhere.
He's infinitely better than GUnvolt
God, I want to cum on her stomach
All you need to know is JC is the best
Kek, seems so obvious seeing them literally spelled out. Thanks user.
Guess I dump more!
Yea Forums - Vidya Porn
Damn I was refering to luminus avenger, this time I am holding on to my wallet becouse there has been 4 games in a row from inti that I buy digital just go double dip as sson as they go to physical.
Jibril wil never EVER get a Doujin about her baing loved tenderly
We can always imagine. Would mating press on the fucking spot.
Ran out of cute Gerbils.
>Megaman lore: Robots can reproduce with Humans
>Gunvolt lore: Can't fuck holograms
Maybe in a few years, it might be possible.
Don't be so down. Have a Roro
There's nothing i like more than poking adepts in their holes with bullets until they're dead like the cockroaches they are
Oops. Still have a few Gibrils.
have this cute gib
Never lose hope, user
I don't think it'd be that hard for Copen to install an onahole function into Lola. Fuck the ball while its projecting her idol form. Problem solved.
Thanks. I'm only left with lewd Gibrils.
>implying when you're focused on SCIENCE you have any time left to fuck something as insignificant as a moe robot slave
>implying he wouldn't use his free time to explore his favorite hobby genociding adepts
lewd gibs are nice too
Appreciate it~
They aren't real people user, you need to learn to separate fantasy from reality. It's your only hope of avoiding neetdom.
>Go to gunvolt thread
>Tons of cute gibrils and gibril lewds
Good to know people still know who best girl is. Have a good one lads
Aye! Bless you too!
tranny spotted
Look at all these coping trannies. I guess everyone who doesn't like your ugly man-woman look is a pedo?
Dude, outside of BN, MegaMan has always been a sausage fest with at least an 8:1 male to female ratio
Gibril is really cute!
My favorite thing about her is that you get to brutally murder her twice
So? What does this have to do with anything?
Well, (Cope)n, you can't shame Gibril's masochist kink like that!
Kinkshaming IS my kink.
I'm trying.
If Luminous avenger turns out to be in an alternative timeline I hope that Jibirl is still alive and Kicking in that game she could even be the Melee character that this game desperately needs.
Wonder if a good solid and coordinated push towards Inticreates Twitter would make them want to bring her back.
Copen should really take a break from killing Adepts and take his girlfriend out on a date once in a while.
>alive and kicking
So we get to put her down again?
If Inti even remotely listened to their fanbase Dragon: Marked for Death wouldn't be dying, patched into being worse and worse each month.
The only reason why we're getting a Copen game is because they've been bashed on their head about Copen being more fun to play by every single player and every single reviewer for years to the point where they had no choice but give in.
Otherwise, they really have a huge problem actually listening to their fans, at all.
>I hope that Jibirl is still alive and Kicking
I sure hope so.
So we can murder her a third time
Kind of a tangent but wouldn’t a world where all people are adepts be a better world? Jojo part 4 showed that most people that gain superpowers would use them to make their lives easier than just commit crimes. Even those powers who seem lame at first could be used to increase your life quality greatly tame controlling Salt for example
Reminder that copens sister, one of the big reasons why hes all about killing adepts, is also an adept, but hes too much of a coward to kill her to make good on his kill adepts mantra, so he just fucks off to nowhere.
>Kind of a tangent but wouldn’t a world where all people are adepts be a better world?
Sounds just like something a dirt adept would say.
>is also an adept
My last lewd Gibril, Gibril Bros. But I'm not quite done yet!
Modern society would completely break down once you have people with powers that completely outstrip other people.
At that point, you can't even keep an illusion of equality of chance and it'd all eventually go back to noble families of powerful adepts ruling over weaker ones.
Sadly this wont be the case, iX takes place after 2. So no gibril. So see if you can post more gibril, cause its all we are getting
What game?
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that
Theoretically yes, adepts are obviously the next step in evolution but the goddamn megacorp sumeragi is hellbent on taking over the world and using these shitters to do it one way or another. It definitely doesn't help that all the adepts we've seen are city-busters if they ever gave a shit to try. That's a lot of power to give a single person, even the salt control shit has potential to become scary Jojo shit with just a little imagination.
She must be one shitty adept what with her having the anime condition of being sick with ??????? and no cure
Yeah but she was the original adept that had the muse, but she was too OP for her, which is why she got sick in the first place.
Think jotaros mom from part 3, its the same thing. Then grandpa copen got her out and put it on joule. But then she pretty much gets her back in 2
Pc port of the sequel when?
>tfw going to be leaving japan 2 days before the game launches over there
I mean, I can always import a copy but it isn't the same. Hoping at the very least inti has some cool merch for it at Tokyo game show
>New Gunvolt game coming out
>Expecting new Lola lewd official art
>They delivered
Fuck yeah. Kohaku is cute too
So? then Rinse and repeat bash them over the head, over and over again whit the fact that Jibril is the best girl until they get the picture...
And probably carrying the child of his rival to add insult to injury
Yeah depending on range if the sea or a salt mine was nearby whoever made you angry would be very, very death very, very soon.
I was liking Gunvolt 2 in the beginning where Copen and GV had their separate path each focusing in different bosses, sadly they fucked up the narrative continuity with that shared stage.
Yeah, the canon story must be some amalgamation of the two storylines where each one defeats some of the Eden acolytes and who knows who actually takes Zonda down. Or maybe they'll pull some bullshit like Luminous Avenger being a continuation of the Copen storyline while GV3 goes on from Gunvolt's.
will the designated love interest of the game die this time?
A gambling man would say yes.
>ywn spank Girbril so hard she climaxes
No. Even Joule technically has not died yet.
But she has big tits.
I only have a PS4, which games are available on it and are they good?
Also, are they complete? Regarding recent Sony bullshit regarding sexyness in Jap games.
pls respond, thanks
pic unrelated
>ywn slap Gibril's meaty ass and hear her express her pleasure like in
>ywn listen to Gibril saying that she wants more
Yes she did. Joule's physical body died in GV1, but her soul and powers lived on in Gee Vee. In GV2, that soul merged with the original Muse host Mytyl, and lost all of her memories.
Joule for all intents and purposes is dead. No physical body, no memories as her time as Joule.
If you want weabo shit you better abandon that ship my dude...
> Even Joule technically has not died yet.
wach image
I didnt know about these games, but the threads make them sound MMZero-like.
Thats all I need, but I wanna know if all games are available on PS4, or can only get them on NSW, which I plan to buy, but not soon.
A surprisingly small amunt of Inti Creates games are on PS4. You better go Switch or PC for them
Which one?
so... all that is left of humanity in that game is CUNNY?
Gunvolt 1 and 2 are not available on PS4. 1 is on Steam but not 2. When asked, Inti Creates said the issue with porting games is that the Gunvolt team is small enough they'd have to dedicate significant development time just to make ports and they don't have that kind of time at the moment.
I kinda remember seeing the name on the 3DS store, I have one so ¡ill try them there.
The ones available on PS4 are good? Seem like classic MMan tribute games, with GalGun charas.
>ywn tease her about her childish panties while spanking her
They are on 3DS, but the Switch versions are a lot better. Still, if you can't wait and that's your only option, go for it.
I think the ones on PS4 are called Gal*Gunvolt and Gal*Gunvolt Burst, right? Their original names on 3DS and Switch are Mighty Gunvolt and Mighty Gunvolt Burst, but they're the same games. The first one is a really basic classic Megaman pastiche, wouldn't really recommend it. Burst on the other hand is much improved, has its own personality and it's honestly worthy of being considered a genuine classic Megaman game.
Well, Lola wasn't actually the main girl in Gunvolt 2, but now with all this multiple forms stuff and her prominence in the promo art it seems like they're giving her a bigger push as the main girl.
I wonder what that dark form is all about...
Should I play this game? I have not played any of the megaman games
yeah plus that cencorship board or whatherever that SJW new oficce is called would cripple them
Well you could get really close the percentage of girl IRL that like to be spanked by a stronger man is so high that might as well be not considered a fetish at this point! Just find a short girl whit short temper and paint her hair in red and close enough.
>ywn feel Gibril's legs wrap around your back as you choke her, cumming inside at the same time
Sweet, bro.
I'll buy MG Burst for PS4, and wait until I have a NSW for the others.
>yeah plus that cencorship board or whatherever that SJW new oficce is called would cripple them
Gunvolt isn't so filled with fanservice (aside from out-of-game bonus artwork) that censorship would be a problem, but they did say recently that it will probably be a problem to try and put out more Gal*Gun games on PS4.
>the series is devoid of little girls
Every Roll, Mayl, Ciel, Luna, Sonia, Alouette/Prairie, Aile...
is this official art? i cant find it anywhere
I want Gal Gun 3 with Ekoro in lead role again, cant believe they left her out of 2.
must be a slow day on Yea Forums for this to still be up
It was preorder art. They included it in the official artbook too, which you can find scans of on sadpanda.
GDQ is taking up so many posts that it keeps the rest of the board on standby in a sense
>mfw the only people autistic enough to speedrun Gunvolt live are at those at ESA
*are those at
some guy actually ran gunvolt 2 live a marathon or two ago, complete with singing at the final boss
Should I play this game? I have never played megaman
>wouldn’t a world where all people are adepts be a better world?
Not really, there's always the scenario of people who take the ability to do wrong as an excuse to do wrong, and the fact some powers are just bound to be better than others (not to mention regular humans who are just salty they didn't get a roll in the superpowers wheel, which is basically the plot of X-Men)
pretty sure all bosses die horribly when you defeat them sooooo....
Yes, they're pretty good if you want some 2D action with nice sprites and a bangin' sountrack.
Jibrl in particular will off herself if you dont want to!
Shhh. I know... But if I want to imagine plowing Gibril on days on end, fucking like rabbits, then please let me
I started playing her game one time and I really need to finish it.
Absolutely based
don't care for the plant but jason is pretty based for keeping his girl alive twice now
I want the first one on PC.
the things love do to you
I can't read moon, what game is this?
Nah, they're fine.
Until you beat them in the boss rush in the final stage. Then they're fucking dead.
The games are in English, nigga. Spiritual Mega Man successor by Inti creates, the guys who did X2, 7, Zero, ZX, 9 and 10
>I'm too lazy to skim the thread
Oh Gunvolt. Man I'm late as fuck, didn't even know it got a sequel. My bad.
Third game is coming out soon.
Gunvolt Burst is great too
she has quite a dedicated fan artist
Hmmm my dick is telling me to look into this series, Gunvolt was it?
Time to see if Steam or something has it.
Steam port is awful.
What's the dedicated console that has it? I'm an Idort atm besides Microsoft, but I doubt this an Xbawx game.
Those aren't little girls. They have giant tits yikes.
switch is definitive but 3ds works as well.
While the Steam port was terrible when it first released (for some reason porting the game from 3DS meant having 2 "windows" for the game where one simulated the 2nd screen and could only be controlled with the mouse, as well as an arbitrary 30fps limit) in the end they did patch the Steam version to be more in line with the version in the Striker Pack. The only thing the switch version has above the current steam version are the HD portraits
I miss this form
that's not a real post
So if someone were to tap that they're actually tapping 3 people at the same time?
Can't wait for it to be revealed later that this guy actually own hordes actual child pornography.
It happens every time.
Only if they fucked her so hard she remembered her other versions memories
then it should be done softly so she doesn't trigger a personality change.
Oh user...
It is
every single fucking time.
>ForGal Gun, we have no intentions of ending the series, but as you may know things with some of the platform holders have changed recently. Right now theGal Gunteam is kind of putting their heads together and figuring out where we’re going to go from here now that changes have been made among some of the platform holders.
It's already a problem.
I see threads for these games quite a bit and it always seems positive. What should I expect if I were to play them?
Anything I should know beforehand?
No, I think it's better if you know less about the story going in, though I'm not sure how much you already know from the threads.
Lol ok. Hope you are aware the guy was convicted for pedophilia.
A bit late to the party, but I'll contribute to the discussion.
I like this game because it has solid platforming and action. The boss also grew on me as time went on.
The chuuni aspect is certainly a plus for me.
yeah, but there is no way he made that post
If you are expecting gameplay like Mega Man Zero you will be disappointed as Gunvolt is longrange based and the gimmick can be offputting (hit enemies with your peashooter to "tag" them, then unleash an electric blast on tagged enemies to kill them) but I have to say I enjoyed it quite a lot. There is a lot more story you may expect from a 2D sidescroller and it's best if you go blind. I also thing the game is really forgiving on normal difficulty, good to learn te gameplay basics
Inti Creates reputation was really stained by the whole situation with MN9 as well as the extremely shitty translation the first Gunvolt originally had (which was thankfully fixed) but I actually think they can still make good titles. Gunvolt got better with the sequel (and Ix could be even better than GV2), and Blaster Master Zero and Curse of the moon are both also really good
thanks, i made those posts so i didn't have to google it
Sounds good, I'm not that nostalgic for MM games. Which order to play and what platform?
What's this about the first game having awful translation but fixed?
You forget Dragon Marked For Death, it is also very good, their only bad game was Mighty No.9
God bless this team for sexualizing JS/JC girls.
>Dragon Marked For Death, it is also very good
Ehhhh, not sure about that one. Base gameplay and controls feel really good but they fucked up hard with the loot system.
The original 3ds release had a pretty bad translation that didn't even make sense with the sequel. They eventually released a patch fixing it and you also get the fixed version in the rereleases.
>What's this about the first game having awful translation but fixed?
There is a bit of history to the first release of Gunvolt (the 3DS one)
The game was localized by 8-4, and before the game even released in japan there was an announcement on how Gunvolt design would be changed for the western release (covering his midriff, removing the ponytail, making him less "feminine" you could say) which following an uproar never went through. However, when the western version released the ones who played the JP version noticed the US and EU version cut almost half of the script (as I wrote before there is a lot of story and dialogues in Gunvolt, both before and during stages, the western version cut all in-stage dialogues comletely killing most of the development for the villains) and the part that were translated were awful ("silly dialogue" straight from a Fire Emblem localization, a villain who has both a female and a male form turned into a trans with "Xe/Xir" pronouns, it also felt like a "westernized" translation straight from the 90s with maybe other things I'm forgetting)
I honestly wonder who convinced Inti it was a good idea especially since the game is as "japanese" as it gets (no spoilers, you'll get it if you play it). It was so bad Inti Creates ended up retranslating the entire script with the Steam release and the subsequent Switch version (the 3DS version was patched with the new script). The new script is much more faithfull to the original JP one
>Which order to play and what platform?
The current best way to play the Gunvolt series is the Striker Pack on Switch which includes both games. The Steam version of GV1 is also a possibility if you don't have a switch but GV2 is currently not on PC. There is a spinoff called Mighty Gunvolt Burst that plays like a parody of 8-bit MM games which is good but play GV first. If you like GV try Blaster Master Zero too (Switch/Steam) and Curse of the Moon (a Castlevania 3 inspired Bloodstained spinoff)
>comletely killing most of the development for the villains
And Joule.
Be sure to play on "English (Japanese Voice Mode)", as it's the fixed translation. "English" is the old, shitty localization.
Interesting, I'll try it. It's exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks user.
>game has the most japanese thing ever of having the main heroeine being an idol with magical singing powers
>goes as far has changing the stage music into a vocal version if the player gets a high enough score during a play
What. Were. They. Thinking.
Holy fuck 8-4 you are a fucking localization company "specialized" in japanese games, how out of touch you can be
>the US and EU version cut almost half of the script
That's very generous. It's literally over 90% of it.