Is Castlevania SOTN in your top 10 games Yea Forums?
Is Castlevania SOTN in your top 10 games Yea Forums?
No, but Aria of Sorrow is. SotN is what people who didn't play any of the others say.
No, it's too easy and the PS1 sound quality makes my ears bleed. I legit prefer the GBA midi tunes.
No, it's not even one of my favorite Castlevanias.
Nowhere near as good as Super Metroid
What's so good about Aria of Sorrow?
What's the best way to play it on PC?
Not yet. Still gotta get around to playing it
not even in my top 10 Castlevanias
>what's so good about Aria of Sorrow
Better gameplay with the soul system
Is more replayable thanks to the soul system
Top tier spritework
Story (for a castlevania)
Boss battles (minus the last one)
>forgetting the best part
>SotN is what people who didn't play any of the others say.
>RNG shitfest is better than the vania with the best soundtrack and backgrounds
Made me laugh.
Not even in my top 30
> 1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
> 2. Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete (PS1)
> 3. Panzer Dragoon Saga (Saturn)
> 4. Chrono Trigger (SNES)
> 5. Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
> 6. Final Fantasy VI (SNES)
> 7. Mother 3 (GBA)
> 8. Super Metroid (SNES)
> 9. Metroid Prime (GameCube)
> 10. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (GameCube)
> 11. Final Fantasy X (PS2)
> 12. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)
> 13. SoulCalibur (Dreamcast)
> 14. Chrono Cross (PS1)
> 15. Super Street Fighter II Turbo (SNES)
> 16. Mass Effect (PC)
> 17. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64)
> 18. Xenogears (PS1)
> 19. Resident Evil 4 (GameCube)
> 20. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
> 21. EarthBound (SNES)
> 22. Metal Gear Solid (PS1)
> 23. Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (DS)
> 24. Silent Hill 2 (PS2)
> 25. Beyond Good & Evil (GameCube)
> 26. The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES)
> 27. Super Mario World (SNES)
> 28. Mass Effect 2 (PC)
> 29. Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic (PC)
> 30. NieR: Automata (PS4)
>best soundtrack
t. too casual for classicvania
every top whatever list ever
It's too easy. I rather have Aria level if difficulty and grinding than SotN
yes, i find it to be the most fun for movement optimization replayability
> Implying Normalfags have even heard of Lunar or 999
PS1 version emulated with Mednafen/Beetle PSX HW.
Use RetroArch and download the Beetle HW core if you can't into emulators and want easy access to various CRT shaders.
Definitely not. It was a good and fun game but once you played it once or twice it because way too easily to break and lost a lot of the cool appeal. Richter mode is top tier though.
Mednafen is better, but get the Retroarch core rather than standalone if you aren't autistic
I never had N64 back in the day and neither any of my friends. I get to play OoT for the first time when I got the Zelda collection for the Cube. Did you play it when it came out on the N64? Because I think it's highly overrated. I appreciate all the tech it has, but considering it has aged horribly, I don't rank it very high in my book.
Aria's problems with the soul drop rate can only be fixed through external mods. SoTN's difficulty (or lack thereof) is simply adressed by not using weapons or armor.
I’m struggling to get into it. I imagine it’ll be better over time but I always end up dropping it after a few minutes every time I play it. I made it up to the first mirror fight last time I played it.
The setting isn’t exactly my favorite and I never did learn how to heal outside of save rooms (don’t tell me), but I enjoy Metroid/Metroid-like games at the very least so I’m hoping I’ll like the vania side.
Yes. I only just played it for the first time this year but it was instantly within my top 5. A very nearly perfect video game.
Nah, CV3, Rondo and Blooodlines for classic. CotM, AoS, and EoE for modern.
SOTN and SCV4 are similar in that they're impressive but too easy.
I'm gonna be honest. I couldn't make a personal top 10 game list if i tried.
>RNG shitfest
If you didn't (You) me, you could be talking about any Castlevania.
>best soundtrack
So good it reused all the motifs from Rondo of Blood
>best backgrounds
Literally 3d>2d mentality
My family was poor & wasn't rich like we are now, so growing up while everyone had a Xbox or PS2 i had a N64, so it was 2006 when i first played it
>level design = throw a bunch of enemies in a room
>75% of the items/weapons are useless
>50 % of the castle leads to s dead end with a useless item
I've been in the same boat, user. When my friends had SNES, I was still playing Atari 2600. You've got lots of Zelda titles in your list, so maybe it's just your cup of tea, huh?
stop asking me for my top 10, i already gave it last week
Post it again I missed it
SOTN is overrated crap by ppl who know nothing of Castlevania, dislike the challenge of the earlier games and rather enjoy instant gratification
>PS1 sound quality makes my ears bleed
you do realize at one time the PS1 was bought by audiophiles for playing CDs strictly because the audio was considered best in class, right user?
>imagine having a top tier games list at the ready as if people care about your personal opinion to this level
Yeah, although the last 3 Zelda games have been extremely disappointing, hopefully the next one is better
IDK about top 10 but definititely one of the good ones.
Why would i play games if i didn’t keep track of my favorites?
literally game journalist tier taste
I love the old-school Castlevania games and SotN is still my favorite. Suck something.
I fail to understand the point you are trying to make.
No, it's so fucking easy.
He's talking about the XA audio which definitely sounds like shit on most emulators.
PS1/2 audio still isn't perfectly emulated.
Well when you've been playing games for over 30 years, you tend to lose track of everything
Agoo agoo?
Baby want some onions?
People who think retro games are better than anything produced in following years are literally 14 years old
>help us, the narrative has been broken! How could anyone not think it's the best game ever!?
Imagine seething this badly over a game. But I would recommend you try out some of the other Metroidvanias. They may be handhelds but emulators are easy to find. No need to be closed minded and only ever play SotN.
>calling them retro games
Found the zoomie
sotn is way too fucking easy. It would be much better if it was as challenging as cotm
I'm playing it right now and I'm not sure why I like it. The platforming is basic, the combat is bad, the exploration not particularly exciting, yet I can't stop playing
Circle of the Moon is a good one difficultly wise, but I always found half the battle to be with the controls.
Portrait of Ruin is a difficult one, but only with the boss fights, thus ruining it.
>It's yet another Yea Forums memes about hating a universally beloved game rehash
Literally worse than Yea Forums. They at least have quality threads when it comes to ass threads. You are just a bunch of contrarian memelords that got rejected from Reddit.
Soul, sincerely.
I like OoE more.
>people don't like game
>"muh contrarianism! muh haters"
Grow up. Even reading through the thread most posts """hating""" on your beloved SotN are either "x Castlevania game is better" or "it's not amazing because of x".
Stop seething over anonymous criticism of a 20 year old game, Jesus.
Bloodstained > HollowKnight
>Music is half as good
>Less overall content
>Worse graphics
>Less gameplay mechanics
I really like Aria of Sorrow because it’s more trimmed down, but I wouldn’t say it’s better than SotN.
based and miriampoopstained
>More mechanics = better game
in this case bloodstained is better than aria and sotn combined.
Sorry I offended you faggot
But it's true, if you think old games are better than new games just because they are old then you weren't even alive in the era and you're a faggot
sotn was the last castlevania game i played and its the best? yes i beat all 3 gba and all 3 ds games and castlevania 1 and 2 on the nes and rondo of blood and even a java mobile game before playing sotn,your point? it's the peak of everything the series has to offer
>music is half as goos
This is usually subjective, but in this case you are wrong
>less overall content
Sure, but then replaying 150 hours of the Witcher 3 on NG+ is more content, not necessarily good content.
>worse graphics
Who cares? You, clearly.
>less gameplay mechanics
Objectively untrue.
No. I do really like SotN, but it's very poorly balanced. Even just within the Castlevania series, I'm a bit more fond of OoE, Rondo, and CV3.
rondo is the best of the classic castlevania. Aria of Sorrow is the best of post-SotN castlevania. This is the consensus and you should start following it.
not him, but i played oot shortly after it released on the n64 and it was the best thing ever, i finished it like 10 times or more
I agree with you. AoS is good, but ultimately it's just SotN-lite. It doesn't bring much new to the table, it has all of SotN's flaws, and it can't quite match SotN's strengths.
Hes saying you're a basic bitch ass faggot, and you need to get better taste, dumb boomer.
If the fancy graphics and a brooding Alucard are enough for you to consider it the peak, then good for you my friend.
This is factual.
Symphony of the Night is my favorite Castlevania, and I've played every classicvania and most of the rest of the series. Aria of Sorrow is the most overrated game on all of Yea Forums. I beat it twice and all I remember is Castle Corridor and Creaking Skull. CotM has it beat on music and difficulty, and even HoD is more fun for me to replay.
>1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
Stopped reading right there.
What's with these edits?
Might as well go to leddit if you're so afraid of deviating opinions. OoE is the best post-SoTN game, but it falls short of the aforementioned in terms of map design, and the NPC side-quests are nothing short of unnecessary. It totally beats any Sorrow games in terms of boss fights, soundtrack and RNG mechanics however. A well fitting second place.