You long, you wish you could play this game. Gawd is so fucking FUN. You won't know this excitgment until it is patched to hell and already 1 and1/2 years old. Enjoy!!!!!
Wake up PC bros
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I never much enjoyed their games desu
I have a PS4 despite mostly playing on PC and I still haven't gathered enough motivation to play it on the PS4 which I haven't booted in nearly 2 years.
30fps takes some getting used to but the game was fun in the months that it came out. Sadly, with online leaving a shit taste in my mouth and after I've 100%ed the game there really isn't much left to do, I've moved on. Really wish they'd drop some story DLC like in the GTA IV days or, you know, a PC port that isn't shit, for the modding potential. I couldn't give two shits if they don't port RDO, but it would suck if Social club was mandatory DRM and you won't be able to play offline. I'm not upset, it's just that playing on console isn't great, but not terrible.
I have it on PS4. It's really fucking slow. I can handle slow games, but holy shit it's REALLY fucking slow.
>30 minute cross-country trek to mission area while dialogue plays
>shooting gallery
>mission complete: you gained 20 dollars and a game mechanic that lets you sink large amounts of money into an inconsequential stat change (horses, guns etc)
>30 minute cross-country trek back
>all the best horses are hidden in bumfuck nowhere
>all the best equipment has to be slowly crafted by hunting
>all the while have to deal with constant bounty hunters and lawmen from that time you accidentally walked into someone and got a 300 dollar bounty
It's just an exhausting game to fucking play. I enjoyed it (the good moments are REALLY good) but it's just a hassle.
I just beat the game last week and this post is truth. I spent half the game looking at my phone with cinematic mode on.
only been hunted down ONCE in over 300 hours of online play. enjoy the scenery. Hunt. Fish, Play poker.
This game comfy AF
I'm not a poorfag so I have all platforms. I seriously hope you do as well, OP. It would be embarrassing if we found out you game on blurrystation 20fps.
I don't own it but I played quite a bit just fucking around, it's pretty fun that way but it doesn't impress me that much, at least not as much as from what I've read online.
I didn't play any missions, but
That mission description sounds really similar to RDR's. Even GTAV had more varied missions than that game.
Eh I have the game and it's actually pretty boring. Animal hunting is awful too
>That's the way it is
it sucks dick. what are you 11? online sucks worse. have fun
>get turned into a weeaboo cringefest by modders
Why bother
I wish it was that high. It's like ~23 at all times on PS4
I'm an idort and I already played it on PS4 though waiting for the PC port to play it even better (higher FPS on one hand, modifications for another).
fucking what?
I only have some small drops in saint denis
its mostly 30fps
game is actually one of the reasons i brought back my ps4.. i dont care about what video game writers think is interesting and the online was pay2win. then the christmas 2018 sale had shit still overpriced for what its really worth. then the aps like twitch and youtube all have the functionality of a phone ap with no skipping the ads. i wanted to chuck the console out a fucking window. i sold it to gamestop for 120 bucks or so and considered myself lucky. never buying a console again, got ps4 solely to play bloodborne and honestly it wasnt even that good. really the ps4 taught me to stop giving a fuck at all about new games and just play total wars on my pc..
I have it on PS4 and I couldn't even finish the game because the framerate was shit
I prefer to wait 5 years than playing it 2 hours on a shit console
>play total wars on my pc
pffffff based boring retard
action games is not a thing for you
No thanks.
I don't even have LA Noire nor Max Payne 3 or any of the GTAs because they force you to make a Social Club account, fuck that.
Once you hit level 100 the online is 'done'
Dripfeeding is gonna kill RDO
Just don't install mods.
did they patch the laggy controls yet?
That's not the games problem, that's your problem
>you wont play this game until it is the best it will ever be
the desire for instant gratification is only the slavery to an infantile weakness.
that's a feature
>Once I 100%'d the game there isn't much to do
I wonder why
you will probably never grow up enough to realize what a retard you are being right now.
how so, the game looks so uninteresting (plus running badly on console), that I'd rather play pretty much anything else
No thanks I'll play GUN instead.
>laggy controls
Imagine being this much of a fucking moron.
It runs fine on console.
What exactly is uninteresting about it to you?
You realize 11 and 14 frames are not even one second of time right?
the input lag is terrible
RDR2 has exaggerated, hefty animations and the characters you play are portrayed as very slow, regular humans that take time building momentum and running up to speed. If the controls were instant and snappy you'd have weird jagged movement and strange running like In RDR1 where John runs like he shit his pants.
are you implying it's acceptable if it's not over 1 second?
It isn't "lag," it's there so the characters don't snap back and forth instantly between movements like a ragdoll which would make no sense and look extremely weird in this engine. You guys don't know the difference between a snappy game that isn't responding and a game that wants tank controls because tanks don't move INSTANTLY
>RDR2 has exaggerated, hefty animations
sounds even worse than gta v
it's fucking shit actually
>we've made the game worse ON PURPOSE
Stop lying or buy a new console
It's hilarious, I was able to instantly adapt and the controls feel fine. But people on Yea Forums are nitpicky whiny babies that can't handle literally anything. Imagine sitting here pouting on a chinese basketweaving forum that a game takes slightly longer to control and it's "terrible" or "unplayable." God damn what a bunch of stupid fucking sour cunts.
that doesn't change the fact that the input lag is terrible
My brother in law gave me his xbox for free so i bought this game after loving the first one. its basically gathering dust while I play much older but more fun games on my PC. Just as bland as BOTW was.
LMAO it takes 11-14 seconds for controls to respond?!
>almost every mission is "ride with your buddy/buddies for several minutes until you reach your designation
>do the things according to the scripted mission
Sorry OP but I got a PS4 just for this game and it wasn't as great as people made it out to be.
wait a min. that is gtav gameplay.
is their stupid chatter you gotta listen to between the characters too?
more proof that r* design decisions are trash
maybe, someday, hopefully, they will start making good games again
>1 and1/2 years old.
Point in time is not matter, actually time isn't real. So get fuked console cuck.
nah youre just a whiny little bitch
I don’t understand why they made the horses so insanely slow. Even the fastest horse feels slow. The speed where you mash should feel way faster. There is just no feeling of momentum. And normally in games I like to sort of hold the button and trot but in this game it’s so unbelievably slow I can’t do it.
why are you so upset over a game and it's crappy way of controls?
Other games have snappy movement with decent animations. Like watch dogs 2 or spider man. Rockstar just sucks
I’m still waiting for the first game. I had an old 360 but I want to play it on PC
did I even mention how FUN this game is?
cope much?
It's an okay game held up by good video game writing and stellar graphics. Took away the spaghetti western charm and replaced it with somewhat lame historical fiction. Less humor, less memorable characters, less tight controls. Literally a game held up by memes and hype. In ten years RDRed1 will be the one people will replay, not 2.
That’s a very good way to describe it, it’s how I felt at least.
there was an attempt to emulate but i havn't followed it's progress in quite awhile
The game controls fine, I think its pretty fun how it is
Xenia is getting there. I think it’s almost playable