Play Guild Wars.
Play Guild Wars
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i did and it was shit
sorry mate
I did
>it was shit
Wasn't there actaully Yea Forums run Urgoz not long time ago?
Remember how excited everyone was for GW2? Fucking hell man... Such a disappointment. That endgame was an absolute joke
i play a few weeks of singleplayer gw once a year
the combat really only works in a multiplayer setting, otherwise its sort of bland
gw2 is the first and last game i ever preordered. jesus christ what a mess
>the combat really only works in a multiplayer setting
That's where the best action is!
Yeah, day one purchase and HUGE regrets.
However, picked it up a while ago and it's ok now. Not amazing, but ok.
it might be ok if you want a traditional mmo but i dont. theres a reason why the only mmos i ever got into are runescape and guild wars, because they are different
There's just nothing meaningful to do in the end. There are raids, sure, but the rewards are an absolute joke. The game is about fashion now, and that is not a place you want your mmorpg to end up in
gw2 was about fashion pretty much from day 1
Dragons are now literally "dindu nuffin" tier.
Fuck this gay-ass fairyland story.
>make game about fasion
im fine with that
>make it so the best looking gear is only buyable from your cash shop
im not fine with this
I didn’t play GW1 so i wouldn’t know
get some sleep bro
H-how the fuck do you know, I haven't slept for 36 hours
You forgot to make second I uppercase
>always-online lobby based CRPG
no thanks, I'm gonna play DS2, at least that game doesn't force me to deal with shitty servers
Factions > Prophecies > Nightfall > EOTN
What MMO out there actually encourages exploration and isn't just mindlessly traveling from one leveling zone to another?
>i remember feather farming
Factions = Proph >>>>>>>>> NF=EotN
>ywn hear it for the first time after leaving icy Shiverpeaks descending into the plains of Kryta
>tfw will always remember my greatest achievement was getting 3rd on the quaterly Remains of Sahlahja challenge..
Jesus did I grind that for days
well, where should it end up with? meaningless upgrade farm? Like, once you get top tier gear what is there to do?
Fuck that challenge. Untill recently (sic!) I've managed to uncover the whole map there.
What a shithsow.
And of course, not a single armor piece drop.
it's so fucking sad that this game is great and gw2 is a fucking fagfest with gay pride marches and it runs like a complete pile of stinky shit.
To add, literally EVERY living world episode was fucked at the launch day and had to be patched asap.
I guess knowing how to write and compile code is way too cis.
there was a time when the GW Devs were honestly some of the best out there. when they released shit it was tested(fully) and ready to go.
I have yet to know about any fuck ups with the 1st game.
long timer here.
i can only recall like ONE rollback and it had to deal with hmmmm...sup runes. i think.
in my 7k+ hours i can count on one hand the times the servers failed.
Yeah, I might have dc-ed few times during festivals in 2007, but I blame my shitty net connection.
Oh, and
>7k + hours
but do you have 6 GWAMM's like a dude I knew from one of my guilds? :^)
It's not fair, lads.
festivals always hit their servers hard
no, i was more into gvg/pvp etc, i never cared about that crap until they announced we could link shit with gw2. i then did the bare min to get skins or whatever the hell it was
So install it and play it, you double-nigger.
>i was more into gvg/pvp
very nice, same
Backline, front, mid. flag?
>Heh, and they say 4cc is rigged...
I did last year and the game was fucking dead.
I always see Karl Urban
I love shit like that in games.
Can you fight it tho. Or is it related to a quest or anything. I guess not.
It is implied that this monster corrupts magic that turned Jora's borther into Nornbear.
Nah, just flavor. And a bit of foreshadowing for 2.
boon/prot monker
and loved my E denial/interuupt mez
it's so long since i thought about it i can't even remember builds and i had all my templates on a (lol)256MB lexar jump drive that fucking died...
all that shit lost. i think i may have an old HDD somewhere with that shit saved. one day i guess i'll jave to dig for it but i don't even know if i have IDE to USB cables laying around anymore
Tell me about it. I have 3 HDDs full of old GW screens and old 4fuck shit since 2008 lost God knows where.
Including screencap of my RA ranger disrupting Power Block on 40/40 mesmer.
That mesmer was Starcraft, first r15 faget. ;^)
one day i'll dig but i only ever think about it when i get into these threads. i get motivated then start looking then just say fuck it..too many feels. last time i logged in i didn't even open years worth of b-day presents. saw friends list and just..welp logged off. i have unopened boxes of the game for storage alts that i don't know where the hell i put them. i think if i ever find them imma just drop the keys into a thread like this..
Fun situation: some time ago I was playing on my LDoA character and randomly opened my friend's list.
Turns out ther guy that I was playing with over a decade ago was in. Boy, that was a feel-fest combined with autistic analysis of how things went.
Even if it was like 10 minutes talk, it really felt like the old times.
it hurts
>Steve Blum talking to Steve Blum
It really does. Gods.. those were the days.
Well I still need to finish some dunegons, even in NM (like Arachni's Haunt) on my main,
>it's literally Aliens in GW setting
I love Trivia in this game.
Can someone explain why GW2 was so bad compared with GW1? I never got to play the first, but I played the second and thought it was at least better than WoW. I've heard the first one was more unique, though?
it ditched everything that made the first one good and unique
>Steve Blum is the great grandfather of Steve Blum
Like what?
Skill system, to begin with.
Shut the FUCK up IDIOT
the devs were totally different.
now, the anet devs are like fast food and their studio has revolving doors. they won't/can't even update their own game engine to today's standards. they fell behind the curve on that and are fucked because of it in the game performance department.
shit's fucked. buy gems for a new chair skin, OK?
GW1 was shit ever since they added customizable hero npcs
Compelling argument, you got me
What does that mean? I don't know anything about GW1, remember.
So general mismanagement too?
What's even the best MMO to play nowadays? I played FFXIV for a bit but it wasn't really much different to WoW.
I'm not him, I just think the idea of someone claiming something and immediately resort to acting like a child when confronted is funny
I don't know what to call it.
mismanagement is a nice way to put it i guess.
i've lost count how many new lead devs they had in the last year.
Skills are now weapon-locked. It was completley different in GW1. Of course, melee attacks needed designated weapon and assassian (gw2's thief) could use only daggers (or scythe if you took critical strikes dervish build). You could take a secondary profession and use all its skills, but without attribute points (the more you invest in let's say fire magic as elementalist, the better you perform) of the secodnary profession's main attribute, list here:
So if you were let's say warrior/ranger you could use a pet and bow attacks but withput Expertise which is ranger's main attribute and lowers skill's energy cost.
>rando asshat forum user: why is the game performance so bad
So it basically had more depth to it in terms of what build choices you could make? I remember playing GW2 and thinking "do I really just have like five skills as a thief".
Ravioli ravioli, what's in the bagoli?
Yes, this exactly. PvP had a lot of crazy builds with a lot of people being "oh shit it actually works!".
>the fag march
Aargh, that does sound cool. At least now I can understand the GW1 sadposting.
It really was. One of it was like 7-8 necromancers sapping whole life from half of the enemy team with blood spike builds.
Fuck I shouldn't've asked. I was quite happy before. Do people still play GW1?
>pets you could have sold back when people still played the game
What the fuck is this
Also I fucking hate how everyone in gw2 wants to be the LOOK AT ME I'M SO SHINY faggot, they're just eyesores
I know I am.
Pic rel is from Kamadan, main trade center and social hub these days. Quite fair amount as for that time of day and week. Weekends are mostly where the action is.
16 more ectos and I can go fucking farm those Obsi shits.
Might repost my shitty OC while we're at it.
pre-searing Ascalon is one of the comfiest vidya locations in all of vidya
Know your place, peasants
Best thing is that it was made in a week right at the end of development because the devs wanted the players to be more attached to Ascalon but hadn't though of that initially at all
Omae wa mou shindeiru.
pics from the tyria pride march.
no, i'm not kidding. fags are allowed to march in game. which i really don't give a fuck about however, if straight people did it..well fuck it. i just want to play the game. i don't give two flying fucks that you're a faggit. i'm old so meh. my gaming is just about done anyways, i guess.
It really is.
So who do I exaclty blame for my PTSD?
I did, but it's dead.
I tried Guild Wars 2, but it's just not what I wanted or expected. I still played it for a while, but after the nerf to Flag Warrior and Healing Guardian, I don't want to touch it anymore.
I play this game pretty much everyday because it's a good timesink, and I have a lot of time. I wouldn't mind shit like this if they were mostly silent about it or were a little portion of the playerbase, but I feel like 90% of the playerbase is faggots. I hate that. The chat can also get really cringe when they start talking
>it was Mike himself
Let's play a game
Guess where
Wizadrd's Folly. Step it up, scrub.
i honestly don't care if queer people play ANY games. what gets me is the fucking need or want of attention rammed down my fucking throat. I'M HOMO LOOK AT MEEEE!
I'd be willing to bet if i asked:
"straight white male looking for straight guild"
i'd be handed a ban.
Fun fact: original GW had unironic Christian guild.
And yup, noone even barked at them about it.
It realyl was a different time.
Here's the next one. I'll try to make them all getable
>tfw it's EXACLTY one year since last Yea Forums meet-up at Fishermen's Haven
Tears of the Fallen, scale gave it away, ez.
you're good, man
Grothmar Wardowns, very close to the spot where you first meet Vael.
Dragon's Lair.
Here's a tougher one
Ascalon Arena.
Ice Floe.
North Kryta Province.
I would kill for a remaster of this game. Even if they just touched up the UI for higher res screens and did nothing else, it would reinvigorate the community and create interest
It's inside LA, but I'll give you that one
Fahranur, The First City
It's Uncharted Isle
This one is tricky, but gettable
Warrior's Isle?
Hmmm.. Isle of the Nameless?
I only go there for Zaishen Chest, so..
Zaishen Challenge
>tfw too scared to get into PvP
Fuck it, I'm reinstalling. What's a good class to play if I'll be using 7 OP heroes throughout all campaigns?
Is this a phone game?
more screenshot KINO
If i remember correctly you can add hero and npc to join your party and fight right? Does that mean you can play the game as a single player campaign?
And game might even be possible to play in offline mode some day too.
What is it about the shitty and primitive mid-2000s that make them reek of SOUL when compared to the realistic graphics of the late 10s?
Minister's Cho Estate?
feels. for me it was a similar feeling to seeing the jade sea for the first time.
>be in kaineng city for what feels like forever
>sick of seeing nothing but brown dilapidated buildings everywhere
>get outside the city and see a small glimpse of the jade sea
>forced back into the city for a bit longer
>finally free from the city and get to go explore the jade sea or echovald if you're a big homojk the echovald was really great too
Well, GW music had a lot of Soul(e). :^)
I'll give you one more guess
this one is probably ungettable, but there are some clues
Isn't the one of the dungeons? Like Vloxen Excavations or Darkrime Delves?
Fronis Irontoe's Lair
Now THAT was my jam.
Oh that too.
*soothes you*
Close, it's Raven's Point. Half a point for that
Now for an easier one
Ascalon, home...
at least it was before furfags fucked everything up.
Kinya Province?
Zaishen Menagerie Grounds.
still salty?
Well whatever, that was my other choice.
Not at all. ;^)
Here, underrated gem from the past.
Remember the hype?
what's wrong with those people
Furfags aren't people.
autism, transgenderism,, discord.
the eternally seething boomer
First guy got it
Oh, I love this one
Kessex Peak
sorry, I meant to say "what the hell is wrong with those people"
They're bad guys, that's what they do.
by the way, this was Shing Jea Arena
Ah right, you kill that Ministry of Purity chick there too.
Ice Tooth Cave.
Seriously, how?
One of my favourite outposts. ;^)
Diviner's Ascent.
GW2 has one thing going for it and it's this
Pockmark Flats.
Guild Wars had some great locations
pre-searing Ascalon was so cosy
Post some /fa/.
>almost fading tanlines
Lahtenda Bog
Imagine NOT having this title
I can't. I'm busy playing Elder Scrolls Online whilst it is in a golden age of development.
Nice try Todd, fuck off.
Zenimax has it's own game directors. Todd only ruins your single player games don't worry.
Ok, ((((Altman(n)))))
Holdings of Chokhin (?)
>found a crystal longsword here back when the game was still brand new
cant remember what happened to that
i think they patched it
That one?
They still drop in game, mostly in UW or from Zaishen Chest, you get one from pre-Searing quest. Shit stats as for later game, tho.
Was she cute and funny?
Hidden City of Ahdashim
How about this one?
>Hidden City of Ahdashim
Or this one, yeah. Was conisdering it.
Domain of Fear.
Long live Arachnia!
am playing :)
I'd tell you to fuck off for making actual retards feel welcome here by acting like one but we've passed that point ages ago.
>actually opening it
What the fuck are you doing lmao
Saving someone from disappointment.
im getting the itch to go back desu but I am caught up with botw
I forgot, did the crystals come from the Titans or the dragon?
Titans, that came form Abaddon. Who as a God of Secrets had access to all kind of magic, also the ones that comes from Elder Dragons.
Just cute. I would have done anything to protect her.
Fuck me, I just walked into my home instance in GW2 and stumbled upon MOX who can play pieces of the old soundtrack
Fast forward 250 years and the grawl have turned it into a religious icon.
are you retarded?
where else should it end?
gw2 completely failed on delivery (though PoF really got me going for a while) but THAT is definitely one of the best thing they did
> the golden age of mmorpgs is over
> ywn play comfy sessions with your friends after school again
it hurts
>ywn be 14 again and make the edgiest looking necro possible and call him omega weapon and go on an adventure to save tyria using your undead pets
'twas supposed to come in GW2
he never came tho because Anet are fucking hacks
Ritualist > Revenant
gimme them JoJo poses back
Chaos Gloves faggots have evolved
>tfw never got chaos gloves
Glacial Gauntlets are objectively better.
Post GOAT skills
I know you can hear it.
Rt killed PvE
Not that guy but I bought it on release and played for about 2-3 years on and off.
>boring, repetitive and grindy gameplay
>shit pvp, no world pvp or enemy factions
>shit pve where everyone just goes for highest dps builds, no strategy
>devs went back on literally every promise they made when they released the game
>95% of new skins are only available on their shop for real money in a game where skins were supposed to be how you progress with your character
I loved the beautiful world, jumping puzzles and underwater exploration, but it's not enough.
i remember trying to convince myself that gw was as good as wow cause you didn't have to pay, but the instanced world felt lame, a huge selling point for wow for me was the idea of seeing other players out in the world
Fucking Kaineng made me dislike Factions, what a piece of shit area
The ecto that wasn't rolled back destroyed the economy.
>it's RIGHT THERE, just a few pixels to the right! But noooo, let's make it a huge maze where you have to go down a level, up a hill, across a bridge and through a billion mobs of exploding brapzombies to fucking get there
FUCK Kaineng indeed
For me, it's the Icy Dragon Sword
I liked EotN a lot, never cleared all the dungeons though
How so?
The 200 IQ choice
300iq choice
Not that guy, but two ritualists on your team, one with spirits and the other one with spirit weapons casting on you was quite strong. Great class, wish they had ported it over to gw2.
>You will never go 15-0 in RA with your Prot Monk build and people will beg you to join their guild
>WoW Priest doesn't have anything close to what the Monks could do
>That time they changed Ray of Judgment into an actual Jesus Beam that kicked ass
Monk was too good for this world.
He really was.
>55 Monk solo content
The fact that this was possible at all is a testament to how good the Guild Wars Skill system was.
Remember when they added those little niggers to the Underworld that dispelled your buffs?
can I play it alone? as in do dungeons without other players and shit?
The best.
Technically yes, if you have Nightfall and can get good at micromanaging heroes.
Again, another testament to how fucking good the systems in GW are.
>Raptor Farm
I can't even remember what I was fucking farming for.
Dying Nightmares?
Yes, pain in the ass.
sign me up.
I don't mind raiding with other people though, as long as it's not rage-filled autism like in WoW
Fuck hexes.
GW raids are weird. They're just "Elite Dungeons", and there's no way you're doing those with heroes.
I miss gw1. I can't bring myself to play it again though, I think I'd stain memories of playing with friends back in school.
Shiro's swords, now those were some daggers
>req 13
>Assassin with Chaos Gloves, pink Obsidian Armor ( pre patch pink ), and Shiro's Swords sees me
lmao im ded
That's right, run away
how's the PvP in guild wars? I loved it back in WoW days but I couldn't get myself to play it past BC because endgame PvE was dreadfully boring
Favorite gw1 armor.
>Bonus points: Dye
>Extra Credit: Pic
That along with this made playing warrior in RA really fun. Sometimes people got really fucking pissed.
Derivsh Obsidian armor.
Just the chestpiece though with the fucking flails dangling off of it. It was the only piece of Obby I ever got, and I barely played Derivsh.
Do you recommend playing as front middle or back line class? Tried soloing as a back but it was a little annoying having to manually pull using the hero flag system every major mob
Guild Wars was for poor children who could not afford to play WoW.
I play Warrior, but first time you probably want a backline DPS like Ranger.
Your party setup should look something like
>2 monk
>2 minion master necro
>2 Warrior/Derivsh for tanking
>1 Mesmer with only interrupts
This is how I do it, and it works so well.
Hero Monks/Mesmers are fucking insane, they can see everything at all times and are significantly better at doing things on a whim than players. The only thing Player Monks have over NPC monks is their decision making, sometimes NPC monks heal an ally that just took 5 damage and blow through a jillion mana to heal it.
Ancient Armor
>Bonus points: Dye
Looks good undyed
>Extra Credit: Pic
Sadly, my NF warrior is lvl 6 but you bet I am gonna make her a real Queen.
Holy fucking god you're right, in GW it was called Energy.
Fuck me I haven't played GW1 in almost 5+ years.
Where'd my life go user
*single-handedly turns your game around*
Healing monks are a good aesthetic. I wish more games had them.
He's talking about Guild Wars 1, though.
which profession is the paladin in guild wars. paragon?
>No other game has anything remotely similar to sustained Enchantment monk
Putting a fuckload of enchants on an allied Dervish, so long as he didn't Strip them, was the fucking bomb. It was like turning a buddy into a raid boss.
>play shitty themepark WoW knock off MMOs of yesteryear
play EVE or old Runescape, lads. or Wurm if you're seriously determined to become autistic.
Dervish. Melee class with buff spells. That's the closest you're gonna get.
>Guild Wars
>WoW knockoff
Nice bait retard-chan.
I've played warrior, derv, and Ranger extensively. I agree on the hero monks, as well as mm since it's a bitch to micromanage hordes health.
Do hero mesmers have the ability to differentiate between casting and physical enemies for counters? Or do you just give them a specialized build depending on dungeon? I was thinking of rolling mesmer
It isn't bait at all. just because it doesn't play exactly like WoW doesn't mean it isn't a
>high fantasy
>theme park
>WoW killer!!!
>of yesteryear
I think they can tell the difference, but you wanna have a Physical/Casting shutdown build you switch to based on the situation. You only bring 1 mesmer, you don't want to stretch them too thin.
Mesmers were always pretty neat, at least a concept.
I just never liked the gameplay that much.
take me back
I will strip those enchantments for dps thank you very much
First of all, Guild Wars isn't even an MMORPG.
Second, not all high fantasy games are trying to be WoW you literal mongoloid.
Third, yeah it was trying to be a WoW killer. Why wouldn't you want to be? WoW made millions upon millions of dollars.
>Of yesteryear
>Boot up last month
>Create edgelord necro for proph
>Try an assortment of pseudo-emo meme names
>Somehow after all of these years Deviant Fart wasn't taken
Wish I could provide a pic to complete this post but unfortunately I'm a wagie
GW was released 6 whole months after WoW
I need to be talked out of rolling paragon
I don't think Deviantart was as much of a meme back then.
>Literally only 2 armors cover the legs on male characters
>One of them is the most expensive armor in the game
>The other is an endgame item from the fucking Eye of the North
>Male Paragons have feminine ladylegs
I mean you could just roll a female paragon.
which profession has cooler armor, warrior or dervish?
also does this game typically go on steam sales?
It all comes down to whether you like hoods and robes or traditional heavy armor
>Steam Sales
You're getting 3 expansions for what, 20 bucks? Just buy it user.
>Warrior or Dervish?
Do you like plate armor or robes?
I like both, to be fair
the trilogy is 30$, not much in retrospect I guess but maybe it goes on sale tomorrow kek
Yeah you could wait to see if it goes on sale tomorrow.
>Entire trilogy is 30 bucks
I spent 60 on them new as they released. What the fuck.
>as they released
there's your answer user, shits like 10+ years old now
I demand a refund for the difference in amount
nintendo is the only company that keeps decade old+ games at original release price.
I'd really love to but i gave my account to a friend years ago so he could have the guild wars 2 accountbonus, hoewever his account got hacked and with that my gw1 account aswell.
Arenanet doesnt really respond in recovering it. My own fault i guess, but it really sucks.
ArenaNet has the WORST fucking customer service imaginable, and literally NO customer service in regards to GW1.
literal retards, if discounts weren't profitable they wouldn't be so common. how many people have 200 games they never even started on steam that were bought on sale?
On the bright side you won't have to fork over $10 per old character to have them run around with you as heroes to maximize nostalgia
lmao that's an interesting service
This service was fucking amazing and I didn't even care if it cost money. I loved having my characters as Heroes.
I made a fucking Necro just to have a cool Necro hero.
>Rangers can completely alter the way a fight goes using spirits, incredibly powerful interrupts, and preparations to apply constant condition pressure
>Rangers are absolute shite for 3-4 years, then get pigeonholed into being the dedicated healer class, and then they get an egoistical "me do dps :^)" spec
Obsidian Warrior armor looked like shit
>Not wanting to look like a pinecone
mid tier
What was your favorite stupid build in gw1? Mine was being a completely worthless trap ranger in RA. It didn't do shit most of the time but it was fun whenever it surprised someone.
>Hits you with Decapitate while you're using this
Headbutt Axe Warrior. Nobody expected an unresistable 100 Damage after getting hit with Deep Wounds.
You could use that build to fast unlock elite skills for heroes at least.
I recall using paragon builds purely built around redundant shouts or monk builds with a ton of resurrection skills
not stupid, just my comfy go-to RA build
Shame RA is all mesmer rupt bots these days
Guild wars 1 is still going?
Aight, time for some comfy questing.
they were never 60 on release you dumb zoomer, this was PC in the mid 00s. go ask your parents for the receipts.
the trilogy package has been around since 2008 btw
just a few weeks ago they finally added the complete package to their web store (don't think it's on steam). it has all 4 campaigns
on the other hand i've seen the steam packages go on 50-75% off but their sales timing is usually tied to their internal marketing schedule and not to steam events so it's awkward unless you put it on your wishlist
I wonder what they will update next.
UA monk. That spell was just way to fucking usefull to not take it.
For RA it was support paragon
Don't die yet, thread.
I would but my account was lost to time and arenanet won't give it back
I miss being able to play stupid builds in RA. I really do.
Yeah, I can handle him...
>escort missions exist
No way I play it ever again. I still have nightmares.
Was it GW1 where you could /kneel at shrines to gods and get buffs?
post results
Yes, you still can do this, but favor, which is needed for shrines to have active buffs is rare these days as it depends on the maxed titles. giving 3 minues of favor/title.
>Thunderhead Keep and Thirsty River back in 2005
Ez, no deaths, faget ded.
>Dunes of Despair in 2005
>Menzies never fucking ever
As a Ranger main. It hurts
LFG GvG 1/16
Who's up? Let's do this
You have my bow.
>Brother wants to main Ranger
>Insists on wasting skill sots on pets and barrage instead of anything that inflicts useful conditions
I play GW2 from time to time, is it worth getting into 1 at this point? Like, does the game rely on people actively playing it or could i enjoy it by myself essentially
Also, on steam there's the GOTY edition and the Trilogy edition, which one is recommended? Not sure on the differences
>no screens of the giant statue mirage
That shit creeped me out when I first saw it.
It is time to move on.
They are different games but yes, you could play it to 100% (you have henchmen to help you) of content, apart from PvP/GvG.
I personally liked first game more, in second game I only love jumping puzzles and how you control your character in general.
Fuck man, I am so hiiigh..
>It is time to move on.
I will NEVER let go.
someone PLEASE up the gw1 .dat
i ain't fucking around with this 426kb d/l speed from their server.
Well first off my biggest gripe is that it sets itself out to be a big adventure (with possible friends) putting up these stories and writing and then completely says fuck that and makes it a shitty mmo where nothing you do changes anything. There's literally a mission where you have to save the only half of the worlds remaining human population and whoopsie doopsie their literal only leader, beloved and cherished fucking kicks it. Nothing changes, right after that mission you are slapped into some shitty area with a guy telling you to kill 5 reskinned gargoyles. They didn't even do anything good with the whole self contained areas thing.
The missions gameplay is boring. Repetitive and a slog, you will be yawning your fucking eyes out at all the devourers that can't even kill you unless you fall asleep so they're just there for the most awful filler of all. You feel no excitement in fighting any new enemy because you know and can quite literally see a horde of them mindlessly milling about in the background.
The social aspect of the game is absolutely horrendous as any group or friend you have to physically meet in the game world and interact with to even do anything so you have to shift trough hordes of shitters and chinese bots while wandering around huge empty zones because everyone and their mother has solo'd the entire story 5 times. It's also fucking worthless, while any game is improved by having a laugh with a few buddies in GW1 it's completely optional to even bring anyone from the getgo.
I genuinely can't understand why people told me this was a good game and I'm never gonna get any responses from here, because fuck nostalgia and it's literally reality warping aspects for these fucking Inshills.
>original skill, hp and energy bars
literally tranny sjw devs and all original staff fucked off
>7 years later I learn that you can change skills, hp/energy bars
Oh well.
2 guys from the OG crew left, they tend to the first GW.
GW1 had a rather unique skillsystem, you could double class and put in anything from either class, your main class only had a primary talent-ish thing to provide
There were also hundreds of skills, this means millions of builds per character. Combine 8 of those into a party, and now you've got tons of room for theorycrafting and building builds
Minions used mostly character skills too, aka casting the same stuff as you do
The game was instance-based, so you'd equip your stuff and gather your party while in a town, and then leave into a PvE area where there's just you and your party of 8 (12 in some areas). Enemies were rather smart, they patrolled areas and there were scripted events, so the actual gameplay was often more tactical than the average brawlfest of a mmo
GW2 ditched these two major aspects
>how good the Guild Wars Skill
what you mean bland and overly specialistic? Skills also means shit next to abilities this shit if fucking awful next to REAL games.
I wish I could replay GW as an adult me
All the theorycrafting, pvp, trading I missed out on because I was a dumb teenager
>all the missed trades I did
trading and economy really was an essential part of GW that isn't mentioned that often
>braindead Henchmen make starting missions hell because nobody is low level enough to come help
>PvP characters get shit on until you unlock some abilites that arent generic Bs by playing PvE
I wanted to get back into it but goddamn...getting good abilities while trying to use Npcs in your party is fucking impossible.
it's fake currency, it doesn't impact you at all
That's legit 100% spook.
lmao what, the story is fucking skin deep what fucking lore can you even squeeze out of this milquetoast setting?
You missed nothing, it was literally just the same rotation of metabuilds that countered eachother.
So is BitCoin. ;^)
I... uhm I sold Asura mini (the promotional one) for 20k.
What's with the hyper autism going on here?
theorycrafting for builds
technically you could by selling it
and who cares I don't grind vidya to make money off it
It's a gw still mad thread
Is GW1 still online? How is the population?
they hyper autism seems to be shitting on gw though
Oh these posts, I don't even see them anymore desu
>theorycrafting for builds
that's not what that fucking word means you fucking mong fuck
How do you theorize a god damn microsoft office sheet? You don't you stat or crunch it.
I like how the hatchlings are just mini models.
Kinda cute.
When the FUCK are we going back to Cantha
>that's not what that fucking word means you fucking mong fuck
It's often used that way
be more autistic unironically you're embarrassing this board
>that's not what that fucking word means you fucking mong fuck
You what mate
With current nu-renaNet?
Never, I hope.
>It's often used that way
So is toon doesn't mean its not a fucking dumb word
Also what fucking joy is there sitting up with a bunch of autists asking if 2+6 or 3+5 is better or worse.
Theorycrafting is a lot of fun
You should try it
>that one dev at arenanet that works by himself to keep gw1 running and makes slight incremental updates that unlock draw distance LoD and other filters
god bless you glorious bastard
>tfw I ERP'd for globs of ectoplasm to get the gloves
Is this the largest mmorpg ever?
Bitch, thieve, Give me back my godhood.
never, china doesn't like it
>The game is about fashion now, and that is not a place you want your mmorpg to end up in
This is not true, there are tons of unlocks like minis, achievements, toys and all that shit you want in a such a game.
What was the reason again? Because Cantha was just several asian cultures mushed together?
How the fuck do you not know what theorycrafting means?
Mesmers were so great and unique in gw1. Mesmers in gw2 are a pathetic excuse.
Name a better costume. inb4 weeb
I fucking hated crawling over the shiverpeaks but the moment you got to kryta and into Lion's Arch. God the feels.
yup asian cultures don't like being mixed in with one others, they fucking hate each other. i guess arenanet could "recreate" canthas culture into being specifically one asian style, but they would still probably be pissed with that and they can't risk losing that china money- i think they even have a chinese version of the game for them too so it's fuckin dumb
Where is Dervish or Dervish is secondary only?
One of the most broken skills in the game. Just behind Shadow Form.
That screenshot is probably just old/on an account that doesn't have the other expansions.
I'm still waiting for this raid in GW2.
wrong guild wars
0-3 people in each town, about 100 in kamadan 1 when I last played a couple weeks ago, so it's still alive. you likely won't ever find other people to do missions with if you're having trouble though, unless you join a guild and beg in gchat
Wow what a completely unbiased post.
>stopped playing shortly after eotn
>missed out on all this cool shit
>I'm not allowed to play my warrior with a huge ass bear as a companion like I did in GW1
>I have to play the shitty ranger class
>7 years after release, still no additional skills to chose from, if you play sword warrior then you're stuck with these 3 (5 if dual wielding them) skills and only them
GW2 could've been THE game
I literally wouldn't be playing anything else if they didn't fall for the 'actually nothing like gw1' meme
I did user, for a long time.
Lion's Arch.... home...
but Kryta, Ascalon and Elona have the same issue
why are chinks so mad all the time
nigger what
I should've sold that mini gwen doll for 300+$ when I still had the choice
Nothing will top Factions for me. Grinding Kurzick armor made my days.
Class selection depends on the expansion you choose beforehand.
Pic related was Prophecies, so no Assassins, Ritualists, Dervishs and Paragons
I don't remember rangers ever being useful in PvE. Interrupts were better handled on Mesmers with Panic, spirits were to slow, DPS was slow and single target unless running with a ritualist to buff. Pets were terrible too. I think there was one area in FoW rangers could solo but that's it.
I genuienly can't tell if those buildings are meant to be painted onto that rock or its just horrible graphics
i remember getting guild wars in a vhs size case but holy fuck it looks bad
Name a comfier minigame
*floods it for no reason other than to spite GW1*
Looking at it now, the PvP in gw2 is actually really complex, it's just not at obvious as it was in GW.
at least it was before Scarlet fucked everything up
>the PvP in gw2 is actually really complex
>bunker builds
don't forget blowing it to hell and rebuilding over top it all
I mean Zhaitan
I mean ArenaNet
>Pets were terrible
Dagger ranger with Enraged Lunge was easy mode in PvE
Expertise made them good at pretty much everything
>bunker builds
Oh noes, memories are back.
>a Guild Wars 1 thread will live to 500 posts in the year of our Lord Balthazar 2019
Fuck Pyre Quipshot and fuck the charr
I wish snowball fights were like this in GW2. Every wintersday no one every plays it in GW2
nigger what
the gameplay itself? sure, having to run around, dodge, aim, all that good stuff
but the brain behind it? not really no
drop/rework the shitty trait system to make it more interesting, and give me more skills to chose from instead
also more fucking weapons instead of pushing the specialization meme, where are my scythes? and my throwing spears?
there's barely any creativity allowed when it comes to creating a build, and then the 'pvp' is either buses of 30+ people running over smaller groups of players, or the shitty 5v5 arenas
where the fuck were my guild wars
God i forgot about all that shit. Launch day GW2's Lion Arch was already bad enough they they fucking blow up the thing and completely rebuild it AGAIN after Scarlet's shit.
>our Lord Balthazar
>PoF happened
No it's boring as fuck
>he doesn't know
it's not even like it's a hard thing to do at the time especially since there's so fucking few faroff objects. just adding some depth to them would improve the look tenfold.
But then the game is so shit looking, just bland mmo bumpmaps.
Balthazar is evil now, and Devona is his evil minion.
balthazar is canon dead now. we kill him and a dragon eats his magic, which we kill again later on inside said dragon.
is that who the Herald was?
sry, I didn't follow nu-GW lore
With no answer on the Menzies and Balthazar war in FoW. Anet did the gods dirty in PoF. Seeing Kormir again in PoF was shit, should have been another god.
>They killed off Eir Stegalkin, arguably one of the best characters in GW2, simply because the tranny landwhale lead writer was salty nobody liked her OC donut steel band of diversity and lesbianism that was forced onto the player character that you had no say over whatsoever.
Fuck Guild Wars 2
Fuck Nu-Arena Net
It's no lore, it's a shitty fan-fiction.
After she left the writing got a little better. Very little.
no one is ever really dead thanks to the mists.
this thread fucking hurts, i remember this exact spot.
take me back, please
I don't think any tranny writer there even knows who he is, let alone played GW1.
It was enough for me after I saw how they treated Mursaat and White Mantle.
Don't forget the LITERAL post-op tranny that sits in Lion's Arch to this day and the only response you can ever give to him/it is "thats wonderful, I'm so happy for you"
It's not all bad.
Only most of it is shit.
Wait, what?
Balthazar did nothing wrong.
best mmo best payment model most diverse skills bueatiful world ur wrong though
just when you thought it couldn't possibly get worse, it gets fucking worse.
the mming in gw1 is a masterpiece mfw you will never sync in ra with ur friend who will kill himself and buff so u can be an mm in ra
Neither did Abaddon.
except being stuck in a shit game
Jesus Christ, I'm glad I never played this shit.
it's all so tiresome
After Scarlett Briar destroyed Lion's Arch, an NPC who happened to be a Mesmer figured it was time to transition.
The reasoning is something like "life is too short to not be true to yourself. Yata, yata." All you can do is compliment them and they thank you and say it's easier for them since they're using Mesmer magic.
based, I love that design
on another note, the lesbian couple got written out, the mutt got his shit pushed in and the annoying rat (who honestly was a better character than most of the others) has literal cancer
got me all the pvp skills also got me into FoW hes alrite by me
abaddon was a gay nigger
I'm still fucking mad there never were playable margonite as a race in GW2
Should I start new character in GW 1 (I have character with GWAMM achievement already but want start from beginning) or maybe return in GW 2 (do I need to buy 2 expansion?).
In case of new character for GW 1, which main class to pick? Played as warrior with my first guy.
so the real expirience is to start in pre prophecy but its just not doable factions he meadiocre tier start start in nightfall my guy
oh man I just wanted to find all those nu-anet collages but I just noticed how much asura porn I have in my gw2 folder
God, those design were so gorgeous.
GW1 is basically dead and all you're going to get from it is a single player experience.
I can't think of any reason to get back on GW2 right now since all I was doing in the game was Fractals and the HoT metas. You absolutely need the expansions if you want to play today.
Margonite, Tengu, and Mursaat all should have been playable races.
>make game
>game becomes a cult classic, instant hit
>desire to make sequel
>ditch everyone that made game 1
>hire people that have never played game 1
>new people get absolutely salty over "fans" saying they want the game to be like game 1
>do everything in their power to absolutely shit on game 1, destroy iconic locations in game 1 in favor of their new game 2 locations
>release game 2
>game 2 bombs
>wtf happened??????
Why do companies do this shit.
ye and pvp was the endgame for the most part but even as a single player game the party makes it work "henchmen"
seeing how empty the game is now makes me want to start crying
>so the real expirience is to start in pre prophecy
This is what I did with my first character tho and now I want to try Dervish. I don't know why and open for advices since I remember close to nothing about game.
>Dragons arent bad guys
Good maybe I'll buy the game now
And Seers!
I remember doing JQ a couple years ago, and thought it was funny that the Luxon side is nothing but bots running the Necro Bomber build.
Unfortunately that barely fires off now.
>game 2 bombs
Unfortunately GW2 was a crtitically acclaimed success due to people buying it day one and riding the GW1 hype train. By the time the massive disappointment hit, it was too late and Anet already got their millions of dollars making the game an incredible success.
Anet as much as i hate to say it are absolute clowns
Don't listen to h's an absolute faggot
Faction is tied with Prophecy with the best starting area
Prophecy is 100% SOUL but it's pretty tedious and really slow, leveling to 20 takes forever and you have so much shit to do before shit gets real, not to mention you won't have access to actual armor until the last 15% of the game
Faction is just as SOULful as prophecy, but the starting area is much shorter (and much more intense, it can even get hard as soon as you get on the main continent and face swarm upon swarm of afflicted). You level much, much faster though so you can have fun with coutnless skills much earlier and have access to the best tier of armor really early, you will still unlock new gear appearance throughout the entire campaign. you also have access to a bunch of heroes.
Nightfall is the zoomer / nu-GW experience : every, and I mean EVERY area is story-locked behind mandatory title grind at every stage of the game, starting in the first island all the way into the last domain. it does have some perks (most heroes are from this campaign) but it's ultra shit and soulless.
play what u want i got every charicter but if u start in pre ascalon you can only use henchmen untill u hit lions arch and it will take you much longer
start ur dervish grab every skill u can find get some searing heat eles let the fun begin
It was just Kralkatorik who did that. Zhaitan and Mordremoth weren't repentant at all when you killed them.
Kralk developed a split personality from eating too much magic and realized the world would be better off without him.
>people still afk to show off their obsidian armor
im not sure what game you played but nightfall is by far the fastest campaign
Did you just forget the part where you have to grind like 100k faction for Kurzicks or Luxons near the end?
I still have very fond memories of fort aspenwood. More devs need to grow some balls and make asymmetrical pvp games.
dervish get hp avatar and balth avatar looks mega cool
also u get a run to droks mfw you dont know this you can even run yourself "its not easy tho"
it's more like 10k and you get like 2ish k per JQ run that last between 5 and 10 minutes
"okay you have the required level and gear but look you have to go back to this area you're already sick of and you have to clear the entire map of mobs to get enough point to progress further through the sotry"
Faction at least only required you to follow the main quest to open up new areas, and Prophecy you could go anywhere you wanted provided you were very patient or had a runner friend
Ahhh... the great outdoors!
not wanting sunspear rep and ok i used to do nightfall in a day dude im unsure how you think its slow its the fastest to 20 and you can get all the good heroes + a lost of nice elite skills its the perfect start
The only time it required you to do that is right before leaving Istan, and all you need to do is either hit either Sunspear Rank 6, which is 1000 points, or hit level 17.
>its the fastest to 20
100% fucking wrong
Faction has always been the fastest way to 20, not to mention you can have your max tier armor right after leaving shin jea island
Piece of shit NF not only requires you to grind titles but you also have to spam sidequests to upgrade your sunspear HQ and get access to their armorers
I started a new character a few weeks ago and in the time it took to get to level 8 in nightfall I was level 16 in factions. Factions is by far faster and the mission rating system is much more fun (speed = rating instead of super shitty out of the way secondary objectives). The only thing bad about factions is that you don't get heroes right away, but you get to KC super quick so you'll be able to hop over to NF or EotN to get what you need.
Not to mention it's the easiest at getting the bonus 30 attribute points.
You can finish factions with henchmen only. NM at least, never tried that in HM.
Make one yourself, faget. I'll gladly participate.
They raped my nigga Balthazar.
That's true, but having 8 different builds instead of 1 is 8 times the fun.
Have fun farming 10k faction.
>all the seething losers in pvp calling you a narutard after losing
As 13-edgy assassin
Now-55hp monk for giggles
I liked using caster classes in groups of other players, particularly mesmer and rit, but usually did melee when I played solo.
>After that your going to want to buy XP scrolls
+ you can start getting the skills you will need for the fun stuff like FoW clears and UW
Ah shit, here we go again.
>buy xp scrolls
>have a level 20 friend clear this zone for you 3 times
>go to EoTN at level 12
funny thing is you cant do that in factions makes ya think huh i played all campaings start to finish 20+ times ez and nf is the fastest best start for any new charicter prophecies is the most story rich
>most of the leveling is done in EotN and not in Nightfall
Thanks for confirming Faction is faster than NF
This thread is going to die, just like GW1
you guys are saying its not the fastest its objectively is to power level to normal level even as a 1st time hero by any metric dude
funny how he didnt start in factions then go isnt it the level of cope