Games with cyberpunk aesthetics?
Games with cyberpunk aesthetics?
Is this Star Citizen?
This is a CG trailer right?
the term you are looking for is Full Motion Video
Star Citizen
Deus Ex
That's not an answer.
Cyberpunk 2077
>anything in the futuristic city is cyberpunk
fuck off with your tranny game
Dilate, sweaty
No, that's all running real time.
>tfw want to be TTI.
Cyberpunk 2077
>someone is mad about trannies
>call him tranny
are cdprcucks that stupid and unimaginative?
are there any other cyberpunk rpg's?
Seethe and join the 40%, faggot.
Forget about it, they're just background in cyberpunk2077.
Hard Reset if they did any world building but it's mostly just an arena shooter.
Deus Ex I guess plus the two I listed are kind of RPG/RTS
No, that's in-game
sound like somebody needs to take a walk on the wild side and spend some time as a playbeing
Maybe so but will it look like that in game? Uncharted 4 cutscenes are all real time I believe but the gameplay doesn't actually look that good.
I have this saved. A few games not on the list which I recommend
Lets you play as a cop
>B-Hunter by Midas int.
Similar to G-Police, but you play a bounty hunter
Again, similar to the games above. You're on Jupiter's moon Titan. You can do bounty-hunting, trading and other types of missions. End goal is to escape Titan because life sucks.
>Aquanox 1 & 2
Underwater sub shooty game.
>Those groups don't exist in the game, because we havent seen them ingame yet
>A dystopian future has mentally ill people in tt
>They have employed some fat cunt
>>Tranny game
under 90IQ retards i swear
>his idea of a dystopia doesn't have trannies
Cyberpunk 2077
>calls others stupid and unimaginative
>posts a wojak edit
Sweaty, trannies are upset over this game's existence, therefore you are a tranny. 1+1=2
Dilate sweetums.
Mateusz learn to spell sweety first, you dumb polack. Also everyone is upset about this shit game and blaming trannies is so last week, yesterday you cdprcucks were blaming Chinese, didn't you get the memo?
>having dilation chart saved on your computer
Tranny alert!
>Everyone upset.
But sweaty, this game is the 4th biggest preordered game in E3, everyone LOVES this game including /pol/ and righties
>learn to spell sweety first
Ah, hi newfag! Welcome to Yea Forums. I know you're coming from resetera, but next time if you want to fit in this new website, make sure to not make yourself look too obvious.
>shill being this obvious
dilate and kys
That image is misleading and a bunch of lies, the game is still being offered as an RPG in every digital store on the internet, you know the very places where people go to buy the game. Nice try though, if it isn't obvious enough at how desperate you Epic-shills/trannies are with these constant falseflagging threads, now you make fake images.
>tranny/epic shill throwing stones in a glass house.
dilate, eat cats, feed little wang with your epic shekels, kill yourself in hot burning oil that you use to boil dogs.
seriously, this "game" is just proof of concept tests at this point
>284 results versus 59
begone shill
Observer but somehow I never seen a thread about it here.
>Versus 59
AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA I thought you chinks were supposed to be good in math.
It's a tech demo / walking simulator. Some parts look impressive and their cities look more cyberpunk than anything in Cyberpunk2077, but it will take a decade before they will have anything resembling a game, that is if they don't go bankrupt first from the terrible mismanagement of that asshole ceo.
your picture says that
why are trannies so dumb?
Not the same guy, but that's not the only image of this hysteria pandering, there are many more. You only have one guy who you are claiming to be an epic shill when that person can very well be a guy trying to cause outrage by igniting Yea Forums's contrarian nature.
Look at the other posting faggot, the one with the other image, and look at those results. Why are you fucking chinks this desperate that you feign ignorance. Or maybe you're a tranny that not only got his nuts sliced, but got his brain removed too.
*claiming to be a CDPR shill*
>there won't be DLC
The fuck is this? 2004?
You know that obsession with gays, trannies, etc. means one thing only right?
It's a bit past concept stages but still not really an enjoyable game. I don't have much hope it'll ever come out but I think the singeplayer campaign will probably be released in the next 5 years, so that's something.
Deus Ex franchise
I highly recommend deus ex human revolution. It has a peculiar style never seen anywhere else, with a black and gold aesthetic. The gold is meant to symbolize the golden age of humanity.
Looks more like a piss filter, honestly.
Still pretty fun for 5€
>take a decade
Software age. A decade later it will be obsolete. This game lost it's window to release. It's over.
>furi in the last place
>bunch of games that aren't even cyberpunk
Whoever made this is a complete retard
Then play the director's cut with no filter
That Cyberpunk 2077 contrarians are closeted trans and flaming homosexuals? Everyone else seem pretty okay with their inclusion as a dystopian part of the game's setting, even /pol/, and understand that it can be easily ignored. But, for some reason contrarian Yea Forums wants desperately pin home about trannies every time they talk about it. If you saw how resetera are reacting towards the trannie ad, you would swear contrarian Yea Forums were one of them according to how similar in reaction and offense they are towards it.
I always knew there was something fishy or gap-wound-pus-smelling about these falseflagging faggots.
You seem to have missed the main issue with Star Citizen, which is that they keep implementing the latest technologies to keep it up to date which only means it ends up never coming out. If you look at Star Citizen footage from even 2016 it looks like shit compared to how it looks now but honestly, I would have preferred to have a released game that looks like that over having them revamp it year after year.
gold my ass, it's fuckin PISS
Then play the director's cut retard
Pretty much, it will be neverending vaporware milking guillable nerds out of their cash for virtual spaceships.
Jak 2?
>Scam Citizen looks more Cyberpunk than Cyberpunk 2077
>this is your average Star Citizen fan
deus ex human revolution
Don't get me wrong user that looks pretty neat but why is there a deep yellow filter over everything in the game? Is there a mod to remove that or add a variety of colour?
Kill yourself
What said.
>What's the probl-
>Guy starts screaming about something pretty lame
Game would be better if it was like twice as long, felt way too short.
You were never promised those classes you liar.
Still played the arena and did a couple runs in speedrun mode, overall it was a good experience
This list is in complete random order right? I refuse to believe that shit is tiered, or that someone thinks all or these are even cyberpunk.
Give them some slack, it was made om peanuts budget by like 8 ex-CDPR guys who were working on cyberpunk2077 but left over differences with CEO.
It's not that simple. You can't substitute easily. You end up creating layers on top of layers of new tech, you don't manage that easily and it all breaks down. Like a building you just keep constructing more blocks. The base must be very, very very solid else it falls apart. Mostly banks and the military manage to do that on a consistent basis.
And it's dark and gritty as you fags like it, seriously has anybody played this game