It's been 2 days and Yea Forums has already forgotten him
It's been 2 days and Yea Forums has already forgotten him
A nigger and a woman jump off a bridge.
Who dies first?
Who cares...
Literally who
heres his location
What video games are you guys playing?
If this shit stays up after the 4am thread got deleted I'm gonna pull a "Some of you guys are alright" up in this biatch
Who cares
>actual suicide
Come on now.
Don't care about the guy but I've seen my girlfriend suffer with her depression and almost take her life on occasions. He seemed pretty jolly so, for the sake of his fans and family, I hope he's alright. Maybe he just went off the grid.
No big loss.
Fella is obsessed with getting attention. He'll pop up in a few weeks to get the hit he needs, and then invent another stunt for some more.
>rich and famous
>Reeee I'm rich and famous but I'm so depressed I'm going to kill myself'
Fucking idiot
>2 days and no body found
dude aint dead.
You're not gonna get far in here user, maybe one or two tops, before you're shot in the knees, tied up and dropped off in the furry district. No one comes back from there. Behave yourself.
There are two possibilities.
1. He's doing all this for attention and is still alive, in which case he should be ignored until he dies because fuck him.
2. He really did die in which case he should be briefly mourned, but also killing himself is pretty lame and should be shamed.
Thats what playing nintendo games does to you
He isekai'd
He's probably fucking anime girls as we speak
Based spastic
no one cared for him in the first place
Thread from yesterday stayed for a pretty long time, yet most of anons were permabanned for posting spam there. I'm gonna migrate to KC.
Real gamers don't give a fuck about minorities.
In fact, I bet we're all rooting he killed himself.
>Thinking that streamers are rich
I honestly think he didnt do it and is hiding somewhere.
And I hope so. This morning I rewatched his “everyone is here” reaction video, the dude is funny.
but that implies I even know who this nigger is
Yeah, no
>Grab all your shit
>Leave it on a bridge
>Get free attention
He's alive.
Asmongold is a millionaire.
Poor Fag Located
Money doesn't make you happy all the time you mongoloid
Stop making threads about literal whos. I don't give a shit.
>zoomer idol
fuck off zoomer
dont big cities have cameras everywhere? wouldnt they be able to see if he jumped, or see him walking away?
>go hiking for several days
>Money doesn't make you happy all the time you mongoloid
If you know how to invest it wisely, it gets you pretty damned close
Most nations aren't 1984 dystopias, bong
Better delete your post, before asshurt nintendo janoid will permaban your ass into oblivion.
Actual poorfag located.
Money is all that matters. If you were an adult you would realize that.
nice bait
e-celeb shit shouldn't matter on Yea Forums in the first place
Based retard.
t. janitor
yeah fuck jannies
I've currently got three bans, a month long ban and a permaban all because jannies hate fun
Watch, just saying this will give me another ban
It does happen
A pretty famous case involving a girl had her jump from a bridge, survive, swim to the beach, then immediately go back to the bridge to jump again
I have never known who he is..
you can tell this is some faggot mod from reddit
why didn't your cap include your post then I wonder
He was begging for money on stream because he wasted his money on drugs for the last 2 months
>another dead nigger
why would i care?
I hope he did a flip and shouted FLASH KICK!!
>man disappears
>he’s dead
Vidya logic?
don't wanna be doxxed by some etikafans, yet this permaban is for posting copypastas from yesterday's etika general thread
>man disappears
>he’s dead
Vidya logic?
If they did get it on camera I doubt they would release it
That low tear god nigger is getting a bit twinkish.
female suicide = she couldn't find superior male to fuck her stupid hole (Chad) so she is slightly sad so she wants to die
While actual males who suicide had their whole life ruined since beginning.
Females fail even at tutorial mode
sure it is
NYC has the most CCTV per square mile on the planet you dumb amerifat
Will Smith
And nothing of value was lost.
I really didnt need to see ill have to live with that memory forever.
dang, idris is dead?
dont they see in camera if he walked out the bridge?
>Money doesn't make you happy all the time
No, but it does get rid of a whole lot of stuff that makes you unhappy.
have sex
yeah, bootlicker
>killing himself is pretty lame and should be shamed.
WRONG. Killing yourself should be celebrated like a birthday party. It takes a lot of guts and philosophical insight to end an ultimately meaningless life.
Bravo nigger u did good.
- Etika
another nigger and coal burner down I guess.
How can you not be happy despite being rich?
all you have to do, is literally show what you posted
but you won't
because you're on the same level as these other retards
fuck off roastie from FBI go spy on leddit
I miss his comfy early videos
The new ones are just to fake
Jamal, what the fuck are you doing?
We're individuals
That live in a society
They're all fake retard
Not him, but all of those cameras are live footage only.
who the fuck are you, in the first place and why would I show you something
this place is beyond rotten by the retarded audience, hope it'll be shutdown by ISP
Rich people are like females. They have everything, they cruise through life on easy mode, get everything handed to them, yet feel entitled to more and more and more like insatiable molochs.
literally who
based retard
last (You) for shitposting retard
fuck off already, bootlicker janitor scum
all they have to do is announce a new nintendo direct and he'll stream it like nothing happened
Shit like the mewtwo and the corrin reations, coking with etika and the smash 3ds streams just had soul tho
I have never once in my life been made unhappy by having a surplus of money.
meh just be intj desu, after you detach from normie society as a whole, you find your intellectual intelligence start to rise as you focus on the crafts which focus cna on and the turth abot the universe around you, i kek when i see the normies/chads/stacies seethe at their primitive garbage with no sense of direction of where they are in this cold unforgiving universe and their obsession with "sex"
post yfw you don't know who the twitter fag or the pic fag are
You were just 3 years younger
i'd rather be a depressed richfag than a depressed poorfag
/r/EtikaRedditNetwork/ is a cringe goldmine
of course they are ;^)
>implying you wouldnt a jimi hendrix magical guitar adventure
Damn, keemstar is still on the internet? Thought he would've died off already along with the rest of the F@Gs.
playing video games for a living is a rich lifestyle
you aren't working you are mashing buttons and acting like a child for a living
if he made $1k a month he is rich for what he's doing
Link between worlds, I like it, haven't been this engrossed in a videogame since I played STALKER in February.
I really dont think so, just look at the mewtwo video, where he regonized mewtwo from the very first shot of his feet
wasn't this dude losing his mind to Banjo Kazooie in smash? why get hype for something when you plan on not being around for its release.
Killing yourself is the easy way out dog. At some point you realize that even killing yourself will still inconvinience others, so you become the ultimate societal parasite, with no obligations and absolute ethical freedom.
Come the fuck on son, STEP IT UP.
>dude its so easy!
then why don't you do it? is it by any chance because you know you'd fail and not be able to make money off of it because it's actually a super rare talent to be able to entertain people for hours every day for years on end that not even any other type of professional entertainer could manage?
>Make shitpost that breaks rules
>Get punished for it
Big yikes my dude.
More like Ass Mongoloid
when do I move from smart to independent?
What is it? I'm curious yet wary.
Just a pic of a beheaded nigger babbys first gore
He did not jump, he just put his stuff on the bridge to trick people. He joined a cult and now he's living with them.
Yeah being a glorified court jester sure is hard work.
Don't forget all those hard working Instagram influencers that worked so hard to be born pretty
I'm sure they would all prefer to dig ditches if given the opportunity
>His brother was killed
>Gf left him
>Always getting shit from everyone in his life
>Actual mental health issues
At least he's got reasons for acting this way unlike most
Yeah, they are. NYPD doesn’t have the resources and logistics to store all of the footage from that many cameras. They’re used to locate people they want in real-time.
yeah, it was in the off-topic thread
Burning coal.
>pretending to be an oldfag
>not calling him a nigger
Thats literally nothing to kill yourself over
that nigger was literally mental though
wow you should write a book
He made a mistake and now he's atoning for it with his life, pretty based desu
He's right though. Doesn't matter anyway. Females don't suicide, they just accidentally fail at their attention whoring """"""attempt"""""" before they can be """"saved"""".
for you
does your family name contain a german noun ?
Not saying he actually did it but, shockingly enough, depression/mental health problems tend to make people irrational.
>wasted his money on drugs
What's with black people and drugs? Can't they just don't use it if they don't have the money?
>only 2 days
>people are already signing him off as dead
Guys. He shaved his head, hopped in a car and drove away.
when you came to this board did the sign say "v:dead nigger storage?"
But HDD is fucking cheap.
Considering he left his license and switch and other personal things iam pretty certain hes dead
Replaying The messenger for the incoming DLC
My personal goty of 2018
>left his drivers license
>in america where driving too fast on a highway can make the cops hold your car
Nibba would have been found by now
Hes literally dead
some idiot who got driven to suicide by the other idiots at Resetera
Why would you leave your driver license behind if you're gonna kill yourself anyway. Is that what usually happens?
To let other people know where you are? He probably didnt even plan it much beforehand
>not jewish
Jews lived for a long time in germany, that's why their family names ended up sounding german
Goldstein is gold rock in german
amazing reaction etika keep it up
Suicide is for pussies
Too ez. Just be 25> (true newfag or earlier)
>doesn't recognise the Final Fantasy VII music
>doesn't recognise Bayonetta's voice
>doesn't recognise Simon's chain mace
>doesn't recognise the Jiggy
>character revealed
>this is what american socialists actually believe
wtf bros a nigger died
it's so sad when a nigger dies
Hold on guys let me pack all of my stuff before I jump off the bridge and then conveniently leave it all by the edge of the bridge before I actually do it for some reason.
So he's killing himself after getting exposed?
Etika suicide threads are still way better than muh censored anime titties fuck sony thread number 524.
Women "try" more times, surpassing the number of overall male attempts when men commit 80% of total suicides
Women aren´t brave enough, they just seek atention in most cases.
t. psychologist
>there are poorfags that are actually this retarded
Literally the only thing money can't do when you have enough of it is buy back time, and even then, it'll extend it by a certain degree.
Who? Why should i care?
A nigger. Because one less nigger in the world.
Samefuckingfaggot kys
what am I looking at?
Anyone with a brain or over 25 knows he's a fraud
He's just a massive attention whore who is probably also mentally ill
/pol/ is not THAT smart,user. you gotta teach them like you teach smelly brats.
Whoever came up with this needs to live paycheck to paycheck someday.
To give your own life as an apology is very old school, I like it.
>being such an attention whore that you stage your own death
What a cock.
Rich people are just as depressed as the average person.
ive been replaying dead cells lately
He sank to the bottom of the East River cause of all the rocks in his head, they need a full diving crew to reach him.
>can afford a therapist
>can afford an expensive hobby
>can afford a vacation
>can afford to travel
>>m-muh depression
did Etika really died?
now i'm sad
Having enough money to fulfill your needs is a necessity for happiness but excess doesn't tend to correlate with increased happiness. This has been the scientific consensus for quite some time now.
Richfags have been telling this fairy tale for ages so the poorshitters won't lynch them.
>dude aint dead.
not how that works fag. it's extra likely he's dead because finding a corpse in a large body of water takes a while.
Legit this
God, I hope that NIGGER is dead.
Lol is this what Americans think happiness means
Honestly hoping he’s dead.
Stop being a bootlicker. You can be as depressed as you want, and even at your lowest, it's nothing even close to the dread of "I might not be able to eat next week". Literally inventing your own problems to be sad about.
He gets a fuck ton of sizable donations, he can easily make a thousand or more a day when he streams for a few hours. Call it whatever you want but he's able to make enough to live very comfortably.
People say money won't buy happiness are dumb
You know what makes me happy? WEED and VIDEO GAMES.
What buys WEED and VIDEO GAMES?
You are sad.
It doesn't, but for a lot of people money would solve a lot of their problems and make them happy/happier.
Finally got rdr2, gonna start right after i finish banjo-kazooie
can someone post the rainbow hoodie with shotgun?
Thanks dude I almost trusted peer-reviewed studies but that user really blew me the fuck out with FACTS and LOGIC by showing that going on a vacation is like depression kryptonite.
I don't play video games.
Was that our latest an hero?
You don't need any of these things to be happy. Set up the right mindset and free yourself from the slavery of money and material goods. Learn to enjoy a simpler life. Don't try to reach what you can't reach.
This, I'd rather cry in a mansion than a cardboard box.
Good. One less to worry about
>try to become a battle rapper
>doesnt work out
>try to become model
>doesnt work out
>start a youtube channel with your then girlfriend where you answer viewer questions and talk about relationship topics
>get small youtube fan base
>transition into nintendo news reporting
>garner even more attention
>at some point you ditch news reporting thing and decide to become a full on streamer and over react to Nintendo Directs and Smash reveals
>make bank and even get the attention of the creator of smash brothers himself
>survive years off of kids donating to you because you have a minimum requirement of $25 dollars for youre donation to appear
>somewhere down the line you fuck that all up and become this weird schizo guy with suicidal tendancies
>get locked in the crazy bin multiple times
>punch a cop
>threaten suicide 2 times
what the FUCK went wrong? how do you go from normal functioning black weeb to this?
Post your sources then faggot.
Mordhau at the very moment
again, poorfags only say this to cope better with their shit lives and not kill themselves.
it's self-deception for the sake of one's sanity.
I'd much rather be rich and miserable than destitute and miserable.
Not the point. People with more money are more likely to get out of depression than someone who's poor because of the available solutions.
Wait he committed to suicide?
I'm lukewarm sad.
Girls are pretty hardcore when they actually want to kill themselves.
Happiness comes from being well-adjusted and appreciating what you have. People don't necessarily achieve this through material wealth alone, especially if they were born into it.
To be fair sociological studies and psychological studies are heavily influenced by social norms and expectations. This has been proven in many studies of researcher bias.
First step, stop comparing yourself to wealthier people. Jealousy only brings despair.
He tried to deny his natural urges.
He should have been a criminal, a rapist, a basketball player or a cotton picker.
>after graduating from drama school
does this suicide count as a Bachelor Thesis?
People who say money can't bring happiness just lack the imagination to use money in ways that would make them happier.
I wish Keemfuck would jump off a bridge. Fucking leach has no limits.