Be honest, Yea Forums.
Have you ever spent money on a F2P game?
Other urls found in this thread:
I spent like 120 dollars over the lifespan of APB, I feel awful every time I think about it but then I see those people with the 700 dollar loyalty reward guns and I feel a little less bad.
cute feet!
I regret buying shit in full price games a lot more.
Yes, I spent $20 on Tribes Ascend.
Give some examples. The last game I remember really regret buying is the C&C3 addon, that one really sucked shit. I dont think I ever paid full price for a game since then and that was like 10 years ago.
Paradox games dlc; total war dlc; shit in mmo-like games, like the annual pass for the division 2 and some cosmetics because I wanted to complete the set.
I mean shit, for who knows how long total war games sell fucking blood as dlc.
what do robot feet smell like?
>like the annual pass for the division 2 and some cosmetics because I wanted to complete the set.
I literally stopped playing that game in a few days after buying that crap.
natural rubber
thats a boy
I bought TF2 the day before it went F2P if that counts.
I've spent like 2000 or so in dota, just on conpendiums and battle passes and dota plus. More if you include merch, events, etc.
I spent $30 over the 6 years I played LoL. I don't play shitty gatcha games and I never spent money when I was younger and played some of the older city building freemium shit
Never spent money on gacha
imagine licking nico's feet bros...
Used like 400€ on dota 2 during ti 1 and 2
Later sold all cosmetics for 800 and bought Path of Exile mtx
After that have bought 700€ worth of supporter packs
Here is webm bro
naked feet are SHIT
Why do Love Lives have the eyes that have seen death?
Does my mom's money count?
>Wanting to replace soft and smooth texture of female sole with some harsh cloth
>harsh cloth
never touched sheer pantyhose clad feet?
Even best Nylons won't trully achieve the perfect texture of female sole.
Do you lick ice cream wrapped in plastic bag to?
Only like €2k on the grub. I stopped spending money though so now I'm F2P again.
I spent 300€ on hearthstone.
I spent 200€ on league of legends
I spent 150€ on Dokkan Battle.
So yes.
based and lolibaba pilled
I don't lick feet at all matey
I would pay money to suck on her toes
Good thread
I don't feel too bad about having spent a bit on a couple F2Ps. It's all about about time played vs money spent if you ask me.
If I'm gonna have to spend $70 up front to play most new releases that last an average of like 30 hours, then I'm totally fine with having dropped 60 bucks total on Granblue after playing it every day for 3 years.
Trampy isn't lolibaba though.
zoom zoom
I've probably spent 10-15 euro in total?All from the survey app from google/selling cards on steam
Who talks about licking. I talk about burrowing face into soles and toes massage your face.
I hope the thread is still up when I leave work so I can rake in the trotters
spend over 100$ on Path of Exile over the past 3-4 years, dont regret it
painted toenails is degenerate
I bought an FGO account with 500 saint quartz for 3 bucks, paid off instantly when I rolled Waver and Shuten-Douji
>Who talks about licking
the one I quoted?
What is it with footfags being so autistic about their fetishes compared to literally every other one?
Have sex.
>says the footfag
Maybe you try to have sex for once
does sex with feet count?
Prbabky around 20€ to that love live game. Good thing my account got fucked up when I changed my phone or something, was a great reason to quit. Now I never play mobile games
Cute feet
I've spent hundreds of dollars on F2P and gacha over several years. I never reached the level of the actual whales, but the amount of money I've spent on ones and zeroes is still pretty alarming.
I just charged my credit card for some diamonds in Brown Dust last week. I'll never be free.
Anyone played that shitty browser game Darkorbit ? I probably spend over a hundred bucks on this shit as a young teen.
I paid 5€ in Terra Battle for reasons
nothing else though
Ah yes. I just said it in wrong way. I mean burrowing a face into feet in nylons is like licking a ice cream wrapped in plastic bag. It's just not fully pleasant. Like you miss most important part of it. Of course burrowing face into nyloned feet is not unpleasant but texture of bare feet is just more softer, smoother and Pampers your face better.
>Ah yes. I just said it in wrong way
I was almost certain you did but still.
>Of course burrowing face into [...]
but that is just personal preference
That's not what your mom said.
Stop Fighting
Well. Face has many touch receptors what means it feels touch more intensively. So that means burrowing face into soles is best way to fully experience the pleasant softness and smoothness of female soles.
I spent ~~$5 on world of tank as a kid.
Still feel shame to this day.
Let it Die and Idle Apocalypse.
Because I love Suda, and the other is a game I play daily while on break and shit, game has some soul with its spritework.
Yeah I have spent probably around a grand on FGO so far.
Post sole
Wasted around 1300€ on league of legends in a span of 6 years, 2012-2018. I started regretting it after it was sold to tencent and the game started being infested with sjws
Yeah I remember my friends father would play it every time I went to his house and he probably dropped a few thousand bucks on it.
I play a fair amount of girls front line, I normally get a monthly gems card, nothing major.
250€ in Dota 2
nylons unironically smell like shit
Yes, spent 600 dollars in a single night, realized i had a problem and quit all games with microtransactions.
Was like 6 years ago.
i spend 100 on a horse in bdo and quit right after
>this thread
>tfw waiting on the used socks I ordered
>he buys used socks
Don't do this
I bought the intro pack in MTG Arena. Arena made me realize what a shitty game Magic: the Gathering is because it allowed me to play thousands of games in a short period of time. The game has some fundamental flaws that aren't really evident immediately. Most games seem to be decided in the first few turns. The game can continue on for 20 more turns but one player is usually just a chicken with no head by turn three and doesn't know it. The game was just designed to milk rich kids of their allowances with maximum efficiency.
Imagine allowing your fetish to control you this bad.
I spent $5000 on granblue and I got banned two days ago...
Me but with CS:GO
Texture of Soles is the best part of girl's feet, not smell. Buying used socks is stupid way to cultivate foot fetish.
As expected, the bandwagoners are exposed.
I got that $1 pack in that Magikarp game. I didn't even finish it. Meanwhile I'm over three years into Love Live and haven't spent a cent. It doesn't seem worth it.
giant foot
Jesus Pholia is so fucking CUTE and SEXY
the shitty detached background and the stumpy left leg on Nia tell me that whoever drew this did a poor job at hiding how they traced from 3d dolls
Yeah I generally throw them £5 to £10 each. I think the most I spent was on One Piece Treasure Cruise because it's skill based and I wanted and got G4 Luffy after spending £20. Total spent on OPTC was about £40 so not bad for what I considered to be a lot of hours of enjoyment. When I hit the stupid endgame grind I quit though. None of those mobile games can be fun at that point. You are against whales and you'll never win that battle
Never spent money on an F2P MMO
If I reflect on my last few game purchases, it seems like I tend to get more hours of entertainment from F2P games than I do full-price games. I have had a few bad experiences of buying a full-price game and then never play it recently. With a F2P game, i can play for a bit and then whale if I am enjoying myself.
The last thing I whaled was $40 in MahjongSoul.
Adorable feet.
nico-chan is so cute
i'm not a footfag though
You wish. I was allways into cute soft and smooth female soles.
But why
It's free2play now, but I put a few thousand bucks into TF2.
No regrets, would do again.
I've only ever spent like $90 on f2p games. $50 on pso2, $20 on Elin swimsuits in tera and $20 on some shitty korean grinder I was into for a few weeks (ragnarok online 2)
i spent like 400 on APBR
i feel bad sometimes but then I remember i spend 6k on my gf that cucked me so it could have been worse
imagine being a lowtest monkey footfag...
who is this?
Imagine hating feet
t.dick-loving futanig
Based and solepilled
I think people who hate footfags are just insecure. I think is because they have even less common fetish, and they feel insecure with that. Their crusade against footfags is to take away attention from their own fetishes they feel insecure with, they afraid that if they stop generating negative attention towards footfetish then other people will attack their fetish.
No. In fact, I dont really play F2P crap at all. I play a bit of Black Desert when they put it on the gamepass because of the waifu creator, but the game itself is just grindy unpolished shit.
And lets talk about Love Live a bit. I fucking love the series, I really do, but not even U's, Aquors, or the upcoming Nijigasaki girls can get me to play SIF or SIFAS when it comes out. Its just mobile gachashit garbage.
Also, stop lewding the raibus.
If I really, really enjoy it I spend a maximum of 50 to 60 bucks.
The price of a regular game, basically.
Yes, on Warframe.
With like 3500 hours in I have zero regrets and will give them some more money in the future.
normal people have no fetishes at all you sicko.
The recent uptick in aggressive footfag artwork has been nothing but a curse. 90% of the art in this thread is ghastly by people who don't know how to draw a good foot. It's just like tits and ass: you don't want to ever see a nasty pair. The sooner we go hard on sequestering all foot content to NSFW boards the better.
Imagine being this delusional about your fetish
We get it you jack off to feet don't go writing entire essays to justify it. It makes you the one who's insecure in this situation.
It's just people with shit taste that will take anything because their porn-addled brains have been tormented to the point where they will jack off to a stick figure to gain arousal.
>inb4 ''seething anti-footfag''
There's a difference between someone who hates feet and someone who hates bad art. Learn the difference
Yeah that sometimes sucks when the only foot art some girl gets is from bottom tier artists. But sometimes some girls don't have any soles art at all(Like Aerith, despite of being recognizable, she doesent have good bare soles art despite less know girls have some really good quality bare soles art)
Normal people is a meme
When will the time for us scat-fags come?
Footfags have been taking the limelight for too long
It is people with shit taste, but the whole "porn-addled" thing deserves greater examination. I was first exposed to graphic internet pornography at the age of maybe 9-10 by my older brother. I used to watch it with him before he learned to masturbate and started watching it alone, and I still occassionally peeped at it. By the time I was 13-14 I had lost all interest. It wasn't until I was a month over twenty, lost my virginity a year earlier and had just gone without sex for 3 months straight (after several months of regular poon) that I had actual reason to use internet porn for masturbation purposes.
Internet porn is still pretty shit. I only use it before it's the only way to find explicit moving images, and 99% of them is revolting crap. My sexual taste is mostly subtractive - here's what I DON'T like, if there's a video without it I'll take it etc. - but even then it's a battle to find a worthy video amidst the loathsome content.
Now I'm more than aware that I'm an exception. For example, I've smoked a few cigarretes in my life, and never had to quit - because I never got addicted. I don't think it's possible. The one time I tried to smoke cigarettes on my own for the sake of it, they tasted so foul that I haven't smoked on since. Some of my family members are like this, others by contrast have "quit" smoking hundreds of times because they're addicts and can't put them down. The few of these individuals (as well as friend and acquaintances) of whom I know anything about their porn habits, follow the exact same pattern. The ones who keep "quitting" cigarettes keep "quitting" porn.
The lesson in this is that porn provides something otherwise inaccessible in the real world. It is possible to get nicotine through many different formats, but only some get addicted. For a lot of people, getting rid of porn would only leave them addicted to something else. The problem is inherent to them and not the porn. I'm pretty sure all of them would take
autistic blogpost, cope
smoking a few cigarettes isnt gonna get you addicted you dumb nigger
You're scared
Spent about £40 on Warframe and about £50 on SW:GoH (over the course of 2 years).
something, anything over porn, but it's not just the most accessible, but perhaps the only way to get nude moving images.
There's a number of points I'd summarise from this.
1) Most sexual content is revolting to most people and what is one man's arousal is another man's emission of projectile vomit. It's important to maintain quarantines for normal discussion.
2) Banning arousing images is a bad idea, and in fact just leads to a degenerate culture of terrible artwork and horrifying content (porn, professional and amateur alike).
3) There will always be addicts who cannot help but chase after horrible quality-less content and literal poison. These souls need the most help, and guys like me who are just sick of seeing bad anatomy and freaky shit passed off as "foot" content are the harbingers of that.
Someone can try and place the above stance into a political framework if they want to. It'd be funny to justify something as "traditionally libertarian" given the balance of purity and openness.
I think you're an example of what the other user classified as "porn addled". Like a furry, you seek to impose your sexual fetish onto every possible target, and feel frustrated when reality doesn't cater to it.
You're afraid that your fetish is going to get beaten back into the shadows, I get it.
I've seen people get addicted from one puff, negro.
I've seen people chainsmoke luckies for a month and quit cold turkey, negro.
>he made webms and they aren't in his deviantart page
why would he do this? ;_;
So have I, so where is your disagreement with me?
I'll drop like $20 if I play it for a long time.
>I've seen people get addicted from one puff, negro.
i know youre exaggerating but nah, it takes a while to get addicted so your anecdote is bad
that aint, me dont assume everyone is the same user
I just spent $8 on DBZ Dokkan Battle about 9 hours ago.
>3d feet
I got caught up in the Pokemon Go hype and spent some money on Incubators since I had a lot of eggs to hatch. That's the only time.
If you mean gatcha, no, I dont play anime girl jpg roulette for I am not a complete retard.
As for f2p games, if I play it for a bit and enjoy it and there's a reasonably priced pack, I dont mind getting that. I did that for Warframe, dropped about ~40 bucks and got 350 hours out of it.
I'm not exaggerating, earn some more experience watching the lives of weak people.
>that ain't me
Lol then your chain of responses makes no sense. Try not to cover your ass too much.
Patreon paywalls.
It's harder to find any quality foot art. First reason is Tumblr pornapocalypse where most of quality foot artists posted their stuff.
Second reason is fact that many quality foot art makers just fully moved behind patreon paywalls, some of them just after Tumblr pornapocalypse.
Imagine if her feet smelled like that fresh trainer smell.
foot fetish and gatcha thread
makes sense
Video game feet
You should note people's behavior before and after climaxing. It has been shown that after a climax a person feels a sense of dread and disappointment as if he had committed a crime beforehand.
The level of changes in the brain correlated with the amount of porn a person watched — the more the watch the lower the activity was in their brain’s reward centers after sexual images were flashed on a screen.
Fighting game girl feet must be really stinky and sweaty if they always fighting
this anime is pure bliss
Please play Dragalia Lost.
chain of responses? I literally only made 2 posts
is this your first time? Yea Forums isnt one person
>I'm not exaggerating, earn some more experience watching the lives of weak people.
just do some research instead of using crappy anecdotes, or dont, whatever. Im not interested in getting into a shitposting argument.
Depends. Of she fights barefoot then the stink less because fresh air actually reduces sweating of foot.
>FEH event was over even before I knew it was started
>Can't get Veronica anymore
I'll pass
Share some studies, by all means. The metholodogy of porn research I've encountered has been sloppy and results could be explained more easily by general addiction.
>It has been shown that after a climax a person feels a sense of dread and disappointment as if he had committed a crime beforehand.
Sounds like projection to me.
I think about $50 on league of legends in 2010. I was in the open beta (and have ufo corki to prove it) and didn't really get it. But eventually it clicked and I was playing it 12+ hours a day, basically any time I wasn't in class I was playing league. It was an addiction. I bought the physical disc that had the silver kayle skin for $20 (and it had like $30 of RP in it which was cool), and then I spent thirty dollars throughout the next year or so. I wish I still played it, I hate not having anything to just log into and play, but I can't stand it anymore. It's such a chore to deal with other people who no longer put in any effort and it always becomes a mess of blaming one another.
I sometimes dropped $10 on a f2p game if I'd been playing it for like 20-30 hours at least and knew I'd continue playing it for another 20-30, it was usually worth the 'investment' so to speak. Most of the time it was cosmetics so I didn't look like everyone else.
But I've never dropped hundreds of dollars on a game or anything, it just seems pointless. I don't play games where it's a requirement.
>Tibia premium in 2008
>Ppoints for Grand Chase
>A key for TF2
>A character for Super Monday Night Combat
Why not both?
why would you ever play that shit? Original MNC was so great and they threw away everything that made it remotely enjoyable to chase after MOBA bullshit. Fuck you user.
Willfully contradicting yourself now, you just linked to two posts, in one of which you claim to NOT be the person making the other. Laziest trolling on the planet, and as usual done for pathetic reasons (afraid to look wrong).
Cus 2 is better than 1,5
He recently complained on his patreon that his paywalled shit was being leaked. He should've expected that the masses would want the 2B video.
Because I never played MNC.
If he keeps making animations I think I'll give him money regardless, his work is top fucking notch. In any case, has he started using the webm format instead of fucking gifs already. or are the webms being posted actually gifs converted into webms?
>advertising hurts business
what a fucking retard
>I know what it's like to slave away at a job you do not enjoy.
Is he referring to his artwork here? If he doesn't enjoy it then what the fuck is he doing?
Nevermind, I just saw the bit where he referred to his warehouse job.
The hard truth is that if this guy was any good, he'd do most quick fun art for free, do payed commissions 1:1 for higher grade material and not worry about them being "shared" thereafter, and have shit like Patreon as an afterthought. Nothing good comes from patreon. It's perhaps worse than kickstarter, albeit without the fat tail-end risk.
Well he must prepare for next leak when he will do tifa or Aerith from FF7 remake.
In my opinion, most artist will avoid leaks if for example they will keep their content behind paywalls for limited time like 2 weeks. But many of them keep them forever.
What's with those red lights in the eyes of the right cow girl? Is she a replicant?
nigger are you illiterate? look at the posts i linked that i said were mine and look at the one i linked that i said wasnt mine
Anyone got some RE girls? We only have a few images of them. Also I want to bury my face in Rebecca's soles and inhale the smell of her sweaty, smelly feet after she has taken off those boots she's been wearing. Then after that I'm gonna stick my nose inbetween her sweaty, smelly toes and inhale the smell until I die. And all you anti-footfags can do is watch.
What artist is it, anyway?
Fuck, this game could be SO close to being the best shit ever but it just keeps riding the incompetent dev carousel. Engine still hasn't been updated and hackers are still everywhere. Feels fucking bad.
>best customization in any game
>can make your own music in game
>driving is fun
>guns feel good
>guns were mostly balanced (last time I played)
>but if you play in the silver districts and you're not hacking, you're gonna have a terrible time
Excella is the only good RE girl.
And Misstress Voss irl.
Not a penny. I've avoided even most petty DLC. Think Gun Runner's Arsenal tier.
I've only bought one really jewwy DLC and quite fittingly it was Anna for Fire Emblem Fates. Hits home when she asks if it's ok that she still loves money a little more than you.
Excella is hot, but not Rebecca-tier hot. And to put it simply, Rebecca-tier is above God-tier. She's my girl.
$1000~ between Love Live SIF and Bandori, $2500~ between Dota, tf2, and csgo, and at least another $500 on some Hi-Rez games and old MMOs. I have a big problem with skins and cosmetics.
Mea culpa, I got two extremely similar posts mixed up.
I've spent some 20$ on world of tanks gold once so I could transfer some guys
I feel like I did but I can’t remember what was it
I want to say it was F2P Pokémon Rumble on the 3DS but I’m not actually sure.
It might have been that fucking Sidescroller enemy rush Garfield game that requires too much grinding
Only good Rebecca is christmas cake Rebecca.
I remember wasting money on League of Legends specifically to buy Gangplank only to stop playing the fucking game when I actually did it
Yeah. Like 20€ in War Thunder, 5€ in Daunless and 10€ in Apex Legends. I think it was worth it, I just regret paying money in Apex, the rest is fine
>mfw I got banned for posting this in /feg/
I bought hellgate london
Any art like this for Anna?
Rebecca is the hottest girl. Helena Harper comes right after her in second place. The best girls in RE!
as a footfag i am ashamed in you
>normal people
no such thing exists
I doubt Anna would ever concede to the customer being right.
>no *Smell* button
Absolute trash-tier image.
i opened a couple of tf2 cases
i wish i was nico-nii's little brother
Make it please
Yeah like 400 bucks on kancolle slots and rings.
you smell it while licking it, you massive ignoramus
Yeah, like 170 dollars on LoL
How much?
>you smell it while licking it
You ruin the smell with your nasty saliva, you massive ignoramus.
Legendary licking heels.
Item class: Artifact, cursed
If young elven or human girl with well cared feet wear this heels, they will give her hefty bonuses to Dexterity, ranged attack and magic, also prevents user from getting foot dieseases and feet are kept in perfect condition. The downfall is tongues on these heels will constantly lick wearer's soles. Every minute wearer must roll for Fortitude otherwise wearer cant move because of tickles. After week of wearing them the wearer of these heels gets used to them and no longer needs to roll for Fortitude.
If someone else will try to wear these heels then wearer must rollr for fortitude of will get desintegrated, also heels instantly teleport out from wearer;s feet into random place around 3 meters.
"Legends say that these boots are created by 2 legendary mages who also had foot fetish. These mages transferred their souls into these heels in order to enjoy cute elven or human feet for eternity"
no you don't
>tfw spent over one thousand dollars on female twitch streamers
>girlfriend threatens to kill me because she thinks it's chaturbate
Girlfriend tried to stab me when she found out but like a real man I didn't hit her. She did cut me a couple times but when I explained things to her she understood and apologized. Although it is my fault for spending money on female twitch streamers. At least she doesn't know about the couple thousand I spent on my comics.
Not him but girls have two feet
Spent €500 on GBF and that's it.
>t. never licked a girls foot and smelled it afterwards
What if she's an amputee? What if you lick both feet?
>they managed to make eyes and tongues
>failed to make noses
a huge blessing, and a huge curse
Its 500 bucks user, I dont think you get to play it off with "that's it" anymore.
Well maybe these mages are not into smell but into texture of sole?
Been playing it for more than 3 years though, so I don't think it's that much.
pff what fags
I spent about $180 over the course of 5 months on Azur Lane. That's about it. Stopped playing a few months ago.
Explain the gameplay
it's gacha shit, there's no gameplay
>paid 70 bucks on Kantai collection
>its fucking dead now
Feels bad man, but at least it wasnt much.
boats with tits.
Yes, few bucks on S4 League back in the day.
League of Legends for a few skins
Smite for the all champions pack
Battlerite early access
nothing else
There's gameplay. But you auto-battle 90% of the time. It's more like a management sim. Of boats with tits. You manage the girls/boats/tits and their gear and send them out to fighting NPC boats.
Its a sidescroller where you shoot enemy ships going from right to left, except its also technically gacha.
I say technically because they are so generous you can get every single ship while being F2P and still have massive amounts of currency left over. You only really have to pay for skins.
Also, it has this beauty.
Years ago back when I used to religiously play Cosmic Break I must have spent well over $2000 dollars on that game. That was probably the only time where I was struggling not to gamble. Nowadays it is easy for me to not spend real money on gacha shit and just get it the slow way. The sad part is that it was chump change compared to what others would spend on it. I miss playing that game sometimes.
Loads. Fat loads.
$200~ on path of exile over 7 years
feet are shit
Give me your ID, you are both a footchad and a whalechad I really fucking want your ID and shower you with FP.
feet are the shit
That's not something I can do.
Do you have an open slot? Will you add me if I give you mine?
Why so desperate, user.
I just wanted to be friends with a fellow footfag especially since he is a whale, but if absolutely dont want to then whatever.
Sorry, user. I only want something more than a friend.
Oh I didnt know you were married to all 80 people on your friend list, sorry for my intrusion.
Who's that?
What a rude implication.
Of course, unlike many people, if I play a game and like it I pay for my time enjoyed. It wasn't free to make. This extends to piracy too, which I do because I'm poor and they stopped doing demo discs. I pirated Nier, but purchased the game of the yorha edition later because it's absolutely worth it.
Around $30 in total across all games I've played.
Fuck you foot fetishist cucks, I'd just spread those legs apart and ram my cock into that tight pussy.
I only like smelly feet
These are not mutually exclusive you know
there's nothing stopping you from doing it after appreciating feet
Dick into pussy
Face into soles.
So much this
or during
The best kind of sex.
No except 80 cents in tf2 to get a decently sized bag.
user, thats hot
thanks, usually I'm bullied for it by feetfriends.