Octopath Traveller 2 will happen before Bravely Third

>Octopath Traveller 2 will happen before Bravely Third

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Bravely Third will be gacha


I don't know about that. Square Enix is doing its best distancing itself away from Nintendo. If Octopath 2 is going to happen then it might as well be a PS5 exclusive.


Jokes on you, there is already a gatcha.

source: your ass

>Bravely Second Agnés
She was so fucking cute

Name one brand new title that is going to be released on Switch

I don't think so, they talked about wanting to alternate between the franchises.

Based retard.

they'd just ruin it, be glad we got to experience edea, tiz, agnes, praline, holly and magnolia in their purest form

A third game needs to happen so that Edea and Ringabel have their happy ending.

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More like lewd

Nice goalposts, retard. Distancing would imply nothing at all for the console.

>Alternis cucked by alternate dimension him
That's really upsetting

Alternis getting cucked by himself from another timeline just sounds really sad

I know, but they're going even further beyond.

Octopath and Bravely Default found their success on Nintendo console

She is always for cute and lewd

Oninaki, Trials of Mana, Dragon Quest Builders 2.

>it might as well be a PS5 exclusive
Would you like a side of AIDS with your order of shit?

All multiplat games, and Square didn't even bother advertising Builders 2 on Switch.

Meanwhile, PS4 gets all Square's exclusives.

yes and?

>moving goalposts again
There isn't a single SE game on PS4 not also coming to Switch, Xbone and/or PC by the way.

And Square Enix is just spiting Nintendo by removing the games as Nintendo exclusive and port it on other consoles.

Square Enix has no more reason to develop low poly games for Nintendo when they would rather conduct business with Sony.

Where are Bravely Default and Octopath Traveler PS4?

Sorry but FF7R and Avengers is Sony exclusive game.

Still, her pope outfit in Second was sexier than any asterisk/costume you could get her to wear in Default (aside from the Spell Fencer and the Vestal Garb).

Not him, but VII:R

again, source? how the fuck is that spiting them.

I don't see why not. Octopath basally has potential to tell whatever and however many stories they want due to how its structured. It's no Live A Live 2, but I'll take it.

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VIIR is officially a timed exclusive. Avengers is so multiplat it's coming to fucking Google Stadia, you absolute retard.

Remake when?

Octopath is already multiplat though. No more reason to get a Switch if its best selling game is in other platforms as well.

Obviously they could not port Bravely Default on other consoles since it utilizes 2 screens, but eventually I wouldn't be surprised if they did make it to other consoles. Expect TWEWY to be on other consoles as well.

Never. Too many unique assets considering the time periods. I would like for it to FINALLY get an official release on the e-store at least, though.

So now you're just going to lie huh

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There shouldn't even have been a Bravely Second. There was no need to try and one-up the literal GOD OF DESTRUCTION whos objective is to CONSUME ALL REALITIES (plural).
Sometimes you just gotta end a franchise on a high note.

>Obviously they could not port Bravely Default on other consoles since it utilizes 2 screens
Never say never. The Alliance Alive is getting a home console/PC release, for example. You have a lot more real estate to work with when you have one big screen.

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>by removing the games as Nintendo exclusive and port it on other consoles
>if its best selling game is in other platforms

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BD doesn't really capitalise too much on the touch screen, it's probably ez enough to get all the ìnformation you need on the one, wider, screen

NIS isn't Square Enix though. Square Enix might as well be Sony's 2nd party developer.

They've said "play it first on PS4"

>keeps saying this when everything SE makes nowadays is multiplatform

Multi-platform except for Switch.

>Live A Live

What a great game and such a shame most of JRPG fans remain ignorant of it. I also never got the complaints about combat. There's some minor movement going on, that's it.

Maybe during the ps1 era, 20 years ago.

>Obviously they could not port Bravely Default on other consoles since it utilizes 2 screens
The only thing you just said and accused SE of is that their coders are too incompetent to create an overlay if not intersection UI so you have both screens overlapped which is easy to do but those jews won't pay someone to do it.

They're incredibly incompetent AND lazy though. Look at their Mana/FF Legends Vita port