this will be lead designer for your new game
say something nice to she/her
This will be lead designer for your new game
Why do only weirdos have their pronouns in the twitter profile?
What game so i wont accidentaly buy it
More like honiversary
Does it make you feel better when you attack people online from behind anonymity? You're a fucking coward and you know it.
Fucking trans trenders don’t understand what having cripple gender dysphoria since early childhood is like and they decide to transition either because coping beta or they felt feminine one day and Reddit convinced them their trans
The thing i always think when i see stuff like this is how incredible the amount of hair you can get back through estrogen
Makes you wonder how make people there are on estrogen because just because they're obsessed with their hair
>Cis people don't wonder if they're trans
This mindset right here is what makes me hate the trans community
I've been balding since I was 19. I'm lucky it's a look that goes with the shape of my face, but how much estrogen would one need to get his hair back? Is it worth it?
In the far left game development world this means a man that is good at his job can put on a wig and be allowed to work, instead of being replaced with a no talent woman.
So personally, I'm 100% ok with this.
I don't want to fuck him, I just want a good game from a skilled developer and since women have guaranteed, law enforced hiring this is pretty much needed now due to trannies also fitting into that "diversity hiring" law bullshit.
I would rather have 10 trannies that are good at their jobs than 10 forced feminist hires that don't know shit and hate games and gamers.
Gender dysphoria is a myth, it's been disproven. All trannies are just trenders.
Estrogen causes balding, actually. It does not cure or prevent it. That man in OP got hair implants.
estrogen would actually accelerate your balding. it doesn't cure baldness. it actually causes it in 90% of people who take estrogen.
I'm sex dysphoric (since that's a thing you actually have to point out now) and the transgender ideology crowd is fucking sick.
I started six years ago before Bruce Jenner came out or anyone talked about it at all. The only time it was ever in the news was when Bradley Manning wanted to go on HRT and prison.
Isn't it dihydrotestosterone that causes balding?
The main anti-balding medications are all about reducing it's production at least. I assumed if you changed your primary hormone to be estrogen instead of testosterone i'd have a similar impact (hence women balding at a much slower rate than men)
he's right, you're still a trender. there is no such thing as gender dysphoria. you made a huge mistake and made yourself unattractive and unlovable.
Gamers usually don't care if sequels are done by entirely different people or if everyone that made their beloved titles left the company already. Unless you're like Kojima then you're a brand yourself but who knows how that will turn out.
The point is what does it matter who the dev is, stop obsessing, if they make a game you like great, if they don't then don't buy it. Otherwise normally gamers don't care who worked on their game and often give credit to the wrong people and companies. This kind of forced controversy gets so tiring.
>Its been disproven
Where has it been disproven
No, there's no one hormone or hormone byproduct that's responsible for balding. It's entirely based on genetics and the way your body interacts with its own hormones. Introducing female hormones into a male body almost always causes balding, though, since no male body is meant to have high levels of estrogen.
Pattern baldness vs hair thinning.
Got any source for this? Balding is typically caused by DHT exposure, which is a byproduct of testosterone, while estrogen levels are positively linked to hair growth in women and are sometimes used to treat female pattern hair loss or stave off hair changes post-menopause
The trans community really is a horribly predatory community
They go after vulnerable people and children, convince them they're trans because they're slightly gender non conforming and ruin their lives
They're so eager to convince people that they're trans it's honestly sickening
If you put your gender in your Twitter bio that should be an automatic crime worthy of the death penalty
90% of males who take estrogen*
But yes, a guy taking estrogen is a huge mistake and will lead to baldness.
Stop spreading misinformation you dweebs. It is caused by DHT miniaturizing the follicles AND there is also a component of how genetically predisposed you are to it. Taking testosterone blockers as part of a transition will cure male pattern baldness.
Is this the bushwacker thread?
Easily the best mech in all of the inner sphere.
Not much to accelerate desu but I was just wondering.
you're literally spreading misinformation in your post. HRT causes baldness in almost all cases.
I can't find anything backing this up
Hair doesn't work that differently in males and females
No wonder that game fucking sucked compared to the shadowrun games
Wrong? Tons of trans women grow back their hair on HRT and even though I never had a receding hairline mine still filled in a bit too.
Hopefully this creature dies. Soon.
How the hell did the trend even started, then?
Have you played battletech? Kinda shits on your argument
Is this some sort of weird fucking anti-astroturfing or something? So mad about trannies that you're lying on the off chance you'd reduce their numbers? There's literally no mechanism that would cause MALE PATTERN BALDNESS when taking ANTI ANDROGENS. Please, go ahead and explain the logic behind it.
There is no difference between a male head and a female head except for high levels of DHT. When women transition to men, they go through male pattern baldness. When men transition to women, they don't.
What's up with gaming community being pack full of trannies?
no this is the Trannywacker thread
I literally do not give a shit as long as this person makes good video games.
I tried. But they banned me.