Any games where I can play as a jacket manlet?
Any games where I can play as a jacket manlet?
metal gear
GTA iv
Watch Tyler1
> Feet and inches
That's a yikes from me dumb anglos
why cant tall people outbreed short people
Americans measuring things with their feet will never not be funny
Most women love men that are taller than them, doesn't matter if you're 5.2 as long as she is 5.0.
Most men love women with big tits.
5'11 is 5 inches taller then the average, lanklet.
I'm sure this will be a great video game thread
measuring shit's never been funny tho
Trannies hate being tall though
because despite popular myth on Yea Forums, lanklets are actually virgins.
>not being based 5'7" (170cm)
>>tfw 6'11
i want to go to japan just to see everyone look at me in awe.
games with this feel?
Are you by any chance black and a basketball player?
i fucking hate being 6'3
i wish i was 5'9 just so my back wouldn't hurt and i wouldn't have to know that my size difference fetish is 100% impossible
Would you rather be 5'8 but have a 7" cock or be 6' with a 5" cock?
look at this frankestein looking ass nigga lmaooo
if your 5'8 with a 7" dick it looks 8 1/2"
People are on average taller than they were a hundred years ago.
So short people are being bred out of the genepool. Just slowly and naturally.
I'm already the latter and I'm pretty O.K. with it.
my dad was 6'1 and im 5'7, its just luck
I'm 5'1 and male
I want to be twirled in a big strong man's arms
>tfw 6'2"
>want to be a cute short boy instead
life is suffering
The first. I get to be an inch bigger on both ends, and dick size really DOES give you a massive boost in confidence.
Im a white aussie.
i live in the bush too.
Manlets are cute and should not be bullied!
>6'0 women
As a 5'11 man with a fetish for taller women, why do you keep perpetuating these lies?
99% of women do not care about cock size.
nice bait, have a (You)
I'll stick with being both
so 5'8 with a 5'' cock?
>the no smug alt-right frog gf
They don't, only incels whose brain has been destroyed by porn think that.
Only fat chicks care about dick size because it has to get past their fat so they can even feel shit lol.
Height is partially environmental
>ctrl+f punch-out
>no results
nu/v/ is real
im 6'5" and wish I was short and have someone huge protecting me
thats all I ever wanted
11'8" with a 12" cock
6'7", but gf is 6'2" so it evens out