Whats stopping the Japs from creating a decent NGE game?
Whats stopping the Japs from creating a decent NGE game?
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imagine being one of the underage normalfags who first watched nge on fucking netflix of all places
It doesn't even have fly me to the moon.
Imagine being one of the underage normalfags that thinks nge is good.
The ultimate NGE game in my mind would be a combination of Zone of the Enders, Robot Alchemic Drive, and Persona.
Girlfriend of steel exists.
What do you mean? There's already one
No one played that crap
>It doesn't even have fly me to the moon.
Holy shit, can Netflix do anything remotely right.
I did
What? It's fucking Evangelion. They should know it's the one thing they can't fuck up I'd they're going to do anime
These faggots scared the fuck out of me as a kid
Changed a lot of the subs too
because it messed up people mind and faith I guess?
nge is too important to have a good game, same reason valve doesn't make half life 3
man oh man you guys don't even fucking know how much worse the Netflix dub is than the ADV dub do you
>he's the third children
NGE would need to a decent anime first before getting a decent game.
Wow it's actually soulless.
they also removed "I'm so fucked up" line and replaced it with "I'm the lowest of the low" and they fucked with Kaworu and Shinji's weird relationship
Frry me to the moon
Imagine getting a Netflix ad for some bullshit instead of listing to that magic.
I heard NGE on Japan Netflix still has Fly Me to the Moon.
Saturn/PSX/Dreamcast era has some good ones with new subplots worked to weave between the episodes
>fucked with Kaworu and Shinji's weird relationship
So shinji has no real reason to not kill him? Kinda fucks with the plot no?
here it is .
yep, the rumor is that the guy that did the Netflix script is wholly against localization and only believes in doing literal translations and that's basically what this dub is, a literal translation script, however without the localization half the shit going on doesn't make any fucking sense and/or has weird Engrish shit like "he's the third children".
Not only did they remove it from the end credits they removed it from all the scenes it was in the background in.
>They changed the "Im so fucked up" line
I mean, it did seem a little out of place in EoE, but it really does sum up how you'd feel about jacking off to a comotose girls breasts, especially more so than the new "I'm the lowest of the low" does.
>I'm the lowest of the low
Literally "Don't mess with me, Nagatoro!" tier.
>"I'm the lowest of the low"
is not something a teenager would say
Girlfriend of Steep was ok
Those were very popular at the time, among the NGE fans that is. Played both back in the day
>they also removed "I'm so fucked up" line and replaced it with "I'm the lowest of the low"
That is literally what he's saying though
Does Super Robot Wars count?
>girlfriend of steel
>not good
Gay opinion
'I'm the worst' would have been a better translation.
Kaworu was my first husbando
It gets worse. It gets so much worse.
Off the top of my head the script is completely soulless, they actively removed the gayness between Kaoru and Shinji (Which was actually an important plot point and character development point leading into EoE), they didn't get Fly Me To The Moon, some of the background tracks are missing samples. This is why we don't let Netflix have nice things.
It's canon and explains how the angels came to Earth
They also changed the subtitles and the entire dub cast.
Spike Spencers voice was swapped with pic related, and it sounds terrible.
It's not something anybody would say, that's why it's so stupid.
this hurts me
Pretty sure the original voice actors would have came back and done it, I mean they did the dubs for all the newest movies.
Considering asukas old voice actor shared a petition about it I doubt they were even asked, netflix just has their head up their ass as usual.
>NGE comes on netflix
>"Aw hell yeah, I haven't watched this in ye-"
>it's some obscure dub with a different shinji that sounds like a little girl
I actually saw a similar discussion on pol
>People arguing about the dub when they saw the anime subbed.
You faggots will criticize anything.
>they removed the gayness
It wasn't a plot point. It's just your typical Bug Bunny "kiss your enemy" style taunting but of course you mentally ill faggots read too deeply into everything and consider that one scene to be the climax of the series.
The quick smooch was done to demoralize Shinji. Angels are creepy assholes. It wasnt LGBTQP+ awareness month. Literally nobody of importance cares about gay people they're like .01% of the population. They are literally irrelevant to everything like people born with a third nipple. Nobody cares.
Go drink your onions and fuck off
Look on the bright side. If there is enough fan outrage they will fix it a year after it came out and somehow make everything worse as they did for Arrested Development.
>browsing clownboard
This may surprise you zoomer but most people here watched it english, I was one of them, and even if they didn't they fucked the subs up too retard.
I saw it dubbed
A1 post
/pol/ making the most sense as usual.
What happened with Arrested Development? I don't keep up with netflixs incompetence.
Dude don't worry the gays can't hurt you.
It's not that big a draw these days.
The best it can do is SRW walk ons.
Not an excuse, fuccboi.
Sure, you can say that Kaoru only kissed Shinji to mess with him, but it has a profound impact on Shinji, in that another person showed him affection, which is an unusual occurrence. Even though it's another boy, it's enough to make Shinji question killing him
>When even /pol/ understands the gay shit had a point
Was kaworu even gay? Or was it just 5D chess to get to the evas and his goal?
The subs is exactly what they’re saying in Japanese you low iq shit skin.
Also defending the the original dub is just as laughable because of how shit it was. Even the Rebuild movies didn’t bring back everyone from ADV to the shitty dub again.
don't look up who is voicing shinji now for your own safety
The original dub voice cast was very amateur at the time and it shows in their performance, so I don't see any issue with redubbing, but rewriting the dub script to that degree is pretty awful.
The whole point of Kaworu loving Shinji was it was the first time Shinji was/felt loved.
But they did bring back shinji for the films, you know the MAIN FUCKING CHARACTER? The same guy who said he would do the netflix dub if they asked him?
Also if you think the new dub is better than the ADV you have galaxy tier shit taste.
He's not human so pretty sure this is all just a game for him
I love the way /pol/ explains things
They actually auditioned for their roles.
Asukas va auditioned for Asuka and they went with an unknown.
I'm pretty sure in some ways, he was manipulating Shinji but it's possible that he was expressing real love to Shinji even if it were towards something dishonest. Like a sort of femme fatale move.
>The original dub voice cast was very amateur at the time and it shows in their performance
Yeah but they aren't amateurs anymore, Spike Spencer has been doing the voice for decades now.
If the problem is amateurs why are you okay with them getting new amateurs with poor performances? Wasn't that the original problem?
I wouldn't say game, more like his life's directive so he was willing to do whatever it took to get to it, like manipulating shinji.
Which is when he realizes its not adam in central dogma he lets shinji kill him, because his mission is over.
I don't think so. I think he just has pure love for shinji because he understands him, no sexual overtones. Even the share a bed thing.
>Whats stopping the Japs from creating a decent NGE game?
Because making licenced highly popular franchise games is generally a terrible idea and not worth the trouble?
Between the INSANE licencing fees, autistic and insufferable fanbase that will freak out no matter what you do, and the fact that the source material actually does not land itself very well to gameplay-focused medium, it's just not worth the hassle for anyone with half a brain.
NGE fans are mostly idiots and their ideas about how NGE game should actually work are for the most part amazingly retarded to begin with, yet they would shit their pants if anyone actually invested the effort to make something that would work.
It's all just a fucking gargantuan minefield of pains in the ass on every level. So again: why bother?
I find it hard to believe Spike Spencer lost the role of shinji to what we got.
New Dub is awfully over-literal because of the original Funi dub of 3.0 by the way
It's more likely that they were humored with an audition but we're not going to ever be considered. It doesn't surprise me that Netflix wanted to bin the old cast and get "their" own take on Eva.
For Season 4 they did this weird thing with the timeline where each episode you follow one character through their journey over the last several years. Pulled it off horribly so ended up rearranging the footage they already shot got into 'normal' episodes that had all the characters in them. As you can guess that this made it even worse and now its the default way to view the season.
I know for a fact Asukas va flew in to audition. I heard the rest threw therir hats in though.
>Not knowing the word “children” is being used as code word during their conversation.
Holy shit you faggots must be missing a lot when you watched the dub. That’s exactly what they’re saying in Japanese.
Shitty localization is fucking cancer.
it's netflix, of course they are going to get a tranny to voice shinji to be diverse
lets just be thankful they didn't make the script woke
Isn't there a video of the original 3.0? I heard kaworu was made to sound very VERY gay in it. I only saw the redubbed version.
is it possible to see the original 3.0 dub anywhere? surely someone sneaked a camcorder into a theatre or something? I really need to see this
That killed it for me. It's not shinji
>That’s exactly what they’re saying in Japanese.
Nobody cares about the letter of the law but the spirit of it you fag
if it is, it'd be a pain to find probably seeing as there was (apparently) only 1 airing
Both Rei and Shinjis VAs tweeted about it, basically saying they would have done it but were never asked and wish the new staff best of luck.
Yeah and it sounds bad in English to be referring to singular things with the plural noun, localisation is meant to make it flow/sound right while preserving the original intent, and in this case, children >> child is perfectly fine
Yeah Tiffany Grant, she loves Asuka and is a huge fan of Asuka. She has a room dedicated to Asuka merchandise. She knew she wouldn't get it but was still bummed that she couldn't return to play the role she's played for over a decade.
>funimation flanderizes the characters.
>webs don’t think this is bad.
This may surprise you but different languages have different ways of communicating things. Are you somebody who thinks the dubs have to include -chan at the end of everyones names too?
The point of a dub is to give the impression the people are speaking your language, it's why people don't just listen to a fucking google translator voice for all their dubs.
Honestly both Funi and Khara are retards here.
But who cares, it's a dub, and dubs are fucking trash.
>removed the gayness
FLCL's dub pulled off honorifics pretty well, I thought.
both is trash
it never fails to amaze me how over the top american dubs sound
glorious german dub masterrace reporting in
>dubs are fucking trash.
Most are. You're a faggot if you prefer some things subbed however.
Whole plot is
>lol so randum
>christian symbolism because it looks cool
>clusterfuck ending with no meaning at all
I hate you niggers it is just a 7/10 anime. You all praise it because muh asuka
Sometimes it's less about getting what you think is the "best" voice and more so about getting the voice everyone expects.
I mean fuck, imagine if they replaced Gokus dub actor after all these years, people would lose it.
It wouldn't matter how much better the new voice sounded it's not the voice people are used to.
Even when samurai jack got a new season the new voice actor for Aku tried super fucking hard to sound like the original because he and the studio knew that's what people wanted.
this guy's channel has a bunch of absolutely garbage quality clips from the original dub screening
the audio is mostly good though, so it's not a real problem
It's kinda shocking when for the past 5 years people have been critical of funimation but funimation has always done this shit for over a decade. Its okay since its Evangelion? Its not okay that Funimation is full of hacks that ruin scripts.
go pester Baby Sitter Sleuth on SomethingAwful for substantiation
>Whats stopping the Japs from creating a decent NGE game?
For that to happen, NGE needs to be actually good first.
>NGE needs to be actually good first.
I can only wonder who you are trying to impress.
Except the whole reason it’s children in Japanese is because again it’s a code word. It was used to hide that Nerv was using clones.
This was deliberate word choice they decided to use. I bet you fags like it when they meme rice balls into jelly filled donuts too, losers.
Already exists
>I can only wonder who you are trying to impress.
Your dad who left you at birth.
the director of ADV back in the day had to argue with the japs that shit like "third children" didn't make sense in English
It's funny 20 years later the japs got their way with a literal translation
>the whole redub/sub happened because the creator thought Americans were laughing at the 3.0 screening and he thought the localization was trash because 3.0 was supposed to be taken seriously
I still have yet to see the proof on this claim
new Misato > old Misato
old Shinji > tranny Shinji
>It was used to hide that Nerv was using clones.
Asuka, Shinji, and Toji aren't clones and are all numbered "children" in the show, stop talking out of your ass.
JPN Audio > ENG Audio > ENG Audio
It's the difference between caring about the project and just wanting to make quick cash.
I wonder which netflix is.
Eva has been available subbed since the 90s you absolute retard.
Pretty much. Children and normalfags watched it dubbed.
Fans of anime watched it subbed.
It's not a hard concept to grasp.
There's already an N64 NGE fight game which is okay
I do think there's a lot of potential for telling this story in videogame form but at the same time I absolutely do not trust anyone with the IP post-rebuilds and post-netflix
The latest one was the VR game for theme parks
Expect only rei is a clone dumb ass.
Yeah and they changed the subs, are you actually reading the thread or just shitposting?
Really? I know Soros owns half of it but how jewish can they get?
I always assumed they had Kaworu clones at Seele. Forgotten if it's ever mentioned.
>untouched official subs are the only subs
loving every laugh
He's a fucking angel you idiot
That doesn't change a single point of my original post retard. Are you going to actually make a point or keep trolling?
I think people said Kaworu clones were in the MP Eva's, but im pretty sure that's just head canon
Hey retard. Kaworu is of Adam as Rei is of Lilith. This is why he realised he let Shinji kill him because he realised that humans were guarding Lilith so that they could make their own choice as to the future of life.
Stop making things up
They kind of do, dummy plugs are copies of a person's personality and combat data and that's what we see piloting the Mass Production Evas.
Pseudo-pilots, not clones.
And so are the Evas. And technically so are humans. They all have the similar DNA, this was explained early in the show.
They were Kaworu dummy plugs like the Rei dummyplug that fought unit 3.
>they fucked up the subs
>this means it's impossible for fansubs to not be fucked or for people to unfuck the subs
well the laughs start coming
and they don't stop coming
>not watching it subbed
Y'all niggas stop clowning around.
Yeah remember when Toji got fucked up and they just brought in his clone as they do with Rei?
The use of "children" is Engrish, nothing more.
"Japs" has racist undertones OP
It's the same as "blacks" as it's not inherently a slur but have been used by racists
Please refrain from using it.
God damn dude netflix cant do anything right.
Nobody is talking about fansubs but you.
Holy fuck what’s it like being retarded? They say こども たち which means children dumbass.
Why do you think they labeled the dummy plugs Rei and Kawarou? Do I need to spoon feed you the entire lore?
You’re not wrong. We just didn’t get to see them.
You're talking about sub v dub, and talked about how subs were bad
I said that those subs weren't the only option
Backpedal harder please
Fuck off faggot
"Subs" include fansubs you absolute retard. Stop moving the goalposts and accept that you lost. There's no reason to watch dubbed Eva and zero reason to justify dubbed Eva. Subs have existed since the 90s.
>b-b-but the most popular subs are inaccurate!
Multiple subs exist.
The only retard here is you.
It was actually a good game fag
Are you going to actually address the fact the THREE other children who aren't clones are still referred to the exact same way?
>Holy fuck what’s it like being retarded? They say こども たち which means children dumbass.
Yes and that doesn't work in english because the proper translation would be "the first of the children" or something
>Why do you think they labeled the dummy plugs Rei and Kawarou? Do I need to spoon feed you the entire lore?
Please do, schizophrenia chan
"Faggot" is a slur against homosexuals.
Homosexuals are oppressed and deal with the threat of physical, emotional, and psychological abuse just because they love someone outside of the status quo.
Please don't contribute to this by using slurs.
Nice cherry picking.
>*Tomato splat noise*.
>Hit em again!
>Don't they Have any sense of self-restraint?
>Unbearably shit line reading by most of the supporting cast that made you wince with pain
Old dub was a travesty and while the new one is bad it's nowhere near as unbearable as ADV.
Also this one has the much more accurate script. It's a bit too accurate though so some lines sound stiff in English
If they have clones and dummy plugs of the rest why is this never brought up, and why does the show focus on Rei alone? We never see Shinji or Asuka floating about in that tube that's ostensibly used in their creation. Why does Ritsuko's grand reveal to Shinji and Misato only present Rei clones?
I'm willing to change my mind on this but you're presenting absolutely no evidence.
>and even if they didn't they fucked the subs up too retard.
Why in the fuck would you assume this was fan subs? Literally nobody brought up fansubs, especially when the post I responded to was specifically talking about the ADV and netflix dubs.
Look at where you are, this entire fucking thread is talking about ADV and netflix but YOU.
Are you serious right now faggot?
Because there is no evidence, the dude just has some insane theory and changes the topic anytime someone asks for proof.
Spoilers he obviously hasn't finished it.
'Children' is a classification not a descriptor. It was never supposed to be the plural of 'child'. Anno didn't want it translated as child back then and he didn't want it now being fully aware of the grammar involved because it was brought up with him multiple times.
The issue is that the anime never takes time to point it out so people screech.
Same goes for the love/like with Kaworu and people thinking it makes them completely non gay are retards who apparently missed all the other scenes which give enough homoerotic subtext to the relationship. Of course delusional fags and fujo shippers with persecution complex need to make it all about themselves somehow.
We're the only ones talking about subs though, so mentioning alternatives is relevant. The rest of the thread is busy with the terrible dubs.
Accept the loss my dude, you're just looking more and more spastic with every post. All you need to do is stop replying, no one knows who you are, you haven't got a reputation or integrity to uphold.
For all I know, you called yourself an absolute retard earlier.
Again these are fucking code words. Did you forget that Shinji’s entire class were fucking motherless pilot candidates too?
>Being this insufferable
>In b4 wiki
>Children' is a classification not a descriptor. It was never supposed to be the plural of 'child'. Anno didn't want it translated as child back then and he didn't want it now being fully aware of the grammar involved because it was brought up with him multiple times.
How is that not explained by him not understanding English and being too stubborn to accept the point that it doesn't really work in the language?
>"t-the subs were fucked up!"
>Okay, they may have been, but better alternative subs exist
>"w-we're not talking about those!"
>According to an FAQ from the Eva Mailing List, the term "Children" is used for the pilots so Nerv can hide the fact that Rei--despite being the "First Children"--has clones, which makes her several Children instead of one.
Imagine getting blown out by your own source.
Because it is not supposed to mean the plural of child. It's more like a title or a rank. Yes it sounds stupid, but changing it to child when referring to one of them is not correct. They just went with 'accurate' instead of 'sensible' like with several other instances in this translation.
>hurf durf only da evil leftists see it as gay
No you absolute cretin, it was certain and the creator has talked about it plenty of times. The entire point is that people's sexuality can be affected by their environment, in particularly young people or people starved for affection can wind up in relationships or with experiences they otherwise wouldn't. Most of the LGBTQWTF+ fags hate it because it pushes anything but pure BORN GAY, BORN BI, BORN TRANS, etc.
>We're the only ones talking about subs though, so mentioning alternatives is relevant.
Then don't bring up alternatives when I didn't. I'm sorry you didn't read the post I replied to first but that's your problem not mine.
Which doesn't make any sense. Because there is no reason to suspect anything of Rei in the first place.
And she was the first so the name of that title stuck for all of them.
They redubbed the kraut version too
Bud I don't care if your handwritten subs are the most epic bestest thing. People here are trying to talk about the subs people will actually see. If you don't want to talk about that then maybe stop responding to the person who is.
I feel like you replied to the wrong person. And in either case the people who assigned the term 'children' to her are NERV and it's not really relevant that the viewer doesn't know the clone situation initially
>Don't bring up things that counter my argument
>please don't, that's unfair
>s-stop I have to be right! Mommy said I was special!
>Waaaaah! I want tendies!
You seriously expect to talk about subs vs dubs and for no one to mention alternative subs? You're incredibly naive and clearly aren't interested in discussing the quality of either.
It doesn't make sense in our out of narrative to dub her Children. Unless they wanted people to suspect her.
Could we discuss what the fuck we would want in an Evangelion game now please?
Shinji x Misato route
A reverse Assassin's Creed kind of
The pattern of and alternating would be a decent set up I think
Except in NGE - The Game it's alternating with
Sure but the reason why SEELE/Nerv decided to name her like that and ramifications of it is not relevant for the translator. It's not the translator's job to re-interpret plot points or correct a logical fallacy of any work especially if the creator insists on it. Yes, it does not make sense that they created that term but whatever the reason is, they did and from this point on this is the official name.
No I expect them to mention they are talking about alternative subs, are you just being dishonest on purpose? Read the reply chain, at no point does anyone say "fansubs" or any synonym to the fact until you two brought it up and tried to play this off like it wasn't some big misunderstanding.
If you want to talk about fansubs I don't really give a fuck because that's not what I or anyone else here is talking about.
People here are mad that they changed the netflix subs, do you want to know why? Because it's the version people are most likely to see, people don't go look for fansubs unless they KNOW something is wrong with the original, which these people wont since it's their first time viewing it. They have no fucking clue if there is a better fansub version out there, because they don't even know what rei's titty looks like yet.
Spike was excellent in ADV though. Everyone else should be shot, especially Kaworu's VA. But Spike's rant at the end of episode 26 that was absolutely kino.
Ok buddy, my first reply to you was >>untouched official subs are the only subs
If that's not enough for you realise alternative subs would be mentioned, then you've only got yourself to blame.
He literally committed suicide so Shinji might be happy
>>>>>>>>watching DUB in the first place
Yeah and my reply to that was
Which is still 100% true, fansubs existing doesn't change the fact they fucked up the netflix subs.
Asuka > Rei > used trash > Misato
No one said those subs weren't fucked though. Just that there were better alternatives for subbed viewing and pretending they don't exist is stupid
Nobody is pretending like they don't exist.
But I'm also not going to pretend like the majority of people are going to look for them, because they aren't.
They won't even know the subs are wrong unless they read some tweet or polygon article about it.
10 years from now people will prefer the netflix subs because it's "what they grew up on" regardless of their quality, which is a real shame.
How hard is it for you fags to just torrent the superior blu-ray rips.
And why the fuck is there a shitstorm about the dub? Dubs are shit anyway its not hard to read and watch.
Even plebs must know if the outrage thanks to social media.
but the official subs are fucked and there is literally no alternative so dubs are better xd
this played in the back ground as battle music
in a heated mecha fight would be amazing.
Nobody here is going to have any trouble getting the superior versions.
The issue is newfags won't know a superior version exists. They will probably wonder why older eva fans like the song "fly me to the moon" so much as they will assume its just some random frank sinatra song.
I really do hope so.
>old dub
>superior version
>when subs exist
you must be joking
My post applies to both sub and dub, as they changed both in the netflix version.
Fair enough
Hey guys I know this may sound kinda psycho, but wouldn't you rather be looking at the screen and seeing what's happening and also instantly know what they're saying when you hear them instead of looking down the whole time when some shit's about to go down?
If people liked the abysmal first ADV/MangaTV releases with nop director's cut episodes then they will be just fine with that. Right now it's just oldfags bitching about everything but I don't think it's overall a worse experience for first time watchers than a lot that was available years ago.
>People complaining about the Old Dub being superior when the old dub was trash anyways
the ADV dub cast is much better now then they were when the original dub was made. compare their acting in 3.0 to the original TV series and you'll see the improvements. If they had been brought back, we probably would have gotten an actually good performance
nuclear waste is still worse than average house trash
dyslexics and the mentally challenged need not partake in this discussion
it would have been the exact same script either way
I still think that people watching won't get the full point about Shinji & Kowaru's relationship with the Netflix version.
It cuts out the entire [Shinji feeling loved for the first time] plot point which is pretty major, gay or not
Sorry I don't speak japanese, user
I can read your mind...
You actually think I am not able to read the text displayed on the bottom, here let me put it into a different perspective, when some action is going on, but you are distracted by words, you can't see the action you have to read words.
Kaworu even says You deserve my grace instead of You deserve my empathy which changes everything.
Only if you read incredibly slowly, not to mention anime has a tendency to rarely have heavy dialogue in the middle of intense action
If you have trouble reading up to ~15 words quickly you may need to reconsider your choice to drop out of grade school
You may need to get your heart ripped out of you.
This escalated very quickly
Are you actually a drop out? Is this a touchy subject for you?
Do I need to simplify my sentences even more?
Cool angel fights + VN sections with extra original stories.
consider falling in a woodchipper
It's ok user, the welfare office will take care of you
That would be so cool.
It's almost as if someone with no knowledge of English grammar shouldn't autistically demand that fucking nothing gets altered even when he's told again and again how fucking retarded it sounds
I know, it’s the first thing I checked. What a shitshow
get raped
I played the Rei one on DS, how is this one?
There there, everything will be ok
When you're dead, it'll be fine.
Hello newfriends. If you want to watch the old evangelion, it's still on kissanime (dubs and subs)
implying the trans VA isn't perfect casting to capture shinji's mental instability
Don't fucking stream Evangelion
Or anime in general, but especially not Evangelion
>Don't stream anime
it's fine. none of the original actors/writers/animators would get money if you bought the overpriced box set everyone suggests. literally nothing wrong with streaming it, unless you're a puritan who hates piracy
streaming is inevitably lower quality and is people attempting to profit off piracy and work they didn't do (the videos they host are the first things they grabbed off torrent sites)
Because its shit quality, you retards.
Are you going to watch it on your phone too?
This. If you’re too much of a poorfag to buy manga or anime, then at least get the torrents/raws directly and not from third-party parasites.
in just sad that the lady who did asuka's VA was dropped, she really really REALLY loved the character
I personally don't mind about that. 720p is fine enough for a show from 20 years ago. just don't fullscreen it lol.
And if you're using kissanime, the greasemonkey/tampermonkey script doesnt allow any of the ads to show without triggering the site's anti-adblock, so that's nice too
It's more than 720p, there is actual re-encoding of the video for it to be served to users
re-encoding to make it smaller filesize
reducing quality
on 95%+ visual medium, why do that to yourself ?
I have a very shitty Internet connection and I wouldn't be able to stream any higher than 720p anyways without major buffering. Again, I personally don't mind it as everything's clear and i can enjoy the show. :)
united states btw. 1st world country with 3rd world internet
tfw my australian internet is better than 99% of american internet
rip u
Misato should have just taken asuka and shinji into her room for a week.
I know somebody already mentioned it in this thread but the reason why the Netflix dub is so fucking sterile and bad and has new VAs isn't because of Netflix (not this time at least). It's actually because Gainax is being so obtuse and yet strict about the dubbing and translation that they literally refuse to let anyone else do anything with the script which is/will result in some outright retarded phrasing and even more retarded circumstances. I earnestly believe the entire ending for the Netflix version is going to have a completely different tone that ironically won't be anywhere near the original dub's ending was like.
You can thank Funimation for being absolute hacks and turning Shinji into outright being gay, like not even being ambiguous or showing that he's only doing it for attention. He's just straight up and outright gay.
Welcome to 3 hours ago, user
Kaworu/Shinji love plot is significant and confirmed by Anno in interviews though. It's when Shinji feels like he is loved for the first time, like he has value.
There is a difference between mutual affectionate love between two people and sexually involved love user.
This was clearly aimed at the latter and they weren't even trying to hide it.
I cannot stand english Shinji, he sounds like such a pathetic bitch, I know thats the point, but german Shinji is such a chad compared to him
They're both still gay. It's mental gymnastics to pretend otherwise.
Have you ever loved another person without wanting to have sex with them user?
Are you a lonely child?
Do you want to fuck both of your parents?
Are you saying there has to be sex for it to be gay?
I guess that means if I loved some chick it's not straight until I bone her, right?
What's wrong with it being gay anyway? It's not the show goes insane over it, it's just another thing that happens.
I am way too used to Alison as Misato and Spike as Shinji to even bother listening to what the Netflix dub sounds like.
>dubs in anime
lmao, what's wrong nigga? you can't read or something lol
though sometimes dubs can be better.
>golden boy dub
absolute kino
>Are you saying there has to be sex for it to be gay?
>I guess that means if I loved some chick it's not straight until I bone her, right?
How do you even perform this mental logic? I said that you can love someone without it being sexual and somehow you turned that into "Well if I don't want to have sex that means it's gay."
Being gay is a fucking sexuality it's not set in the basis of who you love and don't love. Loving you father is not gay and loving a close friend who is the same sex as you is not gay in and of itself either how the fuck do you warp that into "Well if I don't want to have sex with a girl I like then that means I'm gay."
The absence of sexuality in a relationship does not mean it's gay or straight it just has absence of sexuality how the fuck did you convince yourself of this?
I'm not even saying the original dub/sub didn't make the relationship gay. In fact it left it intentionally ambiguous to be gay but that was the point it was to show how desperate Shinji was for attention that he would alter his own personality just to receive it.
That is completely different from what the original dub of 3.0 did which was making Shinji literally fucking gay from the start. As in Shinji was straight up into Kaworu from the moment he entered the screen and it had outright homosexual dialogue with the two. That is completely different from the subtle undertones of the original, it'd be like if they re-scripted MGS2 to have it just outright fucking tell you the whole thing is just to simulate MGS1 with Raiden the moment you first encounter Pliskin (Snake) compared to setting up undertones and being subtle about it in the original.
>What's wrong with it being gay anyway?
Christ are you deliberately being retarded or are you trying to set me up as some /pol/ boggieman. I never said being gay was wrong I was saying they flanderized the characters so much it erased the original purpose of the dynamic or made it harder to read.
I've always wanted an ArcSys mecha crossover game so they should just put Shinji and Asuka into that. which will never happen
How do you not just fuck up a dub but simultaneously fuck up a sub too?
Link me Shinji x Asuka fanfics.
>mecha crossover
Just play SRW, you'll never get a half decent fighting game with that scale of a crossover.
>how do you not just fuck a dub but simultaneously fuck up a sub too?
Life uh finds a way
FFVII isn't really anything like Evangelio-
>weird scene where characters are inside their own head
>overly liberal localization
>getting a remake released in chunks that will take forever to come out
oh fug
>being proud of watching post-ironic amerilard dubs
>How do you even perform this mental logic? I said that you can love someone without it being sexual and somehow you turned that into "Well if I don't want to have sex that means it's gay."
No. From what I read you implied it can't be gay because there's nothing sexual, so I flipped the scenario. As you can see, the scenario is retarded.
>In fact it left it intentionally ambiguous to be gay
Anno has gone on record to confirm it was gay.
>Christ are you deliberately being retarded or are you trying to set me up as some /pol/ boggieman.
Neither. It just seems that you're incredibly against it being gay for some reason, when it clearly is (and has been confirmed to be)
Also keep in mind, I've not watched NGE with official dub and untouched official subs. Keeping in mind, fansubbers at the time cared about the subs being accurate above all.
>saying dilate
Have sex
I heard she was a super fangirl of Asuka. So why screw her out of the role that brought her into the spotlight?
Seethe, cope, dilate and have sex - in that order.
god no, pls leave it alone ffs
If it's Ashley fucking Burch I'll scream.
>All 37 Evangelion Timelines
Someone is mad in the asshole
there will be even more after eva 3+1
drop dead
No, it's a tranny.
Nobody said they were proud of anything.
>being this much of a triggered butt-baby
Go back to /pol/
fucking die
New Shinji va is a literal, unironic tranny
fuck you, that's not the point. no one is making you subscribe or turn of adblock.
In what universe is there actually 37
1st child still implies there's more
The fact that this series is yaoi garbage.
Seriously, I never hated a protagonist so much in an anime.
Essentially Persona. By day doing social stuff by night fighting angels
Yeah, 2nd child (Asuka), 3rd child (Shinji), 4th child (Toji) and 5th child (Kaworu)
Children on the other hand is weird and jarring in english in this context
>53 fucking minutes
720 is fine for anime. Goddamn what a hearty kek that people think you need to stream anime at high quality.
It's a fuckin' cartoon.
it's just a collection of all the fan fiction and alternative settings from games, visual novels, pachinko, manga and other media that was released in last 20 years. don't be so anal about it.
Goddamn what a based anime.
No u
I clicked on, I clicked away. Simple as that.
I'm proud. I think the American dub is based, redpilled, kino, and charming. Glad I got to watch when it used to come on every Thursday night on Adult Swim. Good times.
I've been watching it for 24 minutes, most of it is him making shit jokes into the camera.
Ayo bruh nah you not seriously gonna post an N64 game like s m h
there are plenty of shows with good dubs, yu yu, cowboy. why are people so pretentious about it
3.33 is so fucking bad. It makes Last Jedi look like a masterpiece
Did they change "baloney poney"?
I ain't paying to watch that trainwreck
Rei a best
I used to be a Reifag, still am, but at one point I realized Asuka was better for Shinji.
It exists already.
Who the fuck cares
>who cares if the iconic ending song with lots of variations is removed from a show
>t. Netflix shill
Not to mention giant beings being released one at a time to wreck havoc and reclaim the planet.
It`s honestly Evangelion meets Berserk.
>zoomers will be introduced to EVA
I fucking hate Netflix.
People are acting like they wanted to watch the series for ever, yet they couldn't be arsed to look for it on the Internet on their own. Oh no, they had to wait until they were told to what to do and watch.
Fucking, unironic NPCs.
Try actually playing it.
It's the world we live in.
You have zero self-awareness.
Reminder they're ignored the original VA's auditions so they could hire a literal tranny to voice Shinji for progressive points
I wish I was an EVA pilot
You think you do but you don't.
Do you also not read English? Are you experiencing Yea Forums through text2speech?
Shinji's voiced by a tranny, too.
Really not a fan of Shinji's new VA, sounds more like a woman imitating a teenager whose voice hasn't broken rather than an actual teenager. Misato's a bit too business-like as well, she's supposed to be putting up an overly positive front to hide how she actually feels.
>flanderized characters
Is this the reason why 3.0 sucked?
I'm a dubfag, so I'm wondering.
Personally I think the problem is that the struggle isn't there anymore. Anno has all the money, fame and reputation he needs to produce whatever story he wants, while previously his budget literally evaporated in front of him and the audience. If you can do literally anything with the medium where's the challenge to get every drop of value out of a scene?
Don't forget to spam dub/Netflix threads in Yea Forums.
user, instead of projecting yourself, look into a mirror.
It was more that the storyline was convoluted, even for Evangelion's baseline level of mental bullshit.
The fact that it's introducing the "reset timelines converging" subtext doesn't help matters.
Easy. They wanted to save money.
By hiring literal nobodies this is literally the first role Asuka's VA has ever had, Netflix and Studio Khara save more money than they would have spent if they got the original cast.
What's even sadder, is that AFTER they held the auditions and already cast the newfag voices, they wasted Tiffany, Spike Spencer, Amanda Winn Lee, and Allison Keith's time by having them fly to LA for "pity auditions" after fans raised a ruckus over them getting fucked over.
Netflix never intended to rehire any of the original voice actors. They felt they were unworthy of a modern dub. Fuck this shitty production.
it's a tranny and I knew it within two lines. Both impressed and disappointed with myself for indentifying the tranny voice correctly
This is actually pathetic.
subs > dubs
blu ray rip > netflix
misato > other girls
cancer > rebuilds
I/O is basically NGE except Shinji turns into Adam Jensen and the assimilation of humanity happens because of nanomachines instead of ancient magic.
I heard other music is missing to. Anyone know which scenes have had music removed?
Kaworu’s new English VA sounds like a chad, which really amplified how much a fag shinji is in comparison
Zone of the Enders with JRPG/VN periods of downtime.
New misato is good, but I've gotten so used to the raspy voice of the old one.
Or, I guess it'd be more like War of the Monsters than Zone of the Enders, seeing as to how it's largely ground-based combat.
It's '""""just"''''' Fly Me To The Moon.
Kaworu is too alien to get human emotions, all the angels are.
The closest they get to understanding humans is that lightbeam that mindfucks asuka
/m/ chad here. Never bothered watching it since it was always babby's first mecha.
So I actually watched on Netflix for the first time ever and turns out it's good
Truly dubs are never good
this is a prime example of someone reaching the right conclusion for the wrong reasons
Imagine all of the other things you could really like but refuse to watch
Even though I'm a pretty massive sub elitist Spike has always endeared to me
I'm on episode 10, so far it's been good but when does the "kino" starts?
It starts going crazy in the mid 10s.
Yes. My attitude with stuff like that really changed when I read and really enjoyed jojo after years of shitting on it because of the cancerous fanbase.
Now I just watch stuff.
4-5 more episodes
fellow /m/ user.
Evangelion is a legitimately good piece of work, it's fanbase is retarded though.
It's like one of these iceberg memes
The top has all the surface level meme-spouting normalfags and retarded fans who thing eva is 2deep4u for it's christian imagery, praise it as the best thing since sliced bread, and extrapolate all kinds of bullshit from it.
the bottom has the people who realize eva is a well directed anime that thoroughly explores a handful of psychological ideas and anno's stance on escapism.
Riddle me something amerimuts, if the dub is so bad, why don't you just change the audio to JP and turn on the subs?
It already has, it doesn't become obvious until later though
That only applies to netfags.
They got a fucked sub and dub
In my honest opinion:
If the tranny sounded a bit more male sounding, they would be closer to the Japanese dub which I think is the best tone for Shinji. Right now, Shinji sounds like how I imagine Rei would sound if she wasn't a brick.
Spike Spencer is good but it's not a voice I'd pick for Shinji. Spencer's voice has a tone of someone who's strong but puts a weak front.
>reading subs
That's for low IQ tryhards
>german dubs will never be this natural sounding again
take it slow and think hard about everything you've just watched, write important stuff on paper and let it sink in. then move on the next episode. don't be the binge-watch faggot.
Netflix subs are the awful dub script.
Also, Fly Me to The Moon and the various instrumental versions of it in the anime are all removed.
who the fuck does that lmfao
Why don't you kill yourself?
How fucked up are Gendo and Fuyutsuki?
>they wasted Tiffany, Spike Spencer, Amanda Winn Lee, and Allison Keith's time by having them fly to LA for "pity auditions" after fans raised a ruckus over them getting fucked over.
I do imagine they'd be annoyed by this. Particularly Tiffany. Not sure how the rest of the cast felt.
Seems like you're the underage normalfag to me, I bet you don't even remember teh rei.
I sometimes forget I'm on Yea Forums and unlike Yea Forums you're not widely known by your intelligence or good taste.
Are you saying Yea Forums is filled with intelligence or good taste?
>Yea Forums
>widely known for intelligence or good taste
Ah yes, such enlightened individuals that enjoy discussing generic moeshit #3642.
do you lack basic reading comprehension?
Into the breach
Oh no. I understood what you said. I just wanted to confirm you didn't mean anything else because that was the most braindead statement I've seen this week.
You're fucking stupid.
Daily reminder that she is incredibly based
I saw my younger brother watching it and he asked my why the angels kept appearing in the same place. The reason is they think Adam is I'm central dogma, right? How did the fish angel know where Adam really was?
the first half is sort of weird but binge watching isn't always a good thing
Source material.
>Tiffany Grant
>Literally has a room dedicated to her waifu
>Voices her waifu
>Wants to be her waifu
>"Nah let's not hire her, lets find someone more dedicated to the role"
I don't care for dubs but if there was a VA I would bet on pouring their entire soul into a role it would be Tiffany as Asuka
Considering how strict Khara are over localisations you'd think they'd care more about the VA's, especially Anno "ima choke a bitch until she gets it right" Hideaki, he was fucking Kubrick 230 takes brutal towards the end of Eva
I'm on episode 13 of gurren lagann, when does the "kino" kick in?
It's like someone's obsession is irrelevant when actual talent is required.
Kaoru is an angel specifically designed to infiltrate NERV and sabotage the only actual defense humanity has against the coming of the third impact. He's playing off of Shinji's desire and need for companionship and acceptance.
I literally improved myself by learning to just enjoy media and ignore retards.
How am I stupid.
The only emotion Karl knows is smugness
Don't think too hard about it. Angels aren't regulat creatures, they just feel Adam's presence underground
>Asuka's new VA has literally never done any work before in the industry
>But muh talent though
I'm glad it reaches a wider audience, watching EVA as a teenager was like psychotherapy for me, that shit unironically saved me from myself and made me realize the importance of self-worth, zoomers today are going to need that more than ever.
this is worse than anything SoJ has ever done to Sonic
Then why did he abandon his mission for Shinji’s sake?
He seemed to genuinely care for him regardless, and it’s because of that he saw the value in humanity surviving over the angels
The series' moral goes against the aggressively pushed modern narrative of "you can be and do whatever you want and you shouldn't stop because people tell you to"
There's so much things about the Netflix version that they completely ruined it's not even funny
>No Fly Me To The Moon
>No "Next time on Eva"
>Subtitles are so close to the Japanese that it feels weirdly off
And my favorite part seem the Anno Text (Giant Japanese on pure black screen) isn't translated at all. It's just there and if you can't read Japanese than fuck you.
Maybe this has to do with the rights? If I remember correctly, there's some Bayonetta content that doesn't have Fly me to the Moon either
The reasons for hating it seem a bit superficial to me. Bit of a knee jerk reaction, don't you think?
no. in fact no Japanese think their relationship is factual gay even though some faggots interpret it as homo. surely there are some subtle undertones feeling like that, but that is all. only westerners who cannot watch the original Japanese text and understand the context of it think it is gay.
>defending any EVA dub
lol back to redd*t!
Meh, the Netflix dub sounds a bit better.
>completely ruined
you're exaggerating, everyone skips the credits anyway
Not even him but how is untranslated text a superficial reason? Shill harder.
They're going to use this cast to translate 4.0 or whatever it's called now, aren't they?
>Skipping Fly Me To The Moon
>Skipping the Next Episode
Do you even Eva?
>First the americans ruined cardcaptor sakura
>now the americans ruined evangelion
How dare you reply to me
learn japanese loser
now that's what I call white genocide
>watching next episode previews
Do that with LOGH and see every single major plot point being spoiled to you
>caring about dubs
You should know better
kill it with fire
no, the japanese are dumb fucks when it comes to VA's, they have this stupid mentality that the VA has to look like the character
I watched them once, why would you watch the same thing over and over 26 times
This beta cuck mc is unbearable holy shit
every dub is garbage. the original Japanese is 100 times better than these amateurish voice acting.
Are you making shit up in your head again?
Women have voiced boys for a long time. It's irrelevant that the VA is trans
tfw no bro to watch NGE with you
because I'm not a tranny and they've got that covered
>hating your mirror reflection
There's no way this isn't some form of nepotism.
Does Netflix really get literally whos to do acting work?
Sounds like you haven't watched the series at all!
Is there an english patch?
That's called human nature.
you subfags are pathetic af just watch your preferred voice setting and shut the fuck up
There's a different cover of FMTTM for every episode
no it was the japanese this time
uhm, excuse me sweaty, but they took out music from KEY SCENES and made the SUBS HOMOPHOBIC
neck yourself
I loved the series but I'm not just autistic enough to sit through ~30min of credits, I get nothing out of it
Are you sure the japs hired some literal whos for the english dubs?
I don't think its Japanese in general. I think the Japanese gaming industry is monopolized and they don't let anyone who aren't their friends in. It's just like anime. Anime now is fucking horrible. It's shit and simple. Anime in the 80 and 90s had fucking amazing animations.
They're not letting those high skilled japs do what they want anymore because they don't want to give them control. They still exist, they're just not allowed to do anything that isn't done just for them.
excuse me, homo. making the relationship that is not homo into an actual homo is homophobic. learn something better.
then you didn't "love" the series. Leave eva to the true fans please.
they made sure the entire cast was scrubbed and sanitized the product so yes
Yep anno personally picked them.
How do you even know if the sub is good or not? Majority of you aren't even fluent in the language enough to appreciate the differences. Fucking gaijin weebs.
>gaijin weebs
On contrast to native weebs?
Kaworu is most likely asexual if anything so it wasn't "gay" in the sense that he wanted to fuck Shinji's ass but he definitely loved him like you would a partner.
Netflix fucked up on so many levels, here in pasta land they gave dub direction to a total retard that managed to fuck up every single line, even the subs were ruined.
>Not liking Allison and Tiffany as well
baka my head senpai
>surely they didn't do any auditions for their new expensive IP
>i mean they skipped the obsessive bitch i whiteknight on intervebs, she has full room of her waifu merchandise and that clearly means she's right for the role
>must be some conspiracy
Fucking idiot.
Have you ever wondered why anime fans are so excited to see NGE vidya and nothing else? Aren't there hundreds of more inclusive stories about Christianity across the medium?
go away Netflix shills
>about Christianity
>I think the Japanese gaming industry is monopolized and they don't let anyone who aren't their friends in. It's just like anime.
actually now anime is in the state where you could say the most inclusive ever towards outsiders to the point that they let web-gen gaijin animators just doing copy and pasta of old Japanese shits in lower quality make their gengas of some famous shows via online means. Japanese animation is now heavily troubled by a shortage of animators, so they have no choice but to let these gaijins draw their anime. and a some black dude is trying to make and "save" anime by utilizing Japanese resources through a proxy of netfix or other streaming services that is on the point of bubble economy.
Based fucking retard.
>Assistant director Kazuya Tsurumaki said that they originally used Christian symbolism and themes only to give the project a unique edge against other giant robot shows, that there is no Christian meaning to the series[13] and that it was not meant to be controversial (although it was[14]). Anno has said that Eva is susceptible to multiple interpretations.[15] Hiroki Sato, head of Gainax's PR department, has made similar statements,[16] as has Toshio Okada.[17]
>lots of series and movies about giant mechs and their pilots having to be in synch with them to steer them
>every game console of the last generation had motion capture gimmick as only selling point
>the entirety of game development is too retarded to add one and one together
All I wanted was a motion controlled mecha fight game. FFS
He didn't. He betrayed Shinji and was successful in his assault on Terminal Dogma, but the being held there was actually Adam all along and so he failed in his mission.
thank you for proving my point.
Actually Lilith, not Adam*
Not even true.
> and a some black dude is trying to make and "save" anime
Okay, but it helps
Course there is, check nyaa.
I remember playing Shogo as a kid and pretending it was an NGE game. That fucking opening.
im pretty sure the sub VA for kintaro plays the dad in senryu shoujo this season, because in senryu shoujo the dad made the same reference to C base when talking to eiji
idk mane i thought it was empowerment of otakus to be their better selves, with the only real absolute "evil" mentioned being the escapist fantasies they indulge in to the point of stagnation, it didnt really define where they should go aside from going away from that
evangelion is always about the dualism perceiving the world, in the manner of existential philosophy that Kierkegaard dilated. its message is you can be living as you want to be (and at the same time you cannot), just like what asuka did to shinji in the last scene of EOE.