Where was he for all the shit that happened in Personas 2 through 5?
Where was he for all the shit that happened in Personas 2 through 5?
New Atlus knows better than to utterly ruin the old games by dredging them up to try and mesh them with their date sim rpg tripe, especially after fucking up those psp ports so hard
He was in Lunarvale
Persona started with 3
Going Demi-Fiend on Gods with Vishnu in countries that don't start with the letter J.
Considering how he BTFO Nyx harder than Door ever could he's probably the strongest Persona protag to ever exist.
They aren't the same Nyx
fighting Nazi's and protecting civilians
who cares
he's just a self insert
He cute
He was in 2 though
In a flashback, he wasn't there
He's in his fucking 40's, why do you expect him to take part in shit that only high schoolers do?
Because the world keeps trying to end itself every couple of years
Always wanted a small cameo you can miss like having a drunk mark start dancing in the middle of the street at night for like 2 days of the whole year.
the speed force
God the American version of Persona is so stupid.
He's gotta teach those teens who think "ADULTS BAD PHANTOM THIEVES RISE UP" how the world REALLY works.
He appears at the end of Persona 2.
That's just supposition and masturbation.
>We will never get a P5 spinoff where Katsuya and the boys investigate the Thieves while Nyarly dicks around in the background
It's not supposition but I agree it's masturbation.
fishing for you's
tfw they actually acknowledged katsuya's existence in 5. they mentioned him on TV. leave sae's virginity to me...
>First game the Mc was kissed and is desired by many
>2nd game the Mc is called beautiful many times and even got a gay option on the obligatory pick you pair
Just following tradition user
Eternal Punishment is literally about Tatsuya getting cucked for the greater good of the universe.
Too busy playing games
He deserved for being a faggot cause 'muh memories'
Past stuff rarely get mentioned but a few stuff do pop up
>P1 Nyx is the Night Queen
>P3 Nyx's signature attack is Night Queen
They're the same Nyx, Nyx B is just from universe 2.
He could probably kick the shit out of Satanael and Messiah if he wanted to.
Imagine that.
You aren't on facebook, normalfag
I hate 3-5 because they make mockeries of P2, like innocent sin online or the protag of 5 being named Joker.
Nyx Avatar's signature attack was night queen, Nyx was the moon thing in P3. At best the night queen in P1 would be a Nyx Avatar because I definitely don't remember fighting the moon in P1
>nearly win and avert the apocalypse
>some faggot teacher stabs your girlfriend and causes it anyway
Sorry to burst your bubble but innocent sin online was added in the translation
Yeah i didn't like that P2 made a mockery of the Joker from DC.
We live in a society
True normalfags dont even know how 3 or 4 look like I assure you
And thats why Persona started at 5
>because they make mockeries of P2, like innocent sin online
do you have autism
>Boomer Naoya kicking the shit out of the Phantom Thieves with Vishnu, Amon-Ra and Seimen Kongou
Would you watch it?
tatsuya is like the inverse or every other persona MC. dude loved his friends so much it ended up almost ending the world instead of saving the day like normal. thus making him the best MC.
4 is the most normalfag persona and also the worst
Why does it matter?
In the end though it did end up saving the day since Tatsuya had to save the cast multiple times in EP, if he didn't remember he wouldn't have been there to save them, they would have died and the world would have ended due to another rumor plot
P4 is like, at most, 1/5 of how popular 5 is
Stop living in the past
>Asking if someone has autism
>In a persona thread
The best MC is Ma-ya
Maya is a husk in EP, she's a complete downgrade from the IS Maya
t. normalfag (p4faggot) in denial of the truth
P4 is resetera's favorite game so that makes it more normalfag than the rest.
Like all characters, still the best MC
if he didn't remember, EP would not have happened at all. anything bad that happened in EP is his fault. nyarly points that out and rubs it in his face while laughing at him.
Because it wasn’t in the original script. It was added because a localizer wanted to make a call back. That’s like saying you hate dragon quest as a whole because someone’s name was changed in the English version.
Go visit actual popular sites nerds
And no, resetera is not even close to being normal
>still thinks he isn't a normalfag
Again why does it matter?
Most of it still would have, Nyarly's rumor magic didn't just suddenly disappear, merging the two sides was just one of many apocalypse plots nyarly had in EP, Tatsuya forgetting would remove that one but all of the rumor ones would still happen, and he wouldn't be there to save the EP cast and they wouldn't be there to stop nyarly
It's honestly weird to me that even after playing the psp remake some years ago all I remember about persona 1 is the slightly surreal moment of meeting the MC's shadow chilling at an arcade cabinet before just handing you what you need for the ultimate personas.
>in his 40's
>now a fat ugly bastard cucking user with his waifu
I didnt even finish 4, its like one step better than 3, both just wastes of time
At least they kept atlus alive so they could make P5
>Naoya just wants to play his vidya
>Tatsuya makes motorcycle noises
best boys
The normalfag is learning
Stay mad
>Implying that he isn't Joker's dad
>Implying that that isn't why Arsene has the same colors as Vishnu
I accept your concession, normalfag-chan
3 is based though, 4 is awful in comparison, as is 5.
The manga was such ass
Dagger and Gun
Why did it take so long to finally move away from swords? Maya uses guns and Minako uses a Nagata but they're not really protagonists in the tradictional sense as Minako has her own world and Maya was standing by for Tatsuya
Because swords are cool.
I mean, my P1 protagonist used his submachine gun most of the time
You could use everything in P3
At least post the colors
>imagine being a persona 1,2 fag
shut up waifufag
This but unironically.
This game is so bad.
2 sucks bit 1 rocks
>Sword + SMG
>Larger Swords
>All Weapons, one-handed swords in PSP
>Kinfe + Pistol
The biggest overlap is with P2 and P4 but it's still kinda different.
I disagree
Story wise no
i think the TV in P3 said he was overseas. but i could be confusing him with another character
This. 2 is an awful JRPG
story wise you can suck my dick
Name one objectively good thing about P3.
Pro-tip: you can't, the game looks bad, plays bad, the story is bad and the pacing is worse than constipation leading into diarrhea.
P2s story is just cracked out because
>Whoa bro all rumors happen literally ANYTHING can happen so here's Hitler
>p4 Katana
Yu uses 2 handed swords the whole game and in all the spin offs he uses a tiny little katana
it's sad
The soundtrack
I was wondering about this
Im playin 1 right now and I like it, but how is 2? I have heard the gameplay its so bad it should have been a VN
So you're actually retarded?
Gameplay and battle system in 2 is a joke. How can anyone like this shitfest of "befriending" demons with the same dialogues over and over is beyond me. And the actual battle mode is piss easy where you literally press random shit and random shit happen and things die. Persona 2 is trash.
That's the truth, you know everything you like about 1? It's gone in 2.
2 is a town simulator and it's RPG segments can be resolved with 1 or 2 spells
>How can anyone like this shitfest of "befriending" demons with the same dialogues over and over is beyond me.
You don't need to in IS, the game is so easy that you don't need to even fuse personas, you can just use the initial personas and the free handouts and that's enough
>How can anyone like this shitfest of "befriending" demons with the same dialogues over and over is beyond me.
Which is p5 in a nutshell.
It's really bad as well, shitty jpop, especially compared to P2.
The gameplay is fine but it's a bit grindier and you have basically one grinding dungeon that opens up a bit more at various stages of the story, the dungeon is not the same between the two games, the PSP version of IS was made much easier than the original so going from IS PSP to EP PS you might have some nasty surprises.
Protip: use fusion spells.
Hitler is not even the reason P2's story is so good.
>implying that joker's father isn't reiji
I don't think that user actually played the game
I want to see P2 made with the exact same story, but an improved battle system. Just give it Nocturne's press-turns.
>Dude fog breath lmao
That has nothing to do with the mechanics of press turn
>he doesn't know
Press turn is shit that trivializes the entire combat system of the game.
Real retard hours? Fog Breath is just double sukunda and literally has nothing to do with press turn
>he doesn't know
The only "challenging" bosses of Nocturne are those that ignore the press turn system by giving themselves more turns.
Having sex with Maki and Eriko
and Yukino
You have to understand, a lot of Persona players have never played a game with press turn.
What a stupid post.
P3's Nyx is literally the moon. It's not a demon.
She's not the moon, the moon was just a small part of Nyx, Nyx in persona is likely extremely huge way bigger than the moon or earth itself and it's not even something from the sea of souls or mankind, it's an alien more or less
I knew it was an alien, but I thought that the moon was its body and shadows/demons/human consciousness were fragments of its mind?
>And the actual battle mode is piss easy where you literally press random shit and random shit happen and things die.
Retard. Keep wanking your outdated trash game.
>P3 and P4
>past stuff
I play slightly more obscure games than other people.
>There are retards in this thread having a pissing match about who's JRPG battle system is the least casual
But you still save thumbnails instead of the image retart
nice wojak for ants
>Trying to get me to save a w*jak on my computer
No thanks.
too bad for the fact that you already did
Persona 2:EP hard reset the universe so
It only reset the masked circle so they never met or played the persona game together
except that's retarded as fuck. P2 is unfun and dull because its an exact science, you could probably
>lel randumb
your way through most of the game as you described, especially on PSP, but P2's main issue is that you do literally one thing because nothing else is worth doing and its just lame spell fusions
And in nocturne you just Charge and use Tackle or whatever the name is to one hit kill everything.
Fucking Maki
I didn't even bring up Nocturne, retard. Pissona 2 isn't fun and the writing doesn't save it especially when most of it involves you walking into the same generic shop filled with items you dont need 30-40 different times
So you have shop autism and take it out on the actually good writing, OK.
>the characters are deep and well written!
>have to wander into pointless convenience store available in every district #7 at exactly the right point in the story to trigger more drag on dialogue
>literally any seemingly minute thing sends the "story" forward and changes the dialogue of nearly every character in the city + your party members in each of these areas
>gameplay is a bare-bones shit version of 1's gameplay
P2faggots are the absolute worst at actually defending their precious "top tier" JRPG that bunked in sales hiding behind the entirely vague
>oh its well written
It's funny how you can write such a long post without a single line of actual criticism besides autistic screeching.
>Rip shit tier JRPG turd apart
>t-thats just autistic s-screeching!!
I accept your concession
Because the game was short as fuck, once you go through Sebek. Every other dungeon only takes like 10 mins to get through.
P2 was the start of Nu Persona’s formula of group of high school kids trying to solve a mystery.
Wut in IS Ma-ya and Yukino are not highschoolers and in EP there is no highschoolers in the party.
This is why SMT games are getting stale for me, the combat amounts to buffing/debugging then nuke. They’re all the same formula.
That was literally P1, both routes.
SMT IV fixed that
what is up my fellow americans
and hoping to god they don't crit with phy
>double sukunda
>cast in one press turn instead of two
hey my nigga want to get some burgers?
The real Joker is Sho.
Guys I can't believe that the Japanese version of Toriumi's social link made such a mockery of Megami Tensei 1, the hackfrauds at Atlus should all commit ritual suicide.
why does it being a reference matter to your hatred
I like how the protagonist in Persona 1 isn't the center of the universe. He has the same powers as the rest of the party, he's only the leader because people like him.