You can shit on nuWolf all you want, but at least it has a god tier soundtrack
You can shit on nuWolf all you want, but at least it has a god tier soundtrack
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I don't know why people keep sucking Mick Gordon dick with his glossy, over compressed sounds and terrible composition skills
>You can shit on nuWolf all you want, but at least it has a god tier soundtrack
>The New Colossus "Unreleased" OST
I wouldn't expect a gay to know why his music is good anyway
post your idea of a good vidya soundtrack unless you actually are genuinely gay, it's judgement time
"Unreleased" You did it again.
You realize that almost every single release of an "official sound-track" leaves off a large majority of the actual tracks heard in gameplay?
Once again, it's played in-game. Why does it not count if it isn't "officially" released on fucking i-tunes or whatever.
Do soundtracks from older games not count just because they weren't released for people to buy?
Also couldn't even post an example of a soundtrack you like? Too big of a pussy huh?
Thought that was exactly what you meant.
And the first songs are boring.
this is exactly why he is shit, his tunes are garbage, you are just listening to sleek "textures" that go nowhere interesting with the melody
I disagree, it fits the games very well and is better composed than 90% of shit you hear nowadays. Along with the composer using actual instruments rather than computerized bullshit.
Nice buzzwords, now post counter-examples instead of shitting on based Mick
thats a good track
but what it shows is that Machine Games continued to waste what they already had made for the game
they made a worse game than 1, fucked the script and tone from the 1st and even within the story, the gameplay and level design is much less fun, and now the OST wasted what good stuff they had made?
this game is an oversight through and through
Few people talk shit about New Order and its soundtrack. New Colossus sucks in pretty much any way imaginable.
Exactly my point, hence why I said "shit on the game all you want besides the soundtrack". TNO and TOB are amazing, and I still enjoy TNC to an extent but it just shat the bed in too many aspects, from the crap story, to the crap level design. Gunplay is still damn good though, basically it's only saving grace next to the good music.
If the rest of the music is like your example then no, it's fucking awful
Refute with counter-examples or shove a carrot up your ass, bugs bunny ass bitch
Other music doesn't change how good this music is and this song sounds like a boomer ripping a nasty fart
>this song sounds like a boomer ripping a nasty fart
and that's a good thing
>Other music doesn't change how good this music is
It actually does considering it's possible to have vastly different opinions on many things, especially music.
So it'd be a good indicator of where we stand if you could post an example of what passes as a good vidya soundtrack.
What if I'm not 16 and can't stand Djent?
If that's the case then your tiny peter will eventually recede into your body, never to be seen again
I can never decide if I find German beautiful or hideous
The fact that they took the initiative to do a full German soundtrack, even recreating some classic songs. That was honestly pretty impressive.
> at least it
On top of being the best fps of all time
Be careful user, the Yea Forums police will rape your butt with an opinion like that.
The soundtrack is good but the fucking game has such fucking terrible audio mixing that the only song I actually remember from TNC was Mein Leben (the one that plays in the courtroom fight, which ironically was the worst level in the game despite having the best song).
The game was still fucking garbage, instead of fixing the flaws of The New Order, it carried them over and made them worse. Half of the characters act out of character. I can't tell what the fuck Grace's character is because her personality is so schizophrenic I can't tell if she's supposed to be a bitch or a sympathetic character. Anya becomes a cunt for no reason too. Rip (BJ's dad) is a contradiction of everything BJ said about his dad in TNO. Shooting the dog was a cheap writer's move that indicates shit fucking writing in an attempt to garner sympathy from the audience. Removing the Occult elements from Wolfenstein was a fucking terrible idea too, and the alternate history US was so poorly done that it makes the /his/fag in me want to punch the writers that thought this was a good idea. The NYC Resistance also contradicts everything we were said at the beginning of TNO (that the resistance is dead, etc). Game acts super fucking serious about "muh social issues" but then has DeviantArt OCs for background characters in the U-Boat, the most irritable being the schizophrenic character who needs to take his meds but acts like a fucking edgy Tumblr OC because he "doesn't wanna". The international background characters within the boat are also just as poorly done.
You call fighting bulletsponge enemies whilst having 50 fucking health good gameplay? You call limited fucking movement for "muh realism" good gameplay? Fuck that noise. The final bosses if you can fucking call them that were garbage, and by the time you gain full health the fucking game drops even more bullet sponge enemies as if to punish you for going through that torture of 50 health. Fuck Machinegames.
>You call fighting bulletsponge enemies whilst having 50 fucking health good gameplay?
There were so many things wrong with TNC but this is the worst.
>Removing the Occult elements from Wolfenstein was a fucking terrible idea too
TOB brought it back and I think retconned part of RtCW in the process and it was great. What the fuck happened between that game and TNC?
The mixing is trash, but I don't even rate the soundtrack.
>just a guy slamming an electric guitar against a wall
>turns up the distortion on the amp to 11
>"yeah dude sounds good"
>There were so many things wrong with TNC but this is the worst.
Pretty much
>TOB brought it back
It kinda did, but if you read the lore codex, apparently it's just super science shit just like TNO and TNC. Old Blood pretty much retcons all of RTCW unless you assume that RTCW's Co-op mode is canon and that two Emperors created Castle Wolfenstein, or retcon one of the Emperors. Nu-Wolf's lore is fucking weird because they acknowledge that Wolfenstein 2009 is canon because that's why Caroline is crippled (she got her spine fucked in Wolf2009 by Hans Grosse) and because that's why Deathshead is heavily scarred (even though he doesn't recognise BJ in TNO...for some reason).
> What the fuck happened between that game and TNC?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nu-Wolf is shit because despite placing emphasis on Story it's so heavily filled with contradictions that you can't tell what the fuck is going on. I'll admit, I liked TNO because of that absolutely amazing final level and final boss, I liked Old Blood because it had some pretty cool elements if you ignore the stupid lore (I prefer RTCW though), but TNC is almost completely irredeemable, the bulletsponge, contradicting story, poor writing, chore of a gameplay, shitty characters all made me feel like I deserved a refund even though I got the game for fucking free. The writers just don't give a shit and ultimately I didn't give a shit either, the writers just write whatever comes up in their head with no care for continuity. They are absolute hacks. The only reason people praise the writing is because BJ's voice actor is fucking amazing at his performance, but the script he is given is mostly terrible aside from a few monologues.
I liked the OST, it wasn't that bad. But each to their own. Even though some songs are barely memorable, some are actually pretty good. Like Mein Leben.
>(even though he doesn't recognise BJ in TNO...for some reason)
Deathshead literally says "I've seen you before" though
I'm not disagreeing that TNC is shit but that is not a problem I had, super-soldiers can be taken down in one shot to the back with any explosive or one shot of the laserkraftwerk. The giant bots can be taken down in 5 or 6 explosives/lasers if aimed at their arms.
The only bullet sponge enemies in the whole game are panzerhunds and the last 2 final boss robots. Other than that, all enemies have weak points where they can be defeated very easily, just like in TNO and TOB.
>Shooting the dog was a cheap writer's move that indicates shit fucking writing in an attempt to garner sympathy from the audience
Breh i disregarded everything else you had to fucking say. Since no shit its a damn video game where the point is to point and click on dudes. Writing was never something that this shit was ever fucking recognized in anyway for hell even doomguy had fucking Daisy fucking murdered. Wolfenstein is compartively more down to earth than doom sure so they cant ever really do what doom did in how they showed Daisy. But god damn protag losing a pet in some way is already an established fucking thing in those series. So fuck you my man for being an dumb uneducated fuck. Since hell one could even argue that shit is an ever so mild call back to the roots of the damned shit.
That said shit was basically just done to save time yeah sure but then again welcome to the god damn ID games baby and grats on outing yourself as dumb underage faggot. And if you by any chance are not underaged then fucking hell my man fuck off.
That's true, but he says it so ambiguously it sounds like he only saw him briefly, even though their encounter in Wolf 2009 is pretty much the reason Deathshead got those scars to begin with. The problem is the weird ambiguity regarding previous canon. Machinegames acknowledges that the Wolfenstein 2009 events happened SOMEWHAT and so did some parts of RTCW but they keep it so ambiguous you can't tell what has been removed and what is kept, it's this part that made Deathshead's interactions so strange. At the beginning he acts like he's seen BJ somewhere but treats him like just another soldier but with good genes or something. Then he kills
> super-soldiers can be taken down in one shot to the back with any explosive or one shot of the laserkraftwerk
The problem is the game restricts mobility so you HAVE to attack at the front, making them bullet sponge enemies because of that. Furthermore the game launches so many of them that you can't take them down through the back all the time. The bullet sponge wouldn't be a problem if you didn't have 50 health for most of the game.
I didn't realise Bethesda paid shills for games they didn't develop. Have an upvote for teaching me something new.
It's a cheap writer's move because the game places emphasis on writing. 50% of the game is fucking cutscenes. If the game was like RTCW or Wolfenstein 3D where you saw dogs getting killed casually that's not a fucking problem. The problem is the game places emphasis on writing and journals place emphasis on the writing because it makes up most of the game. When Daisy died in Doom it worked because the writing wasn't at the forefront, it also worked because the game was trying to be edgy and hardcore Wolfenstein is trying to get me to be sad and angry at the evil Southerner dad for killing the doggo. That's why I am complaining. Its shit writing because the game places emphasis on writing. If it didn't I wouldn't be complaining. Even nu-Doom doesn't place as much emphasis on the shitty fucking writing.
> So fuck you my man for being an dumb uneducated fuck
No fuck you for thinking that Doom and Nu-Wolfenstein are the same thing. Nu-Wolfenstein is a cutscene bogged cinematic game that has it's writing praised. I am criticising the writing because allegedly that's the only good thing about the game other than the soundtrack, because the gameplay sucks dick. Doom and old-Wolfenstein (disregarding Wolf 2009) are actually fucking fun and have a storyline that doesn't act like it's a fucking Oscar movie.
>they keep it so ambiguous you can't tell what has been removed and what is kept
That's true. I know it's REDDIT but check out the ama from the creators of the game, they did it just recently. It sheds some light on their vision for the game and on the canon, what they took and left from the previous games.
>The problem is the game restricts mobility so you HAVE to attack at the front, making them bullet sponge enemies because of that
Once you get detected, yes that's the case just like in the older Wolf games. There are some simple exploits though early on like getting close to a super soldier so he swings at you, then just walking behind him and shooting in the back. Later in the game though once you get ram-shackles it makes going head on a lot easier. You can even 1-hit super soldiers with ram-shackles head on if they're charging at you, or if they are not, just charge them to make them stumble then shoot them in the back.
Ram-shackles are honestly probably the best part of the game.
>Even nu-Doom doesn't place as much emphasis on the shitty fucking writing.
I should clarify that I don't dislike Nu-Doom's lore or story. I am just saying that it puts it at the background instead of the forefront. Which is what nu-Wolf should've done, either that or get actual good fucking writers instead of pseudo-intellectual Oscar rejects.
This, it's waiting for melody to break in but it never does.
>it's waiting for melody to break in
fuck off back to your bass guitar you fucking buzz-word ass stoner bitch
>That's true. I know it's REDDIT but check out the ama from the creators of the game, they did it just recently. It sheds some light on their vision for the game and on the canon, what they took and left from the previous games.
Will do, I don't mind Reddit if it gives me information, I just hate reddit as an actual site, but when there's info to be found, I'll use it as an actual tool because I am not a sensitive faggot, so don't worry about that.
>Once you get detected, yes that's the case just like in the older Wolf games. There are some simple exploits though early on like getting close to a super soldier so he swings at you, then just walking behind him and shooting in the back. Later in the game though once you get ram-shackles it makes going head on a lot easier.
That's true but by then the game is just about to end. At that point you've spent at least several hours trudging through garbage and the only thing left is like 2 hours or gameplay, excluding the Code side-quests (which are fucking boring as hell). And of course there are exploits early on but the game doesn't give you enough freedom to make you believe you can use those exploits. In something like say RTCW I have enough good mobility and I am fast enough to figure out how to flank enemies. I was just replaying RTCW and just at the second level in the underground castle area I managed to flank the enemies and lob a grenade that managed to kill them even though I was low on health, it felt satisfying. Nu-Wolf doesn't have that same satisfaction until as you said, the Ram Shackles, but even then it feels too late and you aren't given enough time with them.
>Ram-shackles are honestly probably the best part of the game.
Yes it is a cheap writers move but that is the point. Since they want to establish something in a super fucking quick and admitted dirty way with such a cliche. But at the same time i both do and dont fault you since your expectations are suspension of disbelief far to low. Which is fine to have no problem really. Just that at times things with a limit in what they can do want to do and go places. They cant set up an full and elaborate of doing it and hence rely on such things to then get there.
I guess simply put the writing is just not for you, which again is fine, since it is aiming for a more simplistic type of thing that you want, which again is fine to dislike, so it really is a pointless thing to whine about outside of simply saying you didn't like it since my point really was that there was no way it would ever meet your high exceptions and i would have thought that the fact would be obvious as all fuck.
Am i the only one who actually liked TNO for it's story? It felt like a fun B-movie.
I say that but the more i challenge this opinion the more i start to think that what i really liked were the character interactions like BJ and J.
>That's true but by then the game is just about to end. At that point you've spent at least several hours trudging through garbage and the only thing left is like 2 hours or gameplay
Agreed, It was definitely retarded on the devs part to introduce crucial gameplay elements like that so late in the game. The pacing in general is just totally fucked in TNC.
>I was just replaying RTCW and just at the second level in the underground castle area I managed to flank the enemies and lob a grenade that managed to kill them even though I was low on health, it felt satisfying. Nu-Wolf doesn't have that same satisfaction until as you said, the Ram Shackles, but even then it feels too late and you aren't given enough time with them.
That's one of my main complaints with TNC in general. TOB is extremely similar to RtCW in a lot of ways and gave me some similar experiences like what you just said, and even TNO to an extent. Both those games had good enough level design to pass as a Wolf game and the combat was top notch, and the story was actually decent especially in comparison to TNC.
TNC just shit the bed in too many aspects, especially the story.
I'm hoping that 3 is a return to form.
I'm also really hoping Youngblood isn't as shitty as it looks
>"character interactions like BJ and J"
>Not picking the Fergus timeline
Tekla was cooler than J and Fergus was 10000x cooler than Wyatt's faggot ass.
Good taste, i went the Fergus route the first time i played but i'm replaying the baby soldier now. Is it not worth it?
No it's still worth it, J is definitely a cool character and is worth a replay just to see his character arc.
I just liked Tekla and her weirdness a bit more, along with Fergus being a much better character than Wyatt imo.
>Yes it is a cheap writers move but that is the point. Since they want to establish something in a super fucking quick and admitted dirty way with such a cliche. But at the same time i both do and dont fault you since your expectations are suspension of disbelief far to low. Which is fine to have no problem really.
Yet they spend most of the game rambling on and on about useless shit we don't need to know that could've been spent on developing important shit. Did we really need that cutscene of a black dude fucking a fat German lady? Was it really necessary? The problem is that the devs and journalists reviewing the game treat the game's story like it's a fucking Oscar movie that's super deep WWII alternate history drama. That's my main complaint with the story. It acts pretentiously as though it's some high art drama but then uses cheap and lazy writing tricks like that.
>I guess simply put the writing is just not for you, which again is fine, since it is aiming for a more simplistic type of thing that you want
Except it's NOT aiming for a simplistic story. Don't you get it? Do you read? That's my main complaint with the story, it's acting all fucking high and mighty but with no substance. You want a simplistic Wolfenstein story? Return to Castle Wolfenstein does it right. That's the best example I can give. Very bare minimum cutscenes that tell you a very simple story that feels like a 1960s WWII movie. That is to say simple and cheap and done. And that's the way I want it. Nu-Wolfenstein acts like high art crap that's in reality cheap and poorly done attempting to mimic high art. And that's not what I want in vidya. Either give me a good story or give me something minimalist, but don't give me pseudo-intellectual crap that doesn't know what continuity is. If the game wasn't 50% story I wouldn't give a shit. But it is. And that's my problem.
>Agreed, It was definitely retarded on the devs part to introduce crucial gameplay elements like that so late in the game. The pacing in general is just totally fucked in TNC.
Definitely. Pacing is the right word. The pacing is so fucked in TNC, it doesn't feel right at all. I should've mentioned that earlier because that's what never felt right, the goddamn pacing.
>That's one of my main complaints with TNC in general. TOB is extremely similar to RtCW in a lot of ways and gave me some similar experiences like what you just said, and even TNO to an extent.
Agreed TOB had it's fair share of problems, but maybe that's because I was marathoning the Wolfenstein games and I felt really burned out because TOB was the last one I played.
>I'm also really hoping Youngblood isn't as shitty as it looks
Agreed. I am hoping the writers can get their heads out of their asses and realise where they fucked up and how they can fix it. Same goes for the actual game designers.
Based. Fergus is the best option. He was the most entertaining part of TNC and TNO too.
Best part was Fergus calling Grace a "cunt rag" on multiple occasions
Yep. He made the game's cutscenes tolerable. His scenes were amazing and he did nothing wrong. That stupid prosthetic arm ruined shit for him.
>That stupid prosthetic arm ruined shit for him
For how much the cutscenes in TNC sucked, those ones with Fergus battling his arm were genuinely entertaining. Still I feel bad for the lad losing his arm.
>That stupid prosthetic arm ruined shit for him.
Indeed, he was about to get laid and his damned arm fucked it up for him.
Yeah. Him fighting his own arm was fucking great and he handled it like a chad.
Yeah and that subplot never gets fucking resolved because of the hack writers.
>Yeah and that subplot never gets fucking resolved because of the hack writers.
I'm hoping that if he returns in Youngblood or 3, since it takes place a lot of years later we get to see a snippet of him living happily married to that girl. It did always irk me how they never finished up that plot line, just adding to TNC's shit pacing. Too many loose ends adding up to a shit ending.
>50+ replies
>no one has posted the best song
For shame anons
> It did always irk me how they never finished up that plot line, just adding to TNC's shit pacing. Too many loose ends adding up to a shit ending.
Yep. The game feels unfinished as hell despite being the same length as TNO. The loose ends feel really left out. Hoping Youngblood resolves this but if it's the same as TNC, it'll probably just ignore everything and keep writing as it goes.
I mentioned Mein Leben a few times in this thread. And how it's unironically the best song in the game despite playing in the worst level of the game
New Order had a batter soundtrack and better mixing. And a better final song.
Jesus christ, how did someone think that cover of Twisted Sisters was good?
This. Unironically. Deathshead's theme and his final battle song are fucking amazing.
Only good part about Wyatt's timeline was Jimi Hendrix. The way he goes out is fantastic.
>Hoping Youngblood resolves this but if it's the same as TNC, it'll probably just ignore everything and keep writing as it goes.
That's most likely what will happen, but here's to hoping otherwise. I'm just hoping they at least shed some light on the "god-key", the biggest loose end left after TNC.
>how did someone think that cover of Twisted Sisters was good?
OP here, that's the worst song in the game and they could've picked literally any other song to cover and it would've been better. It's strange considering how great the rest of the soundtrack is, and how great TNO and TOB's ending songs were. Every single thing about the ending of TNC is fucking shit.
This sounds great. My only playthrough was with Wyatt and they fucking destroyed him completely
His final boss design was damn good too, reminded me of mecha Hitler from the old games.
Stop complaining that the game is too hard for you. Drop down the difficulty like a good boy, there are 7 settings. Besides, the game isn't that hard.
I think the song was appropriate, they just chose the absolute worst cover version possible. Although I would prefer something more fitting for the setting.
New Order had a beautiful song with I Believe that was a great melancholic contrast to the rest of the soundtrack being distortion and metal.
Old Blood had a perfect cover of an old WW2 song. Perfect choice.
New Colossus suddenly goes with Twisted Sisters sung by someone being kicked in the balls. Seriously? They couldn't just find some other soldier's chant and do a cover of that?
Wolf 2 has the best writing out of any FPS game ever.
I highly doubt Youngblood will improve on anything. It's going to be a wankfest and nothing more.
Its really not. If anything it feels less bullet spongey than TNO and Stealth is less of a requirement.
>Mick included the piano notes from RtCW's main menu theme in the "Deathshead's Keep" soundtrack
Fucking golden
That's what I'm expecting too. But maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised.
The Partisan still gives me chills to this day, it adds to it the fact that you know what you do in the game is for nothing, the Nazis win and BJ spends 14 years in a coma :(
Exactly. Just adds to the confusion on what the hell they were thinking when writing certain parts of TNC.
Wolf 1
>one of my favorite fps stories
>amazing charcters
>amazing dialgue
>great ending cinematic, short and to the point and hard hitting
>long gameplay sections broken up by short cinematics
Wolf 2
>i fucking hated the story
>i fucking hated every character, especially the black bitch
>awful dialgue
>awful ending
>long cinematics broken up by short gameplay
How the fuck was it make by the same studio?
Studios stay the same largely, but people and lead staff often change between projects. Its the main reason why I think Wolf 2's plot wasn't as good as TNO, despite some promising moments.
Those yells at the end by Tex Perkins are god tier. Really manages to not just be a typical metal scream but almost a yell full of sorrow. Mick and Tex deserve an award just for that one song.
Hopefully, the God Key was a pretty big loose end, they discover it and start to hype it up and then it just never gets explained. Is it a key to some ancient vault? Does it awaken some ancient thing? The Golem of Prague? I don't know. It felt like MachineGames was just sequel baiting. Hopefully Youngblood at least tells us WHAT it is.
Final boss design was great. It's a pity no similar design wasn't in Wolfenstein 2 and we didn't get to fight Mecha-hitler and we probably never will
Yeah, Wyatt was handled very poorly and I became convinced afterwards that even the devs thought that Fergus was the canon choice.
Fuck off. I play STALKER on Master difficulty and have played several games on multiple difficulties. I like a good and fair challenge. But Wolfenstein 2 was the first fucking game that felt unfair for me. The first game in my life. I thought even Sonic 06's retarded buggy artificial difficulty was tolerable, but Wolfenstein 2 fucking killed any enjoyment I had as I was playing, the game felt less like I was trying to challenge myself and more like a chore. That's not a hard game. That's just bullshit artificial difficulty designed to make the game last longer. You can't tell me the game's retarded wave of enemies at the end is a good final boss compared to Wolfenstein The New Order's brilliant final boss. Also I did end up dialing down the difficulty around the Courtroom sequence and it still felt like bullshit. You can't tell me that goddamn Courtroom sequence was fair and balanced.
Bait, even the unfinished Fallout New Vegas has a better storyline.
>But maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised.
I lost my trust in MachineGames, which is sad since after playing New Order and Old Blood, I honestly thought they could only improve. I hoped they learned from D44M and take it a step farther, get rid of stuff like pressing a button to pick up stuff, etc.
But it's clear what Youngblood is going to be. Without even going into shitposting about sjw's or something, it's painfully obvious what the game is going to be.
That's why Mick Gordon is fucking amazing. He has major respect for the original games and tries to incorporate them musically.
I believe some of the leads in New Order left after Old Blood. Whoever was left clearly dropped the ball. Either that or the elections actually fucked with their heads. This whole fucking timeline is retarded.
>Is it a key to some ancient vault? Does it awaken some ancient thing? The Golem of Prague? I don't know.
I have been thinking about this since the game released and the only logical explanation I can think of is that it's a key to connect parallel universes or the "alternate timelines" that the games have made such an effort on focusing on so far. Having Wyatt and Fergus be able to meet eachother again through inter-dimensional travel would be pretty cool.
Of course that's just a complete prediction based on no evidence, just speculation on my part.
It could potentially even connect it to nuDoom though, with Doom Guy being the "only flesh to have walked between dimensions", meanwhile him being related to BJ like the old canon if this god key is truly for inter-dimensional travel it would just connect them even further. And seeing Doom Eternal's gameplay with being able to jump between dimensions, maybe that will be a prominent feature in Wolf 3 using that "key" as a sort of tool to swap dimensions almost like that time piece in Dishonored 2.
Sorry for rambling I'm decently drunk still
>the election
Isn't Machine Games Swedish? Why would they fucking care about America's election?
Highly recommend watching this fascinating talk by the same guy
>we didn't get to fight Mecha-hitler
Still holding out for him to show up in 3, they did actually show his mech in 2 on the screen during that film audition. I'm hoping that was foreshadowing to actually fighting him.
Anything America does ripples to the rest of the world. The whole world has gone mad.
I still haven't played NC, but I thought this reboot was meant to be a direct sequel to Castle Wolfenstein. What's Hitler doing alive?
It's not a direct sequel to any Wolf game really, they picked specific parts of each game to keep canon.
Maybe but I doubt that Nu-Doom and Nu-Wolfenstein will connect. They are completely separate studios and to do so would completely ruin the tone of the series even more than Wolfenstein 2 did. It also depends on if Doomguy is still related to BJ/Commander Keen. Ironically, the Commander Keen mobile game is the only key to finding out if it's true or not. Guess we'll have to wait until that piece of shit releases to find out. I am personally thinking that if MachineGames were to be smart, they could connect it to the Golem of Prague, especially since Czechoslovakia was a key area of conquest for the Nazis. The Golem could be a weapon of mass destruction, so it would be interesting to see it be used as a plot device, especially since according to the myth of the Golem, it was so powerful that it would cause a massive fucking rampage. Furthermore, the idea of the Golem is that it makes a rampage depending on how many Jews were harmed. And seeing this is a universe where the Nazis won...well, it's gonna turn into a fucking nuke probably. But then again, Machinegames seems to hate occult elements in Wolfenstein, so I doubt this'll be a reality. Also Doomguy being able to walk through dimensions is to explain all the wads and making most of the games in Doom canon, including Doom 3 because Doom 3's timeline is super contradictive, so they had to explain it somehow. I doubt it'll connect to Wolfenstein, especially since again, MachineGames hates the occult elements. It'll probably be some key to some sci-fi thing or vault or something.
I fucking hope it does. But the design does look radically different, fingers crossed that it looks like the original. Knowing Machinegames they might kill Hitler in an anti-climatic way like they did with Irene Engel. Let's hope it's a full on mech boss fight.
Ah, alright then. I just assumed it was the same BJ throughout.
Different user here.
I think, despite being separate studios, they're still following the id family tree of BJ - Twins or Arthur - Keen - Doomguy. As for Doom 3, it's a different marine. Doomguy is 1,2,64, where he stays in hell forever, gets trapped by demons because he's their boogeyman, 4 under the new name Doom Slayer, because it'd be silly to have Hayden call him Doomguy.
See pic for what an user did. It goes much farther in trying to connect everything but overall, it seems to be the accepted canon.
That being said I also think it makes more sense to use the Golem as a plot point. If they already introduced jew magic, might as well go all out.
Same happened with Dishonored desu
So now this is a "What the fuck happened to The New Colossus" thread? Finally.
The New Order:
>Characters were memorable and just fascinating. I still remember how I WAS FUCKING SCARED WHEN ENGEL AIMED HER GUN AT ME.
>Not a big variety of enemies, but they held different types of arms and were nicely placed.
>A variety of locations we visited.
The New Colossus:
>There's a fat girl who is not nazi because.
>Well, look, now BJ's dad is Hitler's brother.
>He also had a bLaCk girl friend who can do: "REEEEEEE"
>Engel is happy. Nah, we didn't kill Bobby at all. Nothing to be mad at.
>BJ: "I've got crippling depression".
>Nazis: "Well, fuck, Strasse is gone, we are not as powerful as we thought, any evil ideas? What are you saying? LET'S MAKE FURIOUSLY SWIFT ROBOT-HOUNDS SLOW, BUT MAKE THEM SPIT FIRE?! What's your idea? To make A MELEE-ROBOT THAT BLOWS ITSELF UP AND MAKE HIM EXTREMELY VOLATILE?! Guys, these ideas ARE BRILLIANT!"
>We took a giant fucking U-boat from the enemy and decided not to do a fucking thing to section F.
>Hitler is like "Pew-vomit-pew!"
>And overall the story is a fucking circus.
>Venus oberkommando consists of soldiers and few robots.
>Many-many underground levels.
>Weapons are mostly machine guns.
>I am too lazy to keep listing the flaws here.
>Ironically, the Commander Keen mobile game is the only key to finding out if it's true or not.
Surprisingly they had portraits of BJ in the trailer, his daughters are there to on the left too
Dishonored 1
>Outsider is a literal God
>Omnipresent omniscient and omnipotent
>the personification of the void that keeps the world together, like gravity given a face
>beyond human understanding and human judgment
Disohonored 2
>just kidding hes useless
>and now hes dead
Dont know what you mean.
>Let's hope it's a full on mech boss fight.
You know what would be really awesome since BJ already has that connector thing to his head and body, if somehow in 3 he gets detached and somehow connected to a giant mech, battling an also detached head of Hitler connected to a mech, similar to how he looked in the original. That would be a damn good way to end the series.
>Engel is happy. Nah, we didn't kill Bobby at all. Nothing to be mad at.
>We took a giant fucking U-boat from the enemy and decided not to do a fucking thing to section F.
>Hitler is like "Pew-vomit-pew!"
How do these writers get a job.
Do they not realize that by downplaying hitler like that is the same as shitting on all the deaths during the war? HAHA you went to war and lost against a man with dementia nad some jewish toys.
Im more confused how the black bitch ended in charge.
Both BJ and Anya are the highest ranking and most experienced people here.
Dishonored 2 was a bigger disappointment to me than TNC if I'm being honest. I've never seen such a bigger dump taken on story and level design in my life.
What is it with these Bethesda produced games where the devs fuck up the sequel so bad? This shit better not happen with Doom Eternal.
I have no idea. Those idiots took an amazing reboot to retarded levels. It's like they wanted the whole thing to just be "GET IT? THIS IS FUNNY BECAUSE IT'S THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THE NAZI'S WANT"
>Fat nazi chick fucks black guy
>Hitler is some senile old man
I just don't get it. New Order did an amazing job at setting BJ up as this tired warrior who keeps fighting what seems like a losing battle.
Then New Colossus just decides to shit on him for no fucking reason.
There were so many great moments in New Order.
unironically soul vs soulless
BJ is mostly a soldier.
Anya was "too pregnant". (though for some reason this didn't hold her from taking some missions)
Of all people, Grace was the only person who had some kind of leadership experience. Kinda makes sense.
That's a terrible excuse. I'm sure it's what the devs thought of but it's just bad. After Caroline's death, it would've made much more sense for BJ to take up the leadership position. Or hell, have Anya serve as the new figurehead of the group with BJ follwoing her command. Those are the ones we're emotionally attached to. Grace is basically like Adam in Other M. Just there because of shit writing.
> As for Doom 3, it's a different marine
Yeah I doubt he's the same marine, I am just thinking they tried to connect Doom 3 to it by having the sarcophagus and everything (even though it has a different design) and using the Hellknight design and the same UAC logo. I dunno, we don't know about Doom 3's canonicity really.
>they're still following the id family tree of BJ - Twins or Arthur - Keen - Doomguy
If they are, they seriously have to explain why the fuck Doomguy has a sister now.
>That being said I also think it makes more sense to use the Golem as a plot point. If they already introduced jew magic, might as well go all out.
Might as fucking well. Plus Prague has some great fucking areas that make for good vidya set pieces. Deus Ex Mankind Divided disappointed me because most of Prague is inaccessible. If the devs know what they are doing then they can have BJ fight a boss fight in Karluv most and it would be fucking amazing and would forgive the game of any other bullshit that happens. Pic related. Imagine fighting a rampaging Golem on that bridge.
This confuses me so hard. Since now I am wondering if Keen's parents have been retconned and how they've been retconned. I dunno shit's confusing.
I hope so too.That would be interesting if his head got detached, it would make sense seeing how frail and weak his body is.
I know. And since this is the only existing excuse for this, it tells a lot about writers.
This unironically. I've been waiting for a thread like this but until this point previous New Colossus threads were just people getting mad at advertising, now it's people actually complaining about what went wrong with the actual game. Which is good because the game was a fucking trainwreck.
Why would they make the level design consist of nothing but tight corridors when the MC can sprint at like 5 mph?
>why the fuck Doomguy has a sister now.
I think it's a minor thing as long as they kill her off or just send her to some other dimension and leave it at that. By the events of Doom 1, Doomguy should be alone with just Daisy. Also I've seen a fun theory that Daisy was actually Billie's pet rabbit and after she dies, Doomguy/Billy keeps Daisy. It adds a nice emotional impact to Daisy's death beyond just demons killing his rabbit.
>Might as fucking well.
Agree. They might still come back if they improve on the writing and make the Golem full on rip and tear sort of monster. Prague would make for a great setting, filled with sci-fi tech all over.
>Imagine fighting a rampaging Golem on that bridge.
That does sound fucking awesome.
>if Keen's parents have been retconned
That's part of the problem right now. Supposably, Keen's father is a man called Arthur who was a newscaster, just never got a game of his own. With Youngblood thrown in, I don't know how they're thinking this will go.
Also I hate that while BJ actually looks like a old picture you'd have on the wall, the twins are just being wacky. Imagine seeing a picture of your grandmother as a young woman firing a machine gun in the air. It'd be fucking weird to have that on the wall.
It really does. I just made that connection with Adam in Other M but I think it's the perfect comparison. They both undermine the character we actually like. They both make the MC do a 180º in their personalities, suddenly going from badass warrior to mindless follower. And in both cases, terrible writers thought this was a good idea.
>why yes, I do think andrew hulshult's work is vastly superior to that of mick's. how could you tell?
>I think it's a minor thing as long as they kill her off or just send her to some other dimension and leave it at that.
Since Bethesda seems to be aiming for the kid-friendly mobile market, I doubt she dies. Maybe she'll get sent into another dimension or turn out to grow up to become Crash or something. I remember some drawfag drew her dying in another thread. If that was the outcome, that would be interesting but really tonally weird given the art style.
>Also I've seen a fun theory that Daisy was actually Billie's pet rabbit and after she dies, Doomguy/Billy keeps Daisy. It adds a nice emotional impact to Daisy's death beyond just demons killing his rabbit.
Interesting theory. That would be neat if Bethesda had the balls to do that.
>Agree. They might still come back if they improve on the writing and make the Golem full on rip and tear sort of monster. Prague would make for a great setting, filled with sci-fi tech all over.
Agreed. I always thought Prague was an underused setting and it would be fucking great to have it in Wolfenstein seeing how significant Czechoslovakia was in WWII. If Machinegames was ballsy enough to integrate the Occult elements, they could have BJ travel to Karlstejn and grab the Spear of Destiny, since that's supposedly it's resting place according to legend. Or they could have him retrieve it in the same castle Nuremberg as the original Spear of Destiny. I'd love to see the Spear of Destiny make a comeback really.
>That's part of the problem right now. Supposably, Keen's father is a man called Arthur who was a newscaster, just never got a game of his own.
Yeah unless BJ had more children, this stuff just gets more confusing
>Also I hate that while BJ actually looks like a old picture you'd have on the wall, the twins are just being wacky.
Yeah. That's just fucking silly. That's partially the reason I am skeptical that they'll kill off Billie. There's also other contradictions, like Doomguy's hair color being wrong.
God, it makes me cum. I mean I fucking despise Nazis as much as any other rational person, but these kind of songs make me want to suit up and start marching (Not really).
Sorry grandpa, even Nickelback switched to making djent now.
>that would be interesting but really tonally weird given the art style.
It could be more of a lore thing. They never show it in the mobile game, but either a proper game does or just some sort of hints. Maybe something in Quake Champions since that's meant to be canon.
>I'd love to see the Spear of Destiny make a comeback really.
Me too. And Prague does seem like a fitting end to this trilogy. Again, it depends on the writers not fucking it up again.
>Yeah unless BJ had more children, this stuff just gets more confusing
I think the issue is that he's just a decapitated head now. So either the twins have a brother no one talks about or Arthur has been replaced and Keen's connection is actually through a mother instead of a father.
>like Doomguy's hair color being wrong.
Kind off although BJ has also changed hair color a few times. Also I think kids can actually change hair color over time. Going from reddish brown to more brown isn't too much a change.
It was a pretty fun idea to have famous songs being performed in German. Helped emphasized that the Nazi's in this timeline completely took over the world.
>t could be more of a lore thing. They never show it in the mobile game, but either a proper game does or just some sort of hints. Maybe something in Quake Champions since that's meant to be canon.
Fair point, that would be cool, maybe a flashback in Doom Eternal or something.
>Me too. And Prague does seem like a fitting end to this trilogy. Again, it depends on the writers not fucking it up again.
I hope so, I lived in Prague for a while, that place has very interesting WWII history, would make for a good conclusion and to reintroduce the Spear of Destiny too, fingers crossed on the writers getting a clue and realising they need to do better.
>I think the issue is that he's just a decapitated head now. So either the twins have a brother no one talks about or Arthur has been replaced and Keen's connection is actually through a mother instead of a father.
Possibly, or maybe BJ can still reproduce through that artificial Nazi body, who knows?
>Kind off although BJ has also changed hair color a few times. Also I think kids can actually change hair color over time. Going from reddish brown to more brown isn't too much a change.
Doomguy had Blondish brown hair in Quake Champions, I am hoping they keep that design because I personally find Doomguy's face in QC to be the best possible depiction of him. Plus the thing that bothers me the most is the freckles, since I don't recall Doomguy ever having any freckles on him, and I don't ever remember people being able to lose freckles.
peak wolfenstein
>but what it shows is that Machine Games continued to waste what they already had made for the game
But it's actually in the game, it's just not on the official soundtrack release for whatever reason.
>maybe BJ can still reproduce through that artificial Nazi body
I don't like that since it kinda fucks up the idea of BJ's bloodline. Arthur would technically be the son of a nazi. I much prefer them rewriting Arthur to be one of the twins if necessary. Although an user once posted this SFM and this is how I imagine Arthur in his youth, before Keen is born.
Imagine a classic Doom gameplay as Arthur, him being this newscaster trapped in a conspiracy that connects the Nazi's with the birth of the UAC, gone full mad. Screaming his heart out at everything.
>and I don't ever remember people being able to lose freckles.
Maybe, I honestly don't know. Personally I think this whole situation with Billy being Doomguy was more accidental than something Bethesda, or whoever is doing this, actually thought of. But if we're going to get a shitty mobile game for Keen's children, might as well have fun with the lore possibilities.
>Doomguy's face in QC to be the best possible depiction of him
From what we've seen so far I think they've done a better job in Doom Eternal; his QC head is good but it doesn't actually resemble the HUD portrait all that much.
Fuck, forgot the picture.
>MachineGames hates the occult elements
Maybe they never should have been handed Wolfenstein then.
This is the only amazing track in the game imo. Especially when the track transitions towards the end.
MachineGames is so boring.
MachineGames doesn't hate the occult elements. Old Blood is basically an entire homage to Wolfenstein's history of Nazis fucking around with occult shit.
The point is that Deathshead stopped investing time in shit that was always blowing up in their faces and moved onto spacejew tech.
TNC even had the worst soundtrack.
It literally did nothing better than TNO/TOB
>I don't like that since it kinda fucks up the idea of BJ's bloodline. Arthur would technically be the son of a nazi. I much prefer them rewriting Arthur to be one of the twins if necessary.
Fair enough each to their own, but maybe through the weird science magic they figured out they somehow bullshit it to still claim that it's BJ's bloodline because I don't fucking know, Machinegames can pull shit from their arse quite easily.
>Maybe, I honestly don't know. Personally I think this whole situation with Billy being Doomguy was more accidental than something Bethesda, or whoever is doing this, actually thought of. But if we're going to get a shitty mobile game for Keen's children, might as well have fun with the lore possibilities.
True but with Bethesda downright confirming that Keen is related to BJ, it would be odd for them to not have Doomguy be the son of Keen like Tom Hall said. Then again, who knows. Tom Hall seems pretty pissed by the announcement so we'll have to see.
That's true, but we haven't seen Doomguy unmasked in Doom Eternal yet, we have seem him unmasked in Doom 4 and he looks extremely different from the original Doomguy, it could just be a prototype or maybe they intended it to be a complete reboot, but it seems the Doom Eternal face might change that, since it seems the dev wants to connect the new games closer to the original games instead of making it a complete reboot. It has to be seen though.
No clue why they were handed the IP honestly. It's stupid.
Except the in-game lore explains away the occult elements as being science. Machinegames themselves admitted they preferred to focus on the schizoscience rather than the occult stuff.
>No clue why they were handed the IP honestly. It's stupid.
Machinegames is a bit weird. They just kinda showed up out of nowhere, suddenly in charge of an iconic IP. I can only guess their pitch for Bethesda was amazing or Bethesda just wanted an excuse to do something with Wolfenstein.
Honestly Machinehead were doing fucking wonderfully after TNO and TOB. What the hell happened for TNC besides fucking up interpreting America?
>No clue why they were handed the IP honestly
Bethesda probably wanted id to solely focus on DOOM so they stole it from them.
if you think a simple phrase like melody is a buzzword you're musically retarded.
They lost sight of what people wanted in the game and ended up fucking up the plot, the world and most of all, BJ.
Apparently this is what happened:
"After developer MachineGames was founded, the employees all began brainstorming ideas, and pitching them to publishers. In June 2009, MachineGames owner ZeniMax Media acquired id Software and all of its property, including Doom, Quake and Wolfenstein. Bethesda Softworks, who had previously declined a pitch from MachineGames, suggested that they develop a new game from a franchise acquired by ZeniMax. MachineGames inquired about developing a new game in the Wolfenstein series; the studio visited id Software, who approved of MachineGames' request for a new Wolfenstein game. By November 2010, paperwork was signed, allowing MachineGames to develop Wolfenstein: The New Order.[21] Preliminary development lasted approximately three years.[22]"
TNO came before Doom tho? Hell it came before Bethesda even knew that Doom would be a success.
I was reading their wiki too since I got curious. I guess they had the Starbreeze track record in their resume and simply pitched until they got lucky when Bethesda acquired id, and Bethesda decided to risk it with this new team.
Yeah. id was busy with not fucking up Doom, which took longer than Wolfenstein because the Swedes pooped TNO out.
It's all a conspiracy
TNC was such a travesty to the franchise, which is baffling because TNO was competent and TOB was fucking great.
I genuinely beg God these fuckers never get hold of Quake, or get raped by a islamic bomb.
Weren't the last Wolfenstein games before the reboot also outsourced?
>Nu-Wolfenstein is the only FPS I've ever played.
It shows
Activision stole it
No one will let id see his child :(
Holy shit it's fucking 2 power chords repeating over a shitty metronome drumbeat.
and don't try to tell me that slide from the higher note makes it interesting. what absolute shit.
It's possible that's what's going to happen next. For Quake's anniversary, MachineGames were in charge of making some new levels in Quake. likely hinting that when Quake gets a reboot, since old school shooters are coming back, it'll be MachineGames in charge, with id handling DOOM exclusively.
Even worse now that we've seen Youngblood gameplay and it has fucking leveling systems while doubling down on the gameplay design of TNC. Which means bullet sponge foes if they're a higher level than you are, probably. Fucking hell, it's like a new set of devs got slotted in over the series without telling anyone and fucked everything.
DOPA was alright, you histrionic dork.
>MachineGames in charge of Quake
If they follow the same pattern we might at least get one good game out of it. It soon at least be interesting delving into the Ranger's whole issue with forgetting his memories, as it's said in Quake Champions.
Think it will be more Lovecraft than Borg this time?
>doesn't understand the utility of vidya music and why it shouldn't take attention from gameplay
sad retard
The House of the Rising Sun trailer for TNO was kino as fuck.
Ah yes Nickleback, the universal measuring unit for music.
I hope so. I prefer the more organic enemies to cyborgs in Quake. Makes it feel more like a nightmarish realm without any human logic.
I haven't played many but I did play Half Life 2, entire Bioshock series, all the nu Wolfensteins, Doom 2016, some CoD campaigns, Titanfall 2 and a few more.
Which game do you think is better? Wolf2 simply has the best combat and story of any FPS on the market right now. Don't post some ancient rubbish as an example of a better game.
dont feel like quoting the rest of you incels so just kys
mick is based and everyone that matters knows this
Drop down the difficulty if it's too hard for you nigger.
>muh artificial difficulty
It's called reaching a boss who fucking filtered you.
I didn't even finish 2, it gave me an error and the story wouldn't proceed, fucked the savegame so I needed to start over.
Fuck that shit.
This is the musical equivalent to plain bread without even butter on it.
What if it's both by way of slipgates having eldritch, strogg and other shit alike
Still no examples.
I agree but I'm afraid people would say it's too much like Doom and demand more Strogg.
yikes cringe yourself incel.
have sex.
Christ you aren't even trying anymore. You didn't even read half of what I said.
I'll allow it
That's probably it. It's very odd that it's all that managed to get them hired. But then again, this is Bethesda we're talking about.
ID were gonna fuck up Doom before a few of the devs actually had the right idea to bring it back to its roots. It was originally gonna go full CoD but they scrapped it because they realised it was retarded and they rushed through what they had left and made Doom 2016
I read that you felt it was too difficult but nowhere did you say you were already on the easiest setting. Drop it down nigger or play it as intended and improvise.
When will there be a game where I can be a badass Nazi and kill all the faggot commies?
I didn't grow up with Quake so I don't know what's the consensus in the community but I prefer when Doom has demons with some cyber gore attached to them while Quake goes for cosmic horror type creatures. Some of the cybernatics I see in the Strogg are just a bit generic sci-fi on a humanlike character. That's a bit boring. But something like the Shambler or Scrag is much more interesting.
It's a bit like in Half Life, Xen actually looks like this other world with its own logic, not just human logic on top of monsters.
when ya'll stop being so fucking cringy
>it's all that managed to get them hired
Credit where credit is due, if after Bethesda bought id, their pitch for New Order was really good.
>ID were gonna fuck up Doom
Don't remind me. If Doom 3 already left a bad taste, Call of Doom would've been a stake through Romero's heart.
I feel like when people talk about Quake 1 they forget all the tech base levels, shotgun-toting mooks and laser cannon enforcers. It was a hybrid game, not 100% lovecraftian.
>I read that you felt it was too difficult but nowhere did you say you were already on the easiest setting
Really now?
>"Also I did end up dialing down the difficulty around the Courtroom sequence and it still felt like bullshit. You can't tell me that goddamn Courtroom sequence was fair and balanced."
If you're seriously calling Wolfenstein 2 the ultimate pleb filter then you're out of your goddamn mind. If Wolfenstein 2's difficulty is such supreme pleb filter then how come it hasn't gotten the same renownment of difficulty as STALKER, ARMA, Fallout 2, Darklands? All games that I completed on the hardest difficulties? You wanna see a hard and fair game? Play Darklands, that shit is difficult but fair. Wolfenstein 2 isn't.
>play it as intended and improvise.
Ha ha, yes. I too enjoy boot licking the devs when they decide to have poor game design choices.
I didn't forget but they're certainly not the highlights of the game so why would I want more?
Yes, but I think those elements were downplayed and it was a nice balance. By Quake 4 it was more cyber tech than anything else. Generic human like creatures with a bunch of metal on top of them.
Not him, but you HAVE to play stalker on the hardest difficulty
any way else is a tedious nightmare
TNO is my favorite singleplayer game, the only things TNC did right were the good looking graphics and the good soundtrack.
Fair point. But it still brings challenge to the game. The STALKER difficulty is the ultimate pleb filter because it makes both you and the enemy easier to kill, but simultaneously if you dare go for easy, you get stuck having a lot of health but being forced into long drawn out firefights that last hours and hours. In truth the difficulty exists specifically to discourage people from going easy and that's the way I like it and it's not just the generic "enemies have more health and you have less" difficulty.