So, how can we fix WRPGs?
So, how can we fix WRPGs?
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Only way to save gaming in the west is to completely remove all the tranny SJW communists and their enablers infesting everything.
Just make them all like Dwarf Fortress.
focus more on romances
Add in futas, not trannies. Futas.
Keep modern day politics the fuck away from it.
If you give a fuck about politics, you shouldn't even be here, because now you're a normie.
depends on what you think is broken
Right now the WRPG is a shoot and loot FPS/RPG hybrid where stats influence your damage output and the enemies are bullet sponges.
There's no way to go back. JRPGs turned into action games because people were bored of dealing with menus, and WRPGs turned into shooters for the same reason (Dragon Age and Diablo were attempts to import that action combat into western games)
Ultimately I think we're not going to see much more improvement until VR gets better
Focus on gameplay rather than diversity
This and only this.
And add cute girls.
I wish Western 3D modelers learn how to model properly again. Have you seen the Sonic movie? The Pokemon movie? The last Mass Effect game?
And western animators are just big of a poop pile as the 3D modelers.
source faggot
But they are already saved. Stop looking for AAA titles, RPGs aren't meant to look nice
Most WRPGs don't have very much going on in regards to RPG elements. You are basically forced to either play something that is over 15 years old, play a roguelike or play some sort of tabletop game to get a real deal RPG experience.
Don't add futas, turn all females into futas.
Just go back to the way it used to be and try to emulate experience form tabletop RPGs. I'm not even talking about stuff like D&D or isometric combat, I'm talking about freedom and versatility that tabletop offers, like Deus Ex or Arcanum tried to.
more girl monsters, particularly romanceable
What if I want Futa on female impregnation?
Add in lolis, not wamen. Lolis.
my brother
Add rope around neck and jump off a skyscrapper.
>this pic
How do normies manage to delude themselves into not hating femoids?
By attaching a penis to every woman, of course.
Why do you think they don't hate them? Try going /out/ and notice normalfags talking about femoids.
They don't need fixing, Original Sin 2 is the best RPG in decades.
Well based on that pic, everyone who doesn't dedicate their entire existence specifically to find a female and be the perfect item for them, is not worthy, and even then they may not be worthy due to things outside their control. By this logic, these women should probably be sexual godeses who have dedicated their live to be the perfect woman for any man like this.
if you say that they can be fixed, they have to have been fixed at some point back in time, so simply go back to that time and make more.
>completely remove all the tranny SJW communists and their enablers infesting everything.
I imagine removing all of that from skyrim or fallout, and they are still shit, so clearly, you are not on to something.
>Cute girls, boys and girls(male). Also bara men
>DnD combat
>Proper dating system
>Wanting westernshit lolis
Someone PLEASE post that princess ice skating DS game that had different covers for US and Japan
>By this logic, these women should
*ugh* have sex incel, women aren't there for your gratification
fag. I'd play the fuck out of a WRPG with Anne Frank lolis.
What's the point of a woman, anyway?
Thats pretty much the same thing though
Please stop peddling this garbage fetish
More h3t pr0n pornz, to sell, porn hot porno, it's ok! it's ok, to sell, is good. you like porno? porn in gamez, is sell is good? porn porn is sales
i want to fuck that ahegao doodle.
Also, better combat mechanics.
Futa is objectively an equite fetish.
It's not very patrician alone, but it's certainly above normaltard pleb shit like feet, tomboys, gentle femdom, BDSM, rape, yaoi, yuri, impregnation, musclegirls, monstergirls, piss, tickling, huge tits, jailbait, racemixing and many others.
> This much garbage tastes
> Mistakes genre for fetishes
This is really embarrassing.
This is the biggest cancer plaguing the industry right now.
for anyone wondering why, well, I'll make it easy to understand:
Currently, the amount of employees in an average videogame company has more than QUADRUPLED ever since the sjw movement manged to hold some ground on the videogame industry.
The amount of money spent on the salaries of women and poc that don't code anything is absurd.
Most of these people work on shit like writing and design, so it's no surprise that the modern games have terrible stories and characters.
The drop in quality is also partially caused by the actual brains and talents leaving said companies.
I mean, who wants to waste their skills working with retards that ruin your name? Look at modern BioWare and DICE for example, not to mention like everything made by Ubishit these days.
It's very sad to see this to happen to devs you used to respect, but what can you do?
Some of them make their own new studios, but eventually (assuming they manage to get big enouigh) SJW will infiltrate and start the corruption process all over again.
That, or rich faggots like EA buy them out
Why do chicks make such a big deal about height.
You could start by ending the overwriting trend
It's one thing to make an interesting world and characters that you can get invested in that weaves into the gameplay well. It's another thing to pay an entire team of talentless hacks to waste half your dev time "constructing" what they think is the most beautiful and amazing game plot of all time because they're insecure about their job title being "video game writer" and now they can FINALLY qualify video games as ART because they included enough trannies and mentally ill snowflakes that all somehow have the same sardonic sense of humor
WRPGs are in a way better spot than JRPGs.
Underrail, D:OS, The Banner Saga all shit on cinematic walking sims like Persona and Dragon Quest
>doesn't eat ass
did a man make this?
>Also bara men
I think you completely miss the point as to why people enjoy the action hero type. Guys like intimidating, tough characters not some sexualized puffy nipple bear that is drawn to be soft as fuck for fujo and gays.
Your mind on sex instead of action.
rather than remove, just have them keep seething by making games that anger them, until they become so unreasonably angry that they do something very drastic and shoot themselves in the foot
open ended stories that span multiple human generations
and knock out the DLC
Why save it? Just let it crash and burn and let something better rise from the ashes.
>Ughhh you have such unrealistic expectations
Get the fuck out of that shitty loot and shoot gameplay loop that somehow wormed its way into being the only format for WRPGs.
I doubt that pic was made by a woman but it's the same reason why they make a big deal about anything.
A man that they consider fit for them has to be perfect, or strive for perfection.
This includes
>good looks
>well endowed
and most importantly
>able to "provide" (aka pay for absolutely everything that an upper middle class family should have)
It doesn't have to be all of this but usually atleast 2 of them, atleast if the woman has any self worth and hasnt gotten brainwashed by a culture like Islam
For a man, the woman usually just needs to be.
and even these are not mandatory, because some prefer fatties and even ugly women can be passable for a man who's lonely.
I doubt even a any average single man with manners has ever told a woman anything that social media thots keep spouting.
With that I mean things like these:
"You're too short/tall - I can't date you"
"Your breasts are too small/big - I can't have that"
"You're too poor / need to be employed - You can't provide for a family"
"You're too nice - I don't want you"
You can dismiss this as an angry incel's rant but the truth is that I simply don't give a fuck about dating,
I've had my fair share of experiences with women, and even more via seeing what happened to my friends (all good people)
Explain why Japanese games are bombing with dumb shit like broken netcode, mobile shit, online only, broken PC ports that never ever get fixed even after releasing multiple DLC, and dumb game design choices that make the game feel soulless.
The biggest cancer is the mobile market that has lowered the bar.
women love married men
oh no no no no
>let me be a victim
Fuck, I wish I was a roastie.
They're subhumans, but their lives are so fucking easy, literally negative difficulty.
>Loneliness doesn't exist when you have hordes of creepy incels trying to fuck you, completely disregarding everything about your character and only showing an interest in you solely because you have a cunt
I mean there's this thing called perspective guys.
Women have their own problems. They aren't the same as yours.
>being a girl on Yea Forums
You forgot to add the impossible DLC mode: Black Guy
find a sugarmama
encourage more companies to produce games like cd project or larian do.
both types of games have their place but we need more of those.
If we're being honest, I think ugly chicks have it the worst.
and you'd be wrong
Create more specific WRPGs instead of the same empty sandboxes
Maybe hold back on some of the voices so you can have a wider variety of dialog instead of the same mass effect and Fallout 4 options, definitely do not give the protagonist a voice
How so?
I'm a racist but I genuinely pity niggers.
Imagine living a typical negro life that starts with being a child of a single mother.
It explains why they're so prone to crime and lack empathy - everyone around them is like this too.
Meanwhile holes are as dumb and devoid of empathy as niggers, but get everything handed to them.
Everyone wants to make them happy and they just bitch and demand more.
have you actually taken a look around?
In japan, the biggest problems are their lack of talented coders.
This can be seen in their fear of PC as a platform for games (as it usually demands optimizing for several kinds of different hardware)
They have, however, started to get better on this regard.
Another big issue for japanese games is their fear of trying new things.
Trying new things almost always cost dearly to them, so they pussy out and stop changing.
They remain stagnant in a single genre like most pressigly evident in JRPG:s, pokemon or mario games
Franchises such as Sonic, Tales, Pokemon and Final Fantasy have all suffered when trying to "innovate" something new.
Japanese fans are also diehard autists when it comes to things like continuity. They absolutely hate it when a story is rebooted or the gameplay changes.
For example, whenever a japanese game "panders to the west"
Well, pandering to the west has brought it's own set of problems, mainly seething SJW and "ethics department"
>If we're being honest
>If we
Speak for yourself cunt
Give Baldur's Gate 3 to Larian.
ugly women still get far more matches on dating sites than ugly men do, which isn't much of an accomplishment but it could be worse
Blacks also have to deal with people like you who always try to put them down even if they weren't in the initial conversation.
If you honestly think that's the biggest cancer in western gaming, you're just delusional. It's a thing to worry about, but still not nearly as bad as EA's practices. Eg microtransactions, lootboxes, pressuring devs into incomplete products, all the shit around frostbite engine (or Bethesda's in their case), shareholders deciding that the same 3 genres should be rehashed over and over again and psychologists designing games. The SJW part doesn't even hold a candle to that. Just look at Bethesda with TES Blades or Blizzard's Diablo mobage fiasco, they have nothing to do with that stuff.
but all of these so called "ugly chicks" still get married and get to exploit a stream of desperate or coerced men for resources they didnt earn
Quality > Quantity
They also have to deal with white guilt freaks which is 1000x worse than any racism
Ugly women get matches above their quality far more often than ugly men.
Is this some sort of anti-meme?
add more sex
neither gender gets quality
hard and normal need to be swapped
an ugly woman is still more desirable than an normal male simply because she's a woman.
I can put the ugly girl under the handsome man, but there's no way a normal dude has it easier than her
>oh Im so clumsy and shy Im pretending I cant find a man look at me
typical roastie edit
Yeah right.
Depending on where they live, they get even more special treatment than women (though that doesn't stop racists from hating them and sometimes the fact that they get special treatment is why they are hated)
Black guy life is only hard if they choose to make it hard.
By that, I mean when they choose to be criminals or thugs and abstain from schooling themselves.
The worst, however, is when they start blaming whites for having it bad.
Think about it.
>Move or be born in a white country
>entire life and most pressing expenses are paid by state / government / taxpayers
>school and opportunities provided by white people
>these days, you get more value when applying to a job, literally thanks to your skin color because of white sjw's pushing for diversity in workplaces
>blame whites and racism for your life of crime or why your bro tyrone got shot (by threatening or ignoring law enforcers)
>"the man is keeping us down!" he says while refusing to get a job
More playable Lizards
God, you millennials are pathetic.
You are literally competing to see who is the biggest loser.
Te thing that mass shooters have in common with blacks is the lack of fathers, being raised by a single mother is the worst thing that can happpen to anyone
Niggers have the easiest mode.
>commit a crime
>he dindu nuffin he a good boi!
>wow he's so smart he can spell his own name!
>coal burners everywhere
>everyone who wants me is gross and I don't want them why am I so alone
Most of those men are probably fine or the owman doesn't deserve more than the gross incels.
On the topic why is there such a huge disparity between loser men and loser women? A lot of the men are socially shit but at least okay. The women are gremlin tier.
Not really. Racists actually destroy communities with violence and scamming.
If you believe Normal and Hard need to be switched it's because you are playing on Nightmare but don't know it.
This is the most accurate.
>pressuring devs into incomplete products
EA isn't really that evil if you look at it objectively.
I mean, in cases like with Anthem,
the devs had practically no pressure from higher ups and took things as leisurely as they could until someone finally told them to fucking "get your shit together we need this by 2019"
Why did they take things leisurely and had no progress? because of sjw workers and shitty leadership.
Once they were finally at the point where they had no time to do shit, they started working, and at that point, what did they do?
scream bloody murder and have breakdowns, crying in the office because these bitches can't handle stress.
The men, veterans and the actual coders, they didn't whine so much - in fact, the veterans were consolidating and reassuring the people by claiming "it will all work out"
It wasn't EA's fault that they fucked up royally, but I admit EA is cancer when it comes to microtransactions.
HOWEVER, this nearly exclusively applies to shitty hand egg and football games now days
Add in anthro and you got an ally.
>Expect wrpg ideas thread
>Literally just an /r9k/ thread
you outed yourself
More cute pets
so youre saying women have it hard?
It still kinda depends on the substudio. If EA doesn't have much expectations for the game, you won't get much help with the incredibly flawed frostbite engine either for example.
But even in Anthem the game design is incredibly flawed and sometimes skewed towards microtransactions. Like they pretend chests are gonna give you good weapons, but then it turn out that it all doesn't matter. But even if it would matter, they still try to get you to pay for loot.
In general AAA in the west seem to go down the drain. I would just place scummy marketing tactics above SJWs for the decline.
>Move or be born in a white country
>entire life and most pressing expenses are paid by state / government / taxpayers
Get water filled with oil or shit
>school and opportunities provided by white people
some of the worst schools with mold growing and torn books
>these days, you get more value when applying to a job, literally thanks to your skin color because of white sjw's pushing for diversity in workplaces
Only works for a small small quota. Whites and Asians are still more likely to get accepted after admittance in places like Harvard despite "blacks taking all duh spots".
>blame whites and racism for your life of crime or why your bro tyrone got shot (by threatening or ignoring law enforcers)
Whites are still in black communities mining/drilling natural resources in both America and Africa without black consent
>"the man is keeping us down!" he says while refusing to get a job
More porn
>all these angry nightmare modes thinking ugly girls have it easy
you realize attractive women use ugly women as stepping stones right? even moreso than average guys
average guys are the absolute middle in all things. ugly girls will only really get by on the grounds that people feel bad for them.
guys of all shapes can be friends with each other easily, but women all secretly enforce some kind of hierarchy based on appearance within their friend groups and will just as easily tear ugly girls down when they dare not be perfect
there remain aspects where they'll have it easier than guys obviously, but there's no way in hell I'd trade being an average guy for being an ugly girl, and neither would any of you if you actually thought about it
>be born to a single mother
>born poor
>sent to a school full of niggers
>beaten up randomly, because niggers
>also by your mother
>mother who barely takes care of you
>gang of niggers is your "father"
>don't get any education because that's for faggots lol
>suddenly you're adult and have nothing in your life except drugs and a dumb fat coalburner gf
I'm well aware I'm on nightmare. It's because I'm at the very bottom that I can tell who's above me and how high exactly they're above me.
I'm saying uggos need to be reminded
Yea Forums doesn't play videogames
Self-hating uggos like you are the worst.
>commit a crime
>he dindu nuffin he a good boi!
>wow he's so smart he can spell his own name!
Also be good Tom
>coal burners everywhere
this is why you're a virgin
instead of seeing some race mixing whore with your dumb fucking nazi brain, instead see the vulnerable brown fatherless loli that you can train into your personal toy
I'm on full Nightmare, sure.
But I also have a lot of Normal and Hard friends, and I can clearly say that an ugly girl has it easier than a regular dude.
Because men will go for anything with a hole, while women only want the cream of the crop.
No way she's 26
That's a child. A 3DPD child.
>someone talks against women
>uggos need to be reminded
uh ok.
i love people getting mad at shit like this
think about it
there are more women than men in the western world
and you still can't get laid or get a gf
so you get mad at the serial killer guy with a wife, thinking 'durr women are so stupid', and not 'holy shit, i'm literally less appealing than a serial killer or a fucking dog, i should sort my shit out or kill myself to stop my garbage personality depressing more people'
what, are you scared that something that isn't drawn on paper might overpower you?
>falseflagging as an anti-/pol/ pedo
It's always so transparent when /pol/ pedophiles do this.
>that pic
Heh. Now I know which girl I am avoiding. Definitely anyone that fucking posts this garbage. Adieu, I'll look for a tomboy GF that has humble tastes and not these picky cunts.
You smell like a newfag.
Learn from Japs and start making games with actual gameplay and stories that are not 'you are the chosen one'.
the term is 'Yea Forums user'
i've been here since 2004
>Get water filled with oil or shit
source? or is this an american thing?
>some of the worst schools with mold growing and torn books
definitely an american poverty thing
>Only works for a small small quota. Whites and Asians are still more likely to get accepted after admittance in places like Harvard despite "blacks taking all duh spots".
I was talking about applying to a job, not school
>Whites are still in black communities mining/drilling natural resources in both America and Africa without black consent
America? where?
in africa, it's whoever sold them the land or gave them mining rights for money who is to blame.
The only places where blacks suffer are places governed by blacks themselves.
Like in Africa's case, whites have
>built railways
>brought food
>broight medicine
>brought civilization
You can't point out racism in africa either, because that would be coming from blacks towards white people
based chadhan posdter
>source? or is this an american thing?
Yeah, Flint Michigan. There is also dirty as fuck water in other communities
>Women have their own problems.
does that study count for the fact that these black have most likely been sentenced for a crime before and that affects the severity of all future sentences?
>you are the chosen one
but thats 100% of jap games. Wait a moment
If you read
>These disparities were observed “after controlling for a wide variety of sentencing factors,” including age, education, citizenship, weapon possession and prior criminal history.
They do, though
>all their fake friends are women and thus nasty cunts
>all their fake friends are constantly plotting to stab each others' backs
>age creeping on and threatening to ban them access to cock carousel
>Lead in the water
>Sometimes inflamable due to gases
>Brain eating amobea
American tap water sure is scary.
Why is some much attention put in her feet?
so women's problems is the female society.
We have to fund toppling more countries that will end up migrating to here or Europe. Reminder we, America, funded Al Qaeda and the rebels that eventually became ISIS just to get some damn oil.
Do you like being culturally enriched? Bolstering radicals to culturally enrich you is our specialty.
You're really good at it. Don't forget drone bombing some weddings to give [local terrorist group] more recruits.
"WRPG" isn't a genre faggot
Don't forget the UK helps.
I just don't understand why they hate whites when America and the UK are the poster boys for whites. You can thank the UK for the cultural enrichment. Too bad they're leaving your little group so they don't have to deal with the immigration they helped cause.
>japan can't handle not playing as a teenager
what le fug
Simple. Don't make them for consoles and their brainlet audience.
And then Americans think they can talk shit to Europe like we get tons of acid attacks and rapes because of the immigrants we get thanks to them. Meanwhile their mainly black prison population would have a significant impact on elections if they were allowed to vote and surpass some small states.
You know that's not racism, that's called a slum.
if a slum exists, it's because the people and the city are poor, and the reason why people are poor because they are uneducated or unemployed.
why they are uneducated and uneployed is almost always their own fault.
US might be a 3rdworld country but the people are still "free"
There are plenty of poor and homeless white people in USA, it's not like they're getting privileges, they are forced to live in the very same slums where all the other poor people end up in.
For example, I live in Finland and in my country, a black person only has to be black to be entitled for
>better healthcare
>better priority in healthcare (even goes past veterans and elderly)
>lower requirement for passing grades in schools
>lower requirement for qualifying a job + easier to be hired
>lower requirement for passing drivers license test
>lower requirement for higher rank & more choice on where you get placed
>better treatment from social services because nobody wants to be seen or accused of being a racist
>not even required to speak the language here
>lower sentences for crimes and sometimes not even sentenced just to avoid drama so that "racists" and the media can't have a reason to say "look they did it again"
>they get more support from the government
>optionally, if they are not a citizen, they can even get hotel accommodation free food and even 'allowances'
My favorite part is the asskissing of jews and doing what they say and when you expect them to do something like taking in a refugee they go all "NO THIS IS OUR LAND WE CAN'T HAVE THAT"
"why not?`"
*proceeds to bomb palestinian hospitals
all these mad replies even though you're right
Shut up faggot futa is based and redpilled. Seething tranny
Slav developers, USA, Canada and UK are pozzed.
Pretty sure they fixed the public pipes at this point and the rusted broken shit is pipes leading up to people's houses.
Those can't be replaced by anyone but the residents/landlords unless they government literally sends plumber squads to forcibly fix people's pipes.
lurk three years before posting
It's usually half their own fault and half circumstances like shit education. And with that I mean people living in slums will probably get everything that's left over from America's shitty system. Then you also have cases where everyone gets a pass through high school despite not doing a thing for it.
But it also kinda weirds me out that blacks want to achieve stuff on the one side, but many just adopt slang and customs that keeps them down.
As a teacher of mine said, you should be able to speak properly. Not ask for help wtih "ey yo, help me man" when you're in a pickle.
I don't post on Yea Forums that much, I knew doubles were banned but hepts?
>You know that's not racism, that's called a slum.
>if a slum exists, it's because the people and the city are poor, and the reason why people are poor because they are uneducated or unemployed.
>why they are uneducated and uneployed is almost always their own fault.
>US might be a 3rdworld country but the people are still "free"
This is some r/The_Donald level shit.
>There are plenty of poor and homeless white people in USA, it's not like they're getting privileges, they are forced to live in the very same slums where all the other poor people end up in.
That's fine too
Why are slavs such trash?
I'd like to emphasize the fact that all of these "black man's" problems are literally just the problems of USA itself.
Human rights bullshittery in the current year has gotten to the point where a murderer can get a roof on top and free food, provided they don't try to kill anyone who helps them and give themselves up without a fight.
It's ironic, you''ll be treated better in prison than by your neighbords when living like a proper person as a poor man in some gangster ghetto
>expecting anyone to read 270+ pages
>why they are uneducated and uneployed is almost always their own fault.
its down to the parents and the environment more than any personal fault, people are only products of their life experience so a shit experience will lead to a shit person, any healthy human can be raised to fit any roll if raised in the proper environment.
slums are terrible places to live so they result in terrible people, this isn't hard.
you are men of refined taste
You realize dubs are kind of a per-requisite for trips, quads, etc, right?
Forget Tabletop systems entirely. Nothing fucks over WRPGs more than trying to use systems that are already flawed even when played by a group of people with a human gamemaster.
I wish I had hordes of creepy incel women trying to fuck me.
You're using outdated memes my friend. We now understand that nature vastly outweighs nurture in these things.
You only say that because you're an incel.
If you actually had your pick of the litter and didn't have to beg for sex, you'd find hordes of women trying to fuck you extremely annoying - just like women find it annoying.
>its down to the parents and the environment more than any personal fault, people are only products of their life experience so a shit experience will lead to a shit person, any healthy human can be raised to fit any roll if raised in the proper environment.
Then how come we face the same problems here in Europe despite the fact that they are more privileged than the locals?
Most of our nordic countries never had slums before - not until immigrants came, do you write that off as racism?
We treat immigrants like kings, and they still commit more crime and are statisically more unemployed.
I've lived in poverty my entire youth,
I've witnessed blacks, gypsies and arabs acting like assholes / criminals despite being more well off than me or the other poor families I knew.
Well, as much as I like shitposting in Yea Forums I think I'm going to stop making long posts now
Just giving an example on why the """"""""forever alone""""""" women are full of shit.
fuck off back to whatever hivemind you came from
You can't blame someone for being dealt a shit hand genetically if that is the case so its still not the fault of the slum goer that they can't leave the slum, its the fault of the parents for conceiving the slum goer.
also, sauce?
you can take a nigga out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of a nigga.
anyone who actually immigrates from a third world country to a first world country will find it incredibly difficult to change their habits and mannerisms to fit in with what is considered polite society.
many will never succeed, instead they will fester in their ignorance, traits they picked up or inherited that once served as survival instincts are useless now, they should need to learn how to live in a whole new way.
Unfortunately the government exaberates this problem with the ubiquitous benefit program which works fine on the native people who are socially conditioned to find mooching on others repugnant but is ripe for abuse from a people who have lived through the shit and will do anything to live comfortably.
then the government shames people for trying to shame these foreign fraudsters, defending them and establishing a positive reinforcement loop which insulates the immigrant from any outside pressure which may force them to change their ways.
and they pass on their unaltered old culture to their children, blank slates that would adapt to the culture of their new home where it not for their parents dragging them down to ignorance and sloth, what would be a functioning member of society is instead another economic leach which will in turn breed more leaches.
its not a matter of race, its a matter of upbringing. upbringing and government practice to manufacture an underclass of mindless consumers living off of money they never earned.
I'd be inclined to agree, if it wasn't for the fact that immigrants, especially arabs, come from places from which they "allegedly" escaped because of war, they HAD to have work to survive in a country like that, so it should reflect them as being honest, hard workers.
For example, Estonian immigrants don't try to leech off of society, but arabs, gypsies, somalis and the others do.
Some of these groups have already infested europe for over a hundred years yet these stereotypical behaviors have not disappeared despite them not always getting the royal treatment that they do today.
I said I wouldn't make long posts anymore but sheiit
Fucking this.
I recognize that website
have fun dying alone.
Oh you silly ignorant little boy.
I remember when I was teaching myself how to pick locks I was thinking to myself:
"Huh, there is definitely something sexual about using a tension wrench to twist around while using a scraper to scrape the top of the hole. This is a lot like fingering a woman. Why is this not a popular fetish when women reving car engines is?..."
>if I were privileged enough to be able to be able to decline potential partners, I'd find people in my own current position disgusting
the story of my life...
>tfw a monster girl wouldn't care about your looks because different standards
>tfw she can love your strange body shape and personality like no one else
>Doesn't like bitches
>Wants nice tomboy
>>You'll d-die alone...
Typical toastie roastie!
I think what that user meant was that tomboys are too hard to come by
I want one as much as the next sane man, but we all know that the 3d "tomboys" are mainly just dykes and fat gamer girls
>rather than remove, just have them keep seething by making games that anger them
Oh, exactly like the way drumpfies are constantly seething on Yea Forums because they're angered by modern games?
Do YOU have your shit together Mandee? Look at those fucking blinds jc.
Make them pc exclusive
>le tomboy meme
You just want a boyfriend with a cunt and tits
I just know OP is looking through this whole thread and laughing his ass off. Well played, OP. Well played.
Where the games?
And usually the answer to those problems is getting better at opening up to people.
honestly I'm just sitting here completely baffled by your stupidity. how you could come to hold such a view is beyond my comprehension.
Look inward and ask yourself why you see more value in a necrophiliac pedophile that is also a serial killer that rapes his victims, and his demented lover, than some virgins on the internet. "durr that woman is stupid" is the correct way to look at this as that hag is crazy and I can't think of a single incel that I've ever come across that is less appealing than that.
If all women were like the one in that picture I would not be able to blame anyone for not sticking their dick near such foul creatures.
Be reasonable.
What a nightmare
Tomboys are a meme they'll leave you to fuck your 70 year old rich tanned gym instructor after you've been dating for 6 years and then demand money from you for a kid that's not yours
every time this board decides to argue over nothing it's hilarious to watch, imagine writing 500 word posts regarding politics on a gaming subforum of an anime imageboard
By releasing Hellraid
Fuck you Techland
at first I thought that people were following the joke, but I would never imagine that this could reach 200 posts