every other major form of entertainment and media (movies, books, tv shows, and music) often explore politics and other real world issues from standpoints that the creators believe in. So why are you all so against video games doing the same thing?
Every other major form of entertainment and media (movies, books, tv shows...
>implying the muh politics fags actually play games or pay attention to the ones they do
None of those forms of media have player agency. A movie or a book might show me a message I don't agree with, but a game will ask me to partake in it.
Soul off the charts
Most people don't care if there are games that contain politics that are relevent to the game. The thing is most politics added to games is hamfisted, and jarring which takes away from immersion in story heavy games.
Because game developers have stupid opinions and their games become cringefests when they push those opinions.
I'm all for you to get your garbage walking sims, but I'd rather game developers focus on, you know, gameplay
I only care if it's identity politics
Because niggers will always and fucking forever use their skewed view on subjects rather than put forth facts or use real scenarios. I don't want to play a call of duty game where you play as some handicap pansexual muslim rebel fighter protecting xer village from the "evil" whites. Portray that shit the way it truly is and show them motherfuckers beheading innocents and fucking goats.
>every other major form of entertainment and media
Ad populum is shite argument. Just say you want to shove your politics down other people's throats because you're one of the enlightened ones who are on the right side of history.
>and show them motherfuckers beheading innocents and fucking goats
They only fought in ww2 against the nazis if they were given carte blanche by the french to rape women.
When someone says they don't like "politics" in games they mean they don't want ham-fisted political pandering to the neoliberal democrats from San Fransisco. Nobody bitches about MGS anti-nuke messages, or Watch Dogs surveillance state commentary, or Spec Ops the Line being anti-war and PDST messages. Its the lame shit like Apex Legends announcing that one of the characters in their FPS is gay. Who give a shit? There are no romance options in the game and your main objective is to shoot people.
If games want to have political themes they should distance themselves from reality in order to make the games story seem timeless. Years from now any game where you fight a President Bonald Blumpf and his racist fascist legion is going to look outdated and pathetic
Not to mention not a single one of those other forms of entertainment and media hinges on YOUR participation like games do.
all those things fucking suck
Games are interactive and as such they shouldn't frustrate, bore or annoy me when trying their job as 'games'. They may be informative but just go documentary or something when it's about these things.
Political views, religious stuff etc. are just a never ending shitstream of opinions and a waste of time for 95% of all people. You don't need a political or religous agenda for a *we* vs *them*. You need to be informed about each individual case where it matters and judge on each single case. At best you also share information with others without being a prick that tries to undermine information of others or to manipulate by telling lies or half-truths.
But people in general are too tired to deal with bullshit in their free time. Radical people and (ignorant) assholes as well as the dangerously careless ones whose actions could harm others should just leave the planet. It could be so nice here.
Finally, this man gets it.
>I want more retards getting their real world views from fictional fairy tales written by some sheltered frappe sipping faggot from the Bay
Lots of games are political, final fantasy 7 is political, persona 4 is political, fucking starcraft is political, the problem is liberals have co opted the term "politics" when it comes to gaming & they mean exclusively their view of the world & they like to slam it down your throat
if any other game has a hint of right wing views, like ancient Bohemia not being diverse, they lose their fucking minds
because politics dont add anything worthwhile
among other things, the writing quality standards for games is appalling. there is nothing fucking worse than something that is terribly written trying to be 'deep' and 'thought provoking'.
Don't delude yourself, politic stuff doesn't make you look clever or interesting. Probably you just look annoying.
Because they are mentally ill and have the understanding of a 5 year old.
They think Trump is an abnormality yet he says no different to both sides of American politics before this fucked decade