Old faithful 360 gamepad died. Time for an upgrade!
Whats the best controller to get for PC right now? Mostly will be used for console ports, I don't play flight sims or the like.
PC controller
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Either ps4 controller v2 or Xbox one s controller these day
imagine the handjobs
Imagine the grip he must have on things. He could be a handball world champion or something.
I wonder if he can control the extra fingers individually or only as a cluster, seeing as his thumb mutated into them.
are you allowed to take advantage of your 'imperfections' in competitive stuff like this? i always wondered that
Most likley the paralympics for some reason.
>his hand is a literal fucking flesh spider
*tickles you*
Well yes, I am asking if I get some version of the PS4 or some version of the XBOX One controller.
Also if some third party manufacturers are solid, my 360 was from Thrustmaster, not the official Microsoft gamepad.
ayy lmao
For you, probably xone controller since you're used to the layout.
I'm using a DS4 and wouldn't change it for anything personally
Definitely xbox one, ps4 controllers feel like garbage after years of xbox controllers. Not to mention they're far too fucking light
real life cartoon
pretty much this, they're both amazing controllers so you can't go wrong. just a choice of analog stick configuration at this point
The gene that was supposed to build a thumb instead built an extra hand, but the rest of it is structured properly (that is, as if he had a thumb). Probably in pain and constant inflammation due to how much heavier this is than just a thumb, and how the structure isn't meant to support that much flesh and bone.
ayy lmao
>pretty much this, they're both amazing controllers so you can't go wrong
Well, if you promise.
Okay, I looked it up, and....
Do I really need all that shit? No. No, I really don't need all that shit. Where I live it costs $200. I feel like I'd be paying for functionality I won't use.
>due to how much heavier this is than just a thumb
Doubt. I used to be a gymnast and I spent hours standing on my hands where my entire body weight was loaded on my arms and wrists and not once have I experienced any inflammation or syndrome. At most some days I could feel a little sore at the wrist which was easily remedied with some gentle stretching or a hot bath.
It's a shame all those mutant babies in china and india that get born with shit like an extra pair of arms or whatever that are otherwise perfectly functional get that shit chopped off when they're still small. Imagine the shit you could pull with an extra pair of arms.
Millions of people get smart phone thumb syndrome just from manipulating touch screens for hours a day, for years in a row.
And before modern technology, jewelers and tailors had chronic hand disease related with their work too. These don't show until many hours per day, every day, for years. But once they show, you will die with them.
You could probably pull off suicide at 12 due to all the bullying.
Though the handjobs would be special if you made it to puberty.
i promise user
Probably picking up this one.
About 70USD, including third worlder tax.
If you develop joint issues under 40 you're suffering from some other undiagnosed chronic condition or just really unfortunate genes. There is just no way a healthy person would ever get "phone thumb syndrome"
Jewelers and tailors I can at least understand. They develop joint problems through repeated and arduous labor but even in their case It's mostly just a case of shitty technique. If you properly stretch your limbs, allow your body to recover and use proper technique to not put excess strain on yourself you could be a tailor for all your life without any major complication.
Ignore literally everyone else in this thread because my opinion on PC controller support is the ONLY opinion that matters
If you're a brainlet who ONLY plays games released within the past few years, get an Xbox controller
If you want configurability and compatibility for old games as well as better support in some recent titles, get a DS4
Logitech do some cheap controllers that have a physical switch for generic controller and 360 input, but cheap build quality and lack of configuration lets them down. Never get ANYTHING chinese
Don't bother with shitty nintendo controllers, nobody uses them and nobody cares about them enough to support them on PC.
Any questions?
>Any questions?
Can I play Breath of the Wild on without learning to program just to set it up?
Yes, but you won't be able to use the gyro as you would with a DS4
How prominently used is that, and are there any games which break without it?
I looked it up and apparently only Journey, FlOw, and Flower use it from the high profile games, and I am not interested in these.
Nobody wants to hear this guy play the piano?
That was my first thought.
Was this ever in the GiTS manga? Because it's a perfect example of his sci-fi obsession as an artist: shallow and purely for the spectacle and vague sense of what-if's that ultimately reach no conclusion or message
Appears to be an old woman's hand. She made many men happy I'm sure
>shallow and purely for the spectacle
Are you retarded? Having more fingers is pretty useful. Probably more useful in normal life than, say, augmented strength, normal people don't use that.
>Cool looking finger mods
>"Look at what a shallow artist he is!"
You can use gyro in every game ever released with a DS4
Sure you CAN use it, but how many games are built for it and demand you use it for best performance, or to even be able to complete it?
Why would you not want the option
Because of the perceived opportunity cost. I imagine the Microsoft controller has an easier time playing with Windows 10. Especially with Microsoft's new strategy of merging Windows and XBOX gaming platforms.
If a game supports Xbox controllers then it supports DS4.
Xbox controllers play LESS games than a DS4 can.
I think maybe the point user was trying to bring up is wouldn't it be more efficient at that point to plug your mind into the computer and type by thought than have 20 fingers? Having the fingers split only works in the context of the spectacle of the scene.
>the chinese work in such dangerous conditions in sweat shops they evolved to have spare digits so it doesnt matter if they lose one in a machine
in the universe the reason is they are dealing with a hacker who can hack peoples minds, so everyone involved is wary of plugging their brain directly into a computer
Yeah, and that's a recent development, dipshit. Don't fucking tell me people get cyberhands with bullshit Swiss Army fingers that are too flimsy to do anything but type on the off-chance they need to type 9001WPM because an AI hacker is brainfucking people left and right.
Typing is faster than speaking, and speach2text is much more feasible than thought2text.
One, because we can't read thoughts. Two, because the interface to do so would be impractical, dangerous, etc.
But more importantly, three, because you don't think in grammatically proper sentences. You think in pictures, feelings, memories, not in properly structured speech. Even your inner monologue is probably heard, in a voice, rather than written down in text. Thoughts to text is just ignorant of how the human brain works.
And I don't think you can skip the text part, and just beam thoughts from one person to another, because of how many dependencies each thought has. The way you think about directions has to do with memories how you ate at that one cafe last week, how you nearly got hit by a car at that crossing, how there was a leaky air conditioner on the building which looks like that other building near where you live, etc.
Typing words down will remain faster than speaking them, and thus will remain the premium way to write down information to transfer from one human to another. Extra fingers is cool and useful.
yes lets just plug my brain into a computer whenever I have to write something
fucking retard
Its funny how the less you know about IT and networks safety, the more likely you are to celebrate, embrace and ask for more networking and connectivity.
>just put my credit card chip in my wrist so i can pay with my hand breh :D