Whats the first game you ever played?
Whats the first game you ever played?
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Earliest memory is Super Mario World.
gotcha in the locker room bro
Ocarina of Time, I think. Maybe Mario 64.
Minecraft on my uncles PS3.
Scooby Doo mystery adventures
Skate or Die
Earliest memory I have is video games. I dont know the specifics, but I was doing something autistic for some family park thing and they basically told my mom to take your shitter son and go home.
We stopped by the bar area on the way out for and I got to play Pac Land. The game was shit but I knew nothing in life will top vidya.
3-in-1 Super Mario Bros. Duck Hunt and world class track meet
it was either mario bros or doom, i dont know which one
Super mario bros all stars with grandma is my earliest memory.
MGS2 when i was 3
wtf Yea Forums was raised on nintendo??
Red alert 1 on pc
Super Mario Brothers
I'm 23 but my grandfather brought home some bootleg chink console that had 150 NES games on it
the Mortal Kombat snes port at my grandmother's
I was like 6.
fallout 1
Something on an Atari. River Raid, Dragster, etc
Probably Wolfenstein.
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee.
Gran Turismo 1
OP here. the guy in my pic btw is Tim Gabel.
Check out his merch too
I think it was Sonic 3. I was very young.
Scooter for PC made by EA Kid's
Super Mario 64 when I was about 3
Sonic The Hedgehog on one of these boys.
Solitaire on Windows XP. Didn't know what the heck I was doing, but It's the earliest memory I have of a virtual game. I must have been four.
Treasure Island Dizzy
based you old cunts
back in my day vidya MEANT something
I was 5 Dangerous Dave
I think it was some sonic game on the NES
I was too young and didn't speak English to know it's name
were sonic games many on the NES?
Pokémon Crystal also he's hot af
This gem right here.
Crash Bandicoot ps1
Syphon filter 2 for the ps1
Was it called Polystation?My friend had that in 4th grade lol
Mario Galaxy as a 6 or 7yo
i was lucky to start with a Nintendo game instead of a Snoy movie
I was around 09-10 when I played it.
either Super Mario Bros. 3 or pic related
I honestly can't remember.
Either Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, Mad Dog Cree, or some game whose name I'll never remember about some little elf guy exploring a castle.
Commander Keen in Goodbye, Galaxy; or The Simpsons: Bart's House of Weirdness
TMNT1 on the NES.
I don’t remember and i’m younger than most of you faggots, so unless you all didn’t start playing games until you were twelve I don’t believe you do either
I think the first game i played was metal slug in the arcade with my bro, but i'm not exactly sure.
This here, played this at my grandparents house before I got an SNES
I remember having an NES and it was hooked up in my parents bedroom. I also remember when my mom bought me Metroid, it was in a locked cabinet in the check out aisle, which was really fucking dirty for the store to do since kids always bitch and moan for shit in the check out aisle. I also remember my dad beating Zelda.
prince of persia (ms-dos version)
Either SMB1 or Duck Hunt.