Play League of Legends, nerd.
Play League of Legends, nerd
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I love Teemo!
ok i will
LoL? More like, KEK! Kek as in World of Warcraft - as in Warcraft 3, with the infamous "Defenders of the Ancients" mod.
>DotA even has a basshunter song
Why even bother with anything else?
dota shitters seething for straight up 7 years
their game will never even reach popularity of league
I just can't stand (tilted) people who are just ruining game on purpose.
I've played quite a bit of it already tho. I keep picking predator + all move speed items on my supports and junglers because it's the most so fun.
i cant i live in iran
>play league of triggered trannies
no thanks,the devs dont care to balance the game. the art dept ae the only ones doing anything and by anything i mean shitting out waifu,anime,furry or other sjw trash skins. games got two more years left
I've played more than enough for a lifetime already.
Dota is the better game but it's impossible to have fun playing dota solo so I play League instead
Post Kindred
and League will never reach the popularity of Candy Crush, what's your point?
Classic LoLfag stockholme syndrome cope
Dota is more fun IF you have people playing roles they want to play. Dota is fucking awful if you have 0 or 1 person who wants to play support. In my opinion the biggest thing League improved over Dota and a reason why Dota hasn't come close to League's success is the removal of one of the support positions.
>SJW Trash Skins
KDA Line,Star guardians,Zoe Skins,ALL THE AHRI,MF,SONA skins
They know sex sells and take full advantage of that
they know weeb shit skins sell
I think the problem I have with it is that for dota you need to have 5 people who are willing to play the game seriously to have any real amount of fun because the game is just so complex.
In league I can pubstomp Solo or play with my friends retarded iron girlfriend and still have fun
In dota I'll have a friend trying to fail at stacking camps while I get camped by a Russian duo playing tony and io and want to kill myself.
is that malz in the mirror
>games only got 2 more years left
>says increasingly nervous man for the 4th consecutive year in a row
It’ll come true on day Ahmed.
Might be Lucien. He kinda looks black if you zoom in
that's kinda cool
hate playing adcs though
no thanks. Play real games instead
oh no no no no no
God they must smell like fucking heaven
oh god oh fuck
every one of these whore champions makes me angry
Playing placements as naut sup trist is typing in all chat about how bad I am literally while nunu and me get first blood at the same time. I'm hoping I get high silver at least.
smells like a virgin over there
no after they fucked all my champs, rip Allistair
Naut is a great support tho, what's nuni on about. He's a tankier blitzcrank
nah, i stopped playing in 2011
we got better esports too
trillions of flies eat shit every day, they can't be wrong
Nunu was great, trist was tilted for no reason the only reason we won was cuz our team land slided early and their team surrendered. Its league you can't make this shit up.
stay mad
God I want them to laugh at me for being a virgin so much.
No Chad.
Stopped playing after the lane Kayn deletion. You can't do anything creative or fun in this game anymore, it's all just esport or fuck off.
League is only good for porn.
Just like Overwatch.
And they both have fantastic porn.
oh god
oh fuck
Don't upset him by calling out his buzzword usage
How do you do Mordebros?
Enjoying shitty rework?
fuck off zoomy
He needed a rework, desu I do miss old morde but new morde is fun too.
taking people into the shadowrealm is mad man
>LoLfag stockholme syndrome
That explains so many things.
>Imagine Dragons
Stopped there. That's an actually shit band.
I wanna use him as my personal onahole.
>still no pool party sona showing off them jugs
>instead we get shitty hood sona that covers her beautiful hair
what the FUCK is riot doing
>Imagine Dragons