What was the oldest game you remembered playing?
What was the oldest game you remembered playing?
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if you mean the first game i played, it's sonic 2, but the oldest game i've played for any length of time is probably zork
asteroids or Adventure on 2600
also just going to put it out there that Adventure sucks ass
Grand Prix on the 2600
Might have been Frogger or Pac-man, though.
I guess asteroids or donkey kong
Dr. Mario
i can't rule out playing ports of games that might have predated pong and i'm too lazy to lookup dates
raptor call of the shadows
Donald Duck's Playground and Heroes Quest
Super Mario Bros or Duckhunt.
I think I vaguely fucked around with some pos retro console at some retro-vidya game convention. God I'm glad to be experiencing video games better than all you oldfags.
Stratego on an old Macintosh
Also on the Macintosh, some adventure game where you explore a pyramid
Played them together with my dad. Great memories.
I remember when Activision owned the Frostbite engine.
For the younguns; this is what it looks like
Vectorman on the Sega Genesis
The pyramid game was called Scarab of Ra apparently.
Daytona or Megaman 4
Does anyone actually click on those "Whats new"
"Recent News"
Things that are present in every search engine
Where the real OG's at?
>He didn't play Tennis for Two
King's Quest 3
some kind of dos game where you play jacks
Spacewar on DOS. Or Captain Comic, also DOS, pirated off a BBS that my dad taught me to use. Setting a great example there.
Lunar Lander. That or Asteroid, not sure which is older but I'm pretty positive they were my first games.
Prehistoric 2
Gran Turismo 1. Not even 3 years old.
Somehow, I was stupidly good back then. Family dragged me away from Endurance Races, though.
Don't remember the exact first i played but I'm pretty sure it was on the sega master system. remember playing te crap out of Safari hunt (preinstalled in the system) and I kept pulling on the system because the light gun cord was so short.
it was a pretty tough system, but after a few dozen falls it finally broke. got an NES after that.
Some drag racing game on my dads dos computer.
used top play those edutainment games in my schools computer class. some scuba diving game. whoever finished their assignment fastest got to play on it. everyone else in the class ad apple 2 E's. even though the 2e had better games (moon patrol, carmen sandiego, missile command, snake, ets, the green screen was kinda gross compared to the full color screen of the macintosh.
Exile 3. I played 'older' games later on, but Exile 3 is the first game I can remember playing.
forgot pic
Super Mario bros All stars. I was basically forced to play the nes and snes as a kid becomes my dad thought that games in my generation was garbage and refused to buy me a n64 and GameCube. I had a ps1 in my moms house though.
Brince of Bersia, Tetris and a weird The Simpsons beat'em up whose name I can't recall for shit
good dad/
I mean the nes and snes are good, but playing the same 7 games for 15 years made me hate it. You can only handle so much of super Mario kart for so long.
>refused to buy me a n64 and GameCube.
Remember to tell your dad he's the best dad ever.
There was a lot of games I played on the spectrum but honestly I can only remember a few of them.
Anyone remember this old gem?
It's either "Oh Mummy!" or "Feud" on the Amstrad CPC 464
Ghostbusters for Commodore 64 (1984). My grandpa had an old computer with it on a floppy, along with DOOM, Jeopardy, and one of the King's Quest games.
some weird isometrical game where I kept dying, cant remember what it ws
Sounds like Solstice to me.
zoomer comin' through