ITT: games that start with the letter N
ITT: games that start with the letter N
Nier: Automata
Noby noby boy
If OP was testing Yea Forums then it failed miserably. Way to go, OP.
Chip's Challenge
bundleofbrittany on Instagram for those wondering
why are incels so adamant on being racist? you guys need to chill out and have sex
You act like having sex will make us any less unbearable
no more heroes
omg I used to play this game all the time, it was truly a based browser game
Take off your pants then.
Imagine sticking your dick in her ass.
I don't understand
All OP said was that he was looking for games with the letter N. What does race have to do with it?
I think someone has a guilty conscience and is trying to lash out.
4channel successfully defended
Nigger Cum: Deliverance
based, wh*toid incels aren't human
I literally dont get why big asses are meant to be sexy
wouldnt that mean you could penetrate her less
i have severe emotional problems
Need For Speed
Looks like you upset the incels. Good job user.
NBaba is You
reduce soi dosage
Its edgy and cool because there are people who don't like racism, being counterculture and such. Its very common in teenagers, before they grow out of it.
look at this dicklet and laugh
Only high test men like big asses
What's funny is that if they actually had sex, there would be more white people.
Most people hate niggers around the world.
Asians especially think niggers are smelly and subhuman.
Neverwinter Nights
Yes, thats what racism is.
That's exactly what the world needs.. more fucking white people.
hts into dreams
There’s nothing wrong with being racist
The global acknowledgement that Africans are dumb and a drain on the planet
daily reminder to not respond to resetera/reddit retards
Was that decided in a global forum somewhere i must've missed it. Is that the same forum where it was decided that whites need to pay reparations till the end of time for nigger slavery too?
Northgard, No more heroes, Nioh.
Slave morality has been around a long time.
When a society becomes too affluent it tends to sympathize a bit too much with its stupid and its untalented.
Niggers are generally regarded as welcome wherever they go.
Says the jobless neet
pretty good list, have another
N. Cortex's Unlucky Day
(aka Crash Bandicoot)
Eheheh holy shit faggot what is it with you lame fucks and needing to somehow always try to label and define shit, usually people you dislike, to such a weird as borderline obsessive point. Just look at that image god damn so fucking sad and pathetic that you got to make up and then lump anything you dislike into shit simply to avoid like any sort of critical thinking like a bunch of pussies. Seriously whats next a damn guide as to how to fucking breathe? Cause god damn do you lame pussy faggots seem to hate thinking for yourselfs and being out of whatever you are part of consensus. Shit is like the epitome of beat pussy bitch i swear.
Im of the opinion that you and i should be judged on our actions as individuals rather than what similarly pigmented person did on the other side of the globe. Racism is cowards escape from reality. It will keep you safe for sure, much like avoiding everything in life. If some nignog will try to explain his prejudice against me by 'muh slavery', im gonna tell him to fuck off, much like the nignog should say the same to some cucktard high on his race fetishisms.
hit a nerve huh
I'm at my job right now.
Getting paid while I enrage a worthless blackie.
At least you can take solace that we regret slavery, not because it is morally wrong to try and get blacks to work for a change but because now we have to put up with you third world shitskins ruining our country and using our white technology that your worthless subhuman cousins would never invent in another 2000 years.
>have sex
Thats the plan
Sounds like you are an idealist and also deluded.
>Tfw litterally everyone besides Yea Forums is reddit now since eevery board hates /pol/.
>tfw even /pol/ hates /pol/
Why do you think they keep interracial porn next to beastiality plots and scat scenes in adult shops in japan?
depression and lack of sex
Pretty much yeah.
If it were those dont you think they'd be beta orbiting male feminists?
Yeah, maybe then they'd see a basic correlation between poverty and subuman behavior.
male femininsts dont have depression, dumb people are happy
>ruining our country and using our white technology
user did you know that Ulysses S Grant wanted to give Africans the Caribbeans but his white friends said no? Also did you know Regan did more damage to this country than anyone else in our countries 200+ existence see Iran-Contra trials and CIA cocaine shipments if you don't know. Whites have unironically ruined this country for themselves more times than the germans and French have.
whats the point of having sex if you're not a girl
cant even get pregnant...
ill just jerk off and pretend im anime
Even when it comes to WMAF or is this a Asians are honarary whites scenario to Yea Forums?
>giving blacks land
I'd give them the ocean after dumping all your ancestors and their kin into the middle of it without a boat.
A realist from experience. Would i walk through a nigger ghetto thinking im perfectly safe? Afcourse not. I think you're trying to rationalise your irrational fear by cartoonifying complexity of an average individual. Reality is much more complex than "nigger numbers.jpg". Racism is simplistic, if anything that's idealistic.
Litterally better than slavery user. But also that would fuck up the Ocean. Just think about dumping 12 million dead bodies user.
>A realist
Then you would know that blacks are worthless just based on the state of their own countries, let alone the state of them leeching off our countries.