Why are there no good Superman games?
Why are there no good Superman games?
supes should have just let her jump
It's hard to design a game around a super strong, flying, invulnerable man whose only weakness is a specific space rock
The Superman Returns game was kinda interesting even if the execution sucked. It had Metropolis itself have a health bar that decreased as the city took more damage but kept Superman himself invincible.
Of course this wouldn't work for a Man of Steel game for obvious reasons.
Lots of people have suggested it, but a open world city where you dynamically solve problems, failure for fucking up leads to tragic consequences. Like if you haymaker a bad guy and send him flying into pedestrians you just straight up murder them and affects your rank. Its a bit to abstract a idea for a major publisher to care for.
This is actually a really good choice for Superman. Rather than put a lifebar over superman, put a lifebar over Metropolis. Make it a game about everyone and everything Supes cares about.
because superman is a fucking boring superhero
>ohhh look he saved another suicide victim while letting dozens of people get murdered and robbed how compassionate isn't he an interesting hero
Fundamentally, the entire concept of Superman cannot fit in the context of a video game. His entire character is that of a man who can do basically anything and everything he wishes. He lacks the depth to be interesting both as a comic book character and a video game character.
The aforementioned concept of Metropolis having a health bar would boil down to Superman doing the most menial and repetitive of tasks due to his capacity in power.
He can do anything with zero weaknesses
>hur dur kryptonite
You mean the plot device that Superman can always overcome when the plot demands it? Yeah... what a weakness.
People always say this but look at injustice they can just bullshit a reason why people can harm superman and it's all good nobody cares
the fuck is this tiny ass shit?
i mean there's some semblance of potential character there about how a guy can get overwhelmed if he's consistently expected to be the sole solution to every single person on earth's problems, and the potential resentment that can cause. i don't know how far you can stretch an arc like that though.
Flying combat is ass every time
golden age supes would have slammed the fucking queer into the ground for laughs and then killed a few niggers on the way home to fuck lois
>Superman can always overcome when the plot demands it
such as? canonically it still weakens him and he's either incapacitated or has to have someone else(usually batman) remove the rock
theres a comic about that, unforgiveable or something along those lines, it gets weird
>ohhh look he saved another suicide victim while letting dozens of people get murdered and robbed
He knows more than anyone that he can't save everyone.
Because it's a fighting game. For an action adventure game i would totally care. I want to be Supes, full power, having a permanent God mode, even if it's boring most of the time.
A reminder that Superman killed Factor 5.
Did they fuck?
Sounds like an anxiety simulator. Sign me up.
Every time there's a Superman thread
this gets posted
followed by this
then this
Yea Forums is an infinite loop
marvel better for movies
dc better for cartoons
Because the Metropolis health bar is really the best option to make a faithful Superman game. Sadly, i think we still not have good enough tech to handle the rest of his powers (a big enough open world, for instance).
Throw him on Apokolips so he can just destroy everything
Here user have some Lois.
Imagine how exhausting dealing with this shit every day must be.
Remember when everyone thought this bullshit was real?
>Yea Forums is an infinite loop
It's more likely than you think.
If Superman is so strong, why does Batman always beat him up?
big boy iq
Supes isn’t actually invulnerable, the power levels of most villains simply don’t phase him. He’s been beaten down by raw force multiple times, including notably dying to Doomsday.
DC doesn’t have that many planet level threats let alone cosmic ones, and they’re almost all regulated to Green Lantern. Darkseid was supposed to be crazy strong, like strictly above Superman, but they kind of nerfed him.
Supes overcomes his weaknesses so much I think it's literally like Megamind where he's just faking it.
Or you can just have a game full of wizards.
That's a great idea. It should be no holds barred too and continued failure would both affect Superman and the city, which could lead to slow corruption where he might end up embarking on a path of cruel domination. It should work both ways though as Superman that consistently manages to save everyone and make the impossible possible would gradually uplift the spirits of the city's inhabitants and overall people would start becoming better to themselves and each other.
>he never played it
It doesn't work in MAME, it says "no good dump known" for one of the files.
Holy fuck that was lame.
Alright it's been a while but i'm getting fucking adblockers again what the fuck is wrong with youtube
This. Superman only has a reputation for being invincible because 99% of the time he’s not tested by anything a normal human like Batman or Green Arrow couldn’t overcome. They’re writing level 5 encounters for a level 20 character.
>fuck is wrong with youtube
It is working as intend by google.
I wonder what class superman would be
perhaps a certain type of warlock whose patreon is the sun
>implying it's not just reddit bots
Lex was asking Bruce to let him into the JLA? Does that mean Lex knows Batman's identity? Is Bruce ok with that? Is Lex going to do nothing with that information?
There is a parody comic or something where Lois Lane is thinking "I wonder if I could do better than him" while Superman carries her or they are in bed.
Anyone know the pic I'm thinking of?
>reddit bots
Don't be a fag
You act like Redditors aren't just fucking robots devoid of human consciousness. Are you new or just retarded?
>reddit bots
>Durrr clearly I was talking about how they're like lifeless automatons!
Did you hurt yourself during that backpedaling or what?
I like Astro City take, he doesn't snap but he's burnt out all the time from saving everyone all day long.
>asura's wrath
heres the fedora tipper who's probably a batfag.
Infinite loop? Dare I say a SUPER LOOP?
>He lacks the depth to be interesting both as a comic book character and a video game character.
Blame shitty writers. One Punch Man was literally Anime Superman and they did it right.
Except OPM degraded into the same tired, old uninteresting shit. There's only so much you can do with that idea.
>pulls out a movie from his trousers like an anime girl pulling a rifle from her skirt
Ice cream? god I love ice cream!
Golden age superman did not fuck. He'd probably just play chess with her or something.
What are you talking about OP? This was a fucking classic!
He's probably thinking of that forgotten film reboot where he somehow lifted an island made of kryptonite, that's the only time I've ever seen him casually ignore it's effects. In the comics I've read, just being in the vicinity of a few grams of kryptonite for even a few second brings superman to his knees.
That movie was an abomination.
Keep in mind, Lois admits to tricking Jimmy that her (and superman's) kid is his so that he raises it, and then sleeps with Clark within a few hours of him coming back from being presumed dead for 5 years
You will be buying his game next month, right Yea Forums?
Ultimate Alliance 3?
Batman got beat up by Shredder recently.
Superman is the biggest joke of a character. His idiot writers though what made him interesting was that he was strong, so they just fucking kept making him stronger "he has to be the strongest so if anyone thinks about an imaginary fight between him and someone else he wins". Explosions could hurt him before, now he can withstand the vacuum of space and literally dive into the sun and GET STRONGER FROM IT. "Well yeah the sun is what makes him strong because it's...... yellow....." There's literally no difference between a red and a yellow sun aside from how large and hot they are. "B-But muh radiation" Sunlight produces the exact same type of radiation regardless of what colour the fucking light is. Planetary atmospheres are also extremely effective at blocking radiation, if it was a matter of how much radiation kyrptonians should have awakened their power the second they left their planet. Meanwhile Kryptonite arrived on earth by meteorite, but fucking how? It was on krypton, and only krypton? Also it's an element but there's like 30 different varieties of it, all of which posses a different kind of radiation and that's their excuse? Radiation isn't that complex, it's a frequency it either ionizes the shit out of something or it doesn't. An X ray isn't fundamentally different from sunlight, it just fucking gives you cancer faster. Superman has aged so poorly with science that it's a genuine wonder anyone but literal hillbillies read it.
It took you this long to figure that out? This entire site's been doing re-runs for a decade now.
>Sunlight produces the exact same type of radiation regardless of what colour the fucking light is
What differentiates colors is the wave lengths of the light. Shorter the wave length = stronger the radiation. So, no you're wrong.
>that chest
Is this achievable natty?
absolute unit
How the hell did Liefeld manage to get so far despite being so mediocre?
>Those letters
Holy shit
I don't really care about Superman getting games or not, I'm already satisfied we got the Arkham series for Bats
Liefeld huh?
Holy shit Superman you fucking asshole.
Nothing tops Greg Land tracing the HNNNNGGGHHHH meme image.
There's somehow a negative amount of universes in the DC canon and you're sitting here complaining that Superman gets different effects from different colored suns.
Of all the stupid shit to pick on you come up with the most fucking petty.
I prefer the angry granny.
Supes gets poisoned by kryptonite in his blood stream or some shit and has to slowly earn his powers over time in a weakened form with a talent system or some shit there you go fuck off
>because superman is a fucking boring superhero
They made a game about Batman and he's way more powerful than superman so I don't see the problem.
>killed Factor 5.
They killed themselves by falling for the PS3 meme.
I still don't get why they don't make a saint row 4 clone with pic related learning to use his power
Was Supes doing it on purpose?
People keep saying he's invulnerable. Sure at the end of the day he comes out on top. It's a superhero story, of course the good guy wins at the end. But look at how many people there are who can give Superman a hard time.
Darkseid (Final boss material right there)
Lex Luthor
Cyborg Superman
Mr Mxyzptlk
And if superheroes have to fight him add Batman in.
Making a game on Superman, the concept isnt hard. Just need competent devs and someone willing to provide the budget.
Why is New52 Supes such an edgelord?
Because everything in life is awful.
Why am I so touched by this? I hate capeshit. Am I turning s o y?
Shit writers, heh? A god among men telling you that things are going to turn out fine is disingenuous. It's like a billionaire saying that you just have to follow your dreams and you'll make it too. She'll feel even worse after that and will be up on that ledge again after no time.
Because Grant Morrison is based.
>XX subhuman actually killing itself
They just pretend to do that for attention
The best way they can do a Superman game is using the saints row engine.
>Lex uses special beam to make Superman lose his powers.
>Have to go around the city and collect powerups to travel to the next area
Because ever since that Justice League episode where the AU team are fascist rulers it has for some reason been an idea a lot of people likes to latch onto.
>hero loses his powers at the start of the game and has to regain them
fuck off with that trope
>Batman giving Superman a hard time
Only in AU stuff.
I don't get why they don't make a GTA style game set in Gotham. Where you are a petty criminal doing GTA stuff. But sometimes, without warning, you are hunted by Batman. Will happen more frequently as the story progresses and your character attains a higher rank in the crime world.
What the legit fuck is Rocksteady even doing with their Superman game?
This is the appropriate response.
That would be cool. Getting missions from all the Batman villains.
that would be great. would really stress the dangers and pressures that come with being a superhero that most games dont even consider. you cant just go around smashing everything because people will die. but some enemies might be so strong that you are forced to go all out which leads to collateral damage and a lot of guilt later on
Watch the Justice League episode: For the man who has everything.
>tfw closest thing the world has to a superman
Buildings should also be destructable. So yeah, you could cut loose, but by the end of the game you will have leveled the city
So fucking gay. DC truly is trash next to Marvel.
Let Superman be broken and have access to all his powers at a baseline, but at the same time most of the game is basically flying around to do side missions. Supes constantly picks up on cries for help that pop up on his minimap and flies over to solve a problem, and resolving small crimes and the like gives you XP for leveling up your abilities along a path system, like maybe heat vision gets a big AOE blast or super breath freezes quicker.
Then for main missions you have him dealing with the really big threats, at which point he has a health bar pop up and can actually take damage from guys like Doomsday or Metallo or whatever.
Not the same pose at all, don't find him excuses. Cap is clearly perpendicular to the pov, that much is obvious from his back. Arny isn't.
Kirby exist
Sasuke is a far superior character to Superman
What does Superman have? Laser eyes?
Amaterasu bitch
Sasuke would crush Superpoop without even Full Susanoo. Even at the age of 16 he mastered the most powerful Genjutsu known to ninja, (besides his brother Itachi but that doesn't count). And if Superdumb somehow dodges the Genjutu Sasuke still has a vast arsenal of potent attack options, ripping holes into other dimensions is child's play for him. did I mention he can teleport? That's right Superbitch. There is nothing Superman could even do besides run, run away for your pitiful life.
Why couldn't he tighten those bolts?
5th dimensional bolts are a hell of a thing.
What's this from?
Justice League War. Don't bother watching it. It's pure trash.
>really big threats, at which point he has a health bar pop up and can actually take damage
This. There's nothing like being in the middle of coasting through the game and suddenly you run into that one guy who is having none of your shit. Like in Wario Land 3, where you're completely invincible until the final boss gets his hands on you and you just fucking die.
I never understood why they made him a human roger rabbit (Clueless manlet thing with a inexplicably hot wife)
one punch man is a joke character that's increasingly phased out of his own story
It was like 3 years ago, Lex joined the JL and was a member for a few months. Now he's back being a crazy edgelord, recently killed himself and resurrected (with powers) by Braniac.
Editorial makes comics hard to follow.
Post the one where GL gets his shit pushed in.
I miss the old animated series.
It keeps happening
Interesting point, but is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him.
I've never seen any of the animated series, is that one the same as the comic?
>Yes, because he want to keep lex close so he could keep track of him
I know I'm in the minority, but 90's mullet Superman looked cool.
But why isn't he black?
Because Superman is the shittest hero all. He's so perfect they had to make up a dumb green rock to be his weakness.
Imagine pranking Superman with pink kryptonite.
It has a couple differences, like in the dream Superman's dad didn't become a terrorist, but I would go so far as to say that it hit home harder than the comic. Your mileage may vary, but a very worthwhile watch.
I honestly hate Superman as a hero. Even as a kid I found him boring and not entertaining, but this episode was done so fucking well. This was honestly one of the best Superman storylines I've ever seen.
That whole show had so many hidden gem episodes. Too bad the show as a whole was kinda meh.
haha imagine superboy being nearby when it happens wouldn't that be funny haha
Hey, that's pretty good.
has anyone got the superman sasuke image
Why is it that devs have no problems making games about Goku but think Superman is somehow impossible to adapt? That new Dragon Ball RPG where you fly around in hub worlds and can talk to NPCs and help them with their problems seems like something that would fit Superman with hardly any changes.
Fuck off Reddit nigger
How lazy do you have to be to not even change rudimentary parts of the design?
What the fuck kind of name is Regan?
Goku's entire thing is being challenged and overcoming it though. Hell it's even a character flaw as he considers fights where he can win easily boring and it usually allows the villain of the week to get away or get stronger.
Hard to make a game where you feel powerful enough to justify it being Superman while still not having it be a cakewalk. Could do some galaxy-level shit with Supes fighting off-planet threats that are on his level but eh.
How do people read these things past the age of like 13?
How is WWE wrestling considered a sport?
Do people have no sense of shame or pride?
>not just making a Smallville game
>somebody save me
imagine being a woman
The fuck are you talking about? Do you think that shit is inherently masculine and you need to be a real man to understand it?
Imagine being given everything in your life for free and then told that you deserve even more.
Because Superman is a cringeworthy gary stu and nobody really likes him.
more like mary sueperman
How old are you, user? Are you from America?
I thought the ninja turtles were canonically marvel.
Asura was very vulnerable though
He loses multiple times and he dies 4 times over the course of the game, his afterlife is just even less strict then Dragonballs.
Is Superman pulling a VHS out of his ass?
Is that some of his super power
I would not give that baby up to her even if the law is against me
utterly fuck that
women are evil, never forget
Because nobody asked me how to design it.
>make him invincible at the beginnig of the game
>after every boss he lose one of his powers. First of all is the flight
>as you go further with the story those bad guys that were once weak compared to him gets more dangerous
>by the end of the game you have to defeat the final boss as klark kent.
Here. Done.
Oh come the fuck on that move is just a plagium from One Piece's Rob Lucci's rokou ou gan.
holy fuck
Golden age supes got new powers all the time so it's not out of the question. The really messed up part is that's the movie Bruce begged his parents to take him to the night they were murdered.
A superman game would only work if it's designed with 1 game in mind, no sequels, and it's through out Supes life, from a kid to teens, to adult solo career, to his justice league days, to his older years.
This way you can have a nerfed superman and slowly build him up into the godlike being everyone knows.
It could starts small with running and minor strength, then higher than normal human jumps, then by his late teenage years, he's faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall building in a single bound. Then in his adult years he can fly, use ice breathe, laser beams, peak strength, can run just as fast as the Flash, xray vision, able to live in space, super punch, can create tiny versions of himself, etc, then when he's older he loses some of his strength, is not as fast, can get tired if he uses too many of his abilities at once, stops using laser vision and x ray vision because he can't control it which one to use properly as good as he used to, flight is still at his peak, mastered, and he hovers at all times unless it's absolutely necessary to walk.
And other cool stuff to play with story wise as an old superman.
The adult superman would be the easiest ot hardest part of the game if you properly developed superman's powers at an early age, and that's when he'll get his touches enemies to properly match against them.
If you just give peak superman right away its going to make the game piss easy unless they shove a dumb excuse that he's been kryptonited somehow and gets Samus Aran'd at the start of the game.
The best way to do it is through his life progression, like Ezio in a ac2, progressed and learned, nnd not Altair in ac1 master and the beginning and gets Samus aran'd somehow.
Isn't this the one where he just floats there all day till they decide to not jump? How many people got injured or killed while he was standing around because he refused to just grab her?
You don't know as much about astro physics as you seem to think.
All you need to get any job is connections, talent is meaningless when you can just steal 90% of the shit and focus on slightly connecting it together.
Why would he be losing his powers?
Also can't you just say lex somehow turned the sun red or is using some sort of space station to convert the sun's radiation into red radiation to depower supes at least to some degree and go from there?
Superman is jewish
Sure, but then most of that is thrown out the window when they make Dragon Ball games anyway. You play as a really strong guy that fights filler enemies and bosses.
Lex made a weapon that absorb supes life energy and power.
He shows up after every boss and get him by surprise and sucks up his powers.
By the end supe is just klark while Lex has become a God
oh my literal fucking god
You'd love Greg Land. All he draws is smug smiling guy, Triple H or pornstars.
>see this paper? there's nothing on it but there will be scan of map
It's so fucking inconsistent with his powers. Both he and the Flash are supposedly faster than light, add to that the ability to think faster than light. With that power alone he could be omnipresent, solving all situations before they effectively happen. At faster than light speeds, Superman could literally "stand there all day" while simultaneously stopping all crime in the entire world, and the suicide jumper wouldn't even realize he had moved. That is what is so fucking stupid about capeshit super powers.
Why is he being such a asshole about it? He could have just grabbed him. And why did he think a human was working with ayyyyyys?
Honestly, just LET Superman be overpowered. Let the player cross the map in a few seconds, make them invincible during ordinary play (Maybe sprinkle in a few kryptonite wielding enemies here and there for players who want to seek them out). Then make most of the game a narrative focused game sprinkled with a bunch of super fights to actually make it interesting. The actual game part is almost exclusively these boss fights, while the rest is just goofing off and playing out the main story. I think that's the only way Superman is going to be interesting. Depowering him is just a cop out.
fucking hell
Look at Superman's face, he's just goofing around. This is how cape characters interact, by punching each other.
This is the equivalent of some ancient Greek dude railing at people for enjoying the stories of Hercules and shit.
imagine being from (COUNTRY) holy shit
>fucking Martian Manhunters neice
There's a comic where Superman loses his powers and he slowly recovers them over a long period.
If I remember correctly, he travels the country on foot helping random strangers. Just every day regular joe stuff, like help a truck out of a ditch by towing it.
Darkseid's people look just like humans.
It really isn't, user.
Making her scream like J'onn reading someone's mind.
Isn't this the one where Green Lantern charges straight at Darkseid with a giant fist, gets bitch slapped and a bunch of goons jump on him and start punching him?
Why green lantern always get shit on?
Thats a million dollar idea
Same reason why there are no good Superman comics
Damn, Supes is really smooth in this show
b-b-b-but all star super man!
He's a dummy.
Read the thread, negro.
Lol, they both shoot him with a shotgun
Scenes like this are touching but make absolutely no sense. So does Superman prevent every single suicide on the planet? Of course it's a superhero comic so you're supposed to turn your brain off, but then you have faggots who pretend that these comics can make poignant commentary about real-world morality.
what's this one from?
>he hasn't been here long enough for the looping to blur together past the point you care enough to bring it up
Green Lantern Emerald Knights
Who the fuck is the prisoner?
He tries to help as many as he can, but he knows he can't.
Based boomer
Because he's overpowered and boring.
Not DC related but anyone got that comic from marvel where all the villains are upset over 9/11 and Doom is unironically crying?
Fuck you nigger. Superman is, and will continue to be the greatest Superhero to which others are held.
because superman is fucking garbage
batman too
She's a slut
fucking kek
capeshit is a joke
Are they trying to tell me Doom hasn't done worse then 9/11
I mean I get it, the whole setting and a nation coming to grips with what happened, whatever. But come on, doom and magneto have both committed atrocities that make 9/11 pale in comparison.
There are literally 1000s of other heroes in his universe. If he had just grabbed them, the kid would eventually just try to jump again.
no only junkies that suck MAD DICK
because batfag wankery is the ONLY consistent thing about any comic he's in
When did ego get a green lantern ring?
That's Mogo user.
would you rather have the same abilities as superman or be on one of the lantern corps
When he tried to marry the moon after he fucked it.
Do I get to pick the corps? Because you're going to have a bad time if you're in orange or red.
>implying you get to pick
but for this scenario, ye
What's even the strongest of the corps?
It's from Injustice. Superman has been put into a magic coma and is dreaming that Bruce was the one who snapped and killed the Joker instead of him. Interestingly Superman dreams that Bruce immediately turns himself in and does time instead of becoming a dictator.
you are taking the images too literal and at face value
the point is what superman represents which is hope, choosing to continue to live is like siding with hope and by doing that you gain inner strength because superman doesn't stop every suicide all the time, he can't come stop someone from killing themselves every time so in that way it is a foe greater even than him, a foe greater than superman
he could grab the girl and take her down but he can't be there every time, the girl has to choose to face life instead of running away and in that way she would defeat a foe that superman could not
it's a powerful message if you have ever been down those roads and happen to also like superheroes
Batman with no prep time
that's mogo
Which superman?
Constructs all day every day then.
Red Son
Confirmed to be a girl by the writer.
Orange, if we're going by normal corps and leave out things like white and UV.
Superman, now superdickery can become a reality.
>giving a fuck about american civilians dying
Who the fuck wrote this shit?
Would you also have the power battery or is it still with larfleeze, because if you just have an orange ring by itself without the constant charge of the power battery then it's probably no more powerful than a green lantern ring.
That does raise a good point, could naturo beat up superman?
Even Superman needs to sleep, eat, and use the restroom.
If Ninjitsu counts as magic, yes.
So being a like?
I love the edit where he's crying that he can't fuck the invisible woman and see his own dick or something
Google isn't giving me shit though.
Just feel bad about 9/11 goyim. Even the bad guys do, you aren't worse then the bad guys are you?
There are no other orange rings being sent out, as far as I know. If you're an Orange Lantern you're either Larfleeze or one of his constructs.
Grant Morrison is a hack.
Would you actually still see it though?
nice tgt reference, patrician taste
Probably not seeing as you can't see what she had for lunch and the shit in invisible woman's colon when she turns invisible
It's best not to think about it. She can hold things in her hand and it would look like it's floating even though her hand is enveloping it.
As long as I get to fly either is fine
Haha, thanks. Imagine being chased by Bats in the Batmobile. "Oh shit oh fuck he's getting closer, fffffuuuuuuuuuuuck
Reminds me of the woman that drowned her teenage daughter to death in the UK...and she walked.
Because it's Hal Jordan. The WORST Green Lantern. Even that muslim Luchadore is a better GL, and he didn't have a properly working Ring for a good part of his run
Wtf is this? This is some DBZ shit. Complete with beaming the evilbad into the sun
That's for the workers and painters...it's fine...it works. Hahahah...ha. Ignore, just consume.
Doom is sort of get, his Ultimate goal is saving humanity(it's still tacky though)
Fisk is probably just there to profit from it somehow.
Magneto wouldn't give two shits unless like 79% of the people in the WTC were fucking Muties
You know, for kids!
You're part of the "faggots" I was referring to.
Fug meant this one
Lantern Corp easily. I don't want to level half a block because i had to sneeze or whatever. People might call supes boring, but constantly supressing yourself to 00000000000.1% of your power so you wont turn the hand you are shaking into paste sounds exhausting.
There was a woman that just did this recently after giving birth. Swung her baby around and bashed its head in to kill it.
> Could have aborted
> Could have given it up for adoption.
> Nah, IMMA kill it!
Fucking whore
Try out superman64, I heard it's pretty fun
The dark side really is tempting, evil guises itself so well.
he knows
You must be the girl in May you be purged from this mortal coil, vile witch
This. Fucking Spider-Man has to hold himself back from punching people's head clean off, ans Superman is leagues above him.
Honestly it's a mercykill.
Imagine having a slut for a mother. It's certainly worse than just being murdered.
You have fucked up extremely hard.
Operating a Green Lantern ring is the discipline of Superman to the nth degree.
Can I pick Alan Scott?
The movies did it pretty well. Superman sucks at utilitarianism.
Exactly. Sometimes I just leave this board and come back months later, but its always the same.
>Mum killed newborn baby and hid him in giant teddy
Okay that's enough of that, time to see the sentence this monster got. Surely she's punished.
>1 year
...I need to sign up for Mars One and leave this place ASAP
Same here bro, top tier game I say.
Eh, Guy Gardner could do it.
Back when western animation was outstanding
Posting superkino
Yes, and that man defeated batman with ONE PUNCH
Of course he could do it, Guy Gardner is a legend beyond legend.
He's a Boss, don't get me wrong. But the guy has a huge temper and the patience of a mosquito. How he wields the ring is beyond me. If i could choose i'd pick Blue to be honest. Wouldn't mind being all Zen all the time and shit.
my fellow blue nigga
H e also put his fingers in Mary Marvel, who's like 13 or something.
I wish I had hope. I want St. Walker to tell me that all will be well.
ya, my favorite flavor is vanilla, that stuff is good, sometimes I dream about snowboarding through a valley of vanilla icecream.
Green Lanterns get to fly through space fucking aliens and shit. Your whole life is you killing bad guys and fucking alien women. I'd take blue as well.
> he doesnt know
EVERYONE of the memorable episode was animated by japs with few outstanding work done by korean animators
wake up please
dont believe me? read the credits and look up the companies
Feminine face and wearing a skirt...plus this was years and years before the modern epidemic of this stuff.
apparently in the distant past there were TONS of crossover comics with both franchises in DC comics or whatever
no shit, Arisen.
>How is WWE wrestling considered a sport?
Hasn't been a "sport" since 1997 when Vince threw out kayfabe for tax purposes.
I thought Superman pulled the VHS out of his ass and Batman was smelling it on purpose.
i hate it considering gl is canon stronger than all but flash in the comics
So the main problem I have with the Green Lantern deal is that the only thing he's really limited by is his imagination. He has the power to create everything he wants, but it's always something mundane and stupid like "big fist" or "big sword" or "fighter jet".
Consider this: Green Lantern, but more JoJo-like in terms of fight sequences.
As in, the protagonist has to identify a flaw in the opponent and exploit it through his powers in order to succeed.
It'll be a lot more interesting than "how hard can I hit this thing until it dies".
In addition, having a number of alien GLs means a number of different "cultures" and different approaches to fights. Earth GL handles things one way, outer-space GL does something completely different.
>implying everyone on Yea Forums wouldn't be Red or Yellow
Nah, it's not hard to look up and use ancient chi attack techniques and martial arts.
We call anime Japanese instead of Korean as well, it's more a style thing than where it's actually being made.
>not nu Indigo
I implore you to reconsider your life and your attitude.
Hal is a dummy.
i chuckled
Do I get to make my ring turn into a gf?
is that some tranny propaganda
Hal is the one who only goes for big green boxing glove. Kyle summoned Gurren Lagann at one point.
>the best animated "Western" cartoon in over a decade was unmistakably anime-style and animated entirely in Korea
Why cant wh*toids into animation
Red isn't just ME ANGRY you know. You need to have a deep seeted rage and hate for something. All consuming, all the time. Not Just RRREEEEEEE BIDYA GAEMS
Its old, I'm pretty sure she was like some suicidal emo bitch or something
>implying all of Yea Forums aren't school shooters in waiting
The only shithole that unironically defended Hatred and has produced dozens of incel mass murderers.
Lex was playing a hunch. I don’t think Bruce ever directly said, “I’m Batman,” but that autistic exchange really kind of gave it away.
Could a Green Lantern create a waifu to stick peepee in? I'm not really much of a comicfag.
The Guardians probably frown upon such things.
naruto no, sasuke and his bros yeah. just hit him with that Shin Uchiha's Space–Time Doujutsu sharingan and hes dad. heck even a normal sharignan would kill him, you dont even need a mangekyo sharingan or rinne sharingan
I just googled "Kyle Rayner Robot" and this came up, as well as an obvious Patlabor ripoff.
What the fuck is going on with comics
theres uv nd white? wht do they do?
>Batman is the best hero because he's so human and grounded!
>Also he can beat superman guys XDD
Batfags are mentally ill.
Yes, they can perfectly emulate life forms. I think anything sapient has its brain functions limited though by ring protocols so as not to create a sapient being.
There was an OK arcade scrolling beat em up
White is either life or fucking everything, depending on continuity. UV uses a completely different power source and is just "lol just do whatever".
this is seriously my favorite set of panels in all of the comics I've read. Morrison kills it
Batman once took on the entire League of Justice and won singlehandedly.
Batman and prep time can beat almost everything. Don't be surprised. Superman gave Batman kryptonite in case he ever goes out of control and needs to be put down. He trusts Batman to be the one to do it in case he ever needs to do it.
Kyle is a weeb.
Blue is where it's at
He's just sad he didn't think of it first
Unless you're orange.
Didn't Lobo get the ring one time in injustice? He created a giant dick and smashed red latern's giant shields with it. One of the best moments in DC history ever.
>supermans only weakness
Whats the context of this? Why was supes being such a dick?
>brain functions limited though by ring protocols so as not to create a sapient being
That looks like Batman from a gay alternate universe.
>dont cry dont cry
reminds me of the clone wars
The elf girl is always hot.
Give the series a try, it varies in quality as it goes on but is pretty fun and has some great voice acting.
Don't touch Aya though.
Who's this lady
I'm with this person, serialized comics that have no end like Marvel and DC are the lowest form of entertainment there is. Aside from a few isolated story arcs that are fun to read, everything is mediocre to thrash. But, i do agree that other medias that use those comics mythos and stories as an base, like cartoons and movies, are good. Justice League, Batman TAS, Batman Beyond, Spiderman 90's, A:EMH, etc are all kino.
As for WWE though,no one watch that unironically, it's just fun in a stupid way.
Make it a sandbox game where you can fly freely and rescue people. But at the end of the day, metropolis explodes and toi have to go back in time to find clues and stop the badguys from triggering the bomb.
tl;dr : Majora's with supes
>Yea Forums talking about actual comic instead of SJW shits
Is this a nightmare?
(。´・ω・) why is asian superman so mad at his asian twin batman
Hail vey, if they keep it up, soon they'll start talking about degenerate shit like video games.
We must put an end to this.
Doom is not the worse, the Juggernaut literally did 9/11 before.
Blue does have the best animal mascot lantern.
This is why I gave up comics. I just wish people weren't afraid to just have shit end. I remember when marvel instituted a no resurrection policy and the fans were the ones who were upset. People can complain all they like, but they're the problem.
>Because it's a game
this triggers the physicist
Who is this based on again? Some mommy blogger saying that she thinks about killing her kid or whatever, but do you have the screenshot?
He really thought that kick would work
Everyone gets shit on except Batman and Superman in JL stories
Nah superman is faster and a single punch from him should turn the ninja duo into paste
Batman is one of those "never gives up even in the face of certain defeat" guys. It can be endearing in the hands of a decent writer but it's often just a setup for a Bat asspull.
the problem with superman isn't that he's inherently boring it's that he's incredibly easy to make boring by shitty writers and a lot, and I mean a fucking lot, of people have made him boring
Maybe if that wasn't light but some kind of plasma energy?
I have no idea why Chris Redfield is hanging out with Sam Fisher though.
>dont care for capeshit (outside of spiderman)
>love tokusatsu
is something wrong in my retard brain or is it just contrarianism brought about by constantly seeing people jerk off batman and the MCU as long as I've been alive
Superman is not a character that translates well into video games where he is the protagonist. Think about it like this.
Superman is near invulnerable to everything. Bullets? Hah. Knives? More like Foam. He could destroy anything and everything just by twitching a muscle, and he doesn't appear to have a hard upper limit to his powers.
What does that mean for a video game? There is no risk, the only reward is moral, there's no learning curve or skill ceiling, nothing to really test the player. In a game where there is no risk of failure, whats the point of winning?
Now of course, a skilled designer and writer team could probably engineer a scenario where superman isn't nearly as powerful as he normally is, and thus create a fun game, but this would take time and resources, and with a brand as expensive as Superman, any publisher would be grinding their dev teams at below minimum wage to pump out a title in time for the next big holiday release... so instead we just see "just add water" games, nothing that really tackles the problem of "superman is OP, it's not fun to be OP".
That's why Batman games typically shit all over Superman games: At his core, Batman is just as weak as his opponents, the only differences being his skill and utilities, both restrictions translate very well to games.
Just make him less ultrafast and have all missions be timed.
There, superman game.
Doesn't really make much sense considering the MCU/DCEU stuff is just toku at a larger scale with better CGI.
>the six star isn´t the military, is fricking batman itself
thats really neato.
If I'm remembering this correctly, this is from the DC tv series "The Flash" or one of it's sister shows. The guy shooting the gun is Cpt Cold and is doing some really high end jewlery heist with the old dude, apparently the old dude is some expert lock breaker i think.
I don't recall the specific reason this worked, all i know is that Flash's buddy made that gun from some sci-fi mumbo jumbo, it got stolen, and cpt cold is now a canadian hick. Also the show didn't exactly have the best set of writers... so they might genuinely think you can freeze light solid if you sci-fi it up enough.
There, superman 64. Oh wait, wasn't that literally the worst superman game?
how could a game about being a flying super god EVER be fun
well kirby is easy as shit, making it incredibly boring to play
Except Saitama became basically a side character once they saw he was boring and the supporting characters were more interesting.
is foreplay, sups like it.
>one punch man
double garbage
>tiger & bunny
Aren't you guys watching and playing weebshit with invincible superpowered faggots as protags?
People were memed into thinking that Superman is a boring hero while he alone has more iconic stories than all marvel heroes combined. I think Superman a bit outdated in today society of degenerate edgy retards who can't comprehend the idea of geniunely good hero. They love egoistical maniacs and killers.That's why Superman is less popular than a fucking talking tree now.
It's a hard balance of interesting gameplay and feeling like Superman.
Invincibility isnt the issue, saving everyone is.
Always love seeing retards who claim that kryptonite is Superman's only weakness like one of his most infamous arcs isn't just him getting straight up beaten to death by brute force. His power isn't even really the point of the character anyway but it does make designing a game around him tricky.
When the frog asked "Why?" The Scorpion said "I can swim."
Have liberal writers ruined Supes yet? I know for a brief time in New 52 they tried to make him a cop-punching antifa but thankfully that incarnation was killed off
this was in fact the whole point of the anime
it also explores the motivations of heroes to be heroes and sheds light on the selfish nature of being overpowered or strong
superman is only doing what he's written to do never really explaining why he's doing what he does
because a superman game shouldnt be design around how strong he is, it should be designed around him saving people, it should also be designed around restraint in dealing with your average villain. sure you can be a huge dick, brutalize the villains, throw old ladies into the metropolis river, and probably get superheroes to harass you for it, or you can be heroic and carefully use your powers to subdue villains and help the weak. to design a superman game is to design a game that emphasizes the heroics portion of superman. otherwise you're left with "he strong he never lose" game
>bikini armor
Fuck off to your containment
who ever implied that those were made specifically for kids?
he does what he does because he's pure and wholesome.
t. Yea Forums
I think the thing about superman is you can't make a good Superman game because DC would never let anybody make a game where you could accidentally turn a bank robber into a fine red mist by sneezing too hard but you could absolutely make a good "Superman" game.
>I never read comics and here's why they're dumb
damn those thick thighs
>implying a w*ite man supporting the capitalistic somethingsomething patriarchy can in any way be "wholesome" or "pure" in anything but a genocidal context
Superman isn't a bad character, most people just can't handle writing a figure with godlike powers. He was fantastic in his own animated series and in the JL animated show.
fucking kek
Spider-man has a game where you can't accidentally throw a robber off a roof or even punch a civilian
Superman gas abilities that make that kind of restraint more plausible than Spidey.
the guy is just feeding his own ego
just like every other super hero
the writers that handle him dont want to write about that shit because it';s too high-minded and would like to continue portraying super heroes as selfless being rather than self serving hypocrites
still having the truth about why people do what they do isnt a reason to for them to stop doing good or evil, but it sheds light on the inner workings of a character's mind and leave no doubt about the intention or integrity of said character's actions
they are dumb and ive read enough of them to know this is fact
No, Superman was ruined by Benids. Rebirth Superman has loving family, son, honest job and was helping people and living life in both small town and big city, while his son, Jon, was getting friends and a gf.
But then Benids took over Supes and it all went downhill since then.
is this a photo of her
what the fuck
i know this is an ironic funpost but it's not far off from why he fell out of fashion. see
people don't even understand the concept of a character just being a cool guy, there has to be some kind of dark undertone to everything.
once you find out supermang is always holding back it becomes apparent he is a shit character and a shit archetype and every story written about him is tripe
>superman was only written by one person
Make a VN then, or gacha game. Or auto-chess, people will eat this shit up.
created by one person and he's is canonically always holding back
Look again, its his cape.
maybe if you go back to ancient times with 'heroes' like achilles explicitly doing the shit they're doing for self-serving reasons
though at least there's still some ambiguity there, for example with achilles again and his ghost regretting the path he took
but modern heroes are defined by their selflessness and doing the right thing no matter what. that's why spider-man's original incarnation is the best super hero.
although heroes are increasingly degrading into pure ego-fueled power fantasies, exemplified by nu-spider-man; degrading into a generic power fantasy with the rest of them
Does anyone on Yea Forums even care about Superman? It feels like nobody gives a shit about him anymore.
Superman can be "hurt" but not easily and in order to be invulnerable you need to actually use some sort of power or counter or you will be staggered/stunned. Have a TON of enemies both with superpowers and advanced weapons to make the player feel overwhelmed but give them a lot of satisfying powers and moves to deal with these threats. Write a reason for this into the plot like some super rich private entity trying to capture/kill superman for whatever reason or an invasion of earth by highly advanced aliens.
Basically just copy Prototype, the best "superhero" game to ever exist.
Shit like this is why we need unhinged vigilantes
canon is just a way to force people to right a person a certain way and with hollyjew, canon isn't good enough.
>Former partner Shane Mcmahon
Two people
Yea Forums is full of edgy virgins who like batman and decidueye instead of chads like superman and incineroar
it's not healthy to train young minds into thinking selflessness comes out of nothing
>shit superhero gets shit games
Prototype is more like Spider-Man. You don't really get to be an unkillable god until 2, in 1 your best defense is running the fuck away and hoping you don't get hit by swarms of enemies throwing things at you.
Because the author self inserts as Batman but really the author is Jimmy Olsen
What do you mean?
look it up
he was created by a writer
character design was by some next nigger
also this happened like 200 years ago so it's almost moot to bring it up, isnt it?
true, it needs to be tempered with ethnonationalism
Isn't that the movie he went to see with his parents the night they got capped?
woah... so this... is the quality... of DC writing...
But how would Superman know that?
You can throw enemies off of rooftops they just get auto-webbed to a wall if they fall down long enough. There's even challenges centered around kicking enemies off of rooftops.
Oh man. Oh man that was terrible.
That sounds like something someone could possibly do if suffering from untreated Post Partum depression.
I've told my Superman game idea before
It's a game where you can't possibly die, none of that kryptonite shit and you don't fight otherworldly foes that can hurt Superman. It's based in real life and Superman deals with real life stuff. Like, he would probably intervene on an attempted suicide like OP's pic, he would break up gang violence and occasionally the most heroic thing he would do is stop mass-shooters and terrorist attacks.
You're really just along for the ride and marveling over how Superman could handle what would be scary situations.
The court ruled she literally went insane which is why she only got a year
human fucking scum.
is there really anything else worth upholding other than cultural values that are proven to be objectively correct?
Yeah like i'm not condoning her actions but I think Post partum depression/psychosis would explain it though.
>20 years old
>"I don't want sex, I already had sex with like 60 guys, I want love."
Jesus I thought that shit was made up
Women actually, genuinely, write this shit on their dating app profiles?
HOW did they get away with that?
Women were always like that, it's only nowadays that they're encouraged to be honest about it.
So some of them take the bait and are honest, not realizing that "be honest" is a terrible advice for pedophiles and worthless cumbuckets, just like "be yourself" is bad for the antisocial.
"That's the wrong kind of nuttin', honey."
Superman was such a nice boi in The Animated Series. It pains me to see every fucking writer today making him be such a huge asshole for no reason.
Nah. That would be Spider-man. Superman always attempted to up the stakes but evidently it didn't matter because Superman was too strong for any conflict to be interesting. The personal conflicts may have worked somewhat, but they were too far divorced from his super hero alterego that it never made for anything truly interesting.
Megaton VR
redpill me on the blue ring
i still cry
Chakra is considered spiritual energy influencing the forces around it.
Fire influenced by Chakra is just fire. It's not magic like hellfire is, for instance. The latter can burn superman, the former can't.
It's a support ring. In other words, it's kind of shit by itself but godly when paired with another ring.
>suicide victim
I think you mean culprit
at that point just make an original superhero game
Yeah if only he was like Batman, and just had a plan, gadget, or robot suit for any situation. Fuck you're dumb.
This. Superman can be a good hero, but he's written to be overpowered. He has a whole damn JUSTICE LEAGUE meant to back him up when he's stretched thin, let them show up more. Are the writers and fans that afraid to hear someone say that an anime character can beat him?
This only makes me realize that Superman has to witness 100's of people committing suicide and has to pick and choose when he can help them depending on how busy he is with other things. Something worse about the fact that he can only save a few of them while watching so many jump.
There is, it’s called Megatron Rainfall
superman is too pure for this degenerate hobby that is video games
People miss the point of Superman, he's supposed to represent that best in humanity and the fact that people don't get it is exactly why Lex Luther exists. It's a clash of liberal and conservative view points. Where you have Superman, who has power acting altruistically and selfishly helping others, but at the same time, not ruling over them. Which is something Lex Luther cannot comprehend since luther is inherently selfish and resents the fact that Superman uses his power for the good of society believing that it's impossible there isn't some ulterior motives.
Superman giving into the temptation of power has anyways been a theme. It's just went mainstreain with the JL cartoon where they took a one episode bit and then stretched the core theme for an entire season.
Man is that brave and the bold? I need to watch that sometime
Read The Punisher then.
batman vs TMNT is actualy a pretty new comic book that was drawn by that guy that is on the RLM show sometimes
hol up, is this a punisher issue? If it's Ennis, it's bound to be good. Is there a mega?
>When his parents wrapped up his Christmas presents with lead wrapping so he couldn't peak
Read Superman secret identity
Ennis, yep. MEGA, no. Just low res scans.
>Superman is so pure even Ennis likes him
The only problem with suicide is that they are messy for everyone but the weakling killing itself. We really need self-cleaning suicide booths.
People that constnalty post this shit refuse to ever read a comic and base all their knowledge from either Injustice, the animated series/movies, or fucking Deathbattle.
Pick up a comic. Actually absorb what you're reading.Check out a superman reading list, and I'm dead sure your opinion of him will change.
And don't make the rookie mistake of reading All Star superman first
That's how he looked golden age. IDR if glxy was around and hot back then but probably.
whoa that's badass
the strongest thing a ninja ever did in dragon ball was blow up the moon
something roshi did in the second arc of dragon ball
and superman is stronger than roshi
weeb here someone redpill me on western comics, are they worth getting into? I've literally only ever read Watchmen.
batb is nothing but corny goodness.
Fuck this
Wonder Woman game when?
damn that is good. Only ever read the entire MAX series of his and that practically devoured my free time back in the day. Glad to see supes get some love for once
He's not a robot
big stuff like DC and Marvel is confusing as fuck to read, self-contained stories are better, eurocomics are great too
(western comics are also mostly MONTHLY releases so that's annoying as fuck)
if you want to read some good modern western comics I reccomend
>Ice Cream Man
>Justice League (2018)
>God Country
>The Weatherman
>Mark Russel's The Flinstones
>Immortal Hulk
Stick to recommendations (usually for capeshit given how much teams change)
Its safer to stick with creator owned stuff like Hellboy, The Goon, etc (though some writers like Ennis and Ellis could be coin tosses regarding their quality) and just remember not every western comic is capeshit/not every capeshit is Big 2
She's 6 years old Hal
that's lovely
being into lolis is like a requirement for being a DC hero or something?
What's the context of this and what happens?
What's wrong with this?