Corvo Bianco... Home
Corvo Bianco... Home
at least it was, until syanna fucked everything up
>go out at sunrise and do witcher quests
>come back home at sunset
God this game was so comfy
Upgrading your home base is comfy no matter which game it is
That's not Gridania.
too bad the combat was shit
>saving both sisters is the good end
Fuck no it isn't, Syanna deserved to die.
Shut the fuck up fag some of this board's favorite games have shit combat, and the combat isn't even that bad.
Benis Manor... Home.
It's certainly underrated.
It's a bit shallow for how long it is but people acting like its the worst thing ever is a meme from people who desperately want to fit in somewhere.
In one of the worst cases of lost potential ever...
No actual trophy room for monster trophies.
I mean come on, they announce there will be places to mount our trophies and it turns out to be stupid Gwent, fistfighting and racing trophies...
I legit cannot think of a big AAA open world rpg with better combat. It's a big improvement over 2 and 2 combatwise as well.
Yen doesn’t want that shit rotting in your house. You did get the Yen ending, didn’t you, anons?
Assassins Creed Odyssey, which is just knockoff Witcher in Greece with hindsight to make improvements. Choosing to emulate Witcher was the best decision Ubisoft ever made, that game is good enough that it shouldn't even be associated to Ass Creed.
Have to agree odyssey was pretty good, I expected shit like Origins but it was great
I fucking hate Gwent. They tried to shove that shitty card game down your throat at literally every opportunity they could in Witcher 3.
Maybe the combat is good but it's wasted on boring shit enemies and w3 had better animations and gore.
Is it possible to skip the game on consoles? I played it first on PC and modded it so that I would automatically win any Gwent games without playing. I will be buying the Switch version and I don't want to play Gwent. Is there an OP build that'll let me steamroll everything?
on the other hand I enjoyed Gwent. Probably unbalanced as hell but it was simple enough for a brainlet like me to come up with a consistent strategy without needing to look up deck ideas online.
I had no problem with the Temerian starter deck you get at the beginning of the game. Its ability seems to be the most useful, but I’m an autist that actually enjoyed Gwent so who knows. Nilfgaard spy stacking could be OP too
I hated the lack of windows
I enjoyed gwent well enough as a minigame, although it was really lore-breaking that suddenly WANNA DICE or poker suddenly became magic: the gathering for the purposes of flying under laws which prohibit gambling.
i also installed a mod that lets you win with the press of a button because after you've played enough gwent you've played enough gwent.
You can ignore gwent for most of the game, its just always highlighted in yellow so it makes you think its important.
And more interesting cast of characters and better stories. That week after I beat W3 was bittersweet as fuck.
I get the immersion breaking aspect but dice poker was more boring than Gwent. But W3 has more emphasis on its mini game than W2 where I think you only have to play it 9 times to get the quests done. Add a few more if you want to get the sword and shit from the dwarf in vergen
Dlc was an even better conclusion, man was that last dlc ending so good. Gonna wait a few years and do a full play through again.
This. It was a glorified shack compared to the buildings in Beauclaire