Well Yea Forums?
Well Yea Forums?
>"Is that rash job-related?"
Used goods are the best though.
thinken bout etika ;_;
Girls with lots of experience are tasty.
>the semen of other men is tasty
What you are tasting is other men's dicks you cum stain
Yes, she is my beautiful wife who happens to be a prostitute and got impregnated by a Great One somehow. She's still recovering from the latter.
Fucking tasteless faggots.
Doesn't this same thing happen in Bloodborne? I like it, but this game has no originality
This has to be one of the worst posts I've ever read on this site.
this is incel cope
>kills baby
I know of a cool place called Iosefka's clinic, it's super safe there so you should go check it out
Wew lad.
Not that used cuck
Is there an animated bloodborne that I can watch? W3>Bb
No, because stamina regen is better. Based yandere nun.