NOW: Outland
NEXT: Hobbit
LATER: Tony Hawk's Underground 2
NOW: Outland
NEXT: Hobbit
LATER: Tony Hawk's Underground 2
Other urls found in this thread:
Holy shit who fucking actually asked for this?
Update me on the tranny situation ladds
Remember to stay comfy, to ignore shitposters, and to enjoy the runs!
Holy shit the only reason he got this game in was because he used to work for GDQ.
Remilia avatarfag needs to crawl into bed with me so I can keep her warm
I have one word for this run,
pee pee, poo poo
finally an OP with links. perfect for me, an absolute brainlet, who would be helpless otherwise and unable to find the stream or the schedule
this is a rentfree free thread
no tranny obsession allowed
I really really really like this picture. Mind if I save it?
the hobbit is a based speedrun so everyone
>worst game
>blizzard employee
it makes sense now.
Fantastic pic, op.
It's going to be autism kino
go for it user
Hobbit actually has a fairly large community, for being a random game no one cares about.
I am enjoying this let's play.
When's Touhou?
jesus that zoom effect is awful
I'm up next, wish me luck!
op's pic has set the mood, user. it's already too late...
You HAVE to go back
Wow this is a good thread. Nice job.
I just took 3 30mg adderall (1st time trying adderall). What am I in for?
Starting to notice there are less kids now at gdc.
Wonder why that is....
>Finnish game developer made this
No wonder this shit is awful.
I'm not watching the stream and there is nothing you can do.
Why are most runs done by like the third/fourth best in the world nowadays? It's been the same for the past 2 years. It used to be the best ones showing up with maybe nmr 2 if the best one couldn't make it
Man, I was really into this game until the wall-jumping shit
I can't defend this run anymore
you're not hiding the seethe very well, previous op
You'll be able to concentrate really well.
>literally starting off with tranny-posting bait
i fucking hate you people
did you snort it or swallow it?
Because if you took 3 you'll probably be up for a while depending on your sensitivity.
If you snorted it, look forward to being awake the next 36 hours
*touches the stingers*
Reminder that the last touhou run ever on GDQ schedules was Super Marisa World.
Disgusting trannies everywhere what the fuck is this america
you only needed to take one of those pills, user. especially if it's your first time.
don't beat your dick too hard.
>it's not a real speedrun if it's not the world record
banned all the good ones
The best runners have too much personality.
good night
So what are ya'll doing while boring runs are on? I've been weebing out with Isekai Quartet
Good luck, I think!
Can't have the best if you ban them all.
I just ate them. Never tried them before and don't have ADHD. They were the instant kind if that matter.s
If you're not used to uppers, you're about to be in for a wild ride.
Clean and organize everything in your life while you're high as fuck.
S: Streets of Rage
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland
F: Super Mario Bros 2
Probably made it onto the schedule because it sounded like a Nintendo-related game.
i remember when GDQs were filled with bros watching and being comfy
not its animefags spamming
keep us posted
>he won't stop talking
I've probably looke at a total of 10 minutes over the course of the last 5 or 6 hours. I think it's bed time for bonzo.
Based. streets of rage was great
Not really horny. I probably should have looked online or asked before I did them all though.
........................................WAIT A MINUTE! THAT'S NOT ICE CREAM?!
what is that, user?
best runners maybe can't afford/don't want to travel to gdq. or they're turbo autists with poor commentary ability, but honestly it seems like that is not a factor in who gets to run at these marathons
>S: Streets of Rage
Noice, right where it belongs. Also nice butt.
Well, I hope you put your focused time to good use. My first time taking a heavy dose, all I did was experiment with machine translating RPG Maker hentai games. I played a lot of bad games and I didn't beat it once because I couldn't take my focus away from translating them in better and better ways.
>Not wanting the best of something because having standards is too cringe.
kys zoomer trash
This is a lets play isn't it? Has he done any tricks?
gdq is dead, no fun is allowed.
it's a soulless corporate event now.
into the trash
Whose holding out for the inevitable autism during the Hobbit run
SoL comedy series where characters from Overlord, Konosuba, Youjou Senki, and Re:Zero are all sent to the same world
>hating on anime when the tranny/dilate posters are way more disruptive
that shit is always the worst on day one, hopefully its behind us, at least until the metroid prime block
Are you all trans or why are you watching this garbage?
the best runners don't live in the US so they can't afford to attend
>speedgame where it zooms in super fast everytime you use a speed move
this is a terrible game
He walljumped over a locked door, pretty much the only trick I've seen so far.
I'm drawing and otherwise doing other things waiting for the Hobbit. I keep checking to see how much time is left and all I see is him fucking up and not doing anything interesting.
>Hey user. I've been hearing some pretty nasty things about what you've been posting about our transgender members on some site. (Four-Chin?...) anyways, why don't you come with us?
Me and then I'm going to bed after.
um, yes, sweetie, it's 2019 and we don't subscribe to the gender binary anymore
"Speaking of dumb things..."
and I thought he was just about to ask for another donation reading
I wonder how much drug abuse there is at GDQs for such things.
this game is so fucking boring
I miss all the legitimate turbo autists who had no joys in life other than the game they speedran. Now it's just awkward over-excited nerds, less interesting
no I'm watching out for stingers
>this is literally a fucking let's play
> no no! The room is so much better filled with vomit instead of shit
God, this run is lame
For a game that was given out for free, Outland is pretty fun. This run is boring.
Any good tranny memes?
Why do so many speedrunners use sarcasm for humor?
boring and the constant flashing makes it painful to watch
More like BOREDland lamoa
Thug2 during after dark? This shit better be kino
They banned all the people with autism cause they're too unpredictable. It's only nerds and the occasional chad now.
It's a fun casual game. It just doesn't give you enough tools for gotta-go-fast for speedrun potential. Speaking of gotta-go-fast, when's the last time they had Viewtiful Joe at a GDQ?
This shit better be as good as everyone is saying it will be. I don't think I've ever seen the game played before and all I know is that I love the book and the old janky cartoon movie version.
Straight dude here and it's pretty fun to watch & most times I have it as background noise while I edit my jewtube videos.
How do I get prescribed Adderal? What's the trick?
god FUCK this game when is it over
You mean trannies
I feel like games like these, alright looking but unremarkable platformers with no nostalgia value or renown, almost always make some of the most forgettable runs at a GDQ.
I like watching speed runs but why is the community infested with trannies and faggots? Absolutely disgusting.
Reminder that this man FEARS Yoshis Island.
What do you mean brospeh? I love the jokes about a part being super hard that end up being really easy, it makes me xd pretty fucking hard every single time, I never see it coming.
>We're almost done right?
>The runner is asking this
>No donations
I don't mind the run but this seems more like "Short game done kinda fast" Other than that walljump skip it's not been that interesting
yeah that zoom is really annoying
trannies are gross
Hey cut-
I want Kumiko's feet on my face so bad
>now a boss that is literally TWO autoscrollers
Man, this game sure was a GREAT choice to run, you manlet faggot.
ever notice trannys started to become a major cultural thing in the US once china and russia started to become powerful again
Why are you posting ice-cream on a video game board?
Mediocre runners that use it as a gimmick
Mental illnesses like autism often come as a package.
Why does everyone always claim MSF is bullshit, illegitimate, a scam etc. but never have a link to anything?
people on the spectrum are more likely to succumb to peer pressure and become a tranny. it's a real issue and they're calling them "trendsexuals"
Because it's a crux of humor. Ever watch a decent comedian? Every take note of how much sarcasm they use in their set?
A lot of people who do speedruns are kinda lonely and think that becoming trans gives them more positive attention.
>good game with difficult and interesting movement
>runner doesn't have autism
>this is bad according to Yea Forums
What reason do they have to NOT speedrun Double Spoiler?
holy shit this guy is awful lol
this run is trash
>runner doesn't have autism
um, no sweetie
Man you guys are really fucking obsessed with trannies. has there even been on on screen this first day?
It's not a scam, it's just not in your best interests to donate to them if you don't live in a third world shithole.
>runner doesn't have autism
You sure about that?
man this run is long, i want to watch the hobbit man
Hibike UFO had was some great feet kino. I love kumiko. geh!
>there will never be a sonic block that has all of pic related
except Sonic Battle/Shuffle, it would probably take a while
>Runner doesn't have autism
This is unironically a bad thing. I think after that one autist went into a rant about how he was going to kill people to fill the dead air they banned all the autists
Not once
>difficult and interesting movement
this is a fucking let's play. I could play better than this guy
Literally everything you just said is the opposite of what is happening onscreen right now.
>I haaaaaaate youuuuuuu
>that whine
Dumb makiposter.
geh more like GAY
look at the leaderboards. Name a single English speaker who has a world record. Also
>shmup """"speedruns""""
>Oh but the photography games work! You can go through the menus!
what a joke
lol ofc not.
>I think after that one autist went into a rant about how he was going to kill people to fill the dead air they banned all the autists
Was that the crash runner?
This dude is just fucking stumbling through the game.
to run at gdq you have to:
want to do it in the first place
have money and time to travel
be family friendly for the gdq audience
there's a good chance top runners don't fit all those things
on a scale of 1 to pure autism, how do you predict the Hobbit run will go down?
what a disaster, no way this guy's getting any tranny pussy this week
There was at least one earlier, I want to say during DKC2 but I might be wrong.
Only decent game in there is Battle, stupid nostalgiafag.
literally why the fuck are you still watching this neutered mess devoid of any fun
literally everything is streamlined or banned, not just to appeal to trannies but simply because they're too afraid for another drama or huge cringe moment
The worst part imho. He honestly doesn't seem that amazing at the game.
Not even the couch can save this guy. Have they even read a donation in the last 20:00?
Posting this same shit every thread is decidedly uncomfy my bro
>the pic that BTFO /u/
What voodoo curse was put upon Vulajin to make him run a shitty game badly every gdq?
Runs like these are like a slice of white bread from the grocery store with nothing on it untoasted
Runner is getting very annoying desu
I want to fuck that eevee
I hate Dancing Dadâ„¢. It was fun for the first 3 minutes, but he realized people were talking about him in chat, then wouldn't stop for the rest of agdq. Spent months on Reddit trying to get AMAs started, pushes himself everywhere he can to get just a glimmer of recognition. Now he's flown to Minnesota to do it again all week.
It's just been dudes with long hair every time.
I think this might be the first game I've watched today that goes over estimated time.
What was wrong with the stage name? I don't get it
betting and hoping for full autism
Both bjw and Yats could do it, if they get accepted
Because it's free background stuff while playing grindy games or games with no story. Also, in a 100+ hour event with rando's there HAS to be a moment or two of pure cringekino and we don't want to miss it.
I kinda like plain white bread though can you use a different metaphor please
Fuck off Shrine Jew
google it dumb anime
Dr. Pepper. Anime is for faggots.
isn't this the gimmick to that schmup from ages ago
After seeing that interview, you just know it's going to be hardcore autism.
this game looks like garbage
I don't mind indie game runs if the game has something going for it but this game literally has no fucking hook, plus I guarantee no one knows what the fuck this game is
It's either going to be boring because he's socially awkward or incredible because he's autistic
Edgy stuff is for millenials. Zoomers hate edgy things.
yes but it's a platformer
not a bad game
this is why gdq is dead
>shit runners
>soulless corporate cock sucking
unsalted soda cracker
Trail of Tears was the name of a forced Native American relocation in the US from the south east to the west. Removed from generational homelands and a lot died on the way to the west so white people could move in.
Holy shit. I like this game, but this guy is putting me to sleep.
people who """"speedrun"""" shmups are frauds. Time Attack on 90% of shmups means fucking nothing. Score matters. Especially when a """"speedrun"""" of the Photography games would be navigating through menus and cowering away from difficult scenarios to meet the minimum requirements for the next stage.
I wish Shadowbringers was out so I could use this shit as background sound as I autistically level gathering jobs
Well here is my best guess. I would say most speed runners have some sort of mental health issues. Either it is Autism, Aspergers, Depression, or something else. Most Transgendered people also have mental health issues. It is hard to tell if it is the chicken or the egg (IE: Being mentally ill makes you more likely to be transgendered, or being transgendered is more likely to make you mentally ill) but I would say that a lot of people who have mental health problems see transitioning as a way to join a large, supportive community even if they really aren't transgendered, like Chris-Chan.
why do they hate edgy stuff. It's fun
yeah because plain white bread has a shitload of sugar in it you fat american fuck
Almost snapped my neck cringing that hard as he slowly slinked back
Andrew Jackson told the Supreme Court to piss off when they said he couldn't lawfully move the Cherokee nation from South Carolina to Oklahoma.
He almost died right before that last hit
At least it was under estimate...
We know this list will crumble sooner or later so just post the last AGDQ copypasta and let be done already
>it's mans world now
>navigating through menus and cowering away from difficult scenarios to meet the minimum requirements for the next stage.
Congrats you described 90% of speedruns.
LoLK pointdevice is good too, btw, fuck you.
I think he's alluded to being out of practice at this game and cramming derust at the last second. Kind of annoying to me as a speedautist because it's really fucking hard to get runs in to gdq and runs like this get in by runners who don't give a fuck.
Wait he doesnt fucking live here? I met him last year when I went. I just assumed he was from here, that's bizarre that you'd fly to GDQ just to watch it.
This speedrunner is alright imo
Thank god this autist is gone
Did he mistaken it for a female lol
Rate this run!
A man so based that all the native americans could do is cry on the way apparently
Yeah, because there were treaties we promised to honor and this was blatantly violating them.
>ywn be called little sun by Y'shtola
That was some hot garbage. Dude sucked hard.
jesus christ that was fucking boring, didn't even seem like it would be all that interesting to play either
I hate Halfcord so much.
Nah, he got super-armor from virtue signalling about Trail of Tears
thuper thee
>Finish a 2 hour game in 1 hour and 10 minutes
I'm fucking blown away lads.
It's over!
Literally just shouted out the only 4 people autistic enough to run this shit too lmao and two don't even have competitive times
get off the stage asshole
9/10, I really enjoyed it! Of course I actually had fun WATCHING it and not shitposting about trannies.
Do you also snap your neck to one side whenever you get second hand embarrassment? I do it to the left
based dungeon meshi.
also what happened to bluegrass? Did he get banned for being based?
7/10, more mechanical skill than specific speedrunning strats. Dude was able to atleast keep talking throughout.
>blizzard employee
>worst run/game of event
go figure.
D. I mostly tuned out but it wasn't a terrible run, it wasn't a terrible crowd, and it was under estimate.
I only want to see Solomon's key. I played that shit for hours as a little kid and I never finished it. I can't fucking wait.
this is a D run if I ever saw one. He played okay from what I watched but it was just a fun void
Trash runner
Trash game
Trash couch
some good shit coming up
2/10 fell alseep for 30 seconds
Fuck this just start the erp already
Mercifully under estimate/10
He ran secret of mana and momodora so hes cool in my book
holy fuck the music is too loud
Worse than staring at ass
No I didn't because other games have an excuse for speed, none of the Touhou games do. It is all about score and nothing else and many of the mechanics the game has exists solely for score. Stop bothering with the English community, they are trash and trying to make up shit
Where are the trannies Yea Forums you promised a freakshow
AGDQ was in Maryland, this is in Minnesota.
About as good as it could have been, considering. runner did well with the material he was given, although his lisp was a tad annoying. the run itself was pretty uninteresting though, but I don't really like any platformer runs except SM64 and Odyssey, but that's just because they have really interesting routes.
>no tricks
>basically a let's play
>not a good one at that
Does playing as a male or female affect the game's story in anyway, or interactions with NPCs? I really want to start playing it but can't decide between being a cute girl or just a guy.
When are we gonna speed run Monster girl quest games Yea Forumsros?
me on the left
Guys is it normal for dating sites to completely kill my self esteem and make me feel like trash?
>brass band drowning out thot shilling
I love it
It started great, and the runner could at least talk like a human being. But that flashing wall-jump skip, the shitty couch, and his mistakes dragged it down.
oh it's this week, huh? what did I miss so far? what are some good runs ahead? While I check the schedule post your most anticipated runs!
user that took the 3 30mg adderall here. i already fucked up big time and woke my roommates and pissed them off. i started to get head tingles and a huge burst of energy. i went to walk around the house and for some reason i flipped the kitchen table over while screaming "unlimited power" at the top of my lungs. broke some shit and made a huge mess and told them i saw a mouse when they asked. picked everything up and locked my self in my room but have too much energy to sit in here. would beat off but my weewee looks like a turtle that got scared.
This. Runners are just paid shills now.
yes, social media in general will make you realize how shitty people are in general.
Just remember that people always rate themselves way too highly on those things. A sea of 5s who won't accept less than a 7.
Yeah, it's kind of obvious he does it now just because he likes the attention, and he likely has autism so he probably won't ever stop until they ban crowd cam.
No, dating in 2019 is cancer.
didn't miss much. not even tranny drama. you came just in time for a good autism run
Zombies ate my Neighbours is gonna be comfy
The guy she's talking to in that screenshot asks you out if you're female but that's about it as far as I can remember. Probably more I'm forgetting. There's some unique dialogue depending on your race in places too.
I was wrong, it was during the Kirby speedrun. And you are going to have a hard time convincing me that thing on the couch isn't a tranny. It even gave its name so here is some more evidence to go on:
Yes. That's what herd dating does. Eventually it hardens you emotionally and women finally start to show interest because you become aloof.
anything decent I missed over the night while I was busy sleeping?
based obsessed obsessed tranny poster
you're going to want to watch porn very VERY badly. Don't do it or else you'll be on your laptop til 6am with 78 different Xvideos tabs pulled up and a chafed dick because you've been playing with it, trying to get it up (a side effect of adderall is that it makes your dick shriveled like you've been out in the cold while you're on it).
You took way more than is recommended especially for your first time but you won't die, just study, read philosophy, draw, do whatever you specialize in/need to do and do it remarkably well for the next day or so.
Wow, what a fuck up. You should have just let them know that you are, without a doubt, a Jedi.
take some deep breaths, grab a glass of water, load up an article on WW2 on wikipedia and read for the next 5 hours.
you'll be alright, user. just concentrate on something
>Terra's Theme from Skyrim
Streets of Rage was fun.
Excuse me?
>Terra's Theme (from Skyrim)
Hm, is this an epic new troll this year's GDQ?
>DS2 AND DS1 this year
>no shitkiro or Dark Shovelware 3
they just changed the title a bit
Do 100 jumping jacks or something
Guess you're right.
>music titles by limewire pro
>Zeke in the lead
Final Doom run was cosy if you actually like speedruns and aren't just here for the sperging.
Okay, I kind of hear it
>do i fit in yet
>Stop bothering with the English community, they are trash and trying to make up shit
Well, we can agree here. But wanting some touhou games on gdq has nothing to do with them user.
Yes the games are made for scoring in mind, but they dont have to be made with speedrunning in mind to be speedran, you now this is the case for most games. It's not a conventional speedrun, but in the case of LoLK its still fun
go outside and see how many times you can bounce a basketball in 30 minutes then try and beat your record
yeah, my dick is baby sized. i feel great and not worried just too fucking much energy.
yeah, they wouldn't have cared at all if i did i just didn't know what to say when 1 of them came into the room. i was flexing on the table for some reason. shouldn't be a big deal tomorrow just a little odd.
>They're both All Boss runs and not 20 minute glitchfests
>DaS2 is all DLC included, 2 and a half hour run of boss killing
Really should just say "FFVI Terra's Theme(Jeremy Soule Remix)"
>announcer is cringe
the hobbit is building up to be pure kino cringe
Yes, dating sites and apps are a shit show if you're not a 9/10 guy with a robust social life and an awesome job.
>100k viewers at 8 am europe time
>100k viewers at 2 am east coast time
Is this -dare I say- looking to be the most successful GDQ yet?
anybody else waiting for tony hawk
Dist2 is also one of the absolute best souls runners, if not the best. He's comfy too and not a sperg/tryhard like that fag they had running souls last year.
is this autist having a freakout about mouse sensitivity or something? what takes this long?
The game makes note of your gender every now and then and some characters will treat you a little different.
It actually sucks because I have to skip some runs for games I like because I don't want to listen to/look at a fat tranny speak in a fake voice for 3 hours.
people are shallow by nature and will try to use you. once you realize this you will be stronger as a result, as people won't be able to use/manipulate you.
lol tf dude. just quietly clean up the house. im sure the fridge could use a sponging
real speedrunner hours
>annoying donation reader
>extremely autistic runner
this could be legendary
Does Cordellium have autism?
Speedrunning is the most degenerate act man has ever come up with.
its the first day
its not real autism hours until the middle of the week
>*deep voice*
>"I'm Tina XXX"
it begins
She cute
oh boy here we go
inb4 obsession
no, retard, it's the first day so normies are watching out of curiosity.
they'll leave by middle of day 2.
>He isn't going to speak
Kill yourself dumb frogposter
my friends
>Runner does an out of bounds trick in the first minute of the game
Already better than the last runner.
>vanilla couch guy running the show
its fucking ruined
>either up at 2 am or watching videogames while at work
uhhhh sure sweaty
This actually looks like a fun speedrun to watch.
>you sound fucking stupid when you say RNG
dude trust me, read a book and take notes you'll actually love it. Or just play vidya, preferably competitive ones like mordhau, CSGO, or Red Orchestra.
>running a random 15 year old shovelware game
how does one wind up at this point?
goose stream goldeneye
better than this shit
>It's a platformer
me, I just hope I don’t fall asleep
>brushing your teeth is the most degenerate act man has ever come up with
What did he mean by this?
Post yfw
There's some way worse, more irrelevant garbage games that get ran here. Usually it's because the runner has virtually no competition and can easily hold the WR with not challengers.
What the fuck is that thing on the couch
Alright, this is pretty good.
yeah, might load up dota after 2 years. should have did this when i woke up not fucking midnight
kek based principal skinner reference.
Has there been any cringe yet?
well this is disappointing
>Was expecting the most sperg run of the night
>Runner isn't even going to talk
Should I just go jerk off and sleep now or wait until it's over?
This run is actually pretty fun.
what are timezones?
buts that's the only genre that's fun to watch speedruns of
this game looks comfy AF
he's right you know
Well shit this is fucking boring
europe and usa make up 99% of GDQ traffic, you are irrelevant poo-in-loo
Also want to know dis
it'll be all good bro, just take the day off tomorrow and sleep as much as you need. Don't even feel bad about it just spend the day recovering.
anyone got a list with all the tranny runs this year? it's the most fun about this event (the reactions and Yea Forums threads taht is)
>100k viewers
>10 chat messages per minute
are they keeping it in sub mode for the whole event? chat was 80% of the fun. gdq is fucked now.
>Paid and heavily censored chat
Well, no shit.
It's been in sub mode only for literal years.
Think its just claris
>paying for a chat room
fucking waste
/supersaiyanlilb is the poverty chat, use it
how long will i be geeked? i don't have shit that needs to be done for like 3-4 days so thats not an issue. how long does it last?
>he hasn't been banned for half a decade
I wonder why
Where's the pleb chat at?
how do I look?
Dude, it has been sub only mode for years now, because the instant they turn it off people spam the picture of that blue haired SJW chick every time a tranny is on screen.
>People complaining they can't chat for free
Hope you had your fun while you could
whats in my pocket?
i cant tell if its satire or not
For a 29 year old only on HRT for 2 months that really isn't bad at all, she'll never actually look like a girl tho.
fake donations (anonymous)
it's a scam.
bullet in the head/10
Real shit. I got banned in emote only mode, too.
?? literally nothing changed
Have your free (You)
>chat ruined forever cause of mentally ill people
go figure.
thin the eyebrows out
i cant stop laughing
I called out on trannies, I remember watching half the entire chat getting nuked that year.
I havent gotten banned but thats probably because I dont talk about niggers and trannies.
What are you even saying it's identical, the only difference is the amount of image editing thats going on.
Did I miss Thug 2? TH speed runs are always really cool.
looks like george lopez in a wig
well Yea Forums do you have the gamer mark?
Nah it's after this run i'm pretty sure.
Wow you niggers really are obsessed with trannies. There could be zero at the event (you know like how there have been zero so far all day) and you could still make half the thread about them.
>You can use the ring for stealth mode
Is that how the ring really works in the books?
Hearing these people talk makes me feel a lot better about my speech impediment
That's only 2 months of HRT though, not much is gonna chance in two months.
Who cares? If she wants to be called a girl I'll call her a girl. If she obviously wasn't giving a shit about what she looked like and had a beard or whatever I'd call it a he.
That too.
Wig, makeup, shaved, what else could they do to look more like a woman, besides just waiting for the HRT to really start doing something?
yes, the ring would turn weaker beings invisible
don't you understand there are like 20 WHOLE trans people in the speedrunning community, it's LITERALLY being overrun!
Nigga it's how it works in the movies too.
why are you obsessed over people who are obsessed, you sound obsessed
Remilia's been eating healthy!
Its different for every race. For hobbits its invisibility.
You guys should read LOTR sometime. Or watch the movies. Shelob is a spider in them, not some slut made by incels.
>check schedule
>99% crap
>only worthwhile things are 100% bossclears in Dark Souls games
what happened to Mega Man X games / relay races, Mario Maker race, comfy FF run during tthe night.. you know, the actual FUN runs?
God I love blonde anime girls
post vocaroo
bro why you obsessing over people obsessing over obsessed people
10/10 he didn't commit the ultimate choke
why would author chad blues make you feel better about your speech impediment?
>Shelob is a spider in them, not some slut made by incels.
Implying spiders arent all sluts
I want Zeke and Julie in Smash Ultimate.
ah yeah i havent watched for awhile when it started being more and more unfun some time ago
cant they just disable emotes that piss them off
>he wouldn't fuck the thicc spider
kind looks like my aunt
>this autist with the shaky voice
I thought there would be shortstack porn not you retards obsessing over trannies.
im obsessed with obsessing over obsessed obsessed people, but the real question is why are you obsessing over my obsession of obsessing over obsessed people
t. ranny
Probably next AGDQ
the autist and the tranny makes me feel okay
don't actually have a mic, but I have a little bit of trouble pronouncing my "R"s. like mirror sound like millor
>that warp
damn if that dude lost weight he'd be a chad. shame
Mario Maker replaced with a blind SMW romhack level race on Thursday
tfw no spider rp'ing gf
HRT isn't going to make underlying bones magically more feminine in appearance.
not gonna lie, this is pretty cringe
you might as well get that shit out of the way first, trust me you'll get it done lightning fast then you can fuck around for the rest of the week. That said expect the high to last about 8 hours with residual effects the next day. It's safe to say you won't be getting any sleep tonight.
this FUCK with the nerd voice keeps interrupting
this game has more fps than ps4 games
obsessed tranny
Chads do not have offset eyes.
>tfw sext Nott art
>tfw can't see her without hearing Sam Riegel
Its a complex feeling.
nice, I'll set an alarm, must have over read it while going over the schedule
Is this Hobbit GC game any good?
Looks kind of fun.
okay, think i will finally plan (already got tickets) my japan vacation then. the way i feel right now i kind of knew i wouldn't sleep. hopefully i can sleep in like ~18 hours though?
That's why I first said "for 29". She'll never actually look like a girl because she started transitioning way too late, but she doesn't look terrible imho.
Wow someone else watching the run? Good user.
This is why I'm happy that I dont watch lp shit.
>trans shit instead of videogames
so gdq is dead, hm?
i actually used to own this game on the gamecube before my brother sold it
>childhood game getting destroyed
name a more cringe phrase in all of GDQ. And no, Greetings from Germany isn't as cringey
definitely, like I said before, take as much time to recover as you need.
>save the frames, kill the animals
Where have you been for the past 4 years
where the fuck is bluegrass
i like the fact that this show is technically also an isekai
wtf I minished minish cap and sonic generations, literally one of the only games i've actually played
also portal 2 was much better than D
You sound German
kill/save the animals
You'd have to HRT at....8-9 to get the actual looks you want, but good luck fixing that hip bone.
>game get destroyed
>kick cancer's butt!
I miss the old days of gdq
ESA is better now.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this year is the worst yet. Only things I was looking forward to were ds1/2 and shadax's runs, but distortion and catalystz seem like fuckboys so I might just go watch something else.
>posting wojaks
you're no better than the fools with their bad donation comments.
>lp shit.
Its more like a podcast, but I get ya.
We all do, user.
i just started watching
this thread is pretty retarded, though so probably won't bother to post anymore
>break something
>this is all perfectly normal! completely intentional!
t. German
>Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this year is the worst yet.
Wow what a brave opinion to have on Yea Forums. Don't worry dude, next year will be even worse I'm sure!
There was only ONE good Souls run at GDQ ever and it was the DaS3 run last year.
I love how abusable this game is. Usually games from the PS2 era onwards were better about collision checks.
not gonna lie, boys who took HRT way before puberty hit at around age 9 look really good in teenage years, you can't tell they are biological boys. HRT past puberty should be made illegal
this whole day has been so fucking dogshit trash, holy fuck tony hawk better be good
You guys know there is a fun run happening right now right?
ESA allows people to have fun and it isn't a soulless corporate cash generating event like GDQ is now.
If it was we'd be talking about it.
Can't wait!
Stop trying to help autistic people realize what is right infront of them
i fucking hate this runner
fucking nerd
Updated for Outland.
S: Streets of Rage
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland
F: Super Mario Bros 2
Sure, whatever you say faggot. Don't let me keep you from your tranny posting.
Did I miss Runescape?
>wojak bad
Bring Corwin is suffering
These retards don't care. They're just here to shitpost.
>finish avg run
>"that was actually a really good run"
>wojak good
protomagicalgurl when?
This run is exactly the sort of run I watch GDQs for. Not extraordinary, but very solid in quality.
>hey guys just donating to say i love watching my favorite corwin get destroyed!
>F: Super Mario Bros 2
damn was it really that bad?
>what game do you want for christmas son?
>lord of the rings!
>get the hobbit and not the hack and slash game
How can """Tina""" truly feel no shame in speaking whatsoever? It is such an unbelievably deep voice.
>outland in the same category as runs where you could watch the screen without getting eye strain
Nigga are you dumb?
And HRT before it should be illegal since a kid isn't grown up enough to make that kind of decision.
This idiot doesn't know LOL
what happened with mario 2?
what was bad about smb2?
new thread, going to bed gnite anons
Why do you think no one is discussing it? We only talk about the bad runs.
sleep well
>wojak bad
this but unironically
Grab your tendies and your tendo and calm down.
>hating on a file format
u r fucking stupid mate
Did protomagicalgirl really get banned from agdq?
grab your bleach and take a nice deep sip
>play it again!
oh god no I caught the last 5 minutes of this and I nearly fell asleep.
Im just waiting for awful block because it seems like the only thing not ruined by trannies
SJWs and Trannies self insert as the goblins cause they look like them. That's why they hate goblin slayer.
Get the fuck away from the camera, you fat fuck.
is shrek the guy playing?
>they're not playing the superior THUG2 Remix w/ extra stages