Is it too late to get into this?
Is it too late to get into this?
About 15 years too late, yes
even private servers are dead?
They're releasing it on mobile "eventually"
The game itself has plenty of players, Asura is the bigger English server. The thing is that the game isn't close to what it used to be but at the very least you can run most quests on your own nowadays if you're just there for that.
This. FFXI is still a nice world, solid music, and decently fun quests/mechanics for an MMO, but the real thing that made it what it was was the online community. That is something that is long gone and impossible to recapture with how people behave online today.
This heartache will never heal, will it?
I really hope this at least comes out. As a boomer that put a few thousand hours into the game, I loved the idea of being able to play on mobile. Sadly, the game barely is ever talked about, I'm fairly sure it's just going to be silently cancelled.
You will never, ever recapture that feeling of living in Vana'diel ever again. I've been searching for years but I can't get it back. There is no way to duplicate it. You and I can both never go back.
You're better off playing retail than the three large private servers. Each one of them has their own set of individual issues that'll only become apparent after you put in a hundred hours. Just know they're all run by the mentally ill and the bad kind of autist. Some of the small private servers such as the level 75 subjob one show promise but suffer from having no players.
Brace for best theme
As someone that started playing a little under a year ago and had an amazing time, yea you can absolutely get into on official servers still.
Youll be doing absolutely everything until 80+ alone so you won't get the experience leveling parties and spending a dozen hours just to get to one level, but you can still experience the game as the glorified AIM group it always was while idling in the cities.
If you like the aesthetic, atmosphere, and story (the story is great throughout the whole game) then you'll love it at least as a single player game. 10 bucks and then another 12 for sub is worth a month of fun imo.
Brace for hidden gem theme.
Oh I completely forgot about this and I spent a few years hyped. I’m sure I’m not the only one. It will never be released.
always the ffxi thread gets to me.
>go to nasomi
>try to level something to 75
>fucking impossible to do if you are poor
It's fun but you need to invest weeks farming in order to progress. It was fun back in 2008-2013 because I was in college and have free time but nowdays with work and personal life this games is slow.
Why have a personal life when you can play a great game?
How long until it stops getting content for realsies?
I'm interested in this even if
most of the people that played before abyssea or the ilvl 119 cap have a life now
archaic garbage fueled by nostalgia
nah dude, I used to waste around 6+ hours every day playing this back then. I wont do it again
Normalfags, not even once.
Nope, more like boomercore. You'll grow out of your mindset someday, zoomie zoom.
these threads still get to me
>have a happy life with friends and shit to do
>"lol normalfag"
>implying I’m a zoomer
>being a subhuman
Never post again.
Wouldn't mind doing the grind on private servers if their economy wasn't ruined by early players using exploits and character transfers from boosted rate servers
PlayOnline songs always get me more than the actual songs in FFXI. I wonder why.
Don't you have some stream you throw hundreds at to have them say your name to get back to?
>asura is the bigger pserver
it's the better pserver, but nasomi is significantly larger because twitch streamers were playing it for a while, including ninja.
>implying I’m some fag that used their parents credit card to give money to people even lesser than normalfags
Glad to hear they gave you a line a credit so you can learn the importance of sound fiscal management before you get kicked out into the real world.
Project any harder and you might qualify as a kodiak. But that would be giving you too much credit.
It’s as solo friendly as it has ever been and the storylines from the first 3 expansions are still as good or better than any of the low effort trash that gets produced nowadays. It is definitely worth subbing for a couple of months and playing through the expansions
>rip limbus
>rip salvage
2 of the best endgame activities ever released in an mmo. I played since RotZ and left once after WotG and then hard quit after ACP. Ffxi without a doubt at one point had the best combat and class system and the best soundtrack
user, please, don't embarrass yourself
>zoomers don't even know what camera companys were
I'd be worried about straining yourself too much. It's getting late anyways - I know it's summer, but you should still get regular sleep even without school on weekdays.
>he is still playing retail
I'm sorry for you
Kinda. You can still play and go through the stories and explore the zones and such with trusts but it isn't even remotely what it used to be. There's definitely still fun to be had, especially if you've never played but its not the same as you've likely heard over the years.
nasomi literally has more players than asura. 700 off hours, weeknight, versus 400 on asura? come on user.
>tfw always loved mmos and the idea of working together to overcome something
>there's practically no game on the market that capitalizes on this idea, outside of MH and their clones
>every mmo released nowadays is the same shit over and over, with maybe minor variations to it's story and at most a neat new gameplay idea
>everything is the same spammy 1-2-3 gameplay
>nothing has strategy
>nothing is an RPG, they're thinly veiled action games with "stats" that barely matter
I'm so annoyed at this I even sketched out an idea of what I'd do to make an MMO. I'm almost tempted to make a prototype of it as a singleplayer game to see what people would think of it.
It fucking hurts.
I bet you think canon is a superior company you normalnigger.
My idea for MMO is just one with KH gameplay
only 3 people groups though, Tank, Magic, DPS
However Tank isn't about taking damage like an idiot, it'll all be about countering monster attacks
And I'm sure you can google Nikon, Leica, Pentax, etc. just as well on your phone too. Not sure why you're suddenly shifting focus away from your failed invocation of slide projectors earlier though. You know you couldn't swipe between pictures on those? You had this long corded button that you had to depress and wait a full second for the slides to change. People would even get in arguments about whether or not silvered screens where the best way to view your trip photos.
You can probably find some YouTube "history" channel on the subject to aid in your next sick burn.
I really wanted to make a 1-6 online/single player version of FFXI that covered the first 3 expansions where the rest of your 6 man teams were built around the NPC summons you can use now or having your friends log on (P.C/consoles). Even if I can’t get the magic of a valkurm dunes party back, I would love to run the chains of promathia storyline one more time
Honestly, no.
Maybe, if you really want to just play through the game solo with trusts, go through all the main missions, explore the world and listen to the great music, yes, you can have a good time... it would be better with a friend or two to experience it all with and have fun exploring and leveling up together though, but those times are long gone.
Once you get past the fun of leveling, starting some crafts, doing some of the main missions, you will eventually get to lvl. 99 and will be starting to gear up to do late game content. You will slowly unlock better gear, after several hundred hours of doing this (it would take you several hundred hours, probably at least 300+ of not more to do all of the story missions and expansion stories due to unskippable cutscenes and downtime in which you can't start a new quest until the next gameday or whatever). But once you get to il119, get some decent gear for whatever job you invested in, then the real FFXI unpleasant experience begins; the grinds of a century.
Since FFXI is such an old school game, the only people still playing religiously are those with a ton of experience and hours in the game, and in my experience many of them simply ignore most new players, especially because of the time it takes to do things in the game, and helping others means hours of lost time for yourself with no gain to you. Sure, some might help you open the three mage door every now and again, but after that they will go back to whatever waiting grind game they were up to before.
tl'dr - go ahead and play through the story missions if you want, they're worth doing AND the world of FFXI is worth exploring, but enjoy it while it lasts because the real end game content is so time consuming that it's just not worth investing in. Also, the world is mostly empty now. The once bustling areas of the starter cities and areas are almost all completely dead, and it's depressing. I wish I could go back... but you really can't.
You got me faggot. Oh well. I’ll suikl only respect you if ywhen it’s a 30+ wizard.
Pretty this. I quit about 6 years ago and I had 932 DAYS of active playtime. My friend still fucks around collecting relic weapons and I will occasionally spot someone I knew from level 75 cap. God knows how much playtime they have
Asura rarely dips below 2k players at any time, what are you smoking lmao
Honestly, I don't think KH gameplay works in an online MMO-like setting. You fall into the trap that modern MMOs fall into, and a lot of action games. You're going to be doing something for hundreds of hours - you have to make sure the experience of doing your thing is just as interesting at hour 10 and 100, and even 1000.
With action combat, you really need to have good combat. It needs to be easy enough to get into for casuals, but have enough depth that you can endlessly play it for hours and still learn new things and find it interesting. For an action combat MMO, you quite literally need to have a combat system complex enough to keep people entertained after grinding something out for the nth time, but not so complex that it's hard to get into. You need to make sure it works in a large scale setting (unless you just instance the shit out of it, which is fair for the action combat type of MMOs, but personally I think that takes away a lot of the magic). You need content that utilizes it - there's no fun in an enemy that's a dummy. The novelty of action combat wears out quick when you realize the depth is there, but nothing uses it. Or that there's neat encounters, but the combat is literally just spamming left click/a button over and over.
Think about it this way: people who play 4k games can (and will) play their game of choice for hours upon hours. The whole normie meme of
>I couldn't stop playing civ lmao i'm so tired!
Is because strategy games are REALLY good at keeping you engaged and interested. There's lot of variation, things that can influence how you approach things. Action games have that too - but it's a much harder task to do, and a lot of MMOs fail on that front.
Anyway that's my little rant on why action combat in MMOs is a terrible idea and why the abandonment of the strategy in MMOs is killing the industry.
You could make that with a private server, probably. It'd be a neat experiment to try out.
If you're capable of it start right now. Pull in patreon money from idiots and give me a good game to look forward to in a few years.
Please look forward to my gacha which includes a stupidly complex class system and a light party system where the setting is very inspired by FFXI :^)
I was up there too, played religiously a decade ago (NA release to 2008 or so), and then again in 2012, and then again in 2017-18. Quit after I finally unlocked Yagrush... after I finally got it, months of grinding away at those assaults, ZNM, months of farming alexandrite, doing ambuscade to get tokens to buy alexandrite, buying it from players selling it to get to 30k, spending countless hours just farming items to sell to get gil so that I could buy more alexandrite, hundreds of millions of gil invested basically playing from when I woke up till I went to sleep. Day after day doing this, unhealthy as fuck, not exercising, doing nothing but playing this game.
and then I got it to il119, farmed merit point battles to get beitetsus, farming more bullshit to sell to get more gil to buy them to get to 10k.
Then after all that bullshit, months of farming I get this stupid fucking item that was the last piece needed to make my WHM the ultimate WHM that could easily do all content, and suddenly I didn't give a shit anymore. Uninstalled soon after and haven't looked back, though I'll probably pop back in one day...
I get it, the game isn't supposed to hand you anything, and it's designed like that to keep players playing forever, but fuck if I just want NOTHING to do with that grind model of gameplay ever again. It corrupts you as you play, it did the same thing that it did to me in high school when I played FFXI and it nearly destroyed my life, ruined friendships I had, ruined my social life, made me into a bitter cunt of a person constantly yelling at my parents when they walked into my room just to talk because FFXI was more important than ANYTHING else in my life. Fuck FFXI, it's the heroin of video games.
I'll still be proud of you for making something and following through
I've played Nasomi for over a year and despite having countless frustrations with the server, it really is the best and possibly last option to experience pre-2007 FFXI. I also played retail since 2005 and can guarantee it emulates the same experience as best as it can with 1-1.2k peak times for players. Anyone looking for an mmo that throws the holy trinity out the window and does it even better, should play this
I'd also recommend Eden as Nasomi takes some liberties with what he considers true vanilla, but nothing that's destroyed the game for me
If it doesn't have < Resurrection > < Valkurm Dunes > < Please >, I'm not sure it can ever recapture that game of yore.
Yes it has that, quite a lot actually as the private servers tend to be heavy on WHMs and BST/WHMs
>you will never set up a SATA skillchain followed by a magic burst again
>you will never impress someone with your hunted NM gear again
Again, that's all on Nasomi
Which issues does each have?
You can level to cap in a month, you can do endgame with a linkshell or solo depending on tier.
You can literally play it for 5-6 months and do everything there is to do in the game if you want to. so no it's not too late.
Also they update the game every month still too.
As much as I miss those days, I don't think I could go back and do it all over.
There's improvements I'll miss from the later years of FFXI and improvements I'll miss from FFXIV (despite enjoying FFXI more)
In my mind I have the perfect FF MMO that contains elements of both, but that will never happen.
Basically the land introduced in the final Expansion pack now acts like a microcosm of how the whole game used to be.
So now you spend a little while playing with NPCs in the old world until you hit level cap and go to the actual active area. And then the grind for Job Mastery points is analogous to the old level 1-75 grind.
So it's not ideal but the spirit of the golden age is still present in some form.
Literally the only reason I haven't gone back is because I can't decide if I want to use my Mithra and risk people not thinking I'm a girl IRL or if I want to start over with an Elvaan F
>caring about that shit
user, I don't care if you have two X chromosomes, a Y chromosome, an extra one, or if you chopped your dick off. I doubt most others care either in this world. Just play what you want. I play a catgirl because I think they're cute. I don't care what some dumbfuck thinks - if you get close enough, you can correct them if you really want to.
told you the other day dude.
If you just want to play the game for the storyline, play on retail and run through zilart > CoP > ToAU/WotG missions. Skip basically everything else.
If you want to kind of experience the game how it was you have 4 options
>Nasomi private server
>closest to 100% vanilla oldschool you can get but lots of autism, min-max and elitism
>Era private server
>chill stoners and alcoholics, people just wanna kill shit and hang out (for better or for worse)
>Eden private server
>weird mix of the 2
>Invent a time machine
>Travel back to 2005 and play until 2011.
>2k 'players'
400 people multiboxing full parties and full alliances doesn't mean it's 2k actual players, user.
>That is something that is long gone and impossible to recapture
mostly because SE shot the game in the kneecaps when they released FFXIV alpha/beta hoping people would quit and move over to their shitty new game.
But even before the level cap went up the 3 Abyssea expansions were shit and the 3 mini-expansions (Kupo detat, Shantotto etc) were lame as fuck.
Playstation 2 support honestly is what killed the game in the end. FFXI is older than WoW and it only died because they couldn't be assed to update the game anything beyond a few new reskinned items every 18 months.
Hell, look at how Eve Online has changed in the last 17 or 18 years. They're on DX12 now with a 64bit client for fuck's sake.
I see people still dying all the fucking time in Valkurm Dunes on Nasomi. It's hilarious to see those shouts in 2019.
Is there a modern MMO with similar gameplay?
>Is it too late to get into this?
Not at all. I whole heartedly recommend FF fans just play through the rank missions of the nations and get a feel for the phenomenal world building.
Is the game past its prime? Unfortunately yes. You will never experience 2006 FFXI. The golden age; the brutal demands of actually committing to the game. Some might say this is a good thing.
also looking back there were warning signs even as far back as early WotG. CoP and ToAU were both fucking amazing expansions that added mounds of new content, new mobs, new endgame of all different varieties (HNM, lowman stuff, soloable stuff), interesting and fun new classes and interesting gear.
WotG they literally just copy-pasted the vanilla game areas and slapped different level mobs in, Campaign was kinda cool but it didnt have any rewards for the first 12 months and they didnt even finish releasing the WotG missions until literally a couple of months before Abyssea (ie: they released WotG but didnt have the story or missions done whatsoever).
They fucked up the WotG missions by having everything Campaign rank dependent and adding "Wait until JP Midnight" to every fucking missions to time gate you and slow you down.
They were again limited by PS2 limitations and had to stall releasing the new content while they fuck-assed around finding shit to delete or compress so it would work on the piece of shit.
Think about it this way.
Do you guys even know anyone that still plays on a PS2?
PS3 sure, definitely a PS4 but PS2? In this day and age?
They only JUST dropped support for the Playstation 2 last year. Last fucking year.
When I lived in Japan I heard from Japanese friends that Dragon Quest X was pretty similar to old FFXI but I never played it for myself. Afaik it never got released in the west but who knows nowadays.
A bunch of my old FFXI friends/linkshell and I moved to Eve Online afterwards because we still wanted the old-school difficult unforgiving world shit where you didnt have the game holding your hand like everything does now. Some of us went back to private servers.
The reality is though, even if you go back to private servers the game is so broken and figured out now. It's just lowman/multibox everything now. Most shit can be cleared with 4~8 people. The mystery and magic is gone.
It's too late to have the 'this is all new, we need to work together to figure out how to proceed' experience. If you ask for help now, you'll get directed to a wiki with all the answers. However it's not too late to play and enjoy it in a group, though you need to do it on a private server, and the world is still full of wonder and danger (again on a private server).
The retail game is just a walking simulator with a few boring endgame areas that you can group up in after you grind a shittonne solo to qualify for. I do not recommend it.
even on Private servers most of the fun is just in exp parties and going through CoP again.
Endgame is piss easy in 2019 now everyone's figured shit out 10+ years ago. You can 2-3 shot most endgame shit by just opening up a darkness skillchain for the army of black mages to drop their Freeze II magic bursts in for 2k~4k dmg each. Most people get their Haidate and all their Abj gear literally the same day they get sky.
That being said I dont miss the days when you'd wait 6 months in line to get Haidate though, fuck that shit.
iktf all too well
>playing it these days
Just watch the cutscenes when you are bored.
Why does this group look so familiar? Probably saw this on BG or something before.
them feels man.
once in a while I browse through my old folder of screenshots.
funny where all the old linkshell friends have ended up now.
still friends with a couple of them. 2 got married together and had kids. i went to other games with a couple of old LS friends. one died. another one and I used to get drunk on discord together once in a while too but he's not been online for almost a year now (i think he might've died too).
i know some that have moved onto FFXIV and a bunch of others that just dont have time for vidya anymore.
yeah occasionally. once years ago I thought about taking the CoP cutscenes and getting some friends to dub the parts, but honestly just couldn't get enough people who wanted to help dub 9 hours worth of cutscenes.
Occasionally I watch MrHappy's "Return to FFXI" series on youtube just to relive that shit for a bit. Watching him camp LeapingLizzy for the first time in 10 years while explaining to noobs how it used to be back in the day..... good shit.
>watching MrHappy for nostalgia
fuck theat streaming faggot
i didnt even know he streamed. i just watched his XI series on Youtube once because I was feeling nostalgic for XI. all his other videos were shit.
I don't know if I can keep up with leveling in XI and XIV both. MMOs feel like a long-term investment.